B 124640B 124640 ¡A nadar! (Swim For It!)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Greve, Meg
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
Pig, Cow, and Elephant decide to spend a hot afternoon at the pool, but after Pig and Cow convince Elephant to jump from the high dive they need to find a new place to swim. Includes comprehension activities. Spanish language reader. IL Pres-2. AR 1.5. GR E.
¡A nadar! (Swim For It!) KP
B 124648B 124648 ¡Chisss! ¿Qué es ese ruido? (Shh! What’s That Sound?)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Cleland, Jo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
Four little girls get scared when their sleepover is interrupted by a strange noise. Includes comprehension activities. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 0.5. GR B.
¡Chisss! ¿Qué es ese ruido? (Shh! What’s That Sound?) KP
B 124646B 124646 ¡Demasiado ruido! (Too Much Noise)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Greve, Meg
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
Mom is tired and wants to sleep in, but there is too much noise. She soon discovers the kids have made her breakfast. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. GR A.
¡Demasiado ruido! (Too Much Noise) KP
B 124644B 124644 ¡Está roto! (It’s Broken!)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Greve, Meg
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
A little girl suffers painful consequences for not heeding her mother's warnings about her jumping, bouncing, leaping, and hopping. Includes comprehension activities. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 0.4. GR C.
¡Está roto! (It’s Broken!) KP
KM 12262KM 12262 ¡Las mascotas son geniales!/Pets Are Awesome!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Graubart, Norman
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
Kit contains 6 titles from the series Las mascotas son geniales!/Pets Are Awesome! Spanish & English text are on the same page. Titles: Mi gato = My Cat; Mi hamster = My Hamster; Mi pajaro = My Bird; Mi perro = My Dog; Mi pez = My Fish; Mi tortuga = My Turtle. Bilingual text.
¡Las mascotas son geniales!/Pets Are Awesome! KP
KM 12996KM 12996 ¿Cómo se hace? (How Is It Made?-Spanish Version) (6 Books)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Hansen, Grace
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
This series will take curious readers inside giant factories to see how fun and familiar items are made. Shows the step-by-step process of how each item is created. Learn cool facts, like how long it takes to make one item, how many can be made a day, and more! Set of 6 books in series. Text in Spanish. Readers. Six titles included: How is Chocolate Made? (AR 2.1, GR K) How is Ice Cream Made? (AR 2.4., GR K), How is Peanut Butter Made? (AR 2.5., GR K), How are Crayons Made? (AR 2.0.,GR K), How are Books Made? (AR 2.7, GR L), and How are Sweaters Made? (AR 2.5., GR L). IL Pres-6.
¿Cómo se hace? (How Is It Made?-Spanish Version) (6 Books) KPI
B 124647B 124647 ¿Cuántas mordidas? (How Many Bites?)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Robertson, Jean J
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
A little girl is reluctant to eat her broccoli until her mother reminds her that they "try some of everything." Includes comprehension activities. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 1.3. GR F.
¿Cuántas mordidas? (How Many Bites?) KP
B 124638B 124638 ¿Dónde está Papá Noel? (Where Is Santa?)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wells, Robin
Length: 24 Copyright: 2018
It's Christmas Eve. Jack and Jill are so excited that Santa is coming. They make treats for him and Rudolph. Wait! What's that noise? Could it be Santa? It is and guess what he brings? Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Where is Santa? " IL Pres-2. AR 0.6. GR D.
¿Dónde está Papá Noel? (Where Is Santa?) KP
B 124512B 124512 10 ovejitas: del 1 al 10 en un abrir y cerrar... de ovejas (10 Sheep from 1 to 10)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Gehm, Franziska
Length: 24 Copyright: 2016
Children learn about colors and the numbers one through ten in this story about ten colorful lambs. Board book. Text in Spanish. IL Pres-3.
10 ovejitas: del 1 al 10 en un abrir y cerrar... de ovejas (10 Sheep from 1 KP
B 94814B 94814 101 Spanish Idioms: Understanding Spanish Language and Culture Through Popular Phrases
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Cassagne, J.M.
Length: 138 Copyright: 1996
Each idiom has a literal English translation followed by an idiomatic English equivalent of the Spanish Phrase. Then the idiom is placed in context, either in dialogue or a narrative.
101 Spanish Idioms: Understanding Spanish Language and Culture Through Popu JST
B 94816B 94816 101 Spanish Proverbs: Understanding Spanish Langauge and Culture Through Common Sayings
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Aparicio, Eduardo
Length: 148 Copyright: 1998
Subtitle: Understanding Spanish Langauge and Culture Through Common Sayings. Collection of Spanish language proverbs, each accompanied by a literal meaning, an equivalent saying in English, and an illustration.
101 Spanish Proverbs: Understanding Spanish Langauge and Culture Through Co JST
B 124511B 124511 14 Vacas para America (14 Cows for America)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Deedy, Carmen Agra
Length: 34 Copyright: 2010
Presents an illustrated tale of a gift of fourteen cows given by the Maasai people of Kenya to the U.S. as a gesture of comfort and friendship in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Text in Spanish.; Translation of: 14 cows for America. IL K-6. AR 2.8.
14 Vacas para America (14 Cows for America) KPI
B 124643B 124643 A la hora de dormir, ¡Qué problema! (Bedtime Battles)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Robertson, Jean J
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
It is Aidan's bedtime, but he finds many reasons not to go to bed. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 1.6. GR C.
A la hora de dormir, ¡Qué problema! (Bedtime Battles) KP
B 124504B 124504 A toda marcha! (Double Down)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2016
The pressure's really piling up on Greg Heffley. His mom thinks video games are turning his brain to mush, so she wants her son to put down the controller and explore his creative side. As if that's not scary enough, Halloween's just around the corner and the frights are coming at Greg from every angle. When Greg discovers a bag of gummy worms, it sparks an idea. Can he get his mom off his back by making a movie...and will he become rich and famous in the process? Or will doubling down on this plan just double Greg's troubles? Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 11. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, double down. Humorous fiction. Realistic. IL 5-12. AR 6.0.
A toda marcha! (Double Down) IJS
B 107331B 107331 ABCx3: English, Espanol, Francais
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Jocelyn, Marthe
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Each letter of the alphabet is presented with the text in three languages: English, Spanish, and French. For examples: F flower, flor, fleur. Includes alphabet combinations that are specific to Spanish (ch chaqueta).
ABCx3: English, Espanol, Francais KP
B 127183B 127183 Abejas = Bees
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Jacobson, Bray
Length: 24 Copyright: 2022
Explore the world of bees and find out what keeps them busy all day! Series nonfiction: Busy Bugs. Text in English and Spanish. Bilingual. Animals. Insects. Readers. IL K-3.
Abejas = Bees KP
DVD 2021DVD 2021 Abraham Lincoln
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2003
Looks at the life of Lincoln, a country boy from Kentucky who rose to become President of the U.S. and guide his nation through one of its darkest times. Closed captioned. Narrated in English or Spanish.
Abraham Lincoln KPI
B 124650B 124650 Abuelo viene a la clase de primer grado (Grandpa Comes to First Grade)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Robertson, Jean J
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
A little girl brings her grandfather to school and shows him all the ways they learn to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Includes comprehension activities. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 2.1. GR F.
Abuelo viene a la clase de primer grado (Grandpa Comes to First Grade) KP
B 126258B 126258 Across the Bay
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Aponte, Carlos
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019
Carlitos lives in a happy home with his mother, his abuela, and Coco the cat. Life in his hometown is cozy as can be, but the call of the capital city pulls Carlitos across the bay in search of his father. Jolly piragueros, mischievous cats, and costumed musicians color this tale of love, family, and the true meaning of home. Text in English with some Spanish. Our world. Multicultural. IL Pres-3. Lexile 570. GR N.
Across the Bay KP
B 115382B 115382 Adelita and the Veggie Cousins = Adelita y las primas verduritas
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Bertrand, Diane Gonzales / Ventura, Gabriela Baeza, tr.
Length: 32 Copyright: 2011
Adelita is nervous about her first day at a new school, but a lesson on vegetables and a welcome discovery about her teacher opens the door to friendship. Presented in English and Spanish. AR 2.7 IL K-4.
Adelita and the Veggie Cousins = Adelita y las primas verduritas KPI
KM 12784KM 12784 Agentes secretos y el mural de Picasso (Secrets, Agents and Mural Picasso) (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Mira Canion
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
Novel. Beginner Spanish for Middle School. Pablo Picasso’s mural Guernica is on display at the 1937 International Exposition. Both sides of the Spanish Civil War quickly realize that the painting contains clues to the whereabouts of the supernatural Spear of Destiny. Its occult power can change the outcome of the Civil War, just as it has done in other battles throughout history. As Paula’s imagination begins to decipher the hidden symbols, Francisco Franco’s secret agents are not far behind her. They are ready to capture the Spear at the most opportune moment, convinced that impulsive Paula will betray her quest for the Spear. Belonging to the genre of language learner literature, this is an easy Spanish reader containing just 100 new vocabulary words and many English-Spanish cognates. Novel Study. Set of 20 books, Teacher's Guide on CD, and Audio CD.
Agentes secretos y el mural de Picasso (Secrets, Agents and Mural Picasso) JST
B 113467B 113467 Aladdin and the Magic Lamp=Aladino
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Vallverdu, Josep
Length: 27 Copyright: 2006
Complete title: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp=Aladino y la Lampara Maravillosa. Aladdin outwits an evil magician who first tries to trick him into handing over an old lamp with a genie inside and later steals Aladdin's wife and possessions. From The Thousand and One Nights. Arabian Nights. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 4.9. RC 5.9. Lexile 910. IL K-3.
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp=Aladino KP
B 107982B 107982 Alien Invaders/Invasores extraterrestres
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Huggins-Cooper, Lynn
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Presents a children's picture book written in both English and Spanish that describes a child's curious facination with the bugs in his garden and compares them to his knowledge of space invaders. Bilingual text. AR 1.4. Follett RL 1.8. Lexile 230.
Alien Invaders/Invasores extraterrestres KP
DVD 1680DVD 1680 All About Endangered & Extinct Animals
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 1999
Examines the natural and man-made factors that lead to the endangerment or extinction of animals. Dinosaurs. Tigers. Koala. Giant Panda. Bald eagle. Manatee. Poaching. Pollution. Suggests ways of protecting the environment/habitat. Narrated in English or Spanish. Closed captioned.
All About Endangered & Extinct Animals KPI
KM 7941KM 7941 Alphabet Chart: Spanish Edition
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Kit for English Language Learners contains instruction sheet with background information and activities; twenty (8.5"x11") two-sided student alphabet charts; and two (17"x22") teacher charts (one picture-related, one word-compared). Cognates are used for 20 of the letters. The other six have two pictures for the letter since the sounds these letters make are different in Spanish and English. Older ELL students can use just the word side of the chart.
Alphabet Chart: Spanish Edition KPI
KM 12299KM 12299 Amazing Science Collection: Ciencia Asombrosa (Playaways)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Collection of books from the series Amazing Science. Includes both the English and Spanish versions of the print titles: Air; El aire; Dirt; La energia; Energy; Imanes; Magnets; La materia; Matter; Las rocas; Rocks; El Sonida; Sound; Splish! Splash! (english and spanish). Kit contains books; 2 playaways--pre-loaded audio books on a dedicated digital audio media player (MP3) loaded with 16 audio books; instruction sheet; and earbuds. IL 1-3.
Amazing Science Collection: Ciencia Asombrosa (Playaways) P
B 105018B 105018 Ana Cultiva Manzanas=Apple Farmer Annie
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wellington, Monica
Length: 30 Copyright: 2004
Annie the apple farmer saves her most beautiful apples to sell fresh at the farmers' market. Apple growers. Orchards. Bilingual book. Spanish text is larger; English text is smaller. AR 1.8. Follett RL 3.4.
Ana Cultiva Manzanas=Apple Farmer Annie KP
B 124492B 124492 Anti Escuela de Futbol: Los 7 Cracks Pardillos (Anti-Soccer School)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Crespo, Juan Carlos
Length: 154 Copyright: 2015
When a soccer team composed of players kicked off of other teams is formed, they are determined to prove they can play the game. With hard work and committed coach, anything is possible. Text written entirely in Spanish. Sports fiction. Realistic. IL 5-12.
Anti Escuela de Futbol: Los 7 Cracks Pardillos (Anti-Soccer School) IJS
B 113781B 113781 Antojitos para dientes sanos=Snacks/Healthy Teeth
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuh, Mari C.
Length: 24 Copyright: 2010
Complete title: Antojitos para dientes sanos=Snacks for Healthy Teeth. Simple text, photographs, and diagrams present information about healthy snacks for teeth and includes how to take care of teeth properly--in both English and Spanish. From the Pebble Plus Bilingual series Dientes sanos=Healthy Teeth. AL 2.4. Lexile 500. GR level H. IL K-2.
Antojitos para dientes sanos=Snacks/Healthy Teeth KP
B 124510B 124510 Apple y Rain
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Crossan, Sarah
Length: 269 Copyright: 2018
When her imagined perfect life with her estranged mother begins to unravel, fourteen-year-old Apple finds comfort in reading and writing poetry. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Apple and Rain. Family problems Fiction. Realistic. IL 9-12.
Apple y Rain JS
B 123087B 123087 Apples are Red = La manzana es roja
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Anderson, Sara
Length: 16 Copyright: 2015
Bilingual/Spanish. An introduction to the colors we eat. Board Book. IL Pres-K.
Apples are Red = La manzana es roja KP
B 107117B 107117 Arizona (Bilingual Library)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Brown, Vanessa
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Presents a brief introduction to Arizona written in Spanish and English. From the series The Bilingual Library of the USA (United States of America). AR 3.0. Follett RL 4.0.
Arizona (Bilingual Library) P
B 113045B 113045 Arroz con leche = Rice Pudding
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Argueta, Jorge
Length: 32 Copyright: 2010
Subtitle: un poema para cocinar = A Cooking Poem. Bilingual text. A recipe in the form of a poem, in both English and Spanish, featuringa Latin American type of rice pudding with cinnamon that is made by a young cook who enjoys making and enjoying the dish with his family. AR 2.8. IL K-5. Salvadoran poet.
Arroz con leche = Rice Pudding KPI
KM 8924KM 8924 Arthur's New Puppy (Backpack)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Brown, Marc
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Backpack kit contents: activity sheet with pre-reading activities and post-reading activities in English and Spanish; two book: Arthur's New Puppy by Marc Brown (AR 2.7. RC 2.5. Lexile 400) and the Spanish version of the story (El cachorrito de Arturo); and backpack.
Arthur's New Puppy (Backpack) P
B 106796B 106796 Arturo y la carrere por la lectura
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Krensky, Stephen
Length: 58 Copyright: 2004
Translation of: Arthur and the Race to Read. Arthur and his friends train for a race to raise money for a literacy, but Fern seems uninterested. Un libro de capitulos Arturo de Marc Brown. AR 3.4.
Arturo y la carrere por la lectura PI
KM 8610KM 8610 ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE--Spanish
Grade Lvl: T Author: Squires, Jane
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Spanish version. Subtitle: A Parent-Complete Child Monitoring System (3rd Edition) by Diane Bricker and Jane Squires. Screens for developmental delays in children from one month to 5 1/2 years. Assesses young children's skills in five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal social. Parents complete the short, simple questionnaires, and in just 2-3 minutes, professionals convert the responses to color-coded scoring sheets to determine the child's progress in each developmental areas. Includes 21 reproducible questionnaires in Spanish (both in paper and PDFs on CD-ROM0 that can be used to help assess cognitive, communicative, and motor development. Is meant to be used in conjunction withe ASQ to identify the need for furthur social and emotional behavior assessment in children 3-60 months of age. Includes eight questionnaires which address seven behavioral areas: self-regulation, communication, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people. All materials are Spanish except the guides. Contents for ASQ-3: product overview booklet, CD-ROM, and questionnaries. Contents for ASQ:SE: user's guide, CD-ROM, and questionnaires. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff.
ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE--Spanish T
KM 13364KM 13364 ASQ:SE-2 Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional in Spanish (Second Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Squires, Jane / Bricker, Diane
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
The Spanish ASQ®:SE-2 questionnaires are the most cost-effective, reliable way to screen young children for social-emotional issues in the first 6 years of life. Now in a second edition, the 9 age-appropriate questionnaires (2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 60 months) effectively screen 7 key social-emotional areas: self-regulation, compliance, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, social-communication, and interaction with people. Restricted to AEA Early childhood members.
ASQ:SE-2 Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional in Spanish (Second T
B 124649B 124649 Baja, gatito! (Kitty Come Down!)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Cleland, Jo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
The children look everywhere for their missing cat, only to discover it is hiding in a tree. Includes comprehension activities. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. GR A.
Baja, gatito! (Kitty Come Down!) KP
B 111972B 111972 Baseball on Mars=Beisbol en Marte
Grade Lvl: P Author: Rivera, Rafael
Length: 32 Copyright: 2009
After "traveling to Mars' in Roberto's homemade spaceship, Roberto and his father play a game of catch. Fathers and sons. Bilingual text. AR 3.1. Follett RL 2.5. IL 1-3.
Baseball on Mars=Beisbol en Marte P
B 124632B 124632 Batman: Nightwalker (Spanish Edition)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Lu, Marie
Length: 252 Copyright: 2018
The Nightwalkers are terrorizing Gotham City, and Bruce Wayne is next on their list. Bruce is turning eighteen and inheriting his family's fortune, not to mention the keys to Wayne Industries and all the tech gadgetry that he could ever desire. But on the way home from his birthday party, he makes an impulsive choice that leads to community service at Arkham Asylum, the infamous prison. There, he meets Madeleine Wallace, a brilliant killer with ties to the Nightwalkers. A girl who will only speak to Bruce. She is the mystery he must unravel, but is he convincing her to divulge her secrets, or is he feeding her the information she needs to bring Gotham City to its knees? Text in Spanish; Translated from English. Series: DC Icons. IL 8-12. AR 5.7. RC 5.3. Lexile 800.
Batman: Nightwalker (Spanish Edition) JS
B 107693B 107693 Bears=Osos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Twine, Alice
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Simple text and photos describe different kinds of bear cubs, what they eat, what they do, and how they change as they grow. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Baby Animals. AR 2.2. Follett RL 1.6.
Bears=Osos KP
DVD 2022DVD 2022 Benjamin Franklin
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2003
Looks at the life and contributions of Benjamin Franklin, from his early years in Boston to his famous experiments with electricity to his negotiations in Europe during the American Revolution. Patriot. Humanitarian. Closed captioned. Narrated in English or Spanish.
Benjamin Franklin KPI
B 93390B 93390 Bienvenidos: (Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher's Resource Guide to Mexico)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Downs, Cynthia / Becker, Terry
Length: 305 Copyright: 1991
On cover: A Monthly Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher's Resource Guide to Mexico & Hispanic Culture. Includes a variety of information and activities related to Mexican culture, language, history, folklore, music, art, and more. Some topics: Aztec calendar, mask, create a plaza, Day of the Dead, skeletons, Lady of Guadalupe, paper flowers, recipes, Las Posadas, costumes, fiestas, pinatas, yarn paintings, pottery, Maya, maracas. Includes Spanish vocabulary.
Bienvenidos: (Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher's Resource Guide to Mexico) T
B 107919B 107919 Bighorn Sheep/Carnero de Canada
Grade Lvl: P Author: Macken, JoAnn Early
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to big horn sheep providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behavior. From the series Animals That Live in the Mountains/Animales de las montanas. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 1.5. Follett RL 1.6.
Bighorn Sheep/Carnero de Canada P
B 93383B 93383 Bilingual Math Glossary English/Espanol
Grade Lvl: T Author: Jones, Jennifer
Length: 124 Copyright: 2007
TADELL Bilingual Math Glossary/Glosario Bilingue de Matematicas. Lists key terms used in Kindergarten through 8th grade in both English and Spanish. Includes illustrations to reinforce learning.
Bilingual Math Glossary English/Espanol T
B 90916B 90916 Bilingual Visual Dictionary--Spanish
Grade Lvl: IJST Author:
Length: 360 Copyright: 2005
Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, bilingual visual dictionary gives students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way.
Bilingual Visual Dictionary--Spanish IJST
DVD 1249DVD 1249 Bill Nye: Atoms
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 26 Copyright: 1997
Explores the atomic theory, explaining how all matter is composed of atoms and molecules. Illustrates how atomic particles combine to form molecules and provides several examples of molecular structures. Features a variety of experiments that demonstrate how chemical elements are formed and presents the periodic table. Program length: 26 minutes. Includes bonus footage of never-before-seen segments, interviews and demos. Provides audio in English or Spanish and closed captioning in English only. From the series Bill Nye The Science Guy. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Atoms I
DVD 1442DVD 1442 Bill Nye: Blood and Circulation
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 1994
The science guy explains how the circulatory system works to pump blood through the human body. Combines animated graphics and microscopic footage to explore the anatomy and functions of the heart, valves, blood cells and blood vessels. Presents a variety of examples to illustrate how the cardiovascular system works to circulate blood through the veins. Also discusses the importance of exercise for overall health. Experiments show the effects of the heart pumping with vein action, how to make a simple stethescope, and the effects of pressure on arteries and veins. 23 minutes. Closed captioned in English. Narrated in English and Spanish. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Blood and Circulation I
DVD 2267DVD 2267 Bill Nye: Electricity
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Explores the science of safety by going behind the scenes at Underwriters Laboratories and discovering how products that use electricity are tested to keep us safe. Along the way Bill introduces Ground Fault Interruptors, conductors and insulators, electric circuits, short circuits and electrical hazards. In English and Spanish language. Closed captioned.
Bill Nye: Electricity IJ
DVD 1250DVD 1250 Bill Nye: Motion
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 26 Copyright: 1997
Explains the physics behind motion, how motion is caused by force and energy, and introduces Newton's three laws of motion. Defines mass, identifies inertia how inertia impacts movement. Presents a variety of examples illustrating the mechanics of applied force, unbalanced force, acceleration, and equal and opposite reaction. Program length: 26 minutes. Includes bonus footage of never-before-seen segments, interviews and demos. Provides audio in English or Spanish and closed captioning in English only. From the series Bill Nye the Science Guy. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Motion I
DVD 1444DVD 1444 Bill Nye: Ocean Exploration
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 1997
The science guy describes the physical features of the ocean and explores the ocean bottom. Explains how ocean pressure impacts objects, including a human being's ability to breath underwater. Measures the depth of the ocean and illustrates how the Earth's surface and the ocean floor are physically similar. Features how marine biologists and scientists use submarines and remote submersibles to examine the ocean bottom and identify the marine life that inhabit these deep waters. ALVIN. Discusses how sound waves (sonar and sonic waves) are used to measure ocean depth, and ocean salinity (salt water). 23 minutes. Closed captioned in English. Narrated in English or Spanish. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Ocean Exploration I
DVD 1446DVD 1446 Bill Nye: Rivers & Streams
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 1996
The science guy explains the dynamics of streamflow and explores the river ecosystem. Demonstrates how water flows downstream and traces the origin of rivers and streams. Discusses the physiological aspects of water levels on stream ecology, river sediments and meandering rivers. Also illustrates how dams are used to harness water for energy and irrigation and looks at the environmental aspects of industrialization on freshwater ecology. Includes interactive glossary and quiz. Experiments/demos show how to make your own river and restore a river bank. 23 minutes. Closed captioned in English. Narrated in English or Spanish. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Rivers & Streams IJ
DVD 1251DVD 1251 Bill Nye: Simple Machines
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 26 Copyright: 1993
The Science guy explains the mechanics of simple machines and demonstrates how these machines are used to make work easier. Describes how pulleys, wheels and axles, levers, screws, wedges, andinclined planes function. Presents examples of how each simple machine provides the force and energy needed to facilitate complicated actions. Features a segment on how levers are used in prostheses, illustrating how these artificial organs function as simple machines. Program length: 26 minutes. Includes bonus footage of never-before-seen segments, interviews and demos. Provides audio in English or Spanish and closed captioning in English only. From the series Bill Nye the Science Guy. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Simple Machines I
DVD 1447DVD 1447 Bill Nye: Sun
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 1994
The science guy explores the sun, revealing its physical characteristics and distance from the earth. Identifies the sun as the source of energy that sustains all life and features experiments using solar power. Describes the causes and effects of solar flares, solar eclipses, and sunspots. Explains the need to protect the eyes and skin from the sun's rays and discusses the concept of fusion. Experiments show how to construct a thermometer with colored water, trace the movement of sunspots, and make a sundial. 23 minutes. Closed captioned in English. Narrated in English or Spanish. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Sun I
DVD 1448DVD 1448 Bill Nye: Water Cycle
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 1995
The science guy explains the Earth's water cycle and describes how water molecules can change state to exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. Presents a variety of experiments illustrating the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Explains how clouds form, creating rain and other forms of precipitation. Also discusses the importance of the water supply to sustaining life on Earth. Experiments include how water pressure can make clouds, and how to illustrate the water cycle using water in a plastic bag and a microwave. Includes interactive glossary and quiz. 23 minutes. Closed captioned in English. Narrated in English or Spanish. One-week loan period.
