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B 95258B 95258 101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science
Grade Lvl: IJST Author: Michels, Dia / Levy, Nathan
Length: 160 Copyright: 2009

Questions and answers present 101 key concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, earth, and general science. Includes illustrations. FOSS:Earth Materials; FOSS:Human Body; FOSS:Ideas and Inventions; FOSS:Magnetism and Electricity; FOSS:Measurment; FOSS:Physics of Sound; FOSS:Structures of Life; FOSS: Water; FOSS:Environment; FOSS:Food and Nutrition.
101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science IJST  
B 90479B 90479 Activities for Teaching Science as Inquiry(7th Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bass, Joel
Length: 279 Copyright: 2009

Shows how to bring inquiry into the elementary and middle school science classroom. More than 140 inquiry activities in physical, life, earth, and space science are presented. The primary focus is on the 5E Model (5 phases include engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate), an instructional model that reflects the NSES Science as Inquiry Standards. Grade ranges are indicated for all activities. Physical science activities: properties of matter; motion and forces; sound; temperature and heat; light; magnetism; electricity. Life science activities: characteristics of organisms; organisms and their environments; structures and functions of human systems. Earth and space science activities: structure of the Earth; atmosphere, weather, and climate of Earth; the Earth's oceans; viewing the sky from Earth. Authors are Joel E. Bass, Terry L. Contant, and Arthur A. Carin. For gr K-8.
Activities for Teaching Science as Inquiry(7th Ed) T  
B 94545B 94545 Activities Linking Science With Mathematics, K-4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Eichinger, John
Length: 212 Copyright: 2009

Contains 20 activities that align with national standards for both science and math and cover topics from all scientific disciplines. Hands-on activities do not require advanced expertise and use inexpensive & easily accessible materials. Includes background information, list of materials, a step-by-step procedure, discussionquestions, and assessment techniques. Some activities: Creating art projects from recycled materials; what makes a boat float?; properties of magnets; surface tension & soap; acids & bases; soil; rocks; evaporation; fingerprints; making prints from fruits and vegetables; etc.
Activities Linking Science With Mathematics, K-4 T  
B 95023B 95023 Air, Water, & Weather, Grades 3-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, William
Length: 134 Copyright: 2005

First explains the physical science concepts associated with the behavior of air, water, and other fluids. Then uses weather as an application of those concepts. Includes activities using easy-to-find materials. Covers air pressure, the Coriolis force, the Bernoulli Effect, density, why hot air doesn't rise by itself, and why heating air doesn't necessarily cause it to expand. From the series Stop Faking It!
Air, Water, & Weather, Grades 3-8 T  
B 93022B 93022 Animals & Art Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sacks, Janet
Length: 48 Copyright: 2002

Information about various topics related to dinosaurs, birds, marine life, and other animals forms the foundation for a variety of craft projects. From the series Arty Facts. Grades 2-4.
Animals & Art Activities T  
B 98895B 98895 Art and Science Connection: Hands-On Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tolley, Kimberley
Length: 160 Copyright: 1993

Thirty lessons for primary students combine art and science, emphasizing cooperative learning and a hands-on approach to explore three main science themes: structure, interactions, and energy.
Art and Science Connection: Hands-On Activities T  
B 95284B 95284 Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sobel, David
Length: 61 Copyright: 2013

Presents environmental education strategies that cater to a child's natural affinities. The author suggests that there are appropriate environmental activities and accessible ecological concepts for children at different age levels that take into account their cognitive capabilities & psychological needs. Recommends encouraging a close relationship between children and nature near home. Cautions against using tragic topics (large environmental problems such as rainforest destruction, etc.) prior to fourth grade. Includes descriptions of developmentally appropriate environmental education activities and a list of related children's books divided by age group. Empathy (ages 4-7), Exploration (ages 8-11), Social Action (ages 12-14.)
Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education T  
B 92840B 92840 Big Book of Science: Grade Levels K-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zike, Dinah
Length: 178 Copyright: 2004

Dinah Zike's book contains instructions for making Foldables (3-D interactive graphic organizers) and ideas on how to use them. Shows how to make 34 basic Foldable activities. Presents suggestions for using Foldables with specific science topics such as: acids and bases, animals, color, dinosaurs, eggs, electricity, energy, erosion, plants, forces, fossils, fungi, heat, storms, magnetism, mirrors, motion, ocean, planets, rainbows, rock, simple tools/machines, human body, volcanos, water, weathering/erosion, etc.
Big Book of Science: Grade Levels K-6 T  
B 92227B 92227 Brain Teasers Grade 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Eichel, Carol
Length: 80 Copyright: 1995

Cover title: Third Grade Brain Teasers. Collection of reproducible activities: groups and pairs, logic, mazes and word finds, numbers, word chains and games, word puzzles, and more. Critical Thinking Activities.
Brain Teasers Grade 3 T  
B 93164B 93164 Budding Botanist (Grades 3-6)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 112 Copyright: 1993

Contains hands-on activities that investigate the world of plants. Particular attention is given to: 1. seeds: their structure, how they grow, their properties, and how they are dispersed; 2. plants: their structure, how plant parts work, photosynthesis, and development of seeds and fruit. The last section is a short look at the structure of plant cells. Sample investigations include: Seed Search, Cones and Needles, Exploring Germiniation, Twig Study, History of a Tree, Seeds from Fruits and Vegetables, Down Under, Leafing Out, Envioscape, and A Flower Study.
Budding Botanist (Grades 3-6) T  
B 94497B 94497 Budding Botanists (Grades 1-2)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 139 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: A Life Science Unit for High-Ability Learners in Grades 1-2. Thirteen inquiry-based lessons engage students in an investigation of plant life as they assume the role of botanists. Team members seek to understand the structure, nature, and life cycle of plants, and to answer questions such as How can plants be used to fuel cars? Project Clarion Science Unit for Primary Grades developed by the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary.
Budding Botanists (Grades 1-2) T  
B 91804B 91804 Complete Guide to Classroom Centers, Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Holliman, Linda
Length: 144 Copyright: 1996

Provides plans for 24 classroom centers (writing, listening, reading, research, poetry, math, art, social studies, science, computer). Has over 200 activities. Discusses planning, managing, scheduling, and evaluation.
Complete Guide to Classroom Centers, Grades K-3 T  
B 94276B 94276 Cool Chemistry Concoctions
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rhatigan, Joe
Length: 80 Copyright: 2007

Subtitle: 50 Formulas that Fizz, Foam, Splatter and Ooze. Presents a collection of chemistry experiments using ordinary household products. Grades 3-6.
Cool Chemistry Concoctions T  
B 96134B 96134 Daily Science Workout, Level 3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 76 Copyright: 1996

Manual with 36 lessons provides daily discussion questions that challenge 3rd grade students to think scientifically about their experiences. These questions help students explore a range of topics and develop a variety of process skills. Each question is classified according to one of four strands: Physical Science, Earth Science, Life Science, and Health and the Human Body.
Daily Science Workout, Level 3 T  
B 96680B 96680 Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 288 Copyright: 2014

