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B 97415B 97415 Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Baker, Frank W
Length: 221 Copyright: 2016

Today's average youth spends over 10 hours a day consuming media. Aided by technology, young people can instantly share and engage with media messages to find answers, get directions, shop or connect with friends. But access alone doesn't lead to critical thinking. Media are texts, designed to be read, analyzed, deconstructed and reconstructed. Understanding how to interpret advertising messages, check for bias or avoid stereotyping are among the skills students need to become knowledgeable consumers and producers of media. This book helps educators understand the importance of teaching media literacy and gives them the tools needed to bring this form of literacy into the classroom. The text provides ways to bring media literacy into the K-12 classroom through any school subject matter, and teaches students skills that enable them to become knowledgeable media consumers and producers.
Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom, 2nd Edition T