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B 94423B 94423 ABCs of O-G: The Flynn System
Grade Lvl: T Author: Flynn, Emi
Length: 528 Copyright: 2005

Teacher's guide to the Orton-Gillingham approach for reading and spelling. Lesson plans are sequential and cumulative. Explicitly teaches the association between written symbols and their sounds. Lesson plans are written at two levels and pages are color-coded (cream pages are for Basic Level students; blue pages for Intermediate Level; and white for both levels). This multisensory, alphabetic-phonetic approach to teaching reading, spelling, and writing is used for teaching children who haven't been successful learning by conventional classroom practices and is best used by teachers trained in Orton-Gillingham.
ABCs of O-G: The Flynn System T  
B 97465B 97465 Artfully Teaching the Science of Reading
Grade Lvl: T Author: Young, Chase / Paige, David
Length: 184 Copyright: 2022

This book is a bridge between two major strands of reading instruction that are often held in opposition: the science of reading and artful approaches to teaching reading. Authors Young, Paige, and Rasinski describe how teachers can use the science of reading to engage students in artful, engaging, and authentic instruction. The authors reveal how effective teaching is a dynamic process that requires agency and creativity and show how teachers make artful shifts based on the needs of students in specific contexts. Chapters include a range of examples and explanations of how artful teaching is integrated into reading instruction and how it can increase students’ motivation and positive attitudes toward reading. The concise and practical chapters cover key topics, including phonemic awareness, reading fluency, vocabulary, assessment, home and family reading, and more.
Artfully Teaching the Science of Reading T  
B 95572B 95572 Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties: A Student-Centered Classroom (5th Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gunning, Thomas
Length: 648 Copyright: 2013

Describes how to assess students and how to use assessment results to screen students, monitor progress, and provide effective instruction. Includes 46 sample lessons covering virtually every major skill or strategy. The lessons are described in a step-by-step manner, and the emphasis is on strategies that teachers can use independently for developing skills in word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension, reading in the content areas, writing, spelling, and studying. Fifth Edition of Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties includes coverage of the areas of Response to Intervention and the impact of the Common Core State Standards. Reading assessment, diagnosis, and remediation.
Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties: A Student-Center T  
KM 13763KM 13763 Blends and Digraphs Book Set
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2024

Simple sentences help early readers learn about the letter blend sounds. Set of 12 books, 2 copies each of the following: Ch; Sh; St; Th; Tr; and Wh. Series nonfiction: Vowel Blends by Launch! Beginning Readers. Readers. Phonics. Decoding. IL Pres-2.
Blends and Digraphs Book Set KP  
B 94493B 94493 Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Vol 3, 5th Ed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Heroman, Cate
Length: 203 Copyright: 2010

Fifth Edition of The Creative Curriculum Volume 3: Literacy. Helps teacher by empowering them to use the latest research-based strategies for supporting early literacy learning. Encourages early childhood educators to be intentional in teaching children critical skills and incorporating oral langauge and literacy learning into everyday classroom experiences. Provides detailed explanations of the seven important components of literacy; guidance on planning meaningful literacy experiences in each interest area; classroom strategies, techniques, and activities for intentionally promoting literacy learning; and an expanded section on English language asquisition to help teachers meet the needs of all children.
Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Vol 3, 5th Ed T  
KM 8670KM 8670 CTOPP2 Complete Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013

Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Second Edition is an individually administered test used to assess phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming. The CTOPP-2 has four principal uses: (1) to identify individuals who are significantly below their peers in important phonological abilities, (2) to determine strengths and weaknesses among developed phonological processes, (3) to document individuals' progress in phonological processing as a consequence of special intervention programs, and (4) to serve as a measurement device in research studies investigating phonological processing. Testing Time: 40 minutes. Kit includes: Examiner’s Manual, Examiner Record Booklets for ages 4 through 6, Examiner Record Booklets for ages 7 through 24, Picture Book, and 2 CDs. Kit is restricted to Keystone Special Education staff.
CTOPP2 Complete Kit T  
B 97628B 97628 Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 282 Copyright: 2024

