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B 92711B 92711 25 Super Cool Math Board Games: Easy-to-Play Reproducible Games that Teach Essential Math Skills, Grades 3-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Egan, Lorraine
Length: 112 Copyright: 1999

Presents 25 board games for grades 3-6 designed to teach multiplication, division, fractions, geometry, probability, and logical thinking. Includes reproducible pages and step-by-step instructions.
25 Super Cool Math Board Games: Easy-to-Play Reproducible Games that Teach T  
B 94618B 94618 Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics Gr 4-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sousa, David
Length: 182 Copyright: 2010

Contains brain-compatible activities, including ones that involve group work, reflection, movement, and visualization, designed to help students in fourth through fifth grade better understand mathematical concepts, and provides instructional strategies as wellas graphic organizers.
Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics Gr 4-5 T  
KM 144KM 144 Bridges Intervention Volume 9: Money & Decimals (Grades 2-5)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

This volume focuses on a collection of skills from Grades 2, 4, and 5 related to money and decimals. The resources in this volume can be used to provide intervention for students who are struggling with one of more of the following: Recognizing the names and values of coins Finding the value of a collection of coins Solving problems about money Connecting decimal fractions with decimal numbers Adding decimal fractions Understanding and comparing decimal numbers Adding decimal numbers For professional preview only.
Bridges Intervention Volume 9: Money & Decimals (Grades 2-5) T  
B 92950B 92950 Connections: Linking Manipulative to Math Gr 8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Charles, Linda
Length: 92 Copyright: 1991

Subtitle: Linking Manipulatives to Mathematics Grade 8. Resource contains 20 manipulative lessons. Problems explore volume & surface area, patterns and functions, probability, integers, multiplication of polynomials, square root, Pythagorean Theorem. Uses Base Ten Blocks, Fraction Factory Pieces, Geoboards, Rainbow Cubes, Geoblocks.
Connections: Linking Manipulative to Math Gr 8 T  
KM 11581KM 11581 Equivalence Flip
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010

Plastic, color-coded Equivalence Flip helps students relate equivalent fractions, decimals, and percents to a picture representation. Contains 40 cards showing 1/100, 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 3/5, 3/4, and whole. Flip measures 18.5"x8". For grades 3-6.
Equivalence Flip PI  
GM 163GM 163 Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 3
Grade Lvl: P Author: Gillespie, Janet
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Collection of 20 games to help third graders learn, review, and practice key number concepts through hands-on activities. Includes activities that cover place value, mental math, addition/subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, money, and reasoning/problem solving. Some games use play money coins which are not included in the kit. Each game has at least two variations to facilitate differentiating instruction. Includes materials for one pair of students. Contents: guide with game boards, Ten-Grid card deck, counters, dice, number cubes (0-5; 1-6; 4-9), fraction cube, and manipulative materials on cardstock.
Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 3 P  
GM 164GM 164 Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 4
Grade Lvl: I Author: Gillespie, Janet
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Collection of 20 games to help fourth graders learn, review, and practice key number concepts through hands-on activities. Includes activities that cover number sense, mental math, addition/subtraction, multiplication, division, money, reasoning, problem solving, and algebraic thinking. Some games use coins and calculator which are not included in kit. Each game has at least two variations to facilitate differentiating instruction. Includes materials for one pair of students. Contents: guide with reproducible game boards, fraction cards, decimal cards, counters, number cubes (0-5; 1-6; 4-9), and fraction cube plus manipulative materials on cardstock.
Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 4 I  
GM 165GM 165 Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 5
Grade Lvl: I Author: Gillespie, Janet
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Collection of 20 games to help fifth graders learn, review, and practice key number concepts through hands-on activities. Includes activities that cover number sense, mental math, whole number computation, fraction/decimal computation, reasoning, problem solving, and algebraic thinking. Each game has at least two variations to facilitate differentiating instruction. Includes materials for one pair of students. Contents: guide with reproducible pages, Fraction/Decimal cards, counters, number cubes (0-5; 1-6; 4-9), and manipulative materials on cardstock.
Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 5 I  
GM 166GM 166 Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 6
Grade Lvl: I Author: Clark, Andy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Collection of 20 games to help sixth graders learn, review, and practice key number concept through hands-on activities. Includes activities that cover number sense, mental math, computation, reasoning, problem solving, and algebraic thinking. Some games use paper clips, calculator, coins, clock or watch, and colored pencils which are not included in the kit. Each game has at least two variations to facilitate differentiating instruction. Includes materials for one pair of students. Contents: guide with reproducible game boards, cards, recording sheets, Fraction/Decimal cards, counters, number cubes (0-5; 0 through -5; 1-6; 4-9), and manipulative materials on cardstock.
Every Day Counts Partner Games, Grade 6 I  
B 95306B 95306 Extending Children's Mathematics: Fractions & Decimals: Innovations In Cognitively Guided Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Empson, Susan / Levi, Linda
Length: 242 Copyright: 2011

