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114 Items were found
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B 107331B 107331 ABCx3: English, Espanol, Francais
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Jocelyn, Marthe
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005

Each letter of the alphabet is presented with the text in three languages: English, Spanish, and French. For examples: F flower, flor, fleur. Includes alphabet combinations that are specific to Spanish (ch chaqueta).
ABCx3: English, Espanol, Francais KP  
B 127393B 127393 All The Bright Places (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: S Author: Niven, Jennifer
Length: 384 Copyright: 2015

French Edition. Story is told in alternating voices, when Theodore Finch and Violet Markey meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, both teetering on the edge, it's the beginning of an unlikely relationship, a journey to discover the "natural wonders" of the state of Indiana, and two teens' desperate desire to heal and save one another. Overcoming adversity. Realistic fiction. AR 5.3 RC 5.4 Lexile 830 IL 9-12. Iowa High School Award 2017-2018. Quand Violet et Finch se rencontrent, ils sont au bord du vide, en haut de la tour du lycée, décidés à en finir avec la vie. Finch est la "bête curieuse" de l'école. Il oscille entre les périodes d'accablement, dominées par des idées morbides et les phases "d'éveil" où il déborde d'énergie. De son côté, Violet avait tout pour elle. Mais, neuf mois plus tôt, sa soeur adorée est morte dans un accident de voiture. La survivante a perdu pied, s'est isolée et s'est laissé submerger par la culpabilité. Pour Violet et Finch, c'est le début d'une histoire d'amour bouleversante : l'histoire d'une fille qui réapprend à vivre avec un garçon qui veut mourir.
All The Bright Places (French Edition) S  
KM 13364KM 13364 ASQ:SE-2 Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional in Spanish (Second Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Squires, Jane / Bricker, Diane
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

The Spanish ASQ®:SE-2 questionnaires are the most cost-effective, reliable way to screen young children for social-emotional issues in the first 6 years of life. Now in a second edition, the 9 age-appropriate questionnaires (2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 60 months) effectively screen 7 key social-emotional areas: self-regulation, compliance, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, social-communication, and interaction with people. Restricted to AEA Early childhood members.
ASQ:SE-2 Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional in Spanish (Second T  
KM 12191KM 12191 Baby Learns Board Books (Navajo/English)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003

Collection of board books features a Dine (Navajo) family. Bilingual text in English and Navajo. Titles: Baby's First Laugh; Baby Learns to Count; Baby Learns About Weather; Baby Learns About Senses; Baby Learns About Animals; Baby Learns About Colors. Illustrated by Beverly Blacksheep.
Baby Learns Board Books (Navajo/English) K  
KM 11227KM 11227 Baby Signing Time!: Here I Go
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Allows children ages birth to three years old to communicate before they can speak using American Sign Language (ASL). Teaches: shoe, sock, hat, coat, please, thank you, sorry, car, train, bus, bike, airplane, boat, ball, doll, bear, wash hands, soap, sleep, bath, brush teeth, book, pajamas, blanket. Contents: DVD and audio CD.
Baby Signing Time!: Here I Go K  
KM 11228KM 11228 Baby Signing Time!: It's Baby Signing Time
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Allows children ages birth to three years old to communicate before they can speak using American Sign Language (ASL). Teaches: eat, drink, cracker, water, cereal, milk, banana, juice, finished, mom, grandma, dad, diaper, potty, more, bird, fish, cat, dog, horse, frog, hurt, where, baby. Contents: DVD and audio CD.
Baby Signing Time!: It's Baby Signing Time K  
KM 11229KM 11229 Baby Signing Time!: Let's Be Friends
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Allows children ages birth to three years old to communicate before they can speak using American Sign Language (ASL). Teaches: friend, play, share, nice, feel, happy, laugh, sad, cry, hot, cold, yes, no, me, dirty, clean, apple, pear, carrot, peach, juice, bubble, balloon, telephone, music, game. Contents: DVD and audio CD.
Baby Signing Time!: Let's Be Friends K  
B 100306B 100306 BALONEY (HENRY P.)
Grade Lvl: PI Author: SCIESZKA, JON
Length: 34 Copyright: 2001

A transmission received from outer space in a combination of different Earth languages tells of an alien schoolboy's fantastic excuse for being late to school again. Life on other planets. AR level 2.7. Follett RL 1.5. RC 2.9. Lexile 400.
B 127397B 127397 Be Kind (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Miller, Pat Zietlow
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

Text in french. What does it mean to be kind? As the child ponders everything from asking a new girl to play to standing up for someone being bullied, this story explores what kindness is, and how any act, big or small, can make a difference or at least help a friend. Caring and kindness. Character education. Social emotional development. Juvenile Fiction. IL Pres-6.
Be Kind (French Edition) KPI  
B 107398B 107398 Beyond the Great Mountains: A Visual Poem
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Young, Ed
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005

A visual poem about China is illustrated with cut and torn paper-collage art. Besides the line of verse, each page includes one or two ancient Chinese characters in red, with the English equivalent in black. Book opens vertically with "stepped" pages of graduated lengths. Lyric poetry. Chart on book end paper shows the ancient Chinese characters (seal-style) along with modern-day symbols.
Beyond the Great Mountains: A Visual Poem PIJ  
B 90916B 90916 Bilingual Visual Dictionary--Spanish
Grade Lvl: IJST Author:
Length: 360 Copyright: 2005

Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, bilingual visual dictionary gives students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way.
Bilingual Visual Dictionary--Spanish IJST  
B 120914B 120914 Book of Languages: Talk Your Way Around the World
Grade Lvl: I Author: Webb, Mick
Length: 63 Copyright: 2015

Provides a brief overview of the history of language. Looks at twenty-one spoken languages, focusing on where they came from and how they are spoken today. Each profile lists the countries that speak the language, greetings, and tells how to speak a few phrases and count to ten. Ends with sections on non-verbal and animal language. Foreign Language Study. IL 4-6.
Book of Languages: Talk Your Way Around the World I  
B 126432B 126432 Bowwow Powwow = Bagosenjige-niimi'idim
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Child, Brenda J
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

When Uncle and Windy Girl and Itchy Boy attend a powwow, Windy watches the dancers in their jingle dresses and listens to the singers. She eats tasty food and joins family and friends around the campfire. Later, Windy falls asleep under the stars. Now Uncle's stories inspire other visions in her head: a bowwow powwow, where all the dancers are dogs. In these magical scenes, Windy sees veterans in a Grand Entry, and a visiting drum group, and traditional dancers, grass dancers, and jingle-dress dancers-all with telltale ears and paws and tails. All celebrating in song and dance. All attesting to the wonder of the powwow. Text in English and Ojibwe. American Indian Youth Literature Award. Bilingual. Native Americans. U.S. History. IL K-3. AR 3.6.
Bowwow Powwow = Bagosenjige-niimi'idim KP  
B 106941B 106941 Boy Who Loved Words
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Schotter, Roni
Length: 33 Copyright: 2006

Selig, who loves words and copies them on pieces of paper that he carries with him, goes on a trip to discover his purpose. Self-actualization. Glossary included on end papers. AR 4.2. RC 4.5. Follett RL 3.6. RC 4.2. Lexile 780. IL 1-4. Parents' Choice Gold award.
Boy Who Loved Words PI  
B 118590B 118590 Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 30 Copyright: 2014

A mouse family lives in a theater and enjoys the plays. Mrs. Canta, who speaks many languages — not only English, Spanish, and Italian, but Spider, Cricket, and Moth as well, encourages her twelve children to speak many languages, and when a clever kitten threatens the family, Chico Canta, the youngest of the twelve, proves the power of being bilingual. He uses his language abilities to avert disaster when the theater cat spots them leaving a performance. Bilingualism- Fiction. Spanish words and phrases are interspersed throughout the dialogue. The author explains in the afterword that "bilingual" is the term used since "multilingual" seemed too cumbersome for the story. Based on a Mexican American folktale. IL K-2.
Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo! KP  
B 99408B 99408 BRIGANCE Assessment of Basic Skills, Spanish
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brigance, Albert
Length: 196 Copyright: 1984

