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B 97123B 97123 Administrator's Guide to Preschool Inclusion
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wolery, Ruth Ashworth / Odom, Samuel L
Length: 160 Copyright: 2000

For many administrators and educators working in early childhood programs, inclusion is filled with complex and puzzling issues. Administrators hold a powerful role in creating and maintaining inclusive classrooms for young children. The purpose of this guide is to address some of the issues raised by the administrators of these inclusive settings. We discuss the barriers and roadblocks these administrators encountered as they set up inclusive programs and then worked to keep them going successfully. We present practical strategies that emerged from our work and we also draw upon the larger literature and work of others. In places, we introduce some of the people who, through their stories and experiences, illustrate how to make high quality early childhood inclusion a reality.
Administrator's Guide to Preschool Inclusion T  
B 97490B 97490 Ambitious Science Teaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Windschitl, Mark / Thompson, Jessica
Length: 304 Copyright: 2018

For classroom science teachers, both beginning and experienced. Text outlines a powerful framework for science teaching to ensure that instruction is rigorous and equitable for students from all backgrounds. The practices presented in the book are being used in schools and districts that seek to improve science teaching at scale, and a wide range of science subjects and grade levels are represented. It is a guide to using four core practices to improve instruction: planning for engagement with big ideas; eliciting student thinking; supporting changes in students’ thinking; and drawing together evidence-based explanations.
Ambitious Science Teaching T  
B 97613B 97613 Behavior Support Strategies for Education Paraprofessionals
Grade Lvl: T Author: Henson, Will
Length: 100 Copyright: 2008

Education paraprofessionals are often tasked with handling a variety of challenging behaviors. Paraprofessionals provide inclusion supports to students with special needs, and act as extra staff in classrooms for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Paraprofessionals are often asked to monitor hallways, buses and playgrounds and perform a variety of other important duties that require skill in preventing and managing behavior. This book is designed to teach paraprofessionals important concepts and best practices for handling behaviors.
Behavior Support Strategies for Education Paraprofessionals T  
B 97552B 97552 Best Practices at Tier 1: Daily Differentiation for Effective Instruction, Secondary
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gregory, Gayle / Kaufeldt, Martha
Length: 236 Copyright: 2016

Improve core instruction to ensure learning for all. Created specifically for grades 6-12, this book provides proven response to intervention strategies to differentiate instruction, engage students, increase success, and avoid additional interventions. Discover how to identify essential power standards to include in Tier 1 instruction, create a brain-friendly learning environment, shift instructional processes to support collaboration, and more. Understand the power of RTI to enhance core instruction and provide timely, targeted, and systematic interventions for students in need.
Best Practices at Tier 1: Daily Differentiation for Effective Instruction, T  
B 97551B 97551 Best Practices at Tier 2: Supplemental Interventions for Additional Student Support, Secondary
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sonju, Bob / Kramer, Sharon V
Length: 133 Copyright: 2019

Research is conclusive: response to intervention (RTI) is the best way to intervene when students struggle in school. Also known as a multitiered system of support (MTSS), the RTI process ensures every student receives the additional time and support needed for academic success. A companion to Best Practices at Tier 1, this guide provides secondary educators with fundamental principles, practices, and tools for implementing effective Tier 2 intervention strategies.
Best Practices at Tier 2: Supplemental Interventions for Additional Student T  
B 97550B 97550 Best Practices at Tier 3: Intensive Interventions for Remediation, Secondary
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rogers, Paula / Smith, W. Richard
Length: 274 Copyright: 2021

Confidently support the students who struggle most. Written for secondary educators, this practical resource details how to provide intensive interventions at Tier 3 of the RTI at Work process. Rely on the book's toolkit of best practices and easy-to-use strategies to help you and your team drive sustainable learning improvement and success at all secondary grade levels across the curriculum. Use this resource to meet the needs of students who have fallen the furthest behind in the classroom.
Best Practices at Tier 3: Intensive Interventions for Remediation, Secondar T  
B 97480B 97480 Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sandall, Susan R / Schwartz, Ilene S
Length: 240 Copyright: 2019

The third edition of Building Blocks provides readers with a framework for successful and meaningful inclusion of preschoolers with special needs. Like the first two editions, the third edition offers teachers effective, research-based instructional practices to promote learning in inclusive classrooms. The authors have updated existing content and added new content to reflect and align with current thinking in the field.
Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition T  
B 97170B 97170 Building Equity: Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners
Grade Lvl: T Author: Smith, Dominique / Frey, Nancy
Length: 215 Copyright: 2017

Imagine a school with a diverse student body where everyone feels safe and valued, and all—regardless of race, culture, home language, sexual orientation, gender identity, academic history, and individual challenges—have the opportunity to succeed with interesting classes, projects, and activities. In this school, teachers notice and meet individual instructional needs and foster a harmonious and supportive environment. All students feel empowered to learn, to grow, and to pursue their dreams. This is the school every student needs and deserves. In Building Equity, Dominique Smith, Nancy Frey, Ian Pumpian, and Douglas Fisher, colleagues at San Diego's innovative Health Sciences High & Middle College, introduce the Building Equity Taxonomy, a new model to clarify the structural and interpersonal components of an equitable and excellent schooling experience, and the Building Equity Review and Audit, survey-based tools to help school and teacher leaders uncover equity-related issues and organize their efforts to achieve: Physical integration Social-emotional engagement Opportunity to learn Instructional excellence Engaged and inspired learners Built on the authors' own experiences and those of hundreds of educators throughout the United States, this book is filled with examples of policy initiatives and practices that support high-quality, inclusive learning experiences and deliver education that meets critical standards of equality and equity.
Building Equity: Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners T  
B 91921B 91921 Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Understanding, Preventing, and Responding Effectively 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kaiser, Barbara / Rasminsky, Judy Sklar
Length: 343 Copyright: 2012

Authors Barbara Kaiser and Judy Sklar Rasminsky present background information designed to help teachers understand the behavior problems of young children, and describes strategies and techniques for preventing and responding to difficult behaviors. Third Edition emphasizes the teacher's role in the behavior of children, encouraging students and educators to reflect on their own values, feelings, and actions.
Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Understanding, Preventing, and Resp T  
KM 11646KM 11646 Challenging Kids, Challenged Teachers: Teaching Students With Tourette's, Bipolar Disorder, Executive Dysfunction, OCD, ADHD, and More
Grade Lvl: T Author: Packer, Leslie / Pruitt, Sheryl K.
Length: 329 Copyright: 2010

