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35 Items were found
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B 115418B 115418 Altered
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Rush, Jennifer
Length: 323 Copyright: 2013

Seventeen-year-old Anna finds herself on the run from her father's enigmatic Agency, along with the four teen boys the Agency had been experimenting on, as they try to make sense of erased memories, secret identities, and genetic alteration. Runaways Fiction. Genetic engineering Fiction. Memory Fiction. Identity Fiction. Fathers and daughters Fiction. Thriller. IL 7-12.
Altered JS  
B 109066B 109066 America Debates Genetic DNA Testing
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Boskey, Elizabeth
Length: 64 Copyright: 2008

Discusses the debate over genetic DNA testing, presenting differing views on prenatal and adult testing. Genetic screening. From the series America Debates. AR 6.3. Follett RL 7.0.
America Debates Genetic DNA Testing IJS  
B 114423B 114423 Billions of Years, Amazing Changes: The Story of Evolution
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Pringle, Laurence
Length: 102 Copyright: 2011

Describes evolution and the history of the study of evolution. Brings together research from a variety of scientific disiplines to explain natural selection. AR 7.5. RC 6.5. Lexile 1000, IL 5-8.
Billions of Years, Amazing Changes: The Story of Evolution IJ  
B 122582B 122582 Bioluminescence: Nature and Science at Work
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Zimmer, Marc
Length: 72 Copyright: 2016

Offers information on bioluminescence, a unique adaptation found in the animal kingdom, and scientific and medical uses of the green fluorescent protein genes that make it possible, including tracking body processes and the progress of disease. AR 8.6 RC 12.9 Lexile 1250 IL 6-12.
Bioluminescence: Nature and Science at Work IJS  
B 116763B 116763 Biotech Research
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: George, Charles / George, Linda
Length: 96 Copyright: 2012

An introduction to the field of biotech research, focusing on the process by which scientists learn and where that knowledge takes them, with anecdotes and direct quotations. Genetic engineering. Gene therapy. DNA. Growing organs & tissues. Biofuels. Nanotechnology. From the series Inside Science. IL 6-12.
Biotech Research IJS  
B 110531B 110531 Bones, Brains and DNA
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Tattersall, Ian
Length: 47 Copyright: 2007

Subtitle: The Human Genome and Human Evolution. Two museum mice presents an illustrated science book about human origins and evolution and the development of language, music, art, and the use of tools.
Bones, Brains and DNA IJ  
B 125441B 125441 Cats: Nature and Nurture (Science Comics)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Hirsch, Andy
Length: 119 Copyright: 2019

Meet feline friends from the tiniest kodkod to the biggest tiger and find out what makes your neighborhood domestic cats so special. Equipped with teeth, claws, and camouflage to survive everywhere from deserts to mountaintops, how did these ferocious felines make the leap from predators to playmates and are they even done leaping? Nonfiction series: Science Comics. IL 3-8.
Cats: Nature and Nurture (Science Comics) IJ  
B 109687B 109687 Cell Division & Genetics
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Snedden, Robert
Length: 48 Copyright: 2008

Looks at cells as life's building blocks, focusing on cell division and genetics, explaining what happens when cells divide, exploring the relationship among chromosomes, genes, and DNA, and discussing reproduction and how traits are passed down through generations. From the series Cells & Life. Follett RL 8.8.
Cell Division & Genetics IJS  
B 121241B 121241 Cloning
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Henneberg, Susan
Length: 51 Copyright: 2015

An introduction to cloning that explains the science behind cloning cells, people, and animals and discusses its medical, legal, and ethical ramifications. Red Rhino Nonfiction. Lexile 50 IL 4-8.
Cloning IJ  
B 121937B 121937 DNA
Grade Lvl: I Author: Conklin, Wendy
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016

Introduces DNA and explains that DNA is what makes family members look similar but also makes them unique. Lexile 820 GR level Y IL 4-6.
B 123561B 123561 Dogs: From Predator to Protector (Science Comics)
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Hirsch, Andy
Length: 119 Copyright: 2017