Bill Nye: Water Cycle I
KM 13217KM 13217 Boardbooks - Colors
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
An assorted collection of 20 board books titles about colors. IL Pres-K.
Boardbooks - Colors K
GM 194GM 194 Body Parts=Las partes del cuerpe
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schumacher, Bev
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
Complete title: Body Parts: A Learning Game=Las partes del cuerop: un juego educativo. Contents: activity sheet (a home practice page); bilingual book (English and Spanish) with labeled illustrations; learning game mat; four game pieces; and die. From the series Learning Games (Learning Props).
Body Parts=Las partes del cuerpe KP
KM 8626KM 8626 Boehm--3, Preschool
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boehm, Ann
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
The Boehm-3 Preschool is an easy-to-administer tool for measuring 26 basic concepts relevant to preschool and early childhood curriculum. Helps identify children who lack understanding of basic relational concepts so that intervention can be provided sooner, increasing their chance of success in school. Each concept is tested twice, to verify the child's understanding. For ages 3.0 through 5.11 years. Administration time is 20-30 minutes. Contents: Examiner's Manual, Picture Manual, and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education Staff.
Boehm--3, Preschool T
B 111679B 111679 Book Fiesta!: Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 34 Copyright: 2009
Complete title: Book Fiesta!: Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day!: Celebremos El dia de los ninos/El dia de los libros. Colorful illustrations and text describe people of various ethnicities and languages enjoying reading. Bilingual text (English and Spanish). Pura Belpre Illustrator Award Winner 2010. Follett RL 3.3.
Book Fiesta!: Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day KP
KM 7147KM 7147 Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr 4-6
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
Kit for grades 4-6 contains a number of popular books written in Spanish. Titles: Beisbol en los barrios (Baseball in the Barrios); En las orillas del lago de Plata (By the Shores of Silver Lake); Las telaranas de Carlota (Charlotte's Web); Querido Senor Henshaw (Dear Mr. Henshaw); Encuentro (Encounter); Un fantasma en la casa (A Ghost in the House); El arbol generoso (The Giving Tree); La llave magica (The Indian in the Cupboard); La isla de los delfines azules (The Island of the Blue Dolphins); and Quien cuenta las estrellas? (Number the Stars). Four-week loan period.
Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr 4-6 I
KM 7148KM 7148 Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr 4-6
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
Kit for grades 4-6 contains a number of popular books written in Spanish. Titles: Palabra de honor (On My Honor); El diario de Pedro (Pedro's Journal); El Pinatero: The Pinata Maker; Ramona y su padre (Ramona and Her Father); Viva Ramona (Ramona Forever); Sarah, sencilla y alta (Sarah, Plain and Tall); El signo del castor (The Sign of the Beaver); Troton, mi perro (Strider); and Tuck para siempre (Tuck Everlasting). Four-week loan period.
Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr 4-6 I
KM 7145KM 7145 Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr K-3
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
Kit for grades K-3 contains a number of popular books written in Spanish. Titles: Las aventuras de Connie y Diego/The Adventures of Connie & Diego; Alexander y el dia terrible, horrible, espantoso (Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day); La asombrosa Graciela (Amazing Grace); El camino de Amelia (Amelia's Road); Arroz con leche (songs and rhymes from Latin America); Arturo y sus problemas con el professor (Arthur's Teacher Trouble); Dentro de la selva tropical (At Home in the Rain Forest); El beisbol nos salvo (Baseball Saved Us); La hora de acostarse de Franscisca (Bedtime for Frances); Poniendo el cascacel al gato (Belling the Cat); Los osos Berenstain y demasiada fiesta (The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday); El muchacho que grito el lobo! (The Boy Who Cried Wolf); Clifford va de viaje (Clifford Takes a Trip); La familia de Clifford (Clifford's Family); Clifford, el gran perro Colorado (Clifford, the Big Red Dog); El pajaro cu (The Cu Bird); Jorge el curioso (Curious George); Todos Tenemos Sentimientos (Everybody has Feelings); Buenas noches, luna (Goodnight Moon); A sembrar sopa de verduras (Growing Vegetable Soup); Pelitos/Hairs; Harry, el perrito sucio (Harry, the Dirty Dog); Como crece una semilla (How a Seed Grows); Las manchas del sapo (How the Toad Got His Spots); and Cuenta los insectos (The Icky Bug Counting Book). Four-week loan period.
Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr K-3 KP
KM 7146KM 7146 Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr K-3
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
Kit for grades K-3 contains a number of popular books written in Spanish. Titles: En mi familia/In My Family; Tu mama es una llama? (Is Your Mama a Llama?); Juan Bobo: Four Folktales from Puerto Rico; Salta, ranita, salta! (Jump, Frog, Jump!); La gallinita roja (The Little Red Hen); Siempre te querre (Love You Forever); Madeline (Spanish version); El autobus magico en el interior de la tierra (The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth); El autobus magico enel sistema solar (The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System); Maria; Mis cinco sentidos (My Five Senses); Mi Casa/My House: A Book in Two Languages; El dia en que tu naciste (On the Day You Were Born); Pepita habla dos veces/Pepita Talks Twice; Perez y Martina (Spanish version); Don Radio/Radio Man: A Story in English and Spanish; La hisotria de Johnny Appleseed (The Story of Johnny Appleseed); Strega Nona (Spanish version); Diez, neuve, ocho (Ten, Nine, Eight); Teresa; La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos! (The True Story of the Three Little Pigs); El sombrero del tio Nacho/Uncle Nacho's Hat; and Donde viven los monstrous (Where the Wild Things Are). Four-week loan period.
Boxed Books for Spanish-Speaking Readers, Gr K-3 KP
KM 8078KM 8078 Boxed Books: Servidores Communitarios (Community)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Collection of books in the Bridgestone series Servidores Communitarios. The English version of these titles can be found in KM 05974 Boxed Books: Community Helpers. Titles: Bibliotecarios y bibliotecarias (Librarians); Bomberos y bomberas (FireFighters); Carteros y carteras (Mail Carriers); Choferes de autobuses escolares (School Bus Drivers); Dentistas (Dentists); Doctores y doctoras (Doctors); Enfermeras y enfermeros (Nurses); Granjeros y granjeras (Farmers); Policias (Police Officers); and Veterinarios y veterinarias (Veterinarians). Four-week loan period.
Boxed Books: Servidores Communitarios (Community) P
KM 12782KM 12782 Brandon Brown quiere un perro (Brandon Brown Wants a Dog) (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Gaab, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Brandon Brown really wants a dog. But his mother is not quite so sure. A dog is a big responsibility for any age, much less a soon to be 9-year old. Determined to get a dog, Brandon will do almost anything to get one, but will he do everything it takes to keep one . . . a secret? Beginning Spanish Novel. Contains 20 books; Teacher's Guide on CD; and audio CD. Novel Study.
Brandon Brown quiere un perro (Brandon Brown Wants a Dog) (20 Books) JST
B 99408B 99408 BRIGANCE Assessment of Basic Skills, Spanish
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brigance, Albert
Length: 196 Copyright: 1984
The Brigance Diagnostic Assessment Of Basic Skills is designed to enable the bilingual, ESL, migrant, and bilingual special needs teacher to identify, develop, implement, and evaluate instructional programs for Spanish-speaking students (preschool, elementary, and middle school). Includes 102 tests for PreK-Gr 8 in the areas of readiness, speech, listening, functional word recognition, oral reading, reading comprehension, word analysis, writing and alphabetizing, numbers and computation, and measurement. The assessment can be used as an indicator of language dominance; as a screening process for identifying achievement level; as an instrument to distinguish whether or not the student's weaknesses are related only to limited English proficiency or to a specific learning disability; and as a guide for developing an IEP.
BRIGANCE Assessment of Basic Skills, Spanish T
B 127117B 127117 Bright Star
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Morales, Yuyi
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021
A nurturing voice reassures the lonely and afraid, who are represented by animals, in difficult times. Text mainly in English with some Spanish. Animal story. Courage fiction. IL Pres-3. Lexile 330.
Bright Star KP
KM 943KM 943 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Martin, Bill
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
Contains Classroom Big Book; 10 spanish/english board books; 1 Teacher guide by Teacher Created Resources; 1 paperback book with audio cd; 1 flannel board and felt figures from story. Repetitive Text. Sequence (Text Structure). Rhyming. Beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 1.5. RC 1.4. Lexile 200. GR C. 2 Part Kit.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (2 Parts) KP
B 107755B 107755 Buenos dias, buenas noches=Good Morning,Good Night
Grade Lvl: K Author: Grejniec, Michael
Length: 32 Copyright: 1997
Bilingual text (Spanish and English) and illustrations present the concepts of opposites. Synonyms and antonyms.
Buenos dias, buenas noches=Good Morning,Good Night K
KM 13296KM 13296 Call Me Tree / Llámame árbol (3 Wonderbooks)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Gonzalez, Maya Christina
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
A bilingual poetic tale that follows one child/tree from the depths of Mami/Earth to the heights of the sky, telling a story about being free to grow and be who we are meant to be and honoring our relationship with the natural world. Bilingual. English Spanish. Hispanic America. Our world. Story in rhyme. Set of 3 WonderBooks, plus cables, headphones, charger and a 5-way splitter. Wonderbook run time: 4 minutes and 8 seconds. IL Pres-2.
Call Me Tree / Llámame árbol (3 Wonderbooks) KP
B 119371B 119371 Call Me Tree=Llamame arbol
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Gonzalez, Maya Christina
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
A bilingual poetic tale that follows one child/tree from the depths of Mami/Earth to the heights of the sky, telling a story about being free to grow and be who we are meant to be and honoring our relationship with the natural world. Text in English and Spanish. IL Pres-2.
Call Me Tree=Llamame arbol KP
B 88780B 88780 Calling the Doves/El Canto de Las Palomas
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Herrera, Juan
Length: 32 Copyright: 1995
The author recalls his childhood in the mountains and valleys of California with his farmworker parents who inspired him with poetry and song. Bilingual picture book (English and Spanish). AR 4.5. RC 4.1. Lexile 910. GR level P. 1997 Ezra Jack Keats writer-award.
Calling the Doves/El Canto de Las Palomas PI
KM 13003KM 13003 Carlos & Carmen (Spanish Readers) (8 Books)
Grade Lvl: PI Author: McDonald, Kirsten
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
Here comes Carlos and Carmen! Emergent readers will race through these easy readers alongside the twins. These books feature Latino characters living middle-class American lives. Simple Spanish terms and their definitions are introduced and reinforced in these books. Set of 8 Spanish easy chapter books. Series fiction. Carlos and Carmen. Beginning chapter books. IL 1-4. Titles include: La casa de una llanta - One Tire House - AR 2.7. GR L. La lluvia torrencial - The Big Rain - AR 2.5. GR L. El ruido nocturno - Nightmare Noise - AR 2.7. GR K. La sorpresa verde - The Green Surprise - AR 2.7. GR K. El error rico - The Yummy Mistake - GR K. Las ruedas tambaleantes - The Wobbly Wheels - GR K. El tiempo de uncle - Tio Time - GR L. El fin de semana arenoso - The Sandy Weekend - GR K.
Carlos & Carmen (Spanish Readers) (8 Books) PI
B 106202B 106202 Carlos and the Cornfield=Carlos y la milpa de maiz
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Stevens, Jan
Length: 34 Copyright: 1995
Bilingual picture book for older readers. When he sees the results of not following his father's instructions on the proper way to plant corn, a young boy tries to make things right. Text in English and Spanish. AR 4.3. RC 4.8. Lexile 660.
Carlos and the Cornfield=Carlos y la milpa de maiz PI
B 106203B 106203 Carlos and the Skunk=Carlos y el zorrillo
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Stevens, Jan
Length: 34 Copyright: 2001
Carlos gets more than he bargained for when he tries to show off forhis friend Gloria by catching a skunk. Skunks. Text is presented in Spanish and English. Bilingual picture book for older readers. Follett RL 5.5. AR 4.8. RC 3.1. Lexile 910.
Carlos and the Skunk=Carlos y el zorrillo PI
B 105324B 105324 Cars, Trucks & Planes-Carros, Camiones, y Aviones
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rose-Mendoza, Gladys
Length: 20 Copyright: 2004
Brief text introduces children to different forms of transportation. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text on board pages. Follett RL 3.1.
Cars, Trucks & Planes-Carros, Camiones, y Aviones KP
B 108297B 108297 Cat in the Hat Beginner Book Dictionary in Spanish
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Seuss, Dr.
Length: 133 Copyright: 2007
Adaptation and translation by Robet R. Nardelli of The Cat in the Hat Dictionary by T.S. Geisel and P.D. Eastman. Text in English and Spanish with words and illustrative sentences in English and Spanish. Includes a Spanish pronunciation guide. Bilingual Picture Dictionary/Picture Dictionaries.
Cat in the Hat Beginner Book Dictionary in Spanish KP
B 107694B 107694 Cats of the Wild=Gatos salvajes
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Twine, Alice
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Simple text and photos introduce several kinds of wild cat cubs, such as lion and tiger cubs. Provide a glimpse of a cub's life. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Baby Animals. AR 2.9. Follett RL 2.3.
Cats of the Wild=Gatos salvajes KP
DVD 1427DVD 1427 Causes of the Revolution (1765-1774)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2004
Looks at the events that precipitated America's fight for independence, from the cries of "no taxation without representation" to the radical actions of patriots Patrick Henry and Sam Adams. Examines the impact on the colonies of British laws such as the Stamp Act and the Coercive Acts. First Continental Congress. Sons of Liberty. Pontiac's Rebellion. 23 minutes. Closed captioned in English. Narrated in English or Spanish. One-week loan period.
Causes of the Revolution (1765-1774) IJ
B 124509B 124509 Caza Mayor = Big Game
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Smith, Dan
Length: 281 Copyright: 2015
In a remote mountain village every boy who turns thirteen must face a ritual hunt known as the Trial. Oskari, who cannot stand to be alone in a forest and whose ceremonial bow is too big for him, sets out on his hunt and sees an eerie blue light that he thinks is an alien, but realizes it is the President of the United States, whose plane was sabotaged and crashed and is running for his life. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Big game. Survival story. IL 8-12.
Caza Mayor = Big Game JS
B 112839B 112839 Cazuela that the Farm Maiden Stirred
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Vamos, Samantha
Length: 32 Copyright: 2011
A cumulative tale of a farm maiden who, aided by a group of animals,prepares "Arroz con Leche," or rice pudding. Includes recipe and glossary of the Spanish words that are woven throughout the text. Similar to The House That Jack Built. Lexile NP. IL K-2. Pura Belpre Illustrator Honor Book 2012.
Cazuela that the Farm Maiden Stirred KP
B 119432B 119432 Cecilia and Miguel are Best Friends = Cecilia y Miguel son mejores amigos
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Bertrand, Diane Gonzales
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014
In this celebration of friendship, best friends Cecilia and Miguel forgive mistakes, share adventures, and--sometimes--even become family. Follows their story from third grade to their adult life with their marriage & children. Mexican Americans- Fiction. Bilingual text. English & Spanish appear on the same page. IL K-4.
Cecilia and Miguel are Best Friends = Cecilia y Miguel son mejores amigos KPI
B 113778B 113778 Cepillarse los dientes=Brushing Teeth
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuh, Mari C.
Length: 24 Copyright: 2010
Simple text, photographs, and diagrams present information brushing teeth properly--in both English and Spanish. From the Pebble Plus Bilingual series Dientes sanos=Healthy Teeth. AR 2.1. Lexile 460. GR level G. IL K-2.
Cepillarse los dientes=Brushing Teeth KP
B 107700B 107700 Cheetahs=Guepardos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zumbusch, Amelie von
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe cheetahs, where they live, what they look like, and how they care for their young. Bilingual text. From the series Safari Animals=Animales de safari. AR 1.7. Follett RL 2.1.
Cheetahs=Guepardos KP
B 107589B 107589 Clifford el perro bombero
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bridwell, Norman
Length: 32 Copyright: 1994
Spanish translation of Clifford the Firehouse Dog. Clifford the big red dog, and his owner, Emily Elizabeth, visit a firehouse and learn about fire safety. When the fire fighters are unexpectedly called to put out a fire, Clifford lends a helping paw. From the series Clifford the Big Red Dog. AR 2.0. RC 2.1. Lexile 470.
Clifford el perro bombero KP
B 107591B 107591 Clifford y el dia de las sorpresas
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Margulies, Teddy
Length: 32 Copyright: 2001
Spanish translation of Clifford the Big Red Dog: Show-and-Tell Surprise. Emily Elizabeth cannot find anything special enough for show-and-tell, until CLifford gives her an idea. From the series Clifford the Big Red Dog.
Clifford y el dia de las sorpresas KP
B 125678B 125678 Colores Everywhere!: Colors in English y espanol
Grade Lvl: K Author: Tenison, Peggy
Length: 18 Copyright: 2012
A bilingual book of colors in English and Spanish featuring artwork from the San Antonio Museum of Art. Juvenile nonfiction. The Arts. Board Book. IL Pres-1.
Colores Everywhere!: Colors in English y espanol K
B 105852B 105852 Comiendo bien (Eating Well)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Trumbauer, Lisa
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
Photographs and easy-to-read text introduce the major food groups and explain the nutritional contributions of each. AR 2.2. Spanish translation of the book Eating Well (105851). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Comiendo bien (Eating Well) KP
B 127084B 127084 Como crecen los pinos? = How Do Pine Trees Grow?
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Connors, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2022
The pinecones found on the ground near a pine tree are an important part of the pine tree life cycle. They can hold hundreds of seeds! Like other plants, these seeds need soil, water, and sun, but the most important part of pine tree seeds' planting it being close to the surface of the soil! Readers learn this and more in this accessible volume all about the growth of the pine tree. Text in Spanish. Series nonfiction: Como crece? How Does It Grow? series. Our Earth. Botany / Plants. IL Pres-6.
Como crecen los pinos? = How Do Pine Trees Grow? KPI
B 127210B 127210 Como crecen los pinos? = How Do Pine Trees Grow?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Connors, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2022
Text in Spanish and English. The pinecones found on the ground near a pine tree are an important part of the pine tree life cycle. They can hold hundreds of seeds! Like other plants, these seeds need soil, water, and sun, but the most important part of pine tree seeds' planting it being close to the surface of the soil! Learn this and more about the growth of the pine tree. Bilingual. Life cycles. Our Earth. Plants/Botany. IL K-3.
Como crecen los pinos? = How Do Pine Trees Grow? KP
B 127085B 127085 Como crecen los platanos? = How Do Bananas Grow?
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Connors, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2022
Introduction to the truth about banana plants, including that they don't grow from seeds but a piece of another banana plant. Text in Spanish and English. Life cycles. Our Earth. Plants / Botany. Series nonfiction: Como crece? = How Does It Grow? IL Pres-6.
Como crecen los platanos? = How Do Bananas Grow? KPI
B 124461B 124461 Como pez en el arbol (Fish in a Tree)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Hunt, Lynda Mullaly
Length: 254 Copyright: 2016
Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Fish in a tree. "Ally's greatest fear is that everyone will find out she is as dumb as they think she is because she still doesn't know how to read. IL 7-12. AR 3.0.
Como pez en el arbol (Fish in a Tree) IJS
B 124491B 124491 Con carino, Amalia (Love Amalia)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Ada, Alma Flor
Length: 129 Copyright: 2012
Sixth-grader Amalia learns many important life-lessons while spending Friday afternoons with her beloved grandmother, and the teaching goes on even after Abuelita's sudden death as Amalia finds a way to connect with relatives and a friend who has moved away. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Love, Amalia. IL 5-12. AR 5.8.
Con carino, Amalia (Love Amalia) IJS
B 127626B 127626 Con Pollo: A Bilingual Playtime Adventure
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Fallon, Jimmy / Lopez, Jennifer
Length: 48 Copyright: 2022
Serving as an introduction to basic Spanish vocabulary, this picture book from Jimmy Fallon and Jennifer Lopez stars a super friendly chicken named Pollo who loves to play all day and make any activity even more fun. Spanish language. Words and concepts. Humorous story. Rhyme. IL Pres-2.
Con Pollo: A Bilingual Playtime Adventure KP
B 107915B 107915 Condors/Condor
Grade Lvl: P Author: Macken, JoAnn Early
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to condors providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behavior. From the series Animals That Live in the Mountains. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 1.6. Follett RL 1.7.
Condors/Condor P
B 108209B 108209 Cool Bikes=Motos cool
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Dayton, Connor
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Looks at motorcycles that are unique in design, style, or decoration. Discusses the process of customization. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Motorcyles=Motocicletas. AR 2.0. Follett RL 3.3.
Cool Bikes=Motos cool PI
B 107916B 107916 Cougars/Puma
Grade Lvl: P Author: Macken, JoAnn Early
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to cougars providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behavior. From the series Animals That Live in the Mountains/Animales de las montanas. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR and Follett RL 1.8.
Cougars/Puma P
B 113937B 113937 Coyote Under the Table=El coyote debajo de la mesa : Folktales Told in Spanish and English
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Hayes, Joe
Length: 133 Copyright: 2011
A collection of ten classic tales from Northern New Mexico retold in Spanish and English. If I Were an Eagle; What am I Thinking?; The Golden Slippers; Caught on a Nail; How to Grow Boiled Beans; The Coyote Under the Table; The Tale of the Spotted Cat; The Little Snake; The Magic Ring; and The Man Who Couldn't Stop Dancing. AR 4.3. RC 4.7. Lexile 780. IL 4-7.
Coyote Under the Table=El coyote debajo de la mesa : Folktales Told in Span IJ
DVD 1640DVD 1640 Creating a Tall Tale
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2006
Weaves together the elements of a tall tale so that students see firsthand how a new tall tale based on a familiar character unfolds and evolves. Closed captioned. Narrated in English and Spanish.
Creating a Tall Tale KPI
KM 13463KM 13463 Creative Curriculum for Preschool Gardening Study
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
Brings the garden to your classroom. Children benefit from abundant opportunities for hands-on exploration and discovery as they grow and taste nutritious produce, see the rainbow of colors that different plants create, and share their harvest with the community. The Gardening Study Teaching Guide presents six weeks of daily plans to help teachers individualize instruction, provide meaningful learning experiences, address objectives for development and learning, and successfully engage families in their children’s learning. With the Gardening Study, you can create even more opportunities for dynamic learning experiences in your preschool classroom. Kit Includes: Gardening Study Teaching Guide; 3 fiction books: Harvesting Friends / Cosechando amigos, Grandpa’s Garden, and The Book Tree. Also includes 3 Book Discussion Cards and 1 nonfiction book: It’s Our Garden: From Seeds to Harvest in a School Garden.
Creative Curriculum for Preschool Gardening Study T
B 84434B 84434 Cuckoo/Cucu: A Mexican Folktale
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Ehlert, Lois
Length: 34 Copyright: 1997
The complete title is: Cuckoo: A Mexican Folktale--Cucu: Un Cuento Folklorico Mexicano. A traditional Mayan tale which reveals how the cuckoo lost her beautiful feathers. Folktale is told in both English and Spanish. AR 2.6. RC 3.2. Lexile 290.