Book discusses sixteen neurological conditions teachers encounter in the classroom, explains how they affect a child's learning and behavior, identifies symptoms the disorders have in common, and describes teaching strategies designed to help improve academic performance, social skills, and emotional stability. Source helps educators create a supportive environment to successfully teach children with multiple neurological disorders including Tourette's Syndrome, OCD, AD/HD, LD, Non-Verbal Learning Disability, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Executive Dysfunction, Sensory Processing Disorder, Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep (PANDAS), Bipolar Disorder, "Storms" or "Rages", Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Sleep Problems. Includes a companion CD with checklists, survey forms, worksheets, etc. Two-week loan period.
Challenging Kids, Challenged Teachers: Teaching Students With Tourette's, B T  
B 94253B 94253 Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the Four-Blocks Way
Grade Lvl: T Author: Erickson, Karen
Length: 144 Copyright: 2006

Designed to support general education teachers with inclusive classrooms and special education teachers using the Four-Blocks Literacy Model. Includes lessons for each of the Four BLocks, variations for students with disabilties, teacher's checklist, and examples of assistive technology. Authors: Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver.
Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the Four-Blocks Way T  
B 93067B 93067 Classroom Instruction that Works with English Language Learners, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hill, Jane / Miller, Kristen
Length: 182 Copyright: 2006

Guide to helping elementary school students at all levels of English language acquisition succeed. The introduction includes The Academic Language Framework, The Thinking Language Matrix, and the Stages of Second-language Acquisition. Part I Creating the Environment for Learning. Chapters: Setting objectives and providing feedback; Reinforcing effort and providing recognition; Cooperative learning. Part II: Helping Students Develop Understanding. Chapters: Cues, questions and advance organizers; Nonlinguistic representations; Summarizing and note taking; Assigning homework and providing practice; Part III Helping Students Extend and Apply Knowledge. Chapters: Identifying similarities and differences; Generating and testing hypotheses.
Classroom Instruction that Works with English Language Learners, 2nd Editio T  
B 96272B 96272 Co-Teaching That Works: Structures and Strategies for Maximizing Student Learning
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beninghof, Anne M.
Length: 260 Copyright: 2012

Provides practical ideas for co-teaching with teaching strategies for every type of team teaching situation, including guidelines for successful team-teaching with specialists in technology, literacy, occupational/physical therapy, special education, and speech-language therapy. Describes nine models of co-teaching: The Duet Model, Lead and Support Model, Speak and Add Model, Skill Groups Model, Station Model, Learning Style Model, Parallel Teaching Model, Adapting Model, Complementary Skills Model.
Co-Teaching That Works: Structures and Strategies for Maximizing Student Le T  
KM 13512KM 13512 COSMO Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

The Cosmo Switch is a unique light-up, multi-color Bluetooth switch for tablets, mobile phones and computers. The Cosmo Switch is highly responsive, making it very easy to activate regardless of your motor abilities. The switch lights up in a variety of colors, making it very engaging and providing visual feedback with every press. The Cosmo Switch provides access to all switch accessible apps or software on iOS, OS X, Chromebooks, Windows and Android devices. Compatible with all Bluetooth LE or newer equipped devices Easy to pair with the correct Cosmo Switch when multiple are present in the same room Easy use with Grid, HelpKidzLearn, SnapCore first, Communicator 5 and almost any AAC software or Switch Accessible Software.
B 97431B 97431 Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools and Beyond, Third Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Singleton, Glenn E
Length: 292 Copyright: 2022

Courageous Conversations about Race allows you to deepen personal understanding of race and its impact on all students. Deepen the dialogue to address racial disparities in your organization. Schools, like all organizations, face a nearly insurmountable hurdle when addressing racial inequities, the inability to talk candidly about race. In this timely update, author Glenn Singleton enables readers to break the silence and open an authentic dialogue that forges a path to progress for racial equity. The third edition offers new coverage of the structural inequities in schools and society that have been exposed by the pandemic as well as heightened public awareness of racial injustice.
Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in T  
B 97357B 97357 Cultural Competence Now: 56 Exercises to Help Educators Understand and Challenge Bias, Racism, and Privilege
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mayfield, Vernita
Length: 213 Copyright: 2020

Cultural Competence Now provides a structure to begin meaningful conversations about race, culture, bias, privilege, and power within the time constraints of an ordinary school. Author Mayfield offers advice on establishing a safe environment for professional conversations, setting goals for cultural competency, overcoming resistance, reviewing school data and the school's vision and mission through the lens of race and culture, and strategically managing what can be a transformative yet uncomfortable change process. School leaders will discover how to facilitate learning through the four steps—awaken and assess; apply and act; analyze and align; advocate and lead—as you and your colleagues * Increase your awareness of privilege and bias. * Adapt your professional practices to meet the needs of all students. * Examine policies and practices that inhibit opportunities for marginalized populations. * Align resources to eradicate inequity in your school.
Cultural Competence Now: 56 Exercises to Help Educators Understand and Chal T  
B 97437B 97437 Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hammond, Zaretta L
Length: 173 Copyright: 2015

Subtitle: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. To close the achievement gap, diverse classrooms need a proven framework for optimizing student engagement. Culturally responsive instruction has shown promise, but many teachers have struggled with its implementation. In this book, Zaretta Hammond draws on cutting edge neuroscience research to offer an innovative approach for designing and implementing brain compatible culturally responsive instruction. The book includes: Information on how one’s culture programs the brain to process data and affects learning relationships, Ten "key moves" to build students’ learner operating systems and prepare them to become independent learners, and offers prompts for action and valuable self reflection.
Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain T  
B 127307B 127307 Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally
Grade Lvl: S Author: Ladau, Emily
Length: 167 Copyright: 2021

A guide for how to be a thoughtful, informed ally to disabled people, with actionable steps for what to say and do, what not to do, and how you can help make the world a more accessible place. A resource for students learning about or researching disability and ableism in society. Social issues. Diverse abilities. Inclusion. Personal growth. Young adult. IL 10-12.
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally S  
B 92731B 92731 Designing Personalized Learning for Every Student
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 128 Copyright: 2001

Presents a framework for creating more flexible, creative learning communities that include and are responsive to a range of human diversity. K-12 guide includes: steps for gathering information about students' interests and family life; tools for developing curriculum units, lesson plans, and personalized learning experiences; classroom-based assessment and reporting systems that capture and communicate learning gains; and strategies for engaging families in the curriculum.
Designing Personalized Learning for Every Student T  
B 91951B 91951 Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gregory, Gayle / Chapman, Carolyn
Length: 145 Copyright: 2002