Join one friendly mutt on a journey to discover the secret origin of dogs, how genetics and evolution shape species. Series Nonfiction: Science Comics. IL 3-8. AR 5.1. Lexile 820. GR Y.
Dogs: From Predator to Protector (Science Comics) PIJ  
B 118882B 118882 Erased
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Rush, Jennifer
Length: 275 Copyright: 2014

Seventeen-year-old Anna searches for answers about her past while she evades the Branch with genetically altered boys Sam, Cas, and Nick. Runaways- Fiction. Genetic engineering- Fiction. Identity- Fiction. Sequel to Altered (115418). AR 4.3 IL 7-12.
Erased JS  
DVD 1647DVD 1647 Eyes of Nye: Cloning
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2005

Bill Nye explores the biology and ethics behind cloning. Explains how clone cells are created and identifies the difference between therapeutic and reproductive cloning. A zoologist explains the experiments being done in animal cloning and discusses the ethical aspects of this genetic research. Considers the controversy surrounding the use of human embryonic stem cells in research. Talks with doctors and scientists who identify the medical benefits of therapeutic cloning and consider the moral aspects involved. Bioethics. Closed captioned.
Eyes of Nye: Cloning JS  
DVD 1651DVD 1651 Eyes of Nye: Genetic Diversity
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2005

Bill Nye combines humor with scientific facts to explore the biology of sexual reproduction and identify its evolutionary advantages. Compares sexual and asexual reproduction, discussing their genetic advantages and risks. Talks with scientists about sexual selection and explains how reproducing sexually affects genetic diversity. Closed captioned.
Eyes of Nye: Genetic Diversity JS  
DVD 1643DVD 1643 Eyes of Nye: Human Characteristics & Adaptations
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 25 Copyright: 2005

Bill Nye talks with scientists about their research in human biology and has his DNA analyzed to identify his genetic markers. Investigates why human beings have differences in skin color and physical characteristics. Explains how paleoanthropologists analyze the DNA of fossil hominids to trace the evolution of the human race and explain the adaptations and variations that occur in different populations. Closed captioned.
Eyes of Nye: Human Characteristics & Adaptations JS  
B 122596B 122596 Genetic Engineering and Developments in Biotechnology
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Rooney, Anne
Length: 32 Copyright: 2017

Genetic engineers study genes and DNA to develop ways to recreate and modify them to advance technologies in fields such as medicine and agriculture. Using living organisms and systems to create new products and technologies is called biotechnology. Readers will learn how genetic engineers are working toward curing diseases in humans and making crops less susceptible to disease. Real-life examples and a design challenge help students understand key concepts related to the engineering process, and encourage discussion about the impact of biotechnology on our lives, including its benefits and risks. From the series Engineering In Action. Lexile 1040 IL 5-8.
Genetic Engineering and Developments in Biotechnology IJ  
B 121295B 121295 Genetically Modified Food
Grade Lvl: I Author: Rissman, Rebecca
Length: 48 Copyright: 2016

Book helps readers trace the history of GMOs, explore the science behind it, understand why and how we utilize them, and discuss controversies concerning GMOs from an objective viewpoint. From the series Food Matters. AR 6.0 Lexile 900 IL 4-6.
Genetically Modified Food I  
B 118363B 118363 Genetics : Breaking the Code of Your DNA
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Mooney, Carla
Length: 119 Copyright: 2014

Provides an introduction to the field of genetics, including how DNA is structured, how genetic inheritance works, and how new discoveries in genetics have helped to cure or prevent diseases. From the series Inquire And Investigate. Lexile 1040 IL 6-10.
Genetics : Breaking the Code of Your DNA IJS  
B 120743B 120743 Genetics Expert Joanna L. Kelley
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Waxman, Laura Hamilton
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015

