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KM 13089KM 13089 Kagan Cooperative Learning
Grade Lvl: 13 Author: Kagan, Spencer
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013

Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures MiniBook, Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures for Engagement SmartCard, and Cooperative Learning SmartCard. The MiniBook version of the worldwide best seller, Kagan Cooperative Learning! Transform every lesson with 5 powerful Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures! Discover 7 key concepts that ensure success. Review research studies demonstrating increased achievement, enhanced social skills, and radically reduced discipline problems. Professional kit.
Kagan Cooperative Learning 13  
KM 90056KM 90056 Spintronics Complete
Grade Lvl: 4-12 Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Spintronics is a game from the makers of Turing Tumble where players build mechanical circuits to solve puzzles. Players feel the pull of voltage and see the flow of current as they discover electronics in a tangible and deeply intuitive way, using the first physical equivalent of electronics ever built. Spintronics Act One: Begin the time-winding journey with Spintronics Act One. Get started building fascinating mechanical circuits as you solve 67 fun, challenging puzzles from beginner to intermediate difficulty. Spintronics Act Two: Continue Natalia's time-winding adventure and help her build more advanced spintronic circuits for the town of Little Hope. This Act Two kit begins where Act One leaves off. New parts including transistors and inductors open a vast frontier of new possibilities. The puzzles also grow more challenging, with 82 more puzzles ranging from intermediate to advanced. Power Pack: The Power Pack gives you parts to charge your circuits with more power: an additional 6 V battery and two low-value resistors. It also includes a puzzle book with 11 additional puzzles. This kit is the complete set. Not available for summer checkout. Restricted to grades 4 on up. Makerspace. STEAM / STEM. IL 4-12.
Spintronics Complete 4-12  
KM 13650KM 13650 Fetal Pig Model
Grade Lvl: 9-12 Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Life-Size Model With Removable Internal Organs. Highly Durable Rubberized Material. Common Dissection Organs Highlighted. Easily Cleaned And Stored. Cast from an actual specimen, all of the intricate structural detail usually only seen on a real dissected specimen can clearly be seen on the model of a nearly full-term fetal pig. It features all internal organs and major arteries and veins found along the body cavity, head, and neck. In addition, the heart, lungs, stomach, liver, and intestines are removable as a single unit so students can study the deeper organs and vasculature. One kidney is sectioned to show renal circulation. Made of a unique material for flexibility and durability, the model has the look and feel of a real specimen, and is hand painted to match real dissection specimens.
Fetal Pig Model 9-12