Discusses teaching and learning strategies to help children learn fractions and decimals by discussing and solving word problems, providing insight into how children think, and including examples of student work, classroom vignettes, commentaries from practicing teachers, sample problems, and other resources.
Extending Children's Mathematics: Fractions & Decimals: Innovations In Cogn T  
B 92296B 92296 File Folder Games Reading & Math Gr. 3-4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Finch, Karen
Length: 381 Copyright: 1992

Reproducible pages provide art and instructions for making more than 40 manipulative games. Topics: consonant and vowel practice; parts of speech; whole number operations; fractions; decimals; and more. Games adapted for grades 3-4 by Pat Ling.
File Folder Games Reading & Math Gr. 3-4 T  
KM 10150KM 10150 Foam Magnetic Fraction Circles
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Eighty-seven (87) piece set that includes 9"-diameter color-coded, labeled, magnetic, soft-foam fraction circles: whole, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, and twelfths. Also includes 36 color-coded foam magnetic squares that show fractions as a decimal and a percent, for examples 1/4, 25%, .25. Use on any magnetic surface. For grade 1+.
Foam Magnetic Fraction Circles PI  
KM 9577KM 9577 FractionWorks Grade 4
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

FractionWorks target skills for grade 4 include: Identifying fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals; Comparing and ordering fractions and decimals; Simplifying fractions; Adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers; Contents: teacher's resource guide, two student activity books, Fraction Tower Cubes, Rainbow Fraction Squares, Base Ten Blocks and Rods, Fraction and Operations Dice, Overhead Fraction Tower Cubes, Overhead Rainbow Fraction Squares, Overhead Base Ten Blocks, and Fraction/Decimal Dominoes.
FractionWorks Grade 4 I  
KM 9578KM 9578 FractionWorks Grade 5
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

FractionWorks target skills for grade 5 include: Identifying fractions, decimals, and percents; Comparing and ordering fractions, decimals, and percents; Adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, Multiplying and dividing fractions; Estimating products and quotients. Contents: teacher's resource guide, two student activity books, Rainbow Fraction Circles, Fraction Circle Rings, Equivalency Tower Cubes, Cuisenaire Rods, Rainbow Fraction/Decimal Tiles, Overhead rainbow Fraction Circles, Overhead Fraction Tower Cubes, Overhead Cuisenaire Rods, and The Fraction Tower Card Game.
FractionWorks Grade 5 I  
B 106767B 106767 Grizzly Gazette
Grade Lvl: P Author: Murphy, Stuart
Length: 31 Copyright: 2003

Uses a story of a three-way competition for votes to explain percentages to children. From the series MathStart, Level 3 Percentage. AR 3.4.
Grizzly Gazette P  
KM 10358KM 10358 Hands-on Standards/Math Manipulatives Grades 5-6
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Complete title: Hands-on Standards, Deluxe Edition: The First Source for Introducing Math Manipulatives (Grades 5-6). Contains 71 age-appropriate lessons. Each lesson defines the specific concepts and skills that children will be taught and includes step-by-step procedures for children to use in solving a problem that links math to their day-to-day lives. Each lesson uses at least one type of manipulative (not included in kit). CD-ROM includes blackline masters, math graphic organizers, research on the use of manipulatives in math instruction and sample activities from The Super Source. Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period.
Hands-on Standards/Math Manipulatives Grades 5-6 T  
KM 10359KM 10359 Hands-on Standards/Math Manipulatives Grades 7-8
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Complete title: Hands-on Standards, Deluxe Edition: The First Source for Introducing Math Manipulatives (Grades 7-8). Contains 64 age-appropriate lessons. Each lesson defines the specific concepts and skills that children will be taught and includes step-by-step procedures for children to use in solving a problem that links math to their day-to-day lives. Each lesson uses at least one type of manipulative (not included in kit). CD-ROM includes blackline masters, math graphic organizers, research on the use of manipulatives in math instruction and sample activities from The Super Source. Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period.
Hands-on Standards/Math Manipulatives Grades 7-8 T  
GM 199GM 199 I Have, Who Has? Grades 3-4 Complete Set: Set of 7
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