Assessments, understood as tools for tracking what and how well students have learned, play a critical role in the classroom. Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards develops an approach to science assessment to meet the vision of science education for the future as it has been elaborated in A Framework for K-12 Science Education (Framework) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These documents are brand new and the changes they call for are barely under way, but the new assessments will be needed as soon as states and districts begin the process of implementing the NGSS and changing their approach to science education.
Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards T  
B 95495B 95495 Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Science (Grades K-2)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Westphal, Laurie
Length: 151 Copyright: 2011

Discusses the benefits of using menus to create a student-centered, differentiated learning environment in K-2 science classes. Menus are based on the levels of Bloom's revised taxonomy. Includes life science, Earth science, & physical science. Provides resources including reproducible menus, guidelines for products, assessment rubrics, and teaching tips. On cover: Advanced-Level Menus Grades K-2.
Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Science (Grades K-2) T  
B 99468B 99468 Earth Science Activities: Elementary School
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kanis, Ira
Length: 182 Copyright: 1996

Resource presents science concepts in age-appropriate groupings: K-2, grades 3-4, grades 5-6. Teacher support section provides background information and glossary.
Earth Science Activities: Elementary School T  
B 95025B 95025 Electricity & Magnetism, Grades 3-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, William
Length: 161 Copyright: 2005

Covers the basics of static electricity, currrent electricity, and magnetism, and develops a scientific model showing that electricity and magnetism are really the same phonomenon in different forms. Includes activities. From the series Stop Faking It!
Electricity & Magnetism, Grades 3-8 T  
B 95024B 95024 Energy, Grades 3-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, William
Length: 114 Copyright: 2002

Provides explanations of work, kinetic energy, potential energy, and the transformation of energy; plus energy as it relates to simple machines, heat energy, temperature, and heat transfer. Includes activities. From the series Stop Faking It!
Energy, Grades 3-8 T  
B 95843B 95843 Engineer Through the Year: 20 Turnkey STEM Projects to Intrigue, Inspire & Challenge K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reyes, Sandi
Length: 166 Copyright: 2012

Contains twenty projects involving STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for grades kindergarten through two. There are two projects for each month September through June appropriate for the season. For example, October: Columbus Day Sailboats; Pumpkin Packages; February: Groundhog Shadow Hiders; Valentine Mailboxes. Each activity has a step-by-step procedure. Begins with a Challenge, Criteria for Product, Constraints for Challenge, and Materials. A 5-step engineering process follows: 1.Investigate; 2.Brainstorm; 3.Plan; 4.Build; 5.Test & Present. Includes opportunities for differentiation. For grades K-2.
Engineer Through the Year: 20 Turnkey STEM Projects to Intrigue, Inspire & T  
KM 12708KM 12708 Engineering is Elementary
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

This kit has samples from the Engineering is Elementary curriculum for grades K-6. Includes the teacher guide and storybook for each of the following units: An Alarming Idea: Designing Alarm Circuits - How do electrical circuits work? The lessons in this unit will get students thinking like electrical engineers, starting with the storybook A Reminder for Emily, about a girl living in the Australian outback who needs an alarm to remind her when it’s time for chores around the ranch. The hands-on activities in this unit reinforce science concepts including conductors and insulators, schematic diagrams, and and circuits. For the final engineering design challenge, students plan, create, and improve their own alarm circuit. The Best of Bugs:Designing Hand Pollinators - Insects pollinate many kinds of plants. What if the right insects aren’t around to do the work? The storybook Mariana Becomes a Butterfly shows how one girl solves a pollination problem. In this unit, students become agricultural engineers. They’ll apply their knowledge of insects, insect life cycles, pollination, and natural systems as they test a variety of materials, then engineer their own technologies for pollinating plants by hand. Thinking Inside the Box: Designing Plant Packages - Just look at the shelves in any store: almost everything you buy comes in a package that keeps it fresh or safe from damage, or gives information for consumers. This unit introduces students to the field of package engineering. The storybook A Gift from Fadil sets the scene by introducing two children in Jordan who want to give their older sister a plant from their garden as a wedding gift. Students will use their knowledge of plants, their problem-solving skills, and their creativity to design a package that can keep a plant alive and healthy for several days. Now You're Cooking: Designing Solar Ovens - In Botswana, where firewood for cooking fuel is in short supply, people are turning to solar-powered cookers as an alternative. The storybook Lerato Cooks Up a Plan introduces the idea of using the sun as a renewable energy source and sets a framework for this unit’s activities. Students are introduced to the concepts of thermal insulators and thermal conductors, then they test different materials to find the best insulators. They consider the life cycle and environmental impacts of each insulator, then design and test their solar ovens and do some solar cooking! A Sticky Situation: Designing Walls - Wood, stone, metal, plastic . . . if you want to build something, materials matter! Different materials have different properties: they may be more useful for one purpose and less useful for another. This unit explores earth materials—including clay, sand, and soil—as they’re used in mortar to build a stone wall. The storybook Yi Min’s Great Wall sets the scene; Yi Min uses her knowledge of earth materials to design a rabbit-proof wall to protect the school vegetable garden. Drawing on their knowledge of the properties of earth materials, students will plan, build, test, and improve walls of their own. Water, Water Everywhere: Designing Water Filters - The water you drink is clean and safe thanks to the environmental engineers who design and manage our water supply and water treatment systems. In this unit, the storybook Saving Salila’s Turtle introduces students to the problem of water pollution—and to some solutions. Students will investigate the properties of filter materials, apply their knowledge of water, and think like environmental engineers as they plan, construct, test and improve their own water filters. More information can be found at http://www.eie.org/
Engineering is Elementary T  
KM 12057KM 12057 Engineering is Elementary Teacher's Guides / Grades 3-5 (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014

The EiE Project offers hands-on, project-based engineering activities for school. Award-winning, cross-disciplinary program integrates engineering with science topics. Materials made available through Northeast Iowa Region Governor's STEM Advisory Council. Includes one teacher's guide and one copy of the storybook for each of the following: A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes; A Stick Solution: Cleaning an Oil Spill; An Alarming Idea: Designing Alarm Circuits; Now You're Cooking: Designing Solar Ovens; No Bones About It: Designing Knee Braces; A Stick in the Mud: Evaluating a Landscape; Lighten Up: Designing Lighting Systems: The Attraction is Obvious: Designing Maglev Systems; Just Passing Through: Designing Model Membranes; Thinking Inside the Box: Designing Plant Packages; Solid as a Rock: Replicating an Artifact; Marvelous Machines: Making Work Easier; Taking the Plunge: Designing Submersibles; Sounds Like fun: Seeing Animal Sounds; and Water, Water Everywhere: Designing Water Filters.
Engineering is Elementary Teacher's Guides / Grades 3-5 (2 Parts) T  
KM 12058KM 12058 Engineering is Elementary Teacher's Guides for Grades 1-2
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014

The EiE Project offers hands-on, project-based engineering activities for school. Award-winning, cross-disciplinary program integrates engineering with science topics. Materials made available through Northeast Iowa Region Governor's STEM Advisory Council. Includes one teacher's guide and one copy of the storybook for each of the following: To Get to the Other Side: Designing Bridges; A Sticky Situation: Designing Walls; The Best of Bugs: Designing Hand Pollinators; A Work in Process: Improving a Play Dough Process; and Catching the Wind: Designing Windmills.
Engineering is Elementary Teacher's Guides for Grades 1-2 T  
B 97097B 97097 Eureka, Again! K 2 Science Activities and Stories
Grade Lvl: T Author: Farland-Smith, Donna / Thomas, Julie
Length: 375 Copyright: 2018

