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14 Items were found
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KM 11506KM 11506 Arc Welding Procedures and Safety
Grade Lvl: ST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

Assortment of materials to supplement welding instruction from safety to how-to and teacher instructional support. Published/produced by Lincoln Electric Company. Includes books/booklets, DVDs, and CD-ROMs. Four-week loan period.
Arc Welding Procedures and Safety ST  
B 97510B 97510 Collaboration for Career and Technical Education: Teamwork Beyond the Core Content Areas in a PLC at Work
Grade Lvl: T Author: Custable, Wendy / Farmer, Paul C
Length: 176 Copyright: 2020

A guide for readers who wish to integrate the PLC process into their CTE programs of study. The authors note that CTE teachers are often singleton teachers and, as a result, are often left out of the collaborative process, if they have access to one at all. The PLC system has numerous proven benefits that CTE teachers can use to develop their students' knowledge, develop rigorous academic standards and best practices, and best prepare their students for their lives post graduation. Consequently, these CTE educators need a PLC system that is structured uniquely for their situation and their fields of study. Key to developing a professional learning community consisting of multiple singleton teachers is learning how to focus on what all of these educators' fields of study have in common. Therefore, the authors provide all of the information these educators will need to define their clarity of purpose, discover their common denominators, and build a powerful collaborative process. Using this book, CTE educators and singleton teachers will learn the vital strategies necessary for team building and improvement and the creation of customizable collaborative processes.
Collaboration for Career and Technical Education: Teamwork Beyond the Core T  
B 103121B 103121 Cool Careers/For People Who Love to Build Things
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: PAIGE, JOY
Length: 144 Copyright: 2002

Complete title: Cool Careers Without College for People Who Love to Build Things. Provides information on training, salary, and future outlook. Includes: plumber, carpenter, sculptor, construction worker, auto mechanic, gardener, doll maker, tool and die maker, shoe industry worker, electrician, jeweler and jewelry repairer, tailor and dressmaker, Artisans. Skilled labor. Journey Workers. AR level 7.8. Follett RL 6.0.
Cool Careers/For People Who Love to Build Things IJS  
Length: 144 Copyright: 2004

Complete title: Cool Careers Without College for People Who Love to Fix Things. Explores the job descriptions, education and training requirements, salary, and outlook predictions for 12 careers that focus on repair work and do not require college education. Repairing/Building Trades. Includes: auto body repair technician; aviation technologist; concrete mason; roofer; lineworker; elevator constructor and repairer; historic preservationist; motorcycle mechanic; horologist; heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) technician; computer repair technician; and upholsterer. Follett RL 6.8.
KM 13761KM 13761 Craft to Career Book Set
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

This series examines the tools and techniques needed to make crafting a career. Each title explores a different industrial art form. Step-by-step projects allow makers to build skills, and a DIY section provides aspirational creations. Career paths in the featured art form are examined, as well as ways young crafters can use their skills to earn money now. Kit includes a set of 6 books including: Crafting with Wood; Creating with Ceramics; Designing with Graphic Arts; Designing with Textiles; Engineering with Circuits; Making with Metal. Arts & Crafts. Career and college. Makerspace. Vocational guidance and education. IL 4-8.
Craft to Career Book Set IJ  
DVD 1254DVD 1254 Driving the Best Deal: Complete Auto Buying Guide
Grade Lvl: S Author:
Length: 42 Copyright: 2003

A comprehensive guide to automobile purchasing. Outlines seven steps for effectively buying a new or used car or truck, financing, trading, and leasing. Explains used car price guides, such as Kelly Blue Book, and explains how it can help buyers make purchase decisions. Reveals tricks unscrupulous dealers and salesmen may use to sell you a car and to devalue the car you want to trade-in. Examines the relationship between the dealer and the manufacturer. Lists expected profit margins in various styles of car, both imports and domestic. Shows the advantages and disadvatages of leasing and how financing works. Provides advice on negotiating a purchase, and discusses front end and back end costs. Trailers, charts, graphs, and other graphic help emphasize important points. 42 minutes. One-week loan period.
Driving the Best Deal: Complete Auto Buying Guide S  
B 124631B 124631 Inventors of Industrial Technology
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Morrison, Heather S
Length: 144 Copyright: 2016

An introduction to industrial technology and its inventors from Leo Baekeland, inventor of plastic, to Elias Howe, developer of the sewing machine. Inventions. Inventors. Series nonfiction: Designing Engineering Solutions. IL 6-12.
Inventors of Industrial Technology JS  
KM 90049KM 90049 Miller Mobile Arc VR Welding System
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 2021 Copyright: 2022

