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13 Items were found
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B 92731B 92731 Designing Personalized Learning for Every Student
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 128 Copyright: 2001

Presents a framework for creating more flexible, creative learning communities that include and are responsive to a range of human diversity. K-12 guide includes: steps for gathering information about students' interests and family life; tools for developing curriculum units, lesson plans, and personalized learning experiences; classroom-based assessment and reporting systems that capture and communicate learning gains; and strategies for engaging families in the curriculum.
Designing Personalized Learning for Every Student T  
B 90833B 90833 Differentiating Math Instruction K-8 (2nd Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bender, William
Length: 143 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: Strategies that Work for K-8 Classrooms. Updated edition provides research on the value of brain-compatible teaching, critical strategies for differentiating instruction, and creative ways to get students learning. Key features include: Strategies for use within a Response to Intervention framework (RTI); At-a-glance lists of "Top Ten Tactics;" "Web Site Reviews" that outline additional online resources; Concrete strategies to tap into multiple intelligences; and A facilitator's guide for staff developers.
Differentiating Math Instruction K-8 (2nd Ed) T  
B 91986B 91986 Differentiation in Practice: Grades 5-9
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tomlinson, Carol
Length: 247 Copyright: 2003

Subtitle: A Resource Guide For Differentiating Curriculum, Grades 5-9. Part I: A Brief Primer on Differentiation. Part II: Differentiated Units of Study. Carol Ann Tomlinson and Caroline Cunningham Eidson present five differentiated units of study. Each unit includes annotated lesson plans, worksheets, assignments, rubrics, and other tools.
Differentiation in Practice: Grades 5-9 T  
B 91985B 91985 Differentiation in Practice: Grades K-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tomlinson, Carol
Length: 198 Copyright: 2003

Subtitle: A Resource Guide For Differentiating Curriculum, Grades K-5. Part I: A Brief Primer on Differentiation. Part II: Differentiated Units of Study. Carol Ann Tomlinson and Caroline Cunningham Eidson show how teachers incorporate differentiation principles and strategies through an entire instructional unit. Includes instructional units for science, social studies, math, and language arts. Each unit is complete with standards and learning outcomes, lesson plans, worksheets, learning contracts, assessments, and other materials for classroom instruction.
Differentiation in Practice: Grades K-5 T  
B 90640B 90640 Differentiation: Simplified, Realistic & Effective: How to Challenge Advanced Potentials in Mixed-Ability Classrooms
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kingore, Bertie
Length: 182 Copyright: 2004

Guide for educators to structure their curriculum and teaching in mixed-ability classrooms. Discusses how to develop a background in differentiation, strategies, accommodating advanced potential, assessment, and other related topics.
Differentiation: Simplified, Realistic & Effective: How to Challenge Advanc T  
B 92570B 92570 Handbook on Differentiated Instruction Middle/HS
Grade Lvl: T Author: Northey, Sheryn
Length: 195 Copyright: 2005

Complete title: Handbook on Differentiated Instruction for Middle and High Schools. Tips, activities, strategies and resources for teachers in grades 6-12. Demonstrates how to adjust the content taught, the process, and the products students produce. Sections: 1. Getting to Know Your Students (learning styles; readability; interests; multiple intelligences, abilities/disabilities, emotional development, etc); 2. Gathering Resources (scaffolding activities; prereading activities, reading strategies, such as teaching vocabulary words, anticipation guide, teacher modeling, graphic organizers, SQ3R,; online resources); 3. Selecting a Process (tiered lessons, using interest groups, flexible grouping, literature circles, cooperative groups, individualized instructions, independent study, learning centers, learning contracts, etc); 4. Assessment: Differentiating Product (questioning strategies, Socratic Seminar, problem-based assessment, performance-based assessment, peer assessment, portfolio, rubric); and 5. Putting it All Together.
Handbook on Differentiated Instruction Middle/HS T  
B 91558B 91558 How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tomlinson, Carol
Length: 117 Copyright: 2001

Provides guidance for teachers who want to create learning environments that address the diversity typical of mixed-ability classrooms. Presents strategies that address a variety of learning profiles, interests, and readiness levels. Strategies include curriculum compacting, "sidebar" investigations, entry points, graphic organizers, contracts, and portfolios. Mixed ability grouping.
How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms (2nd Edition) T  
B 92919B 92919 Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design: Connecting Content and Kids
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tomlinson, Carol
Length: 199 Copyright: 2006

Explains how the curriculum planning model Understanding by Design (UbD) and the teaching model Differentiated Instruction (DI) fit together and can be integrated for student success, discussing such topics as responsive teaching with UbD and assessment in academically diverse classrooms.
Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design: Connect T  
B 93483B 93483 Reaching All Learners: Making Differentiation Work
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kingore, Bertie
Length: 176 Copyright: 2007

Guide to differentiated instruction in first through eighth grade that explains research-based strategies and provides 80 lesson variations (40 for students with fewer skills; 40 that increase challenge), 74 tips for effective learning environments, and a teaching palette of 40 strategies.
Reaching All Learners: Making Differentiation Work T  
KM 12750KM 12750 RTI Success: Proven Tools and Strategies for Schools and Classrooms (Book & CD-ROM)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Whitten, Elizabeth / Esteves, Kelli
Length: 245 Copyright: 2009

Describes tools and strategies to implement RTI--Response to Intervention--methods for academic intervention in a school or district, and provides reproducible forms and a PowerPoint presentation, and discusses how to collect student data, teaching techniques, and more. Includes a CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentation & forms.
RTI Success: Proven Tools and Strategies for Schools and Classrooms (Book & T  
B 97435B 97435 Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Form, Manage, Assess, and Differentiate in Groups
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brulles, Dina / Brown, Karen L
Length: 183 Copyright: 2018

Grouping learners purposefully throughout the school day based on their needs and the curriculum remains the single best way to differentiate instruction. This award-winning guide will help teachers expertly use flexible grouping and differentiation strategies to respond to students’ diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests. Included are methods for creating groups based on assessment data, planning group lessons and tiered assignments, engaging learners at all levels, supporting personalized learning, grading collaborative work, and communicating with parents about the benefits of groupwork and productive struggle. Digital content contains all forms from the book and a PDF presentation. A free online PLC/Book Study Guide is available at freespirit.com/PLC.
Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Form, Mana T  
B 93296B 93296 Tools for High-Quality Differentiated Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Strickland, Cindy
Length: 378 Copyright: 2007

An ASCD Action Tool contains more than 70 tools that can be used in every grade and subject, to help teachers reach higher levels of expertise with differentiation. Included with the tools are nearly 40 samples that show teachers how to use the tools in specific grade levels and subject areas.
Tools for High-Quality Differentiated Instruction T  
B 94040B 94040 Ultimate Guided Reading How-to Book: Building Literacy Through Small-Group Instruction (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Saunders-Smith, Gail
Length: 104 Copyright: 2009

Explains strategies for using guided reading in small groups to build literacy, providing information on the reading process and other related topics, and discussing grouping schemes, analyzing texts, and more. The second edition covers notetaking and study skills, demonstrates how to introduce a new book to a group, encourage group dialogue and help students apply new learning to other academic activities.
Ultimate Guided Reading How-to Book: Building Literacy Through Small-Group T