Subtitle: How to Scaffold Whole-Group Instruction So All Students Can Access Grade-Level Content. Think in powerful new ways about differentiating whole-class phonics lessons, so students at every skill level can engage. Text provides: high-impact routines that focus on the skills known to develop students’ literacy best; Differentiated application of these routines―with fun multi-modal games and variations―for students working on below , and above grade-level expectations, and for multilingual learners. Several reproducible phonics and spelling assessments for placement, progress monitoring, and formative assessments to keep every learner growing as readers and writers.
Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact T  
KM 12357KM 12357 Early Literacy Skills Builder ELSB (2 PARTS)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013

Program for students with moderate-to-severe disabilities incorporates systematic & direct instruction to teach students in grades K-5. ELSB is a multi-year program with seven distinct levels and ongoing assessments so students progress at their own pace in vocabulary development, comprehension, phonological awareness, alphabetic principles, and print awareness. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. ELSB kit includes teacher manuals, student books, communication overlays, CDs with printable/reproducible resources, DVD for staff training, flashcards, Moe the frog puppet & stories.
Early Literacy Skills Builder ELSB (2 PARTS) KPI  
KM 10237KM 10237 Essential Literacy Workshop Book
Grade Lvl: T Author: Seplocha, Holly
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Subtitle: 10 Complete Early Childhood Training Modules. Offers an introduction to emergent literacy of young children for preschool and kindergarten teachers and paraprofessionals. Training modules cover topics including language development, phonology and phonemic awareness, English language learners, emergent writing, literacy across the curriculum, diversity and inclusion, literacy environments, and literacy centers in kindergarten. The CD-ROM includes PowerPoint presentations, handouts for workshop participants and overheads. Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period.
Essential Literacy Workshop Book T  
B 97399B 97399 Fresh Look at Phonics, Grades K-2: Common Causes of Failure and 7 Ingredients for Success
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 273 Copyright: 2017

Explains the 7 ingredients of phonics instruction that lead to the greatest student gains, based on two decades of research in classrooms. For each of these seven must haves, author Wiley Blevins shares lessons, routines, word lists, tips for ELL and advanced learners, and advice on pitfalls to avoid regarding pacing, decodable texts, transition time, and more.
Fresh Look at Phonics, Grades K-2: Common Causes of Failure and 7 Ingredien T  
KM 9756KM 9756 Handwriting Without Tears--Pre-K Language & Literacy
Grade Lvl: K Author: Olsen, Jan / Knapton, Emily
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012

Contains materials used in the Get Set for School curriculum for the developmentally based Language and Literacy program which complements the Readiness and Writing program (KM 7976). Contents: The Language & Literacy Pre-K Teacher's Guide; instruction sheet and two copies of My Book; instructions booklet and A-B-C Touch & Flip Cards (53 cards); teacher's guide, 295 word cards, and puppet for Word Time; instruction booklet, six wooden pieces that form a box, magnetic picture tiles, magnetic color tiles, magnetic activity plates, magnetic word plate and magnetic pieces pieces to form letters for Sound Around Box; instruction card, activity cards, three story cards for each title, coloring and letter cards for Line It Up; and bar. Three-week loan period.
Handwriting Without Tears--Pre-K Language & Literacy K  
KM 8177KM 8177 Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hodson, Barbara Williams
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004

