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B 120754B 120754 Accuracy in Media
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Fromm, Megan
Length: 48 Copyright: 2015

Explores what it takes to be a professional journalist that is trusted for accuracy in reporting, and examines how to spot reputable news sites. From the series Media Literacy. IL 5-12.
Accuracy in Media IJS  
B 96664B 96664 Authentic Learning in the Digital Age: Engaging Students Through Inquiry
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pahomov, Larissa
Length: 189 Copyright: 2014

Author Larissa Pahomov outlines a framework for learning structured around five core values: inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. For each value, she presents a description of how the value can transform classroom practice and how a digital connection can enhance its application, an outline for how to implement the value, with examples from teachers in all subject areas, and solutions to possible challenges and roadblocks that teachers may experience. Also suggests how to expand the value beyond the classroom, to schoolwide practice. Includes anecdotes from students, offering their perspectives on how they experienced the value in the classroom and after graduation. Technology Integration.
Authentic Learning in the Digital Age: Engaging Students Through Inquiry T  
B 120551B 120551 Backlash
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Littman, Sarah
Length: 325 Copyright: 2015

When Christian, a boy she knows only through Facebook, posts a lot of nasty comments on her page, fifteen-year-old Lara tries to kill herself--but that is only the beginning of the backlash for her sister, Sydney; her former friend Bree; and her classmates. Cyberbullying- Fiction. Social Media. Multiple (Point of View). AR 4.8 RC 4.7 Lexile 770 IL 7-11.
Backlash JS  
B 125702B 125702 Be Aware! A Hero's Guide to Being Smart and Staying Safe
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Olson, Elsie
Length: 24 Copyright: 2020

Teaches children how to stay safe by being aware --paying attention to their surroundings, trusting their instincts, and keeping personal information private. All about me. Health and wellness. Nonfiction series: Be Your Best You. IL K-3. Lexile 500. GR K.
Be Aware! A Hero's Guide to Being Smart and Staying Safe KP  
B 126265B 126265 Be Nice Online
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Miller, Shannon McClintock
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014

Netiquette being polite to others online is a foundation of becoming a responsible Internet user. Readers will learn the basics of good online behavior as well as what to do if they encounter cyberbullies or other rude or abusive behavior. Juvenile nonfiction. Series: Internet DOs And DON'Ts. Digital literacy. IL Pres-2.
Be Nice Online KP  
B 96746B 96746 Big6 Curriculum: Comprehensive Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy for All Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Eisenberg, Michael B / Murray, Janet
Length: 176 Copyright: 2016

Book aims to help teachers & media specialists create a consistent way to teach information literacy. Explains how to ensure that students are information and communication technology literate― that is, competent with a range of tools, graphic organizers, technologies, and techniques for seeking out and applying information. Presents dozens of figures, templates, and lessons to aid librarians in implementing comprehensive ICT literacy programs that reach all students in all schools. • Helps librarians better understand and implement the information and communication technology (ICT) skills required of 21st-century students • Presents dozens of figures, templates, and lessons to aid librarians in implementing comprehensive ICT literacy programs that reach all students in all schools • Provides highly relevant concepts for librarians at all schools or districts seeking to achieve local, state, or Common Core educational standards
Big6 Curriculum: Comprehensive Information and Communication Technology (IC T  
B 126462B 126462 Building a Website
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Kurzius, Alexa
Length: 48 Copyright: 2019

Readers learn how the internet works and how web sites are created. Also learn the core HTML skills needed to get started with your own web design projects. Technology nonfiction. Series: True Books: Get Ready to Code. IL 2-6. Lexile 690.
Building a Website PI  
B 118350B 118350 Building Apps
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: La Bella, Laura
Length: 48 Copyright: 2014

An introduction to building apps, covering what apps are, the role of developers, building a better app, and more. Application software Development. From the series Digital And Information Literacy.
Building Apps IJ  
B 120793B 120793 Bullying Under Attack: True Stories Written by Teen Victims, Bullies & Bystanders
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Meyer, Stephanie / Meyer, John
Length: 267 Copyright: 2013

Anthology of all three players in the bullying cycle. A collection of personal stories and poems by teenage writers who share their experiences. Looks at the subtleties of harassment, the myriad reasons victims may be chosen, and how one day, as adults, they will be able to help. Many of the accounts have a cyberbullying component. IL 7-12.
Bullying Under Attack: True Stories Written by Teen Victims, Bullies & Byst JS  
B 117322B 117322 But I Read It On the Internet!: A Mrs. Skorupski Story
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Buzzeo, Toni
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013

Mrs. Skorupski, a librarian in Liberty School, shows students how to decide when the Internet is reliable. With the help of the Website Evaluation Gizmo, Hunter discovers that the Internet can provide true facts, Carmen learns that not everything there is true, and together they solve the question of George Washington's teeth. AR 3.8 IL 3-5.
But I Read It On the Internet!: A Mrs. Skorupski Story PI  
B 107533B 107533 Career Opportunities in the Visual Arts
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Clark, Richard
Length: 224 Copyright: 2006

Describes the duties; environments; employment and advancement prospects; education and training; preferred experience, skills, and personality traits; salary ranges; geographical locations; unions and associations; and other aspects of more than 60 visual art careers in advertising business, art organizations, education, independent work, museums and galleries, publishing, and theater, and provides entry tips for each.
Career Opportunities in the Visual Arts JS  
B 107534B 107534 Career Opportunities in Writing
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Taylor, Allan
Length: 350 Copyright: 2006

Careers covered are grouped into eight categories: Advertising; Arts and Entertainment (books, commercial arts, film, theater, and song); Book Publishing; Business Communications and Public Relations; Federal, State, and Municipal Governments; Freelance Services and Self-Publishing; Media (Internet, magazines, newspapers, news services, and news syndicates, radio, television); and Scholastic, Academic, and Nonprofit Institutions. Each entry includes a career profile; career ladder; position description; salaries; employment prospects; advancement prospects; education and training; experience, skills, and personality traits; unions and associations; and tips for entry.
Career Opportunities in Writing JS  
B 109262B 109262 Chat Room
Grade Lvl: J Author: Butcher, Kristin
Length: 102 Copyright: 2006

Linda, too shy to meet people at school, develops an anonymous online persona that gains quite a reputation, but things get out of hand when she begins receiving gifts from a secret admirer. Mistaken identity. Online chat groups. From the series Orca Currents. AR 4.2. Follett RL 3.0. RC 3.5. Lexile 650.
Chat Room J  
KM 11780KM 11780 Children's Storybook Guidance Book with CD
Grade Lvl: T Author: Weber, Stefani
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012