Presents techniques and processes that teachers can use to adjust learning based on individual students' knowledge, skills, experience, preferences, and needs. Topics: learning climate, learning styles, multiple intelligences, assessment tools, adjusting, compacting, grouping, brain-based strategies, centers, projects, problem-based learning, inquiry models, and contracts.
Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All T  
B 90833B 90833 Differentiating Math Instruction K-8 (2nd Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bender, William
Length: 143 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: Strategies that Work for K-8 Classrooms. Updated edition provides research on the value of brain-compatible teaching, critical strategies for differentiating instruction, and creative ways to get students learning. Key features include: Strategies for use within a Response to Intervention framework (RTI); At-a-glance lists of "Top Ten Tactics;" "Web Site Reviews" that outline additional online resources; Concrete strategies to tap into multiple intelligences; and A facilitator's guide for staff developers.
Differentiating Math Instruction K-8 (2nd Ed) T  
B 108340B 108340 Eagle Blue
Grade Lvl: JST Author: D'Orso, Michael
Length: 323 Copyright: 2006

Subtitle: A Team, a Tribe, and a High School Basketball Season in Arctic Alaska. Follows the Fort Yukon Eagles high school basketball team from its 2004 preseason to the 2005 Alaska state championship, exploring the lives of ites players and coach and examining the 600 person village's Gwich'in Athabascan heritage. AR 6.2. Outstanding book for the college bound.
Eagle Blue JST  
B 94291B 94291 Educator's Guide to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ben-Arieh, Josefa
Length: 165 Copyright: 2009

A guide to proven strategies for teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, illustrating how to write a behavior intervention plan; apply behavior analysis; organize the classroom; conduct functional behavior assessments; select visual strategies, tools, and curriculum resources; and more.
Educator's Guide to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders T  
B 94774B 94774 Effective School Interventions, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rathvon, Natalie
Length: 460 Copyright: 2008

Subtitle: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes. Describes seventy interventions educators may use to deal with problems that sometimes result from the placement of children with mild learning disabilities and behavior problems in the regular classroom. Includes step-by-step instructions for their implementation.
Effective School Interventions, 2nd Edition T  
B 115665B 115665 Emily Included: A True Story
Grade Lvl: PI Author: McDonnell, Kathleen
Length: 126 Copyright: 2011

Tells the story of Emily Eaton, who was born with cerebral palsy, and her family's battle to keep her in regular school with her friends instead of attending a special school for disabled children. Children with disabilities. Inclusive education. IL 3-6.
Emily Included: A True Story PI  
B 97530B 97530 Equitable and Inclusive IEPs for Students with Complex Support Needs: A Roadmap
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ruppar, Andrea L / Kurth, Jennifer
Length: 204 Copyright: 2023

Students who have the most significant support needs are at high risk for exclusion from general education. Unlock access to inclusive education for these learners with this forward-thinking book, a step-by-step guide to person-centered, strengths-based, and meaningful IEPs for K–12 students with complex support needs.
Equitable and Inclusive IEPs for Students with Complex Support Needs: A Roa T  
B 97504B 97504 Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL
Grade Lvl: T Author: Chardin, Mirko / Novak, Katie R
Length: 188 Copyright: 2021

Examines the critical pedagogy necessary to transform our systems, our schools, and our world by providing educators with concrete strategies to design and deliver a culturally responsive, sustainable and equitable education for all students. Instructional design. Education aims and objectives. Educational change.
Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL T  
KM 10237KM 10237 Essential Literacy Workshop Book
Grade Lvl: T Author: Seplocha, Holly
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Subtitle: 10 Complete Early Childhood Training Modules. Offers an introduction to emergent literacy of young children for preschool and kindergarten teachers and paraprofessionals. Training modules cover topics including language development, phonology and phonemic awareness, English language learners, emergent writing, literacy across the curriculum, diversity and inclusion, literacy environments, and literacy centers in kindergarten. The CD-ROM includes PowerPoint presentations, handouts for workshop participants and overheads. Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period.
Essential Literacy Workshop Book T  
B 97549B 97549 Evidence-Based Approaches in Positive Education
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 181 Copyright: 2015

Subtitle: Implementing a Strategic Framework for Well-being in Schools 15th Edition. Based on action research and implementation at one of the world’s great schools, this book provides a much-needed exploration of how to implement positive education at a whole school level. Evidence-Based Approaches in Positive Education summarizes the integration of a whole-school mental health and well-being strategy, positive psychology programs and pastoral care models from 3 – 18 years of age. Positive education is the teaching of scientifically validated programs from positive psychology and character education that have an impact on student and staff well-being. It is an approach that focuses on teaching, building and embedding social and emotional learning throughout a student’s experience.
Evidence-Based Approaches in Positive Education T  
B 97554B 97554 Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership
Grade Lvl: T Author: Radd, Sharon I / Generett, Gretchen Givens
Length: 246 Copyright: 2021

This book offers five practices to increase educational equity and eliminate marginalization based on race, disability, socioeconomics, language, gender and sexual identity, and religion. For each dimension of diversity, the authors provide background information for understanding the current realities in schools and beyond, and they suggest "disruptive practices" to replace the status quo in order to achieve full inclusion and educational excellence for every child.
Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership T  
B 95576B 95576 From Text Maps to Memory Caps: 100 More Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K-12 Inclusive Classrooms
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kluth, Paula / Danaher, Sheila
Length: 243 Copyright: 2014

Collection of ready-to-use adaptations for grades K-12 inclusive classrooms. Guide has 100 creative ideas for meeting the learning needs of all students; Ten ideas for each of the following categories: technology; literacy; math; organization; environment & sensory; communication; study & review; teaching & learning; assessment; behavior & motivation. These research-based adaptations are designed to strengthen and energize any curriculum.
From Text Maps to Memory Caps: 100 More Ways to Differentiate Instruction i T  
B 94444B 94444 From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kluth, Paula
Length: 279 Copyright: 2010

Provides instructions and suggestions for one hundred ways to differentiate instruction for students with diverse learning styles in K-12 classrooms, featuring entries with full-color illustrations, a materials list, references and recommended reading, and additional resources.
From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks T  
B 124891B 124891 Front Desk (Book 1)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Yang, Kelly
Length: 286 Copyright: 2018

