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KM 12542KM 12542 Peek-A-Boo Bear (Switch Adapted)
Grade Lvl: KPIT Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Peek-A-Boo Bear has been adapted to work with any mechanical ability switch. Peek-A-Boo Bear engages in an interactive game of Peek-A-Boo when the ability switch is pressed. An ability switch is included. Uses three AA batteries (included). Intended for special needs students.
Peek-A-Boo Bear (Switch Adapted) KPIT  
KM 12541KM 12541 Pretty Poodle (Switch Adapted)
Grade Lvl: KPIT Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Pretty Poodle has been adapted to work with any mechanical ability switch. Pretty Poodle walks, shakes her tail, barks and stretches when the ability switch is pressed. An ability switch is NOT included, but there are many available for checkout through Keystone’s Lending Library. Uses two AA batteries (included). Intended for special needs students.
Pretty Poodle (Switch Adapted) KPIT