HAPP-3 (formerly the APP-R) is a standardized test that is norm-referenced (normative data provided for ages 3-8) and also criterion-referenced. Designed for children (ages 2 and up) with highly unintelligible speech. Testing time is 15-20 minutes (comprehensive) and 2-5 minutes (screening). Objects and a few picture are used to elicit 50 stimulus words. Contents: Examiner's Manual; Multisyllabic Word Screening picture sheet; 13 Picture Cards; manipulative objects; Comprehensive Phonological Evaluation Record Forms; Multisylalbic Word Screening Record Forms; Preschool Phonological Screening Record Forms; Substitutions and Other Strategies Analysis Forms; and Major Phonological Deviations Analysis Forms. Phonology and articulation. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff.
Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns-3 T  
B 94016B 94016 How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Walpole, Sharon
Length: 177 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: Resources for Grades K-3. Authors: Sharon Walpole and Michael C. McKenna. Explains their approach to differentiated reading instruction and how it differs from other models. Provides profiles of the four types of differentiated instruction they identify, including phonological awareness and word recognition, word recognition and fluency, fluency and comprehension, and vocabulary and comprehension, each with lesson plans.
How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction T  
B 94037B 94037 Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schiller, Pam
Length: 304 Copyright: 2008

Collection of lessons featuring learning objectives, literacy activities, extension activities, daily reflections, and vocabulary lists designed to help preschool teachers create a lesson plan suitable for students with special needs. Chapters: Listening; Oral Language Development; Phonological Awareness; Letter Knowledge and Recognition; Print Awareness; and Comprehension. For each lesson, adaptations are given for children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive challenges, motor delays, speech/language delays. Authors: Pam Schiller and Clarissa Willis.
Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood T  
KM 8681KM 8681 KLPA-3 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, 3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kahn, Linda M. L. / Lewis, Nancy P
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Test is a norm-referenced analysis of phonological process usage for children, adolescents, and young adults ages 2-21. Makes use of the target words elicited by the GFTA-3 Sounds-in-Words test to provide further diagnostic information about an individual's speech sound abilities. 12 Core Phonological Processes are used to derive the standard score. Time to complete the KLPA-3 is usually between 1- & 30 minutes. Test components: Manual, Analysis Forms, and Sound Change Booklet. Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis works with Goldman-Fristoe 3 to help determine if use of phonological processes are contributing to an individual's speech sound disorder. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Speech-Language Pathologists.
KLPA-3 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, 3rd Edition) T  
KM 11533KM 11533 Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lindamood, Patricia
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program (LiPS) is an oral-motor, visual, and auditory feedback system for clinical or classroom use that is designed to foster phonemic awareness in people from preschool through adult. Focuses on the ability to distinguish phonemes in spoken patterns. LiPS tasks progress from movement to sound to lette. Speech sounds can be identfied by the oral-motor activity that produces them. Articulation. Contents: PAS teacher's guide, LiPS 4th edition manual, 15 large mouth cards, and set of 8 Phonological Awareness and Sequencing Stories (PAS). Two-week loan period.
Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing T  
KM 13765KM 13765 Long Vowels Book Set
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2024

Simple sentences help early readers learn about the long vowel sounds. Set of 12 books, 2 copies each of 6 long vowel titles including: Aa; Ee; Ii; Oo; Sometimes Yy; and Uu. Series nonfiction: Vowel Blends by Launch! Beginning Readers. Readers. Phonics. Decoding. IL Pres-2.
Long Vowels Book Set KP  
KM 10381KM 10381 Mailbox Magazine Preschool 2007-2008
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Contains issues of the Preschool edition of Mailbox Magazine August/September 2007 to June/July 2008. Some topics include Eric Carle books, the senses, patterns, nursery rhyme literacy, management tips, pond, opposites, positional words, reindeer, fire prevention, daytime and nighttime, needs of living things, traditional chants. Two-week loan period.
Mailbox Magazine Preschool 2007-2008 T  
B 91191B 91191 Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 563 Copyright: 2000

Explains how and why multisensory methods work and how to use these methods with specific teaching approaches that promote alphabet skills, spelling, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, composition, math skills, organization, and study skills. Edited by Judith R. Birsh. Dyslexia.
Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills T  
KM 13565KM 13565 Phonetic Reading Blocks
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