Recent immigrants from China and desperate for work and money, ten-year-old Mia Tang's parents take a job managing a rundown motel in Southern California, even though the owner, Mr. Yao is a nasty skinflint who exploits them; while her mother (who was an engineer in China) does the cleaning, Mia works the front desk and tries to cope with demanding customers and other recent immigrants--not to mention being only one of two Chinese in her fifth grade class, the other being Mr. Yao's son, Jason. First person point of view. Realistic fiction. Look for the sequel - ( B 126477) IL 4-8 AR 4.5. RC 3.7. Lexile 640. Iowa Children's Choice Award 2020-2021.
Front Desk (Book 1) IJ  
B 97548B 97548 High Leverage Practices and Students with Extensive Support Needs
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 268 Copyright: 2023

Building on the formative work of High Leverage Practices (HLP) for Inclusive Classrooms, this critical companion explores how HLP can be applied to the education of students with extensive support needs (ESN). Each chapter walks readers through a different HLP, exploring its implications for students with ESN and aligning it with current practice, supports, and terminology. Edited by researchers and teacher educators with decades of experience in serving students with ESN and their teachers, this book is packed with rich examples of and detailed supports for implementing HLPs to ensure every student has access to all aspects of their school community.
High Leverage Practices and Students with Extensive Support Needs T  
B 97395B 97395 High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 343 Copyright: 2019

High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms offers a set of practices that are integral to the support of student learning, and that can be systematically taught, learned, and implemented by those entering the teaching profession. The book focuses primarily on Tiers 1 and 2, or work that mostly occurs with students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms; and provides rich, practical information highly suitable for teachers, but that can also be useful for teacher educators and teacher preparation programs. This research-based resource offers twenty-two brief, focused chapters that will be fundamental to effective teaching in inclusive classrooms.
High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms T  
B 127353B 127353 In My Mosque
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Yuksel, M.O
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021

No matter who you are or where you're from, everyone is welcome here. From grandmothers reading lines of the Qur'an and the imam telling stories of living as one, to meeting new friends and learning to help others, mosques are centers for friendship, community, and love. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Our World. Religions. Social awareness. Islam fiction. Picture book for older readers. IL K-4. AR 3.9.
In My Mosque KP  
B 127359B 127359 In the Small, Small Night
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Kurtz, Jane
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005

"Amistad" Kofi can't sleep in his new home in the United States, so his older sister Abena soothes his fears about life in a different country by telling him two folktales from their native Ghana about the nature of wisdom and perseverance. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Story about me. Ghananian Americans. Immigrants. Perserverance. Storytelling ficiton. Wisdom. IL K-4. AR 3.0. RC 3.2. Lexile 560.
In the Small, Small Night KPI  
B 90559B 90559 Including Students With Disabilities in General PE
Grade Lvl: T Author: Block, Martin
Length: 345 Copyright: 2007

Complete title: A Teacher's Guide to Including Students With Disabilities in General Physical Education (3rd Edition). Presents ideas and guidance for successful inclusion of students with disabilities in general physical education classes, which focuses on collaborative teaming and raising expectations and covers topics such as classroom safety, behavior management, adapted aquatics, and facilitation of social acceptance.
Including Students With Disabilities in General PE T  
B 97607B 97607 Inclusion Strategies and Interventions (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Karten, Toby J
Length: 284 Copyright: 2021

Subtitle: A user-friendly guide to instructional strategies that create an inclusive classroom for diverse learners. In a world filled with diverse students, inclusive education is more important than ever. Rely on the second edition of this user-friendly guide to help you provide a strong learning path for all students in your classroom, with a focus on special needs. The resource includes powerful new strategies, updated best practices, and the latest research to propel your efforts in cultivating inclusive classrooms.
Inclusion Strategies and Interventions (2nd Edition) T  
B 96867B 96867 Inclusion Toolbox: Strategies and Techniques for All Teachers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kurth, Jennifer A / Gross, Megan
Length: 256 Copyright: 2015

Contains strategies, plans, tools, and techniques for inclusive education for classes with special needs students. Features materials relevant to all stages of implementation, a resource that combines research-based strategies and practical tools to help one design and implement an inclusive education program.
Inclusion Toolbox: Strategies and Techniques for All Teachers T  
B 95744B 95744 Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide for All Educators Who Teach Students With Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hammeken, Peggy
Length: 192 Copyright: 2000

Covers various areas of inclusive education, from program implementation to working with colleagues, and includes hundreds of practical, teacher-tested adaptations and modifications, plus reproducible forms.
Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide for All Educators T  
B 97456B 97456 Inclusive Learning 365: Edtech Strategies for Every Day of the Year
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bugaj, Christopher / Janowski, Karen
Length: 384 Copyright: 2021

Educators across the world are working to design individualized instruction that empowers every student to become experts at learning. Technology and instructional interventions designed to support students with disabilities often eventually become mainstream and used by the masses. These practices provide a pathway for designing inclusive, equitable and accessible educational experiences that meet the needs of every individual learner. The text offers daily strategies accompanied by examples of tools that can be implemented immediately to design meaningful instruction. Inclusive education. Educational technology. Special education computer assisted instruction.
Inclusive Learning 365: Edtech Strategies for Every Day of the Year T  
B 94037B 94037 Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schiller, Pam
Length: 304 Copyright: 2008

Collection of lessons featuring learning objectives, literacy activities, extension activities, daily reflections, and vocabulary lists designed to help preschool teachers create a lesson plan suitable for students with special needs. Chapters: Listening; Oral Language Development; Phonological Awareness; Letter Knowledge and Recognition; Print Awareness; and Comprehension. For each lesson, adaptations are given for children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive challenges, motor delays, speech/language delays. Authors: Pam Schiller and Clarissa Willis.
Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood T  
B 95870B 95870 Inclusive Programming for Elementary Students with Autism
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wagner, Sheila
Length: 173 Copyright: 1999

Winner of the Autism Society of America's Literary Work of the Year Award, this first book in Sheila Wagner's Inclusive Programming series provides an inclusion program for students with autism spectrum disorders. The author outlines both theories and applications of inclusive programming for elementary school students. Sections: Inclusion Philosophy; What is Autism?; Assessments; How Do We Impact Social Skills; How Do We Impact Behavior; Where Do We Begin?; How Do We Teach These Students?; Data Collection; A Note about Middle School; Partnership Between Home & School; Contributions. Includes reproducible pages.
Inclusive Programming for Elementary Students with Autism T  
B 127379B 127379 Kids Book About Racism
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Memory, Jalani
Length: 64 Copyright: 2019