The Brigance Diagnostic Assessment Of Basic Skills is designed to enable the bilingual, ESL, migrant, and bilingual special needs teacher to identify, develop, implement, and evaluate instructional programs for Spanish-speaking students (preschool, elementary, and middle school). Includes 102 tests for PreK-Gr 8 in the areas of readiness, speech, listening, functional word recognition, oral reading, reading comprehension, word analysis, writing and alphabetizing, numbers and computation, and measurement. The assessment can be used as an indicator of language dominance; as a screening process for identifying achievement level; as an instrument to distinguish whether or not the student's weaknesses are related only to limited English proficiency or to a specific learning disability; and as a guide for developing an IEP.
BRIGANCE Assessment of Basic Skills, Spanish T  
KM 13682KM 13682 Building Language Photo Library
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Our vocabulary-building cards have full-color photos on front and corresponding English vocabulary word on back. The 270 cards are organized into 10 essential themes—from colors and shapes to animals, food and more. English language. Vocabulary. Visual literacy. IL Pres-12.
Building Language Photo Library KPIJST  
B 97340B 97340 Building Verbal Imitation Skills in Toddlers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mize, Laura
Length: 180 Copyright: 2012

In this 180-page therapy manual Laura Mize, pediatric speech-language pathologist explains the hierarchy of verbal imitation skills she teaches to therapist. This straight-forward approach is easy for both parents and therapists to understand and implement during familiar play-based activities and daily routines. Her methodology delivers a framework for knowing where to begin work with a late-talking child, provides ideas for what to try when a young child’s progress stalls, and can serve as your new approach when your standard methods don’t seem to be adequate for a particular child’s issues.
Building Verbal Imitation Skills in Toddlers T  
B 124934B 124934 C'est Moi le Heros: Le tresor des pirates
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Barlow, Steve / Skidmore, Steve
Length: 50 Copyright: 2013

The reader is an adventurer sailing with Francis Drake. He sets a course to attack Spanish ships carrying gold and silver. Can he defeat the Spanish and steal the treasure? French paperback. French language materials. Historical fiction. From I Hero book set. IL 3-8. Original Title: Pirate Gold
C'est Moi le Heros: Le tresor des pirates IJ  
B 87337B 87337 Can You Count Ten Toes?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Evans, Lezlie
Length: 24 Copyright: 1999

Subtitle: Count To 10 in 10 Different Languages. Rhyming verses instruct the reader to count different objects in one of ten languages, including Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Tagalog, and Hebrew. IL K-3.
Can You Count Ten Toes? KP  
B 127436B 127436 Catching Fire (French Edition, Book 2)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Collins, Suzanne
Length: 398 Copyright: 2010

French Edition. By winning the annual Hunger Games, District 12 tributes Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, have secured a life of safety and plenty for themselves and their families, but because they won by defying the rules, they unwittingly become the faces of an impending rebellion. Insurgency. From the series The Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 2. AR 5.3 RC 5.4. Lexile 820. GR level Z IL 7-12. Après le succès des derniers Hunger Games, le peuple de Panem est impatient de retrouver Katniss et Peeta pour la Tournée de la victoire. Mais pour Katniss, il s'agit surtout d'une tournée de la dernière chance. Celle qui a osé défier le Capitole est devenue le symbole d'une rébellion qui pourrait bien embraser Panem. Si elle échoue à ramener le calme dans les districts, le président Snow n'hésitera pas à noyer dans le sang le feu de la révolte. À l'aube des Jeux de l'Expiation, le piège du Capitole se referme sur Katniss...
Catching Fire (French Edition, Book 2) JS  
KM 8692KM 8692 CELF Preschool-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wiig, Elisabeth
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Preschool-3 (CELF® Preschool-3) assesses aspects of language necessary for preschool children to meet the language demands of the classroom. Age range: 3:0 to 6:11Scores/Interpretation: Core language score; receptive and expressive language scores; expressive language, language content, and language structure scores; standard scores, percentile ranks, age equivalents, and growth scores.Qualification level: B Completion time: Level 1: 15-20 minutes. Entire test: variable Administration: Verbal response to stimulus picture Scoring options: Q-interactive® Web-based Administration and Scoring, Q-global® Scoring & Reporting or Manual Scoring Norms: 700 preschool-age children ages 3:0 to 6:11. Contents: examiner's manual, stimulus book, Descriptive Pragmatics Profile (DPP)forms, record forms, and "No Juice" book. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff.
CELF Preschool-3 T  
B 127439B 127439 Children of Blood and Bone (French Edition, Book 1)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Adeyemi, Tomi
Length: 568 Copyright: 2019

Book 1 of 2 : Children of Blood and Bone. French Edition. Une fantasy unique et époustouflante autour de l'univers africain Résumé : Il fut un temps où la terre d'Orïsha était baignée de magie. Mais une nuit, tout a basculé, le roi l'a faite disparaître et a asservi le peuple des majis. Zélie Adebola n'était alors qu'une enfant. Aujourd'hui, elle a le moyen de ramener la magie et rendre la liberté à son peuple ; même si face à elle se dresse le prince héritier du trône, prêt à tout pour la traquer. Dans une Afrique imaginaire où rôdent les léopardaires blancs et où les esprits ont soif de vengeance, Zélie s'élance dans une quête périlleuse... Dès 14 ans.a
Children of Blood and Bone (French Edition, Book 1) JS  
B 127434B 127434 Color Monster: A Story About Emotions (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Llenas, Anna / Antilogus, Marie
Length: 20 Copyright: 2022

French Edition. Emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and calm, are described through the actions of a monster sorting them out. Book is engaging with illustrated pop ups to keep young readers engaged and to illustrate storyline. Le monstre des couleurs se sent tout barbouillé aujourd'hui. Ses émotions sont sens dessus dessous ! Il ne comprends pas ce qui lui arrive. Réussira-t-il à mettre de l'ordre dans son c ur et à retrouver son équilibre ?
Color Monster: A Story About Emotions (French Edition) KPI  
B 97491B 97491 Common Ground: Second Language Acquisition Theory Goes to the Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Henshaw, Florencia G / Hawkins, Maris D
Length: 198 Copyright: 2022

Common Ground is accessible to teachers at all levels yet firmly rooted in current questions of second language acquisition (SLA). One of its primary strengths is the authors themselves, both of whom are accomplished language teachers who understand the challenges and opportunities in communication-focused language teaching. Their experience, expertise, insight, and enthusiasm for language teaching translate into a book that is refreshingly practical for teachers, especially teachers who are striving to break from traditional drills commonly presented in textbooks. I hope this book finds its way into the hands of every language teacher who is looking for concrete examples of how SLA principles meet the realities of the classroom.
Common Ground: Second Language Acquisition Theory Goes to the Classroom T  
B 127084B 127084 Como crecen los pinos? = How Do Pine Trees Grow?
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Connors, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2022

The pinecones found on the ground near a pine tree are an important part of the pine tree life cycle. They can hold hundreds of seeds! Like other plants, these seeds need soil, water, and sun, but the most important part of pine tree seeds' planting it being close to the surface of the soil! Readers learn this and more in this accessible volume all about the growth of the pine tree. Text in Spanish. Series nonfiction: Como crece? How Does It Grow? series. Our Earth. Botany / Plants. IL Pres-6.
Como crecen los pinos? = How Do Pine Trees Grow? KPI  
B 127085B 127085 Como crecen los platanos? = How Do Bananas Grow?
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Connors, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2022

Introduction to the truth about banana plants, including that they don't grow from seeds but a piece of another banana plant. Text in Spanish and English. Life cycles. Our Earth. Plants / Botany. Series nonfiction: Como crece? = How Does It Grow? IL Pres-6.
Como crecen los platanos? = How Do Bananas Grow? KPI  
B 84814B 84814 Count Your Way Through Brazil
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Haskin, James
Length: 24 Copyright: 1996

