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B 94608B 94608 100 Activities for Developing Fluent Readers: Patterns and Applications for Word Recognition, Fluency, and Comprehension. 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fox, Barbara
Length: 156 Copyright: 2008

Provides K-6 teachers with classroom activities for phonemic awareness, phonics, structural analysis, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Activities offer grouping options, a materials list, step-by-step directions, and options for differentiating individual student needs including ESL and at-risk. Each chapter has informal assessments to determine which children will benefit most from instruction using a particularactivity. Alternate title: One hundred Activities for Developing Fluent Readers.
100 Activities for Developing Fluent Readers: Patterns and Applications for T  
B 93193B 93193 25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pugliano-Martin, Carol
Length: 64 Copyright: 1999

Brief plays with seasonal and holiday themes are designed to provide oral reading practice for grades K-1. Twenty-Five.
25 Emergent Reader Plays Around the Year T  
B 94598B 94598 25 Fun Phonics Plays for Beginning Readers K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Chanko, Pamela
Length: 64 Copyright: 2009

Alternate Title: Twenty-five Fun Phonics Plays for Beginning ReadersSubtitle: Engaging, Reproducible Plays that Target and Teach Key Phonics Skills-and Get Kids Eager to Read! Reproducible pages.
25 Fun Phonics Plays for Beginning Readers K-2 T  
B 95534B 95534 40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K-6 Students: Research-Based Support for RTI
Grade Lvl: T Author: McEwan-Adkins, Elaine
Length: 319 Copyright: 2010

Explains forty reading intervention strategies which are appropriate for kindergarten through sixth grade and support Response to Intervention; and includes more than thirty sample lessons.
40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K-6 Students: Research-Based Support T  
B 96547B 96547 50 Early Childhood Literacy Strategies 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beaty, Janice J
Length: 192 Copyright: 2012

Features 50 ready-to-implement strategies for using picture books and activities to help teach speaking/listening, writing, and reading skills at the early childhood level (3,4,& 5 year-olds).
50 Early Childhood Literacy Strategies 3rd Edition T  
B 95395B 95395 50 Literacy Strategies: Step-by-Step, 4th Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tompkins, Gail
Length: 158 Copyright: 2013

The fourth edition of 50 Literacy Strategies: Step by Step by Gail E. Tompkins is a conveniently organized resource for all elementary and middle school teachers, providing research-based and classroom-tested strategies to develop literacy skills. For each strategy, the book indicates the instructional focus, grade levels, and explains why, how, & when to use it. Gives the Common Core State Standards the strategy supports. Some have ideas for differentiating instruction.
50 Literacy Strategies: Step-by-Step, 4th Edition T  
B 94682B 94682 50 Nifty Activities for 5 Components and 3 Tiers of Reading Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dodson, Judith
Length: 202 Copyright: 2008

Contains 10 multisensory activities for each of five sections: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. Grades K-6.
50 Nifty Activities for 5 Components and 3 Tiers of Reading Instruction T  
B 94299B 94299 All Aboard (Sing, Spell, Read & Write)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dickson, Sue
Length: 224 Copyright: 2004

Student edition from the kindergarten reading program Sing, Spell, Read & Write. All Aboard is the first workbook. On Track is the second workbook (94300). Workbook pages provide practice in phonemic awareness, sound/letter recognition, handwriting, visual and auditory discrimination. Use with KM 09564--Sing, Spell, Read & Write, Level K.
All Aboard (Sing, Spell, Read & Write) T  
B 94585B 94585 Alphabetivities: 175 Ready-to-Use Activities From A To Z
Grade Lvl: T Author: Krause, Claudia
Length: 200 Copyright: 1986

Includes reading readiness activities for Pre-K through 1st grade classrooms.
Alphabetivities: 175 Ready-to-Use Activities From A To Z T  
B 91292B 91292 Art of Teaching Reading
Grade Lvl: T Author: Calkins, Lucy
Length: 580 Copyright: 2001

Offers educators a multifaceted reading program supported by word study, guided reading, book talks, and other ongoing structures. Provides many ideas to help young readers discover their own joy of reading. Section 1: Building a Place For Reading. Section 2: Ongoing Structures In the Reading Curriculum (includes reading aloud, minilessons, coaching, leveled classroom library, reading assessment, supporting struggling readers, guided reading, phonics). Section 3: Units Of Study In a Reading Workshop. Section 4: Teaching the Qualities Of Good Reading.
Art of Teaching Reading T  
B 92971B 92971 Balanced Literacy for English Language Learners, K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Chen, Linda / Mora-Flores, Eugenia
Length: 228 Copyright: 2006

Linda Chen and Eugenia Mora-Flores show how to use familiar literacy methods with young English Language Learners. Focuses on seven specific aspects of balanced instruction to help students learn, expand, and extend their literacy skills including interactive read-aloud, emergent story book read-aloud, shared reading, reading workshop, writing workshop, guided reading, and word work. Language acquisition. Bilingualism.
Balanced Literacy for English Language Learners, K-2 T  
B 92876B 92876 Balancing Reading and Language Learning: A Resource For Teaching English Language Learners, K-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cappellini, Mary
Length: 320 Copyright: 2005

Presents effective classroom practices and research on teaching reading and language acquisitions to students learning English as a second language. Discusses setting up the learning environment, assessments, involving parents, establishing the balanced literacy program, thematic planning, read-alouds, shared reading, guided reading, independent instruction, independent reading & literature circles.
Balancing Reading and Language Learning: A Resource For Teaching English La T  
B 96399B 96399 BIG Book of Alphabet Activities: A Treasure Trove of Engaging Activities, Mini-Books, and Colorful Picture Cards for Teaching Alphabet Recognition, Letter Formation, and More!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Goren, Ada
Length: 256 Copyright: 2010

Contains instructions for activities, mini-books, picture cards, and more to help preschool and kindergarten students learn the letters of the alphabet, letter formation, and related skills.
BIG Book of Alphabet Activities: A Treasure Trove of Engaging Activities, M T  
B 99901B 99901 Big Book of Phonics Fun, Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 352 Copyright: 1994

Phonics for children with a global reading style. Book combines basic reading skills with familiar children's melodies. Each unit includes lesson plan, word lists, song page, activity suggestions, and worksheets. For grades K-3.
Big Book of Phonics Fun, Grades K-3 T  
B 94043B 94043 Big Collection of Phonics Flipbooks
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gordon, Lynn
Length: 219 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: 200 Reproducible Flipbooks that Target the Phonics & Word Study Skills Every Primary Student Needs to Know. Designed to promote phonetic awareness in K-3 students. Topics include: word families, consonant blends, digraphs, vowel combinations, prefixes, and suffixes. Includes skills assessments.
Big Collection of Phonics Flipbooks T  
B 97480B 97480 Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sandall, Susan R / Schwartz, Ilene S
Length: 240 Copyright: 2019