Text offers young readers a description of what racism is, how it makes people feel when they experience it, and how to spot it when it happens. This book was written to be an introduction for kids on the topic. SS Mentor Text. Juvenile nonfiction. IL 2-6.
Kids Book About Racism PI  
B 99722B 99722 Ladders to Literacy: Kindergarten Activity Book
Grade Lvl: T Author: O'Connor, Rollanda
Length: 280 Copyright: 1998

Provides a developmentally appropriate emergent literacy curriculum. Focuses on activities to advance preacademic skills, early literacy development, and early reading development. Provides teaching adaptations for a range of learners so that all students can participate together.
Ladders to Literacy: Kindergarten Activity Book T  
B 94447B 94447 Land We Can Share: Teaching Literacy to Students with Autism
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kluth, Paula / Chandler-Olcott, Kelly
Length: 220 Copyright: 2008

Practical guide for educators to help them bring meaningful literacy instruction to students with autism.
Land We Can Share: Teaching Literacy to Students with Autism T  
B 96913B 96913 Leading an Inclusive School: Access and Success for ALL Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Villa, Richard A / Thousand, Jacqueline S
Length: 200 Copyright: 2016

An in-depth, research-based guide for planning, implementing, and promoting inclusive practices in your school to support students with disabilities in general education classrooms.
Leading an Inclusive School: Access and Success for ALL Students T  
B 89010B 89010 Let's Talk About It: Extraordinary Friends
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rogers, Fred
Length: 32 Copyright: 2000

Focuses on people who have disabilities, who might use equipment such as wheelchairs or special computers, who are more like you than you might think, and suggests ways to interact with them.
Let's Talk About It: Extraordinary Friends KP  
B 127377B 127377 Library Bus
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Rahman, Bahram
Length: 32 Copyright: 2020

Five-year-old Pari accompanies her mother on her library bus rounds for the first time, stopping at a village and a refugee camp so that girls there can exchange books and have a lesson in English. Talking with her mother as they drive, Pari learns that she is lucky that she can attend school the next year. Pari's mother had to learn in secret when it was forbidden to teach girls to read, and the young women the bus visits weekly have no other access to education. Inspired by the first library bus to operate in Kabul, Afghanistan. Multicultural. Our World. Refugees. Books and reading. Middle East. IL 1-4. AR 3.1. RC 2.3. Lexile 560.
Library Bus PI  
B 97624B 97624 Liven Up Your Library
Grade Lvl: T Author: Torres, Julia / Tagoe, Valerie
Length: 139 Copyright: 2022

Subtitle: Design Engaging and Inclusive Programs for Tweens and Teens. Learn how librarians can positively effect change in areas like digital equity and inclusiveness, while creating powerful programming for middle and high school students.
Liven Up Your Library T  
B 123319B 123319 Mikey
Grade Lvl: PIT Author: Pinto, Mindee / Cohen, Judy
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013

Mikey explains how a young child with autism sees, hears, and feels the world around him in his school environment. Mikey is not just intended for educators; although, all teachers should read it to their classes. It is intended to educate adults as well as young children to increase their awareness and understanding of the child with autism. Instructional resource through picture book. Fiction. IL K-13.
Mikey PIT  
B 96357B 96357 Modifying Schoolwork
Grade Lvl: T Author: Janney, Rachel / Snell, Martha
Length: 93 Copyright: 2000

Provides strategies, models, and examples of ways to adapt a classroom in order to provide the individualized attention students with disabilities need for academic & social success. Designed to help students with a broad range of disabilities, from learning disabilities to severe developmental disabilities. Explores curricular adaptations (the lessons taught), instructional adaptations (how the lessons are taught), and ecological adaptations (where, when, and with whom the lessons are taught). Grades K-8.
Modifying Schoolwork T  
B 127576B 127576 More Than Peach: Changing the World One Crayon at a Time!
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Woodard, Bellen
Length: 40 Copyright: 2022

When Bellen Woodard's classmates referred to "the skin-color" crayon, in a school and classroom she had always loved, she knew just how important it was that everyone understood that skin can be any number of beautiful colors. Bellen's message of inclusivity, empowerment, and the importance of inspiring the next generation of leaders. Bellen created the More Than Peach Project and crayons with every single kid in mind to transform the crayon industry and grow the way we see our world. Picture book for older readers. Activism. Biography. IL 1-4.
More Than Peach: Changing the World One Crayon at a Time! KPI  
B 127360B 127360 Mustafa
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Gay, Marie-Louise
Length: 40 Copyright: 2018

After leaving his war-torn country with his family, Mustafa visits a park near his new home and finds beautiful flowers, lady bugs, fall leaves, and finally, a friend. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Refugees. Friendship. Immigrants. New experiences. IL K-4. GR M.
Mustafa KPI  
B 127349B 127349 My Day with Gong Gong
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Yee, Sennah
Length: 36 Copyright: 2020

Text in predominantly in English, and includes some conversation in both English and Chinese. May isn't having fun on her trip through Chinatown with her grandfather. Gong Gong doesn't speak much English, and May can't understand Chinese. She's hungry, and bored with Gong Gong's errands. Plus, it seems like Gong Gong's friends are making fun of her! But just when May can't take any more, Gong Gong surprises her with a gift that reveals he's been paying more attention than she thought. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Asian American. First person point of view. Story about me. Chinatown. Grandparent and child. IL K-4. Lexile 480.
My Day with Gong Gong KP  
B 127351B 127351 My Friend Jamal
Grade Lvl: KP Author: McQuinn, Anna
Length: 32 Copyright: 2008

Joseph enjoys visiting his best friend Jamal's home, where he learns about the Somali culture and enjoys the family's traditions and cuisine. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. IL K-4. AR 3.2. RC 2.6. Lexile 530.
My Friend Jamal KP  
B 127366B 127366 Nieve en la jungla = Snow in the Jungle
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Hofmann-Maniyar, Ariane
Length: 32 Copyright: 2021

When Snow's mother tells her that they're going to move to an exciting new place, Snow isn't so sure. She likes her home and her friends, and the fun they have together. The journey takes forever, and their new home is very strange. Everything is different - the weather, the food, the people and the language. Will anything happen to help Snow feel more at home? Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Animal story. Spanish language. IL K-4.
Nieve en la jungla = Snow in the Jungle KPI  
B 127357B 127357 Our World is a Family: Our Community Can Change the World
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Whitehill, Miry
Length: 32 Copyright: 2022

