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B 97626B 97626 Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kuhlthau, Carol C / Maniotes, Leslie K
Length: 188 Copyright: 2012

All sectors of society are turning to education to solve our pressing problems. In order for our children to grow into productive citizens who live successful lives in a changing world, they need to be able to think, learn, and create to be able to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively to do so. "Inquiry" has become the buzz word in today's schools. But teachers are asking, "How do we do it?" Guided Inquiry prepares today's learners for an uncertain future by providing the education that enables them to make meaning from myriad sources of information in a rapidly evolving world. This book, Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for inquiry in your school explains how to do it.
Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School T