It's never too early to put a human face on science and engineering! Research shows that a child's ideas about how scientists and engineers look and what they do start to form in the earliest grades. Teachers can help students understand that everyone can do science by introducing inquiry activities in the primary grades. Eureka, Again! K 2 Science Activities and Stories evokes Archimedes's famous cry. That's because it helps children make discoveries of their own about who scientists and engineers are and what they do. Eureka, Again! is appealing because lessons are grounded in 27 children's trade books. Some of the biographies feature famous individuals, such as Rachel Carson and George Washington Carver. Others are not as well known, such as paleontologist Mary Anning and recycler Isatou Ceesay. All of their stories will help students see scientists and engineers not as stereotypes in lab coats but as real people whose success grows out of their life experiences and character traits. They may even inspire children to consider STEM-related careers. Each chapter is designed to do the following: Focus on science and engineering practices. These include asking questions and defining problems, planning and carrying out investigations, and analyzing and interpreting data. Bring the processes to life through the trade books and related lessons. You'll introduce a skill-building, inquiry-based investigation while highlighting the scientists and engineers work and the character traits that helped each succeed. You can teach one lesson or all three from each chapter--whatever will enrich your curriculum the most. Be easy to use. In addition to supporting the Next Generation Science Standards, each chapter uses a learning-cycle format and begins with a personal story from the authors that provides valuable insights into teaching this exciting grade range. Professional companion book: Eureka! Grade 3-5 (B 97098).
Eureka, Again! K 2 Science Activities and Stories T  
B 95416B 95416 Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K–5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Morgan, Emily / Ansberry, Karen
Length: 293 Copyright: 2013

Presents a collection of fifteen lesson plans for Kindergarten through fifth-grade science classroom that use picture books to help develop interest in science, and contains reproducible student pages and assessments.
Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide T  
B 96659B 96659 Everyday Earth and Space Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Konicek-Moran, Richard
Length: 232 Copyright: 2013

Presents everyday questions such as "Where to puddles go?" to motivate students to learn through hands-on science investigations. Contains 19 open-ended mysteries which focus exclusively on Earth & space science, including astronomy, energy, climate, and geology. The stories come with lists of science concepts to explore, grade-appropriate strategies for using them, and explanations of how the lessons align with national standards. Science investigations are for grades K-8. Includes two sets of directions for using the stories: with grades K-4, and with grades 5-8.
Everyday Earth and Space Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Scien T  
B 95394B 95394 Everyday Life Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Konieck-Moran, Richard
Length: 254 Copyright: 2013

Contains twenty open-ended mysteries which focus exclusively on biological science, including botany, human physiology, zoology, and health. The stories come with lists of science concepts to explore, grade-appropriate strategies for using them, and explanations of how the lessons align with national standards. Science investigations are for grades K-8. Includes two sets of directions for using the stories: with grades K-4, and with grades 5-8.
Everyday Life Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching T  
B 96660B 96660 Everyday Physical Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Konicek-Moran, Richard
Length: 261 Copyright: 2013

Contains twenty-one open-ended mysteries focused on physical science, including motion, friction, temperature, forces, and sound. The stories come with lists of science concepts to explore, grade-appropriate strategies for using them, and explanations of how the lessons align with national standards. Science investigations are for grades K-8. Includes two sets of directions for using the stories: with grades K-4, and with grades 5-8.
Everyday Physical Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teac T  
B 90928B 90928 Everyday Science Mysteries
Grade Lvl: T Author: Konicek-Moran, Richard
Length: 188 Copyright: 2008

Subtitle: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching. A series of 15 mystery stories that examine science concepts and reinforce the value of learning science through inquiry. Concepts include periodic motion, thermodynamics, temperature and energy, sound, sound transmission, etc. Science methodology. K-8.
Everyday Science Mysteries T  
B 96427B 96427 Explore Electricity! With 25 Great Projects
Grade Lvl: T Author: Van Vleet, Carmella
Length: 90 Copyright: 2013

Contains activities that teach about electricity, including currents, electromagnetism, batteries, conductors & insulators, motors & generators, and circuits. For ages 6-9/Gr 1-4. From the series Explore Your World!
Explore Electricity! With 25 Great Projects T  
B 96428B 96428 Explore Gravity!: With 25 Great Projects
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blobaum, Cindy / Stone, Bryan
Length: 90 Copyright: 2013

Explains the concept of gravity and suggests activities for understanding how gravity works on everyday objects. For ages 6-9/Gr 1-4. From the series Explore Your World!
Explore Gravity!: With 25 Great Projects T  
B 96466B 96466 Explore Honey Bees!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blobaum, Cindy
Length: 256 Copyright: 2012

An introduction to the honey bee and its pivotal role in the environment and food production describes bee behaviors, explains the global dangers posed by colony collapse disorder and outlines activities that reinforce early math and science skills. Activities include designing a hive and making a model of a flower's reproductive system. For ages 7-10. From the series Explore Your World!
Explore Honey Bees! T  
B 94744B 94744 Explore Rocks and Minerals!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brown, Cynthia
Length: 92 Copyright: 2010

An illustrated introduction to geology that explains the forces responsible for creating rocks and minerals; the life cycles of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks; plate tectonics; the theory of continental drift; and how fossils are created and studied. Includes step-by-step instructions for twenty related activities. For primary and intermediate.
Explore Rocks and Minerals! T  
B 95190B 95190 Explore Simple Machines! With 25 Great Projects
Grade Lvl: T Author: Yasuda, Anita
Length: 92 Copyright: 2011

Provides instruction for twenty-five cross-curriculum, simple machines-themed projects, activities, and experiments which are appropriate for children ages six to nine/grades 1-4. From the series Explore Your World!
Explore Simple Machines! With 25 Great Projects T  
B 96430B 96430 Explore Solids and Liquids!: With 25 Great Projects
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reilly, Kathleen
Length: 92 Copyright: 2014

Contains twenty-five projects that teach solids and liquids, including flying helium balloons and dissolving and bringing back liquids. For ages 7-10/Gr 2-5. From the series Explore Your World!
Explore Solids and Liquids!: With 25 Great Projects T  
B 96431B 96431 Explore Weather and Climate!: With 25 Great Projects
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reilly, Kathleen
Length: 92 Copyright: 2011

Contains twenty-five projects that teach weather and climate, including creating a storm in a bottle and touching clouds. For ages 6-9/Gr 1-4. From the series Explore Your World!
Explore Weather and Climate!: With 25 Great Projects T  
B 93148B 93148 Exploring Environments (Grades K-6)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mercier, Sheryl
Length: 168 Copyright: 1999

Takes students on expeditions to eight different environments (River; Lakes, Ponds, Saltwater Marshes; Valley; Prairie; Desert; Mountains; Ocean; and Polar Lands). Sample plants and animals along with background information are given so that students can examine the interactions between living things and see how they meet their needs.
Exploring Environments (Grades K-6) T  
B 95227B 95227 Exploring Space, Grades 1-3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 80 Copyright: 1998