Demonstrates the importance of welcoming people from all over the world into the community with love, compassion, and acceptance. Primarily in English with some words in various languages. Immigration and emigration. Multicultural. Refugees. Social awareness. Social issues. Also see KM 13530 - Welcoming Library. IL Pres-3.
Our World is a Family: Our Community Can Change the World KP  
B 97612B 97612 Paraprofessional's Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ashbaker, Betty Y
Length: 218 Copyright: 2015

The Paraprofessional’s Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention is a comprehensive guide to appropriate behavioral strategies in the classroom, based on the Least Restrictive Behavioral Intervention (LRBI) and Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies (PBIS). Set in the context of the legal requirements for paraprofessionals to work "under the direction of a professional" (ESEA) and be "appropriately supervised" (IDEA), The Paraprofessional’s Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention illuminates research-based, practical strategies shown to be effective in a wide range of educational settings and which can be implemented immediately and with confidence.
Paraprofessional's Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention T  
B 94313B 94313 Paraprofessional's Guide to Inclusive Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Doyle, Mary Beth
Length: 173 Copyright: 2008

Subtitle: Working as a Team. Describes the roles and responsibilities of the paraprofessional in the classroom, explains what is meant by the inclusive classroom, and looks at how paraprofessionals can support individual students, provide curricular and instructional support, and maintain confidentiality.
Paraprofessional's Guide to Inclusive Classroom T  
B 97611B 97611 Paraprofessional's Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Causton, Julie / MacLeod, Kate
Length: 168 Copyright: 2021

A practical guide to surviving and thriving as an integral part of your school’s inclusive team. Paraprofessional practitioners get applicable strategies for mastering every facet of their complex role: collaborating with other team members, selecting accommodations and modifications, facilitating peer connections, fading your support, and much more. Contents include an essential hands-on guide for new and seasoned paraprofessionals—and a must-have for the educators and other professionals who support them. This empowering book takes the guesswork out of this critical classroom role so you can help students with disabilities reach their full potential. Handbook. Teacher assistants. Students with disabilities, organizational support staff.
Paraprofessional's Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms ( T  
B 97043B 97043 Peer Buddy Programs for Successful Secondary School Inclusion
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hughes, Carolyn / Carter, Erik W
Length: 199 Copyright: 2008

When secondary schools are committed to inclusion, everybody wins—schools make progress toward IDEA and NCLB requirements, and students with and without disabilities enjoy higher academic achievement and new friendships. A good peer buddy program can play an invaluable role in making inclusion happen, and this guidebook shows educators exactly why and how. Carolyn Hughes and Erik Carter, highly respected experts well-known for their work with peer buddy programs, give schools all the step-by-step guidance they need to get a program started and keep it going. Educators will discover how to: •Establish a peer buddy program and spark student interest •Clarify the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved: teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, and students •Create successful peer-buddy matches using students' strengths, needs, and common interests •Develop smooth procedures for day-to-day program implementation •Guide peer buddies in providing appropriate, effective academic support •Promote inclusion in social arenas such as school clubs and the lunchroom •Assess and expand the program, incorporating participant feedback To help with every phase of program implementation, readers will also get a wealth of practical, research-based materials: extensive case examples, program checklists, suggested classroom adaptations, sample forms such as peer buddy applications and evaluation tools, and learning activities school staff can use to brainstorm and solve problems. With the proven program model in this one-of-a-kind guide, educators will transform secondary schools into caring and compassionate communities where all students help each other learn.
Peer Buddy Programs for Successful Secondary School Inclusion T  
B 91182B 91182 Play & Learn: Motor-Based Preschool Curriculum
Grade Lvl: T Author: Coleman, Mary
Length: 314 Copyright: 1999

Subtitle: A Motor-Based Preschool Curriculum For Children Of All Abilities. Examines how to use assistive technology to address motor, sensory, cognitive, social and communication skills among preschoolers. Provides information on 264 skill-building activities. Emphasizes routines and music, repetition, play, and social interactions. Movement. Motor development.
Play & Learn: Motor-Based Preschool Curriculum T  
B 127378B 127378 Priya Dreams of Marigolds & Masala
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Patel, Meenal
Length: 34 Copyright: 2019

Priya lives in the United States and her family is from India. She feels the magic of the place her family comes from through her Babi Ba's colorful descriptions of India--from the warm smell of spices to the swish-swish sound of a rustling sari. Together, Priya and Babi Ba make their heritage live on through the traditions that they infuse into their everyday lives. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Multicultural. Grandparents. India customs and traditions. IL K-4. AR 4.5.
Priya Dreams of Marigolds & Masala KP  
B 97615B 97615 Pro-Active Paraeducator
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ashbaker, Betty Y / Morgan, Jill
Length: 82 Copyright: 2017

Subtitle: More than 250 Smart Ideas for Paraprofessionals Who Support Teachers. This book includes hundreds of smart ideas for supporting student learning and behavior in schools offered by seasoned paraeducators and teachers. Tips, hints, and actions to take to proactively prevent problems before they begin! The text includes topics for promoting positive behavior, effective use of time, meeting the needs of the learner, and being part of the instructional team. Written for paraeducators, paraprofessionals, and others who support teachers.
Pro-Active Paraeducator T  
B 94065B 94065 Purposeful Co-Teaching: Real Cases and Effective Strategies
Grade Lvl: T Author: Conderman, Greg / Bresnahan, Val
Length: 165 Copyright: 2009

Provides research-based instructional strategies for developing a co-teaching collaboration that will promote a more effective learning environment.
Purposeful Co-Teaching: Real Cases and Effective Strategies T  
B 97559B 97559 Reimagining Special Education: Using Inclusion as a Framework to Build Equity and Support All Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rufo, Jenna Mancini / Causton, Julie
Length: 110 Copyright: 2022

Guides readers in creating more equitable schools and services, through practical strategies teachers can use right away and thought-provoking, big-picture questions for administrators to tackle. Readers will explore how inclusive educational practices can address each student’s unique needs as schools reopen and bridge learning gaps for students who struggle. Throughout the book, vignettes and anecdotes spark lightbulb moments for educators and show what recommended practices look like in real classrooms.
Reimagining Special Education: Using Inclusion as a Framework to Build Equi T  
B 94306B 94306 RTI Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Schools
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wright, Jim
Length: 241 Copyright: 2007