Resource provides descriptions, reproducible activities with worksheets, and discussion questions for each of the 42 counselor-recommended children's guidance storybooks. These supplementary guidance lessons are designed to add to a counselor's effectiveness in helping children identify with characters and problems or conflicts presented in each story and can provide other creative insights and tips. Topics include anger management; bullying; feelings; paying attention; empathy; gossiping; loss; Internet safety; self confidence; secrets to success. Bibliotherapy. For grades K-8. Two-week loan period.
Children's Storybook Guidance Book with CD T  
KM 11560KM 11560 Class Meetings That Matter, Grades 9-12
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012

Developed by the authors of Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, this manual provides high school teachers and students with almost an entire year's worth of ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Topic categories include: Building a positive school and classroom climate; Confronting Bullying; Building positive relationships; Understanding and managing Feelings; Respecting differences; Communication and technology; and Serving the community/reaching outward. Authors: Susan P. Limber, Nancy Mullin, Marlene Synder, and Jane Riese. Contents: book and audio CD-ROM with handouts. Two-week loan period.
Class Meetings That Matter, Grades 9-12 T  
B 118351B 118351 Cloud Based Computing
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Gerber, Larry, 1946-
Length: 48 Copyright: 2014

An introduction to cloud-based computing covering what it is and how it stores computer data. Data processing. Cloud computing. From the series Digital and Information Literacy. Il 5-8.
Cloud Based Computing IJ  
B 120741B 120741 Computer Engineer Ruchi Sanghvi
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Waxman, Laura Hamilton
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015

A biography of Ruchi Sanghvi, a computer engineer. Facebook. Dropbox. From the series STEM Trailblazer Bios. AR 5.3 Lexile 840 GR level U IL 3-6.
Computer Engineer Ruchi Sanghvi PI  
KM 10420KM 10420 Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum Gr 6-12
Grade Lvl: T Author: Limbar, Susan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Curriculum (book by Susan P. Limber; Robin M. Kowalski; and Patricia W. Agatston) raises awareness of what cyber bullying is and why it is so harmful, equips students with the skills to treat people respectfully when using cyber technologies, gives students information about how to get help if they or others are being cyber bullied, and helps parents know what to do to keep children safe. Accompanying CD-ROM (requires Adobe Reader) includes reproducible classroom materials, posters, sample policies, teacher resources, and more. Two-week loan period.
Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum Gr 6-12 T  
B 121844B 121844 Dear Opl
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Sackier, Shelley
Length: 233 Copyright: 2015

Thirteen-year-old Opal starts a blog to satisfy her mother, who thinks she might lose weight by recording all she eats, but instead Opal starts giving advice and discovers that she is much better at giving it than taking it. Advice columnists- Fiction. Mothers and daughters- Fiction. Overweight persons- Fiction. Follett RL 4.3 Lexile 760 IL 5-8.
Dear Opl IJ  
B 97256B 97256 Digital Citizenship in Action: Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mattson, Kristen
Length: 120 Copyright: 2017

Text provides readers practical ways for taking digital citizenship lessons beyond a conversation about personal responsibility so that you can create opportunities for students to become participatory citizens, actively engaging in multiple levels of community and developing relationships based on mutual trust and understanding with others in these spaces. Digital responsibility. ISTE Standards for Educators. Teaching methods and materials.
Digital Citizenship in Action: Empowering Students to Engage in Online Comm T  
B 95792B 95792 Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sheninger, Eric
Length: 227 Copyright: 2014

Provides a framework for leading educational transformation with technology. Digital leadership is a strategic mindset and set of behaviors that leverages resources to create a meaningful, transparent, and engaging school culture. It takes into account recent changes such as ubiquitous connectivity, open-source technology, mobile devices, and personalization to shift how schools have been run and structured in the past. Suggests how to use free social media tools to improve communication, enhance public relations, and create a positive brand presence. Discusses how to integrate digital tools into the classroom to increase student engagement and achievement.
Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times T  
B 116963B 116963 Digital Smarts: How to Stay Within a Budget When Shopping, Living, and Doing Business Online
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Peterson, Judy Monroe
Length: 64 Copyright: 2013

A guide to staying on a budget while shopping and doing business online. Teleshopping. Internet banking. From the series Get Smart With Your Money. IL 7-12.
Digital Smarts: How to Stay Within a Budget When Shopping, Living, and Doin JS  
B 108448B 108448 Don't Steal Copyrighted Stuff!: Avoiding Plagiarism and Illegal Internet Downloading
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Gaines, Ann
Length: 192 Copyright: 2008

Offers students practical advice on how they can find information for reports and projects and explains the correct ways for citing different types of sources, including books, images, music, and videos, as well as discussing the importance of following copyright rules and protecting their own creative work. Bibliographical citations. Downloading of data. Fair use. Permissions. IL 5-10.
Don't Steal Copyrighted Stuff!: Avoiding Plagiarism and Illegal Internet Do IJS  
B 126121B 126121 Dot
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zuckerberg, Randi
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013

Dot, a spunky little girl obsessed with electronic devices, uses her tech-savvy expertise and resourceful imagination when she sets off on an interactive adventure. Technology fiction. IL Pres-3. AR 1.5.
Dot KP  
B 126930B 126930 Dude Perfect
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Rusick, Jessica
Length: 32 Copyright: 2020

A biography of the guys behind the YouTube channel "Dude Perfect," Tyler Tony, Garrett Hilbert, Cody Jones, and Coby and Cory Cotton, discussing how they got their start on YouTube. Internet personalities. Sports records. Biography Series: YouTubers by ABDO. IL 3-7. AR 5.4. Lexile 870.
Dude Perfect IJ  
B 95154B 95154 Essential Guide to Bullying Prevention and Intervention: Protecting Children and Teens from Physical, Emotional, and Online Bullying
Grade Lvl: T Author: Miller, Cindy / Lowen, Cynthia
Length: 284 Copyright: 2012

A guide for parents that explores bullying in children, and contains information about the signs to watch for, how to intervene, and what you can do to prevent it.
Essential Guide to Bullying Prevention and Intervention: Protecting Childr T  
B 120668B 120668 Ethical Hacker
Grade Lvl: I Author: Loh-Hagan, Virginia
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016

Provides information on computer hacking and hacking as a career in the security department of a company or government agency. Computer crimes- Prevention. Computer networks- Security measures. From the series Odd Jobs. AR 4.6 Lexile 520 IL 4-6.
Ethical Hacker I  
B 119282B 119282 Eye of Minds
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Dashner, James
Length: 310 Copyright: 2013