Cuckoo/Cucu: A Mexican Folktale KPI
B 124490B 124490 Cuentos de la selva (Tales of the Jungle)
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author: Quiroga, Horacio
Length: 88 Copyright: 2014
The jungle, the man, and the animals, sometimes allied, other times at odds, are the main characters in these fanciful stories, which the author wrote for his children with humor, emotion, and wisdom. Text in Spanish. Authentic literature. Latin America. Short stories. IL 3-12.
Cuentos de la selva (Tales of the Jungle) PIJS
B 114411B 114411 Day of the Dead=El Dia de los Muertos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Barner, Bob
Length: 32 Copyright: 2010
Colorful illustrations and Spanish and English text recount one family's celebrations for the Day of the Dead. On the cover: A Bilingual Celebration. Latino holiday is observed each year from October 31 through November 2 (Halloween through All Souls' Day). IL Pres-1.
Day of the Dead=El Dia de los Muertos KP
B 115980B 115980 Day Without Sugar = Un dia sin azucar
Grade Lvl: P Author: De Anda, Diane
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012
Because ten-year-old Tito is at risk of developing diabetes like some of his relatives, Tia Sofia spends a day teaching him and his cousins about healthy, low-sugar or sugar-free treats. Food habits Fiction. Spanish language materials Bilingual. Aunts Fiction. Cousins Fiction. Text in English and Spanish. Bilingual book. AR 3.8 IL 1-3.
Day Without Sugar = Un dia sin azucar P
B 124484B 124484 Definicion por penales (Soccer shootout)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Maddox, Jake
Length: 64 Copyright: 2012
When a new boy joins the Titans soccer team, Berk, who has always played goalkeeper, is challenged for that position and he must decide whether to hold a grudge or act for the good of the team. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Soccer shootout. IL 4-12. AR 3.9. GR M.
Definicion por penales (Soccer shootout) IJS
B 117233B 117233 Delfines al amanecer
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Osborne, Mary
Length: 67 Copyright: 2006
Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie deep into the sea, where they meet up with dolphins, sharks, and octopi as they search for the answers to an ancient riddle. Spanish version of Dolphins at Daybreak. From the series The Magic Tree House = La casa del arbol. IL 2-4.
Delfines al amanecer PI
B 124645B 124645 Desastre en la fiesta 100.A (Disaster On The 100Th Day)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Robertson, Jean J
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
In This Early Reader, animals bring 100 things to celebrate the 100th day of school. Someone spills 100 marbles! Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 2.2. GR F.
Desastre en la fiesta 100.A (Disaster On The 100Th Day) KP
B 120731B 120731 Dia de los Muertos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Thong, Roseanne
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015
Rhyming text and illustrations describe how and why the holiday Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is celebrated in Mexico and South America. Text primarily in English with some Spanish. Lexile 970 IL Pres-1.
Dia de los Muertos KP
B 117240B 117240 Diario de Greg: Un renacuajo (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2008
Greg records his sixth grade experiences in a middle school where he and his best friend, Rowley, undersized weaklings amid boys who need to shave twice daily, hope just to survive, but when Rowley grows more popular, Greg must take drastic measures to save their friendship. Spanish translation of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley's Journal. IL 5-12. Realistic fiction. AR 5.3. RC 5.7. Lexile 880. GR T.
Diario de Greg: Un renacuajo (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) IJS
B 124497B 124497 Dias de perros (Dog Days)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 214 Copyright: 2010
Greg Heffley recounts his daily experiences during summer vacation as he tries to live out his ultimate fantasy of spending the days indoors playing video games with no responsibilities and no rules, despite his mother's attempts to pack the summer with outdoor activities and family fun. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 4. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, dog days. IL 4-12. AR 6.1.
Dias de perros (Dog Days) IJS
KM 12998KM 12998 Dinosaurios (Dinosaurs - Spanish Version)(12 Books)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Travel millions of years back in time with this series to meet the dinosaurs! Learn everything from what they looked like to what they ate, and even where their goliath fossils have been found today. Complete with a More Facts section and bolded glossary terms. Set of 12 books includes: Apatosaurus; Pteranodon; stegosaurus; Triceratops; Tyrannosaurus; Velociraptor; Allosaurus; Ankylosaurus; Diplodocus; Iguanodon; Spinosaurus; and Styracosaurus. Nonfiction picture books. Readers. IL Pres-6.
Dinosaurios (Dinosaurs - Spanish Version)(12 Books) KPI
KM 6037KM 6037 Discovery Links GR Level B (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of each title). Five titles Guided Reading level B: Ants; At the Beach; Fall; In Spring; and What Can Fly? Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level B (Publisher leveled) KP
KM 6773KM 6773 Discovery Links GR Level B/C/D (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of Newbridge nonfiction Emergent readers (six copies of three titles): Growing Up (B); Hair (C); and Together (D). Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&B).
Discovery Links GR Level B/C/D (Publisher leveled) KP
KM 6038KM 6038 Discovery Links GR Level B/C/E (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of eight titles). One title Guided Reading level B: Snow. Six titles Guided Reading level C: Bubbles; Patterns; Squares Everywhere; Using Tools; Wheels; and Who Lives In a Tree? One title Guided Reading level E: The Wind. Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P). IL K-1.
Discovery Links GR Level B/C/E (Publisher leveled) KP
KM 6493KM 6493 Discovery Links GR Level C (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of two titles): Families; We Are Special. Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level C (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6774KM 6774 Discovery Links GR Level C (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Set of Newbridge nonfiction Emergent readers (six copies of three titles): At Work; City Signs; and On the go. Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level C (Publisher leveled) KP
KM 6039KM 6039 Discovery Links GR Level C/D/E (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of eight titles). 2 titles Guided Reading level C: Everyone Eats; Water Changes. 5 titles Guided Reading level D: Animals Hide; Baby Animals; In Summer; What's Alive?; and Where's the Frog; One title Guided Reading level E: Grow, Seed, Grow. Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level C/D/E (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6775KM 6775 Discovery Links GR Level D (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Set of Newbridge nonfiction Emergent readers (six copies of three titles): Here I Am!; My Neighborhood; and People Everywhere. Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Leveled by publisher. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level D (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6494KM 6494 Discovery Links GR Level D/E (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of three titles): People Everywhere (D); Our Heroes (E); School Then and Now (E). Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F & P). IL K-1.
Discovery Links GR Level D/E (Publisher leveled) KP
KM 8819KM 8819 Discovery Links GR Level D/E (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of Newbridge nonfiction emergent readers (six copies of two titles): Fourth of July (GR level D) and My Flag (GR level E). Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version: El Cuatro de Julio and Mi bandera. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level D/E (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6040KM 6040 Discovery Links GR Level D/E/F/G (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of eight titles). One title Guided Reading level D: Our Earth. Five titles Guided Reading level E: Magnets; Spiders; The Sun; Tails; and Winter. One title Guided Reading level F: Fly, Butterfly. One title Guided Reading level G: How Do Frogs Grow. Also includes teachers' guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. IL K-1. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level D/E/F/G (Publisher leveled) KP
KM 8820KM 8820 Discovery Links GR Level D/G/I/L/O (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers (six copies of five titles): Where We Live (GR level D); City Buildings (GR level G); Why People Move (GR level I); Communities (GR level L); and City Grows (GR level O). Also includes four teacher's guides, four reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version: Donde vivimos; Edificios de la ciudad; Por que nos mudamos; Comunidades; and Una ciudad crece. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level D/G/I/L/O (Publisher leveled) P
KM 8821KM 8821 Discovery Links GR Level D/H/M (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers (six copies of three titles): Transportation Over the Years (GR level D); Taking a Trip (GR level H); and Shipping Goods (GR level M). Also includes two teacher's guides, two reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version: El transporte a traves del tiempo; De viaje; and Enviar productos. Newbridge leveled reader (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level D/H/M (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6495KM 6495 Discovery Links GR Level F (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Set of nonfiction 1st grade readers (six copies of three titles): Bikes; Rocks; Where Are the Eggs? Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. IL 1. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level F (Publisher leveled) P
KM 8822KM 8822 Discovery Links GR Level F/G (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for first grade (six copies of two titles): Our Senses (GR level F) and Sounds All Around (GR level G). Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version: Los sentidos and Sounidos a tu alrededor. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level F/G (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6496KM 6496 Discovery Links GR Level F/G/H (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Set of nonfiction 1st grade readers (six copies of three titles): Houses Around the World (F); Take a Look (G); and Gifts From the Earth (H). Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F & P). IL 1.
Discovery Links GR Level F/G/H (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6497KM 6497 Discovery Links GR Level G (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of nonfiction 1st grade readers (six copies of three titles): How Animals Move; Let's Make Something New; and Up Close. Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. IL 1. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level G (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6779KM 6779 Discovery Links GR Level G (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for first grade (six copies of three titles): Animals From Long Ago; Day and Night; and What Can Change? Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level G (Publisher leveled) P
KM 8823KM 8823 Discovery Links GR Level G (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for first grade (six copies of two titles): Everyone Needs Water and What Does a Garden Need? Also includes teacher's guide, and reproducible mini-books. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level G (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6498KM 6498 Discovery Links GR Level G/H (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of nonfiction 1st grade readers (six copies of each title): Watching the Weather (G); Corn From Farm To Table (H). Includes copy of Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level G/H (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6780KM 6780 Discovery Links GR Level G/H (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for first grade (six copies of three titles): Let's Bake (G); At the Science Center (H); and What Do Scientists Do? (H). Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level G/H (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6781KM 6781 Discovery Links GR Level G/H/I (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of Newbridge nonfiction Early readers (six copies of three titles): Beaks (G); Snails In School (H); and Animal Messengers (I).Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level G/H/I (Publisher leveled) P
KM 8824KM 8824 Discovery Links GR Level G/J/M (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers (six copies of three titles): Recycle It! (GR level G); From the Earth (GR level J); and Using Energy Wisely (GR level M). Also includes two teacher's guides, two reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version: Reciclalo!; De la Tierra; and Usemos bien la energia. Leveled by publisher. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level G/J/M (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6499KM 6499 Discovery Links GR Level H (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of nonfiction 1st grade readers (six copies of three titles): Animals Build; The Coral Reef; and Fur, Feathers, Scales, Skin. Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level H (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6782KM 6782 Discovery Links GR Level H/J (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers (six copies of three titles): What Do Historians Do? (H); Colonial Williamsburg (J); and Remember George Washington (J). Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level H/J (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6500KM 6500 Discovery Links GR Level I (Publisher Leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of three titles): Busy Harvest; Meet the Astronauts; and River Road. Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title.Newbridge leveled readers not (F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level I (Publisher Leveled) P
KM 6501KM 6501 Discovery Links GR Level J (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of three titles): Discovery Teams; Gravity; and Nature Patterns. Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level J (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6783KM 6783 Discovery Links GR Level K (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for second grade (six copies of three titles): Going West; The Pilgrims; and The Pueblo People. Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level K (Publisher leveled) P
KM 8825KM 8825 Discovery Links GR Level K/L (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for primary grades (six copies of two titles): Holidays Through the Year (GR level K) and We Celebrate (GR level L). Also includes two teacher's guides and two reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version: Los dias de fiesta del ano and Celebramos. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level K/L (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6784KM 6784 Discovery Links GR Level K/L/M (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for second grade (six copies of three titles): We Vote (K); Our Capital (L); and Good Neighbors (M).Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level K/L/M (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6502KM 6502 Discovery Links GR Level L/M/N (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of nonfiction readers (six copies of three titles): Coming To America (L); Reading Maps (M); and National Parks (N). Includes copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level L/M/N (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6785KM 6785 Discovery Links GR Level L/M/N (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for second/third grades (six copies of three titles): Looking At Clouds (L); The Moon (M); and Flying (N). Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level L/M/N (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6786KM 6786 Discovery Links GR Level M/N/O (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Set of Newbridge nonfiction Fluent readers for second/third grades (six copies of three titles): Taking Care Of Trees (M); Landforms (N); and How Paper Is Made (O). Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level M/N/O (Publisher leveled) P
KM 6787KM 6787 Discovery Links GR Level N (Publisher leveled)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Set of Newbridge nonfiction readers for third grade (six copies of three titles): Bridges; Earthquake!; and Wind, Water, Ice. Also includes teacher's guide, reproducible mini-books, and one copy of the Spanish version of each title. Newbridge leveled readers (not F&P).
Discovery Links GR Level N (Publisher leveled) P
KM 11540KM 11540 Donde esta la rana?
Grade Lvl: P Author: Trumbauer, Lisa
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Spanish version of the emergent reader Where's the Frog. From the series Discovery Links. English edition is GR level D. Contents: six copies of the book.
Donde esta la rana? P
DVD 2385DVD 2385 Driven to Distraction
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 16 Copyright: 2008
Illustrates just how dangerous distracted driving can be. The main character is the embodiment of the various distractions that accompany drivers. Watch as he gleefully plots and plans to take attention from the road. Addresses: Cell phone use; Talking to passengers; Reaching into laptop case; and Eating and drinking. Added features and benefits of this DVD include: English and Spanish versions on DVD; a customizable PowerPoint presentation; Informative training points and bonus material for refresher or training talks; Video-enriched training organized by learning objectives that facilitates discussion; A printable Leader's Guide; and Resourceful web links to organizations such as OSHA, FEMA, NSC and the CDC, where viewers can download and print information on regulatory standards. Handbook with discussion questions and quiz downloadable from Keystone AEA Teacher Guide web page.
Driven to Distraction JS
B 107695B 107695 Ducks=Patos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Twine, Alice
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Simple text and photos introduce several kinds of ducklings. Provides a glimpse of a duckling's life. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Baby Animals. AR and Follett RL 2.2.
Ducks=Patos KP
KM 7544KM 7544 Early Emergent, Set 1 Spanish
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Contents: copy of each of the ten easy readers written in Spanish: Una Mascota Para Mi (A Pet For Me); Bloques (Blocks); Feliz Cumpleanos! (Birthday Party); Mi Paseo (Going For a Ride); Mi Perro (My Dog); Mi Almuerzo (My Lunch); Jugando en la Nieve (Playing In the Snow); No Me Mojes! (Splashing Dad); El Paraque (The Playground); and Subiendo y Bajando (Going Up and Down).
Early Emergent, Set 1 Spanish KP
KM 12532KM 12532 EDL2: Evalucion del desarrollo de la lectura
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
EDL2 is a Spanish Reading Assessment for dual language, bilingual, and immersion classrooms that helps Spanish-speaking students become independent successful readers with tools to assess reading engagement, fluency, and comprehension. EDL2 is the Spanish equivalent of DRA2. The EDL2 can be used to provide information on Spanish language literacy proficiency. It must be administered by a fluent Spanish speaker. First language assessment; Spanish language assessment. For K-6. Kit Contents include: o Guia de recursos para el maestro (Teacher Resource Guide) o Hojas reproducibles o Hojas reproducibles CD o Analisis de palabras (Student Evaluation Book) o Analisis de palabras (Teacher Guide) o Evaluacion para verificar el progreso (book and DVD) (Teacher Evaluation Book) o 47 Textos de evaluacion/Benchmark assessment books o 30 Carpetas de evaluacion para estudiantes/Student assessment folders o Tarjeta de proceso general de evaluacion/Assessment Procedures Overview Card o Tablilla/Clipboard o DVD de entrenamiento o preparacion/Training DVD
EDL2: Evalucion del desarrollo de la lectura T
B 126474B 126474 Efren Divided
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Cisneros, Ernesto
Length: 263 Copyright: 2020
In English with some Spanish. "While his father works two jobs, seventh-grader Efren Nava must take care of his twin siblings, kindergartners Max and Mia, after their mother is deported to Mexico. Includes glossary of Spanish words. Starred reviews. Hispanic/Latino. Realistic fiction. Deportation. Iowa Children's Choice Award 2022-2023. IL 4-8. AR 4.5. Lexile 710.
Efren Divided IJ
KM 13492KM 13492 Efren Divided (Playaway)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Cisneros, Ernesto
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
When Efren's mother is deported to Mexico, he takes on greater responsibilities at home while also dealing with a contentious school election, as his father gets a second job to try and get the money to bring Mom home. An Own Voices debut novel about family, friendship, and tearing down the walls being built between all of us. Iowa Children's Choice Award 2022-2023. Contents include playaway, book and a 5-way splitter.
Efren Divided (Playaway) IJ
B 107850B 107850 El agua como gas/Water as a Gas
Grade Lvl: P Author: Frost, Helen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text presents facts about the properties and behavior of water in the state of a gas. Water vapor. Text in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR 1.7. RC 1.8. Lexile 310.
El agua como gas/Water as a Gas P
B 107851B 107851 El agua como liquido/Water as a Liquid
Grade Lvl: P Author: Frost, Helen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text presents facts about water in its liquid state, where it is found, and some of its properties. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR and RC 1.7. Lexile 330.
El agua como liquido/Water as a Liquid P
B 107852B 107852 El agua como solido/Water as a Solid
Grade Lvl: P Author: Frost, Helen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text presents facts about water in its solid state, its properties, and its uses. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR 1.3. RC 1.7. Lexile 260.
El agua como solido/Water as a Solid P
B 127176B 127176 El amor es = Love is
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Escobar, Paola
Length: 32 Copyright: 2022
Provides an introduction to the familiar passage from 1 Corinthians 13 about what love is and what it does, through good times and challenging ones. Text in English and Spanish. Religions. Bible Corinthians. Spanish language materials. IL Pres-6.
El amor es = Love is KPI
B 124502B 124502 El arduo viaje (Long Haul)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2014
The Heffley family road trip starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns--with everything from a fender bender to crazed seagulls--but even the worst road trip can turn into an adventure, and this is one the Heffleys will not soon forget. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid: the long haul. Humor. Realistic fiction. IL 5-12. AR 6.3.
El arduo viaje (Long Haul) IJS
B 106788B 106788 El autobus magico se salpica todo
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Reif, Pat
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996
Translation of: The Magic School Bus Wet All Over. A special field trip on the magic school bus allows Ms. Fizzle's class to see how the water cycle works. AR and RC 3.1. Lexile 480.
El autobus magico se salpica todo PI
B 107853B 107853 El ciclo del agua/The Water Cycle
Grade Lvl: P Author: Frost, Helen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text and photographs describe the stages of the water cycle. Hydrologic cycle. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR 1.3/AR 2.1. Follett RL 4.0. RC 1.6. Lexile 300.
El ciclo del agua/The Water Cycle P
B 107590B 107590 El dia deportivo de Clifford
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bridwell, Norman
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996
Spanish translation of Clifford's Sports Day. Clifford goes to school with Emily Elizabeth to participate in the outdoor sports day activities. From the series Clifford the Big Red Dog. AR 1.8. RC 2.2. Lexile 460.
El dia deportivo de Clifford KP
B 108450B 108450 El gato con sombrero viene de nuevo
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Seuss, Dr.
Length: 61 Copyright: 2004
Translation of "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back." Further mischief of the Cat in the Hat, who upsets the household again. AR 2.1.
El gato con sombrero viene de nuevo KP
B 108301B 108301 El gato ensombrerado/The Cat in the Hat
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Seuss, Dr.
Length: 63 Copyright: 1995
Two children sitting at home on a rainy day are visited by the Cat in the Hat who shows them some tricks and games. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 2.1.
El gato ensombrerado/The Cat in the Hat KP
B 106828B 106828 El gran gigante bonachon
Grade Lvl: I Author: Dahl, Roald
Length: 172 Copyright: 2004
Spanish translation of: The BFG. Kidsnatched from her orphange by a BFG--Big Friendly Giant--who spends his life blowing happy dreams to children, Sophie concocts with him a plan to save the world from nine other man-gobbing "cannybull" giants. AR 4.8.
El gran gigante bonachon I
B 116276B 116276 El hacha (Hatchet)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Paulsen, Gary
Length: 142 Copyright: 1987
Spanish translation of Hatchet. After a plane crash, thirteen-year-old Brian spends fifty-four days in the wilderness, learing to survive with only the aid of a hatchet given to him by his mother, and learning also to survive his parents' divorce. IL 6-9.
El hacha (Hatchet) IJ
B 124474B 124474 El ladron del rayo (Lightning Thief)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 285 Copyright: 2014
After learning that he is the son of a mortal woman and Poseidon, god of the sea, twelve-year-old Percy is sent to a summer camp for demigods like himself, and joins his new friends on a quest to prevent a war between the gods. Percy Jackson And The Olympians, Book 1. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The lightning thief. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12. AR 4.4.
El ladron del rayo (Lightning Thief) IJS
B 124483B 124483 El lanzador bajo presion (Pitcher Pressure)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Maddox, Jake
Length: 65 Copyright: 2012
Allen plays in an important baseball game and faces the challenge of pitching against Hank "The Tank" Steele while his grandpa, who has never missed a game before, fights for his life at the hospital. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Pitcher pressure. Jake Maddox book set. IL 4-12. AR 3.4. GR M.
El lanzador bajo presion (Pitcher Pressure) IJS
B 108296B 108296 El lorax
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Seuss, Dr.
Length: 66 Copyright: 1993
Spanish translation of The Lorax. The Once-ler describes the results of the local pollution problem. AR 3.1. RC 2.8. Lexile 430.
El lorax KP
B 124475B 124475 El mar de los monstruos (The Sea of Monsters)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 253 Copyright: 2014
Seventh-grader Percy Jackson has recently discovered that he is the son of Poseidon, making him half human and half god, and along with a demigod and a satyr friend, must save his beloved Campamaneto Mestizo from evil forces determined to destroy it. Percy Jackson And The Olympians, Book 2. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The sea of monsters. IL 6-12. AR 4.8.
El mar de los monstruos (The Sea of Monsters) IJS
B 124480B 124480 El martillo de Thor (Hammer of Thor)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 474 Copyright: 2017
As Magnus Chase and his friends adjust to Hotel Valhalla, they train for Ragnarok and settle into the afterlife. But when Magnus's friends Hearthstone and Blitzen disappear and he hears that Thor's hammer has gone missing, Magnus knows he needs to summon Jack, the Sword of Summer, to take action before it's too late. Magnus Chase And The Gods Of Asgard, Book 2. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Hammer of Thor. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12.
El martillo de Thor (Hammer of Thor) IJS
B 124641B 124641 El mejor cumpleaños (Best Birthday)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Cleland, Jo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
Mia is excited about her birthday and looking forward to getting a new doll from her grandmother. Includes comprehension activities. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 1.9 GR E.
El mejor cumpleaños (Best Birthday) KP
B 119555B 119555 El movimiento abolicionista = The Abolitionist Movement
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Metz, Lorijo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
An introduction to antislavery movements in the United States. Bilingual text is in Spanish and English. From the series Celebremos la libertad! = Let's Celebrate Freedom! IL 3-6.
El movimiento abolicionista = The Abolitionist Movement PI
B 119556B 119556 El movimiento por el sufragio femenino = The Women's Suffrage Movement
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Metz, Lorijo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
Describes the women's suffrage movement in the United States, the women who played key roles, and the movement's impact on American society. Bilingual text is in Spanish and English. From the series Celebremos la libertad! = Let's Celebrate Freedom! IL 3-6.
El movimiento por el sufragio femenino = The Women's Suffrage Movement PI
B 124462B 124462 El odio que das (Hate U Give)
Grade Lvl: S Author: Thomas, Angie
Length: 438 Copyright: 2017
Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The hate u give. Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed. Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters are taking to the streets in Khalil's name. Some cops and the local drug lord try to intimidate Starr and her family. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr. But what Starr does-or does not-say could upend her community. It could also endanger her life. Spanish language. Race relations. Prejudice and Racism. Strong language and content throughout throughout. Mature themes. Teacher preview strongly recommended. IL 10-12.
El odio que das (Hate U Give) S
B 124481B 124481 El oraculo oculto (Hidden Oracle)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 316 Copyright: 2017
After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. He must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus's favor. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Hidden oracle. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12.
El oraculo oculto (Hidden Oracle) IJS
B 121211B 121211 El Perro con Sombrero: A Bilingual Doggy Tale
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Kent, Derek Taylor
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015
Although Pepe achieves fame and fortune as a movie star dog, much to the chagrin of a jealous movie star cat, Pepe longs for a family. Bilingual book. Text in English and Spanish on the same page. IL Pres-2.