Card games to practice and reinforce math skills with the whole class or in small groups for developing fluency with basic facts, for practice with math academic vocabulary with English language learners, for use as a quick assessment of students' understanding, as a center activity, or for a whole-class review. Contents: answer key and 36 cards for each title: Multiplication; Division; Elapsed Time; Place Value; Fractions and Decimals; Geometry; and Mixed Review. Grades 3-4.
I Have, Who Has? Grades 3-4 Complete Set: Set of 7 PI  
GM 200GM 200 I Have, Who Has? Grades 5-6 Complete Set: Set of 7
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

Card games to practice and reinforce math skills with the whole class or in small groups for developing fluency with basic facts, for practice with math academic vocabulary with English language learners, for use as a quick assessment of students' understanding, as a center activity, or for a whole-class review. Contents: answer key and 36 cards for each title: Multiplication and Division; Operations; Fractions, Decimals, and Percents; Geometry; Measurement; Vocabulary; and Mixed Review. Grades 5-6.
I Have, Who Has? Grades 5-6 Complete Set: Set of 7 I  
B 92445B 92445 Intermediate Math Puzzlers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fisher, Ann
Length: 108 Copyright: 1994

Collection of activities for grades 5-8. Reproducible puzzles for problem solving or computational practice. Computation. Topics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers; number word puzzles; positive and negative integers; prime and composite numbers; factors and multiples; exponents; other number systems; decimals, fractions and percentages; coordinate graphs and map puzzles; probability and statistical puzzles; geometry; measurement; brainteasers and logic.
Intermediate Math Puzzlers T  
B 92182B 92182 Lessons for Decimals & Percents, Grades 5-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Francisco, Carrie De
Length: 212 Copyright: 2002

Lessons develop students' understanding of decimals and percents andprovides the preparation for using them in science and math applications. Through a series of explorations, students relate decimals to fractions; represent, read, and interpret decimal numerals; compare decimal numerals; and relate percents to fractionsand decimals. Three children's books are integrated into lessons. Extension activities and assessments are also included. Percentage. Authors: Carrie DeFrancisco and Marilyn Burns. From the series Teaching Arithmetic.
Lessons for Decimals & Percents, Grades 5-6 T  
B 96666B 96666 Mastering Basic Math Skills: Games for Third Through Fifth Grade
Grade Lvl: T Author: Britt, Bonnie Adama
Length: 276 Copyright: 2015

A teacher's guide to teaching math skills through the use of games for children in third through fifth grade. Games are organized in each chapter from simplest to more advanced, and many have variations that change the rules of play or make it more challenging once the basic game is mastered. Topics include simple addition, place value, multi-digit addition, rounding numbers, subtraction, multiplication, division, multiple operations, fractions, decimals, money, & integers. Designed for use in the classroom and at home, the book includes access to downloadable More4U materials such as ten-frame cards, game boards, and recording sheets. And all the games are correlated to the Common Core State Standards.
Mastering Basic Math Skills: Games for Third Through Fifth Grade T  
KM 10113KM 10113 Math Center Kit--3rd Grade
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Colorful, self-correcting hands-on system that introduces students to new math concepts while providing reinforcement of key math skills. Students place a card in the base unit and answer questions by placing the colorful disks next to the answers around the outer edge. Any incorrect answers are immediately identified when the card is turned over and placed back into the base to line up the disks with the correct answers. Contents: two Learning Palette bases and grade-appropriate materials in: algebra concepts; geometry and measurement; probability and statistics; addition and subtraction with 3- and 4-digit numbers; fractions, money, and decimals; and multiplication and division. For an animated demonstration of Learning Palette cards go to: http://www.learningwrapups.com/paletteoverview.asp
Math Center Kit--3rd Grade P  
KM 10114KM 10114 Math Center Kit--4th Grade
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Colorful, self-correcting hands-on system that introduces students to new math concepts while providing reinforcement of key math skills. Students place a card in the base unit and answer questions by placing the colored disks next to the answers around the outer edge. Any incorrect answers are immediately identified when the card is turned over and placed back into the base to line up the disks with the correct answers. Contents: two Learning Palette bases and grade-appropriate materials in: algebra concepts; geometry and measurement; probability and statistics; whole numbers; fractions; and decimals and percents. For an animated demonstration of Learning Palette cards go to: http://www.learningwrapups.com/paletteoverview.asp
Math Center Kit--4th Grade I  
KM 10115KM 10115 Math Center Kit--5th Grade
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Colorful, self-correcting hands-on system that introduces students to new math concepts while providing reinforcement of key math skills. Students place a card in the base unit and answer questions by placing the colored disks next to the answers around the outer edge. Any incorrect answers are immediately identified when the card is turned over and placed back into the base to line up the disks with the correct answers. Contents: two Learning Palette bases and grade-appropriate materials in: algebra concept; geometry and measurement; probability and statistics; advanced whole numbers; advanced fractions; and advanced decimals and percents. For an animated demonstration of Learning Palette cards go to: http://www.learningwrapups.com/paletteoverview.asp
Math Center Kit--5th Grade I  
B 92025B 92025 Math for Real Kids: Problems, Applications, and Activities For Grades 5-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Spangler, David
Length: 136 Copyright: 1997