Michael is a skilled internet gamer in a world of advanced technology. When a cyber-terrorist begins to threaten players, Michael is called upon to seek him and his secrets out. Computer games- Fiction. Virtual reality- Fiction. Cyberterrorism- Fiction. AR 5.5 RC 5.2 Lexile 790 IL 7-12.
Eye of Minds JS  
B 125715B 125715 Fabulous Friend Machine
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bland, Nick
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

One fine day, Pep, the friendliest chicken of the Bagatelle farm, finds a wonderful machine to make friends: a smart phone. She decides on the spot to use it. Soon, she is so busy sending and receiving messages that she neglects her good old friends. Far from being wary, Pep even invites her new virtual friends to dinner . . . What will be her surprise when she finds out their true identity! Digital citizenship. Friendship. IL Pres-3.
Fabulous Friend Machine KP  
B 122079B 122079 Facebook Founder and Internet Entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg
Grade Lvl: I Author: Cornell, Kari
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016

Examines the life of Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, and discusses his achievements and how his social networking site influences the world. Facebook (Electronic resource) Facebook (Firm). Online social networks. Webmasters. From the series STEM Trailblazer Bios. AR 6.1 Lexile 1010 GR level T IL 4-6.
Facebook Founder and Internet Entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg I  
B 108861B 108861 Frequently Asked Questions About Cyberbullying
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Breguet, Teri
Length: 64 Copyright: 2007

Discusses cyberbulling, providing information on what it is, bullies and their victims, identifying threats, how to stop the abuse, and laws that address the problem. Computer crimes. From the series FAQ: Teen Life. AR 7.6. Follett RL 7.0.
Frequently Asked Questions About Cyberbullying IJS  
B 96661B 96661 Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Gamed-based Methods and Strategies for Training
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kapp, Karl M.
Length: 302 Copyright: 2012

Book shows how to design online instruction that leverages the best elements of online games to increase learning, retention, and application. Computer-assisted instruction. Educational games. Simulation games in education.
Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Gamed-based Methods and Strategie T  
B 97249B 97249 Google Apps for Littles: Believe They Can
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pinto, Christine / Keeler, Alice
Length: 137 Copyright: 2018

Introduces the suite of tools created by Google for use in schools, allowing for the collaborative construction of documents, video, Web sites, wikis, and more. It is time to have a shift your mindset and believe that the youngest kids on an elementary school campus can do more.
Google Apps for Littles: Believe They Can T  
B 97248B 97248 Google Infused Classroom: A Guidebook to Making Thinking Visible and Amplifying Student Voice
Grade Lvl: T Author: Clark, Holly / Avrith, Tanya
Length: 146 Copyright: 2019

Transform Your Teaching - EdTech experts Holly Clark and Tanya Avrith provide a guidebook to help you use technology to engage your learners and amplify the learning experience in your classroom—with Google Apps and other online tools. Empower Your Students - This book will teach you how to allow students to show their thinking, demonstrate their learning, and share their work with authentic audiences - to use technology in meaningful ways that prepare them for the future! Start with 20 Simple Tools - This book focuses on 20 essential tools that will help teachers to easily make student thinking visible, give every student a voice and allow them to share their work. Examples You Can Use Tomorrow - With instructions for incorporating twenty of the best Google-friendly tools, including a special bonus section on Digital Portfolios
Google Infused Classroom: A Guidebook to Making Thinking Visible and Amplif T  
B 120761B 120761 Google: How Larry Page & Sergey Brin Changed the Way We Search the Web
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Jackson, Aurelia
Length: 64 Copyright: 2015

Explains how Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded the search engine website Google. Includes brief details about their personal lives. Computer programmers. Internet programming. Telecommunications engineers. Web search engines. From the series Wizards Of Technology. IL 7-10.
Google: How Larry Page & Sergey Brin Changed the Way We Search the Web JS  
B 114156B 114156 Google: The Company and Its Founders
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Hamen, Susan E
Length: 112 Copyright: 2011

Traces the history of Google, describing hos the online search engine was created and profiling those responsible for its development and growth. Examines the lives of Google founders Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page. From the series Technology Pioneers. IL 6-8.
Google: The Company and Its Founders IJ  
KM 7054KM 7054 Guided Reading AlphaKids Levels I/J (Publisher Leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001

Contains six copies of each of the following nonfiction readers: My Shells (level I, RR16); Starfish (level I, RR17); and Whales On the World Wide Web (level J, RR20). Leveled by publisher.
Guided Reading AlphaKids Levels I/J (Publisher Leveled) P  
B 121245B 121245 Hacked
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Higgins, M.G.
Length: 51 Copyright: 2015

An introduction to the dangers of computer hackers on the Internet. Computer crimes. Red Rhino Nonfiction. Lexile 100 IL 4-8.
Hacked IJ  
B 92570B 92570 Handbook on Differentiated Instruction Middle/HS
Grade Lvl: T Author: Northey, Sheryn
Length: 195 Copyright: 2005

Complete title: Handbook on Differentiated Instruction for Middle and High Schools. Tips, activities, strategies and resources for teachers in grades 6-12. Demonstrates how to adjust the content taught, the process, and the products students produce. Sections: 1. Getting to Know Your Students (learning styles; readability; interests; multiple intelligences, abilities/disabilities, emotional development, etc); 2. Gathering Resources (scaffolding activities; prereading activities, reading strategies, such as teaching vocabulary words, anticipation guide, teacher modeling, graphic organizers, SQ3R,; online resources); 3. Selecting a Process (tiered lessons, using interest groups, flexible grouping, literature circles, cooperative groups, individualized instructions, independent study, learning centers, learning contracts, etc); 4. Assessment: Differentiating Product (questioning strategies, Socratic Seminar, problem-based assessment, performance-based assessment, peer assessment, portfolio, rubric); and 5. Putting it All Together.
Handbook on Differentiated Instruction Middle/HS T  
B 118648B 118648 Haze
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Hoopmann, Kathy
Length: 159 Copyright: 2003

Seb, a teen with Asperger Syndrome, has always been a loner, preferring the company of computers, but his life takes a new turn when he makes friends with Kristie, Madeline, and Jen, and becomes involved in a web of computer fraud.
Haze JS  
B 126778B 126778 Hello Ruby: Expedition to the Internet (Book 3)
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Liukas, Linda
Length: 96 Copyright: 2018