El Perro con Sombrero: A Bilingual Doggy Tale KP
B 107592B 107592 El perro que grito "socorro!"
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Barkly, Bob
Length: 32 Copyright: 2001
Spanish translation of Clifford the Big Red Dog: The Dog Who Cried Woof! Clifford and T-Bone, having been fooled by Cleo twice before, ignore her cried for help. From the series Clifford the Big Red Dog.
El perro que grito "socorro!" KP
B 124485B 124485 El rebelde de la patineta (Skateboard Rebel)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Maddox, Jake
Length: 65 Copyright: 2012
When Tanner moves to an exclusive new town he misses his old skate park, but with the help of the town bully and another new friend, Tanner thinks he can figure out a way to get a skate park built in Woodville. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Board rebel. IL 4-12. AR 3.4. GR L.
El rebelde de la patineta (Skateboard Rebel) IJS
B 105870B 105870 El sol (Sun)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ring, Susan
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
A simple introduction to how the sun and its warmth affect the Earth. Spanish translation of the book The Sun (105869). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
El sol (Sun) KP
B 106798B 106798 El superzorro
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Dahl, Roald
Length: 96 Copyright: 2002
Spanish translation of: Fantastic Mr. Fox. Three farmers, each one meaner than the next, try all-out warfare to get rid of Mr. Fox and his family. AR 4.1. RC 4.9. Lexile 720.
El superzorro PI
B 124486B 124486 El tramposo de BMX (BMX Bully)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Maddox, Jake
Length: 64 Copyright: 2012
Eleven-year-old Matt wants to make the Evergreen Racing Team but his chances are seriously threatened when a new boy moves to town and resorts to cheating in order to win. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: BMX bully. Realistic fiction. IL 4-12. GR M.
El tramposo de BMX (BMX Bully) IJS
B 124554B 124554 El ultimo heroe del Olimpo (Last Olympian)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 346 Copyright: 2015
The long-awaited prophecy surrounding Percy Jackson's sixteenth birthday unfolds as he leads an army of young demigods to stop Kronos in his advance on Nueva York, while the others struggle to contain the rampaging monster, Tifon. Percy Jackson And The Olympians, Book 5. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The last Olympian. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12. AR 4.3.
El ultimo heroe del Olimpo (Last Olympian) IJS
B 124508B 124508 El ultimo muerto (Last Dead)
Grade Lvl: S Author: Lalana, Fernando
Length: 267 Copyright: 2010
Detective Fermin Escartin gets involved in a dangerous double investigation and follows clues that lead him from the Monegros desert in Aragon, Spain, to Swiss estates. Authentic literature. Mystery. Suspense. Text in Spanish. IL 10-12.
El ultimo muerto (Last Dead) S
B 124487B 124487 El unico destino (Only Road)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Diaz, Alexandra
Length: 312 Copyright: 2016
Twelve-year-old Jaime makes the treacherous journey from his home in Guatemala to his older brother in New Mexico after his cousin is murdered by a drug cartel. ALA Notable Book 2016. Text in Spanish. (The Only Road). IL 6-12. AR 5.2.
El unico destino (Only Road) IJS
B 124636B 124636 El verano de Raymie Nightingale (Spanish Edition)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: DiCamillo, Kate
Length: 233 Copyright: 2016
Hoping that if she wins a local beauty pageant her father will come home, Raymie practices twirling a baton and performing good deeds as she is drawn into an unlikely friendship with a drama queen and a saboteur. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Raymie Nightingale. Historical fiction. Grief and loss. Family problems. IL 6-12.
El verano de Raymie Nightingale (Spanish Edition) IJS
B 107703B 107703 Elephants=Elefantes
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zumbusch, Amelie von
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Simple text and photographs describe the physical characteristics and behaviors of elephants. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Safari Animals=Animales de safari. AR and Follett RL 1.9.
Elephants=Elefantes KP
B 107917B 107917 Elk/Venado
Grade Lvl: P Author: Macken, JoAnn Early
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to elk, providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behavior. From the series Animals That Live in the Mountains/Animales de las montanas. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 1.8. Follett RL 1.7.
Elk/Venado P
B 91924B 91924 Emerald Lizard: Fifteen Latin American Tales
Grade Lvl: IJST Author: DeSpain, Pleasant
Length: 183 Copyright: 1999
A retelling in English and Spanish of fifteen traditional tales from a variety of Latin American countries (Haiti, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, etc.).
Emerald Lizard: Fifteen Latin American Tales IJST
KM 12245KM 12245 En construction = Construction Site (Books)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Osier, Dan
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
Kit contains six readers (24 pages each) from the series En construction = Construction Site. Titles: Los camiones de volteo = Dump Trucks; Las gruas = Cranes; Las mezcladoras de cemento = Cement Mixers; Los montacargas = Forklifts; Las palas mecanicas = Bulldozers; and Las retroexcavadoras = Backhoes. IL K-2.
En construction = Construction Site (Books) KP
B 96218B 96218 English for the Spanish Speaker, Book 1
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 91 Copyright: 1995
Written to teach English to the person who can read, write, and speak Spanish. Presents beginning English to help a person live and work in the United States. Each lesson deals with a common theme. Lesson is presented in English and then translated into Spanish. All the instructions are in Spanish. Includes a Spanish-English dictionary. For ages 10-adult.
English for the Spanish Speaker, Book 1 T
KM 12783KM 12783 Esperanza (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Gaab, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
A novice-low reader written in first person. Perfect for level 1 Spanish students - advanced beginner Spanish learner. This novel is based on the chilling true story of a young family caught in the middle of political corruption and unspeakable violence during Guatemala’s 36-year civil war. Tired of watching city workers endure countless human and civil rights violations, Alberto organizes a union. When he and his co-workers organize a strike, Alberto and his family find themselves on the government’s “extermination” list. The violent situation leaves Alberto separated from his family and forces them all to flee for their lives. Will their will to survive be enough to help them escape and reunite? And if so, will they ever find another place they can call home? Novel Study. Contains 20 books; Teacher's Guide; Audio CD.
Esperanza (20 Books) JST
B 117232B 117232 Esta noche en el Titanic
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Osborne, Mary / Brovelli, Marcela,
Length: 74 Copyright: 2008
The magic tree house transports Jack and Annie to the deck of the Titanic to find the mysterious gift that will free a small dog from a magic spell. Spanish version of Tonight on the Titanic. From the series The Magic Tree House = La casa del arbol. IL 2-4.
Esta noche en el Titanic PI
B 124496B 124496 Esto es el colmo! (Last Straw)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2010
Middle-schooler Greg Heffley nimbly sidesteps his father's attempts to change Greg's wimpy ways until his father threatens to send him to military school. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 3. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The last straw. IL 4-12. AR 6.0.
Esto es el colmo! (Last Straw) IJS
KM 13008KM 13008 Excursiones divertidas (Field Trip Fun)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
This series introduces the concept of field trips as adventures and opportunities for learning outside the classroom. Set of 6 Spanish titles include: A donde quieres viajar? (Where Do You Want to Travel?); Comiendo alrededor del mundo (Eating Around the World); Dulce o truco (Trick or Treat); El museo de los dinosaurios (The Dinosaur Museum); La casa del tesoro (Treasure Hunt); Yendo al zoologico (Going to the Zoo). Pres-3.
Excursiones divertidas (Field Trip Fun) KP
B 116953B 116953 Family Pictures: Paintings and Stories=Cuadros de familia: cuadros y relatos
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Garza, Carmen Lomas / Zubizarreta-Ada, Rosalma,
Length: 30 Copyright: 2005
The author describes, in bilingual text and illustrations, her experiences growing up in a Hispanic community in Texas. Text in English and Spanish. Mexican Americans. Hispanic American families Texas Kingsville. AR 4.3 Lexile 790 IL K-4.
Family Pictures: Paintings and Stories=Cuadros de familia: cuadros y relato KPI
KM 6308KM 6308 Farm Animals (Bridgestone)
Grade Lvl: P Author: BRADY, PETER
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Collection of books in the Early Reader Science series. Contents: six copies of each of the following titles: Chickens, Cows, Pigs, and Sheep; and one copy of each title written in Spanish.
Farm Animals (Bridgestone) P
KM 8797KM 8797 Farmer's Wife/La Esposa del Granjero
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Shah, Idries
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
A cumulative tale of a farmer's wife who is trying to retrieve an apple from a hole in the ground. Folktale from Afganistan is a story from the Sufi tradition, collected and retold by Idries Shah. Contents: picture book (32 pages, AR 3.4) with bilingual text and audio CD read-along. English and Spanish text.
Farmer's Wife/La Esposa del Granjero KP
B 107311B 107311 Fiesta!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Guy, Ginger
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996
In this bilingual (English/Spanish) counting book, three children go to the market to gather items for a party. Counts from one/una to ten/diez.
Fiesta! KP
B 125898B 125898 Fire Trucks = Camiones de bomberos
Grade Lvl: K Author: Jackson, Lisa
Length: 12 Copyright: 2019
What comes to the rescue in an emergency? A fire truck! In this book, young learners ages 0-3 can explore facts about these fascinating vehicles in both Spanish and English. Little Ready Readers: Emergency Vehicles, Bilingual Spanish-English. Board book. IL Pres-K.
Fire Trucks = Camiones de bomberos K
B 114216B 114216 Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Elya, Susan
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012
A brave group of firefighters set off to battle a blaze at a town house. Spanish words interspersed in the rhyming text are defined in a glossary. IL Pres-2.
Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos KP
B 114493B 114493 Floating on Mama's Song=Flotando en la cancion de mama
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Lacamara, Laura
Length: 32 Copyright: 2010
A mother whose singing makes people float becomes very sad when she is told not to sing anymore, but her young daughter finds a way to make her smile again. Bilingual. Text in English and Spanish. AR 2.7 RC 1.5 Lexile 470 IL K-3.
Floating on Mama's Song=Flotando en la cancion de mama KP
B 120853B 120853 Francisco's Kites = Las cometas de Francisco
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Klepeis, Alicia
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015
An immigrant boy uses ingenuity and creativity to build kites in this bilingual picture book. Francisco misses his village in El Salvador, and especially flying a kite with his friends, but Mama cannot afford to buy a kite so he gathers discarded materials around his apartment building and makes his own, which catches the eye of a store owner and leads to a wonderful project. Salvadoran Americans- Fiction. Homesickness- Fiction. Text in English and Spanish on the same page. IL 2-4.
Francisco's Kites = Las cometas de Francisco PI
B 123085B 123085 Freight Train = Tren de carga
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Crews, Donald
Length: 23 Copyright: 2016
Trace the journey of a colorful train as it goes through tunnels, by cities, and over trestles. Spanish-English edition. Board book. IL Pres-1.
Freight Train = Tren de carga KP
KM 12781KM 12781 Frida Kahlo (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Placido, Kristy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Level 1 Novel. Writen in Past Tense - Spanish novel. Perfect for Spanish learners. Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) is one of Mexico’s greatest artists, a remarkable achievement for someone who spent most of her relatively short life racked with pain. Frida expressed her pain through her art, producing some 143 paintings, 55 of which were self-portraits. To this day, she remains an icon of strength, courage and audacity. This brief biography provides a glimpse into her turbulent life and her symbolic art. Novel Study. Contains 20 books; Teacher's Guide; Audio CD.
Frida Kahlo (20 Books) JST
B 117261B 117261 Froggy se viste
Grade Lvl: KP Author: London, Jonathan
Length: 32 Copyright: 1997
Rambunctious Froggy hops out into the snow for a winter frolic but is called back by his mother to put on some necessary articles of clothing. Spanish translation of Froggy Gets Dressed. IL Pres-1.
Froggy se viste KP
KM 12342KM 12342 Fuera de este mundo=Out of this World (Book Series)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2015
Spanish book series, translated from Bearport's Out of this World series in English (KM ). Part of Little Bits! First Readers program. IL K-2. Series includes 12 books:Nuestra Luna/ El objeto mas brillante del cielo nocturna, El Sol/ Una superestrella, Neptuno/Muy, muy lejos, La Tierra/Que bien se esta en casa, Mercurio/El mas pequeno de todos, Pluton/El planeta enano helado, Los Cometas Helados/A veces tienen colas, Venus/Supercaliente, Saturno/Anillos aspmbrosos, Marte/Rocas y polvo rojos, Jupiter/El mayor de los planetas, Urano/Frio y azul. English version of the this kit - KM 12341.
Fuera de este mundo=Out of this World (Book Series) KP
B 124465B 124465 Fuera de mi (Out of My Mind)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Draper, Sharon M
Length: 277 Copyright: 2014
Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Out of my mind. Considered by many to be mentally retarded, a brilliant, impatient fifth-grader with cerebral palsy discovers a technological device that will allow her to speak for the first time. First person point of view. Children with disabilities. Spanish language. IL 5-12.
Fuera de mi (Out of My Mind) IJS
B 86843B 86843 Gathering the Sun: Alphabet in Spanish & English
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Ada, Alma Flor
Length: 40 Copyright: 1997
A book of poems about working the fields and nature's bounty, one for each letter of the Spanish alphabet. AR 4.7. RC 4.1. Lexile 590. Bilingual text.
Gathering the Sun: Alphabet in Spanish & English KPI
DVD 2020DVD 2020 George Washington
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2003
Looks at the life of George Washington, a man whose leadership helped transform the thirteen colonies into a new nation. Closed captioned. Narrated in English or Spanish.
George Washington KPI
B 105901B 105901 Gift From Papa Diego=Un Regalo de papa Diego
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Saenz, Benjamin
Length: 39 Copyright: 1998
When Little Diego gets a Superman outfit for his birthday, he hopes to fly across the border to Mexico to be with his grandfather whom he loves. Mexican Americans. Bilingual text (in English and Spanish)Follett RL 6.3. AR 3.6.
Gift From Papa Diego=Un Regalo de papa Diego KPI
B 107702B 107702 Giraffes=Jirafas
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zumbusch, Amelie von
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe giraffes, where they life, what they look like, and how they care for their young. Bilingual text. From the series Safari Animals=Animales de safari. AR 1.7. Follett RL 2.1.
Giraffes=Jirafas KP
B 107920B 107920 Golden Eagles/Aguila real
Grade Lvl: P Author: Macken, JoAnn Early
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to golden eagles, describing their physical characteristics, habitat, and life cycle. From the series Animals That Live in the Mountains/Animales de las mountanas. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 1.8. Follett RL 1.7.
Golden Eagles/Aguila real P
KM 13294KM 13294 Gracias • Thanks (3 Wonderbooks)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
There are so many things to be thankful for. Straight from the heart of a child flows this lighthearted bilingual celebration of family, friendship, and fun. Come share the joy, and think about all the things for which you can say, "¡Gracias! Thanks!" Character education. Hispanic American. Stories about me. Gratitude. Set of 3 WonderBooks, plus cables, headphones, charger and a 5-way splitter. Wonderbook run time: 7 minutes and 54 seconds. IL Pres-2. AR 2.8. Lexile 620. GR I.
Gracias • Thanks (3 Wonderbooks) KP
KM 11981KM 11981 Gracias = Thanks (Audio CD)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 23 Copyright: 2009
A young multiracial boy celebrates family, friendship, and fun by telling about some of the everyday things for which he is thankful. Gratitude. Audio CD is presented in English and Spanish IL Pres-2.
Gracias = Thanks (Audio CD) KP
KM 11960KM 11960 Gracias = Thanks (Book & CD)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012
A young multiracial boy celebrates family, friendship, and fun by telling about some of the everyday things for which he is thankful. Presented in English and Spanish. Kit contains the audio CD read-along (23 minutes) and picture book by Pat Mora (32 pages. Pura Belpre Honor Book) IL Pres-2.
Gracias = Thanks (Book & CD) KP
B 111408B 111408 Gracias=Thanks
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 32 Copyright: 2009
A young multiracial boy celebrates family, friendship, and fun by telling about some of the everyday things for which he is thankful. Gratitude. Racially mixed people. Bilingual text (Spanish/English). AR 2.8. Follett RL 3.8. IL Pres-2.
Gracias=Thanks KP
B 124493B 124493 Grandpa Lolo's Navajo saddle blanket = La tilma de Abuelito Lolo
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Garcia, Nasario
Length: 61 Copyright: 2012
Junie Lopez tells, in English and Spanish, of the long friendship between his Mexican American grandfather, Grandpa Lolo, and Manuelito Yazzie, a Navajo, that began with the sale of a horse. Includes glossary. Bilingual text. Text in English and Spanish. IL 4-12.
Grandpa Lolo's Navajo saddle blanket = La tilma de Abuelito Lolo IJS
B 127329B 127329 Growing Up With Tamales: Los tamales de Ana
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zepeda, Gwendolyn
Length: 32 Copyright: 2008
Text in Spanish and English. Six-year-old Ana looks forward to growing older and being allowed more responsibility in making the tamales for the family's Christmas celebrations. Authentic language. Bilingual. Family stories. Repetitive text. SS Mentor Texts for K-5. IL Pres-3. AR 3.3. Lexile 480.
Growing Up With Tamales: Los tamales de Ana KP
B 124494B 124494 Guacamole: un poema para cocinar (Cooking Poem)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Argueta, Jorge
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016
A cooking poem with text in both Spanish and English, following a young chef as she puts on her apron and prepares a simple recipe while she sings and dances in her kitchen. Text in Spanish and English.;Translated from the Spanish. Bilingual. IL K-10.
Guacamole: un poema para cocinar (Cooking Poem) KP
KM 908KM 908 Habitats Around the World/Habitats por todo el mundo
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Castor, Debra
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
This set’s objectives are to help students understand that plants and animals live in different habitats, as well as some characteristics of different environments and some plants and animals found in each one. Comprehension objectives include identification of main idea and supporting deals, and analysis of text structure and organization. Both English and Spanish readers and resources are included. Contains English and Spanish versions of each: Habitats Around the World/Habitats por todo el mundo big books, Teacher’s Guide, Content Connections: Interactive Whiteboard CD, Content Connections: Talking e-Books CD, Listen and Follow Along CD, Six student readers of Habitats Around the World/Hábitats por todo el mundo .
Habitats Around the World/Habitats por todo el mundo KP
B 113470B 113470 Hare and the Tortoise=La Liebre Y La Tortuga
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Valeri, Maria
Length: 27 Copyright: 2006
Recounts the traditional tale of the race between the persevering tortoise and the boastful hare. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 3.5. RC 4.3. Lexile 770. IL K-3.
Hare and the Tortoise=La Liebre Y La Tortuga KP
DVD 2018DVD 2018 Harriet Tubman
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2003
Looks at the life of Tubman, the famed conductor of the Underground Railroad. Also examines the daily life of enslaved people in the U.S. and the dangers faced by those who fought to free them. Closed captioned. Narrated in English or Spanish.
Harriet Tubman PI
B 124472B 124472 Harry Potter y el misterio del principe (Half-Blood Prince)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Rowling, J. K
Length: 602 Copyright: 2015
Novice wizard Harry Potter, now sixteen years old, begins his sixth year at Hogwarts in the midst of the battle between good and evil which has heated up with the return of Voldemort. Harry Potter, Book 6. Text in Spanish.; Translation of: Harry Potter and the half-blood prince. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12.
Harry Potter y el misterio del principe (Half-Blood Prince) IJS
B 124469B 124469 Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Rowling, J. K
Length: 359 Copyright: 2015
During his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter must confront the devious and dangerous wizard responsible for his parents' deaths. Harry Potter, Book 3. Text in Spanish; Translation of: Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. Fantasy Fiction. IL 6-12. AR 6.7.
Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban (Prisoner of Azkaban) IJS
B 124468B 124468 Harry Potter y la camara secreta (Chamber of Secrets)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Rowling, J. K
Length: 286 Copyright: 2015
When a secret chamber is opened again at Hogwarts, second-year student Harry Potter finds himself in danger from a dark power that has once more been released on the school. Harry Potter, Book 2. Text in Spanish; Translation of: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12. AR 5.7.
Harry Potter y la camara secreta (Chamber of Secrets) IJS
B 124471B 124471 Harry Potter y la Orden del Fenix
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Rowling, J. K
Length: 893 Copyright: 2015
Harry Potter, now a fifth-year student at Hogwarts, struggles with a threatening teacher, problematic house elf, the dread of upcoming final exams, and haunting dreams that hint toward his mysterious past. Harry Potter, Book 5. Text in Spanish; Translation of: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12. AR 7.2.
Harry Potter y la Orden del Fenix IJS
B 124473B 124473 Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (Deathly Hollows)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Rowling, J. K
Length: 638 Copyright: 2008
Harry Potter sets out on a final quest to stop his archenemy, the evil Lord Voldemort, with his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, before the wizarding world can be destroyed by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Harry Potter, Book 7. Text in Spanish; Translation of: Harry Potter and the deathly hallows; Sequel to: Harry Potter and the half-blood prince. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12. AR 7.2.
Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (Deathly Hollows) IJS
B 105860B 105860 Hazlo mover! (Make It Move!)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: VanVoorst, Jennifer
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
Simple text and photographs introduce simple machines and give examples of their everyday use. AR 2.0. GR level J. Spanish translation of the book Make It Move (105859). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Hazlo mover! (Make It Move!) KP
B 128017B 128017 Hello, Friend = Hola, Amigo
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Salguero, Andres
Length: 20 Copyright: 2020
Children's musical duo 123 Andres brings us a bilingual friendship song in a board book. Authentic author. Friendship story. Hispanic/Latino. Music appreciation. Song text. IL Pres-1. Lexile 500.
Hello, Friend = Hola, Amigo KP
B 107704B 107704 Hippos=Hipopotamos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zumbusch, Amelie von
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe hippos, where they live, what they look like, and how they care for their young. Ungulates. Bilingual text. From the series Safari Animals=Animales de safari. AR 1.6. Follett RL 2.1.
Hippos=Hipopotamos KP
KM 11709KM 11709 Home at Last / Al fin en casa
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Elya, Susan Middleton
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
When she and her family move from Mexico to the United States, eight-year-old Ana helps her mother adjust to the new situation by encouraging her to learn English. Contains two books-- the English version and the Spanish version of the picture book (32 pages AR 3.3) by Susan Middleton Elya. Mexican Americans Fiction. IL K-4.
Home at Last / Al fin en casa KPI
B 107696B 107696 Horses=Caballos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Twine, Alice
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Simple text and photos introduce different kinds of baby horses. Provides a glimpse of a foal's life. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Baby Animals. AR 2.1. Follett RL 2.0.
Horses=Caballos KP
B 107921B 107921 How Apple Trees Grow/Como crecen los manzanos
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents a children's book for early readers written in both English and Spanish that explores how apples develop from seeds to flowers and then to fruit. From the series How Plants Grow/Como crecen las plantas. Bilingual text. Follett RL 1.3.
How Apple Trees Grow/Como crecen los manzanos P
B 125525B 125525 How Are You? = Como estas?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dominguez, Angela
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018
When two giraffe friends find a baby ostrich, they have some questions. Is baby ostrich hungry? Shy? Tired? Ostrich says no! So how does she feel? Friendship awaits in this book about feelings, expressed both in English and in Spanish. Animal stories. Bilingual fiction. IL Pres-2. Lexile 120.
How Are You? = Como estas? KP
B 124146B 124146 How Do You Say? = Como se dice?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dominguez, Angela N
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016
The story of two giraffes--one English-speaking and one Spanish-speaking--that overcome the language barrier to forge a friendship. Text in English and Spanish. Friendship fiction. IL Pres-1.
How Do You Say? = Como se dice? KP
B 124635B 124635 Hoyos (Holes)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Sachar, Louis
Length: 267 Copyright: 2016
Young Stanley Yelnats begins a journey of self-discovery when he is sent to a juvenile detention center in Texas, where the boys are forced to dig five-foot-deep holes as punishment--a process for which Stanley suspects the warden has ulterior motives. Text in Spanish.; Translation of: Holes. IL 5-12.
Hoyos (Holes) IJ
B 108299B 108299 Huevos verdes con jamon
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Seuss, Dr.
