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B 112999B 112999 All About Japan: Stories, Songs, Crafts & More
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Moore, Willamarie
Length: 63 Copyright: 2011

Contains illustrated stories, songs, recipes, and instructions for crafts and activities to introduce children to Japanese history and culture. IL 2-5.
All About Japan: Stories, Songs, Crafts & More PI  
B 126580B 126580 All Welcome Here
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Preller, James
Length: 40 Copyright: 2020

A picture book collection of haiku poems that celebrates the first day of school and all of its excitement, challenges, and anxieties. First day of school. Children's poetry. Haiku. IL Pres-3.
All Welcome Here KP  
B 109516B 109516 Arrival
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Tan, Shaun
Length: 124 Copyright: 2006

In this wordless graphic novel, a man leaves his homeland and sets off for a new country, where he must build a new life for himself and his family. Immigrants. Wordless graphic novel.
Arrival JS  
B 93612B 93612 Art From Many Hands (Expanded Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schuman, Jo
Length: 288 Copyright: 2002

Subtitle: Multicultural Art Projects. Explores folk art from around the world to help children appreciate the art and culture of many different peoples. Provides instructions to help students devise their own interpretations of these art forms. Includes West Africa (cloth, tie-dyeing, metal work, masks), Middle East (Eqyptian arts, mosaics of ancient Israel, Persian paintings), Europe (cave paintings, relief carving, stained glass, pressed flowers, cookie stamps, paper cutouts, decorated eggs, straw designs), Asia (Chinese calligraphy, paper making, Japanese haiku, fish prints and banners, inlays of India, shadow plays, batiks, kites), Mexico, Central America, South America (yarn paintings, clay figures, tin sculpture, molas, cardboard sculptures, gourd designs), Caribbean Islands (seed necklaces, maracas), United States and Canada (Native American pottery, weaving, sand paintings, buffalo robes, beadwork, quillwork, Inuit art, applehead dolls, scrimshaw, weather vanes), Oceania (outrigger canoe, tape cloth, fern designs, bowls), Australia (aboriginial paintings, Didgeridoos, eggs with scraped design).
Art From Many Hands (Expanded Edition) T  
KM 8373KM 8373 Child's Introduction to Poetry
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003

Colorful illustrations and poems introduce children to poetry, teaching them about the types of poems and the most popular poets from history. Part One includes nursery rhymes, nonsense verse, Villanelle, Limerick, Haiku, narrative verse, lyric verse, ballad, Pastoral sonnet, free verse, poems peculiar. Part Two poets: Homer; William Shakespeare; John Milton; William Blake; William Wordworth; Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Edgar Allan Poe; Emily Dickinson; Walt Whitman; Christina Rossetti; Robert Frost; Robert Louis Stevenson; Rudyard Kipling; Hilaire Belloc; Carl Sandburg; W.H. Auden; Langston Hughes; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; Seamus Heaney; Octavio Paz; and Maya Angelou. Contents: book and audio CD with readings of the poems included in the book edited by Michael Driscoll.
Child's Introduction to Poetry IJ  
B 107582B 107582 Dogku
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Clements, Andrew
Length: 32 Copyright: 2007

Tells a story through haiku about a dog and the many things a dog named Mooch does, such as riding in a car, barking at the neighbors, and chewing on dirty socks. Follett RL 2.6.
Dogku KP  
B 106938B 106938 Don't Step on the Sky: A Handful of Haiku
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Chaikin, Miriam
Length: 32 Copyright: 2002

A collection of haiku poems about the wonders and beauty of nature. Follett RL 2.7.
Don't Step on the Sky: A Handful of Haiku KPI  
B 124794B 124794 Earth Verse: Haiku From the Ground Up
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Walker, Sally M
Length: 48 Copyright: 2018

