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48 Items were found
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B 94675B 94675 Amusement Park Word Problems Starring Pre-Algebra
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wingard-Nelson, Rebecca
Length: 48 Copyright: 2009

Explores methods of solving pre-algebra word problems using amusement park examples. From the series Math Word Problems Solved.
Amusement Park Word Problems Starring Pre-Algebra T  
B 120320B 120320 Bedtime Math: The Truth Comes Out
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Overdeck, Laura
Length: 91 Copyright: 2015

Skill-building facts and engaging content combine in a wacky reference that introduces incrementally challenging mathematical principles behind such favorite items as marshmallows, soft drinks and astronaut ice cream. Contains more than one hundred math problems with three different levels of challenge. Word problems are leveled for "wee ones," "little kids," and "big kids," with additional "bonus" challenges. AR 5.6 Lexile 1090 IL Pres-3.
Bedtime Math: The Truth Comes Out KP  
B 94674B 94674 Big Truck and Car Wording Problems Starring Multiplication and Division
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wingard-Nelson, Rebecca
Length: 48 Copyright: 2009

Explores methods of solving multiplication and division word problems using big truck and car examples. From the series Math Word Problems Solved.
Big Truck and Car Wording Problems Starring Multiplication and Division T  
B 96062B 96062 Breakthroughs in Math, Book 1
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Mitchell, Robert
Length: 186 Copyright: 1997

Subtitle: Developing Problem Solving Skills. Workbook is designed to help struggling adolescents with content reading in the area of math (essential computation skills and word problems). Each chapter combines instruction in arithmetic with strategies for successful problem solving. Covers whole numbers; understanding the question; dollars and cents; selecting necessary information; adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing; measurement; perimeter, area, and volume; averages; squares, cubes, and square roots; recognizing key words; choosing the correct operation; using estimation; working with multi-step problems.
Breakthroughs in Math, Book 1 JST  
KM 139KM 139 Bridges Intervention Volume 4: Addition & Subtraction Word Problems (Grades K-5)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

This volume focuses on the skills and concepts required for students to unpack and solve addition and subtraction story problems within 10, 20, and 100. More specifically, the collection of resources offered in this volume can be used to provide intervention for students who are struggling with one or more of the following: Understanding the operations of addition and subtraction Representing addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations Solving addition and subtraction story problems within 10 involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, and taking apart Solving addition and subtraction story problems with sums and minuends to 20 involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions Solving one- and two-step addition and subtraction story problems with sums and minuends to 100 involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions. For professional preview only.
Bridges Intervention Volume 4: Addition & Subtraction Word Problems (Grades T  
KM 142KM 142 Bridges Intervention Volume 7: Multiplication & Division Word Problems (Grades 3-6)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

This volume focuses on the skills and concepts required for students to unpack and solve multiplication and division story problems, as well as multi‑step story problems requiring the use of all four operations. More specifically, the collection of resources offered in this volume can be used to provide intervention for students who are struggling with one or more of the following: Solving multiplication and division story problems involving situations of equal groups and arrays Solving story problems involving multiplicative comparison using multiplication or division Solving two‑step and multi‑step story problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted Representing story problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity Solving story problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, area, and money. For professional preview only.
Bridges Intervention Volume 7: Multiplication & Division Word Problems (Gra T  
B 96383B 96383 Common Core Math 4 Today, Grade 1
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 96 Copyright: 2013

Daily Skill Practice for first grade contains standards-aligned reproducible activities designed to focus on critical math skills and concepts that meet the Common Core State Standards. Each page includes 16 problems to be completed during a four-day period. An assessment for the fifth day is provided for easy progress monitoring.
Common Core Math 4 Today, Grade 1 T  
B 96384B 96384 Common Core Math 4 Today, Grade 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: McCarthy, Erin
Length: 96 Copyright: 2013

Daily Skill Practice for second grade contains standards-aligned reproducible activities designed to focus on critical math skills and concepts that meet the Common Core State Standards. Each page includes 16 problems to be completed during a four-day period. An assessment for the fifth day is provided for easy progress monitoring.
Common Core Math 4 Today, Grade 2 T  
B 96385B 96385 Common Core Math 4 Today, Grade 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: McCarthy, Erin
Length: 96 Copyright: 2013