Students work on their sight words with these phonetic reading blocks. Practice sight words using the 5 wooden reading blocks, 33 double-sided flash cards, and showcase tray. IL Pres-3.
Phonetic Reading Blocks KP  
KM 7474KM 7474 Phonics Lessons: Grade 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: PINNELL, GAY SU
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003

Subtitle: Letters, Words, and How They Work by Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas. Collection of 100 minilessons designed to help first graders attend to, learn about, and use information about letters, sounds, and words. Authors stress that phonics instruction is only one part of a complete reading program. Minilessons are based on their word study continuum (nine categories of learning) which includes: early literacy concepts, phonological awareness (and phonemic awareness), letter knowledge, letter sound relationships, spelling patterns, high frequency words, word meaning, word structure, and word-solving actions. Volume 2 Teaching Resources contains assessment guide, materials and routines, games, templates, picture cards, letter/word cards, and bibliographies. Two-week loan period.
Phonics Lessons: Grade 1 T  
KM 7462KM 7462 Phonics Lessons: Grade 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: PINNELL, GAY SU
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Subtitle: Letters, Words, and How They Work by Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas. Collection of 100 minilessons designed to help children attend to, learn about, and use information about letters, sounds, and words. Lessons, which are based on the authors' word, study continuum combine direct teaching of language principles and elements of discovery and inquiry. The nine categories of learning in the continuum are early literacy concepts, phonological awareness (and phonemic awareness), letter knowledge, letter/sound relationships, spelling patterns, high frequency words, word meaning, word structure, and word-solving actions. Volume 2 Teaching Resources contains assessment guide, materials and routines, games, templates, lesson words cards, category word cards, and bibliographies. Two-week loan period.
Phonics Lessons: Grade 2 T  
B 95811B 95811 Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing (6th Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cunningham, Patricia
Length: 249 Copyright: 2013

Describes activities teachers may use to help children who are having difficulty reading and writing, with methods for learning to decode and spell regular and highly frequent irregular one-syllable words, and strategies for dealing with the special problems of poly-syllabic words. Part One: Building the Foundation for Phonics They Can Use. Part Two: Fluency. Part Three: Using Phonics and Spelling Patterns. Part Four: Research, and Terminology. Includes suggestions for adapting activities for English language learners and phonics interventions for older struggling readers.
Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing (6th Edition) T  
KM 8116KM 8116 Phonological Awareness Profile
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, Carolyn
Length: 0 Copyright: 1995

Individually administered profile helps pinpoint difficulties in prereading and writing skills in children 5-8 years old. Administration time is 10-20 minutes. Skills tested: rhyming; blending sounds; identifying sounds; substituting and deleting sounds; segmenting syllables, words and sentences. Checks sound-symbol relationships with tasks like decoding nonsense words and invented spelling. Contents: Examiner's Manual, letter cards, and Profile Forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. Sp. Ed Assessment Do Not Weed.
Phonological Awareness Profile T  
KM 9536KM 9536 Reading Rods Alphabet & Phonemic Awareness
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003

Reading Group Kit includes Teacher's Resource Guide, five activity trays, five student kits (each contains guide, flipbook, and rods), overhead materials, and pocket chart with activity guide and cards. Student kit can be used by one or two students. Picture and letter rods can be manipulated to help develop phonemic, phonological, and alphabet awareness. Multisensory materials.
Reading Rods Alphabet & Phonemic Awareness KP  
B 93055B 93055 Recipe for Reading: Intervention Strategies; Intervention Strategies for Struggling Readers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bloom, Frances / Traub, Nina
Length: 255 Copyright: 2005

Manual contains structured lessons presented in a flexible format. Each lesson contains kinesthetic handwriting cues, phonological awareness and fluency activities, as well as words, phrases, and sentences for reading and dictation. Most lessons also have word games, rhymes, and mnemonic devices that aid memorization of concepts in an enjoyable way.
Recipe for Reading: Intervention Strategies; Intervention Strategies for St T  
B 91963B 91963 Road to the Code: A Phonological Awareness Program
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blachman, Benita / Ball, Eileen
Length: 391 Copyright: 2000

