Evidence-based and highly effective, coaching helps early childhood practitioners support other professionals and families as they enhance existing knowledge, develop new skills, and promote healthy development of young children. This hands-on guide shows professionals how to conduct skillful coaching in any setting—home, school, or community. Eight week loan period on this kit. This guidebook walks professionals step by step through the coaching process and shows them explicitly what best practices look like. Developed by authorities on coaching and informed by the authors' staff development and technical assistance activities with other professionals, this book directly addresses the real-world challenges of coaching and gives readers concrete guidance on successful strategies and interactions. Pre-service and in-service early childhood professionals will: •Master the five characteristics of coaching practices—observation, action, reflection, feedback, and joint planning •See exactly how to conduct a positive coaching session, with transcripts of successful coaching in action •Learn about the qualities of effective coaches, including openness to experiences, adaptability, empathy, and honesty •Adjust coaching techniques to meet the specific needs of early childhood educators, parents, and caregivers •Incorporate coaching into professional development programs to ensure immediate use of the latest best practices •Understand how coaching differs from other collaborative models, such as consultation, direct teaching, and counseling *Discover cutting-edge early childhood research that demonstrates the effectiveness of a coaching approach To keep their skills sharp and ensure adherence to best coaching practices, readers will get easy-to-use, photocopiable tools that help them implement coaching consistently and effectively. They'll also have samples so they can see how to use the tools to evaluate and improve their interactions. With this coaching guidebook, every early childhood professional including developmental specialists, Early Head Start and Head Start staff, early literacy specialists, infant mental health specialists, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, service coordinators, speech-language pathologists, and teachers will provide effective support to families and other professionals to enhance developmental outcomes for all young children. Kit includes 11 books for professional use. Restricted to Keystone AEA Admin Staff. | |