Uses the Portuguese words for the numbers from one to ten to introduce the land, history, and culture of Brazil. AR 5.7.
Count Your Way Through Brazil PI  
B 97437B 97437 Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hammond, Zaretta L
Length: 173 Copyright: 2015

Subtitle: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. To close the achievement gap, diverse classrooms need a proven framework for optimizing student engagement. Culturally responsive instruction has shown promise, but many teachers have struggled with its implementation. In this book, Zaretta Hammond draws on cutting edge neuroscience research to offer an innovative approach for designing and implementing brain compatible culturally responsive instruction. The book includes: Information on how one’s culture programs the brain to process data and affects learning relationships, Ten "key moves" to build students’ learner operating systems and prepare them to become independent learners, and offers prompts for action and valuable self reflection.
Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain T  
DVD 2876DVD 2876 Disney's Wild About Safety With Timon & Pumbaa: Safety Smart About Fire!
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 12 Copyright: 2009

Timon and Pumbaa share lessons to help students understand what to do in a fire emergency. From smoke alarms, fire escape plans and preventative measures such as not playing with matches, Timon and Pumbaa review their Safety Smart Checklist full of life-saving fire safety information. Fire prevention. DVD also includes a downloadable User's Guide with activities and 16 language versions: English, Latin Spanish, Castilian, Chinese, Danish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Marathi, Portuguese, Tamil, Vietnamese. IL Pres-3.
Disney's Wild About Safety With Timon & Pumbaa: Safety Smart About Fire! KP  
DVD 2875DVD 2875 Disney's Wild About Safety with Timon and Pumbaa: Safety Smart Healthy & Fit!
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 12 Copyright: 0

Timon and Pumbaa show students how to be healthy and fit with their germ-free philosophy. From the importance of hand-washing to making healthy food choices, Timon and Pumbaa's Safety Smart® Checklist has kid-friendly lessons on how to prevent the spread of germs and maintain overall well-being. Has downloadable User's Guide with activities. Includes 16 language versions: English, Latin Spanish, Castilian, Chinese, Danish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Marathi, Portuguese, Tamil, Vietnamese.
Disney's Wild About Safety with Timon and Pumbaa: Safety Smart Healthy & Fi KP  
B 97337B 97337 ELL Critical Data Process - Distinguishing Between Disability and Language Acquisition 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gill, Steve / Nanayakkara, Ushani
Length: 156 Copyright: 2021

Provides teams with the processes and materials to complete the ELL Critical Data Process for K-12 and preschool students including a data analysis process for districts to better understand their issues. Knowing the critical data to gather, the staff to involve, and having a process to follow will increase the likelihood of appropriate intervention. This resource kit contains resources and guiding documents to help understand whether targeted interventions or a special education referral is the appropriate action for your student. It includes a section, the SLD Mini-Matrix, that focuses on providing more information about students suspected of having learning disabilities. The category of SLD is the most problematic category for disproportionality of language learners. An appendix provides examples of how certain information processed during the ELL Critical Data Process is related to interventions or referral, with examples. Emerging language learners. Evaluation and assessment.
ELL Critical Data Process - Distinguishing Between Disability and Language T  
B 109182B 109182 Everywhere the Cow Says "Moo!"
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Weinstein, Ellen
Length: 30 Copyright: 2008

Easy-to-read text reveals the different words for animal sounds in four languages--English, Spanish, French, and Japanese--and the one that remains the same.
Everywhere the Cow Says "Moo!" KP  
KM 13008KM 13008 Excursiones divertidas (Field Trip Fun)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

This series introduces the concept of field trips as adventures and opportunities for learning outside the classroom. Set of 6 Spanish titles include: A donde quieres viajar? (Where Do You Want to Travel?); Comiendo alrededor del mundo (Eating Around the World); Dulce o truco (Trick or Treat); El museo de los dinosaurios (The Dinosaur Museum); La casa del tesoro (Treasure Hunt); Yendo al zoologico (Going to the Zoo). Pres-3.
Excursiones divertidas (Field Trip Fun) KP  
B 94090B 94090 Express Yourself!
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Powell, Michael
Length: 143 Copyright: 2007

Subtitle: The Essential Guide to International Understanding. Comprehensive guide to communicating effectively in forty-five different countries, with tips on hand gestures and body language, as well as speaking.
Express Yourself! ST  
B 127438B 127438 Fault in Our Stars (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Green, John
Length: 330 Copyright: 2013

French Edition. Sixteen year old Hazel, who has cancer, meets Augustus at a kids-with-cancer support group and as they fall in love they both wonder how they will be remembered. AR 5.5 RC 5.5 Lexile 850 IL 9-12. Hazel, 16 ans, atteinte d'un cancer, rencontre Augustus dans un groupe de soutien pour enfants atteints de cancer et, alors qu'ils tombent amoureux, ils se demandent tous les deux comment on se souviendra d'eux.
Fault in Our Stars (French Edition) JS  
KM 13368KM 13368 Finch Robot 2.0
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Finch Robot 2.0 is now programmable using apps via bluetooth as well as programmable via connection through your computer, laptop, and Chromebooks. There is a wide range of programming language options: FinchBlox, BirdBlox, Snap!, MakeCode/JavaScript, Python, Java, Swift, and Kotlin. It can be used by K-12 as it has icon-based block programming to higher programming languages. Please go to https://www.birdbraintechnologies.com/hummingbirdbit/ to start. Click on the purple "Get Started" button at the top right. Choose the Finch Robot 2.0 and click on "Select" then "Next". Choose the device you will be using to program the Finch. The list of programming choices will change to match the device you have selected. Next, it is important you will go through a series of tutorials to match those choices. Compatible with iOS, Android, Chromebook, Windows, Apple and Linux devices. Included in the kit is a Bluetooth connector dongle to use with appropriate personal computer devices. See KM 12028 for Finch Robot version 1.0. Contact Kathy Hay via khay@aea1.k12.ia.us if you have any questions. IL K-12.
Finch Robot 2.0 KPIJS  
B 125898B 125898 Fire Trucks = Camiones de bomberos
Grade Lvl: K Author: Jackson, Lisa
Length: 12 Copyright: 2019

What comes to the rescue in an emergency? A fire truck! In this book, young learners ages 0-3 can explore facts about these fascinating vehicles in both Spanish and English. Little Ready Readers: Emergency Vehicles, Bilingual Spanish-English. Board book. IL Pres-K.
Fire Trucks = Camiones de bomberos K  
B 128072B 128072 Forever Our Home = Kakike Kikinaw
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Simpson, Tonya
Length: 32 Copyright: 2023

Under glowing morning sun and silvery winter moon, from speckled frogs croaking in spring to summer fields painted with fireweed, this meditative lullaby introduces little ones to the plants and animals of the Prairies and the Plains. Text in English and Plains Cree. Authentic author. Bilingual. Indigenous people of Turtle Island. Canada. Cree language materials. Story in rhyme. IL Pres-2.
Forever Our Home = Kakike Kikinaw KP  
B 127940B 127940 Gibberish
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Vo, Young
Length: 40 Copyright: 2022

When Dat starts school in a country where he does not speak the language, everything around him sounds like gibberish until a new friend helps him make sense of his new world. Immigration & Emigration. New experiences. School stories. Friendship. First day of school. Language and languages. Moving. 24-25 Goldfinch Award Winner. IL Pres-3.
Gibberish KP  
B 127440B 127440 Glass Sword (French Edition, Book 2)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Aveyard, Victoria
Length: 476 Copyright: 2016

