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B 97434B 97434 Cluster Grouping Handbook: A Schoolwide Model: How to Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement for All
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brulles, Dina / Winebrenner, Susan
Length: 257 Copyright: 2019

The Cluster Grouping Handbook offers a guide for schools to create a workable, defensible gifted program; to simplify teachers’ jobs; and to maximize learning for all students. Digital content includes customizable forms from the book and a PDF presentation; a free PLC/Book Study Guide is also available. This edition: offers identification and placement guidance for a wide variety of student ages and populations; directs special attention toward empowering gifted English language learners; shows teachers how to use the Depth of Knowledge framework to differentiate learning tasks; offers new ideas for integrating technology into both professional development and student learning.
Cluster Grouping Handbook: A Schoolwide Model: How to Challenge Gifted Stud T  
B 97433B 97433 Designing Gifted Education Programs and Services: From Purpose to Implementation
Grade Lvl: T Author: Peters, Scott J / Brulles, Dina
Length: 229 Copyright: 2017

This book is intended to support educators in the design and implementation of comprehensive gifted education plans. From planning to actual implementation, this book takes the reader from goals and purpose to assessing student needs and program design. The authors begin with a broad overview of best practices in programming and services, highlighting connections to student needs, programming standards, and state laws. Their recommendations include philosophical, cultural, and practical considerations and data-based decision making. In this book, Peters and Brulles guide the reader through the process of determining the most optimal programming methods for schools to take based on their individual needs and circumstances. With this book, schools will be able to design and develop programs and/or services that lay the foundation necessary to ensure all students are appropriately challenged.
Designing Gifted Education Programs and Services: From Purpose to Implement T  
B 97435B 97435 Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Form, Manage, Assess, and Differentiate in Groups
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brulles, Dina / Brown, Karen L
Length: 183 Copyright: 2018

Grouping learners purposefully throughout the school day based on their needs and the curriculum remains the single best way to differentiate instruction. This award-winning guide will help teachers expertly use flexible grouping and differentiation strategies to respond to students’ diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests. Included are methods for creating groups based on assessment data, planning group lessons and tiered assignments, engaging learners at all levels, supporting personalized learning, grading collaborative work, and communicating with parents about the benefits of groupwork and productive struggle. Digital content contains all forms from the book and a PDF presentation. A free online PLC/Book Study Guide is available at freespirit.com/PLC.
Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Form, Mana T