In Ruby’s world anything is possible if you put your mind to it―even building the Internet out of snow! But before you can build something, you need to understand what it is and how it works. Join Ruby and her friends in their quest to build the most amazing Snow Internet ever, while learning real life facts along the way. Then, future kid coders can put their knowledge and imaginations to the test with the fun and creative exercises included in the activity book section. Internet. Digital literacy. STEM. Technology. Series nonfiction: Hello Ruby, Book 3. IL 2-6. Lexile 760.
Hello Ruby: Expedition to the Internet (Book 3) PI  
B 126113B 126113 Hello! Hello!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Cordell, Matthew
Length: 52 Copyright: 2012

A child seeks a way to communicate with parents and a brother who are busy with their electronic devices. Digital citizenship. IL Pres-3.
Hello! Hello! KP  
B 127887B 127887 Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind Systems We Use Every Day
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Nott, Dan
Length: 262 Copyright: 2023

We use water, electricity, and the internet every day, but how do they actually work? And what's the plan to keep them running for years to come? This nonfiction science graphic novel takes readers on a journey from how the most essential systems were developed to how they are implemented in our world today and how they will be used in the future. Graphic novel. Nonfiction. IL 7-12. Lexile 1320.
Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind Sy JS  
B 96470B 96470 High Impact School Library Spaces: Envisioning New School Library Concepts
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sullivan, Margaret
Length: 125 Copyright: 2014

Helps schools reconceptualize library spaces in the digital age. Discusses spatial concepts and design options for learning; the library as an adaptable space; integrating technology; how the library can prepare students to be 21st-century learners; multimodal design elements like active learning spaces and library seminars; how to brand the library so users will utilize its resources, such as through social media lounges and digital media labs; environmental factors like color, light, and sensory information; and merchandising the library. Educational technology United States Planning. Information technology United States.
High Impact School Library Spaces: Envisioning New School Library Concepts T  
B 126406B 126406 How Computers Work
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Cavell-Clarke, Steffi
Length: 24 Copyright: 2019

How many different parts does a computer have? Where do computers get their power? Learn about crucial computer skills and concepts. Digital literacy. Computer science. Series nonfiction: Computers and Coding. IL 3-6. GR L.
How Computers Work PI  
B 118830B 118830 How Does Cloud Computing Work?
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Gray, Leon
Length: 48 Copyright: 2014

Explains what cloud computing is and how it works. Describes the history of the Internet and computer servers leading to the modern technology of the cloud. Photographs accompany explanations of many important tech terms and ideas, including IP addresses, ISPs, and more. From the series High Tech Science. IL 5-8.
How Does Cloud Computing Work? IJ  
B 118834B 118834 How Does WiFi Work?
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Anniss, Matt
Length: 48 Copyright: 2014

Looks at the history of wireless communication and how it works. Even though computer wireless networks haven't been around for very long, the basic technology used to create them is more than 100 years old. WiFi uses radio waves to send and receive data and connect smartphones, tablets, and computers to the Internet. Introduces innovators like Nikola Tesla and other electronics history, as well as the future possibilities of wireless connection. Wireless communication systems. From the series High Tech Science. IL 5-8.
How Does WiFi Work? IJ  
B 120805B 120805 How Is the Internet Eroding Privacy Rights?
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Currie, Stephen
Length: 96 Copyright: 2014

An exploration of controversies related to the Internet and privacy rights, that discusses the origins of the Internet privacy controversy; provides varying perspectives on the effect of social media, data collection, and hackers on privacy, and what can be done to limit privacy violation. Provides contrasting viewpoints which helps to foster critical-thinking skills. Computer security. Internet Security measures. Social media. Identity theft. From the series In Controversy. Lexile 1310 IL 7-12.
How Is the Internet Eroding Privacy Rights? JS  
B 120774B 120774 How to Maintain Your Privacy Online
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Morretta, Alison
Length: 48 Copyright: 2015

Outlines the importance of the kind of personal information that can be shared online, how to protect this information, and more. Digital Literacy. Internet Safety measures. Online etiquette. From the series Web Wisdom. IL 6-10.
How to Maintain Your Privacy Online IJS  
B 111671B 111671 How to Survive Middle School
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Gephart, Donna
Length: 247 Copyright: 2010

When thirteen year old David Greenberg's best friend makes the start of middle school even worse than he feared it could be, David becomes friend with Sophie, who shares his love of television shows and posts one of their skits on YouTube, making them wildly popular--online, at least. AR 3.9. RC 3.8. Lexile 660. IL 5-8.
How to Survive Middle School IJ  
B 123727B 123727 I'm a JavaScript Games Maker: Advanced Coding
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Wainewright, Max
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

This awesome book will show you how to up your JavaScript skills to code exciting new games. Originally used to make web pages more interactive, JavaScript can also be used to create online games that will run both on computers and mobile devices. The easy-to-follow projects in this book will teach you a lot of great techniques to make you the ultimate JavaScript expert. Companion book to (#123726). Series nonfiction. Generation Code. IL 4-8.
I'm a JavaScript Games Maker: Advanced Coding IJ  
B 123726B 123726 I'm a JavaScript Games Maker: The Basics
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Wainewright, Max
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

Learn how to code your own fun games using JavaScript in this easy-to-understand book. Originally used to make web pages more interactive, JavaScript is now used to create online games that will run on computers and mobile devices. Enjoy creating the simple projects in this book, and you will be on your way to being a JavaScript expert in no time. Series nonfiction. Generation Code. IL 4-8. Lexile 770.
I'm a JavaScript Games Maker: The Basics IJ  
B 123723B 123723 I'm a Python Programmer
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Wainewright, Max
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

Python is used by professional programmers to create 3-D graphics for special effects in movies, and is often used on web servers to handle searching. This fascinating book contains all the techniques and ideas you need to know to become a Python programming genius! Learn the basics and how to use loops and variables in Python. Discover how to create graphics, use random numbers, and build games, simulations, and other programs. Series nonfiction. Generation Code. IL 4-8. Lexile 710.
I'm a Python Programmer IJ  
B 123722B 123722 I'm an HTML Web Page Builder
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Wainewright, Max
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

This easy-to-follow book teaches you how to code your own amazing web pages using Hyper Text Mark Up Language, or HTML. You'll find out how to add text, images, links and even videos to a web page. Once you have completed every project, you will be on your way to becoming an HTML expert! Nonfiction picture book. Series nonfiction. Generation Code. IL 4-8. Lexile 780.
I'm an HTML Web Page Builder IJ  
B 126404B 126404 Image Sharing
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Orr, Tamra
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