Subtitle: A Phonological Awareness Program For Young Children. Program is designed to enable classroom teachers, resource and reading teachers, and language specialists to incorporate phonological awareness activities into the curriculum before children (K-1) have a chance to fail. Program for teaching phonemic awareness and letter sound correspondence is developmentally sequenced. Each of the 44 lessons features three activities: Say-It-and-Move-It (phonemic segmentation), Letter Name and Sound Instruction (only 8 letters), and Phonological Awareness Practice that give students opportunities to practice their beginning reading and spelling abilities. Includes scripted instructions and reproducible materials.
Road to the Code: A Phonological Awareness Program T  
KM 13079KM 13079 Rosen Phonics Readers Fiction Collection Levels A and B
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

Classroom collection of fiction phonics readers, grades Pre-K-2. This set includes Levels A and B, 6-packs of 24 titles. Paperback books include: full color illustrations, key vocabulary words, teacher talk, group activity ideas, extended activity and a writing activity for each. Rosen Phonics Readers provide authenticity in linguistic context to contribute to a complete learning experience for students, while also providing educators with an easy go-to program for either primary or supplemental use. Phonics is the method of teaching children to “sound-out”, or decode words. Children learn to recognize each of the phonemes in the English language and their associated graphemes, and how those sounds and letters combine to form whole words. Phonics therefore can be seen as a set of rules about letter-sound correspondences that readers must learn to recognize and use automatically. The best educational experiences are authentic—those that place the skills, rules, or ideas being taught in real context. To be most successful, beginning readers need the opportunity to immediately place phonics rules in context of real, relatable stories. All readers are leveled using Fountas and Pinnell levels (A and B), for easy integration into any Guided Reading or literacy intervention program. Educators can thus differentiate instruction and implement the program in the way they feel best benefits their unique learners or classrooms. IL Pres-2.
Rosen Phonics Readers Fiction Collection Levels A and B KP  
KM 13081KM 13081 Rosen Phonics Readers Fiction Collection Levels C and D
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

Classroom collection of fiction phonics readers, grades Pre-K-2. This set includes Levels C and D, 6-packs of 24 titles. Paperback books include: full color illustrations, key vocabulary words, teacher talk, group activity ideas, extended activity and a writing activity for each. Rosen Phonics Readers provide authenticity in linguistic context to contribute to a complete learning experience for students, while also providing educators with an easy go-to program for either primary or supplemental use. Phonics is the method of teaching children to “sound-out”, or decode words. Children learn to recognize each of the phonemes in the English language and their associated graphemes, and how those sounds and letters combine to form whole words. Phonics therefore can be seen as a set of rules about letter-sound correspondences that readers must learn to recognize and use automatically. The best educational experiences are authentic—those that place the skills, rules, or ideas being taught in real context. To be most successful, beginning readers need the opportunity to immediately place phonics rules in context of real, relatable stories. All readers are leveled using Fountas and Pinnell levels (C and D), for easy integration into any Guided Reading or literacy intervention program. Educators can thus differentiate instruction and implement the program in the way they feel best benefits their unique learners or classrooms. IL Pres-2.
Rosen Phonics Readers Fiction Collection Levels C and D KP  
KM 13080KM 13080 Rosen Phonics Readers Nonfiction Collection Levels A and B
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

