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13 Items were found
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B 76671B 76671 Arthur Meets the President
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brown, Marc
Length: 32 Copyright: 1991

Arthur's essay wins a contest and he has to read it to the President in a special ceremony at the White House. AR and RC 3.2. Lexile 480. GR level L. IL K-3.
Arthur Meets the President KP  
B 116556B 116556 Center of Everything
Grade Lvl: I Author: Urban, Linda
Length: 197 Copyright: 2013

Ruby Pepperdine thinks her life is perfect until her best friend gets mad at her and her grandmother, Gigi, passes away. When she finds her life falling apart around her, she regrets the problems she has caused and searches for a way to set things right. She decides to pin her hopes on Burning Day, when the town will listen to her read her winning essay, and her twelfth birthday wish, which she hopes will be the key to putting her life back on track. AR 4.9 RC 5.4 Lexile 830 IL 4-6.
Center of Everything I  
B 119959B 119959 Mr. Wayne's Masterpiece
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Polacco, Patricia
Length: 38 Copyright: 2014

In this story based on a true event, artist Patricia Polacco conquers her fear of public speaking, allowing her to discover her remarkable voice. Because she is afraid to read an essay aloud in English class, young Patricia is invited to take Mr. Wayne's drama class where she paints sets, participates in fun exercises, and memorizes every part in the play the others are rehearsing. When the lead actress suddenly moves away, Trisha is the only other person who knows her part. Mr. Wayne encourages her to overcome her fears & successfully perform the lead part in the play. AR 3.6 IL 2-5.
Mr. Wayne's Masterpiece PI  
KM 10838KM 10838 Outspoken!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Halbrook, Sara
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Subtitle: How to Improve Writing and Speaking Skills Through Poetry Performance by Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger. Contains lessons and exercises designed to help students improve their writing and speaking skills by performing poems, each with a stated objective, a procedure, notes on possible stumbling blocks, and extra credit possibilities. Performance poetry--study and teaching (elementary and secondary). Poetry slams. Contents: book and DVD (live student performances). Two-week loan period.
Outspoken! T  
B 96804B 96804 Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reynolds, Garr
Length: 299 Copyright: 2012

Provides lessons to help users design and deliver creative presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. The author combines principles of design with the tenets of Zen simplicity to help readers create simpler, more effective presentations. Garr's revised edition presents examples to draw inspiration from, with a new chapter for those who present on more technical and educational topics based on techniques used by many presenters who give high-level talks at TED and other events. Whether the reader is in research, technology, business, or education– book will show them how to take what could look like a really dry presenation and reinvigorate the material in fresh (and sometimes interactive!) ways that will make it memorable and resonate with the audience.
Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (2nd Edi T  
KM 13595KM 13595 Silly Jokes Book Set
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Dahl, Michael
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Silly jokes are the best jokes, and these jokes are some of the silliest around! Get ready to laugh out loud about fun topics kids love. Humorous images add to the laughter. These jokes are so silly that kids will be telling them over and over again. Topics include animals, food, monsters and more. Set of 6 books. Beginning reader. Humorous stories. Reluctant reader. IL 1-4.
Silly Jokes Book Set PI  
KM 9719KM 9719 Step Up to Writing Secondary Classroom (6-12)(3rd
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Strategy-based program that explicitly connects reading and writing to build a common language of literacy and increase proficiency across grade levels and content areas. Multisensory approach involves extensive modeling, guided practice, and independent practice to improve writing (both expository and narrative), reading comprehension, vocabulary, note-taking, and critical thinking skills. Program can be used with all students, can be adapted to meet the needs of students who are gifted, require special education supports, are at-risk, or for ESL. Contents: 3rd edition teacher's manual, tools manual (reproducible pages/templates, instructions for organizing ideas, examples of writing, reference lists, scoring guides), two CDs (electronic copies of the tools plus bonus tools and writing prompts), 30 copies of the Handy Pages (student booklets), and poster set (16).
Step Up to Writing Secondary Classroom (6-12)(3rd IJS  
KM 9567KM 9567 Step Up to Writing--Elementary (Grades 3-5)
Grade Lvl: PI Author: AUMAN, MAUREEN
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003