A combination of haiku and impressionistic art that encourages readers to think playfully about our planet and its wondrous processes. Earth science. Poetry. Includes back matter. IL 3-8.
Earth Verse: Haiku From the Ground Up PIJ  
KM 13247KM 13247 Elementary Mini-Qs (Volume 2)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Mini-Qs in Elementary Vol. 2: Teacher Resource Binder. Compliment to KM 13056. Eleven High-Interest Units of Study How Did the Buffalo Shape Arapaho Culture? The Oregon Trail: Go or Stay Put? What Was Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievement? Is Coyote a Good Role Model? How Does Haiku Spark the Senses? Early Jamestown: Why Did So Many Colonists Die? How Can Your School Reduce Food Waste? What Caused the Dust Bowl? Young Activists: How Can You Change the World? Why Was Thomas Edison Called the "Wizard of Menlo Park"? How Do We Remember 9/11? IL 3-6.
Elementary Mini-Qs (Volume 2) PI  
B 73669B 73669 Eric Carle's Animals, Animals
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Carle, Eric
Length: 88 Copyright: 1989

Collection of poems by a variety of authors describing the peculiarities of pets and wild and domestic animals. RC 3.8. IL K-5.
Eric Carle's Animals, Animals KPI  
B 124827B 124827 Guess Who, Haiku!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Caswell, Deanna
Length: 24 Copyright: 2016

A collection of haiku, each of which describes an animal and asks a question that rhymes with the answer on the following page. Poetry. Juvenile nonfiction. IL Pres-3.
Guess Who, Haiku! KP  
B 112865B 112865 Guyku: A Year of Haiku For Boys
Grade Lvl: P Author: Raczka, Bob
Length: 48 Copyright: 2010

A collection of haiku poetry for boys that features poems about tree-climbing, kite-flying, and other related topics. AR 2.6. IL 1.3.
Guyku: A Year of Haiku For Boys P  
B 51325B 51325 Haiku: The Mood of Earth
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Atwood, Ann
Length: 30 Copyright: 1971

Photographs and poetry explore the connecting relationship between man and nature.
Haiku: The Mood of Earth IJS  
B 117701B 117701 Hi, Koo!: A Year of Seasons
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Muth, Jon
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014

Presents a celebration of the four seasons that complements thematic scenes featuring the panda bear, Koo, with twenty-six haikus. Not restricted to the five-seven-five syllable pattern. AR 2.3 IL Pres-3.
Hi, Koo!: A Year of Seasons KPI  
B 113820B 113820 Hound Dog's Haiku and Other Poems for Dog Lovers
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Rosen, Michael
Length: 46 Copyright: 2011

An illustrated haiku collection that explores the charming characteristics of dogs and provides facts about numerous dog breeds. Includes information about each breed. IL 2.5.
Hound Dog's Haiku and Other Poems for Dog Lovers PI  
B 117734B 117734 If It Rains Pancakes: Haiku and Lantern Poems
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Cleary, Brian P.
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014

What is a haiku? It sounds like a sneeze. And isn't a lantern a light source? Actually, they are two types of ancient Japanese poetry. This book explains how each form works--and shows how these little poems can contain big surprises. A collection of thirty-five haiku and lantern poems and includes resources in the end papers to explore more. From the series Poetry Adventures. IL 1-4. RC 3.1. GR O.
If It Rains Pancakes: Haiku and Lantern Poems PI  
B 105341B 105341 If Not for the Cat
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Prelutsky, Jack
Length: 40 Copyright: 2004

Presents an illustrated collection of haiku-style poems about different animals. Follett RL 3.3.
If Not for the Cat KPI  
B 106823B 106823 Knock at a Star: A Child's Introduction to Poetry
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Kennedy, X. J.
Length: 180 Copyright: 1999

A collection of poems arranged in such categories as poems that make you smile, send messages, or share feelings; poems that contains "Beats that repeat" or "word play;" and special kinds of poems such as limericks, songs, and haiku. Compiled by X.J. Kennedy and Dorothy M. Kennedy. AR 6.1. Follett RL 6.8.
Knock at a Star: A Child's Introduction to Poetry PIJ  
B 76023B 76023 Let's Celebrate Festival Poems
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author:
Length: 112 Copyright: 1989

Collection of poems that celebrate holidays around the world. IL 3-7.
Let's Celebrate Festival Poems PIJ  
B 113391B 113391 One Big Rain: Poems for Rainy Days
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 30 Copyright: 2010

An illustrated collection of poems by various authors that describesthe different types of rainy days. Includes 20 short poems (5 for each season). Compiled by Rita Gray. IL 2-6.
One Big Rain: Poems for Rainy Days PI  
B 107226B 107226 Our Seasons
Grade Lvl: P Author: Lin, Grace
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006