Explores various aspects of sharing images online through the lenses of history, geography, civics, and economics. Describes the history of pictures, the origin of the word selfie, sharing photos, and more. Social aspects of image sharing. Social media. Photography, digital techniques. Nonfiction series: 21st Century Skills Library-Global Citizens: Social Media. IL 3-8. Lexile 940. GR W.
Image Sharing PIJ  
B 120975B 120975 Information Insecurity: Privacy Under Siege
Grade Lvl: JS Author: January, Brendan
Length: 96 Copyright: 2016

The author opens with a look at the history of privacy in the United States. Explores the effects of online shopping and entertainment, and the impact this has on consumers losing their basic right to privacy. Gives examples of various ways companies are tracking users online. Fourth Amendment. Cybersecurity. Computer hackers. Digital security. Digital citizenship. AR 8.8 RC 12.9 Lexile 1280 IL 7-12.
Information Insecurity: Privacy Under Siege JS  
B 96485B 96485 Intellectual Freedom Manual, Ninth Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Magi, Trina / Garnar, Martin
Length: 296 Copyright: 2015

Besides being a compendium of guiding principles and policies, the ninth edition is also a resource for day-to-day guidance on maintaining free and equal access to information for all people. Manual includes 34 ALA policy statements and documents addressing patron behavior, internet use, copyright, exhibits, use of meeting spaces, and other common concerns; lists summarizing key issues such as access, challenges and censorship, access by minors to controversial materials, and advocacy; explanations of legal points in easy-to-understand language, alongside case citations; and checklists to help readers stay organized.
Intellectual Freedom Manual, Ninth Edition T  
B 121751B 121751 Internet
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greve, Meg
Length: 24 Copyright: 2015

Details just what the Internet is, how it works, and how to be responsible when using it. From the Rourke series How It Works. AR 3.3 RC 3.8 Lexile 660 IL 1-3.
Internet P  
B 117298B 117298 Internet Safety
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Rooney, Anne
Length: 30 Copyright: 2013

An overview for kids that describes how to stay safe online while still having fun, with ideas for keeping information private and discussion topics. From the series Let's Read And Talk About . . . Lexile 960 IL 2-4.
Internet Safety PI  
B 117815B 117815 Internet Safety
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Herrington, Lisa M
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013

Introduces young readers to ways to be safe and responsible while using the Internet. Internet Safety measures. From the series Rookie Read-About Safety. Lexile 530 IL K-1.
Internet Safety KP  
B 126405B 126405 Internet Safety
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

The story of a young girl, who starts chatting with people online, that illustrates the importance of Internet safety and how some choices have consequences. Series nonfiction: Choices. IL 2-6. GR L.
Internet Safety PI  
B 108576B 108576 Keeping Safe
Grade Lvl: P Author: Levete, Sarah
Length: 32 Copyright: 2007

Offers advice to children on how to stay safe, answering questions about safety at home, at school, at play, and on the Internet, and explaining how to deal with strangers, and what to do if there is a problem. Stranger danger. From the series Let's Talk About. AR 4.5.
Keeping Safe P  
B 108738B 108738 Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Flammang, James
Length: 48 Copyright: 2008

Profiles Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the creators of the highly successful Internet search engine Google. Discusses how they are encouraging innovation, collaboration, and fun. Computer programmers. From the series Life Skills Biographies. AR 7.6. Follett RL 7.3.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin IJ  
B 119869B 119869 Learning About Privacy
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rustad, Martha E. H
Length: 24 Copyright: 2015

Introduces readers to the concept of privacy, especially related to the Internet and online safety, such as creating a safe password. Includes a hands-on activity related to media literacy. From the Pebble Plus series Media Literacy For Kids. AR 2.1 Lexile 440 IL K-3.
Learning About Privacy KP  
B 96742B 96742 Life Lists for Teens: Tips, Steps, Hints, and How-Tos for Growing Up, Getting Along, Learning, and Having Fun
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Espeland, Pamela
Length: 263 Copyright: 2003

Contains hundreds of lists that provide guidance in areas of young adult life as diverse as selecting a book or a hair color to selecting a mentor. IL 7-T.
Life Lists for Teens: Tips, Steps, Hints, and How-Tos for Growing Up, Getti JST  
B 126266B 126266 Manners Online
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bassier, Emma
Length: 24 Copyright: 2020

Guides readers through proper behavior when using the internet, focusing on how their actions can show respect for others. All about me. Juvenile nonfiction. Series: Manners Matter. IL Pres-3.
Manners Online KP  
B 126268B 126268 Manners with Technology
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Heos, Bridget
Length: 24 Copyright: 2016

Introduces manners through a story about a young monster who takes her sister's tablet computer without asking and gets a lesson in online etiquette and appropriate use of electronics. All about me. Series nonfiction: Monstrous Manners. IL Pres-3. AR 2.8. Lexile 530.
Manners with Technology KP  
B 111382B 111382 Mean Behind the Screen (Cyberbullying)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Allman, Toney
Length: 48 Copyright: 2009

Subtitle: What You Need to Know About Cyberbullying. Presents a discussion on the dangers of cyberbullying that describes different forms of cyberbullying and explains how to be safe and avoid it. Includes a quiz. From the series What's the Issue? AR and Follett RL 5.6. Lexile 830.GR level Y. IL 5-8.
Mean Behind the Screen (Cyberbullying) IJ  
B 126400B 126400 My Digital Community and Media
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hubbard, Ben
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

What do you do online? What digital communities do you belong to? Learn how your digital activity makes you part of a digital community and examine what it means to be a part of an online culture and digital society. Online etiquette. Social media. Series nonfiction: Digital Citizens. IL 2-6. Lexile 880.
My Digital Community and Media PI  
B 126452B 126452 My Digital Future
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hubbard, Ben
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

The digital world is always changing and evolving. What will your digital presence look like in the future? How can you prepare? Help young readers think about the future of their online presence. Online etiquette. Social media. Series nonfiction: Digital Citizens. IL 2-6. Lexile 880.
My Digital Future PI  
B 126403B 126403 My Digital Health and Wellness
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hubbard, Ben
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

Clever digital citizens understand that a healthy body means a healthy mind. To make the most of our time in the online world, we need to stay fit, healthy, and safe. This book will help you find a healthy balance/ fit with your digital life. Digital literacy. Human-computer interaction. Series nonfiction: Digital Citizens. IL 2-6. Lexile 850.
My Digital Health and Wellness PI  
B 126402B 126402 My Digital Rights and Rules
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hubbard, Ben
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