From the ScienceWorks for Kids series has hands-on activities, step-by-step lessons, record sheets, logbook forms, and other reproducible pages. Unit includes Earth, stars, sun, constellations, moon, planets, Earth's movement (causing day and night; seasons. Purchased from a McElroy Grant for 2010-2011 for Riceville schools.
Exploring Space, Grades 1-3 T  
B 93150B 93150 Fall into Math and Science (K-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 79 Copyright: 1987

A collection of experiences that relates to the fall season of the year and the corresponding holidays. Activities include collections and real graphing experiences, counting, measurement and patterning with everything from apples, leaves, nuts and shoes to grapes, crackers, ghosts and raisins. Included are many extras such as bulletin board ideas, art activities and language art experiences.
Fall into Math and Science (K-1) T  
B 92297B 92297 File Folder Games Science Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Finch, Karen
Length: 383 Copyright: 1992

Reproducible pages provide art and instructions for making 43 manipulative games. Topics: basic sciences; senses; plants; food; health and hygiene; animals; and more.
File Folder Games Science Grades K-3 T  
B 99824B 99824 First Grade Teacher's Month-by-Month Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Stull, Elizabeth
Length: 337 Copyright: 1990

Program offers over 500 activities for the classroom plus reproducible activity sheets.
First Grade Teacher's Month-by-Month Activities T  
B 95027B 95027 Force & Motion, Grades 3-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, Willaim
Length: 100 Copyright: 2002

Presents explanations, drawings, and activities that cover what science teachers and parents need to know to teach children about force and motion. Newton's laws of motion. Space travel to the moon. Includes hands-on activities. From the series Stop Faking It! Use with #95028 Companion Classroom Activities for Stop Faking It! Force & Motion.
Force & Motion, Grades 3-8 T  
B 94188B 94188 Gardening Wizardry for Kids
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kite, L. Patricia
Length: 220 Copyright: 1995

Collection of simple plant projects for home and school. Grades 3-6. Six sections: History and Folklore of Common Fruits and Vegetables; Fun with Kitchen Fruits and Vegetables; Indoor Plant-Growing Experiments with Food Seeds; Raising Earthworms, Pill Bugs, and Snails; Herb History, Folklore, and Growing Instructions; and Easy Plant Craft Projects.
Gardening Wizardry for Kids T  
B 90124B 90124 GEMS: Mystery Festival (Grades 2-8)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beals, Kevin
Length: 258 Copyright: 1994

GEMS Festival teacher's guide features two imaginative and compelling mysteries, one for younger and one for older students. Students observe the "crime scene" then conduct crime lab tests on the evidence at classroom learning stations, analyze the results and try to solve the mystery. The Mystery of "Who Borrowed Mr. Bear?" (grades 2-3). The "Felix Mystery" (grades 4-8). Each has five sessions.
GEMS: Mystery Festival (Grades 2-8) T  
B 93366B 93366 GEMS: Penguins and Their Young (Preschool-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Echols, Jean
Length: 71 Copyright: 1995

Science activities for preschool through first grade that feature the Emperor penguin. Concepts deal with penguin habitat, body structure, parenting, feeding strategies, heat and warmth, melting, freezing, ice, floating, size and shape.
GEMS: Penguins and Their Young (Preschool-1) T  
B 93151B 93151 Glide into Winter with Math and Science (K-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 73 Copyright: 1987

Includes activities that reflect the joy and wonder of winter and its holidays including Christmas and Valentine's Day. Among the activities shared: students bake a life size gingerbread boy, examine bubbles in a carbonated beverage, explore their senses of smell, grow a garden of crystals, study goober peas, and experience the awe of static electricity.
Glide into Winter with Math and Science (K-1) T  
B 94822B 94822 Growing Up Wild: Exploring Nature With Young Children, Ages 3-7
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 128 Copyright: 2011

Project Wild science resource book for early childhood educators is designed to encourage children's sense of wonder about nature and exploration of wildlife through a wide range of activities and experiences. Indicates NAEYC standards that are met in each lesson topic. Sections include Quick Facts (builds educator's knowledge base); Wild Wonderful Words; Materials and Prep; Warm Up (capture children's interest); Ready, Set, Go (instructions); Wrap Up; Take Me Outside (outdoor learning experiences); Healthy Me; Helping Hands (protecting habitats, wildlife observation etiquette); Mighty Math; Art Projects; Music and Movement; Centers and Extensions; Snack; and Home Connections (take-home activities). Reproducible pages.
Growing Up Wild: Exploring Nature With Young Children, Ages 3-7 T  
B 90860B 90860 Habitats: Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bath, John
Length: 49 Copyright: 1994

Step-by-Step Science Series. Recognizing habitats and the requirements of plants and animals. Creating terrariums. Authors: John B. Bath and Sally C. Mayberry. Some activities are tree rubbings, leaf prints, micro-habitats, seeds, plant tropism, water and light requirements of plants, transpiration, mealworms, food chains, camouflage, etc.
Habitats: Grades K-3 T  
B 97304B 97304 Head Start on Life Science: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Straits, William
Length: 209 Copyright: 2018

Nurture curiosity and even joy in the youngest scientists. The 24 inquiry-based lessons in this lively collection show you how. The activities are organized into sections on animals, plants, and nature walks. Rather than merely presenting science facts to 3- to 7-year-olds, you’ll prompt them to make discoveries of their own. They’ll explore critter camouflage, probe pumpkin insides, make bird feeders, and more. Each lesson includes lists of learning objectives and required materials, relevant background to help you prepare, plus at-home activities written in English and Spanish. Connections to multiple subjects—including reading, writing, math, dramatic play, and art allow teachers to offer related=integrated learning opportunities.
Head Start on Life Science: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder T  
B 97303B 97303 Head Start on Science, Second Edition: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ritz, William C / Straits, William
Length: 324 Copyright: 2019

This book emphasizes child-centered development of science practices and skills. Children can explore the natural world as they take advantage of lively opportunities for science learning. But here’s what sets this book apart: It’s an all-in-one resource for caregivers and teachers from PreK to grade 2. Each lesson includes a follow-up activity, connections to centers and children’s literature, assessment guides, and bonus activities written in Spanish and English that let families continue the fun—and the learning—at home. Each activity also supports both the 2015 Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and the Next Generation Science Standards.
Head Start on Science, Second Edition: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder T  
B 94813B 94813 Hop into Action: Amphibian Curriculum Guide, K-4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Alexander, David
Length: 132 Copyright: 2010

Guide has 20 lesson on amphibians (frogs) for grades K-4. The first section provides basic information for the instructor, identifying each lesson by name, grade level, subject area, and correlations to the national science education content standards, grades K-4. Two sections describe how to care for amphibians in the classroom and in the field and explain the handling instructions that provide for the safety of both the amphibians and handler. Activities involve reading, writing, drawing, and fieldwork. Process skills are often used in the lessons using Venn diagrams, t-sheets, identity cards, and pictures. Games and puzzles are used to further engage children in learning. Book closes with a resource list of books, media guides, web resources, and information on creating amphibian habitats.
Hop into Action: Amphibian Curriculum Guide, K-4 T  
B 94496B 94496 How the Sun Makes Our Day (K-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 158 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: An Earth and Space Science Unit for High-Ability Learners in Kindergarten and First Grade. Thirteen inquiry-based lessons engage students in investigations and observations about the sun as a source of light and energy, the nature of shadows, man-made sources of energy, and the need for humans to conserve natural resources. Project Clarion Science Unit for Primary Grades developed by the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary.
How the Sun Makes Our Day (K-1) T  
B 96441B 96441 Incredible Experiments with Chemical Reactions & Mixtures
Grade Lvl: T Author: Navarro, Paula / Jimenez, Angels
Length: 35 Copyright: 2014