Offers school administrators and teachers techniques, resources, and guidelines to help them implement a "Response to Intervention" program to address the needs of struggling students in the general population, with at-risk students, and for students with learning disabilities or behavior problems, looking at the RTI model, and covering structuring, management, and assessment goals.
RTI Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Schools T  
B 97469B 97469 Ruthless Equity: Disrupt the Status Quo and Ensure Learning for ALL Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Williams, Ken
Length: 200 Copyright: 2022

Can you imagine being empowered with the knowledge to: work with super-charged confidence because you have clarity about how to ensure equity for EVERY student? identify the difference between cosmetic gestures of equity and powerful equitable practices that are practical and impactful? leverage equitable practices that will make student achievement both measurable and predictable? lean into the collective genius of your colleagues because you understand that the answers are in the room? Can you imagine never again wondering if you make a difference, because you now understand you are the difference?. The text offers the examination of the internal obstacles to providing genuine equal opportunities for every student, bestselling author Ken Williams shows readers how to identify and defeat the enemy of equity by unlocking these barriers through mindset and practice.
Ruthless Equity: Disrupt the Status Quo and Ensure Learning for ALL Student T  
B 97505B 97505 Social and Emotional Learning for Picture Book Readers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Scholsser, Maureen
Length: 146 Copyright: 2022

Social and Emotional Learning for Picture Book Readers spotlights 24 compelling picture books with ready-to-go lesson plans that support social and emotional learning (SEL) through the National School Library Standards. Each chapter focuses on one SEL theme to help learners practice targeted social-emotional skills. Learners will develop skills in solving problems, building relationships, working in teams, recognizing and managing feelings, and engaging ethically. Most lessons can be taught in a single class period and provide picture books as mentor texts supporting SEL lessons and curriculum; Includes anchor charts, discussion questions and organizers to facilitate great SEL learning activities. AASL. IASL. School Library Learner.
Social and Emotional Learning for Picture Book Readers T  
B 127336B 127336 Someone New
Grade Lvl: KP Author: O'Brien, Anne Sibley
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

Explore the immigrant experience through both "windows" and "mirrors." In I'm New Here, readers meet three recent immigrants trying to adjust to a new country and school. In Someone New, the same story is told from the perspective of the students who welcome the newcomers. An honest and heartwarming look at diversity, inclusion, and friendship. Somali, Guatemalan, Korean Immigrant Children. Also see KM 13530 Welcoming Library. IL K-3. AR 2.2. Lexile 490.
Someone New KP  
B 96904B 96904 Specialist Support Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder Students in Mainstream Settings
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hewitt, Sally
Length: 123 Copyright: 2005

Guide provides teaching strategies for those involved with ASD students in the school environment. Helps with behavioral difficulties & encourages greater student independence.
Specialist Support Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder Students in Mains T  
KM 13723KM 13723 Spotlight on Social and Emotional Learning (25 Books)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). The five key components of Iowa's SEL standards include: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. This nonfiction book series is intended to support students in the intermediate to middle school grades and focuses on a student's social, emotional, and academic learning. This series introduces SEL concepts, such as believing in oneself and learning empathy, and provides students with valuable tools to understand and manage their emotions and effectively navigate their relationships now and in the future. This set assists students in learning SEL concepts by simplifying and defining them. Each book provides students with realistic situations in which to apply newly learned concepts successfully. Contains 25 individual titles.
Spotlight on Social and Emotional Learning (25 Books) IJ  
B 127341B 127341 Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey = Hasa al-turuqat: rihalah a'a'ilah laji'ih
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Ruurs, Margriet
Length: 28 Copyright: 2016

In this picture book, a young girl and her family are forced to flee their village to escape the civil war that has engulfed Syria and make their way toward freedom in Europe. Syrian refugees. Also KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Picture book for older readers. Text in Arabic and English; Translation of: Stepping stones. IL 3-6. AR 3.2. RC 3.8. Lexile 480. GR S.
Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey = Hasa al-turuqat: rihalah a'a' PI  
B 127344B 127344 Story Boat
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Maclear, Kyo
Length: 40 Copyright: 2020

When a little girl and her younger brother are forced along with their family to flee the home they've always known, they must learn to make a new home for themselves--wherever they are. And sometimes the smallest things, a cup, a blanket, a lamp, a flower, a story, can become a port of hope in a terrible storm. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Imagination story. Refugees. IL K-3.
Story Boat KPI  
B 127358B 127358 Suitcase
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Naylor-Ballesteros, Chris
Length: 32 Copyright: 2020

When a weary stranger arrives one day with nothing but a suitcase, his new neighbors ask nervous questions about who he is and where he comes from before they are challenged to decide between trusting the newcomer or taking the risk of not believing him. Also see KM 13530 - I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Friendship story. Refugee. Trust. Truthfulness and falsehood. IL K-4.
Suitcase KPI  
B 118640B 118640 Taking Autism to School
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Edwards, Andreanna
Length: 32 Copyright: 2001

Illustrations and simple text help teach children what autism is and how they can help autistic students in their classes or community. From the series Special Kids In School. Includes tips for teachers. Follett RL 3.1 IL K-4.
Taking Autism to School KPI  
B 95143B 95143 Teaching Kids with Mental Health & Learning Disorders in the Regular Classroom: How to Recognize, Understand, and Help Challenged (and Challenging) Students Succeed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cooley, Myles
Length: 211 Copyright: 2007

Offers teachers practical advice on how they can help students with mental health, behavioral, and learning disorders adjust to mainstream classrooms, provides information on common disorders and their implications for learning, and includes classroom strategies and interventions. Contents: Part I: The Role of Schools in Addressing Mental Health and Learning Disorders. Part II: Mental Health and Learning Disorders-- Anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD); Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); Panic Disorder; School Refusal. Mood Disorders: Depressive Disorders; Bipolar Disorder. Communication Disorders: Articulation Disorders; Receptive & Expressive Language Disorders; Stuttering; Pragmatic Language Disorder. Learning Disabilities: Reading Disability; Math Disability; Writing Disability; Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD); Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); Disruptive Behavior Disorders(includes Oppositional Defiant Disorder and
Teaching Kids with Mental Health & Learning Disorders in the Regular Classr T  
B 91990B 91990 Teaching Students With Learning Problems (6th Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mercer, Cecil
Length: 641 Copyright: 2001

Resource to help teachers (special education, resource room, remedial and general education teachers) design individualized programming for students with learning or behavioral problems. Provides interventions, instructional activities, materials, assessments, commercial programs, and scope and sequence skills lists. Part I deals with learning environments; planning, organizing and managing instruction; assessing students; and promoting social, emotional, and behavioral development. Part II deals with teaching and assessing academic skills. Topics include assessing and teaching reading, spelling, handwriting, written expression, math, language skills, study skills, and transitions.
Teaching Students With Learning Problems (6th Ed) T  
B 94875B 94875 Team Teaching Science: Success for All Learners
Grade Lvl: T Author: Linz, Ed
Length: 162 Copyright: 2011