Length: 62 Copyright: 1992
Spanish translation of Green Eggs and Ham. In verse, Sam-I-am tells of the virtues of green eggs and ham. AR 1.5. RC 2.7. Lexile 460.
Huevos verdes con jamon KP
KM 13771KM 13771 Hunger Games (25 Books) (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Collins, Suzanne
Length: 0 Copyright: 2024
In a future North America, sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen becomes a contender in the annual Hunger Games, a grave competition hosted by the Capitol where young boys and girls are pitted against one another in a televised fight to the death. Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 1. Kit contents: 25 books, 2 books in spanish, a 2 teacher guides, a literature kit, a playaway and a 5-way splitter. Playway run time: 10 hours and 35 minutes. Novel Study. IL 7-12. AR 5.3. RC 5.3. Lexile 810. GR Z.
Hunger Games (25 Books) (2 Parts) JS
B 107580B 107580 I Love Saturdays y domingos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ada, Alma Flor
Length: 32 Copyright: 2002
A young girl enjoys the similarities and the differences between her English-speaking and Spanish-speaking grandparents. Mexican Americans. Text is mainly in English with some Spanish. AR 3.2. RC 3.1. Lexile 510. Author: Alma Flor Ada.
I Love Saturdays y domingos KP
B 106443B 106443 I Use Math at the Doctor's/Uso las matematicas
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Complete title: I Use Math at the Doctor's/Uso las matematicas en el medico. Presents an introduction to the basic concepts of math as a young boy has to tell time, measure, and read numbers when he takes a trip to the doctors office for a checkup. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series I Use Math/Uso las matematicas. Follett RL 1.6.
I Use Math at the Doctor's/Uso las matematicas P
B 106444B 106444 I Use Math at the Game/Uso las matematicas
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Complete title: I Use Math at the Game/ Uso las matematicas en el juego de pelota. Presents basic concepts of math as an young child uses counting, addition and subtraction at a baseball game. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series I Use Math/Uso las matematicas. Follett RL 2.2.
I Use Math at the Game/Uso las matematicas P
B 106445B 106445 I Use Math at the Store=Uso las matematicas
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Complete title: I Use Math at the Store=Uso las matematicas en la tienda. A young girl visits the supermarket with her mother. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series I Use Math/Uso las matematicas. Follett RL 1.4.
I Use Math at the Store=Uso las matematicas P
B 106447B 106447 I Use Math in the Kitchen=Uso las matematicas
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Complete title: I Use Math in the Kitchen=Uso las matematicas en la cocina. A young child helps bake cookies. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series I Use Math/Uso las matematicas. Follett RL 2.5.
I Use Math in the Kitchen=Uso las matematicas P
B 106448B 106448 I Use Math on a Trip=Uso las matematicas
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Complete title: I Use Math on a Trip=Uso las matematicas en un viaje. A young girl uses math on a car ride to her grandmother's house, using a map, counting signs, and measuring time with her watch. Provides math questions for readers throughout the trip. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series I Use Math/Uso las matematicas. Follett RL 1.4.
I Use Math on a Trip=Uso las matematicas P
B 111170B 111170 Icy Watermelon/Sandia fria
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Galindo, Mary
Length: 32 Copyright: 2001
When three generations of a family gather to eat watermelon, the grandparents reminisce about how the sweet fruit brought them together. Mexican Americans. Bilingual book (English/Spanish). AR 2.9. Follett RL 3.0.
Icy Watermelon/Sandia fria KP
B 103490B 103490 In My Family
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Garza, Carmen Lomas
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996
Text in English and Spanish. The author, Carmen Lomas Garza, describes, in bilingual text and illustrations, her experiences growing up in an Hispanic community in Texas. AR 4.7. Follett RL 5.2. RC 3.9. Lexile 680. Bilingual text.
In My Family PI
DVD 1729DVD 1729 Inclined Plane
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 13 Copyright: 2004
Inhabitants of Mammoth Island learn how to use a ramp to roll boulders up to the top of a tower where they can push them off and smash them into gravel. Energy transfer. Animated. Narrated in English and Spanish. Closed captioned.
Inclined Plane PI
B 127500B 127500 Invisible
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Gonzalez, Christina Diaz
Length: 195 Copyright: 2022
Can five overlooked kids make one big difference? There's George: the brain, Sara: the loner, Dayara: the tough kid, Nico: the rich kid, and Miguel: the athlete. And they're stuck together when they're forced to complete their school's community service hours. Although they're sure they have nothing in common with one another, some people see them as all the same, just five Spanish-speaking kids. Then they meet someone who truly needs their help, and they must decide whether they are each willing to expose their own secrets to help or if remaining invisible is the only way to survive middle school. Text mostly in English with some Spanish. IL 4-8. AR 2.6. Lexile 260.
Invisible IJ
B 107130B 107130 Iowa (Bilingual Library)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Brown, Vanessa
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006
Presents a brief introduction to Iowa written in Spanish and English. From the series The Bilingual Library of the USA (United States of America). AR 3.3. Follett RL 5.0.
Iowa (Bilingual Library) P
B 127118B 127118 Isabel and Her Colores Go To School
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Alessandri, Alexandra
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021
English just feels wrong to Isabel. She prefers her native Spanish. As she prepares for a new school, she knows she's going to have to learn. Her first day is uncomfortable, until she employs her crayons and discovers there's more than one way to communicate with new friends. Text in English and Spanish. Authentic author. Bilingual. School stories. Self-management. First day of school. New experiences. IL Pres-3. Lexile 540. GR S.
Isabel and Her Colores Go To School KPI
B 123128B 123128 It Starts with a Raindrop=Comienza con una gota lluvia
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 33 Copyright: 2017
Celebrate the beauty and wonder of the water cycle through lyrical rhyming text and vibrant realistic paintings. The story of water is described eloquently in this delightful and informational book that engages children and adults alike to appreciate water and life. Bilingual English and Spanish edition. Bilingual. Spanish and English. IL Pres-2.
It Starts with a Raindrop=Comienza con una gota lluvia KP
B 107107B 107107 Junie B. Jones espia un poquirritin
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Park, Barbara
Length: 66 Copyright: 2002
Spanish translation of Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying. Six year old June B.'s penchant for spying on people and her curiosity about the private life of her teacher get her in trouble at kindergarten. AR 2.9.
Junie B. Jones espia un poquirritin PI
B 105892B 105892 Jupiter=Jupiter
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Jupiter using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 1.8. AR 1.8.
Jupiter=Jupiter P
B 119023B 119023 Keeping Fit From A to Z = Mantente en forma de la A a la Z
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014
Bilingual (Spanish and English) alphabet picture book features more than 150 photographs with short descriptive captions, designed to inspire children to stay active, fit and healthy. Includes descriptions of traditional children's games from a variety of cultures, other activities, and a list of fun facts for parents about the benefits of exercise. IL Pres-3.
Keeping Fit From A to Z = Mantente en forma de la A a la Z KP
B 124477B 124477 La batalla del laberinto (Battle of the Labyrinth)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 313 Copyright: 2015
When demonic cheerleaders invade his high school, Percy Jackson hurries to Camp Half Blood, from whence he and his demigod friends set out on a quest through the Labyrinth, while the war between the Olympians and the evil Titan lord Kronos draws near. Percy Jackson And The Olympians, Book 4. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The battle of the Labyrinth. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12. AR 4.0.
La batalla del laberinto (Battle of the Labyrinth) IJS
KM 12552KM 12552 La Calaca Alegre (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Toth, Carrie
Length: 108 Copyright: 2013
Carlos isn't sure if he has post-traumatic stress disorder or if he is living a nightmare. He needs to face his fears to solve the mystery of his mother's disappearance. Novel is written in the past tense. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 3 Spanish reader (77 pages plus glossary) and a teacher's resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
La Calaca Alegre (20 Books) JS
B 119554B 119554 La Constitucion de los Estados Unidos y la Carta de Derechos = The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Metz, Lorijo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
Discusses the history of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Bilingual text is in Spanish and English. From the series Celebremos la libertad! = Let's Celebrate Freedom! IL 3-6.
La Constitucion de los Estados Unidos y la Carta de Derechos = The United S PI
B 119552B 119552 La Declaracion de Independencia = The Declaration of Independence
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Metz, Lorijo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
An introduction to the history of the Declaration of Independence. Bilingual text is in Spanish and English. From the series Celebremos la libertad! = Let's Celebrate Freedom! IL 3-6.
La Declaracion de Independencia = The Declaration of Independence PI
B 124505B 124505 La escapada (Getaway)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2017
Greg Heffley and his family escape to a tropical island resort for some much-needed rest and relaxation, but sun poisoning, stomach troubles, and venomous creatures all threaten their vacation. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 12.Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Getaway. Humorous fiction. Realistic. IL 5-12.
La escapada (Getaway) IJS
B 106794B 106794 La escapada de Ralph
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Cleary, Beverly
Length: 118 Copyright: 1991
Spanish translation of Runaway Ralph by Beverly Cleary. Ralph, the mouse, runs away looking for freedom but winds up a prisoner at a summer camp. AR 5.3. RC 4.1. Lexile 850.
La escapada de Ralph PI
B 124479B 124479 La espada del tiempo (Sword of the Summer)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 470 Copyright: 2016
Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother's mysterious death, he's lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers. One day, he's tracked down by an uncle he barely knows-a man his mother claimed was dangerous. Uncle Randolph tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years. When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision. Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die ... Magnus Chase And The Gods Of Asgard, Book 1. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The sword of summer. Fantasy fiction. IL 6-12. AR 3.8.
La espada del tiempo (Sword of the Summer) IJS
KM 12559KM 12559 La Guerra Sucia (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Kirby, Nathaniel
Length: 124 Copyright: 2011
American journalist Leslie Corrales travels to Argentina to investigate the disappearance of Raul, son of Magdalena Casasnovas. She discovers that Raul and many other dissidents have suffered horrific atrocities at the hands of the Argentine government. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 3 Spanish reader ( pages plus glossary) and a teacher's resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
La Guerra Sucia (20 Books) JS
KM 12778KM 12778 La Hija del sastre (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Toth, Carrie / Tiday, Christine
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Growing up in a Republican family during Franco’s fascist rule of Spain, Emilia Matamoros discovers just how important keeping a secret can be! After her father, a former captain in the Republican army, goes into hiding, Emilia not only must work as a seamstress to support her family, she must work to guard a secret that will protect her father and save her family from certain death. Will her innocence be lost and will she succumb to the deceptive and violent tactics of Franco’s fascist regime? Contains 20 books; Teacher's Guide; Audio CD. Novel Study.
La Hija del sastre (20 Books) JST
B 117234B 117234 La hora de los Juegos Olimpicos
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Osborne, Mary
Length: 68 Copyright: 2007
Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back to retrieve a lost story in ancient Greece, where they witness the original Olympic games and are surprised to find what girls of the time were not allowed to do. Spanish version of The Hour of the Olympics. From the series The Magic Tree House = La casa del arbol. IL 2-4.
La hora de los Juegos Olimpicos PI
B 124498B 124498 La horrible realidad (Ugly Truth)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2010
While trying to find a new best friend after feuding with Rowley, middle-school slacker Greg Heffley is warned by older family members that adolescence is a time to act more responsibly and to think seriously about his future. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 5. Text in Spanish.; Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, the ugly truth. Humorous. Realistic fiction. IL 5-12. AR 5.4.
La horrible realidad (Ugly Truth) IJS
B 116278B 116278 La isla de los delfines azules (Island of the Blue Dolphins)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: O'Dell, Scott
Length: 158 Copyright: 2000
Spanish translation of Island of the Blue Dolphins. Records the courage and self-reliance of an Indian girl who lived alone for eighteen years on an isolated island off the California coast. Story is based on a true event. IL 5-9.
La isla de los delfines azules (Island of the Blue Dolphins) IJ
B 124495B 124495 La ley de Rodrick (Rodrick Rules)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2009
Greg Heffley tells about his summer vacation and his attempts to steer clear of trouble when he returns to middle school and tries to keep his older brother, Rodrick, from telling everyone about Greg's most humiliating experience of the summer. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 2. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Rodrick rules. Humorous fiction. Realistic. IL 5-12. AR 5.0.
La ley de Rodrick (Rodrick Rules) IJ
B 124637B 124637 La linterna de calabaza perfecta (The Perfect Jack-O'-Lantern)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Abbott, Victoria
Length: 24 Copyright: 2018
How do you make the perfect jack-o-lantern? With the right pumpkin and some help from your mom, that's how. Spanish language. Emerging reader. IL Pres-2. AR 1.9. GR E.
La linterna de calabaza perfecta (The Perfect Jack-O'-Lantern) KP
B 116275B 116275 La llave magica (Indian in the Cupboard)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Banks, Lynne Reid
Length: 203 Copyright: 2001
Spanish translation of The Indian in the Cupboard. A nine-year-old boy receives a plastic Indian, a cupboard, and a little key for his birthday and finds himself involved in adventure when the Indian comes to life in the cupboard and befriends him. IL 4-7.
La llave magica (Indian in the Cupboard) IJ
B 115260B 115260 La Llorona = The Crying Woman
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Anaya, Rudolfo
Length: 42 Copyright: 2011
In ancient Mexico, beautiful Maya's children are endangered by the threat of Senor Tiempo (Father Time) who, jealous of their immortality, plots to destroy them. In Mexican folklore, La Llorona, the Crying Woman, is the legendary creature who haunts rivers, lakes, and lonely roads. This is a revised, bilingual version of the author's 1996 adaptation entitled Maya's Children. His book helps parents explain to children the reality of death and the loss of loved ones. Text in English and Spanish. Llorona (Legendary character) Legends. IL 3-5.
La Llorona = The Crying Woman PI
KM 12555KM 12555 La Llorona de Mazatlan (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Baker, Katie
Length: 92 Copyright: 2013
Laney Morales' dream of playing soccer in Mazatlan turns into a nightmare when she sees & hears the eerie cries of the weeping woman dressed in white. Novel is written in the past tense. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 2 (intermediate-low level) Spanish reader (73 pages plus glossary) and a teacher's resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
La Llorona de Mazatlan (20 Books) JS
B 107848B 107848 La lluvia/Rain
Grade Lvl: P Author: Saunders-Smith, Gail
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simply describes what rain is and the cycle that repeatedly brings water to the earth. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. (English only version is number 100927.) From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR 2.0. RC 2.8. Lexile 370.
La lluvia/Rain P
B 107849B 107849 La luz del sol/Sunshine
Grade Lvl: P Author: Saunders-Smith, Gail
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Describes the effects of light from the sun on earth and how it causes temperature changes, the seasons, winds, and clouds. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. (English only version is number 100928.) From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR 2.3. RC 2.2. Lexile 330.
La luz del sol/Sunshine P
KM 12557KM 12557 La maldicion de la cabeza reducida (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 68 Copyright: 2009
In this story written by Spanish students, Haley & Jason encounter a cursed shrunken head on a family trip to Peru. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 2 (intermediate-low level) Spanish reader (58 pages plus glossary), unabridged audio CD and a teacher's resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
La maldicion de la cabeza reducida (20 Books) JS
B 124476B 124476 La maldicion del titan (Titan's Curse)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Riordan, Rick
Length: 280 Copyright: 2015
The disappearance of the goddess Artemisa while out hunting a rare, ancient monster, prompts a group of her followers to join Percy and his friends in an attempt to find and rescue her before the winter solstice, when her influence is needed to sway the council regarding the war with the Titans. Percy Jackson And The Olympians, Book 3. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The Titan's curse. IL 6-12. AR 3.8.
La maldicion del titan (Titan's Curse) IJS
B 124463B 124463 La nina que bebio la luna (Girl Who Drank the Moon)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Barnhill, Kelly Regan
Length: 419 Copyright: 2018
Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The girl who drank the moon. An epic fantasy about a young girl raised by a witch, a swamp monster, and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon, who must unlock the powerful magic buried deep inside her. Fantasy fiction. Spanish language. IL 5-12. AR 4.1. GR U.
La nina que bebio la luna (Girl Who Drank the Moon) IJS
B 75906B 75906 La Oruga Muy Hambrienta
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Carle, Eric
Length: 27 Copyright: 1989
Story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, in the Spanish language. IL Pres-1.
La Oruga Muy Hambrienta KP
B 107587B 107587 La primera nevada de Clifford
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bridwell, Norman
Length: 32 Copyright: 1998
Spanish translation of Clifford's First Snow Day, Emily Elizabeth recalls her big red dog Clifford's first experience with snow as a puppy. From the series Clifford the Big Red Dog. AR 3.3.
La primera nevada de Clifford KP
B 125071B 125071 La Princesa and the Pea
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Elya, Susan Middleton
Length: 32 Copyright: 2017
A rhyming twist on a classic fairy tale in which a queen places a pea under a young lady's mattress to see if she is truly a princess. Incorporates Spanish words and includes a glossary. Folklore. Hispanic American. Story in rhyme. Spanish language. IL Pres-3. AR 3.1. RC 2.1. Lexile 530.
La Princesa and the Pea KP
B 124460B 124460 La prueba de hierro (The Iron Trial)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Black, Holly
Length: 299 Copyright: 2014
Text in Spanish.; Translation of: The iron trial. Warned away from magic all of his life, Callum endeavors to fail the trials that would admit him to the Magisterium only to be drawn into its ranks against his will and forced to confront dark elements from his past. Spanish language. Wizards. Fantasy fiction. Series: Magisterium, book 1. IL 7-12. AR 5.6. RC 5.4. Lexile 830.
La prueba de hierro (The Iron Trial) IJS
B 119553B 119553 La Revolucion Americana = The American Revolution
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Metz, Lorijo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
Briefly describes the American Revolution and its impact on American history. Bilingual text is in Spanish and English. From the series Celebremos la libertad! = Let's Celebrate Freedom! IL 3-6.
La Revolucion Americana = The American Revolution PI
B 116280B 116280 La roja insignia del valor (The Red Badge of Courage)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Crane, Stephen
Length: 216 Copyright: 1997
Spanish translation of The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. Story of a young Union soldier under fire for the first time during the Civil War. IL 7-12.
La roja insignia del valor (The Red Badge of Courage) JS
B 105898B 105898 La Tierra=The Earth
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Earth using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 2.8. AR 2.1.
La Tierra=The Earth P
KM 12549KM 12549 La Vampirata (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Canion, Mira
Length: 88 Copyright: 2011
A band of pirates plunder a mysterious emerald in 1741. Vampires. Easy Spanish reader (Level 2/Level 3) has many English-Spanish cognates. Kit contains 20 copies of the book (71 pages plus glossary), unabridged audio CD and a teacher's manual on CD. Novel Study.
La Vampirata (20 Books) JS
B 124633B 124633 Lagrimas en el mar ( Salt to the Sea)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Sepetys, Ruta
Length: 414 Copyright: 2018
As World War II draws to a close, four teens meet aboard the "Wilhelm Gustloff" a cruise ship that will give them passage out of Prussia before the Russians overtake the retreating German troops. The cruise ship, built to hold 1,500 passengers, is laden with over 10,000 desperate people. The four band together and try to survive when a Russian torpedo slams into the ship. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Salt to the sea. Multiple point of view. Historical fiction. Survival story. IL 8-12. AR 4.5. RC 5.2. Lexile 560.
Lagrimas en el mar ( Salt to the Sea) JS
KM 12181KM 12181 Language for Learning Sample Kit, Grades PreK-2
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Direct instruction program provides young learners with the knowledge and understanding of language they need to achieve proficiency and reading comprehension. This oral language program teaches children the words, concepts, and statements important to both oral and written language, and helps enable them to extend this knowledge to other areas of their development. Designed for kindergarten and primary age school children, as well as ELL learners. Sample SRA kit contains teacher & student materials (Teacher's Guide, workbooks, presentation books, trade books, CD-ROM with practice & review activities, Espanol to English book, picture cards, etc.
Language for Learning Sample Kit, Grades PreK-2 T
B 116279B 116279 Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Twain, Mark
Length: 163 Copyright: 1997
Spanish translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain's classic adventures of the mischievous Tom Sawyer and his friends growing up in a small Mississippi River town in Missouri. IL 5-10.
Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) IJS
B 106449B 106449 Las aves=Birds
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Brief introduction to birds includes information on the different species, habitats, behavior, and life cycles. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Que es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 3.9. Follett RL 3.0.
Las aves=Birds PI
B 106454B 106454 Las mamiferos=Mammals
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the characteristics of mammals. Identifies different kinds of mammals. Discusses their behavior, habitats, predators and prey, and offspring. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Que es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 4.4. Follett RL 3.8.
Las mamiferos=Mammals PI
B 107846B 107846 Las nubes/Clouds
Grade Lvl: P Author: Saunders-Smith, Gail
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Describes different kinds of clouds--cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and nimbus--and the type of weather they indicate. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. (English only version is number 100925.) From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR 2.0. RC 1.5. Lexile 410.
Las nubes/Clouds P
B 116274B 116274 Las telaranas de Carlota (Charlotte's Web)
Grade Lvl: PI Author: White, E. B.
Length: 154 Copyright: 2001
Spanish translation of Charlotte's Web. Wilbur the pig is desolate when he discovers that he is destined to be the farmer's Christmas dinner until his spider friend, Charlotte, decides to help him. IL 3-6.
Las telaranas de Carlota (Charlotte's Web) PI
B 107038B 107038 Let's Dive in the Ocean!=Vamos a bucear!
Grade Lvl: K Author: Holmes, Stephen
Length: 22 Copyright: 2005
Board book with bilingual text contains labeled illustrations of various ocean animals, including whale, sea turtle, shark, octopus, and others. Presented in English and Spanish. From the series Word Play=Juegos con palabras.
Let's Dive in the Ocean!=Vamos a bucear! K
B 110604B 110604 Let's Eat!: = A Comer!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Bilingual text in English and Spanish describes a family as they sitdown to a table filled with good food. AR 0.9. Follett RL 1.4. From the series: My Family = Mi familia. Follett RL 1.4.
Let's Eat!: = A Comer! KP
B 107037B 107037 Let's Get to Work!=Vamos a trabajar!
Grade Lvl: K Author: Evrard, Gaëtan
Length: 20 Copyright: 2005
Board book teaches the names for familiar work vehicles such as cement mixers and snowplows in both English and Spanish. Bilingual text from the series Word Play=Juegos con palabras.
Let's Get to Work!=Vamos a trabajar! K
B 107041B 107041 Let's Go on Safari!=Vamos de safari!
Grade Lvl: K Author: Utton, Peter
Length: 22 Copyright: 2005
Board book presents an introduction to the different animals that live on the African safari, in simple bilingual text. In English and Spanish. From the series Word Play-Juegos con palabras.
Let's Go on Safari!=Vamos de safari! K
B 100632B 100632 Let's Go: A Book In Two Languages=Vamos: Un Libro en Dos Lenguas
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Emberley, Rebecca
Length: 26 Copyright: 1993
Captioned illustrations and text in English and Spanish present scenes at such locations as an airport, a picnic, and a camping trip. Picture dictionaries. Text in English and Spanish. Bilingual. AR 1.6 IL K-1.
Let's Go: A Book In Two Languages=Vamos: Un Libro en Dos Lenguas KP
B 107039B 107039 Let's Go!=Vamos a viajar!
Grade Lvl: K Author: Evrard, Gaëtan
Length: 20 Copyright: 2005
Bilingual board book contains labeled color illustrations that provide the names for familiar transportation vehicles. Text in English and Spanish. From the series Word Play=Juegos con palabras.
Let's Go!=Vamos a viajar! K
B 107040B 107040 Let's Visit the Jungle!=Vamos a la selva!
Grade Lvl: K Author: Holmes, Stephen
Length: 22 Copyright: 2005
Board book that presents the names of several jungle animals, such as the monkey and the jaguar, in both English and Spanish. Bilingual text from the series Word Play=Juegos con palabras.
Let's Visit the Jungle!=Vamos a la selva! K
B 127171B 127171 Lets Be Friends = Seamos Amigos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Colato Lainez, Rene
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021
Two boys, an English speaker and a Spanish speaker, paint together and learn about colors at school. Text in English and Spanish. Series fiction: My Friend, Mi Amigo. Bilingual. Friendship stories. IL Pres-3.