Provides step-by-step instruction for science experiments that explore chemical reactions. Presents 16 simple experiments. Explores concepts like water density, oxidation, and more are explored using simple household materials. From the children's series Magic Science. For grades 2-5.
Incredible Experiments with Chemical Reactions & Mixtures T  
B 93448B 93448 Insectigations! 40 Hands-on Activities to Explore the Insect World
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blobaum, Cindy
Length: 133 Copyright: 2005

For ages 7-10.
Insectigations! 40 Hands-on Activities to Explore the Insect World T  
B 92001B 92001 Insects, Bugs and Art Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Parker, Steve
Length: 48 Copyright: 2002

Information about various topics related to honeybees, caterpillars, dragonfilies, snails and other insects and invertebrates forms the foundation for a variety of craft projects. Book from the series Arty Facts is for grades 2-4.
Insects, Bugs and Art Activities T  
B 94403B 94403 Invitation to Invent
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 157 Copyright: 2010

Physical science unit for high-ability learners in grades 3-4 engages students in investigations and observations that support their learning about simple machines and their uses. Students explore force, motion, and friction as they learn about the six simple machines and how they are put together to form compound machines. Includes 16 lessons that use inquiry-based approach to studying science.
Invitation to Invent T  
B 97580B 97580 Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories
Grade Lvl: T Author: Caduto, Michael
Length: 240 Copyright: 1991

The complete title is: Keepers Of the Animals: Native American Stories and Wildlife Activities For Children. Uses traditional tales of animals from various tribes on a similar theme and includes social studies, writing, math, creative thinking, and arts activities for ages 5-12. Pourquoi tales.
Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories T  
B 94918B 94918 Kid's Eye View of Science, K-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kovalik, Susan
Length: 308 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: A Conceptual, Integrated Approach to Teaching Science, K-6 by Susan J. Kovalik and Karen D. Olsen. Provides ideas and information to help teachers integrate science concepts with other subjects, apply science to daily life, and encourage exploration through inquiry-based science activities.
Kid's Eye View of Science, K-6 T  
B 90854B 90854 Kitchen Chemistry: Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bath, John B.
Length: 49 Copyright: 1994

Step-by-Step Science Series. Creating mixtures. Solution and reactions. Mixing and separating colors. Growing Crystals. Authors: John B. Bath and Sally C. Mayberry. Contains 38 experiments that follow the scientific method. Exampels of activities: lemon soda, invisible ink, making paste/glue/play dough, slime, mixing paint, making perfume, making ice cream, coloring eggs, crystal garden, rock candy, bubbles, solar heating, etc.
Kitchen Chemistry: Grades K-3 T  
KM 8401KM 8401 Launching Literacy Stations
Grade Lvl: T Author: Diller, Debbie
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Subtitle: Mini-Lessons for Managing and Sustaining Independent Work, K-3. Debbie Diller takes you into two primary classrooms to demonstrate how to create a thriving stations program. Patty Terry's first-grade students and Vicky Georgas' second graders work in stations that include literacy tasks designed to build academic and collaborative skills across the curriculum. Three programs captures the teaching conversations Patty, Vicky, and Debbie have with their students as new stations are introduced, problems with existing stations are analyzed, and the match between stations tasks and student needs are assessed. Program 1: Launching Stations, Debbie explains the basic principles, and then launches work stations in two classrooms--the drama station in first grade, and the science station in second grade. Program 2: Managing Stations. Program 3: Sustaining Stations. Contents: viewing guide and two DVDs (each 60 minutes). Two-week loan period.
Launching Literacy Stations T  
KM 13755KM 13755 LeapFrog Magic Microscope
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2024

Young scientists can explore tiny worlds full of discoveries with the Magic Adventures™ Microscope. Early learning biologists can zoom in on flowers, animals, food, minerals and more using eight double-sided smart slides that activate amazing BBC videos and images. Learner experiences offer high-quality videos and breathtaking images that explore 15 topics. The Magic Microscope Real features up to 200x magnification. Checkout is restricted to K-3 users. Powered by 4 AA batteries. IL K-3.
LeapFrog Magic Microscope KP  
B 95866B 95866 Light, Grades 3-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, William
Length: 115 Copyright: 2003

Presents explanations, drawings, and activities that cover what science teachers and parents need to know to teach children about light. Uses ray, wave, and particle models of light to explain the basics of reflection and refraction, optical instruments, polarization of light, and interference and diffraction. Also has a chapter on how the eye works. Includes activities. From the series Stop Faking It!
Light, Grades 3-8 T  
B 93094B 93094 Magic School Bus Inside the Earth
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 32 Copyright: 2003

Presents tips and reproducible material for teaching the book by Joanna Cole in grades 3-5. Includes author details, comprehension and discussion questions, vocabulary builders, writing activiites, and graphic organizers. From the series Scholastic Book Guides.
Magic School Bus Inside the Earth T  
B 98652B 98652 Marvels of Science: 50 Fascinating 5-Minute Reads
Grade Lvl: T Author: Haven, Kendall
Length: 238 Copyright: 1994

Stories of scientists, their work, and their discoveries for grades 3 and up. The 50 vignettes provide tales to read aloud and short reading assignments to illustrate scientific principles and the evolution of science through history. Examples: Funny Rubber the story of how silly putty was invented; Circles of the Sun, the story of Copernicus and astronomy in 1499.
Marvels of Science: 50 Fascinating 5-Minute Reads T  
B 95868B 95868 Math, Grades 3-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, William
Length: 190 Copyright: 2006

Presents explanations, drawings, and activities that cover what teachers and parents need to know about math to teach science. Book designed for math-averse science teachers & homework-helping parents focuses on the reasoning behind math rules from the basics to a brief introduction to calculus. From the series Stop Faking It!: Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It.
Math, Grades 3-8 T  
B 90929B 90929 More Everyday Science Mysteries
Grade Lvl: T Author: Konicek-Moran, Richard
Length: 207 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching. A series of 15 mystery stories that examine science concepts and reinforce the value of learning science through inquiry. Science methodology. There are five stories, each related to the biological sciences, Earth systems science and physical sciences. K-8.
More Everyday Science Mysteries T  
B 93364B 93364 More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, Grades K-4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ansberry, Karen
Length: 238 Copyright: 2007

Subtitle: Using Children's Books to Guide Inquiry, K-4 by Karen Rohrich Ansberry and Emily Morgan. Offers 15 lessons that combine picture books and inquiry to develop students' interest in science and reading. Lessons cover a variety of science content--physical science, life science, and Earth and space science. Includes reproducible student pages and assessments. Features embedded reading-comprehension strategies. Some topics: worms, bubbles, measurement, heart, fitness, mirrors, Mexican jumping beans, constellations, roller coasters, etc.
More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, Grades K-4 T  
B 94818B 94818 Mystery Science Gr 3-4: Case of the Missing Lunch
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gatlin, Connie
Length: 88 Copyright: 2010