70 activities organized into strands: Number (computation with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, proportion and percent, and integers), Statistics, Probability, Measurement, Geometry, and Pre-Algebra.
Math for Real Kids: Problems, Applications, and Activities For Grades 5-8 T  
KM 12689KM 12689 Math in Practice Fifth-Grade
Grade Lvl: T Author: O'Connell, Susan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Math in Practice is a comprehensive, grade-by-grade professional learning resource designed to fit with any math curriculum. It identifies the big ideas of both math content and math teaching, unpacking key instructional strategies and detailing why those strategies are powerful. Rather than providing another sequence of lessons and units to take students from the beginning to the end of the year, Math in Practice focuses on developing deep content knowledge, understanding why certain strategies and approaches are most effective, and rethinking beliefs about what math teaching should be. Kit contains two books: Teaching Fifth-Grade Math and A Guide for Teachers.
Math in Practice Fifth-Grade T  
KM 13258KM 13258 Math Pathways & Pitfalls Percents, Ratios, Proportions with Algebra Readiness (Grades 6-8)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Barnett-Clarke, Carne / Ramirez, Alma
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010

This volume of Math Pathways & Pitfalls K–8 curriculum helps students tackle stubborn pitfalls head-on and transform them into pathways for learning key standards for grades 6–8. The lessons in this book address percents, ratios, and proportions interwoven with algebraic reasoning. In rigorous research studies, Math Pathways & Pitfalls significantly increased student achievement for diverse students, including for English learners, in all grades tested. This kit contains everything a teacher needs to teach Math Pathways & Pitfalls with ease and success. Includes 22 complete lessons. Teaching manual, DVD video footage of Math Pathways & Pitfalls in action, CD with black line masters of student handouts, classroom quizzes, answer keys, and resources, Discussion Builders classroom poster and Teacher professional development tasks, activities, and video footage. Restricted to AEA 1 Math Consultants. IL 6-8.
Math Pathways & Pitfalls Percents, Ratios, Proportions with Algebra Readine T  
KM 13257KM 13257 Math Pathways & Pitfalls: Fractions and Decimals with Algebra Readiness (Grades 6-8)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Barnett-Clarke, Carne / Ramirez, Alma
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010

This volume of Math Pathways & Pitfalls K–8 curriculum helps students tackle stubborn pitfalls head-on and transform them into pathways for learning key standards for grades 6–8. The lessons in this book address percents, ratios, and proportions interwoven with algebraic reasoning. In rigorous research studies, Math Pathways & Pitfalls significantly increased student achievement for diverse students, including for English learners, in all grades tested. This kit contains everything a teacher needs to teach Math Pathways & Pitfalls with ease and success. Includes 22 complete lessons. Teaching manual, DVD video footage of Math Pathways & Pitfalls in action, CD with black line masters of student handouts, classroom quizzes, answer keys, and resources, Discussion Builders classroom poster and Teacher professional development tasks, activities, and video footage. Restricted to AEA 1 Math Consultants. IL 6-8.
Math Pathways & Pitfalls: Fractions and Decimals with Algebra Readiness (Gr T  
KM 10258KM 10258 Math Resource Kit--Fractions (Wrap-Ups)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000

