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What is the Book of the Month program?

Teachers who sign up for the program receive a box of books every six weeks. A random selection of 25 books, fiction and non-fiction, for the appropriate grade level will be delivered and picked up by the Keystone AEA delivery van. When you return your box of books at the end of each six weeks, another box will be sent to you within a two-week time period.

The straight grade level boxes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. have a range of books for that grade level in the box, some of the books are easier and some are harder (for example the 2nd grade box would have some 1st and 3rd grade books).

If you would like a wider grade level range, then you will want to request a mixed grade level box. To sign up for a mixed grade level use "to" example 1st to 4th grade. This box would have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade books.

If you would like to have 2 or 3 boxes of books at the same time, then you will want to sign up for multiple boxes of books. To sign up for more than one box use "and" example 1st and 2nd.

E-mail questions to Loretta Funk, lfunk@aea1.k12.ia.us
OR Chena Deutmeyer, cdeutmeyer@aea1.k12.ia.us
OR call 800-632-5918.