Contains instructions, reproducible pages, and an assessment rubric for a hands-on, inquiry-based activity which gives third- and fourth-grade students the opportunity to use observation and analysis skills and learn about chemical and physical change, classification, and cause and effect while solving a mystery about a missing lunch.
Mystery Science Gr 3-4: Case of the Missing Lunch T  
B 92002B 92002 Oceans and Art Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sacks, Janet
Length: 48 Copyright: 2002

Information about various topics related to the plants, animals, impact of humans, and composition of oceans forms the foundation for a variety of craft projects. Book from the series Arty Facts is for grades 2-4.
Oceans and Art Activities T  
B 93167B 93167 Off the Wall Science (Grades 3-9)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Silvani, Harold
Length: 87 Copyright: 1995

Collection of activities previously found in the AIMS Science Posters. Topics: matter, water, adhesion/cohesion, buoyancy, density, air pressure, heat, combustion, chemical reactions, center of gravity, inertia, electrical circuit.
Off the Wall Science (Grades 3-9) T  
B 96455B 96455 Perfect Pairs: Using Fiction & Nonfiction Picture Books to Teach Life Science, K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Stewart, Melissa
Length: 350 Copyright: 2014

A teacher's guide to using fiction and nonfiction picture books to teach life sciences. Each lesson starts with a "Wonder Statement," a hands-on activity, a read-aloud of the paired books from which students will take their investigation information, and a concluding activity where students analyze and synthesize their information. Appendixes include reproducibles.
Perfect Pairs: Using Fiction & Nonfiction Picture Books to Teach Life Scien T  
B 95393B 95393 Perspectives --Research and Tips to Support Science Education, K-6
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 129 Copyright: 2013

Provides the research-based advice needed to improve teaching in an easily accessible way. Contains 27 columns originally published in the Perspectives Column of the journal Science and Children. Columns are grouped into six sections: 1.General Teaching Goals. 2.Strategies to Facilitate Learning in Science. 3.Teaching Science and Other Disciplines Together. 4.Student Thinking and Misconceptions. 5.Society and Science Learning. 6.Developing as a Teacher. Edited by Deborah Hanuscin & Meredith Park Rogers.
Perspectives --Research and Tips to Support Science Education, K-6 T  
B 94435B 94435 Picture-Perfect Science Lesson, Gr 3-6, 2nd Ed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ansberry, Karen
Length: 403 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: Using Children's Books to Guide Inquiry, 3-6 by Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan. Presents ready-to-teach lessons with student pages and assessments that use fiction and nonfiction picture books to guide hands-on science inquiry. Each chapter includes background notes/explanations of scientific lessons: 15 lessons from 1st edition (93363) and five new lessons on insects, water conservation, electricial circiuts, assembly lines, and the secrets of flight.
Picture-Perfect Science Lesson, Gr 3-6, 2nd Ed T  
KM 13337KM 13337 Portable LCD Digital Microscope (Set of 6)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

The Celestron LCD Handheld Digital Microscope is a lightweight, portable microscope with a 2.4” color TFT LCD screen. A soft carry pouch is included so you can take it along on all your outdoor adventures. With an optical zoom of 1x to 3.7x and magnification up to 54x, it’s great for viewing stamps, coins, bugs, plants, rocks, skin, gems, circuit boards, and more. Use the built-in 3MP digital camera to capture photos of your discoveries. Save them in the microscope’s internal memory or add your own SD card to store up to 16GB of photos. Connect the microscope directly to your Mac or PC to download your images. Set of 6 microscopes plus SD cards, cables, cases and batteries. Users are responsible for deleting images after use. IL Pres-6.
Portable LCD Digital Microscope (Set of 6) KPI  
B 92218B 92218 Primary Science Readers' Theatre
Grade Lvl: T Author: Solomon, Sharon
Length: 112 Copyright: 2002

Links science to language arts. Eleven plays and follow-up activities reinforce basic science vocabulary and concepts in space, health, dinosaurs, habitats, the food chain, energy, life cycles, light and color, water, and matter. Activities include writing, art, music, and games. Readers' Theatre (Theater) involve all students in choral reading. Each play has enough parts for all students in a class. Oral reading, Reproducible pages.
Primary Science Readers' Theatre T  
B 94876B 94876 Ramps & Pathways: A Constructivist Approach to Physics with Young Children
Grade Lvl: T Author: DeVries, Rheta / Sales, Christina
Length: 103 Copyright: 2011

Introduces engaging physical science experiments in which children roll objects down more and more complex constructions. Explains and illustrates what it means to be a constructivist teacher and how children "construct" both science knowledge and their own intelligence.
Ramps & Pathways: A Constructivist Approach to Physics with Young Children T  
B 93409B 93409 Science (Grades 1-3)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 160 Copyright: 2006

Activities and reproducibles from the 1997-2004 issues of The Mailbox Magazine. Some of the science (life, earth, physical) topics included are germs, animal homes, animals in winter, dandelions, life cycles, pond life, ocean life, bones, dental health, solar system, clouds, water cycle, magents, matter, sound, light, simple machines, and force.
Science (Grades 1-3) T  
B 97243B 97243 Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page D / Tugel, Joyce
Length: 324 Copyright: 2020

Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) is a professional development strategy that links science standards to curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The book was developed to be used by individual teachers, teacher teams, or in workshop settings. The CTS process will help teachers: Develop pedagogical and content knowledge, contribute to curriculum planning, define formative and summative assessment goals and strategies, learn to recognize and anticipate students′ misconceptions and address them through instructional strategies, resources, and materials. 2nd edition offers an increased emphasis on STEM.
Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional T  
B 96950B 96950 Science Experiences for the Early Childhood Years: An Integrated Affective Approach: 10th Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Harlan, Jean D / Rivkin, Mary S
Length: 352 Copyright: 2011

Clearly organized, the text provides a research-based rationale for early science education in Part I chapters. Emphasizing that meaningful science for young children builds on the emotional underpinnings of their curiosity and concerns about the everyday world, and their pleasure in exploring it, this resource encourages new teachers to help children live appreciatively and thoughtfully on Earth. The topical chapters in Part II offer solid, accessible, concept-based activities and are concurrent with the vision of the new Framework for K-12 Science Education, being developed by the Board on Science Education of the National Academy of Science. For each unit presented, students are provided with all the comprehensive integrating and connecting elements to strengthen children’s learning of science. Early educators’ own content and pedagogical knowledge will be expanded as they practice using the units in class and in field placements.
Science Experiences for the Early Childhood Years: An Integrated Affective T  
B 96086B 96086 Science Notebooks: Writing About Inquiry, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fulton, Lori / Campbell, Brian
Length: 128 Copyright: 2014

The authors share what they learned over the course of four years investigating the use of science notebooks in the classroom, and provide strategies and methods for using science notebooks as part of the elementary science and language arts programs. Shows how science notebooks support implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards as well as the Common Core State Standards for ELA. Contents: Chapter 1. The Role of the Teacher 2. Elements of a Science Notebook 3. Signs of Student Progress 4. Discussions with Scientists & Engineers 5. Connections to Science Education Standards 6. Literacy Connections.
Science Notebooks: Writing About Inquiry, Second Edition T  
B 99825B 99825 Second Grade Teacher's Month-by-Month Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Stull, Elizabeth
Length: 310 Copyright: 1992