French Edition. The next installment in the Red Queen series escalates the struggle between the growing rebel army and the blood-segregated world they've always known—and pits Mare against the darkness that has grown in her soul. Series fiction. Dystopian. Fantasy. Red Queen Series - Book 2. IL 8-12. AR 5.3. RC 5.7. Lexile 770. Mare Barrow a le sang rouge, comme la plupart des habitants de Norta. Mais comme les seigneurs de Norta, qui se distinguent par leur sang couleur de l’argent, elle possède un pouvoir extraordinaire, celui de contrôler la foudre et l’électricité. Pour les dirigeants de Norta, elle est une anomalie, une aberration. Une dangereuse machine de guerre. Alors qu’elle fuit la famille royale et Maven, le prince qui l’a trahie, Mare fait une découverte qui change la donne : elle n’est pas seule. D’autres Rouges, comme elle, cachent l’étendue de leurs pouvoirs. Traquée par Maven, Mare fait face à sa nouvelle mission : recruter une armée, rouge et argent. Aussi rouge que l’aube, plus rapide qu’un éclair d’argent. Capable de renverser ceux qui les oppriment depuis toujours. Mais le pouvoir est un jeu dangereux, et Mare en connaît déjà le prix.
Glass Sword (French Edition, Book 2) JS  
B 127961B 127961 Goldfish on Vacation
Grade Lvl: KP Author: LLoyd-Jones, Sally
Length: 40 Copyright: 2017

Three goldfish live in a small bowl, in an apartment building, in the middle of a big city, until one summer they get to go on vacation, in a fountain, with lily pads, and reeds, and other neighborhood goldfish. City and town life. Vacation. Animal story. IL Pres-2. AR 4.1. RC 2.7. Lexile 640. GR N.
Goldfish on Vacation KP  
B 127329B 127329 Growing Up With Tamales: Los tamales de Ana
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zepeda, Gwendolyn
Length: 32 Copyright: 2008

Text in Spanish and English. Six-year-old Ana looks forward to growing older and being allowed more responsibility in making the tamales for the family's Christmas celebrations. Authentic language. Bilingual. Family stories. Repetitive text. SS Mentor Texts for K-5. IL Pres-3. AR 3.3. Lexile 480.
Growing Up With Tamales: Los tamales de Ana KP  
B 122713B 122713 Hello Atlas!
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Handicott, Ben
Length: 79 Copyright: 2016

Explores the languages of the world, which presents basic words and phrases from more than 100 different languages. Languages are organized by continent. After being introduced to the topic continent, readers are given a bit of background information on that region. Book has a free, linked app available on the App Store & on Google Play. (Directions for using the app are included in the book.) Allows you to hear the phrases in the book, each recorded by a native speaker.
Hello Atlas! PI  
B 125525B 125525 How Are You? = Como estas?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dominguez, Angela
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

When two giraffe friends find a baby ostrich, they have some questions. Is baby ostrich hungry? Shy? Tired? Ostrich says no! So how does she feel? Friendship awaits in this book about feelings, expressed both in English and in Spanish. Animal stories. Bilingual fiction. IL Pres-2. Lexile 120.
How Are You? = Como estas? KP  
B 124146B 124146 How Do You Say? = Como se dice?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dominguez, Angela N
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016

The story of two giraffes--one English-speaking and one Spanish-speaking--that overcome the language barrier to forge a friendship. Text in English and Spanish. Friendship fiction. IL Pres-1.
How Do You Say? = Como se dice? KP  
B 95519B 95519 How the ELL Brain Learns
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sousa, David
Length: 273 Copyright: 2011

Provides information on how people learn language and offers related strategies for teaching English language learners in kindergarten through twelfth grade.
How the ELL Brain Learns T  
B 127319B 127319 Hunger Games (French Edition, Book 1)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Collins, Suzanne / Fournier, Guillaume
Length: 398 Copyright: 2011

In a future North America, sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen becomes a contender in the annual Hunger Games, a grave competition hosted by the Capitol where young boys and girls are pitted against one another in a televised fight to the death. Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 1. AR 5.3. RC 5.3. Lexile 810. GR level Z IL 7-12. En français: Dans un futur sombre, sur les ruines des États-Unis, un jeu télévisé est créé pour contrôler le peuple par la terreur. Douze garçons et douze filles tirés au sort participent à cette sinistre téléréalité, que tout le monde est forcé de regarder en direct. Une seule règle dans l'arène : survivre, à tout prix.
Hunger Games (French Edition, Book 1) JS  
B 113427B 113427 I See the Sun in Afghanistan
Grade Lvl: PI Author: King, Dedie
Length: 40 Copyright: 2011

Describes one day in the life of an Afghan girl, from her routine ofgathering water before dawn to the arrival of her uncle, aunt, and cousins, who will be staying with her and her family. Afghanistan Social life and customs. Presented in English and Dari (Afghan Farsi) Persian language. Bilingual text. From the series I See the Sun In... IL 1-4.
I See the Sun in Afghanistan PI  
B 75169B 75169 I Speak English for My Mom
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Stanek, Muriel
Length: 32 Copyright: 1989

Lupe, a young Mexican-American, must translate for her mother who speaks only Spanish until Mrs. Gomez decides to learn English in order to get a better job. AR 2.8. Follett RL and RC 4.9. Lexile 540. GR level L.
I Speak English for My Mom PI  
KM 11405KM 11405 iOpeners: Identify Fact & Opinion GR O/R
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Contents: two teaching plans (one for each title) and six copies of two nonfiction books from the series iOpeners: New Language, New Friends (persuasive; GR level O; Lexile 660) and Save Our Earth (persuasive; GR level R; Lexile 660). Comprehension Skill: Identify Fact & Opinion.
iOpeners: Identify Fact & Opinion GR O/R PI  
B 127118B 127118 Isabel and Her Colores Go To School
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Alessandri, Alexandra
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021

English just feels wrong to Isabel. She prefers her native Spanish. As she prepares for a new school, she knows she's going to have to learn. Her first day is uncomfortable, until she employs her crayons and discovers there's more than one way to communicate with new friends. Text in English and Spanish. Authentic author. Bilingual. School stories. Self-management. First day of school. New experiences. IL Pres-3. Lexile 540. GR S.
Isabel and Her Colores Go To School KPI  
B 110566B 110566 Johonaa'ei: Bringer of Dawn
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Tsinajinnie, Veronica
Length: 32 Copyright: 2007

As Johonaa'ei, the sun, slowly rises, its gentle light and warmth wake the inhabitants of the desert, including a burrow of rabbits, asleepy coyote, and, perhaps, a family living in a hogan. Text is presented in Navajo & English. Bilingual story. Follett RL 4.2. RC 5.0. Lexile 840.
Johonaa'ei: Bringer of Dawn KP  
B 97494B 97494 Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction
Grade Lvl: T Author: VanPatten, Bill / Smith, Megan
Length: 212 Copyright: 2020

This highly accessible introductory textbook carefully explores the main issues that have driven the field of second language acquisition research. Intended for students with little or no background in linguistics or psycholinguistics, it explains important linguistic concepts, and how and why they are relevant to second language acquisition. Topics are presented via a 'key questions' structure that enables the reader to understand how these questions have motivated research in the field, and the problems to which researchers are seeking solutions. It provides a complete package for any introductory course on second language acquisition.
Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction T  
B 97568B 97568 Language at the Speed of Sight
Grade Lvl: T Author: Seidenberg, Mark
Length: 375 Copyright: 2018

Subtitle: How We Read, Why So Many Can't, and What Can Be Done About It. Understanding the science of reading is more important than ever for us, and for our children. Seidenberg helps us do so by drawing on cutting-edge research in machine learning, linguistics, and early childhood development. Language at the Speed of Sight offers an erudite and scathing examination of this most human of activities, and concrete proposals for how our society can produce better readers. Science of Reading. Professional Teaching - Literacy. Linguistics. Psychology. Whole language.
Language at the Speed of Sight T  
B 94722B 94722 Laughing Together
Grade Lvl: T Author: Walker, Barbara
Length: 108 Copyright: 1992

