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B 97136B 97136 Embedded Formative Assessment (Strategies for Classroom Formative Assessment That Drives Student Engagement and Learning) 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: William, Dylan
Length: 225 Copyright: 2018

By integrating classroom formative assessment practices into daily activities, educators can substantially increase student engagement and the rate of student learning. The second edition presents new research, insights, and formative assessment strategies teachers can immediately apply in their classrooms. Updated examples and templates are included to help teachers elicit evidence of learning, provide meaningful feedback, and empower students to take ownership of their education. Through new research, insights, examples and formative assessment techniques this professional teaching resources shows K-12 teachers and administrators how to positively impact student achievement. Contents: Chapter 1: Discovering Why Educational Achievement Matters Chapter 2: Making the Case for Formative Assessment Chapter 3: Clarifying, Sharing, and Understanding Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Chapter 4: Eliciting Evidence of Learners' Achievement Chapter 5: Providing Feedback That Moves Learning Forward Chapter 6: Activating Students as Instructional Resources for One Another Chapter 7: Activating Students as Owners of Their Own Learning
Embedded Formative Assessment (Strategies for Classroom Formative Assessmen T