Lets Be Friends = Seamos Amigos KP
B 125310B 125310 Lety Out Loud
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Cervantes, Angela
Length: 197 Copyright: 2019
Lety Muñoz's first language is Spanish, and she likes to take her time putting her words together. She loves volunteering at the Furry Friends Animal Shelter because the dogs and cats there don't care if she can't always find the right word. When the shelter needs a volunteer to write animal profiles, Lety jumps at the chance. But grumpy classmate Hunter also wants to write profiles -- so now they have to work as a team. Hunter's not much of a team player, though. He devises a secret competition to decide who will be the official shelter scribe. Whoever helps get their animals adopted the fastest wins. The loser scoops dog food. Lety reluctantly agrees, but she's worried that if the shelter finds out about the contest, they'll kick her out of the volunteer program. Then she'll never be able to adopt Spike, her favorite dog at the shelter! IL 4-8. AR 4.5. Lexile 720.
Lety Out Loud IJ
B 107701B 107701 Lions=Leones
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zumbusch, Amelie von
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Simple text and photos explore the appearance, habitat, behavior, and life cycle of lions. Presents in English and Spanish. Bilingual Text. From the series Safari Animals=Animales de safari. AR 1.4. Follett RL 2.1.
Lions=Leones KP
B 106672B 106672 Little Crow to the Rescue=El cuervito al rescate
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Villasenor, Victor
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Little Crow is hailed as a genius when he comes up with a plan to keep birds from being victimized by rock-throwing humans. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. Pourquoi tale. AR 4.1. Follett RL 2.2.
Little Crow to the Rescue=El cuervito al rescate KPI
B 121287B 121287 Llegar a Ser Pedro
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Tavares, Matt
Length: 40 Copyright: 2015
An illustrated biography of Pedro Martinez that describes his childhood and how he became a famous baseball player. Text in Spanish. (English version is Growing Up Pedro 119961).
Llegar a Ser Pedro PI
B 116277B 116277 Lloro por la tierra (Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Taylor, Mildred
Length: 299 Copyright: 1992
Spanish translation of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. An African-American family living in the South during the 1930s is faced with prejudice and discrimination which its children do not understand. IL 4-7.
Lloro por la tierra (Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry) IJ
KM 11657KM 11657 Lola's Fandango / El fandango de Lola
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Witte, Anna
Length: 32 Copyright: 2011
After learning how to dance a style of flamenco known as the fandango, Lola plans a surprise for her mother's birthday. Kit contains two books (English & Spanish texts) AR 2.4 Includes an audio CD for each. IL K-3.
Lola's Fandango / El fandango de Lola KP
B 92614B 92614 Longman Diccionario Ingles Basico/Mexicanos
Grade Lvl: IJST Author: Herrera, Mario
Length: 628 Copyright: 2003
Cover: Longman Diccionario Ingles Basico. Ingles-Espanol. Espanol-Ingles. Para estudiantes. Dictionary (for Mexican Spanish speakers) is geared toward helping young speakers of Spanish develop learning and thinking strategies that are appropriate for the process of learning English as a foreign language. The English-Spanish side of the dictionary shows the learner how English works and allows them to communicate more effectively. The Spanish-English section allows studewnts to widen their production skills and offers examples and reusable models of good English.
Longman Diccionario Ingles Basico/Mexicanos IJST
B 103438B 103438 Look Out, Kindergarten, Here I Come!/Spanish/Eng
Grade Lvl: K Author: Carlson, Nancy
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Even though Henry is looking forward to going to kindergarten, he is not sure about staying once he first gets there. First day of school. English and Spanish texts appear on the same page. Bilingual. Preparate, kindergarten! Alla voy! AR 2.3. RC 2.1. Lexile 200. GR level J.
Look Out, Kindergarten, Here I Come!/Spanish/Eng K
B 106450B 106450 Los anfibios=Amphibians
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to amphibians, including information on their physical characteristics, habita, behavior, and life cycle. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Que es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 3.8. Follett RL 3.5.
Los anfibios=Amphibians PI
B 105872B 105872 Los arboles son impresionantes! (Trees/Terrific!)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Trumbauer, Lisa
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
A very simple introduction to some characteristics of different kinds of trees. GR level O. Spanish translation of the book Trees Are Terrific! (105871). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Los arboles son impresionantes! (Trees/Terrific!) KP
KM 12548KM 12548 Los Baker van a Peru (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
The Baker family travels through Peru and experiences a number of mishaps. Flip book has both past tense and present tense versions bound together. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 2 (intermediate-low level) Spanish reader (50 pages plus glossary), unabridged audio CD and a teacher's manual on CD. Intermediate low reader. Culture-based fiction. Contains 20 books, book on CD, and a teacher resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
Los Baker van a Peru (20 Books) JS
B 106452B 106452 Los insectos=Insects
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to insects, including descriptions of their physical characteristics, behavior, and life cycle. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Que es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 3.8. Follett RL 3.4.
Los insectos=Insects PI
B 106453B 106453 Los invertebrados=Invertebrates
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes invertebrates such as insects, spiders, clams, jelly fish, crabs, and worms. Tells what they look like, how and where they live. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Que es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 4.9. Follett RL 3.3.
Los invertebrados=Invertebrates PI
KM 12999KM 12999 Los meses (Months-Spanish Version)(12 Books)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Murray, Julie
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
This series examines the months of the year. Each title will cover the number of days, holidays that are celebrated, and common activities associated with that month. Fun and colorful photographs accompany large, simple text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Set of 12 books. Series nonfiction. Text in Spanish. Readers. IL Pres-6.
Los meses (Months-Spanish Version)(12 Books) KPI
KM 12561KM 12561 Los ojos de Carmen (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Moscoso, Veronica
Length: 64 Copyright: 2015
A novel set in Ecuador, filled with cultural substance & significant facts about the country. Contains 20 books, book on CD, actual photographs of scenery, villages, etc. and blackline masters, activity pages for each chapter. Novel Study.
Los ojos de Carmen (20 Books) JS
B 106451B 106451 Los peces=Fish
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Introduction to fish describes their physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and life cycle. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Ques es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 3.9. Follett RL 2.4.
Los peces=Fish PI
KM 12780KM 12780 Los piratas del Caribe y el Triangulo de las Bermudas (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Gaab, Carol / Tiday, Christine
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Level 1 Spanish reader. Written in past tense. When Tito and his father set sail from Florida to Maryland, they have no idea that their decision to pass through the Bermuda Triangle could completely change the course of their voyage, not to mention the course of their entire lives! They soon discover that rough seas and bad weather are the least of their worries, as they become entangled in a sinister plan to control the world and subsequently become the target of Henry Morgan and his band of pirates. Will they escape from the Triangle and from the pirates, and save their new friend, Carlos, in the process? Novel Study. Contains 20 books; Teacher's Guide; Audio CD.
Los piratas del Caribe y el Triangulo de las Bermudas (20 Books) JST
B 107847B 107847 Los relampagos/Lightning
Grade Lvl: P Author: Saunders-Smith, Gail
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text and photographs explain what lightning is and how it forms. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. (English only version is number 100926.) From the series Pebble Bilingual Books. AR 2.4. RC 2.8. Lexile 370.
Los relampagos/Lightning P
B 106455B 106455 Los reptiles=Reptiles
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to reptiles including information on their physical characteristics, hatitat, behavior, and life cycles. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Que es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 4.1. Follett RL 3.0.
Los reptiles=Reptiles PI
B 125692B 125692 Los Tres Reyes Magos: Colors=colores: A Bilingual Book of Colors
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rodriquez, Patty
Length: 22 Copyright: 2018
Teaches colors through the story of the birth of Jesus, and the three wise men who visit him in the stable. Text in English and Spanish. Board Book. Authentic language. Holidays and traditions. Bible stories. IL Pres-1.
Los Tres Reyes Magos: Colors=colores: A Bilingual Book of Colors KP
B 106456B 106456 Los vertebrandos=Vertebrates
Grade Lvl: PI Author: O'Hare, Ted
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Explains what makes an animal a vertebrate. Describes vertebrate habits, habitats, bodies, predators, prey, and life cycles. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the seies Que es un animal? (What Is an Animal?). AR 4.8. Follett RL 6.9.
Los vertebrandos=Vertebrates PI
B 124634B 124634 Los vivientes (The Living)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: de la Pena, Matt
Length: 360 Copyright: 2015
After an earthquake destroys California and a tsunami wrecks the luxury cruise ship where he is a summer employee, high schooler Shy confronts another deadly surprise. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: The living. Natural disasters. Adventure ficiton. Survival. IL 9-12.
Los vivientes (The Living) JS
B 106639B 106639 Lost Ball-La pelota perdida
Grade Lvl: K Author: Reiser, Lynn
Length: 32 Copyright: 2002
English-speaking Richard and Spanish-speaking Ricardo and their dogs walk through the park, each looking for his lost ball. Text in English and Spanish. Bilingual text.
Lost Ball-La pelota perdida K
B 107792B 107792 Lucas and His Loco Beans
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Winner, Ramona
Length: 32 Copyright: 2003
Presents a story about a young boy who discovers some Mexican jumping beans while on a walk with his grandfather. Text is chiefly in English with some Spanish phrases interspersed. Spanish words are translated elsewhere on the page. In the bottom right-hand corner, a flip-book device shows the life span of the jumping bean. The final section of the book offers facts about the Laspeyresia saltitans species in separate English and Spanish texts. Bilingual text.
Lucas and His Loco Beans KP
B 105858B 105858 Luz y sombra (Light and Shadow)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ring, Susan
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
Introduces different kinds of light, the properties of light, and how light can create shadows of different shapes and sizes. GR level E. Spanish translation of the book Light and Shadow (105857). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Luz y sombra (Light and Shadow) KP
B 100950B 100950 Magda's Tortillas = Las tortillas de Magda
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Chavarria-Chairez, Becky
Length: 32 Copyright: 2000
While learning to make tortillas on her seventh birthday, Magda tries to make perfectly round ones like those made by her grandmother but instead creates a variety of wonderful shapes. Story is told in English and in Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 3.8 RC 3.1 Lexile 510 IL K-3.
Magda's Tortillas = Las tortillas de Magda KP
B 124501B 124501 Mala suerte (Hard Luck)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2015
Greg Heffley's best friend, Rowley Jefferson, has ditched him, and finding new friends in middle school is proving to be a tough task. To change his fortunes, Greg decides to take a leap of faith and turn his decisions over to a roll of the dice. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 8. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, hard luck. IL 5-12. AR 6.5.
Mala suerte (Hard Luck) IJS
B 122669B 122669 Mama the Alien = Mama la extraterrestre
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Colato Lainez, Rene
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016
A young girl misunderstands the word alien on her mother's Resident Alien Card and let's her imagination run wild, coming to the conclusion that her mother is from outer space. Bilingual book. Text in Spanish and English. RC 2.2 Lexile 560 IL K-3.
Mama the Alien = Mama la extraterrestre KP
B 105862B 105862 Mamiferos (Mammals)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ring, Susan
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
A very simple introduction to various mammals and some of their characteristics. GR level F. Spanish transation of the book Mammals (105861). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Mamiferos (Mammals) KP
KM 12997KM 12997 Máquinas de construcción (Construction Machines-Spanish Version) (6 Books)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Lennie, Charles
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Beep! Beep! Back up into the toughest construction machines. Learn why each construction machine is important at the job site, what makes them special, and more. Complete with a More Facts section and bolded glossary terms. Set of 6 titles: Buldocers, Camiones mezcladores, Camiones de volteo, Excavadoras, and Palas cargadoras. Nonfiction picture. Text in Spanish. Readers. IL Pres-6.
Máquinas de construcción (Construction Machines-Spanish Version) (6 Books) KP
B 118411B 118411 Maria Had a Little Llama= María tenía una llamita
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dominguez, Angela N
Length: 26 Copyright: 2013
In this bilingual version of the classic rhyme (Mary Had a Little Lamb) set in Peru, Maria takes her llama to school one day. English & Spanish are on the same page. AR 2.2 IL Pres-1.
Maria Had a Little Llama= María tenía una llamita KP
B 102960B 102960 Marina's Mummuu/El Mummuu de marina
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Vigil-Pinon, Evangelina
Length: 32 Copyright: 2001
Marina has always dreamed of having a colorful muumuu, the traditional dress of the Hawaiian people, and finally goes to the bustling downtown with her grandmother to buy the fabric. Racially mixed people. Bilingual picture book for older readers.
Marina's Mummuu/El Mummuu de marina PI
KM 13589KM 13589 Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brown, Monica
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
Celebrate multiracial identity and authentic self-expression with delightfully illustrated storytelling props depicting characters and scenes from Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match! This kit offers 12 cloth characters as book props, a hardcover copy of the book and 3 storytelling lapboards with beginning, middle and end velcro labels to support readers' comprehension. Authentic author. Hispanic/Latino. Bilingual. Racially mixed character. Self. Story elements. IL Pres-1. AR 2.8. RC 2.3. Lexile 580. GR L.
Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match Storytelling Kit KP
B 114242B 114242 Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match=Marisol MacDonald no combina
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brown, Monica
Length: 31 Copyright: 2011
Marisol McDonald, a multiracial (Peruvian-Scottish-American), bilingual, nonconformist, soccer-playing pirate-princess with brown skin and red hair, celebrates her uniqueness. Racially mixed people--Fiction. Text in English and Spanish. Pura Belpre Award Illustrator Honor Book, 2012. AR 2.8. Lexile 580. IL K-2.
Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match=Marisol MacDonald no combina KP
B 105893B 105893 Marte=Mars
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Mars using both English and Spanish (Bilingual)text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 2.7. AR 2.3.
Marte=Mars P
KM 10915KM 10915 Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Deedy, Carmen Agra
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
A humorous retelling of a Cuban folktale in which a cockroach interviews her suitors in order to decide whom to marry. Contents: two books (both English and Spanish version of the story) by Carmen Agra Deedy and unabridged audio CD read-along (author tells her own version of the classic folktale and reads both editions of her book). AR 3.1. RC 3.7. Lexile 720. GR level P. IL K-4.
Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale KPI
B 117246B 117246 Maximilian & the Bingo Rematch = Maximiliano y la revancha de loteria
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Garza, Xavier
Length: 219 Copyright: 2013
Everybody is fighting in sixth-grader Maximilian's world as his elderly aunts battle for the Queen Bingo trophy, his masked uncles wrestle for the tag-team title of the world, and his sweetheart and the "new girl" battle for Max's heart. Mexican Americans. A Lucha libre sequel. Text in English and Spanish. Sequel to Maximilian & the Mystery of the Guardian Angel (113841). AR 3.2 RC 3.7 Lexile 640 IL 5-7.
Maximilian & the Bingo Rematch = Maximiliano y la revancha de loteria IJ
B 113841B 113841 Maximilian & the Mystery of the Guardian Angel
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Garza, Xavier
Length: 207 Copyright: 2011
Subtitle: A Bilingual Lucha Libre Thriller. Eleven-year-old Maximilian, a big fan of the form of wrestling known as lucha libre,begins to suspect that he has a close connection with his favorite luchador, El Angel de La Guarda, the Guardian Angel. Mexican Americans. Bilingual text (English and Spanish) Pura Belpre Author Honor Book 2012. AR 5.1. IL 5-7.
Maximilian & the Mystery of the Guardian Angel IJ
B 124466B 124466 Maximilian & the mystery of the Guardian Angel : a bilingual lucha libre thriller
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Garza, Xavier
Length: 207 Copyright: 2011
Bilingual-Spanish/English. Text in English and Spanish.;Translated from the English. Eleven-year-old Maximilian, a big fan of lucha libre, makes an unexpected connection with his idol, the Guardian Angel, when he takes a tumble over the railing at a match in San Antonio. Realistic fiction. Spanish language. Bilingual. IL 4-12. AR 5.1. RC 5.4. Lexile 820.
Maximilian & the mystery of the Guardian Angel : a bilingual lucha libre th IJS
B 96546B 96546 McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 1, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Teacher Guide
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Guide provides a program overview, brief guide to each of the readers in the first grade My Math series & ways to differentiate instruction. Includes one-page reproducible masters (both English and Spanish) to be used with the Multi-Level Reader kits.
McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade 1, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Teacher Gu T
B 117235B 117235 Medianoche en la luna
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Osborne, Mary / Brovelli, Marcela
Length: 71 Copyright: 2004
The magic treehouse takes Jack and Annie to a moon base in the future, where they continue to search for the fourth thing they need to free their friend Morgan from the magician's spell. Spanish version of Midnight on the Moon. From the series The Magic Tree House = La casa del arbol. IL 2-4.
Medianoche en la luna PI
B 105894B 105894 Mercurio=Mercury
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Mercury using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 4.8. AR 2.3.
Mercurio=Mercury P
KM 9491KM 9491 Mexican Culture Kit (2 Parts) (BB)
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Contains maps, books, audios with bilingual folktales and children's songs, instrumental music, Spanish vocals, maracas, guiro, Mexican costume, activities, poster, plastic food set, and resource list.
Mexican Culture Kit (2 Parts) (BB) PIJS
B 106431B 106431 Mi barrio--My Neighborhood
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Marc, a Puerto Rican American, discusses his heritage, the neighborhood in Brooklyn where he lives, his sister and their friends, and some of the things they do after school. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.5. Follett RL 3.0. RC 1.6. Lexile 440.
Mi barrio--My Neighborhood P
B 106432B 106432 Mi casa=My House
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Araceli tells about her home and her family including a sister who is in college, her little sister Daisy, another sister who is deaf, a brother who helps out with the animals on the ranch, and describes some of her activities. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book is from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.1. Follett RL 1.6. RC 1.4. Lexile 220.
Mi casa=My House P
B 106433B 106433 Mi escuela=My School
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Christopher, a fifth grade student whose father came from El Salvador and mother from Guatemala, describes some of the things he and his friends do in school. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 2.8. Follett RL 2.3. RC 1.4. Lexile 260.
Mi escuela=My School P
B 119484B 119484 Mi Familia Calaca = My Skeleton Family
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Weill, Cynthia
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013
Anita tells about the members of her family; illustrated with Mexican (Oaxacan) folk art skeletons. Papier-mache sculpture. All Soul's Day in art. Bilingual book. English and Spanish text appears on the same page. Could use for the Day of the Dead. AR 1.2 IL Pres-2.
Mi Familia Calaca = My Skeleton Family KP
B 106434B 106434 Mi familia=My Family
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Camila, a young girl, describes her life in Miami with her Cuban mother and Puerto Rican father. Introduces the members of her extended family who have come to her home for her little brother's birthday party. Text is presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.0. Follett RL 2.1. RC 1.9. Lexile 440.
Mi familia=My Family P
B 106435B 106435 Mi musica=My Music
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Introduces the music of Latin America, providing information on its instruments, sounds, and musical traditions including mariachis, flamenco, salsa, and more. Text is presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.5. Follett RL 3.0.
Mi musica=My Music P
B 105856B 105856 Miremos las rocas (Let's Look at Rocks)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Cipriano, Jeri
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
A very simple introduction to rocks. GR level H. Spanish translation of the book Let's Look at Rocks (105855). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Miremos las rocas (Let's Look at Rocks) KP
B 106436B 106436 Mis abuelos=My Grandparents
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Discusses the role grandparents play in Latin American families. Sebastian, a Columbian American, describes what he likes to do with his grandparents who live in his house in Milwaukee. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.4. Follett RL 1.5.
Mis abuelos=My Grandparents P
B 106437B 106437 Mis amigos=My Friends
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Amelia, a young girl living in New York with her brother and her mother, a teacher from the Dominican Republic, tells about the different activities she enjoys with her many friends. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.3. RC and Follett RL 1.8. Lexile 330.
Mis amigos=My Friends P
B 106438B 106438 Mis bailes=My Dances
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Describes Latin American folk dancing. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 4.0. Follett RL 2.6. RC 2.5. Lexile 490.
Mis bailes=My Dances P
B 106439B 106439 Mis comidas=My Foods
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Alejandro tells about the different foods of Latin America that he and his friends like to eat (dishes from Venezuela, Mexico, El Salvador, such as sancocho, arepas, tacos, pupusas). Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.6. Follett RL 2.3.
Mis comidas=My Foods P
B 106440B 106440 Mis fiestas=My Celebrations
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Describes the different festivals and celebrations of Latin America, providing information on Three Kings Day, Day of the Dead, Independence Day, and Christmas. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.5. Follett RL 2.8.
Mis fiestas=My Celebrations P
B 106441B 106441 Mis juegos=My Games
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Introduces the different games and sports hispanic children play in the United States and Latin America. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.6. Follett RL 1.7.
Mis juegos=My Games P
B 106442B 106442 Mis quehaceres=My Chores
Grade Lvl: P Author: Ancona, George
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Latin American children describe how they help their families by cleaning their rooms, feeding the pets, and washing dishes. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual book from the series Somos Latinos (We Are Latinos). AR 3.5. Follett RL 1.6.
Mis quehaceres=My Chores P
KM 12779KM 12779 Mixed Book Set - Spanish Level 1
Grade Lvl: JST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Mixed book set for the Spanish learner. 8 Spanish titles with Audio. Voluntary Reading Package includes 1 copy and 1 audio CD of the following 8 titles: Felipe Alou, Robo en la noche, Piratas del Caribe y el mapa secreto, Brandon Brown quiere un perro, El escape cubano; Vida y muerte en la mara salvatrucha; El Nuevo Houdini(includes past and present tense audio); Las aventuras de Isabela; Brandon Brown dice la verdad.
Mixed Book Set - Spanish Level 1 JST
B 106800B 106800 Molly y los Peregrinos
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Cohen, Barbara
Length: 32 Copyright: 1995
Spanish translation of: Molly's Pilgrim. Told to make a doll like a pilgrim for the Thanksgiving display at school, Molly's Jewish mother dresses the doll as she herself dressed before leaving Russia to seek religious freedom--much to Molly's embarrassment. Russian Americans. AR and RC 3.0. Lexile 560.
Molly y los Peregrinos PI
B 128123B 128123 Money Matters = El dinero importa
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brody, Morgan
Length: 24 Copyright: 2020
Simple text and photographs introduce how to count money. Bilingual. Spanish language materials. Beginning reader. Counting. Money. Series nonfiction: Math on My Mind. IL K-3.
Money Matters = El dinero importa KP
B 107697B 107697 Monkeys=Monos
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Twine, Alice
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Simple text and photos introduce several kinds of baby monkeys. Provides a glimpse of a baby monkey's life. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Baby Animals. AR 2.5. Follett RL 2.6.
Monkeys=Monos KP
DVD 1639DVD 1639 Mose Humphreys
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2006
Meet Mose Humphreys, the toughest firefighter in the nation's toughest neighborhood, the Bowery in New York City circa 1840. Whether scaling a burning building, rushing into a smoldering orphanage to rescue children or finding a way to squelch a massive fire when a pumper runs out of water, Mose is always willing to risk his life to save others. Closed captioned. Narrated in English and Spanish.
Mose Humphreys KPI
B 90329B 90329 Mother Goose Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fredericks, Anthony
Length: 161 Copyright: 2007
Contains twenty-four readers theater plays based on Mother Goose rhymes, appropriate for readers at first and second grade levels, each with presentation suggestions, phonemic awareness activities, and a copy of the original rhyme. Some of the scripts include the Spanish translation.
Mother Goose Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers T
KM 2448KM 2448 Mouse and the Motorcycle (30 books)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Cleary, Beverly
Length: 0 Copyright: 1980
Ralph the mouse makes friends with a boy who provides him with a toy motorcycle with which he has many adventures. Contents: 30 Books in English; 5 books in Spanish; 1 Teacher Guide; 1 Study Guide; 1 Literature Kit; a Student Packet; Read Along DVD; and Read Along Audio CDs. Novel Study. IL 3-7. AR 5.1. RC 4.1. Lexile 860. GR O. Four week loan period. Kit updated 10/16/19.
Mouse and the Motorcycle (30 books) IJ
B 107918B 107918 Moutain Goats/Cabra montes
Grade Lvl: P Author: Macken, JoAnn Early
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Presents an introduction to mountain goats providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behavior. From the series Animals That Live in the Mountains/Animales de las montanas. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 1.6. Follett RL 1.7.