Subtitle: Giggles and Grins from Around the Globe. A collection of jokes, cartoons, riddles, rhymes, and short tales from around the world, with many jokes in the original language as well as English.
Laughing Together T  
B 127442B 127442 Le Chemin de Jada (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Nsafou, Laura
Length: 38 Copyright: 2020

French edition. Twins, however, they have a different skin color. During a game of hide and seek that lasts until nightfall, one of them discovers that her beauty is real even if she is not similar to her sister. An book on reconciliation, sisterhood and self-acceptance that takes up the codes of African tales. En français, Elles proposent ici une histoire de formation et de tolérance autour de deux soeurs jumelles à la teinte de peau de couleur pourtant différente. Au cours d'une partie de cache-cache prolongée jusqu'à la nuit tombée, celle à la peau plus foncée découvrira que sa beauté, sans être semblable à celle de sa soeur, est bien réelle. Une formidable histoire de réconciliation sur la sororité et l'acceptation de soi peu courante en littérature jeunesse. IL 1-4.
Le Chemin de Jada (French Edition) KPI  
B 127433B 127433 Like a Million Black Butterflies (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Nsafou, Laura
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

French Edition. Adé loves chocolate éclairs, butterflies and asking questions. She also has beautiful hair that some of her classmates make fun of, because it's so different to their own. With the help of her mother and her aunties, Adé will slowly discover the beauty of the butterflies sleeping on her head and learn to care for them and fly away. IL 1-4. Adé est une jolie petite fille à la peau noire, aux grands yeux bruns et aux cheveux crépus. Une chevelure magnifique et fournie, qui lui vaut néanmoins de nombreuses moqueries à l'école, les autres enfants lui disant notamment qu'ils ont l'impression qu'elle a « comme un million de papillons noirs sur la tête ». Adé aime les fleurs, les papillons, les éclairs au chocolat et poser des questions. Un jour qu'elle est en compagnie de sa mère et de ses tantes, elle les interroge donc sur ses cheveux sans cesse raillés. Grâce à elles, elle va découvrir en douceur la beauté de ces papillons endormis sur sa tête, jusqu'à leur envol final. Un ouvrage qui invite à la tolérance, l'acceptation de soi et vise à introduire un peu de diversité dans la littérature jeunesse.
Like a Million Black Butterflies (French Edition) KP  
B 114901B 114901 Little Treasures: Endearments From Around the World
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ogburn, Jacqueline K.
Length: 32 Copyright: 2011

Text in fourteen different languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic,and Hindi. Shares terms of endearment for children in England, America, Australia, France, Finland, Russia, Poland, Uganda, Brazil, Germany, Ethiopia, Slovak Republic, Chile, Argentina, etc. & includes pronunciations. Children Quotations, maxims, etc. Terms of endearment. IL Pres-3.
Little Treasures: Endearments From Around the World KP  
B 125692B 125692 Los Tres Reyes Magos: Colors=colores: A Bilingual Book of Colors
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rodriquez, Patty
Length: 22 Copyright: 2018

Teaches colors through the story of the birth of Jesus, and the three wise men who visit him in the stable. Text in English and Spanish. Board Book. Authentic language. Holidays and traditions. Bible stories. IL Pres-1.
Los Tres Reyes Magos: Colors=colores: A Bilingual Book of Colors KP  
B 125610B 125610 Marcus Vega Doesn't Speak Spanish
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Cartaya, Pablo
Length: 249 Copyright: 2018

Marcus Vega is six feet tall, 180 pounds, and the owner of a premature mustache. When you look like this and you're only in the eighth grade, you're both a threat and a target. After a fight at school leaves Marcus facing suspension, Marcus's mom decides it's time for a change of environment. She takes Marcus and his younger brother to Puerto Rico to spend a week with relatives they don't remember or have never met. But Marcus can't focus knowing that his father--who walked out of their lives ten years ago--is somewhere on the island. So begins Marcus's incredible journey, a series of misadventures that take him all over Puerto Rico in search of his elusive namesake. Marcus doesn't know if he'll ever find his father, but what he ultimately discovers changes his life. And he even learns a bit of Spanish along the way. Adventure. Hispanic American. Historical fiction. IL 5-9. AR 3.9. RC 4.3. Lexile 580. Iowa Teen Award 2021-2022.
Marcus Vega Doesn't Speak Spanish IJ  
B 92935B 92935 Mashallese-English Dictionary
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 589 Copyright: 1976

Contains almost 12,000 entries giving information on an estimated 30,000 Marshallese words. Includes grammatical information and illustrative sentences. A special section lists more than 4,000 place names in the Marshall Islands. Bilingual dictionary.
Mashallese-English Dictionary T  
B 127437B 127437 Mockingjay (French Edition, Book 3)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Collins, Suzanne
Length: 417 Copyright: 2011

French Edition. Katniss Everdeen, having survived the Hunger Games twice, learns she and her family and friends are in danger because the Capitol holds her responsible for the unrest and races against time to protect those she cares about and the people of District 12. Insurgency. From the series Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 3. IL 7-12. AR 5.3. RC 5.3. Lexile 800. GR Z. Contre toute attente, Katniss a survécu une seconde fois aux Hunger Games. Mais le Capitole crie vengeance. Katniss doit payer les humiliations qu'elle lui a fait subir. Et le président Snow a été très clair: Katniss n'est pas la seule à risquer sa vie. Sa famille, ses amis et tous les anciens habitants du district Douze sont visés par la colère sanglante du pouvoir. Pour sauver les siens, Katniss doit redevenir le geai moqueur, le symbole de la rébellion. Quel que soit le prix à payer.
Mockingjay (French Edition, Book 3) JS  
B 85649B 85649 More Simple Signs
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Wheeler, Cindy
Length: 32 Copyright: 1998

Teaches twenty-nine signs from American Sign Language with illustrations and useful hints for remembering them.
More Simple Signs PI  
B 125676B 125676 My Colors = Mis colores
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Emberley, Rebecca
Length: 22 Copyright: 2000

With colorful pictures, the words for several colors are presented in Spanish and English. Board Book. Bilingual. Juvenile nonfiction. IL Pres-K.
My Colors = Mis colores KP  
B 120369B 120369 My Language, Your Language
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bullard, Lisa
Length: 24 Copyright: 2015

Explores the ways that various languages can be alike and different. Camila, a new girl in Romelie's class, is teaching Spanish to Romelie. Romelie wonders what other languages people speak and how they differ. From the Cloverleaf Books series Alike And Different. AR 3.0 RC 1.4 Lexile 430 GR level K IL K-3.
My Language, Your Language KP  
Length: 48 Copyright: 1999

Tells the story of the Rosetta, Stone, a stone found in Egypt in 1799 that proved to be the key to understanding the hieroglyphic script of the Ancient Egyptains. AR level 6.1. Follett RL 7.0.
B 100968B 100968 Navajo ABC: A Dine Alphabet Book
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Tapahonso, Luci
Length: 30 Copyright: 1999

Picture book introduces readers to the alphabet, while teaching about words and items important to the Navajo people. Follett RL 1.5 IL Pres-1.
Navajo ABC: A Dine Alphabet Book KP  
B 127366B 127366 Nieve en la jungla = Snow in the Jungle
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Hofmann-Maniyar, Ariane
Length: 32 Copyright: 2021

When Snow's mother tells her that they're going to move to an exciting new place, Snow isn't so sure. She likes her home and her friends, and the fun they have together. The journey takes forever, and their new home is very strange. Everything is different - the weather, the food, the people and the language. Will anything happen to help Snow feel more at home? Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Animal story. Spanish language. IL K-4.
Nieve en la jungla = Snow in the Jungle KPI  
B 125534B 125534 One is a Pinata: A Book of Numbers
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Thong, Roseanne
Length: 40 Copyright: 2019