Program offers over 500 classroom activities plus reproducible activity sheets.
Second Grade Teacher's Month-by-Month Activities T  
B 99876B 99876 Simple Science Fun
Grade Lvl: T Author: Forbes, Evan
Length: 160 Copyright: 1996

Simple hands-on science activities for ages 7+. Physical science activities include balloons, homemade glue, invisible ink, egg strength, air pressure, centrifugal force, specific density, sound, force, friction, compression cohesion, bridge construction, surface tension, etc. Life science activities include ant farming, checking your pulse, buoyancy, ice cream terrarium, plants, earthworms, moldy bread, genetics, tree rubbings, etc. Earth science activities include clean water, cooking using the sun, freezing, homeemade volcano, salt water, soil, rocks, stalactites/stalagmites, crystals, air, etc.
Simple Science Fun T  
B 95867B 95867 Sound, Grades 3-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, William
Length: 107 Copyright: 2003

Presents explanations, drawings, and activities that cover what science teachers and parents need to know to teach children about sound. Discusses the basics of sound waves, explaining what causes sound and how it travels, how musical instruments work, how sound waves add & subtract, how the human ear works, etc. Includes activities. From the series Stop Faking It!
Sound, Grades 3-8 T  
B 92004B 92004 Space and Art Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Goodman, Polly
Length: 48 Copyright: 2002

Information about various topics related to astronomy forms the foundation for projects about the sun and moon, planet rotation, space travel, black holes, and more. Book from the series Arty Facts is for grades 2-4.
Space and Art Activities T  
B 93152B 93152 Spring into Math and Science (K-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 64 Copyright: 1987

Contains spring-like experiences and includes the study of seeds germinating in a sponge, rainbows reflected from a prism, and the energy of moving air. Young students have an opportunity to build a solar heater to cook a hot dog, to "grow" an Easter basket, make a "blue ware" and explore the "sounds of music" in water glasses.
Spring into Math and Science (K-1) T  
B 96440B 96440 Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science
Grade Lvl: T Author: Konicek-Moran, Richard / Keeley, Page
Length: 264 Copyright: 2015

Teacher's guide to explaining science concepts. Provides strategies to deepen student's understanding of essential scientific principles. The authors review research on children's cognitive thinking in order to help teachers implement appropriate strategies at each grade level or age. Illustrates the various NGSS connections that exist in the standards & shares various instructional models that could be used to accomplish this task. Explores the ways that assessment and instruction can support efforts to teach core concepts as well as the role of informal education in this process. Concept learning.
Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science T  
B 96460B 96460 Teaching Science for Understanding in Elementary and Middle Schools
Grade Lvl: T Author: Harlen, Wynne
Length: 176 Copyright: 2015

In Teaching Science for Understanding in Elementary and Middle Schools, Wynne Harlen focuses on why developing understanding is essential in science education and how best to engage students in activities that deepen their curiosity about the world and promote enjoyment of science. Centers on how to build on the ideas students already have to cultivate thinking and skills necessary for developing an understanding of the scientific aspects of the world.
Teaching Science for Understanding in Elementary and Middle Schools T  
B 94127B 94127 Teaching Science to English Language Learners
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rosebery, Ann
Length: 199 Copyright: 2008

Discusses English language learners in science classrooms. Describes how to encourage academic success by utilizing the recognized strengths of the individual student, teaching vocabulary, type of teaching programs, and other related topics. Provides research findings and classroom vignettes. Editors: Ann S. Rosebery and Beth Warren. Grades K-8.
Teaching Science to English Language Learners T  
B 93123B 93123 Teaching Science with Everyday Things
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 210 Copyright: 1995

Requires no previous training in science and no special equipment to provide effective and pleasant science experiences using materials that are commonplace. Chapters: Points of View; Counting and Measuring; Air and Weather; Plants and Animals; Water and Other Liquids; Powders and Solutions; Rocks and the Land; Environment and Conservation; Forces and Motions; Vibrations and Sounds; Magnetism and Electricity; Light and Other Radiations; Heat and Energy; and Sun, Moon, and Stars. Within each of these areas, the activities are suggested in approximate order of increasing difficulty.
Teaching Science with Everyday Things T  
B 94875B 94875 Team Teaching Science: Success for All Learners
Grade Lvl: T Author: Linz, Ed
Length: 162 Copyright: 2011

Guide describes how to develop successful team-teaching partnerships. Introduces the basics of collaboration and includes co-teaching strategies to implement in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Chapters cover how to teach specific science topics and how a co-teaching team can proceed through the school year. Authors: Ed Linz, Mary Jane Heater, and Lori A. Howard.
Team Teaching Science: Success for All Learners T  
B 95009B 95009 Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 255 Copyright: 2012

Subtitle: 45 New Formative Assessment Probes by Page Keeley and Cary Sneider. Probes are designed to help K-12 teachers assess student thinking. Addresses misconceptions. Sections: 1. The Nature of Planet Earth; 2. The Sun-Earth System; 3. Modeling the Moon; 4. Dynamic Solar System; and 5. Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy T  
B 96667B 96667 Uncovering Student Ideas in Earth Science and Environmental Science: 32 New Formative Assessment Probes - PB355X (Uncovering Student Ideas in Science)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page / Tucker, Laura
Length: 180 Copyright: 2016

Authors Page Keeley and Laura Tucker present 32 engaging questions, or probes, that can reveal what students already know or think they know about core Earth and environmental science concepts. Helps teachers uncover and correct misconceptions and adjust their instruction so students will learn the content accurately. The probes are organized into four sections: 1.Land and Water (7 probes); 2.Water Cycle, Weather, and Climate (8 probes); 3.Earth History, Weathering and Erosion, and Plate Tectonics (12 probes); and 4.Natural Resources, Pollution, and Human Impact (5 probes). Offers field-tested teacher materials that provide science background and link to national standards, including the Next Generation Science Standards. The new probes for grades 3-12 are short, ready to reproduce, and easy to use. Reproducible pages.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Earth Science and Environmental Science: 32 New T  
B 94747B 94747 Uncovering Student Ideas in Life Science, Vol. 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 162 Copyright: 2011

Subtitle: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes. Probes are designed to help K-12 teachers identify and analyze students' preconceptions. Address the topics of life and its diversity; structure and function; life processes and the needs of living things; ecosystems and change; reproduction; life cycles; heredity; and human biology.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Life Science, Vol. 1 T  
B 94383B 94383 Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science Vol 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 214 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: 45 New Force and Motion Assessment Probes by Page Keeley and Rand Harrington. Probes are designed to help K-12 teachers uncover and correct the misconceptions that are held by their students about key ideas in forces and motion. Book specifies grade spans K-4, 5-8, or 9-12 for each probe and suggests ways to adapt a probe for a different grade span or context. Section 1. Describing Motion and Position (speed, acceleration, time intervals, velocity, etc). Section 2. Forces and Newton's Laws (contripetal force, first law, second law, third law, passive action, friction, mass, tension, energy transfer, changing direction, gravitational force, pushes and pulls, etc). Section 3. Mass, Weight, Gravity, and Other Topics (balancing, fulcrum, gears and gear ratio, mechanical advantage, lever, pendulum, pressure, tension, torque, weight, etc).
Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science Vol 1 T  
B 95549B 95549 Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Vol. 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page / Harrington, Rand
Length: 190 Copyright: 2014