Growing up, Joanna L. Kelley was quizzed at the dinner table. As an adult, she's answering even tougher questions. Her research helps scientists treat tumors and understand evolution. Learn how Joanna became a genetics superstar. Geneticists. Genomics. From the series STEM Trailblazer Bios. AR 5.5 Lexile 820 GR level V IL 3-6.
Genetics Expert Joanna L. Kelley PI  
B 109882B 109882 Genetics: From DNA to Designer Dogs
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Simpson, Kathleen
Length: 64 Copyright: 2008

An objective exploration of genetics that provides information on the Human Genome Project, stem cell research, National Geographic's Genographic Project, and other related topics. From the series: National Geographic Investigates. Follett RL 8.0. AR 8.2.
Genetics: From DNA to Designer Dogs IJ  
B 122872B 122872 GMOs
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Colson, Mary
Length: 48 Copyright: 2017

Explores the field of genetically modified foods (plants & animals). Genetically Modified Organisms. From the series Cutting-Edge Technology. IL 5-8
B 93376B 93376 Great Moments in Science: Experiments and Readers Theatre
Grade Lvl: T Author: Haven, Kendall
Length: 227 Copyright: 1996

Combines the use of stories and experiments to teach science through twelve readers theatre scripts that highlight significant discoveries in Western science, each including hands-on instructions for recreating the scientist's work. Archimedes/lever; Galileo/falling objects; Torricelli/air pressure; Newton/gravity; Franklin/electricity; Rumford/heat; Mitchell/comet; Pasteur/microorganisms; Mendel/heredity; Goddard/rocket; Curie/radioactivity; Hodgkin/penicillin. For grades 4-9.
Great Moments in Science: Experiments and Readers Theatre T  
B 126988B 126988 Grow: Secrets of Our DNA
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Davies, Nicola
Length: 40 Copyright: 2020

An introduction to genetic code combines simple, engaging language and expressive, child-friendly illustrations to explain how biological life grows and changes and how DNA combines to make humans both unique and connected to all life on the planet. Genetics. All about me. Growth. NSTA Notable Outstanding Science Tradebook, 2021. IL 2-6. AR 5.3. GR P.
Grow: Secrets of Our DNA PI  
B 126324B 126324 Hawk
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Patterson, James
Length: 404 Copyright: 2020

Maximum Ride's seventeen-year-old daughter, Hawk, is living under the radar in post-apocalyptic New York City until a destiny that is perilously close to her mother's forces her to take flight. Adventure fiction. Dystopian. Science fiction. IL 7-12.
Hawk JS  
B 117153B 117153 I Look Like My Mother
Grade Lvl: I Author: Lundgren, Julie K
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013

Introduces students to the basic properties of genetics and heredity. Gene expression. From the series My Science Library: Life Science-Animals. AR 5.7 IL 4-5.
I Look Like My Mother I  
B 115461B 115461 Inheritance and Selection
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Fullick, Ann
Length: 64 Copyright: 2006

This title provides and in-depth look at genetics, giving readers a clear look at how genes are passed on from one generation to the next, the variety this creates, and the process of evolution. Selective breeding. Cloning. Genetic engineering. Heredity. Genetics. Natural selection. FOSS: Populations and Ecosystems. From the series Life Science In Depth. IL 6-9.
Inheritance and Selection IJ  
B 126990B 126990 Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Cole, Joanna
Length: 55 Copyright: 2021

An introduction to evolution that explores how life developed on Earth. When Arnold wishes he had more information for his family tree, Ms. Frizzle revs up the Magic School Bus and the class zooms back to prehistoric times. First stop: 3.5 billion years ago. Evolution. All about me. Series nonfiction: Magic School Bus. IL 1-5.
Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution PI  
B 108344B 108344 Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Patterson, James
Length: 440 Copyright: 2005

After the mutant Erasers abduct the youngest member of their group, the "bird kids," who are the result of genetic experimentation, take off in pursuit and find themselves struggling to understand their own origins and purpose. Genetic engineering. AR 4.6. RC 4.1. Lexile 700.
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment JS  
B 126503B 126503 Normal: One Kid's Extraordinary Journey
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Newman, Magdalena / Newman, Nathaniel
Length: 327 Copyright: 2020