Daily Skill Practice for third grade contains standards-aligned reproducible activities designed to focus on critical math skills and concepts that meet the Common Core State Standards. Each page includes 16 problems to be completed during a four-day period. An assessment for the fifth day is provided for easy progress monitoring.
Common Core Math 4 Today, Grade 3 T  
B 97570B 97570 Doing Math in the Morning Meetings
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dousis, Andy / Wilson, Margaret
Length: 255 Copyright: 2010

Bring joy and energy to elementary math without adding to your already-packed schedule with fun and engaging activities for grades K–5. 150 quick activities for elementary teachers that include guessing games, songs, hands-on experiments, and more. IL K-6.
Doing Math in the Morning Meetings T  
KM 13427KM 13427 Grab & Match Leveled Money Quickies
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014

An easy to play card game for early learners to boost money skills with every match. Skill foci in measurement & data, solving problems with money, identifying money values and finding equivalencies. The set features 15 games that gradually progress in difficulty, each with a variety of game cards in a storage set. Students just grab a set, then work on their own to solve word problems, match coins and money values and more. Content includes game cards and an activity guide with an answer key. IL 1-3.
Grab & Match Leveled Money Quickies P  
B 122957B 122957 Great Math Tattle Battle
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bowen, Anne
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006

Harley Harrison is the best math student in second grade; he is also the biggest tattletale. Then Emma Jean arrives. She is good at math too, but is also a tattletale. Soon they're using their math skills to tattle on each other every chance they get. IL K-4. AR 3.8. GR L.
Great Math Tattle Battle KP  
B 95490B 95490 How Children Learn Number Concepts: A Guide to the Critical Learning Phases
Grade Lvl: T Author: Richardson, Kathy
Length: 204 Copyright: 2012

Describes how young children develop and understanding of number concepts. Kathy Richardson has identified the predictable stages, or Critical Learning Phases, children go through as they develop the mathematical understanding that is essential to building a solid foundation of numerical reasoning. Resource is designed to help all math educators and parents of young children (Pres-K through 4th) understand how children make sense of numbers and what mathematics they are ready to learn at each phase of development.
How Children Learn Number Concepts: A Guide to the Critical Learning Phases T  
KM 12685KM 12685 Math in Practice First-Grade
Grade Lvl: T Author: O'Connell, Susan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Math in Practice is a comprehensive, grade-by-grade professional learning resource designed to fit with any math curriculum. It identifies the big ideas of both math content and math teaching, unpacking key instructional strategies and detailing why those strategies are powerful. Rather than providing another sequence of lessons and units to take students from the beginning to the end of the year, Math in Practice focuses on developing deep content knowledge, understanding why certain strategies and approaches are most effective, and rethinking beliefs about what math teaching should be. Kit contains two books: Teaching First-Grade Math and A Guide for Teachers.
Math in Practice First-Grade T  
KM 12954KM 12954 Math Mysteries Series: Crimes, Capers and Whodunits
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Math Mysteries: Crimes, Capers and Whodunits is a series of five interactive mysteries designed to integrate Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in mathematics with engaging mysteries for students to unravel. Because each mystery incorporates a range of appealing skills applications, it is ideal for review, skills recovery, and enrichment purposes. THIS SERIES CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS: Lord Symington's Castle; Peterson's Last Challenge; The Clown Capers; The Cookie Factory Mystery; and The Treasure of Pirate's Cove. Let your students apply their math skills to real world problems as they solve intriguing mysteries and whodunits. Super sleuths from the Pi Detective Agency have gathered data and clues from unsolved cases. Your students will need to sift through written case files, dissect video interviews with possible suspects, test theories and more as they apply their content knowledge to a variety of engaging mathematical challenges. Includes: Five 11-minute DVDs, and 5 Teacher’s Resource Books which include Teacher’s Notes, Student Investigation Workbook and Case File. The student activities and the workbook help scaffold learners towards solving the crime, grabbing the reward, catching the crook and finding the treasure! This kit is an updated version to replace KM 4497.
Math Mysteries Series: Crimes, Capers and Whodunits IJ  
KM 12435KM 12435 Multi-Level Readers: Rock Collections
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009

Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR E Lexile 250); On Level(GR F Lexile 280) and Beyond Level(GR F Lexile 310) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Book provides opportunities to use observation and classifying skills and subtraction strategies in describing rock collections. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Rock Collections P  
B 92281B 92281 One Hundred Eighty Think-Aloud Math Word Problems
Grade Lvl: T Author: Nessel, Denise
Length: 80 Copyright: 2003

Title: 180 Think-Aloud Math Word Problems: Dozens of Quick, Daily Exercises and Strategies That Give Kids the Tools They Need to Tackle and Triumph Over Math Word Problems. Uses the read-and-think strategy which reveals information in three parts so that kids stop, think, and predict the question at each step. Presents problems as group lessons of independent activities. Sections: addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; money; measurements; fractions and percents; rates, averages, and logical reasoning. Computation. Word problems are designed for grades 4-6.
One Hundred Eighty Think-Aloud Math Word Problems T  
B 91267B 91267 Practice & Learn: For 8 to 12 Year Olds
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 608 Copyright: 2000

Cover subtitle: What Every 8 to 12 Year Old Needs to Know to Ensure Success in School. Hundreds of reproducible pages to reinforce basic skills in grammar, reading, and math. Topics include punctuation, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, contractions, compound words, suffixes, prefixes, roots, similes, metaphors, subject/predicate, main ideas, making inferences, drawing conclusions, cause and effect, idioms, analygies, summarizing, degrees of comparison, addition, regrouping, subtraction, place value, rounding, metric system, direction, maps, charts, multiplication, division, fractions, estimating, range, mean, mode, area, circumference, circle, volume, symmetry, translations, rotations, congruent figures, probability, thermometer, and measuring mass.
Practice & Learn: For 8 to 12 Year Olds T  
KM 4331KM 4331 Reasoning with Dinosaur Counters
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1989

Problem solving, math and logic activities designed to be used with dinosaur counters. Includes reproducible activity book (Reasoning with Dinosaur Counters) and dinosaur counters.
Reasoning with Dinosaur Counters PI  
KM 4252KM 4252 Reasoning with Teddy Bear Counters, K-1
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1989

Designed to introduce students to nonroutine logic and math story problems. Includes blackline masters and a bag of bear counters.
Reasoning with Teddy Bear Counters, K-1 KP  
B 97451B 97451 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades 3-5, Volume II, 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Van de Walle, John / Karp, Karen
Length: 476 Copyright: 2018

Helping students make connections between mathematics and their worlds, and helping them feel empowered to use math in their lives, is the focus of this guide, 3rd edition. Designed for classroom teachers, the book focuses on specific grade bands and includes information on creating an effective classroom environment, aligning teaching to various standards and practices, such as the Common Core State Standards and NCTM’s teaching practices, and engaging families. The first portion of the book addresses how to build a student-centered environment in which children can become mathematically proficient, while the second portion focuses on practical ways to teach important concepts in a student-centered fashion. This edition features a corresponding Enhanced Pearson eText version with links to embedded videos, blackline masters, downloadable teacher resource and activity pages, lesson plans, activities correlated to the CCSS, and tables of common errors and misconceptions.
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruct T  
KM 9777KM 9777 Teaching to Standards: Math
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