In rhyming text, Hispanic children count items that can be seen in their neighborhood, such as pinatas, bubbles, and kites. Numbers in English and Spanish. Includes Spanish words throughout. Holiday stories. Counting. Includes glossary. Story in verse. IL K-3. Lexile 460. GR L.
One is a Pinata: A Book of Numbers KP  
KM 13077KM 13077 PEAK Relational Training System
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Evidence-Based Autism Assessment and Treatment. There are currently 4 modules in the PEAK Relational Training System. Each module focuses on a different way that people learn new skills and information. These modules are the most important part of the PEAK Relational Training System. Research has shown that using all four of the modules simultaneously can lead to the most skill acquisition, as well as in other measures of intellectual and cognitive functioning. Kit includes the combo pack of 4 modules: Direct Training Module, Generalization Module, Equivalence Module, and Transformation Module. Professional kit.
PEAK Relational Training System T  
KM 7627KM 7627 Pesca Letras
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Teaches Spanish language. Seven games challenge children age 3+ to find letters by name or sound, spell three-letter words, and create words. Includes musical tunes and silly character voices. Requires 3 AA batteries (included).
Pesca Letras K  
B 91126B 91126 Pictures That Teach Words
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 20 Copyright: 1992

Picture dictionary contains 20 lessons on blackline masters. Each lesson includes teacher's notes, lessons and a 7-language dictionary (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, and Vietnamese).
Pictures That Teach Words T  
B 125605B 125605 Pie in the Sky
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Lai, Remy
Length: 380 Copyright: 2019

Knowing very little English, eleven-year-old Jingwen feels like an alien when his family immigrates to Australia, but copes with loneliness and the loss of his father by baking elaborate cakes. Realistic fiction. Humor. IL 4-8. AR 4.5.
Pie in the Sky IJ  
KM 13322KM 13322 Pie in the Sky (Playaway)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Lai, Remy
Length: 380 Copyright: 2019

Knowing very little English, eleven-year-old Jingwen feels like an alien when his family immigrates to Australia, but copes with loneliness and the loss of his father by baking elaborate cakes. Playaway, book and a 5-way splitter. Playaway run time: 6 hours. IL 4-8. AR 4.5. RC 4.4. Lexile 720.
Pie in the Sky (Playaway) IJ  
B 66781B 66781 Pinatas & Paper Flowers: Holidays of the Americas
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Perl, Lila
Length: 91 Copyright: 1983

The complete title is: Pinatas and Paper Flowers: Holidays Of the Americas In English and Spanish. Perl takes a look at eight Hispanic holidays in a bilingual volume that has the English text and its Spanish translation on facing pages: New Year; Three King's Day; Carnival and Easter; St John the Baptist Day; Columbus Day; Halloween; Festival of the Sun; Christmas. Bilingual text. IL 4-9.
Pinatas & Paper Flowers: Holidays of the Americas IJ  
KM 9335KM 9335 Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: All About Me (BB)
Grade Lvl: KPIJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Collection of 50 color-coded photo cards (4.5"x5.75"). Card backs cover 14 languages with pronunciations (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Tagalog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi). Categories: How I Look; Healthy Habits; Keeping Safe; My Body; and Family. Poster pack consists of 15 photographic posters (11"x16") featuring young children. Backs of the posters have vocabulary words, discussion questions and activities. The language development posters and cards help English language learners acquire new words, build language skills, and contribute to classroom discussion about feelings, safety and health practices, etc.
Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: All About Me (BB) KPIJ  
KM 9349KM 9349 Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: Around Our Comm (BB)
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Collection of 50 color-coded photo cards (4.5"x5.75"). Card backs cover 14 languages with pronunciations (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Tagalog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi). Categories: Hospital; Fire Station; Police Station; Supermarket; and Post Office. Poster pack consists of 15 photographic posters (11"x16") feature community helpers (barber, doctor, policeman, builders, waitress) and places in the community (library, grocery store, fire station, playground, gas station, airport). Backs of the posters have vocabulary words, discussion questions, and activities. The language development posters and cards help English language learners acquire new words, build language skills, and participate in discussions.
Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: Around Our Comm (BB) KPIJS  
KM 9338KM 9338 Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib(BB): Animals
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Collection of 50 color-coded photo cards (4.5"x5.75"). Card backs cover 14 languages with pronunciations (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Taglog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi). Categories: Sea Life; Mammals; Pets; Spiders and Insects; and Birds. Poster pack consists of 15 photographic posters (11"x16") that feature familiar animals such as gorillas, penguins, frog, eagle, squirrel, camels, kangaroos, etc. Backs of the posters have vocabulary words, discussion questions, and activities. The language development posters and cards help English language learners acquire new words, build language skills, and contribute to classroom discussions.
Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib(BB): Animals KPIJS  
KM 9350KM 9350 Posters & Photo Card Lib: Foods (BB)
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Collection of 50 color-coded photo cards (4.5"x5.75"). Card backs cover 14 languages with pronunciations (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Taglog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi). Categories: Vegetables; Fruit; Meat, Beans, & Nuts; Grains; and Dairy. Poster pack consists of 15 photographic posters (11"x16") featuring foods from around the world. Backs of the posters have vocabulary words, discussion questions and activities. The language development posters and cards help English language learners acquire new words, build language skills, and participate in discussions/conversations about meals and foods.
Posters & Photo Card Lib: Foods (BB) KPIJS  
B 97299B 97299 PPLAC: Pretend Play and Language Assessment and Curriculum
Grade Lvl: T Author: Champlin, Nancy / Schissler, Melissa
Length: 233 Copyright: 2018

The PPLAC is designed as a criterion-referenced tool to assess play skills and language acquisition of children ages 2-7 and provide a behaviorally-based curriculum to establish or expand a child's pretend play repertoire. The PPLAC was developed from extensive review of the research on the developmental sequence of play, language acquisition and behavioral interventions. Additionally, data were collected and analyzed from research conducted at ACI Learning Centers' on the developmental sequence of play and the implementation of the PPLAC to formulate this assessment and curriculum tool.
PPLAC: Pretend Play and Language Assessment and Curriculum T  
B 127320B 127320 Red Queen (French Edition, Book 1)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Aveyard, Victoria
Length: 432 Copyright: 2015

Text in French. In a world divided by blood--those with common, Red blood serve the Silver-blooded elite, who are gifted with superhuman abilities--seventeen-year-old Mare, a Red, discovers she has an ability of her own. To cover up this impossibility, the king forces her to play the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons. But Mare risks everything and uses her new position to help the Scarlet Guard--a growing Red rebellion--even as her heart tugs her in an impossible direction. Classed society. Ability- Fiction. Dystopian. Government, Resistance to- Fiction. AR 5.2 RC 4.5 Lexile 740 IL 9-12. Iowa High School Award 2017-2018. Dans le royaume de Norta, la couleur de votre sang décide du cours de votre existence. Sous l’égide de la famille royale, les Argents, doués de pouvoirs hors du commun, règnent sur les Rouges, simples mortels, qui servent d’esclaves ou de chair à canon. Mare Barrow, une Rouge de dix-sept ans, tente de survivre dans une société qui la traite comme une moins que rien. Quand elle révèle sans le vouloir des pouvoirs extraordinaires et insoupçonnés, sa vie change du tout au tout. Enfermée dans le palais royal d’Archeon et promise à un prince argent, elle va devoir apprendre à déjouer les intrigues de la cour, à maîtriser un don qui la dépasse, et à reconnaître ses ennemis, pour faire valoir l’indépendance de son peuple.
Red Queen (French Edition, Book 1) JS  
B 96458B 96458 Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning, Second Edition: Teaching English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gibbons, Pauline
Length: 260 Copyright: 2015