The third edition of Building Blocks provides readers with a framework for successful and meaningful inclusion of preschoolers with special needs. Like the first two editions, the third edition offers teachers effective, research-based instructional practices to promote learning in inclusive classrooms. The authors have updated existing content and added new content to reflect and align with current thinking in the field.
Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition T  
KM 10897KM 10897 CAFE Book
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boushey, Gail
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: Engaging All Students in Daily Literacy Assessment and Instruction. Gail Boushey and Joan Moser, "The Sisters" present a way to integrate assessment into daily reading and classroom discussion. The CAFE system (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanded vocabulary) includes goal setting with students in individual conferences, posting of goals on a whole-class board, developing small-group instruction based on clusters of students with similar goals, and targeting whole-class instruction based on emerging needs. The CAFE system offers a menu of strategies, so it's a flexible system that can be tailored to individual classrooms, schools, or districts. Grade range K-5. Contents: book and CD-ROM with printable forms. Two-week loan period.
CAFE Book T  
B 94407B 94407 Catching Readers Before They Fall: Supporting Readers Who Struggle, K-4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johnson, Pat / Keier, Katie
Length: 276 Copyright: 2010

Describes strategies and techniques that teachers can use to help struggling readers, providing scenarios and examples, along with information on reading process systems, the ways that readers solve words, assessment ideas, and related topics.
Catching Readers Before They Fall: Supporting Readers Who Struggle, K-4 T  
KM 8761KM 8761 Celebrate Reading: Teaching Reading Skills Using Multicultural Celebrations Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999

Subtitle: Teaching Reading Skills Using Multicultural Celebrations Grades K-3. Contents: resource guide (with lessons, reproducible stories, and activities--cross-curricular) and 12 books: Celebrating Thanksgiving: Giving Thanks; Celebrating Chanukah: Eight Nights; Celebrating Christmas: Christmas Decorations; Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Dreaming of Change; Celebrating Chinese New Year: Nick's New Near; Celebrating Valentine's Day: My Special Valentines; Celebrating Presidents' Day: What Is a President?; Celebrating Easter: The Easter Egg Hunt; Celebrating Cinco de Mayo: Fiesta Time!; Celebrating Mother's Day: Mom's Memory Box; Celebrating Father's Day: Father's Day Is for Special People; and Celebrating Patriotic Holidays: Honoring America. Two-week loan period.
Celebrate Reading: Teaching Reading Skills Using Multicultural Celebrations T  
B 93033B 93033 Classrooms That Work : They Can All Read and Write (5th Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cunningham, Patricia / Allington, Richard
Length: 278 Copyright: 2011

Chapters: Creating Classrooms That Work; Creating Enthusiastic, Independent Readers; Building the Literacy Foundation; Fostering Fluency; Teaching Phonics and Spelling Patterns; Building Vivid, Vital, and Valuable Vocabularies; Developing Thoughtful Comprehenders; Developing Ready, Willing, and Able Writers; Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum; Assessment; Differentiating Instruction for Diverse Learners; and Inside Classrooms That Work. Describes a day in a kindergarten classroom, a day in a primary classroom, and a day in an intermediate classroom.
Classrooms That Work : They Can All Read and Write (5th Edition) T  
B 96283B 96283 Close Look at Close Reading: Teaching Students to Analyze Complex Texts, Grades K-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lapp, Diane / Moss, Barbara
Length: 208 Copyright: 2015

Describes how to teach young learners to be close readers and how to make close reading a habit of practice in the elementary classroom. Literacy experts explain how to choose the right texts for students and identify initial teaching points for a close reading. Describes how to explain and model close reading to students. Explains how to use sentence frames and other strategies to support academic language use and content analysis. Discusses aligning close reading with other classroom literacies, including writing, speaking, and listening. Shows how to use formative assessment data to modify and support close reading instruction.
Close Look at Close Reading: Teaching Students to Analyze Complex Texts, Gr T  
B 96279B 96279 Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades K-2: What They Say, What They Mean, How to Teach Them
Grade Lvl: T Author: Taberski, Sharon / Burke, James
Length: 264 Copyright: 2014

A guide for teachers of grades kindergarten through second to using the Common Core standards in day-to-day practice in English language arts, history and social studies, science, and technical subjects. The author translates every standard for reading, writing, speaking & listening, language, and foundational skills. Includes the standards for literature and informational texts put side by side; more than a dozen teaching ideas for each standard; recommendations on how to cultivate critical habits of mind; a glossary of academic language for each standard; teaching suggestions for how to support ELLs; reproducible planning templates for each standard; an online bank of graphic organizers, reproducibles, charts, and more.
Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades K-2: What They Say, Wh T  
B 95186B 95186 Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work, Grades K–2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fisher, Douglas / Frey, Nancy
Length: 169 Copyright: 2013

Provides strategies and tips for grades K-2 teachers to integrate the CCSS for English language arts in their instruction, curriculum, assessment, and intervention practices. Details how to implement the CCSS within a powerful collaborative model: Professional Learning Communities at Work. Includes information on how to use the CCSS to support English learners and students with special needs.
Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work, Grades K–2 T  
B 95100B 95100 Comprehension That Works: Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding to Deep Comprehension
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brassell, Danny
Length: 144 Copyright: 2008

Describes classroom-tested strategies designed to help students better understand what they read, including comprehension procedures for before, during, and after reading. Comprehension strategies for grades K-6.
Comprehension That Works: Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding to T  
KM 11929KM 11929 Connecting Comprehension and Technology: Adapt and Extend Toolkit Practices
Grade Lvl: T Author: Harvey, Stephanie / Goudvis, Anne
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013

Provides strategies and lessons for using technology in the elementary classroom to promote reading and literacy skills. Educational technology. Contains book (248 pgs.) by Stephanie Harvey, Anne Goudvis, Katie Muhtaris, & Kristin Ziemke plus a DVD with classroom video footage of the lessons in action and a sampling of student work. Grades K-6.
Connecting Comprehension and Technology: Adapt and Extend Toolkit Practices T  
B 94041B 94041 Content Area Reading, Writing, and Storytelling: A Dynamic Tool for Improving Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum through Oral Language Development
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ellis, Brian
Length: 255 Copyright: 2009

Presents resources designed to help teachers use storytelling, reading, and writing in all content areas, which will improve students' reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills. Grades K-6. Chapters: How to Tell and Learn the Tale; Storytelling and the Reading-Writing Connection; Storytelling and Social Studies; Storytelling and Science; Storytelling, Math, and Problem Solving; Creating Thematic Units; and Building a Community of Learners.
Content Area Reading, Writing, and Storytelling: A Dynamic Tool for Improvi T  
B 94765B 94765 Continuum of Literacy Learning (PK-8)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pinnell, Gay Su
Length: 404 Copyright: 2011

A curriculum document and assessment tool that may be used by teachers to understand the literacy learning of students from prekindergarten through eighth grade in the areas of interactive read-alouds and literature discussion, writing, writing about reading, shared and performance reading, guided reading, phonics and spelling, and oral, visual, and technological communication. Authors: Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas.
Continuum of Literacy Learning (PK-8) T  
KM 11593KM 11593 Continuum of Literacy Learning/Library PreK-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pinnell, Gay Su
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