Program is a collection of strategies for tackling all kinds of writing. Multisensory approach involves explicit, direct instruction and requires teacher modeling. Uses colors (of a traffic signal) and informal outlining methods to organize information and ideas. Provides samples and direct instruction for writing: paragraphs, summaries, letters/memos, content for subjects (math, science), essays, reports, speeches, research, stories, creative pieces, responses. Examples include both student and professional pieces. Step Up to Writing addresses all stages of the writing process. Program is an outgrowth of the Read-Write Connection. Contents: 2nd Edition Manual (same for all levels); Primary Steps Reproducibles; 101 Reproducibles for Beginning Writers in Spanish with English Translation (2 volumes); 30 Handy Pages Level 1; and poster set (14).
Step Up to Writing--Elementary (Grades 3-5) PI  
KM 9747KM 9747 Step Up to Writing--Intermediate (Grades 3-6), 3rd
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Auman, Maureen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Program is a collection of strategies for tackling all kinds of writing. Multisensory approach involves explicit, direct instruction and requires teacher modeling. Instruction is part of an ongoing process of frequent demonstration/modeling, guided lessons, and practice opportunities. Step Up to Writing can be used as the primary/only language arts program or to enhance and support other programs and methods such as Six Traits and Writers Workshop. Uses Color-coding (traffic signal colors) of parts of a paragraph or report, paper folds, and informal outlining methods to organize information and ideas. Provides examples and direct instruction for writing: paragraphs, summaries, leters/memos, conent for subjects (math, science, social studies), essays, reports, speeches, research, stories, creative pieces, responses. Step Up to Writing addresses all stages of the writing process. Program is for all students (gifted, regular, at-risk, and special education). Contents: 3rd edition teacher's manual, tools manual (reproducible pages/templates, instructions for organizing ideas, examples of writing, reference lists, scoring guides), two CDs (electronic copies of the tools plus bonus tools and writing prompts), 30 copies of the Handy Pages (student booklets), and poster set (16).
Step Up to Writing--Intermediate (Grades 3-6), 3rd PI  
KM 9718KM 9718 Step Up to Writing--Primary (K-3), 3rd Ed
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Auman, Maureen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Program is a collection of strategies for tackling all kinds of writing. Multisensory approach involves explicit, direct instruction and requires teacher modeling. Instruction is part of an ongoing process of frequent demonstration/modeling, guided lessons, and practice opportunities. Step Up to Writing can be used as the primary/only language arts program or to enhance and support other programs and methods such as Six Traits and Writers Workshop. Uses Color-coding (traffic signal colors) of parts of a paragraph or report, paper folds, and informal outlining methods to organize information and ideas. Provides examples and direct instruction for writing: paragraphs, summaries, letters/memos, content for subjects (math, science, social studies), essays, reports, speeches, research, stories, creative pieces, responses. Step Up to Writing addresses all stages of the writing process. Program is for all students (gifted, regular, at-risk, and special education). Contents: 3rd edition teacher's manual, tools manual (reproducible pages/templates, instructions for organizing ideas, examples of writing, reference lists, scoring guides), two CDs (electronic copies of the tools plus bonus tools and writing prompts), 30 copies of the Handy Pages (student booklets), and poster set (16).
Step Up to Writing--Primary (K-3), 3rd Ed KP  
B 97601B 97601 Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie / Hinkle, Ryan
Length: 175 Copyright: 2024

Subtitle: Improving Literacy Instruction Through Inclusive Practices. Offers educators an insightful, practical resource that shows how to integrate Universal Design for Learning in the ELA classroom to build rich, collaborative, engaging literacy environments. By focusing on the established domains of literacy, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language and vocabulary development, this book shows K-12 teachers how to engage students of diverse needs and backgrounds and explore the connections between social emotional learning, character education, and deeper understanding of literacy.
Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts T  
KM 13715KM 13715 Voice Amplifier with Microphone
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

Voice amplifier, lavalier microphone in hard carrying case. Amplifies voice for presentations, classroom productions, and instruction in large room areas. The sound is clear, crisp, with no noise and no distortion. The max 10 watts sound can cover about 10000 sq.ft (1000 ㎡), loud enough to cover a big room. Charges in 3-5 hours for up to 12 hours of use. Kit contents include an amplifier, lavalier microphone, adjustable headworn microphone, USB cable for charging, an AC/DC adapter for wall charge, and a belt for hanging amplifier around the neck or around the waist. IL Pres-12.
Voice Amplifier with Microphone KPIJS  
B 96730B 96730 Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Palmer, Erik
Length: 160 Copyright: 2011

Presents strategies and lesson ideas to help teachers successfully teach speaking skills in the classroom and offers a framework for effective oral communication that includes building, performing, and evaluating a speech. Palmer stresses the essential elements of all effective oral communication. Contents: Part 1. The Art of Public Speaking. Part 2. Building a Speech: Audience, Content, Organization, Visual Aids, and Appearance. Part 3. Performing a Speech: Poise, Voice, Life, Eye Contact, Gestures, and Speed. Part 4.Putting Theory into Practice: Every Day Through the End of the Year, Evaluating Speeches, Speaking Activities Across the Curriculum.
Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students T