Six identical Wrap-Up sets provide a hands-on method for learning fractions from halves through tenths. Teacher's manual includes activities and blackline masters for learning fraction addition and subtraction. Also teaches decimal equivalents for common fractions. Allows students to work at their own pace. Self-correction/correcting. Immediate feedback. Contents: teacher's manual and six sets of learning wrap-ups. For a demonstration of how Wrap-Ups work, go to the Learning Wrap-Ups website: http://www.learningwrapups.com/wrapsoverview.asp
Math Resource Kit--Fractions (Wrap-Ups) PI  
B 97488B 97488 Math Rules! 1st-2nd
Grade Lvl: T Author: VandeCreek, Barbara
Length: 112 Copyright: 2001

Reproducible activity sheets for first and second grade levels which include six problems for each week. The wide range of topics includes number sense, estimation, patterns, fractions, geometry, and statistics. The difficulty level for each problem is noted and answers are included. See professional collection B 91960 (grades 3 and 4) and B 91961 (grades 5 and 6) for different grade levels.
Math Rules! 1st-2nd T  
B 91960B 91960 Math Rules! 3rd-4th
Grade Lvl: T Author: Vandecreek, Barbara
Length: 108 Copyright: 2000

Reproducible worksheets for math enrichment. Includes 200 problems for each grade. Numbers, computation, measurement, estimation, geometry, fractions and decimals, quantitative reasoning, patterns, spatial reasoning, statistics and probability, problem solving, understanding and communicating processes, making connections and applications to everyday experiences. Math communication.
Math Rules! 3rd-4th T  
B 91961B 91961 Math Rules! 5th-6th
Grade Lvl: T Author: Vandecreek, Barbara
Length: 112 Copyright: 2002

Reproducible worksheets for math enrichment. Includes 200 problems for each grade. Numbers, computation, measurement, estimation, geometry, fractions and decimals, quantitive reasoning, patterns, spatial reasoning, statistics and probability, problem solving, understanding and communicating processes. making connections and applications to everyday experiences. Math communication.
Math Rules! 5th-6th T  
B 92407B 92407 Math-O-Graphs Critical Thinking Through Graphing
Grade Lvl: T Author: Buck, Donna
Length: 169 Copyright: 1990

Activities for grades 4-8 use real-world problems to encourage students to coordinate many types of thinking to find possible solutions. Activities are organized into generalized-topic units: numeration (place value, digit, rounding, sets, bases), addition and subtraction, estimation, multiplication and division (primes, powers, averages), decimals, fractions, ratio, percent, geometry measurement, area, volume, probability, statistics. Each activity beings with a graph for anticipatory discussion and vocabulary development questions. Then a class graph is developed which involves joining others in a cooperative exploration of strategies to solve the problem. Class-discussion questions relate each activity topic to mathematics and to other curriculum areas. Concludes by offering extending activities for reinforcing mathematical concepts.
Math-O-Graphs Critical Thinking Through Graphing T  
B 97056B 97056 Mathematics For the Young Child
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 306 Copyright: 1990

Presents strategies for teaching math concepts to the young child. Preschool-grade 4.
Mathematics For the Young Child T  
KM 6465KM 6465 MathSharks (5 Pak)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998

Portable electronic game and calculator. Drill and practice to beat the clock on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percents. Progressive levels. Requires 2 AA batteries (included). Contents: guide and five MathSharks.
MathSharks (5 Pak) PI  
B 91820B 91820 Number Sense and Nonsense
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zaslavsky, Claudia
Length: 140 Copyright: 2001

Subtitle: Building Math Creativity and Confidence Through Number Play. Includes more than 80 games and activities. Ages 8-12. Group and individual games teach prime and composite factors; common decimal fractions; useful ways to manipulate odd and even numbers; and factors, divisors, and multiples of numbers. Counting, calculating, and writing numbers in cultures from China and Egypt to Native America provide experiences that build understanding for how numbers work. Riddles, puzzles, number tricks, and calculator games boost estimating and computation skills. Mathematical recreations.
Number Sense and Nonsense T  
B 96750B 96750 Number Talks: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages: A Multimedia Professional Learning Resource
Grade Lvl: T Author: Parrish, Sherry / Dominick, Ann
Length: 448 Copyright: 2016