Complete title: The Continuum of Literacy Learning Teaching Library by Gay Su Pinnel and Irene C. Fountas. Designed to be used with The Continuum of Literacy Learning books (94765 Continuum PreK-8 or 94948 Continuum PreK-2) to deepen understanding of the continua and how to use them as assessment and planning tools. Contents: user guide and eight DVDs: Introduction and Assessment; Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion; Shared and Performance Reading; Writing About Reading; Writing: Interactive Writing; Writing: Writing Workshop; Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study; and Guided Reading. Four-week loan period.
Continuum of Literacy Learning/Library PreK-2 T  
B 96481B 96481 Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Elementary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact
Grade Lvl: T Author: Moreillon, Judi
Length: 175 Copyright: 2013

Offers strategies for increasing reading comprehension in elementary school students. Collaborative Teaching in the Age of Accountability -- Maximizing Your Impact -- Reading Comprehension Strategy One: Activating or Building Background Knowledge -- Reading Comprehension Strategy Two: Using Sensory Images -- Reading Comprehension Strategy Three: Questioning -- Reading Comprehension Strategy Four: Making Predictions and Inferences -- Reading Comprehension Strategy Five: Determining Main Ideas -- Reading Comprehension Strategy Six: Using Fix-Up Options - Reading Comprehension Strategy Seven: Synthesizing.
Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Elementary School Libraries: T  
KM 13463KM 13463 Creative Curriculum for Preschool Gardening Study
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

Brings the garden to your classroom. Children benefit from abundant opportunities for hands-on exploration and discovery as they grow and taste nutritious produce, see the rainbow of colors that different plants create, and share their harvest with the community. The Gardening Study Teaching Guide presents six weeks of daily plans to help teachers individualize instruction, provide meaningful learning experiences, address objectives for development and learning, and successfully engage families in their children’s learning. With the Gardening Study, you can create even more opportunities for dynamic learning experiences in your preschool classroom. Kit Includes: Gardening Study Teaching Guide; 3 fiction books: Harvesting Friends / Cosechando amigos, Grandpa’s Garden, and The Book Tree. Also includes 3 Book Discussion Cards and 1 nonfiction book: It’s Our Garden: From Seeds to Harvest in a School Garden.
Creative Curriculum for Preschool Gardening Study T  
B 95515B 95515 Daily 5: Fostering Literacy in the Elementary Grades (Second Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boushey, Gail / Moser, Joan
Length: 208 Copyright: 2014

The Daily 5 provides a way for an teacher to structure literacy time to increase student independence and allow for individualized attention in small groups and one-on-one. The Daily Five literacy tasks which students complete each day while the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals include: 1. Read to Self; 2. Read to Someone; 3. Work on Writing; 4. Listen to Reading; and 5. Word Work. The second edition includes information on materials & setup, model behaviors, detailed lesson plans, specific tips for implementing each component, and solutions to common challenges. Also includes a chapter on Math Daily 3 (Math by Myself; Math Writing; Math with Someone). Authors: Gail Boushey and Joan Moser, "the Sisters." Grades K-5.
Daily 5: Fostering Literacy in the Elementary Grades (Second Edition) T  
KM 10738KM 10738 Differentiating Assessment in the Reading Workshop
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ma, Karin
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009

Provides tools for differentiating assessment in kindergarten through second grade reading workshops, including templates, checklists, teaching strategies, and more than forty customizable forms. Authors: Karin Ma and Nicole Taylor. Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period.
Differentiating Assessment in the Reading Workshop T  
KM 10097KM 10097 DRA 2 Developmental Reading Assessment K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beaver, Joetta
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

The Development Reading Assessment (2nd Edition) helps educators identify each student's reading ability and level, document progress, and tailor teaching to drive effective reading instruction. Contents: teacher guide; Word Analysis teacher guide and Student Assessment book (forty word analysis tasks divided into five strands: phonological awareness, metalanguage, letter/word frequency word recognition, phonics, and structural analysis and syllabication); blackline masters book and CD-ROM (observation guides, student booklets, and reporting forms); Assessment Procedures Overview card (laminated card with assessment procedures and record of oral reading guidelines); Training DVD; preview CD-ROM of the Online Management System; Timing Calculation Clipboard (has clock timer, calculator on clipboard); student folders; and Benchmark Books Levels A-40 (both fiction and nonfiction texts). Requires 128MB RAM, 4xCD-ROM. Requires for Mac: PowerPC G3, OS x 10.2, Safari 1.2. Requires for Win: Intel Pentium, XP/2000/NT, Internet Explorer 5.5, Netscape 7.1. Two-week loan period.
DRA 2 Developmental Reading Assessment K-3 T  
B 97135B 97135 Educating Young Children: Active Learning Practices for Preschool and Child: 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hohmann, Mary
Length: 539 Copyright: 2002

High/Scope preschool curriculum is a model for developing high-quality early childhood programs that encourage and support children's initiatives and active learning experiences. This revised manual for early childhood practitioners and students presents essential strategies adults can use to make active learning a reality in their programs. The guide's introduction describes the origin of the High/Scope preschool approach, its basic principles, and its effectiveness for children, families, and society. Part 1 of the guide analyzes the core idea in the development of the High/Scope curriculum-active learning. The concept of active learning is discussed in several contexts: as an essential ingredient for learning, as a basis for how adults can create a supportive social climate, and as a foundation for working with the families or working as a team to make the active learning process effective in a particular setting with a particular group of children. Part 2 discusses methods for creating an environment that promotes active learning. This section suggests selecting and arranging materials from which children can choose, and manipulating and developing the daily routine so children have many opportunities to initiate, plan, carry out, and discuss their actions and ideas. Part 3 introduces 58 key experiences that can guide adults as they plan activities to support development in creative representation, language and literacy, initiative and social relations, movement, music, classification, seriation, number, space, and time. This revised edition of the guide includes information on phonemic awareness and preschool reading, additional references, the latest Perry Preschool research results, recent research relating to brain development, and a complete description of a consistent approach to problem solving. Each chapter includes a list of references and related readings.
Educating Young Children: Active Learning Practices for Preschool and Child T  
B 97001B 97001 Equipped for Reading Success
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kilpatrick, David
Length: 282 Copyright: 2016

Subtitle: A Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Program for Developing Phonemic Awareness and Fluent Word Recognition. Appropriate phonological awareness assessment for ages 5 to 105! Includes: Part 1 (What needs to be done), Part II (How to do it), Part III (Training exercises), and Part IV (Appendices/resources).
Equipped for Reading Success T  
B 94036B 94036 Every Child a Reader
Grade Lvl: T Author: Coffin, Helene
Length: 336 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: Month-by-Month Lessons to Teach Beginning Reading. Covers voice-print matching, identifying and sounding out letters, sight words, semantics and syntax to predict word meaning, punctuation, and more. K-2.
Every Child a Reader T  
B 95599B 95599 Explaining Reading, Third Edition: A Resource for Explicit Teaching of the Common Core Standards
Grade Lvl: T Author: Duffy, Gerald
Length: 258 Copyright: 2014