Subtitle: 39 New Electricity and Magnetism Formative Assessment Probes. The book offers 39 new formative assessment probes, this time with a focus on electric charge, electric current, and magnets and electromagnetism. Probes are designed to help 3-12 teachers uncover and correct the misconceptions that are held by their students about key ideas. It can help you do everything from demystify electromagnetic fields to explain the real reason balloons stick to the wall after you rub them on your hair.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Vol. 2 T  
B 97242B 97242 Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page D / Cooper, Susan
Length: 224 Copyright: 2019

Vol 3: 32 New Matter and Energy Formative Assessment Probes does the following: Presents engaging questions, also known as formative assessment probes (offered in English and Spanish). The 32 probes in this book are designed to uncover what students know or think they know about the concept of matter and particle model of matter; properties of matter; classifying matter, chemical properties, and chemical reactions; and nuclear processes and energy. The probes will help you uncover students existing beliefs about everything from a particle model of matter to ways of describing energy. Offers field-tested teacher materials that provide the best answers along with distracters designed to reveal conceptual misunderstandings that students commonly hold.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3 T  
B 90674B 90674 Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 198 Copyright: 2008

Subtitle: Another 25 Formative Assessment Probes. Provides ten detailed suggestions for teachers on how to use the probes to uncover, accurately assess, and correct their own preconceptions as well as that of their students. Volume 3 offers five life science probes, seven Earth and space science probes, ten physical science probes, and three nature of science probes. Contains reproducible worksheets.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 3 T  
B 90931B 90931 Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 184 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes by Page Keeley and Joyce Tugel. Each probe provides the steps for uncovering and correcting the preconceptions and misconceptions held by students (K-12). Focuses on ways to balance formative assessments with summative assessments. Probes and explanatory teacher notes cover physical science (11) and unifying themes in science, and life, Earth, and space science. Contains reproducible pages.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 4 T  
B 92780B 92780 Wacky Science: A Cookbook for Elementary Teachers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Parratore, Phil
Length: 136 Copyright: 1998

Science activities and experiments are divided into ten categories: How Dense Are You (density); Polymers & Plastics (balloon; liquid monomers make solid polymer; funny putty; surface tension; chemical structures, styrofoam, slime); The Pressure Is On (air pressure); Acids, Bases & Colors; Actions & Reactions (chemical reactions); Electric & Light Things; Flash, Pop, & Bang (volanic eruption; burning; dry ice; heat; jet engine; flammability); Lunch Time Chemistry (minerals in home; butter; burning; suspension; making polymer from food; melting; pressure; sugar and acid; movement of water through plant); Too Much Tension (surface tension); and What a Gas! (dissolved carbon dioxide; baking soda balloon; rocket thrust; cloud formation; oxygen in air; expansion of gases; air resistance; flammability--oxygen and carbon dioxide; dry ice, etc).
Wacky Science: A Cookbook for Elementary Teachers T  
B 93159B 93159 Water Precious Water (Grades 2-6)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 91 Copyright: 1988

Contains investigations that relate to water awareness, general process skills, water cycle, evaporation, conservation, treatment, quality, absorption, and erosion, distribution and water properties. Investigations require minimum equipment and will give students a good understanding of the role of water in our lives. Surface tension; bubbles; water molecule; conservation of volume; filtration; hard and soft water; water quality.
Water Precious Water (Grades 2-6) T  
B 94499B 94499 Water Works (K-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 129 Copyright: 2008

Subtitle: A Physical Science Unit for High-Ability Learners in Grades K-1. Twelve inquiry-based lessons engage students in scientific investigation as they closely observe and experiment with water. Students are transformed into scientists who notice, react to, reflect on, and discover more about force and change. Project Clarion Science Unit for Primary Grades developed by the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary.
Water Works (K-1) T  
B 92005B 92005 Weather and Art Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sacks, Janet
Length: 48 Copyright: 2002

Information about various topics related to weather and weather forecasting forms the foundation for a variety of craft projects. Book from the series Arty Facts is for grades 2-4.
Weather and Art Activities T  
B 94498B 94498 Weather Reporter (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 159 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: An Earth and Space Science Unit for High-Ability Learners in Grade 2. Contains 17 inquiry-based lessons. Provides students with opportunities in a scenario-based approach to observe, measure, and analyze weather phenomena. The overarching concept of change reinforces students' decisions as they learn about the changes in the Earth's weather and observe, measure, and forecast the weather. Project Clarion Science Unit for Primary Grades developed by the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary.
Weather Reporter (Grade 2) T  
B 93095B 93095 Weather Words and What They Mean
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2003

Presents a guide to using the book "Weather Words and What They Mean" by Gail Gibbons in grades 3-5. Includes book summary, author profile, vocabulary builders, discussion questions, activities and teaching ideas. Reproducible pages. From the series Scholastic Book Guides.
Weather Words and What They Mean T  
B 95964B 95964 What Are They Thinking?: Promoting Elementary Learning through Formative Assessment
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page
Length: 226 Copyright: 2014

A collection of thirty "Formative Assessment Probes" to help a teacher discover and recognize what children know or think that they know about science. This compendium of probes is drawn from NSTA's elementary journal Science and Children columns. Grades K-5.
What Are They Thinking?: Promoting Elementary Learning through Formative As T  
B 92842B 92842 World of Insects and Arachnids
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zike, Dinah
Length: 173 Copyright: 2001

Book by Dinah Zike and Susan Simpson is from the Great Science Adventures series (a K-8 science curriculum). Has 24 lessons. Teacher pages include vocabulary words, concept maps, assessments, assignments for all grade levels, lab activities and enrichment projects. Graphic organizers are included to simplify complicated material (Foldables). Each lesson has a reproducible book (Lots of Science Library Book) for students to make. For labs, students use the Investigative Loop process to get the most from the inquiry experience. Lessons deal with physical characteristics of insects, form and function, reproduction, bodily systems, metamorphosis, defense, predatory insects, migration, social insects (ants, termites, bees), differences between butterflies and moths, beetles, helpful/harmful insects, crustaceans, arachnids, spiders, mites and ticks.
World of Insects and Arachnids T  
B 92843B 92843 World of Plants
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zike, Dinah
Length: 171 Copyright: 2001

Book by Dinah Zike and Susan Simpson is from the Great Science Adventures series (a K-8 science curriculum). Provides 24 science lessons. Teacher pages include vocabulary words, concept maps, assessments, assignments for all grade levels, lab activities and enrichment projects. Includes reproducible pages: graphic organizers/Foldables, Lots of Science Library Book, plus picture/graphics that can be used in the activities. For the labs, students use the Investigative Loop process to get the most from the inquiry experience. Lesson topics: photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration, reproduction, types of plants, bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, conifers, angiosperms, seeds, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, pollination, fruit, deciduous trees, tree trunks and roots, tree rings, leaves change color, etc.
World of Plants T