Moutain Goats/Cabra montes P
B 100808B 100808 Mouth = Boca
Grade Lvl: KP Author: KLINGEL, CYNTHIA
Length: 24 Copyright: 2002
A bilingual introduction to the mouth, what it is used for, and how to take care of it. From the series Let's Read About Our Bodies. Follett RL 1.2.
Mouth = Boca KP
B 118625B 118625 Movi la mano = I Moved My Hand
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Lujan, Jorge
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
When a little girl moves her hand, she discovers that she can unlock her imagination. As she does so, she comes to recognize her own ability to creates something new. Bilingual book. Text in Spanish and English. Written by Argentine poet, Jorge Lujan.
Movi la mano = I Moved My Hand KP
B 105868B 105868 Muestranos tus alas (Show Us Your Wings)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ring, Susan
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
Photographs and easy-to-read text introduce wings, some of the birds and insects that have wings, and different ways they use them. AR 1.4. GR level F. Spanish translation of the book Show Us Your Winds (105867). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Muestranos tus alas (Show Us Your Wings) KP
KM 12438KM 12438 Multi-Level Readers: Double the Number
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR D Lexile 250); On Level(GR E Lexile 270) and Beyond Level(GR G Lexile 290) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Book presents opportunities for students to add doubles while they learn about animal body parts. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Double the Number P
KM 12436KM 12436 Multi-Level Readers: Finding the Way
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR E Lexile 240); On Level(GR F Lexile 290) and Beyond Level(GR G Lexile 310) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Presents map skills and addition strategies as students follow a path from home to the library. Cardinal directions/points. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Finding the Way P
KM 12430KM 12430 Multi-Level Readers: Following a Coin
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR E Lexile 250); On Level(GR F Lexile 300) and Beyond Level(GR G Lexile 320) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Follows a nickel as it is used for purchases. Students investigate and compare the value of coins. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Following a Coin P
KM 12434KM 12434 Multi-Level Readers: Getting Around Then and Now
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR F Lexile 330); On Level(GR G Lexile 450) and Beyond Level(GR H Lexile 480) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Compares modes of transportation used today and in the past. Timeline. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Getting Around Then and Now P
KM 12437KM 12437 Multi-Level Readers: Healthful Snacks
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR E Lexile 340); On Level(GR F Lexile 350) and Beyond Level(GR G Lexile 370) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Book contains several recipes for snacks. Also contains addition problems and opportunities for solving number sentences. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Healthful Snacks P
KM 12441KM 12441 Multi-Level Readers: How Fast, How Far?
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the My Math series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR D Lexile 210); On Level(GR E Lexile 280) and Beyond Level(GR E Lexile 300) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Graphs compare how fast animals run & swim, & how high they jump. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: How Fast, How Far? P
KM 12431KM 12431 Multi-Level Readers: I Like That Too
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR F Lexile 400); On Level(GR G Lexile 460) and Beyond Level(GR H Lexile 480) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. A variety of graphs & tally charts are used to answer questions & draw conclusions about what Marie's friends like. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: I Like That Too P
KM 12432KM 12432 Multi-Level Readers: Lemonade Stand
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR D Lexile 200); On Level(GR F Lexile 320) and Beyond Level(GR F Lexile 340) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Students add & subtract two-digit numbers while exploring the system of goods & services. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Lemonade Stand P
KM 12433KM 12433 Multi-Level Readers: Look Again
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the My Math series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR D Lexile 230); On Level(GR E Lexile 380) and Beyond Level(GR F Lexile 400) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Title provides opportunities for counting to 100, making comparisons, & discussing what plants & animals need to live. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Look Again P
KM 12429KM 12429 Multi-Level Readers: Maps and Mail
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR E Lexile 270); On Level(GR F Lexile 350) and Beyond Level(GR F Lexile 380) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Follows a mail carrier through a daily route. Book incorporates numbers, patterns, and counting. Includes cardinal directions & map symbols. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Maps and Mail P
KM 12440KM 12440 Multi-Level Readers: Plants Grow and Change
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the My Math series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR F Lexile 280); On Level(GR G Lexile 360) and Beyond Level(GR H Lexile 380) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Uses diagrams and illustrations to show students how plants grow from seeds. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Plants Grow and Change P
KM 12435KM 12435 Multi-Level Readers: Rock Collections
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR E Lexile 250); On Level(GR F Lexile 280) and Beyond Level(GR F Lexile 310) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Book provides opportunities to use observation and classifying skills and subtraction strategies in describing rock collections. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Rock Collections P
KM 12439KM 12439 Multi-Level Readers: Shapes In Nature
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the My Math series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR D Lexile 210); On Level(GR E Lexile 250) and Beyond Level(GR G Lexile 270) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Looks at shapes in nature, and also how animals' bodies are adapted to their environments. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Shapes In Nature P
KM 12443KM 12443 Multi-Level Readers: Wet Week
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR E Lexile 240); On Level(GR F Lexile 290) and Beyond Level(GR G Lexile 310) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Records weather and rainfall in a town for a week. Students compare data & read graphs. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: Wet Week P
KM 12442KM 12442 Multi-Level Readers: What Do They Eat?
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 9 Copyright: 2009
Kit has 4 versions of this 1st grade reader from the My Math series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Science. Grade 1. Contains 8 copies each of the publisher-leveled books: Approaching Level(GR D Lexile 220); On Level(GR E Lexile 250) and Beyond Level(GR G Lexile 270) plus the Spanish version of the On Level book. Presents the foods that animals eat. Book contains subtraction problem situations and opportunities for solving number sentences. IL 1.
Multi-Level Readers: What Do They Eat? P
B 106526B 106526 Musicians of Bremen/Los musicos de Bremen
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ros, Roser
Length: 24 Copyright: 2005
Presents a children's book written in both English and Spanish about four aging animals who are no longer of any use to their masters who find a new home after outwitting a gang of robbers. Bilingual text. Follett RL 3.5. IL K-3.
Musicians of Bremen/Los musicos de Bremen KP
B 125676B 125676 My Colors = Mis colores
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Emberley, Rebecca
Length: 22 Copyright: 2000
With colorful pictures, the words for several colors are presented in Spanish and English. Board Book. Bilingual. Juvenile nonfiction. IL Pres-K.
My Colors = Mis colores KP
B 102965B 102965 My Diary From Here to There: Mi diario
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Perez, Amada
Length: 32 Copyright: 2002
Complete title: My Diary From Here to There = Mi Diario de Aqui Hasta Alla. A young girl describes her feelings when her family decides to leave their home in Mexico to look for work in the United States. Bilingual picture book for older readers.
My Diary From Here to There: Mi diario PI
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 48 Copyright: 2001
Complete title: My First Visual Dictionary=Mi Primer Diccionario Visual. Bilingual picture dictionary provides 800 color illustrations with words and phrases in both English and Spanish. Word groups include human body; clothing, food, plants and gardens, animals, transportation, homes and buildings, school, music, sports, etc. Each group also has a riddle/game. Includes index for each language.
B 107669B 107669 My Grandma=Mi Abuelita
Grade Lvl: K Author: Guy, Ginger
Length: 20 Copyright: 2007
In this bilingual story, a boy and his family fly from the city to the country to visit his grandmother. Text is in Spanish and English.
My Grandma=Mi Abuelita K
B 106676B 106676 My Name Is Gabriela=Me llamo Gabriela
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Brown, Monica
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
Complete title: My Name Is Gabriela: The Life of Gabriela Mistral-Me llamo Gabriela: la vida de Gariela Mistral. Presents a short biography (fictionalized) of the life of early 20th century Chilean children's author and poet, Gabriela Mistral, and describes her childhood and education as a teacher and her works that led to receiving the Nobel Prize for literature in 1945. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 4.3. Follett RL 5.2. RC 2.3. Lexile 860.
My Name Is Gabriela=Me llamo Gabriela PI
B 88800B 88800 My Name Is Jorge: On Both Sides of the River
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Medina, Jane
Length: 48 Copyright: 1999
A book of poems that explores the struggles of a boy from Mexico attending school in the United States. Mexican Americans- Poetry. Schools- Poetry. Poems are in Spanish and in English. Me llamo Jorge en ambos lados del rio. AR 3.3. Lexile 340. IL 3-7.
My Name Is Jorge: On Both Sides of the River PIJ
B 123229B 123229 My Nana’s Remedies/ Los remedios de mi nana
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rivera-Ashford, Roni Capin
Length: 32 Copyright: 2002
This bilingual (English/Spanish) children's book features a warm and loving grandmother who prepares a variety of traditional remedies for her young granddaughter, remedies to treat everything from an upset stomach to being frightened at night. IL K-1. AR 2.9. Lexile 540.
My Nana’s Remedies/ Los remedios de mi nana KP
B 120851B 120851 My Tata's Remedies = Los remedios de mi Tata
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Rivera-Ashford, Roni Capin
Length: 40 Copyright: 2015
Tata Gus teaches his grandson Aaron how to use natural healing remedies, and in the process helps the members of his family and his neighbors when they come to him. Tata knows how to use herbs, teas, and plants to help each one. His wife, Grandmother Nana, is there too, bringing delicious food and humor to help Tata's patients heal. The author offers a semiautobiographical recounting of the importance of sharing intergenerational wisdom. Herbal remedies glossary at the end of the book includes useful information about each plant, plus botanically correct drawings. Illustrated by Antonio Castro. Pura Belpre Illustrator Honor, 2016. Bilingual text. English & Spanish are on the same page. AR 4.0 IL 1-4.
My Tata's Remedies = Los remedios de mi Tata PI
B 126993B 126993 My Two Border Towns
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bowles, David
Length: 40 Copyright: 2021
A boy and his father cross the United States-Mexico border every other Saturday, visiting their favorite places, spending time with family and friends, and sharing in the responsibility of community care. Hispanic/Latino. Immigration & Emigration. Social awareness. City and town life. IL K-3.
My Two Border Towns KP
B 123227B 123227 My Very Own Room/ Mi Propio Cuartito
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Perez, Amada Irma
Length: 32 Copyright: 2000
Tired of sharing a room with her five brothers, an eight-year-old Mexican American girl longs to find a corner of the house she can call her own. She persuades her mother to let her take up residence in a storage room, and the whole family gets involved in refurbishing the new space. An uncle who is heading back to Mexico donates his bed; one brother finds a wooden crate to use for a bookcase and the books come from the library. Based on Perez's own childhood, this bilingual picture book paints a portrait of life in a big family that often provides a home base to newly arriving relatives and friends and offers strong testimony to the heroine's resourcefulness. This inspiring tale will resonate with anyone who's ever wished for a room of one's own or worked hard to achieve an important goal. IL 1-5. AR 3.9. Lexile 700. F+P L.
My Very Own Room/ Mi Propio Cuartito PI
B 107668B 107668 My Way=A mi manera
Grade Lvl: K Author: Reiser, Lynn
Length: 32 Copyright: 2007
Parallel text in Spanish and English portrays Margaret and Margarita, who mirror one another as they fix their hair, greet their friends, and engage in other routine activities, each in her own special way. Bilingual text.
My Way=A mi manera K
B 124489B 124489 Nacer bailando (Born Dancing)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Ada, Alma Flor
Length: 145 Copyright: 2011
When Margie's cousin Lupe comes from Mexico to live in California with Margie's family, Lupe must adapt to America, while Margie, who thought it would be fun to have her cousin there, finds that she is embarrassed by her in school and jealous of her at home. Text in Spanish. IL 5-12. AR 6.1.
Nacer bailando (Born Dancing) IJS
B 105895B 105895 Neptuno=Neptune
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Neptune using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 4.8. Ar 2.3.
Neptuno=Neptune P
KM 12572KM 12572 Nextext Spanish Readers
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Kit contains four books. Spanish Readers offer short stories, poems, plays, and essays presented entirely in Spanish. Vocabulary support is provided. Titles: Jorge Luis Borges; Miguel de Unamuno; Gabriel Garcia Marquez; and Ana Maria Matute. Four-week loan period.
Nextext Spanish Readers JS
B 127366B 127366 Nieve en la jungla = Snow in the Jungle
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Hofmann-Maniyar, Ariane
Length: 32 Copyright: 2021
When Snow's mother tells her that they're going to move to an exciting new place, Snow isn't so sure. She likes her home and her friends, and the fun they have together. The journey takes forever, and their new home is very strange. Everything is different - the weather, the food, the people and the language. Will anything happen to help Snow feel more at home? Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Animal story. Spanish language. IL K-4.
Nieve en la jungla = Snow in the Jungle KPI
KM 12560KM 12560 Noches misteriosas en Granada (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Placido, Kristy
Length: 84 Copyright: 2011
Kevin is in Spain for the summer with his best friend, taking classes he can't understand & dealing with difficulties in his personal life. Kevin escapes into a book and enters a world of long-ago adventures. Novel is written in the present tense. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 1 (Novice-low level) Spanish reader (65 pages plus glossary), unabridged audio CD and a teacher's resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
Noches misteriosas en Granada (20 Books) JS
B 125992B 125992 Not a Bean
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe
Length: 32 Copyright: 2019
Explores the Mexican jumping bean's daily life and eventual transformation and escape from the pod. Animals. Life cycles. Jumping bean. Creative nonfiction. IL Pres-2.
Not a Bean KP
B 105864B 105864 Oceano (Ocean)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ring, Susan
Length: 17 Copyright: 2005
A very simple introduction to the ocean, the plan and animal life within it, and how people use it. Spanish translation of the book The Ocean (105863). Yellow Umbrella Books for Early Readers.
Oceano (Ocean) KP
KM 12230KM 12230 Oficios en mi escuela=Jobs in My School
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Kidde, Rita / Garrett, Winston
Length: 24 Copyright: 2015
Collection of bilingual (Spanish/English) readers. Simple text and photographs describe what each staff person does in a school. Includes Que hace el conserje? = What Does a Janitor Do?; Que hace el director? = What Does the Principal Do?; Que hace el especialista de medios de la biblioteca escolar? = What Does a Library Media Specialist Do?; Que hace la enfermera de la escuela? = What Does the School Nurse Do?; Que hace la secretaria de la escuela? = What Does a School Secretary Do?; Que hacen los maestros? = What Do Teachers Do?. Each page presents both the Spanish and English version of the text. IL K-2.
Oficios en mi escuela=Jobs in My School KP
B 107150B 107150 Ohio (Bilingual Library)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Way, Jennifer
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006
Presents a brief introduction to Ohio written in Spanish and English. From the series The Bilingual Library of the USA (United States of America). AR 3.2. Follett RL 3.5.
Ohio (Bilingual Library) P
B 107151B 107151 Oklahoma (Bilingual Library)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Brown, Vanessa
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006
Presents a brief introduction to Oklahoma written in Spanish and English. From the series The Bilingual Library of the USA (United States of America). AR 3.2. Follett RL 4.3.
Oklahoma (Bilingual Library) P
B 125534B 125534 One is a Pinata: A Book of Numbers
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Thong, Roseanne
Length: 40 Copyright: 2019
In rhyming text, Hispanic children count items that can be seen in their neighborhood, such as pinatas, bubbles, and kites. Numbers in English and Spanish. Includes Spanish words throughout. Holiday stories. Counting. Includes glossary. Story in verse. IL K-3. Lexile 460. GR L.
One is a Pinata: A Book of Numbers KP
KM 10725KM 10725 Operation: Military Kids Reading Collection 0-K
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Reading collection designed to foster resiliency in Iowa's geographically dispersed military kids. Helps kids cope with separation issues, develop problem solving skills, learn about other cultures and regions, and build pride for their military family members. Contents: black Hero backpack; manual (with activities, discussion questions and resources); Talk, Listen, Connect (Sesame Workshop) DVD in English and in Spanish; Talk, Listen, Comment magazine; poster; one book for each title: Alpha Bravo Charlie; Count Your Way Through the Arab World; The Soldiers Night Before Christmas; To Keep Me Safe!; Daddy, Will You Miss Me?; and The Kissing Hand; and Raccoon puppet. Designed for birth through kindergarten.
Operation: Military Kids Reading Collection 0-K K
B 111564B 111564 Opuestos: Mexican Folk Art Opposites
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Weill, Cynthia
Length: 32 Copyright: 2009
Subtitle: Mexican Folk Art Opposites in English and Spanish. Whimsical hand-carved and painted animals from Oaxaca and simple Spanish and English text teach children about opposites. Wooden sculptures by Quirino and Martin Santiago (from the jacaranda tree) Bilingual text.
Opuestos: Mexican Folk Art Opposites KP
KM 12022KM 12022 Our Nation's 50 States
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2009
Kit contains one copy each of four versions of a book from the My Math series Real-World Problem Solving: Math and Social Studies. Grade 5. Each reader has a page of multi-step problem-solving questions. The three English titles are written at different reading levels: 1.Approaching: GR level T, Lexile 850. 2.On level: GR level U, Lexile 980. 3. Beyond: GR level V, Lexile 1000. The fourth title is the Spanish version: Los 50 estados de nuestra nacion, GR level U Lexile 980. Leveled by publisher.
Our Nation's 50 States I
KM 12521KM 12521 OWL: Opening the World of Learning in English/Spanish Preview Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Opening the World of Learning in English & Spanish is a pre-kindergarten program designed to create a developmentally appropriate classroom covering all domains. Pearson Scott Foresman Pre-K Preview Kit contains the Program Overview; Planning & Assessment Teacher's Guide; Unit 8: Make It Move/Haz que se mueva; sample student books (English & Spanish), Envision It! retelling storyboard; Story Time Card (English & Spanish versions); sample alphabet cards; Envision It! Visual Learning Strips; poster (English & Spanish versions); sample Amazing Word cards; sample Concept Word cards; sample Picture Cards; sheet with photos of the OWL manipulatives.
OWL: Opening the World of Learning in English/Spanish Preview Kit T
B 92726B 92726 Oxford Picture Dictionary for Kids
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keyes, Joan
Length: 142 Copyright: 1998
Bilingual dictionary uses illustrations to introduce over 700 words in English and Spanish, defined in the context of 60 topics, covering the family, home, school, town, weekend, vacation, animals, seasons, and Earth and space. Title III Reading and English Acquisition Development Center (READ).
Oxford Picture Dictionary for Kids T
B 92725B 92725 Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kauffman, Dorothy
Length: 148 Copyright: 2000
English/Spanish dictionary is a vocabulary teaching tool designed for elementary students, with 1500 words drawn from the subjects of social studies, history, science, and math. Bilingual dictionary. Title III Reading and English Acquisition Development Center (READ).
Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas T
KM 11891KM 11891 Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas KIt
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kauffman, Dorothy / Bukantz, Dorothy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Features strategies and techniques for presenting, practicing, and expanding upon the vocabulary in each of the Dictionary's 60 topics. Each topic has notes on teaching the words, Content Readings, Content Chants, and extension activities. Also included are notes on how to use the Workbook and the Worksheets, as well as literature selections that correspond to each topic. The Workbook provides practice and reinforcement of the vocabulary presented in each Dictionary page. Activities include categorizing, labeling, matching, unscrambling, and puzzle solving. A separate Workbook Answer Key found in the Teacher's Book provides the answers to the activities. Kit contains three books: Teacher's Book, The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas, and Workbook. For grades 2-6.
Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas KIt T
B 102964B 102964 Pajaro Verde/The Green Bird
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hayes, Joe
Length: 38 Copyright: 2002
Although her mother and sisters make fun of her decision to marry a green bird, to Mirabel he is a prince and so when her family's jealousy endangers him, she sets out to save his life and their love. Bilingual picture book for older readers combines many familiar folktale themes. AR 4.3. IL 3-5.
Pajaro Verde/The Green Bird PI
B 124639B 124639 Patéala, pásala, ¡Anota! (Kick, Pass, Score)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Greve, Meg
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
A group of monkeys must work together in a game of soccer to beat the lions. Spanish early reader. IL Pres-2. AR 1.0. GR D.
Patéala, pásala, ¡Anota! (Kick, Pass, Score) KP
KM 13774KM 13774 Pax (25 Books)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Pennypacker, Sara
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
After being forced to give up his pet fox Pax, a young boy named Peter decides to leave home and get his best friend back. Kit contents include a classroom set of 25 books in English; plus 2 books in Spanish; a playaway and a 5 way splitter. Playaway run time: 5 hours and 30 minutes. Novel Study. Adventure. Animal story. Consequences of war. Fantasy. Multiple viewpoint. AR 5.3. RC 5.6. Lexile 760. IL 4-8.
Pax (25 Books) IJ
KM 11970KM 11970 Pebble Plus: Bilingue/Bilingual Collection (Playaway)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Kit contains five bilingual books (from the Pebble Plus series A Visit to), playaway-- pre-loaded audio book/s (29 minutes) on a dedicated digital audio media player (MP3), earphones, and instruction sheet. Spanish/English titles: Caminones de volteo/Dump Trucks; La estacion de bomberos/The Fire Station; Excavadoras/Backhoes; La granja/The Farm , La huerta de manzanas/The Apple Orchard. IL Pres-1.
Pebble Plus: Bilingue/Bilingual Collection (Playaway) KP
B 107714B 107714 Pepita Packs Up=Pepita empaca
Grade Lvl: P Author: Lachtman, Ofelia
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
As her family prepares to move to a new home, Pepita refuses to pack her toys or say goodbye to anyone, because saying goodbye might make her cry. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. AR 2.9. Follett RL 2.7.
Pepita Packs Up=Pepita empaca P
B 120655B 120655 Perdidos en NYC: una aventura en el metro
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Spiegelman, Nadja
Length: 47 Copyright: 2015
Spanish translation of Lost in NYC: A Subway Adventure. After getting separated from his teacher, his classmates, and his trip partner during an outing to the Empire State Building, Pablo, the new kid in school, learns to navigate the New York City subway system as well as his own feelings towards making new friends and living in a big city. Cartoons and comics. Subways Fiction. Toon Graphics. IL 3-6.
Perdidos en NYC: una aventura en el metro PI
B 117236B 117236 Perros salvajes a la hora de la cena
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Osborne, Mary / Brovelli, Marcela.
Length: 75 Copyright: 2008
The magic tree house whisks Jack and Annie away to Australia where they must save some animals from a wildfire. Spanish version of Dingoes at dinnertime. From the series The Magic Tree House = La casa del arbol. IL 2-4.
Perros salvajes a la hora de la cena PI
B 106640B 106640 Perros! Perros!=Dogs! Dogs!
Grade Lvl: K Author: Guy, Ginger
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006
As all the dogs in town move toward a common destination, both the English and Spanish versions of several pairs of antonyms, such as wide and thin and fast and slow, are introduced. Opposites. Bilingual text.
Perros! Perros!=Dogs! Dogs! K
KM 7627KM 7627 Pesca Letras
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
Teaches Spanish language. Seven games challenge children age 3+ to find letters by name or sound, spell three-letter words, and create words. Includes musical tunes and silly character voices. Requires 3 AA batteries (included).
Pesca Letras K
B 66781B 66781 Pinatas & Paper Flowers: Holidays of the Americas
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Perl, Lila
Length: 91 Copyright: 1983
The complete title is: Pinatas and Paper Flowers: Holidays Of the Americas In English and Spanish. Perl takes a look at eight Hispanic holidays in a bilingual volume that has the English text and its Spanish translation on facing pages: New Year; Three King's Day; Carnival and Easter; St John the Baptist Day; Columbus Day; Halloween; Festival of the Sun; Christmas. Bilingual text. IL 4-9.
Pinatas & Paper Flowers: Holidays of the Americas IJ
B 109930B 109930 Pio Peep!
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 64 Copyright: 2003
Subtitle: Rimas Tradicionales en Espanol=Traditional Spanish Nursery Rhymes. A collection of more than two dozen Spanish nursery rhymes (from Mexico, Spain, and other Spanish-speaking countries) with English translations. Bilingual text.
Pio Peep! KP
KM 12558KM 12558 Piratas del Caribe (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Canion, Mira / Gaab, Carol
Length: 60 Copyright: 2008
Novel set in the 1600s follows a pirate's quest for a secret map. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 1 novice low level Spanish reader (53 pages plus glossary), unabridged audio CD and a teacher's manual on CD. Teacher materials include reproducible activities, quizzes, Teacher's notes, photos & supplemental reading. Novel Study.