Following a concise introduction to the CCSS and explicit teaching, 30 examples show how to be explicit when teaching each Literature, Informational Text, and Foundational Skills standard. The examples guide teachers to differentiate instruction, model and scaffold learning, assess student skills, and align reading instruction with Common Core writing standards. Provides practical ways to develop "close reading" of text. Incorporates recent research on authentic tasks and adaptive teaching.
Explaining Reading, Third Edition: A Resource for Explicit Teaching of the T  
B 95339B 95339 File-Folder Games in Color: Alphabet Grades PreK-K
Grade Lvl: T Author: Julio, Susan
Length: 143 Copyright: 2009

Provides instructions and materials for ten file folder games designed to teach prekindergarten and kindergarten students about the alphabet.
File-Folder Games in Color: Alphabet Grades PreK-K T  
KM 10056KM 10056 Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fountas, Irene
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Assessment kit by Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell is designed to determine a child's reading level on the Fountas & Pinnell A-Z gradient. For grades K-2. Levels A-N. Contents: teaching guide; assessment guide; assessment forms book; student form book; DVD; two CD-ROMs; calculator/stopwatch; student folders; and 28 books (14 fiction, 14 nonfiction). Intended for Preview Purposes only. Two-week loan period.
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System 1 T  
B 96748B 96748 Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum: A Tool for Assessment, Planning, and Teaching, PreK-8 Expanded Ed.
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fountas, Irene / Pinnell, Gay Su
Length: 668 Copyright: 2017

This expanded edition enables teachers to construct a common vision for student achievement that effectively and efficiently engages all students in the robust, authentic and meaningful literacy learning every child deserves. The Literacy Continuum provides a way to look for specific evidence of learning from prekindergarten through grade eight, and across eight instructional contexts. Each instructional context contributes substantially, in different but complementary ways, to students' development of the literacy process. The continuum describes text characteristics and behavioral goals for prekindergarten through middle school, across the areas pertinent to the language arts. Expanded Edition is designed to: -elevate language and literacy expertise; -develop an understanding of the demands of texts on readers; -build an understanding of the reading and writing process and how it changes over time; -hone the observation of students' literacy behaviors; -teach toward student integration of the Systems of Strategic Actions; -articulate the literacy curriculum within and across grade levels -activate the responsive teaching that meets students where they are and brings them forward with intention and precision; -build professional learning opportunities with colleagues; -create a common vision and common language for literacy. Fountas & Pinnell include eight different continua. Each focuses on a different aspect of their language and literacy instructional framework (Guided Reading: Responsive Teaching Across the Grades #96748) and each contributes to students' development of reading, writing, and language processes. The Literacy Continuum includes: 1.Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion 2.Shared & Performance Reading 3.Writing About Reading 4.Writing 5.Oral & Visual Communication 6.Technological Communication 7.Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study 8.Guided Reading
Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum: A Tool for Assessment, Planning, and T  
B 90326B 90326 From Phonics to Fluency (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rasinski, Timothy V.
Length: 317 Copyright: 2008

Subtitle: Effective Teaching of Decoding and Reading Fluency in the Elementary School by Timothy V. Rasinski and Nancy D. Padak. Presents instructional strategies and examples of fluency practices that have been successful in real classrooms. Focus is on phonemic awareness, fluency, and phonics and word study. Some topics: onsets, rimes, and basic phonic patterns, advanced word patterns, word walls, word banks and word sorts, contextual word recognition, word games, spelling, fluency, instructional routines, assessing word recognition, involving parents in word study, etc. Adds a new chapter to the first edition: Phonics and Fluency: Concerns, Caveats, and Critical Consumerism. Appendices: Common Rimes, Fry Instant Word List, Prefixes, Suffixes, Greek and Latin Word Patterns, and Websites for Word Study.
From Phonics to Fluency (2nd Edition) T  
B 90428B 90428 Getting Ready to Read With Readers Theatre
Grade Lvl: T Author: Barchers, Suzanne
Length: 145 Copyright: 2007

Presents fifty, two-page reproducible scripts based on nursery rhymes, poems, and other fun things designed to help preschoolers and kindergarteners build early reading skills.
Getting Ready to Read With Readers Theatre T  
B 96077B 96077 Great Leaps Reading Program K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mercer, Cecil / Campbell, Kenneth
Length: 187 Copyright: 1997

The reading fluency program is for all 5 and 6 year olds and struggling 7 year olds. It is supplemental/remedial and not a complete reading program. The program materials have four parts: sound awareness (phonological/phonemic awareness), letter recognition and phonics, high frequency sight words and phrases, and stories for oral reading. Students work with a tutor or parent and move page-by-page to systematically and progressively achieve goals. A student should do two to four timings per day. Each page is designed so that the average reader, when proficient, will complete the page in one minute or less with few or no errors. Program is a one-to-one reading intervention.
Great Leaps Reading Program K-2 T  
B 96622B 96622 Handbook of Reading Interventions
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 436 Copyright: 2011

Handbook presents evidence-based approaches for helping struggling readers and those at risk for literacy difficulties or delays. Leading experts explain how research on all aspects of literacy translates into innovative classroom practices. Chapters include descriptions of effective interventions for word recognition, spelling, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing, complete with concrete examples and teaching scripts. Coverage also encompasses preschool literacy instruction and interventions for older readers, English language learners, and students with learning disabilities, as well as peer-mediated and tutoring approaches. Edited by Rollanda E. O'Connor and Patricia F.Vadasy.
Handbook of Reading Interventions T  
B 99298B 99298 Hands-On Alphabet Activities for Young Children
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brown, Roberta
Length: 514 Copyright: 1995

Subtitle: A Whole Language Plus Phonics Approach To Reading. Provides a teaching unit for each letter of the alphabet. Includes reproducible poems, big and little letter books, and awards.
Hands-On Alphabet Activities for Young Children T  
B 92678B 92678 Hands-On Reading: Classroom Classics
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kelly, Jane
Length: 326 Copyright: 1999

Activity book by Jane Kelly and Teresa Friend contains reproducible instructional activities to share popular children's literature with young special needs students. Titles: We're Going on a Bear Hunt; Put Me in the Zoo; I Like Me!; The Runaway Bunny; The Little Red Hen; Down by the Bay; It Looked Like Spilt Milk; Caps for Sale; Wheels on the Bus; Happy Birthday, Moon; From Head to Toe; In a People House; Mrs. Wishy-Washy; and The Rainbow Fish. Augmentative communication strategies, displays, and signs are also provided to increase the participation of all students. Each literature selection includes a plot summary, vocabulary, and activities (art, cooking, music, etc). Provides augmentative-communication device overlays (story-time overlays). Literacy activities include make-and-take books, sequence books, and cut-and-paste picture pages. PCS sign language symbols are provide at the end of each unit. Speech and language impairments.
Hands-On Reading: Classroom Classics T  
B 94016B 94016 How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Walpole, Sharon
Length: 177 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: Resources for Grades K-3. Authors: Sharon Walpole and Michael C. McKenna. Explains their approach to differentiated reading instruction and how it differs from other models. Provides profiles of the four types of differentiated instruction they identify, including phonological awareness and word recognition, word recognition and fluency, fluency and comprehension, and vocabulary and comprehension, each with lesson plans.
How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction T  
KM 13750KM 13750 I See My ABCs: Long Vowel Teams
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