A systematic math curriculum for middle and high school students with moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities, including autism. Teaches students how to solve story problems with the help of symbol supports, graphic organizers, and manipulatives. Stories have life skill themes covering geometry, algebra, data analysis, and measurement. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. For grades 6-12.
Teaching to Standards: Math IJS  
KM 12957KM 12957 Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Support students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 2) P  
KM 12960KM 12960 Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 4)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Support students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 4) P  
KM 12963KM 12963 Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 6)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Support students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 6) IJ  
KM 13331KM 13331 Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 1)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Teach students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 1) KP  
KM 13334KM 13334 Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 3)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Teach students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes
Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 3) PI  
KM 13336KM 13336 Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 5)
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Helps students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more challenging as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. IL 4-6.
Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 5) I  
KM 12955KM 12955 Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Teach 2nd grade number sense and mental math skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become more rewarding as students encounter and solve new challenges. This teaching resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Use as: Independent Centers; Small Group work; Fast Finisher Activities; Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work; Weekly Math Journal Activities; Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 2) P  
KM 12958KM 12958 Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 4)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Teach fourth grade number sense and mental math skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become more rewarding as students encounter and solve new challenges. This teaching resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Use as: Independent Centers; Small Group work; Fast Finisher Activities; Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work; Weekly Math Journal Activities; Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 4) P  
KM 12961KM 12961 Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 6)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Burnett, James
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Teach sixth grade number sense and mental math skills. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become more rewarding as students encounter and solve new challenges. This teaching resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Use as: Independent Centers; Small Group work; Fast Finisher Activities; Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work; Weekly Math Journal Activities; Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 6) IJ  
KM 13332KM 13332 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking (Grade 1)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Teach 1st grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop 2nd Grade Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills The uses of this product are endless. Here are some of the ways that schools use them: Independent Centers Small Group work Fast Finisher Activities Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work Weekly Math Journal Activities Whole Class Math Discussions The ORIGO online resource STaRT is a nice companion piece and provides guided instruction to problem solving strategies in real world problems. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, answer cards, teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking (Grade 1) KP  
KM 12956KM 12956 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Teach 2nd grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 2) P  
KM 13333KM 13333 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 3)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Teach 3rd grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 3) PI  
KM 12959KM 12959 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 4)
Grade Lvl: I Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Teach 4th grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 4) I  
KM 13335KM 13335 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 5)
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Teach 5th grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 5) I  
KM 12962KM 12962 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 6)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Teach 3rd grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 6) IJ  
KM 13346KM 13346 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 1)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Teach first grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 1) KP  
KM 13347KM 13347 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Teach second grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 2) P  
KM 13348KM 13348 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 3)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Teach third grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 3) PI  
KM 13349KM 13349 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 4)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Teach fourth grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 4) PI  
KM 13350KM 13350 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 5)
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Teach fifth grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 5) I  
KM 13351KM 13351 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 6)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Teach sixth grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 6) IJ  
B 99678B 99678 Tic-Tac-Toe Math for Gardes 3 & 4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Clark, Dave
Length: 101 Copyright: 1998

A collection of 80 reproducible problems in the classic tic-tac-toe game format covers basic computational facts, place value, word problems, measurement, money, geometry, etc.
Tic-Tac-Toe Math for Gardes 3 & 4 T  
KM 8057KM 8057 VersaTiles Math Level 5 Set
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for fifth grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning centers, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Decimals; Estimating Sums and Differences; Whole Number and Decimal Products; Whole Number and Decimal Quotients; Computing With Fractions; Expressions and Equations; Polygons and Measures; and Data and Probability.
VersaTiles Math Level 5 Set I  
KM 8058KM 8058 VersaTiles Math Level 6 Set
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for sixth grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning centers, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Numbers and Number Theory; Operations With Whole Numbers; Operations With Decimals; Operations With Fractions; Percents, Proportions, and Ratios; Sequences and Equations; Geometric Shapes and Measures; and Data and Chance.
VersaTiles Math Level 6 Set I  
B 93459B 93459 You Can't Keep Slope Down
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ruopp, Faye
Length: 112 Copyright: 2007

Complete title: You Can't Keep Slope Down: and Other Skill-Building Math Activities, Grades 8-9 by Faye Nisonoff Ruopp and Paula Poundstone. Entertaining math problems are set within funny stories. Problems involve ratios and proportions, simplification of numerical expressions, identification of the meaning of variables and constants, the solving of polynomials and quadratics, the application of the Pythagorean theorem, and the measurement of central tendency in a dataset. From the series The Math with a Laugh.
You Can't Keep Slope Down T  
B 96712B 96712 Young Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction in Early Childhood Education
Grade Lvl: T Author: Carpenter, Thomas P / Franke, Megan Loef
Length: 154 Copyright: 2017

Explores the development of mathematical understanding in the youngest learners. Young children's everyday lives are full of mathematically-related conversation and play-and they enter school ready to make connections with these informal experiences. This book helps teachers recognize opportunities for making these connections by examining: how children apply their emerging counting skills to problem solving situations; how teachers effectively engage with young learners to support their mathematical development; How noticing the details of what children can do helps to build on their partial understandings; ways to bridge children's mathematical worlds at home and school. CGI.
Young Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction in Early Child T