Models how the techniques of conducting mathematical number talks and number strings enable students to grapple with number relationships, analyze their justifications and explanations, and communicate and solidify these critical understandings. Supports teachers in understanding: • what a classroom number talk is (a 5-15-minute classroom conversation around purposefully crafted problems that are solved mentally); • how to follow students’ thinking and pose the right questions to build understanding; • how to prepare for and design purposeful number talks; and • how to develop fractional reasoning and strategies for operating with fractions, decimals, and percentages. Book provides access to online video clips via the publisher web site or QR codes. Clips are from one to ten minutes in length and feature grades 3-6.
Number Talks: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages: A Multimedia Profession T  
KM 125KM 125 Number Worlds: Intervention: Levels D,E,F,G,H, and I (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

SRA Number Worlds is built to the CCSS. Intervention levels (D-J) help students unlock the Common Core by focusing on Key Standards at each grade level (grades 2-8). Kit contains Implementation Guide; Placement Test Guide; Teacher Editions and Student Workbooks for Levels D,E,F,G,H, and I (grade 7), and blue and white counters.
Number Worlds: Intervention: Levels D,E,F,G,H, and I (2 Parts) T  
B 92147B 92147 One Hundred Ninety Ready-to-Use Activities That Make Math Fun!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Watson, George
Length: 282 Copyright: 2003

Reproducible activity sheets help students (middle and high school) master basic math skills including whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, money, concepts, geometry and measurement, charts and graphs, and pre-algebra. All the activities are presented in a variety of formats such as puzzles, crosswords, matching, word number searches, number substitutions, and more. For use with students of varying ability levels.
One Hundred Ninety Ready-to-Use Activities That Make Math Fun! T  
KM 10142KM 10142 Radical Math Millenium Kit
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001

Math Games for Grades 6-12. Games focus on integers, decimals, place value, number systems and order of operations, linear equations, exponents, polynomials, coordinate geometry, trigonometry, quadratic functions and equations, graphing, and probability. 100 games that use cards, regular dice and special dice. Contents: book: Radical Math Millenium Edition Vol X; 50 regular dice, 15 decks of special mini cards (0-12); overhead cards, overhead spotted/dot dice, 20 numbers (1-30) Decade Dice (00-90); and 16 of each of the following types of multi-sided dice: Numbers (0-9), Numbers (1-12), and Number 1-20).
Radical Math Millenium Kit IJS  
B 95480B 95480 Strategies for Test-Taking Success: Math
Grade Lvl: IJST Author: Newman, Christy
Length: 217 Copyright: 2006

Strategies for Test-Taking Success is a test preparation series designed to help all students develop effective test taking skills and strategies, regardless of their English language proficiency or academic levels. Workbook uses accessible language with concrete examples that include clarifying graphics and activities. It provides scaffolding and support for foundation skills as it teaches and practices advanced ones. Offers instruction and test practice in five major skill areas of mathematics: Whole Numbers and Number Sense; Fractions, Decimals, and Percents; Algebra; Probability, Data, and Statistics; Geometry.
Strategies for Test-Taking Success: Math IJST  
B 97451B 97451 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades 3-5, Volume II, 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Van de Walle, John / Karp, Karen
Length: 476 Copyright: 2018

Helping students make connections between mathematics and their worlds, and helping them feel empowered to use math in their lives, is the focus of this guide, 3rd edition. Designed for classroom teachers, the book focuses on specific grade bands and includes information on creating an effective classroom environment, aligning teaching to various standards and practices, such as the Common Core State Standards and NCTM’s teaching practices, and engaging families. The first portion of the book addresses how to build a student-centered environment in which children can become mathematically proficient, while the second portion focuses on practical ways to teach important concepts in a student-centered fashion. This edition features a corresponding Enhanced Pearson eText version with links to embedded videos, blackline masters, downloadable teacher resource and activity pages, lesson plans, activities correlated to the CCSS, and tables of common errors and misconceptions.
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruct T  
B 95055B 95055 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades 6-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Van de Walle, John A. / Lovin, Lou Ann H.
Length: 375 Copyright: 2014