The I See series helps build foundational reading skills. Simple sentences, decodable words, and engaging questions support young readers as they sharpen fluency and phonics skills. 12 titles. Two copies of each. Series: My Phonics Readers. Decodable Readers. IL Pres-3.
I See My ABCs: Long Vowel Teams KP  
KM 13748KM 13748 I See My ABCs: Special Vowel Teams
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

The I See series helps build foundational reading skills. Simple sentences, decodable words, and engaging questions support young readers as they sharpen fluency and phonics skills. 16 books. Two copies each of 8 titles. Series: My Phonics Readers. Decodable Readers. IL Pres-3.
I See My ABCs: Special Vowel Teams KP  
KM 13749KM 13749 I See My ABCs: Vowel + R
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

The I See series helps build foundational reading skills. Simple sentences, decodable words, and engaging questions support young readers as they sharpen fluency and phonics skills. 10 books. Two copies each of 5 titles. Series: My Phonics Readers. Decodable Readers. IL Pres-3.
I See My ABCs: Vowel + R KP  
KM 11382KM 11382 Improving Reading: Interventions, Strategies, and Resources 5th Ed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johns, Jerry / Lenski, Susan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010

Subtitle: Interventions, Strategies, and Resources by Jerry L. Johns and Susan Lenski. Provides step-by-step instruction for over 200 research-driven reading interventions and strategies for teachers from kindergarten through high school to energize their existing instruction with average students, as well as students who struggle with reading and need intervention. CD has over 200 reproducible pages for classroom use, student activities, resources and websites. Teacher resources on CD for each chapter including Dolch Lists, Sequence Maps, Student Checklists, Book Lists, Alphabet Books, Pattern Books, and Picture Book. Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period.
Improving Reading: Interventions, Strategies, and Resources 5th Ed T  
B 95853B 95853 Improving Reading: Strategies, Resources and Common Core Connections, 6th Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johns, Jerry / Lenski, Susan
Length: 534 Copyright: 2014

Resource presents over 200 strategies & interventions for use with whole classes, individual students, or groups. The eight chapters correlate with the main components of a comprehensive reading curriculum and the Common Core. Chapter 1. Motivation, Engagement, Interests, and Attitudes. Chapter 2. Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, and Beginning Reading. Chapter 3. Phonics, Decoding, and Word Recognition. Chapter 4. Fluency and Effective Oral Reading. Chapter 5. Vocabulary Acquisition and Use. Chapter 6. Comprehension Strategies. Chapter 7. Comprehending Fictional Texts. Chapter 8. Comprehending Informational Texts. Book includes access to website with reproducibles & other resources (see page xvi for web ID)
Improving Reading: Strategies, Resources and Common Core Connections, 6th E T  
B 94037B 94037 Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schiller, Pam
Length: 304 Copyright: 2008

Collection of lessons featuring learning objectives, literacy activities, extension activities, daily reflections, and vocabulary lists designed to help preschool teachers create a lesson plan suitable for students with special needs. Chapters: Listening; Oral Language Development; Phonological Awareness; Letter Knowledge and Recognition; Print Awareness; and Comprehension. For each lesson, adaptations are given for children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive challenges, motor delays, speech/language delays. Authors: Pam Schiller and Clarissa Willis.
Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood T  
B 92107B 92107 Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer to 12th Gr
Grade Lvl: T Author: Burns, Paul
Length: 226 Copyright: 2002

Subtitle: Preprimer To Twelfth Grade by Paul C. Burns and Betty D. Roe is used to assess students' reading progress. The 6th edition revised by Betty D. Roe includes a Leveled Book appendix. Inventory provides quantitative information expressed in grade equivalent scores (independent reading level, instructional reading level, frustration level, and listening comprehension level) and qualitative information (word recognition and comprehension strengths and difficulties). Includes instructions for use, placement word lists and graded passages.
Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer to 12th Gr T  
B 94597B 94597 Instant Phonics Practice: Reproducible Games, Puzzles, and Mini-Books that Target the Key Phonics Skills Beginning Readers Need to Master, Grades K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beech, Linda
Length: 126 Copyright: 2009

Sections: alphabet; initial consonants; final consonants; initial and final consonants; consonant blends; short vowels; long vowels; short and long vowels; rhymes and word families.
Instant Phonics Practice: Reproducible Games, Puzzles, and Mini-Books that T  
B 96574B 96574 Interacting with Informational Text for Close and Critical Reading
Grade Lvl: T Author: Erfourth, Jill
Length: 152 Copyright: 2016

A teacher's guide to teaching reading to K-3 students. Lessons are designed to engage students and guide them to read a text critically in order to build comprehension. Lessons are also based on the Common Core State Standards and help move students purposefully through increasingly complex text. Strategies, including the Guided Highlighted Reading Framework, are provided for meaningful discussions on a variety of text structures. Provides two lessons for each of the following text structures: sequencing, description, compare/contrast, cause/effect, & problem/solution.
Interacting with Informational Text for Close and Critical Reading T  
KM 12330KM 12330 Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dorn, Linda / Soffos, Carla
Length: 240 Copyright: 2011

Linda J. Dorn and Carla Soffos guide teachers and administrators in implementing effective reading interventions for children in kindergarten through third grade. Based on the authors’ Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM), the authors' present a portfolio of small group interventions for meeting the diverse needs of struggling readers. Each grade-band resource includes research-based activities, scaffolding techniques, and assessment tools that guide teachers in promoting strategic learners. The book comes with a CD containing an appendix of forms, guides, and checklists for each chapter.
Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing T  
B 99722B 99722 Ladders to Literacy: Kindergarten Activity Book
Grade Lvl: T Author: O'Connor, Rollanda
Length: 280 Copyright: 1998

Provides a developmentally appropriate emergent literacy curriculum. Focuses on activities to advance preacademic skills, early literacy development, and early reading development. Provides teaching adaptations for a range of learners so that all students can participate together.
Ladders to Literacy: Kindergarten Activity Book T  
B 94321B 94321 Learning to Read Is Child's Play
Grade Lvl: T Author: Maunz, Mary Ellen
Length: 250 Copyright: 2001

Encourages starting early to teach young children to read using age-appropriate games and activities.
Learning to Read Is Child's Play T  
KM 12664KM 12664 Leveled Literacy Intervention Sampler (Orange, Green, Blue)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fountas, Irene / Pinnell, Gay Su
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention. An introduction to the LLI Orange System, Kindergarten, Levels A-C; LLI Green System, Grade 1, Levels A-J; LLI Blue System, Grade 2, Levels C-N. Kit contains overview & samples.
Leveled Literacy Intervention Sampler (Orange, Green, Blue) T  
B 96293B 96293 Linking K-2 Literacy and the Common Core: Mini-Lessons that Work!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dierking, Connie
Length: 210 Copyright: 2014

