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2 Items were found
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B 81668B 81668 We Love Fruit!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Robinson, Fay
Length: 31 Copyright: 1992

Discusses different kinds of fruit and how they grow. From the series Rookie Read-About Science. AR 2.7 RC 2.7 Lexile 590 IL Pres-2.
We Love Fruit! KP  
KM 12848KM 12848 Emergent Readers Series
Grade Lvl: KPT Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

A collection of 41 decodable books that offer beginning readers extensive opportunities to apply the foundational phonics and close reading skills they have learned to meaningful texts. The Emergent Reader Series is a collection of engaging, meaningful, comprehensible decodable books tied to a cumulative and systematic phonics scope & sequence. Designed for pre-k and kindergarten students on grade level, and older students in need of intervention. Includes the Foundational Skills Guide (including Assessments; offers expertly developed evidence-based instruction that helps teachers develop and assess foundational phonics knowledge in their students so that those students complete the series as fluent readers in the full alphabetic stage of literacy); Close Reading Guides(offers expertly developed evidence-based instruction that helps teachers model and scaffold exploration of complex text at different levels of meaning), and 1 deck of Word Chain Activity Cards. Emergent Readers Series from Flyleaf Publishing. This kit is intended for professional preview only.
Emergent Readers Series KPT