Second Edition subtitle: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades 6-8. Volume Three from the Van de Walle Professional Mathematics Series offers practical guidance and proven strategies designed to help teachers of sixth through eighth grade create student-centered mathematics units. Includes grade-appropriate activities. Part I: Establishing a Student-Centered Environment. Part II: Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics. Chapters cover fraction concepts & computation; decimal concepts & decimal computation; the number system; proportional reasoning; algebraic thinking; geometry concepts; measurement concepts; exploring functions; working with data and doing statistics; and probability concepts. Aligns the material to the CCSS standards. Book includes online access to the PDToolkit (video examples; virtual manipulatives; printable versions of the Blackline Masters included in the book).
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades 6-8 T  
KM 12974KM 12974 Understanding Numbers: Place Value, Decimals, Addition & Subtraction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kathy Richardson
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004

Math Perspectives Publication. Contains 3 booklets, one each for Place Value, Decimals, and Addition & Subtraction. Sets of Activity cards to go with each booklet. Grades 3-5.
Understanding Numbers: Place Value, Decimals, Addition & Subtraction T  
KM 8055KM 8055 VersaTiles Math Level 3 Set
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for third grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning centers, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Fractions, Decimals, and Whole Numbers; Adding and Subtracting; Multiplying and Dividing; Add and Subtract With Regrouping; Products and Quotients; Shape and Number Patterns; Measures and Shapes; and Understanding Data.
VersaTiles Math Level 3 Set P  
KM 8056KM 8056 VersaTiles Math Level 4 Set
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for fourth grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning centers, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Whole Numbers, Decimals, and Fractions; Sums and Differences; Multiplying Whole Numbers; Dividing Whole Numbers; Adding and Subtracting Fractions; Patterns and Relationships; Measures and Figures; and Probability and Data.
VersaTiles Math Level 4 Set I  
KM 8057KM 8057 VersaTiles Math Level 5 Set
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for fifth grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning centers, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Decimals; Estimating Sums and Differences; Whole Number and Decimal Products; Whole Number and Decimal Quotients; Computing With Fractions; Expressions and Equations; Polygons and Measures; and Data and Probability.
VersaTiles Math Level 5 Set I  
KM 8058KM 8058 VersaTiles Math Level 6 Set
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for sixth grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning centers, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Numbers and Number Theory; Operations With Whole Numbers; Operations With Decimals; Operations With Fractions; Percents, Proportions, and Ratios; Sequences and Equations; Geometric Shapes and Measures; and Data and Chance.
VersaTiles Math Level 6 Set I  
KM 8059KM 8059 VersaTiles Math Level 7 Set
Grade Lvl: J Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for seventh grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning center, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Rational Numbers; Decimal Operations; Fraction Operations; Integer Operations; Ratios, Proportions, and Percents; Equations and Functions; Measurement and Geometry; and Graphs and Data.
VersaTiles Math Level 7 Set J  
KM 8060KM 8060 VersaTiles Math Level 8 Set
Grade Lvl: J Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Starter set is a self-paced program for eighth grade designed to provide practice with math skills. VersaTiles can be used for enrichment, remediation, learning centers, etc. VersaTiles provide immediate feedback. If the answers are correct the tiles form a pattern that matches the pattern in the activity book. Contents: teacher's resource guide; five self-correcting answer cases with 12 tiles in each; and eight activity books: Real Numbers; Calculations With Decimals; Calculations With Fractions; Calculations With Integers; Ratios, Percents, and Proportions; Algebra and Functions; Geometry and Measurement; and Statistics and Probability.
VersaTiles Math Level 8 Set J  
KM 12970KM 12970 Young Child and Mathematics 2nd Revised Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Copley, Juanita V
Length: 176 Copyright: 2009

This second edition of The Young Child and Mathematics reflects recent developments in math education in a wealth of vignettes from classrooms, activity ideas, and strategies for teaching young children about math processes and concepts. Using standards and guidelines from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and NAEYC, Juanita Copley shows how teachers can readily and enjoyably make mathematics an integral part of their classrooms all day, every day. Includes a DVD of print and video resources, including clips of the author in action in real classrooms, engaging young children in math thinking and learning. Co-published with NCTM.
Young Child and Mathematics 2nd Revised Edition T