Contains over fifty mini-lessons and provides advice on creating a literacy-connected kindergarten through second grade classroom aligned to Common Core State Standards. Provides tips, tools, & lessons for integrating reading & writing, and speaking & listening. Each operational, print awareness, craft, and foundational writing mini-lesson identifies the connecting point to reading and speaking and listening with Target Skills that should be revisited and reinforced during the reading block.
Linking K-2 Literacy and the Common Core: Mini-Lessons that Work! T  
B 92877B 92877 Making Sense: Small-Group Comprehension Lessons for English Language Learners
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kendall, Juli
Length: 153 Copyright: 2005

Provides answers to many common questions asked by teachers of English language learners. Five main sections of the book are geared to the stages of language proficiency and are divided into "younger" and "older" students. 52 lessons teach students how to make connections, ask questions, visualize, infer, determine importance, and synthesize. Explores the stages of language proficiency through descriptions of ten English language learners of different ages. A chart of student characteristics for each stage shows how students demonstrate understanding and outlinesthe implications for planning instruction.
Making Sense: Small-Group Comprehension Lessons for English Language Learne T  
B 99615B 99615 Phonemic Awareness: Playing With Sounds
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fitzpatrick, Jo
Length: 128 Copyright: 1997

Subtitle: Playing With Sounds To Strenthen Beginning Reading Skills. Resource teaches sound matching, syllable splitting, phoneme blending, phoneme isolation, phoneme segmentation, phoneme counting, phoneme delition, phoneme substitution, and matching sounds to letters and letters to sounds. Includes ideas for over 90 interactive activities, reproducibles, picture cards, word lists.Grades PreK-2.
Phonemic Awareness: Playing With Sounds T  
B 97400B 97400 Phonics From A to Z: A Practical Guide (3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blevins, Wiley
Length: 320 Copyright: 2017

Text outlines the most recent brain research, 7 key characteristics of strong phonics instruction, and powerful instructional routines for accelerating student learning. Also includes special sections on meeting the needs of struggling readers and emerging language learners, speed drill forms, fluency tips, word sort and word building support, engaging lessons, word lists, games, learning center ideas, technology resources, and more. Targeted application level: K-3
Phonics From A to Z: A Practical Guide (3rd Edition) T  
KM 11475KM 11475 Phonics Poetry Using Word Families Grades K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Carter, Penny
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009

Contains 16 simple poems. Each poem is followed by one or two reproducible worksheets. Contents: book and CD-ROM which contains PDF transparencies and poems. Two-week loan period.
Phonics Poetry Using Word Families Grades K-2 T  
B 95811B 95811 Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing (6th Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cunningham, Patricia
Length: 249 Copyright: 2013

Describes activities teachers may use to help children who are having difficulty reading and writing, with methods for learning to decode and spell regular and highly frequent irregular one-syllable words, and strategies for dealing with the special problems of poly-syllabic words. Part One: Building the Foundation for Phonics They Can Use. Part Two: Fluency. Part Three: Using Phonics and Spelling Patterns. Part Four: Research, and Terminology. Includes suggestions for adapting activities for English language learners and phonics interventions for older struggling readers.
Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing (6th Edition) T  
B 94687B 94687 Phonics: 101 Things Every Kindergartner Should Know About Phonics
Grade Lvl: T Author: Walsky, Kristen
Length: 128 Copyright: 2008

Workbook provides phonics activities which are arranged in order of difficulty. Each activity is labeled with the skill being taught. Includes sight and sound recognition of letters; letter formation; long and short vowel sounds; initial and final consonants; and rhyming word identification.
Phonics: 101 Things Every Kindergartner Should Know About Phonics T  
B 94201B 94201 Phonics: Book 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Crane, Kathy
Length: 176 Copyright: 2004

Reproducible pages provide practice activities for students who are beginning to read. Reinforces phonemic awareness and alphabet skills. Workbook has five units: Consonants; Short Vowels; Long Vowels; Consonant Blends and Y as a Vowel; and Endings, Digraphs, and Contractions.
Phonics: Book 1 T  
B 92888B 92888 Practical Fluency: Classroom Perspectives Gr K-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brand, Max
Length: 118 Copyright: 2006

Provides whole-class, small group, and individual strategies for building reading and writing fluency. Includes 22 sample lessons adapted to both primary and intermediate grades; describes whole-class lessons and discussion; gives examples of how to differentiate fluency instruction; includes fluency prompts and assessment rubrics. Suggests how to maximize fluency instruction during transition periods, small-group instruction, and read-aloud sessions.
Practical Fluency: Classroom Perspectives Gr K-6 T  
KM 12421KM 12421 PRESS: Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015

Path to Reading Excellence in School Site (PRESS) is a framework that structures literacy achievement in grades K-5 within a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RtI) context. The primary goal of PRESS is to work with teachers and administrators to establish school-based systems and practices for all K-5 students to become capable readers. Kit contains The Second Edition of the Intervention Manual & Assessment Manual. Intervention Manual provides a guidebook for data-based decision making and K-5 student interventions, covering the five essential components of reading instruction (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). The manual includes options for classwide and small group interventions. Assessment Manual contains skill assessments for phonemic awareness, phonics, and comprehension. The manual is a resource for monitoring the progress of students receiving Tier 2 interventions.
PRESS: Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites T  
KM 11462KM 11462 Qualitative Reading Inventory--5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Leslie, Lauren
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011

The fifth edition of Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI-5) is an individually administered informal reading inventory designed to provide diagnostic information about: 1) conditions under which students can identify words and comprehend text successfully; and 2) conditions that appear to result in unsuccessful word identification, decoding, and/or comprehension. Because the QRI-5 contains narrative and expository passages at each readability level examiner can determine the student's relative strengths and weaknesses in both type of text. Test can be used to estimate student reading level, group students effectively, and choose appropriate textbooks. Not a norm-referenced or standardized instrument. QRI-5 provides graded word lists and passages designed to assess the oral and silent reading, and/or listening ability of students from the pre-primer through the high school levels. Provides three ways of assessing comprehension: student unaided recall, questions without look-backs, and questions with look-backs. Includes explicit and implicit questions. Think-Alouds can be used at the sixth grade through high school levels. Rate measured in words per minute and corrected words per minute. Contents: book and DVD (with video clips, scored protocols, copies of student and examiner passages, etc). Two-week loan period.
Qualitative Reading Inventory--5 T  
B 96392B 96392 Read, Rhyme, and Romp: Early Literacy Skills and Activities for Librarians, Teachers, and Parents
Grade Lvl: T Author: McNeil, Heather
Length: 226 Copyright: 2012