What are your rights as a digital citizen? What rules must you follow to be a good one? Learn all about your digital rights and rules and explore different digital scenarios through fun, video game-style illustrations. Online etiquette. Copyright and data protection. Social media. Series nonfiction: Digital Citizens. IL 2-6. Lexile 870.
My Digital Rights and Rules PI  
B 126401B 126401 My Digital World
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hubbard, Ben
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

What are the current issues facing our digital world? How do digital communities and the problems they face change and expand? Discover the challenges and opportunities our digital world provides in this topical guide. Online etiquette. Social media. Series nonfiction: Digital Citizens. IL 2-6. Lexile 790. GR W.
My Digital World PI  
B 108575B 108575 My First E-Mail Guide
Grade Lvl: P Author: Oxlade, Chris
Length: 32 Copyright: 2007

Teaches young children how e-mail works and how to use it and the Internet safely. From the series My First Computer Guides. AR 3.9. Follett RL 3.8.
My First E-Mail Guide P  
B 125336B 125336 My Life as a YouTuber (Book 7)
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Tashjian, Janet
Length: 248 Copyright: 2018

Derek Fallon finally found something to get excited about at school--an extracurricular class on making videos! Together with his friends Carly, Matt, and Umberto, Derek can't wait to create his own YouTube web series. But he soon realizes YouTube stardom is a lot of work. On top of that, it's time for his foster monkey Frank to go to monkey college so Derek must scramble to find a reason for Frank to stay with his family--if only a little while longer. Can Derek solve both problems at once? What if Frank became a part of Derek's YouTube videos? Series fiction: My Life As..., Book 7. IL 3-8. AR 5.5. RC 5.6. Lexile 870.
My Life as a YouTuber (Book 7) PIJ  
B 123662B 123662 Need
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Charbonneau, Joelle
Length: 338 Copyright: 2015

In this exploration of the dark side of social media, and government control and manipulation, the teenagers in a small town are drawn deeper and deeper into a social networking site that promises to grant their every need--regardless of the consequences. Iowa Teen Award 2018-2019. IL 7-12. AR 4.8. RC 5.5. Lexile 730.
Need JS  
B 125910B 125910 Nerdy Birdy Tweets
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Reynolds, Aaron
Length: 40 Copyright: 2017

Spending all of his time on social media making online friends, Nerdy Birdy neglects his live friend, Vulture. Friendship fiction. Digital citizenship. IL K-3. AR 2.6. RC 1.8. Lexile 510.
Nerdy Birdy Tweets KP  
B 95122B 95122 New iSearch, You Search, We All Learn to Research : A How-To-Do-It Manual for Teaching Research Using Web 2.0 Tools and Digital Resources
Grade Lvl: T Author: Duncan, Donna / Lockhart, Laura
Length: 149 Copyright: 2012

A guide to using Web 2.0 tools and digital resources in the classroom, providing lessons on choosing a topic, developing higher-level questions, finding sources and experts, taking notes and copyright, the search, digital products and presentations, authentic assessment, and more. 21st Century Skills.
New iSearch, You Search, We All Learn to Research : A How-To-Do-It Manual f T  
B 126284B 126284 On the Internet: Our First Talk About Online Safety
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Roberts, Jillian
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019

Introduces children to the basics of online safety in a story-based, conversational style. Using real-world examples set within the context of a child who is using the Internet for the first time and watching an older sibling interact with social media, Dr. Roberts takes readers through several scenarios around parental supervision, online bullying and anonymity. Series nonfiction: World Around Us. Picture book. IL K-4. Lexile 990. GR P.
On the Internet: Our First Talk About Online Safety KP  
B 125661B 125661 Once Upon a Time Online: Happily Ever After Is Only a Click Away!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bedford, David
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

Find out what happens when our favorite fairy-tale characters receive a laptop and learn a lesson in online safety. Computer fiction. Digital citizenship. Fairytales. IL Pres-3. AR 3.7.
Once Upon a Time Online: Happily Ever After Is Only a Click Away! KP  
B 95022B 95022 Online Predators
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Mooney, Carla
Length: 96 Copyright: 2012

Examines developments in threats related to online predators. Discusses issues related to sexual predators, financial predators, cyberbullying, and related topics. Internet Safety measures. Online chat groups Safety measures. From the series Issues in the Digital Age. IL 9-T.
Online Predators JST  
B 96798B 96798 Online Teaching in K-12: Models, Methods, and Best Practices for Teachers and Administrators
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bryans-Bongey, Sarah / Graziano, Kevin J
Length: 352 Copyright: 2016

Online Teaching in K-12 is a hands-on reference and textbook for education professionals seeking success in the planning, design, and teaching of K-12 online courses and programs. This book edited by Sarah Bryans-Bongey and Kevin J. Graziano brings together more than two dozen experts and practitioners to present an array of innovative models and methods, successful programs and practices, useful tools and resources, and information on diverse aspects of online teaching and learning. Book is subdivided into three parts: Foundations, Supporting Diverse Learners, and Implementation Strategies. Each chapter includes abstract, introduction, body, and conclusion. Chapters:
Online Teaching in K-12: Models, Methods, and Best Practices for Teachers a T  
KM 11635KM 11635 Owning Up Curriculum: Empowering Adolescents to Confront Social Cruelty, Bullying, and Injustice
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wiseman, Rosalind
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009

Provides a structured program for teaching students to take responsibility for their behavior and prevent bullying and other forms of social cruelty, including activities such as discussion games and role-playing. Includes CD-ROM. Provides a structured program for teaching students to take responsibility for their behavior and prevent bullying and other forms of social cruelty, including activities such as discussion games and role-playing. Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period.
Owning Up Curriculum: Empowering Adolescents to Confront Social Cruelty, Bu T  
B 125987B 125987 Ping
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Castillo, Ani
Length: 48 Copyright: 2019

Encourages healthy communication and social interaction by reaching out in many different ways through 'Pings,' and then waiting to receive 'Pongs' from others in response. Social skills. Social emotional learning. Stories about me. IL Pres-2.
Ping KP  
B 116305B 116305 Pirate Cinema
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Doctorow, Cory
Length: 384 Copyright: 2012

In a dystopian, near-future Britain, sixteen-year-old Trent, obsessed with making movies on his computer, joins a group of artists and activists who are trying to fight a new bill that will criminalize even more harmless internet creativity. Motion pictures Production and direction Fiction. Protest movements Fiction. AR 6.7 RC 10.0 Lexile 1090 IL 9-12.
Pirate Cinema JS  
B 92396B 92396 Reader's Handbook, Grade 3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 448 Copyright: 2004