A virtual reality welding simulation tool designed to attract, engage and introduce students to welding through a hands-on augmented reality experience. This kit is not available for summer checkout. Checkout restricted to Keystone AEA Instructional Services Staff and LEA CTE staff, including LEA School Counselors. IL 6-12.
Miller Mobile Arc VR Welding System IJS  
KM 12793KM 12793 Modern Hydronic Heating: For Residential and Light Commercial Buildings (Go Green with Renewable Energy Resources) 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Siegenthaler, John
Length: 752 Copyright: 2011

From simple applications to multi-load / multi-temperature systems, learn how to use the newest and most appropriate hydronic heating methods and hardware to create system the deliver the ultimate in heating comfort, reliability, and energy efficiency. Heavily illustrated with product and installation photos, and hundreds of detailed full-color schematics, MODERN HYDRONIC HEATING, 3rd EDITION is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive reference on hydronic heating for the present and future. It transforms engineering-level design information into practical tools that can be used by technical students and heating professional alike. This revised edition features the latest design and installation techniques for residential and light commercial hydronic systems including use of renewable energy heat sources, hydraulic separation, smart circulators, distribution efficiency, thermal accumulators, mixing methods, heat metering, and web-enabled control methods. Everyone involved in the heating trade will benefit from this preeminent resource of the North American heating industry. It is well-suited for use in a formal education course, self-study, or as an on the job reference. Contains textbook and answer CD.
Modern Hydronic Heating: For Residential and Light Commercial Buildings (Go T  
B 97343B 97343 Overview of Career and Technical Education, Fifth Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Scott, John L
Length: 538 Copyright: 2014

This teacher education book addresses legislation related to career and technical education (CTE), career readiness, credentialing systems, CTE program trends, information about career clusters, an overview of common core standards, and information on career and technical student organizations (CTSOs).
Overview of Career and Technical Education, Fifth Edition T  
KM 13570KM 13570 Pattern Play: Bright Colors
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Use these brightly-colored blocks in varying shapes and the pattern cards to introduce significant math concepts like sorting, matching, symmetry, congruence and fractions. With 40 beautiful pattern cards and beautifully colored wooden blocks, Pattern Play Bright Colors allows both students and adults to create beautiful works of art over and over again. Kit includes: 40 wood blocks in 10 vibrant colors, a square wood building tray, 40 pattern cards. IL 1-6.
Pattern Play: Bright Colors PI  
B 97503B 97503 PLC in CTE
Grade Lvl: T Author: Adams, Sandra
Length: 116 Copyright: 2021

The power of professional learning communities to create thriving cultures of achievement within career and technical education. This book highlights how CTE experiences allow students and adult learners alike to realize new potential within themselves. The answer lies in teacher-driven change. Dr. Adams contends that in order to build efficacy in students, CTE teachers need support to build their own efficacy around instruction. PLC in CTE details how adult learners strengthen both individual and collective efficacy as educators—following the PLC frameworks of inquiry, research and the science of learning. Adult learners learn best when they transition between individual reflection and small group collaborative sessions. We need collaboration around high evidence-based instructional practices that embody career and technical experiences.
PLC in CTE T  
B 97560B 97560 Power of Place: Authentic Learning Through Place-Based Education
Grade Lvl: T Author: Vander Ark, Tom / Liebtag, Emily
Length: 155 Copyright: 2020

"Place: it's where we're from; it's where we're going. . . . It asks for our attention and care. If we pay attention, place has much to teach us." This belief is a foundation of, The Power of Place. The text offers a comprehensive and compelling case for making communities the locus of learning for students of all ages and backgrounds. Dispelling the notion that place-based education is an approach limited to those who can afford it, the authors describe how schools in diverse contexts—urban and rural, public and private—have adopted place-based programs as a way to better engage students and attain three important goals of education: student agency, equity, and community.
Power of Place: Authentic Learning Through Place-Based Education T  
KM 9787KM 9787 Welding Defects Classroom Kit (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014

RealCareer™ Weld Defects Kit teaches welding students how to identify and correct common weld defects. This portable, lightweight kit contains 13 plastic models, 12 of which depict the most common defects that can occur when welding and one that depicts a quality weld. Hands-on teaching tool and curriculum helps students understand how weld defects occur and how to address them by correcting both their machine and their technique. Checkout restricted to AEA Staff and Career and Technical Education Educators. IL 7-12.
Welding Defects Classroom Kit (2 Parts) JS