Presents tips, techniques, and strategies that teach early childhood literacy development, recommends best books, and features rhymes and songs. Stresses the importance of reading aloud. Reading promotion. Includes: recommended book lists for promoting reading; an overview of basic strategies and components of an early literacy program; outline of pre-literacy skills required for reading success; instructions for early literacy activities.
Read, Rhyme, and Romp: Early Literacy Skills and Activities for Librarians, T  
B 95525B 95525 Read, Write, Play, Learn: Literacy Instruction in Today's Kindergarten
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rog, Lori Jamison
Length: 192 Copyright: 2011

Provides literacy instruction for kindergarten teachers, focusing on balancing play-based learning and explicit instruction, balancing child-centered and teacher-guided curricula, and balancing whole-class, small group, and individual structures.
Read, Write, Play, Learn: Literacy Instruction in Today's Kindergarten T  
B 94686B 94686 Read: 101 Things Every Kindergartner Should Know About Reading
Grade Lvl: T Author: Goldstein, Natalie
Length: 128 Copyright: 2006

Workbook contains games, puzzles, mazes, and more that introduce and reinforce important reading skills. Designed for children ages 4 and older. Activities are arranged in order of difficulty. Includes: Pre-reading fundamentals; Word families; Consonant and vowel sounds; Sight words; Letter formation; and Beginning and ending sounds.
Read: 101 Things Every Kindergartner Should Know About Reading T  
B 94038B 94038 Read! Perform! Learn! 2: 10 Reader's Theater Programs for Literacy Enhancement
Grade Lvl: T Author: Buzzeo, Toni
Length: 152 Copyright: 2007

Companion book to Read! Perform! Learn! (93417). Programs for grades K-5 are designed to improve literacy, with an introduction to the script, and interview with the author, the script for books, and standards-based learning activities. Book titles: Axle Annie and the Speed Grump; Bee-bim Bob!; The Boy Who Drew Birds; Button, Bucket, Sky; Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms; Faraway Home; Freedom Summer; Monsoon; My Brothers' Flying Machine; and Oliver's Must-Do List.
Read! Perform! Learn! 2: 10 Reader's Theater Programs for Literacy Enhancem T  
B 93417B 93417 Read! Perform! Learn!: 10 Reader's Theater
Grade Lvl: T Author: Buzzeo, Toni
Length: 128 Copyright: 2006

Subtitle: 10 Reader's Theater Programs for Literacy Enhancement. Offers library media specialists, children's librarians, and classroom teaches a wide range of ideas for extending the use of books into content areas through performance. Each of the ten chapters includes an introduction to a book and script, an author interview, the reader's theater script, and a set of standards based learning activities. Book titles: Book! Book! Book!; Chicken Soup by Heart; Dinosnores; Jingle Dancer; Mudball; Old Cricket; Rain Romp; The Recess Queen; School Picture Day; and Violet's Music. For grades K-5.
Read! Perform! Learn!: 10 Reader's Theater T  
KM 67KM 67 Reading Mastery Signature Edition, Grade K (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

SRA Reading Mastery Signature Edition is a direct instruction reading intervention program which can be used as a supplemental intervention program or a comprehensive core reading program. Kindergarten materials include both student & teacher components for a Reading Strand, Language Arts Strand, & Literature Strand. Kit has storybooks, workbooks, test books, teacher guides, spelling book, presentation books, assessment handbook, Read-aloud library, student trade books, seatwork, skills profile folder, & CD-ROMs.
Reading Mastery Signature Edition, Grade K (2 Parts) T  
B 96791B 96791 Reading Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Readers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Serravallo, Jennifer
Length: 400 Copyright: 2015

Collects 300 strategies to share with readers in support of thirteen goals-everything from fluency to literary analysis. Each strategy is cross-linked to skills, genres, and Fountas & Pinnell reading levels. Helps teachers (using formative assessments) develop goals for every reader. Book is organized by goals. Each of the thirteen chapters is a goal, & the goals most commonly match readers in grades K-8. The order of the chapters is in a hierarchy of sorts (starts with emergent reading and ends with writing about reading.) The goal chosen for a student becomes the focus for ongoing work with the student in conferences and small groups. Within each goal, there may be one or more skills that a reader would need to work on; then once the skills are identified, the teacher needs to find specific strategies to accomplish those skills. Each Strategy page in the book explains the strategy, lists Lesson Language (shows how a teacher might explain or demonstrate a strategy) or Teaching Tips (added explanation to help the teacher understand the intention of the lesson) and Prompts (can be used when providing scaffolds during the practice with the strategy and when offering feedback). The margins indicate the F & P Text Gradient, genre, and skills that will often work best with the strategy. The author's Hat Tips describe a connection to the work of influential teacher-authors. Visuals are included for all the lessons.
Reading Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Reader T  
B 91963B 91963 Road to the Code: A Phonological Awareness Program
Grade Lvl: T Author: Blachman, Benita / Ball, Eileen
Length: 391 Copyright: 2000

Subtitle: A Phonological Awareness Program For Young Children. Program is designed to enable classroom teachers, resource and reading teachers, and language specialists to incorporate phonological awareness activities into the curriculum before children (K-1) have a chance to fail. Program for teaching phonemic awareness and letter sound correspondence is developmentally sequenced. Each of the 44 lessons features three activities: Say-It-and-Move-It (phonemic segmentation), Letter Name and Sound Instruction (only 8 letters), and Phonological Awareness Practice that give students opportunities to practice their beginning reading and spelling abilities. Includes scripted instructions and reproducible materials.
Road to the Code: A Phonological Awareness Program T  
B 94636B 94636 RTI Daily Planning Book, K-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Owocki, Gretchen
Length: 315 Copyright: 2010

Provides tools and strategies for using Response to Intervention (RTI) in kindergarten through sixth-grade reading classrooms, discussing collecting and assessing data, targeted follow-up instruction, and other related topics, and offering reproducible rubrics, data charts, class checklists, and more.
RTI Daily Planning Book, K-6 T  
B 94599B 94599 Scholastic Success/Vowel Digraphs and Diphthongs
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wolfe, Robin
Length: 48 Copyright: 2004

Scholastic Success with Vowel Digraphs & Diphthongs. Workbook contains exercises to help grades K-2 students practice age appropriate vowel digraphs and diphthongs skills and comes with an answer key. Reproducible pages. Contents: ai, ay, ea, ee, ei, ey, ie, oa, oe, ow, ue, ui, au, aw, ew, oi, oy, oo, ow, ou, ar, er, ir, or, ur, vowel combinations, r-controlled vowels, homophones, rhymingwords.
Scholastic Success/Vowel Digraphs and Diphthongs T  
B 92144B 92144 Sing a Song of Poetry, Grade K
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pinnell, Gay Su
Length: 282 Copyright: 2004

Subtitle: A Teaching Resources For Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Fluency. Features more than 250 traditional rhymes and modern verse including nursery rhymes, rhymed verse, word play, humorous verse, action songs, and concept poems. Includes suggestions for using and extending each poem along with a list of 50 ways to use and enjoy poetry with young children. Reproducible pages.
Sing a Song of Poetry, Grade K T  
B 90484B 90484 Six-Minute Solution (Primary Level)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Adams, Gail
Length: 387 Copyright: 2007