Subtitle: A Student Guide For Reading and Learning. Handbook can be used in a variety of ways to supplement a reading program, including: to introduce key reading skills, strategies, and concepts including notetaking, summarizing, paraphrasing, and graphic organizers; to reinforce lessons from the reading textbook; as a reference for reviewing the Before, During and After reading process and essential reading strategies throughout the school year; to support students as they read different kinds of text throughout the day (nonfiction, textbooks, folktales, poetry, tests, novels).
Reader's Handbook, Grade 3 T  
B 94945B 94945 Reinventing Project-Based Learning
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boss, Suzie
Length: 200 Copyright: 2007

Subtitle: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age by Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss. Explains the benefits of project-baed learning, describing instructional strategies with illustrations and classroom examples to design projects, and discussing ways to incorporate digital tools and the Internet into projects.
Reinventing Project-Based Learning T  
B 94826B 94826 Responding to Cyber Bullying: An Action Tool for School Leaders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Myers, Jill
Length: 195 Copyright: 2011

Provides data-driven solutions to help public school leaders deal with cyber bullying, identifying ten key rules for addressing it, offering documentation strategies, and including a rubric that provides guidelines for determining appropriate responses.
Responding to Cyber Bullying: An Action Tool for School Leaders T  
B 96555B 96555 Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America
Grade Lvl: T Author: Collins, Allan / Halverson, Richard
Length: 176 Copyright: 2009

Examines how technology has impacted education in the early twenty-first century, discussing the necessity for schools to adapt and incorporate technology-driven learning techniques. Include online social networks, distance learning with anytime, anywhere access, digital home schooling models, video-game learning environments, and more. Educational technology- United States.
Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and S T  
B 96452B 96452 School Library Infographics: How to Create Them, Why to Use Them
Grade Lvl: T Author: Creighton, Peggy Milam
Length: 169 Copyright: 2015

Guidebook shows how to increase the impact of school library instruction, promotion, and organization with the utilization of infographics created with do-it-yourself tips. Includes more than 30 original visuals available for reproduction. Provides tips for sharing infographics through social media. Demonstrates how to effectively pair infographics and education to maximize a library's impact on students. Shows how graphics can be used to enhance instruction. Features a list of applications and tools for creating your own infographics using basic, easy-to-access, and free software. Communication in library science. Visual communication. Charts, diagrams, etc.- computer programs. Presentation graphics software. From the series Tech Tools for Learning.
School Library Infographics: How to Create Them, Why to Use Them T  
B 125965B 125965 Smart Online Communication: Protecting Your Digital Footprint
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Lindeen, Mary
Length: 40 Copyright: 2016

Offers tips and advice for Internet safety. What you put on the Internet may stay there forever. So how can you protect your online reputation? What can you to do keep your identity safe? Learn how to be a smart user of technology, why watching what you post is important, and what to do if someone misuses your information. Series nonfiction: Searchlight Books: What Is Digital Citizenship? IL 3-8. AR 5.1. RC 5.4. Lexile 830. GR T.
Smart Online Communication: Protecting Your Digital Footprint PIJ  
B 120201B 120201 Social Media: Like it or Leave it
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Rowell, Rebecca
Length: 30 Copyright: 2015

Perspectives Flip Book shows the pros and cons of social media. The “Like It” section presents the constructive aspects of social media. The “Leave It” flip side presents the dangerous aspects of social media. Lexile 1050 IL 5-10.
Social Media: Like it or Leave it IJS  
B 128070B 128070 Sonia's Digital World
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Miller, Shannon
Length: 32 Copyright: 2024

We are all connected in so many ways. Find out how with a bird's-eye view as Sonia, her friends, and her community chat, create, and play together with digital tools. Follow the virtual trail at home, at school, and all around the world as Sonia, friends, and families make discoveries and connections. ISTE Young Innovators. Digital literacy. Friendship story. Social awareness. Digial age. IL Pres-3. Lexile 530.
Sonia's Digital World KP  
B 120747B 120747 Spacex and Tesla Motors Engineer Elon Musk
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Doeden, Matt
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015

A look at the life and work of Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX. Clean energy industries. From the series STEM Trailblazer Bios. AR 5.0 Lexile 720 GR level U IL 3-6.
Spacex and Tesla Motors Engineer Elon Musk PI  
B 96674B 96674 Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens
Grade Lvl: T Author: Guernsey, Lisa / Levine, Michael H.
Length: 304 Copyright: 2015

A guide to promoting literacy in the digital age by introducing children to media designed to promote literacy rather than undermine it, providing educators and parents with the tools and information they need to help children grow into strong readers who are skilled at using media and technology of all kinds.
Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens T  
B 117881B 117881 Tea With Grandpa
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Saltzberg, Barney
Length: 33 Copyright: 2014

No matter how far apart they are, a little girl and her grandfather share a cup of tea every day at half past three. Grandfathers- Fiction. Internet- Fiction. Skype. Follett RL 1.5. IL Pres-1.
Tea With Grandpa KP  
B 96322B 96322 Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age: Inspiration for All Levels and Literacies
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gura, Mark
Length: 236 Copyright: 2014

Provides a variety of activities using a wide range of technologies to help teach different language arts topics. Covers online literacy practices & tools such as digital graphic novels, book trailers, blogs & podcasts. Language arts Computer-assisted instruction. Language arts Internet resources. Computers and literacy. Computer network resources.
Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age: Inspiration for All Levels and Litera T  
B 126135B 126135 Technology: A Byte Sized World
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Green, Dan
Length: 128 Copyright: 2012

An illustrated exploration of technology, looking at materials, gizmos, movers and shakers, and more. Discover the secrets behind the devices we take for granted, and learn about the amazing inventions that have transformed our lives. STEM. Computers and coding. Juvenile nonfiction. IL 3-7. Lexile 1010.
Technology: A Byte Sized World IJ  
B 126276B 126276 Tek: The Modern Cave Boy
Grade Lvl: KP Author: McDonnell, Patrick
Length: 40 Copyright: 2016

Caveboy Tek is obsessed with his electronic devices and ignores the world around him, until his family and friends hatch a plan to get him to unplug. Humor fiction. Digital literacy. Digital citizenship. Prehistoric people. IL Pres-3. AR 3.1. GR M.
Tek: The Modern Cave Boy KP  
B 118355B 118355 Understanding and Creating Infographics
Grade Lvl: I Author: Fontichiaro, Kristin
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014