Guide describes how to develop successful team-teaching partnerships. Introduces the basics of collaboration and includes co-teaching strategies to implement in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Chapters cover how to teach specific science topics and how a co-teaching team can proceed through the school year. Authors: Ed Linz, Mary Jane Heater, and Lori A. Howard.
Team Teaching Science: Success for All Learners T  
B 127356B 127356 Together We Grow
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Vaught, Susan
Length: 40 Copyright: 2020

When a bad storm drives all of the farm animals into the barn, can they set aside their fears and welcome wild animals, too? A tale of inclusion and fairness that children will clearly understand. Explores themes of acceptance and belonging. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Inclusion. Human rights. Animal story. Community life. Story in rhyme. Values and virtues. IL K-4. Lexile 370.
Together We Grow KPI  
B 97502B 97502 UDL Now! A Teacher's Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning (3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie
Length: 180 Copyright: 2022

Katie Novak provides practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).This powerful guide for educators covers timely topics including: Supporting UDL within multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), UDL in the service of equity, recruiting and engaging learners as UDL partners, how UDL and Differentiated Instruction (DI) work together, the role of student choice and voice, what learning expertise really means, and preparing for standardized assessments the UDL way. ach chapter with reflection questions to help teachers apply key concepts to their work.UDL Now! is a fun and effective playbook for great teaching.
UDL Now! A Teacher's Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning (3rd E T  
B 97601B 97601 Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie / Hinkle, Ryan
Length: 175 Copyright: 2024

Subtitle: Improving Literacy Instruction Through Inclusive Practices. Offers educators an insightful, practical resource that shows how to integrate Universal Design for Learning in the ELA classroom to build rich, collaborative, engaging literacy environments. By focusing on the established domains of literacy, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language and vocabulary development, this book shows K-12 teachers how to engage students of diverse needs and backgrounds and explore the connections between social emotional learning, character education, and deeper understanding of literacy.
Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts T  
B 97553B 97553 Way to Inclusion: How Leaders Create Schools Where Every Student Belongs
Grade Lvl: T Author: Causton, Julie / MacLeod, Kate
Length: 135 Copyright: 2023

The research is clear: Including students with disabilities in general education classrooms is the most effective way for all students to learn.
Way to Inclusion: How Leaders Create Schools Where Every Student Belongs T  
KM 13530KM 13530 Welcoming Library, I'm Your Neighbor (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

I’m Your Neighbor Books highlights the lives of new arrivals and new Americans through the sharing of children’s literature. Through reading and engaging with children’s books, readers of all ages and backgrounds can see themselves and others in a way that fosters a culture of belonging and welcoming. ImYourNeighborBooks.org is a great resource to support schools, classrooms and school libraries with instruction, discussion regarding the celebration of diversity of the nation. This kit contains 30 picture books featuring the experiences of modern-day non-European immigrants, refugees, and 1st- through 3rd-generation families. Titles include: Alma and How She Got Her Name; Big Red Lollipop; A Different Pond; Dreamers; Four Feet, Two Sandals; I'm New Here; In My Mosque; In the Small, Small Night; Journey; Mama's Nightingale: A Story of Immigration and Separation; Mustafa; My Day with Gong Gong; My Friend Jamal; My Name Is Sangoel; Nieve en la Jungla/Snow in the Jungle; Priya Dreams of Marigolds and Masala; Someone New; Somos Como las Nubes/We are Like the Clouds; Stepping Stones; Stormy Seas: Stories of Young Boat Refugees; Story Boat; The Suitcase; That's NOT How You Do It!; Together We Grow; Two White Rabbits; Watercress; When Lola Visits; Where Are You From?; Wherever I Go; and Wishes. Juvenile fiction and nonfiction titles. IL Pres-6.
Welcoming Library, I'm Your Neighbor (2 Parts) KPI  
B 97614B 97614 What is That Kid Doing? The Paraprofessional's Guide to Behavioral Expertise
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ashbaker, Betty Y / Morgan, Jill
Length: 99 Copyright: 2019

Because paraeducators are often assigned to work with the toughest kids, this book offers many practical actions to prevent problems, address positive behaviors, and insights into problem behaviors. Behavior, both good and bad, continues to be a focus for paraeducators and teachers in schools. Some students behave well and that should be acknowledged, others behave poorly, and that must also be addressed. This practical guide will add to your skills in working effectively with students.
What is That Kid Doing? The Paraprofessional's Guide to Behavioral Expertis T  
B 127345B 127345 When Lola Visits
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Sterling, Michelle
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021

For one young girl, summer is the season of no school, of days spent at the pool, and of picking golden limes off the trees. But summer doesn't start until her lola, her grandmother from the Philippines, comes for her annual visit. When Lola visits, the whole family gathers to cook and eat and share in their happiness of another season spent together. Also see: KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Family story. Filipino American. Asian American. IL K-3. AR 4.8.
When Lola Visits KPI  
B 127346B 127346 Wherever I Go
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Copp, Mary Wagley
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

Abia is the self-proclaimed Queen of the Shimelba refugee camp, facing her displacement with strength, imagination, and pride. Ethiopian. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Africa. Family stories. Includes back matter. Refugees. Picture book for older readers. IL K-4. Lexile 590.
Wherever I Go KPI  
B 127982B 127982 You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion
Grade Lvl: KP Author: O'Hair, Margaret
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021

It can be hard to be different, whether because of how you look, where you live, or what you can or can't do. But wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same? Being different is great! Being different is what makes you YOU. This inclusive and empowering picture book inspired by Sofia Sanchez, a young model and actress with Down syndrome, reminds readers how important it is to embrace your differences, be confident, and be proud of who you are. Diverse abilities. Creative nonfiction. Down syndrome. Self-confidence. IL Pres-2. Lexile 440.
You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion KP  
B 94856B 94856 You're Going to Love This Kid!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kluth, Paula
Length: 286 Copyright: 2003

Guide for school educators that describes strategies for inclusive teaching methods to benefit students who have been diagnosed with autism. Discusses ways to foster friendships, build communication skills, plan lessons, adapt the curriculum and physical environment, and other related topics.
You're Going to Love This Kid! T