Reading fluency program is designed for grades K-2 (Intervention gr 1-3) and takes only six minutes of the instructional day. After an assessment, students are paired with a same-level peer for a six-minute session that involves repeated one-minute readings of an informational passage (reading levels grades 1-3). Partners note number of words read correctly for an effective peer-monitoring and feedback system. Authors: Gail Adams and Sheron Brown.
Six-Minute Solution (Primary Level) T  
KM 11083KM 11083 Specific Skill Series: Primary--Picture Level to C
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1997

Gives students specific and concentrated experiences in reading for different purposes. Provides practical material for pupils on five different levels. Passages themselves are sufficiently brief to hold pupils with the most restricted attention span, yet diverse enough to appeal to students of varying ages, interests, and abilities. The Picture Level books are for pupils who have not acquired a basic sight vocabulary. The Prepartory Level books are for pupils who have developed a basic sight vocabulary but are not yet ready for books on the first grade reading level. The A books are suitable for pupils on the first reading level. Books B and C are appropriate for pupils who can read material on levels two and three. Contents: teacher's manual and five books (Picture level, Preparatory level, Level A, Level B, Level C) for each title: Working Within Words; Following Directions; Using the Context; Locating the Answer; Getting the Facts; Getting the Main Idea; Drawing Conclusions; Detecting the Sequence; and Identifying Inferences. Two-week loan period.
Specific Skill Series: Primary--Picture Level to C T  
B 92885B 92885 Super File-Folder Books
Grade Lvl: T Author: Williams, Rozanne
Length: 48 Copyright: 2004

Subtitle: Easy How-to's for 10 Interactive Books That Kids Will Loveto Make and Read. Gr. K-2. Book title: The Wheels on the Bus; Silly Spiders; I Like Books; Miss Lucy; Ten Little Dinosaurs; All Kinds ofof Homes (animal); My Monster Book; Button Bear; Piggy Bank Book; Onthe Go! Reproducible pages.
Super File-Folder Books T  
B 126884B 126884 Tarantula vs. Scorpion
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Pallotta, Jerry
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

Contains facts about tarantulas and scorpions, comparing such aspects as their burrows, weapons, and abilities. Nonfiction series: Who Would Win. IL 1-4. AR 3.6. RC 3.5. Lexile 570.
Tarantula vs. Scorpion KPI  
B 92799B 92799 Teacher-Directed PALS Paths to Achieving Literacy Success
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 280 Copyright: 2001

Resource for small group literacy instruction for grades Prekindergarten to grade 1 curriculum for beginning or struggling readers is designed to be used by paraprofessionals or others who are not necessarily experts. Provides supplemental instruction for a group of one to three students. 57 lessons include two routines that build on each other: Sounds and Words; Story Sharing. Sounds and Words includes instruction in phonemic awareness, letter-sound recognition and phonological decoding (10-20 minutes). Includes sample lesson scripts. Story Sharing teaches word recognition and develops fluency and comprehension. Story sharing involves: 1. pretend-reading; 2. reading aloud; and 3. retelling. Lists recommended literature, guidelines for choosing storybooks, and includes reproducible lesson sheets and mastery monitoring forms.
Teacher-Directed PALS Paths to Achieving Literacy Success T  
B 95520B 95520 Teaching Phonics Today: Word Study Strategies Through the Grades, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Strickland, Dorothy
Length: 112 Copyright: 2011

Examines the ways in which phonics instruction has evolved over time, offers suggestions for differentiating instruction to prevent reading difficulties, provides practical ideas for word study and conventional spelling instruction, and includes advice on curriculum development and assessment.
Teaching Phonics Today: Word Study Strategies Through the Grades, Second E T  
B 92278B 92278 Tongue Twisters To Teach Phonemic Awareness and Phonics K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kohfeldt, Joyce
Length: 80 Copyright: 2000

Complete title: Tongue Twisters To Teach Phonemic Awareness and Phonics: Beginning Consonants and Vowels. Supplements the Working with Words block of the Four-Blocks Literacy Model. Provides 66 tongue twisters to develop phonemic awareness and phonics skills. The reproducible pages include two tongue twisters for each beginning consonant sound, including the soft and hard c and g sounds, and two tongue twisters for each short and long single vowel sound. Alliteration.
Tongue Twisters To Teach Phonemic Awareness and Phonics K-2 T  
B 94040B 94040 Ultimate Guided Reading How-to Book: Building Literacy Through Small-Group Instruction (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Saunders-Smith, Gail
Length: 104 Copyright: 2009

Explains strategies for using guided reading in small groups to build literacy, providing information on the reading process and other related topics, and discussing grouping schemes, analyzing texts, and more. The second edition covers notetaking and study skills, demonstrates how to introduce a new book to a group, encourage group dialogue and help students apply new learning to other academic activities.
Ultimate Guided Reading How-to Book: Building Literacy Through Small-Group T  
B 95786B 95786 Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 326 Copyright: 2010

Presents strategies to help students improve literacy skills with a focus on decoding and spelling; providing a review of the history and structure of English words; discussing reading fundamentals and lesson concepts, format, and procedures; and including forty-six classroom activities, lesson plans, samples of student work, and additional resources.
Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction, Second Edi T  
B 96749B 96749 Who's Doing the Work?: How to Say Less So Readers Can Do More
Grade Lvl: T Author: Burkins, Jan / Yaris, Kim
Length: 158 Copyright: 2016

Explores how some traditional scaffolding practices may actually rob students of important learning opportunities and independence. Book suggests ways to make small but powerful adjustments to instruction that hold students accountable for their own learning. For example, using certain specific prompts such as, "Does that make sense?" systematically overrides students' self-monitoring systems by giving them less and less that doesn't make sense. Scaffolding in the traditional way can create a process that requires continued support, and students learn helplessness.
Who's Doing the Work?: How to Say Less So Readers Can Do More T  
B 93002B 93002 Word Chunks (K-2)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Martin, Carol
Length: 96 Copyright: 2003

Cover title: Word Chunks Activities for Learning Word Families by Carol Kirkham Martin. Contains visual cues, reference materials, and hands-on manipulative activities that may be used to help students in kindergarten through second grade recognize word chunks--common groupings of letters that have specific sounds. Reproducible pages.
Word Chunks (K-2) T  
B 99729B 99729 Word Matters: Teaching Phonics and Spelling In the Reading/Writing Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pinnell, Gay Su
Length: 401 Copyright: 1998

Companion volume to Guided Reading by Fountas and Pinnell. Section 1 focuses on how children learn about letters and words and presents contexts for learning. Section 2 explores oral language. Section 3 discusses word study. Section 4 explores word learning and word solving within writing and reading. Section 5 explores developmental shifts over time and suggests that teachers work together to develop a word-solving program that spans grade levels.
Word Matters: Teaching Phonics and Spelling In the Reading/Writing Classroo T