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B 97391B 97391 Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory in Action
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lovell, Oliver
Length: 154 Copyright: 2020

What is it that enables students to learn from some classroom activities, yet leaves them totally confused by others? Although we can’t see directly into students’ minds, we do have Cognitive Load Theory, and this is the next best thing. Built on the foundation of all learning, the human memory system, Cognitive Load Theory details the exact actions that teachers can take to maximize student outcomes. Written under the guidance, and thoroughly reviewed by the originator of CLT, John Sweller, this practical guide summarises over 30 years of research in this field into clear and easily understandable terms. This book features both a thorough discussion of the core principles of CLT and a wide array of classroom-ready strategies to apply it to art, music, history, chemistry, PE, mathematics, computer science, economics, biology, and more.
Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory in Action T