Explains how to teach English as a second language within the regular curriculum, showing how to incorporate reading and writing into content areas and discussing scaffolding language- and content-learning.
Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning, Second Edition: Teaching Englis T  
KM 8949KM 8949 See It! Say It! Word Rings
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Contains six sets of word rings (School, My Body, Clothes, Emotions, Colors & Shapes, and Action Words). Each ring includes 20 photo cards with an English word on the front and the word in 13 different languages on the back (Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Tagalog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi) with pronunciations.
See It! Say It! Word Rings KPIJS  
B 104428B 104428 Sequoyah: Cherokee Man Who Gave His People Writing
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Rumford, James
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004

Biography of Sequoyah, a member of the Cherokee nation who was born in the 1760s in eastern Tennessee and who developed the first written alphabet and language for the Cherokee people. Concludes with syllabary. Bilingual text. Presented in English and Cherokee. AR 3.7. Follett RL 2.9. RC 3.9. Lexile 700. GR level M.
Sequoyah: Cherokee Man Who Gave His People Writing KPI  
B 105450B 105450 Sign Language for Kids
Grade Lvl: I Author: Heller, Lora
Length: 96 Copyright: 2004

Subtitle: A Fun and Easy Guide to American Sign Language. Color photos illustrate sign language for numbers, letters, colors, feelings, animals, and clothes.
Sign Language for Kids I  
B 73434B 73434 Sign Language Talk
Grade Lvl: JST Author: GREENE, LAURA
Length: 95 Copyright: 1989

Examines the fundamental differences between written and spoken English and American sign language and includes instructions for using sign language.
Sign Language Talk JST  
B 127441B 127441 Six of Crows (French Edition, Book 1)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Bardugo, Leigh
Length: 559 Copyright: 2021

French Edition. Six dangerous outcasts must learn to work together after they are offered an impossible heist that can save the world from destruction. Robbers and outlaws- Fiction. AR 5.5 RC 7.2 Lexile 790 IL 9-12. Iowa High School Award 2018-2019.
Six of Crows (French Edition, Book 1) JS  
B 127365B 127365 Somos como las nubes = We Are Like the Clouds
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Argueta, Jorge
Length: 36 Copyright: 2016

Poems explore the lives of children fleeing their homes in Central America, sometimes alone, to seek refuge in the United States. Text in English and Spanish.;Translated from the Spanish. Authentic language. Bilingual. Refugees. Unaccompaniied refugee children. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. IL 3-8. RC 4.1.
Somos como las nubes = We Are Like the Clouds PIJ  
KM 12067KM 12067 Songs From the Baobab: African Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes (Book & Music CD)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

A picture book of illustrated African rhymes and lullabies, with twenty nine audio recordings on CD (48 minutes). Eleven languages are represented, such as Lingala, Bambara, Mina, Susu, and Sango, among others. Native speakers perform these tunes collected by Chantal Grosleziat. Some songs are performed a cappella and some are accompanied by traditional instruments such as berimbau, sanza, reed flute, kora, or xylophone. Includes notes on the origin and cultural context of each song. IL Pres-3.
Songs From the Baobab: African Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes (Book & Music CD) KP  
B 97493B 97493 Sorry No English: 50 Tips to Improve Your Communication with Speakers of Limited English
Grade Lvl: T Author: Storti, Craig
Length: 188 Copyright: 2022

Text offers 50 practical tools to help individuals become aware of and adapt English language to positively impact exchanges with limited-English speakers. Conversationalists can increase the chances of a satisfying outcome for native speakers and for the limited-English speakers they're trying to serve.
Sorry No English: 50 Tips to Improve Your Communication with Speakers of Li T  
KM 13104KM 13104 Spanish English Activity Pockets - Phrases
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Our quick and easy card activities boost Spanish and English vocabulary skills—with every match students make. With 8 different topics: weather, outdoors, animals, park, classroom, home, the cards feature student-friendly images to help identify. Students simply match up the illustrated cards…then read the phrases in both English and Spanish. The set includes 8 pockets with 128 activity cards and a guide. Pockets measure 6" wide. Develops skills in identifying words and using frequently occurring adjectives. IL 2-12.
Spanish English Activity Pockets - Phrases PIJS  
KM 13126KM 13126 Spanish English Activity Pockets - Sentences
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Our quick and easy card activities boost Spanish and English vocabulary skills—with every match students make. With 8 different topics: zoo, store, park, restaurant, outdoors, home, community, and classroom. The cards feature student-friendly images that to help identify concepts. Students simply match up the illustrated cards…then read the words in both English and Spanish. The set includes 8 pockets with 160 activity cards and a guide. Pockets measure 6" wide. Develops skills in identifying words and using frequently occurring prepositions. IL 2-12.
Spanish English Activity Pockets - Sentences PIJS  
KM 13127KM 13127 Spanish English Activity Pockets - Words
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Our quick and easy card activities boost Spanish and English vocabulary skills—with every match students make! With 8 different topics: clothing, feelings, parts of the body, animals, food, shapes, colors, and classroom, the cards feature student-friendly images to help identify terms. Students simply match up the illustrated cards…then read the words, phrases or sentences in both English and Spanish. The set includes 8 pockets with 160 activity cards and a guide. Pockets measure 6" wide. Develops skills in identifying and building vocabulary words. IL 1-12
Spanish English Activity Pockets - Words KPIJS  
B 128366B 128366 Spanish is the Language of My Family
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Genhart, Michael
Length: 40 Copyright: 2023

An intergenerational story of family ties, cultural pride, and spelling bee victory following a young boy who bonds with his beloved abuela over a love of Spanish. Family story. School story. Hispanic/Latino. Grandmothers. Spanish language. Spelling bee. IL Pres-3.
Spanish is the Language of My Family KP  
KM 13683KM 13683 Spanish-English Building Language Photo Library
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Our vocabulary-building cards have full-color photos on front and corresponding Spanish words on back—complete with English translations. The 270 cards are organized into 10 essential themes—from colors and shapes to animals, food and more. Spanish language. English language. IL Pres-12.
Spanish-English Building Language Photo Library KPIJST  
B 116849B 116849 Speak Up, Tommy!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Greene, Jacqueline Dembar
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

Tommy, who recently moved to America from Israel, is teased because he does not know English well and so does not speak loudly, but when a police officer visits Tommy's class with a police dog that only understands Hebrew, friendship blooms. AR 3.1 IL Pres-3.
Speak Up, Tommy! KP  
KM 90088KM 90088 STAR Program: Levels I, II, and III (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

The STAR Program (Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research) offers ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) instructional methods of discrete trial training, pivotal response training and teaching functional routines. These foundations form the instructional base of this comprehensive program for children with autism.The STAR Program includes detailed lesson plans, teaching materials, data systems and a curriculum-based assessment for teaching in the six curricular areas of receptive language, expressive language, spontaneous language, functional routines, academics, and play & social skills. Each level is in it's own sturdy storage box. Also includes a Penny Token Board Kit that can be used with each level. This kit is intended to be a preview curriculum kit. AEA Staff will check out and demonstrate for schools to purchase. Restricted to AEA Special Education Staff. Four week loan period.
STAR Program: Levels I, II, and III (2 Parts) T  
B 127341B 127341 Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey = Hasa al-turuqat: rihalah a'a'ilah laji'ih
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Ruurs, Margriet
Length: 28 Copyright: 2016

In this picture book, a young girl and her family are forced to flee their village to escape the civil war that has engulfed Syria and make their way toward freedom in Europe. Syrian refugees. Also KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Picture book for older readers. Text in Arabic and English; Translation of: Stepping stones. IL 3-6. AR 3.2. RC 3.8. Lexile 480. GR S.
Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey = Hasa al-turuqat: rihalah a'a' PI  
B 127392B 127392 Sun is Also a Star (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Yoon, Nicola
Length: 400 Copyright: 2017