This moving memoir follows a teenage boy with TC syndrome and his exceptional family from diagnosis at birth to now. Treacher Collins Syndrome. Biography. Diverse abilities. Memoir. Special needs. Facial abnormalities. Genetic disorders. Nice compliment to RJ Palacio's Wonder #11379. IL 4-8. AR 6.0. Lexile 880.
Normal: One Kid's Extraordinary Journey IJ  
B 96978B 96978 Problem-Based Learning in the Life Science Classroom, K-12
Grade Lvl: T Author: McConnell, Tom J / Parker, Joyce
Length: 200 Copyright: 2016

Engage students with scenarios that represent real-world science in all its messy, thought-provoking glory. The scenarios prompt K- 12 learners to immerse themselves in analyzing problems, asking questions, posing hypotheses, finding needed information, and then constructing a proposed solution. In addition to complete lesson plans supporting the Next Generation Science Standards, the book offers extensive examples, instructions, and tips. The lessons cover four categories: life cycles, ecology, genetics, and cellular metabolism. But Problem-Based Learning in the Life Science Classroom, K 12 doesn't just explain why, how, and when to implement problem-based learning (PBL). It also provides you with rich, authentic problems. Professional resource. K-12. NGSS.
Problem-Based Learning in the Life Science Classroom, K-12 T  
B 94130B 94130 Resources for Environmental Literacy: Five Teaching Modules for Middle and High School Teachers
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 189 Copyright: 2007

Topics: Biodiversity; Genetically modified crops; Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis; Global climate change; and Radioactive waste. Each of the five modules includes such features as: Student learning goals based on Benchmarks for Science Literacy and the Standards; Background content for teachers; A suggested teaching approach, including misconceptions to watch out for and assessments to use; and Student activities and materials you can adapt to your classroom needs.
Resources for Environmental Literacy: Five Teaching Modules for Middle and T  
B 116935B 116935 Shaking The Foundation : Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Johnson, Sylvia A
Length: 88 Copyright: 2013

Examines Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and discusses supporting theories, opposition from clergy, legal cases related to evolution, and more. RC 9.6 Lexile 1070 IL 6-10.
Shaking The Foundation : Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution IJS  
B 114462B 114462 Stem Cell Research
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Marcovitz, Hal
Length: 96 Copyright: 2011

Chronicles important events in the history of stem cell research, examines the potential of stem cell therapy, explains what stem cells are, and discusses the mysteries of embryonic stem cells, the rebuilding of damaged bodies with adult stem cells, therapeutic cloning, and other advances and challenges. From the series Inside Science. IL 8-11.
Stem Cell Research JS  
B 115716B 115716 Stronger Than Steel : Spider Silk DNA and the Quest for Better Bulletproof Vests, Sutures, and Parachute Rope
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Heos, Bridget
Length: 79 Copyright: 2013

Discusses the work scientists are doing with the golden orb weaver spider, whose web silk is nearly indestructible, and genetically engineered goats, whose milk contains the proteins needed to artificially spin the spider silk and produce it in a quantity that will make it realistic to use in health care, in body armor, in parachutes, and much more. Genetic medicine. Transgenic organisms. Spider webs- Therapeutic use. From the series Scientists in the Field. AR 6.2 RC 5.6 Lexile 860 IL 5-10.
Stronger Than Steel : Spider Silk DNA and the Quest for Better Bulletproof IJS  
B 109169B 109169 Zoo: A Novel
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Marks, Graham
Length: 266 Copyright: 2005

After seventeen year old Cam Stewart escapes from the kidnappers who took him from right in front of his San Diego home, he continues a dangerous adventure that includes finding a mysterious chip in his arm which leads him to question his identity. Suspense. Thriller. AR 6.1. RC 6.4. Lexile 960.
Zoo: A Novel JS