Classroom collection of nonfiction phonics readers, grades Pre-K-2. This set includes Levels A and B, 6-packs of 24 titles. Paperback books include: full color illustrations, key vocabulary words, teacher talk, group activity ideas, extended activity and a writing activity for each. Rosen Phonics Readers provide authenticity in linguistic context to contribute to a complete learning experience for students, while also providing educators with an easy go-to program for either primary or supplemental use. Phonics is the method of teaching children to “sound-out”, or decode words. Children learn to recognize each of the phonemes in the English language and their associated graphemes, and how those sounds and letters combine to form whole words. Phonics therefore can be seen as a set of rules about letter-sound correspondences that readers must learn to recognize and use automatically. The best educational experiences are authentic—those that place the skills, rules, or ideas being taught in real context. To be most successful, beginning readers need the opportunity to immediately place phonics rules in context of real, relatable stories. All readers are leveled using Fountas and Pinnell levels (A and B), for easy integration into any Guided Reading or literacy intervention program. Educators can thus differentiate instruction and implement the program in the way they feel best benefits their unique learners or classrooms. IL Pres-2.
Rosen Phonics Readers Nonfiction Collection Levels A and B KP  
B 93302B 93302 Shoe Box Learning Centers Alphabet (PreK-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Clarke, Jacqueline
Length: 80 Copyright: 2006

Collection of reproducible templates and activities for creating thirty language arts centers for the pre-kindergarten and first grade classroom.
Shoe Box Learning Centers Alphabet (PreK-1) T  
B 94262B 94262 Sounds Like Fun
Grade Lvl: T Author: Spector, Cecile
Length: 152 Copyright: 2009

Contains simple humorous activities incorporating jokes and riddles that improve students' understanding of the phonemes that make up words. Grades 3-12.
Sounds Like Fun T  
B 91691B 91691 Source for Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
Grade Lvl: T Author: Richards, Regina
Length: 308 Copyright: 1999

Describes the processing styles inherent in dyslexia and dysgraphia and the strategies and compensations for students who struggle with academic skills. Part 2 includes bypass strategies, interventions at breakdown points, phonological awareness, auditory levels, sound/symbal correspondence, decoding and encoding, spelling, written expression, and strategies for recall.
Source for Dyslexia and Dysgraphia T  
B 92799B 92799 Teacher-Directed PALS Paths to Achieving Literacy Success
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 280 Copyright: 2001

Resource for small group literacy instruction for grades Prekindergarten to grade 1 curriculum for beginning or struggling readers is designed to be used by paraprofessionals or others who are not necessarily experts. Provides supplemental instruction for a group of one to three students. 57 lessons include two routines that build on each other: Sounds and Words; Story Sharing. Sounds and Words includes instruction in phonemic awareness, letter-sound recognition and phonological decoding (10-20 minutes). Includes sample lesson scripts. Story Sharing teaches word recognition and develops fluency and comprehension. Story sharing involves: 1. pretend-reading; 2. reading aloud; and 3. retelling. Lists recommended literature, guidelines for choosing storybooks, and includes reproducible lesson sheets and mastery monitoring forms.
Teacher-Directed PALS Paths to Achieving Literacy Success T  
B 95786B 95786 Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 326 Copyright: 2010

Presents strategies to help students improve literacy skills with a focus on decoding and spelling; providing a review of the history and structure of English words; discussing reading fundamentals and lesson concepts, format, and procedures; and including forty-six classroom activities, lesson plans, samples of student work, and additional resources.
Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction, Second Edi T  
KM 13764KM 13764 Vowel Teams Book Set
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2024

Simple sentences help early readers learn about vowel blends. Set of 12 books, 2 copies each of Ai; Ea; Ee; Oa; Oo; and Ou. Series nonfiction: Vowel Blends by Launch! Beginning Readers. Readers. Phonics. Decoding. IL Pres-2.
Vowel Teams Book Set KP  
KM 13766KM 13766 Word Construction
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2024

A nuts-and-bolts approach to making, and spelling words! Students can start with consonant, vowel, and consonants to make a word. Then, turn any piece to make a new word. Kids can progress to making longer words, with each bolt holding up to 4 nuts. Kit contents includes 6 bolts, 30 printed nuts (enough for multiple students), and an activity guide. IL K-3.
Word Construction KP