French Edition. Natasha is a girl who believes in science and facts. Daniel has always been a good son and good student. But when he sees Natasha he forgets all that and believes there is something extraordinary in store for both of them. Written in alternating first-person narrations. Fate and fatalism- Fiction. Romance fiction. 2017 John Steptoe Award & Michael L. Printz Honor Book. AR 4.7 RC 4.7 Lexile 650 IL 8-12. Iowa High School Award 2018-2019. Daniel, 18 ans, est fils de Coréens immigrés à New York. L'année prochaine, il intègrera certainement la prestigieuse université de Yale. Natasha, 17 ans, est arrivée de la Jamaïque dix ans auparavant. Ce soir, elle quittera peut-être les États-Unis pour toujours. Il croit à la poésie et à l'amour. Elle croit à la science et aux faits explicables.Ils ont 12 heures pour se rencontrer, se connaître, et s'aimer. Au-delà des différences.
Sun is Also a Star (French Edition) JS  
B 103920B 103920 Sweet Corn and Sushi
Grade Lvl: PI Author: ERICKSON, LORI
Length: 28 Copyright: 2004

True story about the friendship between the people of Iowa and the people of the prefecture of Yamanashi. Relates the story of how Iowans helped by airlifting hogs to Yamanashi, Japan, after a typhoon distroyed the hog population there in 1959. In 1960 Iowa and Yamanashi became sister states. Iowa author Lori Erickson explains how the friendship has grown over the years since then. Outlines the differences and similarities of the two peoples. Book is also translated into Japanese.
Sweet Corn and Sushi PI  
B 127321B 127321 Tale of Despereaux (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: DiCamillo, Kate
Length: 276 Copyright: 2008

French Edition. The story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread. The adventures of Despereaux Tilling, a small mouse of unusual talents, the princess that he loves, the servant girl who longs to be a princess, and a devious rat determined to bring them all to ruin. AR 4.7. Follett RL 4.1. RC 4.8. Lexile 670. 2004 Newbery Medal Winner. IL 4-8. Despereaux, une minuscule souris aux oreilles démesurées n'écoute que son courage afin de délivrer une princesse, dont il est amoureux, des griffes d'un méchant rat et de sa complice.
Tale of Despereaux (French Edition) IJ  
KM 12995KM 12995 Talking Hands Sign Language (11 Book Set)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Thornborough, Kathy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Learning any language, either spoken or manual, begins with vocabulary acquisition. This series offers readers a basic introduction to American Sign Language and features common words and signs from a broad range of subject areas. Photo cues combined with simple illustrations and descriptive captions help readers begin learning signs. Informative sidebars enhance the text. These unique books help children broaden their communication horizons and expand their language skills. Titles in the kit include: Animals, Colors and Shapes, Days and Times, Family and Friends, Feelings and Emotions, Food, Greetings and Phrases, Questions and Answers, School, Seasons, Weather and Work. Set of 11 books in kit. IL Pres-6.
Talking Hands Sign Language (11 Book Set) KP  
B 92219B 92219 Talking With Your Hands, Listening With Your Eyes
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Grayson, Gabriel
Length: 373 Copyright: 2003

Photos and descriptions explain how to communicate 1,700 words and phrases in American Sign Language, covering 16 categories including actions, relationships, home and clothing, and emotions.
Talking With Your Hands, Listening With Your Eyes ST  
B 86635B 86635 Ten
Grade Lvl: K Author: Haring, Keith
Length: 14 Copyright: 1998

Title: 10. Board book. The numbers from one to ten are illustrated with numerals and the corresponding number of stylized figures. The word for the number is offered in English, Spanish, French, and German.
Ten K  
KM 13007KM 13007 Tiempo de jugar (Play Time)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

These books feature kid-favorite leisure activities, promoting concepts of teamwork, kindness, and cooperation. Set of 8 Spanish books. Titles include: Escondite (Hide and Seek); Tenemos Una Caja (We Have a Box); Aun No! (Not Yet!); Haciendo Un Muneco De Nieve (Building a Snowman); Mi Deporte Favorito (My Favorite Sport); Que Esta Haciendo Sam? (What is Sam Making?); Que Puedo Hacer? (What Can I Make?); Rex Malo! (Bad Rex!). IL Pres-3.
Tiempo de jugar (Play Time) KP  
KM 7629KM 7629 Toca el Tambor (Learning Drum)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Spanish language learning toy. Interactive drum introduces babies and toddlers to the Spanish alphabet and counting 1-10. For children 6 months and older. Requires 3 AA batteries (included). Includes instructions in both English and Spanish.
Toca el Tambor (Learning Drum) K  
B 125897B 125897 Tow Trucks = Grúas
Grade Lvl: K Author: Jackson, Lisa
Length: 12 Copyright: 2020

What comes to the rescue in an emergency? A tow truck! Explore facts about these fascinating vehicles in both Spanish and English. Little Ready Readers: Emergency Vehicles (Bilingual Spanish-English). Board Book. IL Pres-K.
Tow Trucks = Grúas K  
B 127435B 127435 Turtles All the Way Down (French Edition)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Green, John
Length: 374 Copyright: 2019

French Edition. Tortues à l'infini. It’s quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see. Sixteen-year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there’s a hundred-thousand-dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Russell Pickett’s son, Davis. Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts. Coming of age. Young adult. IL 9-12. Iowa High School Award, 2019-2020. Prise dans la spirale vertigineuse de ses pensées obsessionnelles, Aza, seize ans, n'avait pas l'intention d'enquêter sur la disparition du milliardaire Russell Pickett. Mais c'était compter sans Daisy, sa meilleure amie, et une récompense de cent mille dollars. Aza renoue alors avec le fils Pickett, Davis. L'improbable trio trouvera en chemin d'autres mystères et d'autres vérités, celles de la résilience, de l'amour et de l'amitié indéfectible.
Turtles All the Way Down (French Edition) JS  
B 84472B 84472 Unbreakable Code
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hunter, Sara
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996

Because John is afraid to leave the Navajo Reservation, his grandfather explains to him how the Navajo language, faith, and ingenuity helped win World War II. Navajo Code talkers. Picture book for older readers. AR 4.2. Follett RL 3.5.
Unbreakable Code PI  
KM 12722KM 12722 Welcome Newcomers: Survival Vocabulary Cards
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

The survival vocabulary cards are designed to aid vocabulary acquisition, a critical component for newcomer students. Helps secondary students develop conversational language skills. Pack of 140 cards has 10 words for each of the 14 topics, which include American Culture, Citizenship, Community Services, Finding and Keeping a Job, Food and Meals, Grooming, Health Resources, Managing Money, Money Basics, A New Home, School Basics, School Expectations, Transportation, and Weather and Natural Disasters. One side of the double-sided card has the vocabulary word with brief description and the opposite side has a full-color photo. Reading level is 1.6 to 2.5; Lexile is 150-290L. Kit for YA contains 140 cards.
Welcome Newcomers: Survival Vocabulary Cards JS  
KM 13693KM 13693 What's Inside? Sensory Box
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

Guess what's inside box is packed with 10 different sensory objects for kids to feel and explore. Early learners use their touch sense to guess the soft objects inside, like a pretty butterfly with crinkly wings, a cute lion with a corduroy coat, a shiny frog to squeak and more. IL Pres-K.
What's Inside? Sensory Box K  
B 96840B 96840 When They Don't All Speak English
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rigg, Pat
Length: 176 Copyright: 1989

Collection of essays that outline principles and techniques for working effectively with language-minority students in the classroom.
When They Don't All Speak English T  
B 104357B 104357 Where Are You Going? To See My Friend!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Carle, Eric
Length: 29 Copyright: 2003

A dog, on its way to visit a friend, is joined by a cat, a rooster, a goat, and a rabbit. An English version of the story illustrated by Eric Carle begins the book, while a Japanese version illustrated by Karuo Iwamura begins on the back page and both work toward the middle where they meet with a song. Bilingual picture book is told in dialogue, with rebuslike symbols used to identify speakers. Japanese title: Doko e iju no? Tomodachi ni ai ni! Follett RL 2.0. IL Pres-2.
Where Are You Going? To See My Friend! KP