Teaches how to read, research, organize, and design infographics. Visual communication. From the series Information Explorer: Super Smart Information Strategies. AR 5.8 Lexile 920 IL 4-6.
Understanding and Creating Infographics I  
B 118352B 118352 Understanding Digital Piracy
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Meyer, Susan
Length: 48 Copyright: 2014

An introduction to understanding digital piracy, covering the evolution of digital piracy, the law, the future of digital content, and more. Intellectual property. From the series Digital And Information Literacy. IL 5-8.
Understanding Digital Piracy IJ  
B 125829B 125829 Unplugged
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Antony, Steve
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

Blip is always plugged into her computer--until one day a blackout forces her outdoors, and she discovers that the real world is a lot more interesting then she realized. Computers fiction. Digital citizenship. IL Pres-3. AR 2.9.
Unplugged KP  
B 118356B 118356 Using Digital Maps
Grade Lvl: I Author: Matteson, Adrienne
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014

Describes what digital maps are and how to use them in a variety of situations. Digital mapping. From the series Information Explorer: Super Smart Information Strategies. AR 5.6 Lexile 900 IL 4-6.
Using Digital Maps I  
B 121250B 121250 Virtual Reality
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Perritano, John
Length: 51 Copyright: 2015

An introduction to the world of virtual reality, discussing its uses in medicine, travel, how it works, and more. Red Rhino Nonfiction. RC 1.2 Lexile 140 IL 4-8.
Virtual Reality IJ  
B 124937B 124937 Warcross
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Lu, Marie
Length: 353 Copyright: 2017

When teenage coder Emika Chen hacks her way into the opening tournament of the Warcross Championships, she glitches herself into the game as well as a sinister plot with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire. Iowa High School Award, 2019-2020. IL 8-12. AR 5.6. RC 5.3. Lexile 810.
Warcross JS  
B 96408B 96408 What Connected Educators Do Differently
Grade Lvl: T Author: Whitaker, Todd / Zoul, Jeffrey
Length: 172 Copyright: 2015

In this book, Todd Whitaker, Jeffrey Zoul, and Jimmy Casas (experts on teaching and leading and are pioneers in the education twitterverse) share their best practices. They show how being a connected educator―by using social media to connect with peers across the country and the world will enhance an educator's own learning and success in a school or classroom. Describes how to create a personal and professional learning network to share resources and ideas, gain support, and make an impact on others. Twitter. Learning networks. Connected education. #IAedchat.
What Connected Educators Do Differently T  
B 125930B 125930 What Does It Mean to Be Safe?: A Thoughtful Discussion for Readers of All Ages About Drawing Healthy Boundaries and Making Safe Choices
Grade Lvl: KP Author: DiOrio, Rana
Length: 40 Copyright: 2019

Defines what it means to be safe and describe ways to make healthy decisions and ask for help when needed. All about me. Life skills. Includes back matter. Digital citizenship. IL Pres-3. Lexile 630.
What Does It Mean to Be Safe?: A Thoughtful Discussion for Readers of All A KP  
B 124921B 124921 Wildcard (Book 2)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Lu, Marie
Length: 341 Copyright: 2018

Teenage hacker Emika Chen embarks on a mission to unravel a sinister plot and is forced to join forces with a shadowy organization known as the Blackcoats. Series fiction. Sequel to: Warcross. Science fiction. IL 9-12. AR 5.6. Lexile 810.
Wildcard (Book 2) JS  
B 126934B 126934 Wildcard (Spanish)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Lu, Marie
Length: 484 Copyright: 2019

Teenage hacker Emika Chen embarks on a mission to unravel a sinister plot and is forced to join forces with a shadowy organization known as the Blackcoats. Text in Spanish. Sequel to B 124458. Saga Warcross libro dos series. Book 2. IL 8-12. AR 5.6. RC 5.3. Lexile 810.
Wildcard (Spanish) JS  
B 94193B 94193 Winners! Handbook 2007
Grade Lvl: T Author: Freeman, Judy
Length: 222 Copyright: 2008

Contains an annotated booklist of the author's top-rated chidlren's books of 2007, including fiction and nonfiction, biographies, poetry, and folklore. Offers teacher's guides, activities, and reader's theater scripts.
Winners! Handbook 2007 T  
B 94194B 94194 Winners! Handbook 2008
Grade Lvl: T Author: Freeman, Judy
Length: 190 Copyright: 2009

An annotated list of one hundred books for children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade, selected by the author as the top-rated for 2008, each with a list of related titles and activitiy ideas. Includes tips on evaluating books, a list of Freeman's all-time favorites, reader's theater scripts, and worksheets.
Winners! Handbook 2008 T  
B 95901B 95901 Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral
Grade Lvl: T Author: Patchin, Justin / Hinduja, Sameer
Length: 208 Copyright: 2013

Two expert researchers on bullying prevention speak directly to teens about how they can end cyberbullying. It provides them with numerous peer anecdotes and strategies they can use to help create kinder schools and communities. Computer crimes. Cyberbullying- Prevention. Lexile 1060. IL 7-T.
Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral T  
B 124478B 124478 You Go First
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Kelly, Erin Entrada
Length: 288 Copyright: 2018

Twelve-year-old Charlotte Lockard and eleven-year-old Ben Boxer are separated by more than a thousand miles. On the surface, their lives seem vastly different--Charlotte lives near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, while Ben is in the small town of Lanester, Louisiana. Charlotte wants to be a geologist and keeps a rock collection in her room. Ben is obsessed with Harry Potter, presidential history, and recycling. But the two have more in common than they think. They're both highly gifted. They're both experiencing family turmoil. And they both sit alone at lunch. Over the course of a week, Charlotte and Ben--online friends connected only by a Scrabble game--will intersect in unexpected ways, as they struggle to navigate the turmoil of middle school. This engaging story about growing up and finding your place in the world. Realistic fiction. IL 4-8. AR 4.7. RC 3.7. Lexile 640.
You Go First IJ  
B 120749B 120749 YouTube Founders Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Wooster, Patricia
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014

A biography of the founders of YouTube, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, discussing their individual lives and how they create YouTube. Computer programmers. Online social networks. Telecommunications engineers. Entrepreneurs. From the series STEM Trailblazer Bios. AR 4.9 RC 4.7 Lexile 780 GR level T IL 3-6.
YouTube Founders Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim PI  
B 114572B 114572 YouTube: The Company and Its Founders
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Rowell, Rebecca
Length: 112 Copyright: 2011

Traces the history of YouTube, describing how the video-sharing website was created and profiling those responsible for its development and growth. Online social networks. From the series Technology Pioneers. IL 6-9.
YouTube: The Company and Its Founders IJ