The DBQ Project Method provides a framework of best practices that guides teachers and students to read smart, think straight, and write clearly. The DBQ Project utilizes a 6-Step Method and delivers this methodology in all DBQs and Mini-Qs. Each step builds on students’ curiosity and increases motivation and confidence to answer a compelling, authentic question. Teachers across the country are using the DBQ Project with elementary, middle school, and high school students. Teacher scaffolding to serve the social studies learning experience and to meet the students' skill level will be key for successful implementation. DBQ - Document Based Questions. Mini-Qs in World History Volume 3 Eleven High-Interest Units of Study The Enlightenment Philosophers: What Was Their Main Idea? The Reign of Terror: Was It Justified? How Should We Remember Toussaint Louvertoure? Latin American Independence: Why Did the Creoles Lead the Fight? Female Workers in Japanese Silk Factories: Did the Costs Outweigh the Benefits? What Was the Driving Force Behind European Imperialism in Africa? What Was the Underlying Cause of World War I? How Did the Versailles Treaty Help Cause World War II? The Soviet Union: What Should Textbooks Emphasize? What Made Gandhi’s Nonviolent Movement Work? China’s One Child Policy: Was It a Good Idea? | |