In this combination of science nonfiction and poetry (haiku), each season is given three double-spread and answers questions related to the seasons, weather, natural world and human body. AR 4.6.
Our Seasons P  
B 104154B 104154 Pocketful of Poems
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Grimes, Nikki
Length: 30 Copyright: 2001

Poems and haiku verses provide glimpses of life in the city. Illustrated by Javaka Steptoe with collages of cut paper and found objects. GR level N. Follett RL 2.7. RC 3.4. Lexile 390.
Pocketful of Poems KPI  
B 103513B 103513 Rainbow Soup: Adventures in Poetry
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Cleary, Brian P.
Length: 88 Copyright: 2004

An introduction to poetry that uses humorous poems, illustrations, and annotations to clarify terms and explain different types of poems, such as macaronic verse, concerete poems, limericks, haiku, and villanelle. Explains poetic techniques and literary terms such as parody, alliteration, puns, rhyme, meter, etc. Follett RL 4.2. RC 4.4. IL 3-7.
Rainbow Soup: Adventures in Poetry PIJ  
B 124830B 124830 Read, Recite, and Write Haiku
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Macken, JoAnn Early
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015

Offers advice on writing and reading Haiku. Haiku is a form of short poem that features a set number of syllables. This engaging book describes how to create haiku focusing on setting, seasonal words, and making every word count. As they write their own haiku, readers will learn what else matters besides counting syllables. Poetry. Supports writing and the writing process. Series nonfiction: Poet's Workshop. IL 2-6. AR 4.0. Lexile 580.
Read, Recite, and Write Haiku PI  
B 108038B 108038 Robert's Snowflakes: Artists' Snowflakes
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Lin, Grace
Length: 34 Copyright: 2005

Subtitle: Artists' Snowflakes for Cancer's Cure. Presents a variety of snowflakes created by different artists. The original art was designed to raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Each book artist painted a wooden snowflake. Reproduces the art by Eric Carle, David Shannon, Emily Arnold McCully, Eric Rohmann, Denise Fleming, Ian Falconer, Janie Bynum, David McPhail, Steven Jenkins, Graeme Base, and others. American haiku complements the snowflakes. Artist and medium are listed on the bottom of the page. Follett RL 3.6.
Robert's Snowflakes: Artists' Snowflakes KP  
B 101992B 101992 Sam Samurai
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Scieszka, Jon
Length: 85 Copyright: 2001

Joe, Fred, and Sam are transported to 17th century Japan where they infuriate a Samurai warrior, encounter their great-grandaughters, and save their lives by reciting an ancient form of poetry. Time Warp Trio number 10. AR 3.8 RC 4.1 Lexile 550 GR level P IL 3-5.
Sam Samurai PI  
B 83629B 83629 Spring: A Haiku Story
Grade Lvl: P Author: Shannon, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996

A collection of haiku verses which describe the wonders of spring.
Spring: A Haiku Story P  
B 106519B 106519 Wing Nuts: Screwy Haiku
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Janeczko, Paul
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006

Collection of illustrated senryu-short poems related to haiku--covering a wide range of subjects, including baby-sitters, jumping rope, snoring parents, spoiled pets, and more. (Senryu consists of 17 syllables but focuses on the human world rather than the natural.) Authors: Paul B. Janeczko and J. Patrick Lewis. AR 2.7. Follett RL 3.3.
Wing Nuts: Screwy Haiku PI  
KM 11764KM 11764 Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku (6 Books & CD)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Wardlaw, Lee
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012

A cat arrives at a shelter, arranges to go home with a good family, and settles in with them, all the while letting them know who is boss and, finally, sharing his real name. Story is told in a series of senryu, a form of Japanese poetry that focuses on personality and behavior instead of on the natural world. Contents: audio CD read-along (.25 hrs.) and six copies of the book by Lee Wardlaw. AR 1.9 IL K-4.
Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku (6 Books & CD) KPI  
B 115333B 115333 Year Comes Round: Haiku Through the Seasons
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Farrar, Sid
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

Presents nature haikus for each month of the year. Months Poetry. Nature Poetry. AR 5.6 IL K-4.
Year Comes Round: Haiku Through the Seasons KPI