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7 Items were found
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KM 90055KM 90055 ABii Robot
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

ABii tutors K-5 students in math, reading and social-emotional learning to significantly improve academic performance. ABii helps students achieve skills mastery with certified teacher-created, standards-aligned lessons. She promotes strong learning habits that contribute to lifelong learning. ABii increases confidence, and heightens engagement through fun, supportive social interactions. ABii provides holistic and personalized learning. Students love learning with ABii and stay more engaged when subjects are tedious or challenging. ABii adaptivly guides students through every lesson - scaffolding instruction when necessary and redirecting students when attention wanes. Contact Sarah Brincks for support. Intended to be used with English Learners. No summer checkout. Four week checkout period.
ABii Robot PI  
B 127389B 127389 Happy Birthday, Hedgehog! (Hello, Hedgehog, Book 6)
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Feuti, Norman
Length: 44 Copyright: 2022

Harry is worried when he discovers someone has given his best friend Hedgehog the exact same birthday gift he brought, but Hedgehog reassures his best pal that since he now has two airplanes he can race them with Harry. An Acorn Book. Beginning chapter book. Series fiction: Hello, Hedgehog, Book 5. IL 1-4. Lexile 390.
Happy Birthday, Hedgehog! (Hello, Hedgehog, Book 6) PI  
B 97332B 97332 How to Personalize Learning: A Practical Guide for Getting Started and Going Deeper
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bray, Barbara A / McClaskey, Kathleen A
Length: 208 Copyright: 2016

Make Learning Personal: The What, Who, WOW, Where, and Why brings theory to practice. Teachers will find the tools, skills, and strategies needed to personalize learning and develop self-directed, independent learners with agency. Discover how to get started and go deeper by building a shared vision that supports personalized learning using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. Also included are, Tools and templates such as the Learner Profile, Personal Learning Backpack, and Personal Learning Plan, as well as tips for lesson design and PBL. Lesson and project examples that show how teachers can change instructional practice by encouraging learner voice and choice, QR codes and links to the authors' website for electronic versions of tools, templates, activities, and checklists, Create a powerful shift in education by building a culture of learning so every learner is valued.
How to Personalize Learning: A Practical Guide for Getting Started and Goin T  
KM 12901KM 12901 Personalized PD: The Game of Stories
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

Make professional development more fun, energizing, and collaborative. Build capacity while building community. Hear the stories of your colleagues while reflecting on your own development as an educator. Get the conversation started about how to move your building and your district forward. Honor the professionals you work with every day by listening to their progress and their process as educators. Everybody has something to contribute. Everybody has something to learn. You might win the game, but you might win more by losing! Play Personalized PD: Game of Stories today and take your professional development to a whole new level. Deck of 52 cards with instructions on the additional two Joker cards. Personalized Professional Development. Professional Learning Community.
Personalized PD: The Game of Stories T  
B 97010B 97010 Professionally Driven: Empower Every Educator To Redefine PD
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bormann, Jarod
Length: 155 Copyright: 2010

Effectively implement personalized professional development. Rethink adult learning and implement a model that helps create energized educators and leads to empowered student learners.
Professionally Driven: Empower Every Educator To Redefine PD T  
B 97390B 97390 Rosenshine's Principles in Action: The Workbook
Grade Lvl: T Author: Grimes, Claire
Length: 89 Copyright: 2020

Following the resounding success of Tom Sherrington’s Rosenshine’s Principles in Action, the seminal principles have swiftly become a practical support for teachers looking to develop their classroom practice. The Workbook seeks to further this engagement by providing a thought-provoking and reflective guide designed to encourage teachers in all settings to become self-aware practitioners. Completed alongside a series of video masterclasses delivered by Sherrington, teachers will be led through a range of questions and activities devised to secure pedagogical understanding and ensure teachers are left with clear actions to support pupil progress. The five-session structure of the workbook explores the fundamentals of classroom practice, finishing with a guided reflection on Rosenshine’s Principles in Action, thus providing the reader with a stimulating companion to Sherrington’s excellent work. The workbook is be used as reference and preview only for educator reference.
Rosenshine's Principles in Action: The Workbook T  
B 97435B 97435 Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Form, Manage, Assess, and Differentiate in Groups
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brulles, Dina / Brown, Karen L
Length: 183 Copyright: 2018

Grouping learners purposefully throughout the school day based on their needs and the curriculum remains the single best way to differentiate instruction. This award-winning guide will help teachers expertly use flexible grouping and differentiation strategies to respond to students’ diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests. Included are methods for creating groups based on assessment data, planning group lessons and tiered assignments, engaging learners at all levels, supporting personalized learning, grading collaborative work, and communicating with parents about the benefits of groupwork and productive struggle. Digital content contains all forms from the book and a PDF presentation. A free online PLC/Book Study Guide is available at freespirit.com/PLC.
Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning: Form, Mana T