Piratas del Caribe (20 Books) JS
KM 10414KM 10414 Place Value Cards (Set of 25)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Classroom set of 25 packets of numbered cards for hands-on learning of place value. Each packet contains 38 cards (orange numbers 0-9, pink numbers 00-90, green numbers 100-900, and yellow numbers 1000-9000). Used together, students can create any number 0-9000. On the back of each card the number is spelled out in both English and Spanish, such as fifty, cincuenta. This allows students to learn how to say all the numbers from zero to nine thousand. Bilingual.
Place Value Cards (Set of 25) KP
B 106018B 106018 Playground=El parque
Grade Lvl: P Author: Gorman, Jacqueline
Length: 24 Copyright: 2005
Provides basic information, in English and Spanish, on a playground,with photographs--and descriptions--of things to do there, includinga slide, swings, seesaw, a jungle gym, and sandbox. Bilingual text. From the series I like to visit/Me gusta visitar. Follett RF 2.0.
Playground=El parque P
B 105896B 105896 Pluton=Pluto
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Pluto using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 2.3. Ar 2.1.
Pluton=Pluto P
KM 12551KM 12551 Pobre Ana bailo tango (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Verano, Patricia / Ray, Blaine
Length: 49 Copyright: 2007
Ana visits Argentina to improve her Spanish, to learn about Argentine culture, and to learn to dance the tango. Kit contains 20 copies of the Nivel 1 Spanish novella, unabridged audio CD, and activity masters. Novel Study.
Pobre Ana bailo tango (20 Books) JS
KM 9335KM 9335 Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: All About Me (BB)
Grade Lvl: KPIJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Collection of 50 color-coded photo cards (4.5"x5.75"). Card backs cover 14 languages with pronunciations (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Tagalog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi). Categories: How I Look; Healthy Habits; Keeping Safe; My Body; and Family. Poster pack consists of 15 photographic posters (11"x16") featuring young children. Backs of the posters have vocabulary words, discussion questions and activities. The language development posters and cards help English language learners acquire new words, build language skills, and contribute to classroom discussion about feelings, safety and health practices, etc.
Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: All About Me (BB) KPIJ
KM 9349KM 9349 Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: Around Our Comm (BB)
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Collection of 50 color-coded photo cards (4.5"x5.75"). Card backs cover 14 languages with pronunciations (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Tagalog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi). Categories: Hospital; Fire Station; Police Station; Supermarket; and Post Office. Poster pack consists of 15 photographic posters (11"x16") feature community helpers (barber, doctor, policeman, builders, waitress) and places in the community (library, grocery store, fire station, playground, gas station, airport). Backs of the posters have vocabulary words, discussion questions, and activities. The language development posters and cards help English language learners acquire new words, build language skills, and participate in discussions.
Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib: Around Our Comm (BB) KPIJS
KM 9338KM 9338 Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib(BB): Animals
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Collection of 50 color-coded photo cards (4.5"x5.75"). Card backs cover 14 languages with pronunciations (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Taglog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi). Categories: Sea Life; Mammals; Pets; Spiders and Insects; and Birds. Poster pack consists of 15 photographic posters (11"x16") that feature familiar animals such as gorillas, penguins, frog, eagle, squirrel, camels, kangaroos, etc. Backs of the posters have vocabulary words, discussion questions, and activities. The language development posters and cards help English language learners acquire new words, build language skills, and contribute to classroom discussions.
Poster Pack & Photo Card Lib(BB): Animals KPIJS
B 112090B 112090 Potatoes=Papas
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Vaughn, Ines
Length: 24 Copyright: 2009
Examines the history of potatoes since they were first domesticated in pre-Columbian Latin America. Provides information on how they are grown and cooked. Presented in English and Spanish. From the series Native Foods of Latin America. AR 3.8. IL 2-4.
Potatoes=Papas PI
KM 8577KM 8577 Preschool Language Scale (5th Ed) Spanish
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zimmerman, Irla
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
PLS-5 Spanish is an individually administered test used to identify monolingual or bilingual Spanish speaking children who have a language disorder or delay. Use with children from birth through 6 years 11 months of age. Test is not a translated edition of the English edition so some test tasks appear only in the Spanish edition. Composed of two subscales: Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication. In addition to evaluating receptive and expressive language skills, PLS-5 Spanish includes three supplemental asessments: the Language Sample Checklist, the Articulation Screener, and the Cuestionario para los Padres (Caregiver Questionnaire). Administration time is 20-45 minutes. Contents: examiner's manual, picture manual, and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff.
Preschool Language Scale (5th Ed) Spanish T
KM 12327KM 12327 PRESS Intervention & Assessment Manuals
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites (PRESS) includes four components: 1.Quality core instruction 2.tiered interventions 3.embedded and ongoing professional development 4.data-based decision making. Manuals in this kit focus on tiered interventions & data-based decision making. Kit contains three manuals: The Intervention Manual provides a guidebook for decision making and K-5 student interventions, covering the five components of reading instruction. It includes options for class-wide and small group interventions. The Spanish Intervention Manual includes interventions with scripted dialogues in Spanish. It does not include the decision-making tools that are in the English version. The Assessment Manual contains skill assessments for phonemic awareness, phonics, & comprehension. It is a resource for monitoring the progress of students recieving Tier 2 interventions.
PRESS Intervention & Assessment Manuals T
B 113471B 113471 Princess and the Pea=La Princesa Y El Guisante
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Boada, Francesc
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
By feeling a pea through twenty mattresses and twenty featherbeds, agirl proves that she is a real princess. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. IL K-3.
Princess and the Pea=La Princesa Y El Guisante KP
KM 12556KM 12556 Problemas en Paraiso (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Gaab, Carol
Length: 83 Copyright: 2010
Victoria Andalucci and her son are staying at a resort in Mexico. When she ventures away from the resort, she faces a perilous fight for her life. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 2 (Novice-high level) Spanish reader (73 pages plus glossary), book on two audio CDs, and a teacher's resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
Problemas en Paraiso (20 Books) JS
B 113472B 113472 Puss in Boots=El Gato Con Botas
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Boada, Francesc
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Illustrated retelling of the French fairy tale in which a clever catwins his master a fortune and the hand of a princess and is presented in both English and Spanish. Bilingual text. IL K-3.
Puss in Boots=El Gato Con Botas KP
B 101925B 101925 Querido Senor Henshaw (Dear Mr. Henshaw)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: CLEARY, BEVERLY
Length: 167 Copyright: 1998
Spanish version of Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary. In his letters to his favorite author ten year old Leigh reveals his problems in coping with his parents' divorce and being the new boy in school. IL 4-7.
Querido Senor Henshaw (Dear Mr. Henshaw) IJ
B 124651B 124651 Quizás algo hermoso: Cómo el arte transformó un barrio (Maybe Something Beautiful)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Campoy, F. Isabel / Howell, Theresa
Length: 40 Copyright: 2018
Maybe Something Beautiful, Spanish edition. Mira lives in a gray and hopeless urban community until a muralist arrives and, along with his paints and brushes, brings color, joy, and togetherness to Mira and her neighbors. Based on a true story. Mural painting and decoration- Fiction. RC 2.3 Lexile 580 IL Pres-2.
Quizás algo hermoso: Cómo el arte transformó un barrio (Maybe Something Bea KP
B 122670B 122670 Rainbow Weaver = Tejedora del arcoiris
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Marshall, Linda Elovitz
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016
Ixchel, a young Mayan girl in Guatemala who is not allowed to use her mother's thread to weave, exercises her ingenuity and repurposes plastic bags to create colorful weavings. Based on an actual recycling movement in Guatemala. Bilingual book. Text in English and Spanish. Some Kaqchikel Mayan language words are used as well. Lexile 580 IL K-3.
Rainbow Weaver = Tejedora del arcoiris KP
B 117502B 117502 Ramona empieza el curso
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Cleary, Beverly
Length: 212 Copyright: 1997
The further adventures of the Quimby family as Ramona enters the third grade. Spanish translation of: Ramona Quimby, Age 8. IL 3-5.
Ramona empieza el curso PI
KM 13183KM 13183 Read It Again PreK Spanish Edition
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
Kit contains the Spanish version of 10 children's books used in the lessons for the Read It Again curriculum supplement for Keystone AEA preschools. (KM 12700). Contents include: Clifford Goes to Dog School; Chicka Chicka Boom Boom; The Mitten; Giggle, Giggle, Quack; The Way I Feel; If You Give a Moose a Muffin; A Color of His Own; Bunny Cakes; Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree; How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?. IL Pres-1.
Read It Again PreK Spanish Edition K
B 94357B 94357 Read Me a Rhyme in Spanish and English
Grade Lvl: T Author: Trevino, Rose
Length: 155 Copyright: 2009
Complete title: Read Me a Rhyme in Spanish and English=Leame una rima en espanol e ingles. Presents programming ideas for bilingual storytimes and other programs for children who speak Spanish at home. Includes songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and vocabulary activities in both English and Spanish, a discography of Spanish music, and an annotated list of bilingual picture books. Each chapter includes plans developed for a different age group--infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children.
Read Me a Rhyme in Spanish and English T
KM 164KM 164 Ready Classroom: Mathematics Grade 1
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade1. Contains Teacher's Guides, Volume 1 and 2; student lesson books, Vol. 1 and 2; and 1 Spanish Teacher Guide and 1 Spanish student lesson book. Sampler for professional preview only.
Ready Classroom: Mathematics Grade 1 T
KM 167KM 167 Ready Classroom: Mathematics Grade 3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 3. Contains Teacher's Guides, Volume 1 and 2; student lesson books, Vol. 1 and 2; and 1 Spanish Teacher Guide and 1 Spanish student lesson book. Sampler for professional preview only.
Ready Classroom: Mathematics Grade 3 T
KM 13415KM 13415 Ready Classroom: Mathematics Grade 5
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 5. Contains Teacher's Guides, Volume 1 and 2; student lesson books, Vol. 1 and 2; and 1 Spanish Teacher Guide and 1 Spanish Sampler student lesson book, Volume 1. Sampler for professional preview only.
Ready Classroom: Mathematics Grade 5 T
KM 166KM 166 Ready Classsroom: Mathematics Grade 2
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade 2. Contains Teacher's Guides, Volume 1 and 2; student lesson books, Vol. 1 and 2; and 1 Spanish Teacher Guide and 1 Spanish student lesson book. Sampler for professional preview only.
Ready Classsroom: Mathematics Grade 2 T
KM 162KM 162 Ready Classsroom: Mathematics Grade K
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Ready Classroom Mathematics, Grade K. Contains Teacher's Guides, Volume 1 and 2; student lesson books, Vol. 1 and 2; and 1 Spanish Teacher Guide and 1 Spanish student lesson book. Sampler for professional preview only.
Ready Classsroom: Mathematics Grade K T
KM 12554KM 12554 Rebeldes de Tejas (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Canion, Mira
Length: 100 Copyright: 2009
Mexican Juan Seguin finds himself fighting for Texas in the battle of the Alamo. Historical novel is written in the past tense. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 2 (Novice-high level) Spanish reader (94 pages plus glossary) and a teacher's resource guide on CD. Novel Study.
Rebeldes de Tejas (20 Books) JS
KM 8700KM 8700 Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test 4th Edition Spanish-Bilingual Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Martin, Nancy A
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
ROWPVT-4 N includes expanded norms (ages 2-0 through 70+), this edition is intended for use with and was normed on a bilingual population of individuals who speak Spanish and English with varying levels of proficiency. Because examinees are permitted to respond in either language, the test measures total acquired vocabulary; it is not a test of language proficiency, since language includes grammar and syntax, as well as vocabulary. Norms are separate from the English 4th edition of the ROWPVT. The Spanish-bilingual edition (SBE) tests are co-normed, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of a person's naming abilities. Examiners must be fluent in both languages or be assisted by someone fluent in the language not spoken by the principal examiner, in order to understand whether any dialectical variants should be counted as correct. Short term checkout. Checkout restricted to Keystone AEA Speech and Language Pathologists.
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test 4th Edition Spanish-Bilingual Ed T
B 108989B 108989 Red Hot Salsa: Bilingual Poems
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 140 Copyright: 2005
Subtitle: Bilingual Poems on Being Young and Latino in the United States. Poems are written in both Spanish and English. Poems are divided into loose categories. The poets talk about themselves, how and where they live, their families, love, and their dreams for the future.
Red Hot Salsa: Bilingual Poems JS
DVD 1638DVD 1638 Regional Tall Tales
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2006
Learn tall tall from all four corners of the United States. Stories include Annie Oakley; Creating a Tall Talel Davy Crockett; John Henry; Johnny Appleseed; Mose Humphreys; Old Stormalong; Paul Bunyan; Pecos Bill; and Regional Tall Tales. Closed captioned. Narrated in English and Spanish.
Regional Tall Tales KPI
DVD 2019DVD 2019 Revolutionary War Heroes
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2003
Looks at some ordinary citizens whose acts of courage helped win the American Revolution. Patriots. Nathan Hale, Colonel Frances Marion. Lafayette. Captain John Paul Jones. Molly Pitcher. Paul Revere. Deborah Sampson. Closed captioned. Narrated in English or Spanish.
Revolutionary War Heroes PI
KM 12547KM 12547 Robo en la noche (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Placido, Kristy
Length: 84 Copyright: 2009
Makenna and her father are moving from Michigan to Costa Rica for his work at a bird sanctuary. Makenna finds herself in the middle of an illegal bird-trading scheme. Flip book has both past tense and present tense versions bound together. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 1 novice-mid level Spanish reader (74 pages plus glossary), unabridged audio CD and a teacher's manual on CD. Novel Study.
Robo en la noche (20 Books) JS
DVD 1209DVD 1209 Rules of the Road
Grade Lvl: S Author:
Length: 46 Copyright: 2003
For novice drivers. Seven instruction sections cover driving basics, city and residential driving, highway driving, the driver exam, safety tips, hazardous conditions, and drug and alcohol awareness. Examples of the wrong things to do as well as the correct things are provided. Additional features on the DVD include a section on basic auto maintenance and road signs. The State-to-State Driving Requirements index. Drug and Alcohol Awareness, Interactive Quizzes, Road Sign Tests, Sample Written Exams. 46 minutes. Includes teacher guide. Information and entertaining. Spanish and English subtitles. One-week loan period.
Rules of the Road S
B 105897B 105897 Saturno=Saturn
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Saturn using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 4.1. AR 1.8.
Saturno=Saturn P
DVD 1623DVD 1623 Saving, Spending & Investing Money
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2005
Learn about money and its history as well as how saving, spending, earning and investing are the backbone of the economy. Learn how hard work and budgeting make it possible to buy things. See how financial institutions like banks can help to earn interest and how personal management of money directly affects the economy. Narrated in English or Spanish. Closed captioned.
Saving, Spending & Investing Money KPI
B 114295B 114295 Say Something, Perico
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Harris, Trudy
Length: 33 Copyright: 2011
Perico the parrot who lives in a pet store has lots to say, but buyers keep returning him because they do not seem to understand him, leaving Perico to wonder if anyone will ever speak his language. Finally, a bilingual boy thinks he will be the perfect pet.Parrots. Bilingualism Fiction. AR 2.8. RC 2.3. Lexile 570. IL K-2.
Say Something, Perico KP
KM 12494KM 12494 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 1 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Books with Spanish texts have simple labels or captions, and some with up to five or six words, often on one line. These texts have clear, easy-to-read print with generous space between words. These simple formats enable young children to focus on print and reading from left to right while gradually increasing their control over more words. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● Un día de escuela — Cervantes ● Animales del mundo — Rodriguez ● ¿Qué soy yo? — Frizado ● Yo puedo correr — Pinnell ● 1,2 y 3 a la caja! — Tarlow Guided Reading Level Equivalent: A, B Grade Level Equivalent: Kindergarten (Developing/Early) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide, Reading Level Correlations sheet, and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 1 (based on the research of Gay K
KM 12503KM 12503 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 10 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Level 10 books (written in the Spanish language) have a variety of texts, including informational texts, biographies, chapter books, and some longer, highly literary, or informational picture books. Chapter books have more sophisticated plots and characters that are developed throughout the text. Some texts have abstract or symbolic themes that require higher-level conceptual understanding. Texts contain an expanded vocabulary with many multisyllabic words. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● Sapo y Sepo son amigos — Lobel ● Avenida Pennsylvania No. 1600 — Wirth ● Una canasta de cumpleaños para Tía — Mora ● Los bomberos — Mitten ● Frida — Winter Guided Reading Level Equivalent: M-N Grade Level Equivalent: 3rd grade (Self-Extending) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 10 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12504KM 12504 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 11 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 11 texts (written in Spanish) have a variety of formats. Topics vary widely and include subjects that will be familiar to children and those that are new. Literary selections have complex language and subtle meanings that require interpretation and background knowledge. Chapter books are longer with few pictures. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● Ruby, mono ve, mono hace — Rathmann ● Oye, hormiguita — Hoose & Hoose ● Las llamas — Ring ● Tikki Tikki Tembo — Mosel ● El libro de las palomitas de maíz — de Paola Guided Reading Level Equivalent: N-P Grade Level Equivalent: 3rd grade (Self-Extending) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 11 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12505KM 12505 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 12 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 12 books (written in the Spanish language) have longer texts in a variety of genres. Chapter books present memorable characters developed through literary devices such as humor, irony, and whimsy. Informational texts offer mystery and suspense. Vocabulary continues to expand, and topics go well beyond students’ own experiences. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● ¡Relámpagos! — Hopping ● Un caso grave de rayas — Shannon ● El secreto de las momias — Goldish ● Niño Cuervo — Yashima ● La boda de la ratoncita — Dupré Guided Reading Level Equivalent: P-Q Grade Level Equivalent: 3rd grade (Self-Extending) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 12 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12495KM 12495 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 2 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 2 books with Spanish texts have simple story lines or a single idea. The print is easy-to-read with adequate space between words so that children can point to words as they read. Texts at this level generally have one or two lines of print on a page, somewhat longer sentences, and a variety of punctuation. There is some direct correspondence between the text and pictures, and repeating patterns support the reader. Topics are generally familiar to most children. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● ¡Monos, Monos! — González ● ¿De quién son estos huesos? — Fernandez ● Nosotros vivimos aquí — Salzman ● El mitón — Tarlow ● Cómo hacer una manga de viento — Tarlow Guided Reading Level Equivalent: B Grade Level Equivalent: Kindergarten (Developing/Early) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 2 (based on the research of Gay K
KM 12496KM 12496 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 3 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 3 books with Spanish texts have more words and lines of print than level 1 or level 2 texts. Print is clear and readable with adequate spaces between words. Most sentences are simple, but some have more complex structure, offering readers a challenge. Language patterns are more likely to change from page to page, so children cannot rely on them to make predictions and must pay closer attention to print. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● ¿Quién soy yo? — Lee ● Yo veo los peces — Curry ● Por favor. Gracias. — Alexander ● El agua — Blevins ● El taxi de Tina — Franco Guided Reading Level Equivalent: C, D Grade Level Equivalent: Kindergarten (Developing/Early) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 3 (based on the research of Gay K
KM 12497KM 12497 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 4 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 4 books with Spanish texts have topics that are familiar to most children but also include some abstract or unfamiliar ideas. Text layout is still easy to follow, with both large and small print. Sentences are longer and are carried over to the next page or several pages and use a full range of punctuation. There are more compound words, multisyllabic words, and words with a variety of inflectional endings. Illustrations are still supportive but less so than at the previous level requiring the reader to pay more attention to print. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● ¿Qué hora es? — Moriarty ● Como yo — Neasi ● Soy el agua — Marzollo ● ¡No me gusta mi moño! — Wilhelm ● ¡Corre, perro, corre! — Eastman Guided Reading Level Equivalent: D, E Grade Level Equivalent: 1st grade (Early/Transitional) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 4 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12498KM 12498 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 5 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 5 books with Spanish texts include a variety of patterns. Knowledge of punctuation is important in understanding what the sentence means and how it should be spoken. Vocabulary is more challenging, with a greater range of words and more difficult words, including some that are technical and require content knowledge. Texts have a greater variety of styles of print and text layout, requiring close attention to print and flexibility on the part of the reader. Texts are not repetitive. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● Los animales nos ayudan — Cherrington ● La semilla de zanahoria — Kraus ● Me gusta jugar con los libros — Santirso ● El viento travieso — Bradley ● Ellen Ochoa — Walker Guided Reading Level Equivalent: E, F, G Grade Level Equivalent: 1st grade (Early/Transitional) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 5 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12499KM 12499 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 6 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 6 books with Spanish texts are similar in difficulty to level 5 but have a wider variety, including texts with poetic or literary language. Sentences vary in length and difficulty, and some complex sentences carry over several pages. Texts have fewer repeating events and language patterns. Vocabulary is expanded and includes words that are less frequently used in oral language. Size of print varies widely. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● Tiempo de calabazas — Hall ● Pollita Chiquita — Zimmerman ● Y siguió lloviendo — Shannon ● Cuando Sofía se enoja, se enoja de veras... — Bang ● El sol y la lluvia del Amazonas — de la Piedra Guided Reading Level Equivalent: H, I Grade Level Equivalent: 1st grade (Early/Transitional) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 6 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12500KM 12500 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 7 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 7 books with Spanish texts are longer and more complex than at levels 5 and 6. Size of print is smaller, and there are more lines of print on the page. Texts have longer sentences and paragraphs. There are more multisyllabic words. Illustrations enhance the story but provide low support for understanding meaning. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● ¡El lobo llama a la puerta! — Ward ● Siete ratones ciegos — Young ● Así vamos a la escuela — Baer ● Gilberto y el viento — Hall Ets ● Sombras — Otto Guided Reading Level Equivalent: J-K Grade Level Equivalent: 2nd grade (Transitional/Self-Extending) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 7 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12501KM 12501 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 8 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 8 books with Spanish texts are more difficult and varied than level 7. Informational texts with new concepts and chapter texts with complex narratives and memorable characters can be found in this level. Illustrations enhance the text but offer little support for figuring out new words. Texts have many high frequency words but may also have unfamiliar and/or technical words. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● Plantas que comen animales — Fowler ● Perros de trineo — Todd ● Pedro, el valiente — Broadley ● Trenes — Gibbons ● Clic, Clac, Muu: vacas escritoras — Cronin Guided Reading Level Equivalent: K-L Grade Level Equivalent: 2nd grade (Transitional/Self-Extending) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 8 (based on the research of Gay P
KM 12502KM 12502 Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 9 (based on the research of Gay Su Pinnell)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Level 9 books with Spanish texts include longer chapter texts, shorter informational texts, and literary texts with illustrations that enhance meaning. Stories have multiple episodes related to a single plot. Some stories have to do with times, places, and characters outside children’s experience. Includes 6 copies of each of the following leveled book titles: ● El chiquero — Teague ● El león y el ratón — Valeri ● Los murciélagos — Goldberger ● Querido Salvatierra — ● Donde viven los monstruos — Sendak Guided Reading Level Equivalent: L-M Grade Level Equivalent: 2nd grade (Transitional/Self-Extending) Kit also includes teacher materials (Teacher's Guide and Teaching Cards for each of the student titles).
Scholastic Guided Reading en español Level 9 (based on the research of Gay P
B 107698B 107698 Seals=Focas
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Twine, Alice
Length: 24 Copyright: 2008
Photographs and simple text describe a variety of baby seals. Text is in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Baby Animals. AR 2.9. Follett RL 2.3.
Seals=Focas KP
KM 8220KM 8220 Seasons/Las Estaciones
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
Contains 22 books from the Heinemann book series, Seasons. Includes two copies each of both the English editions and Spanish editions. Titles: Spring; Primavera; Summer; Verano; Fall; Otono; Winter; Invierno; Seasons 123; Las estaciones 123; and Seasons ABC (no Spanish edition). Also includes Nonfiction Teaching Resource Notes.
Seasons/Las Estaciones P
KM 8949KM 8949 See It! Say It! Word Rings
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Contains six sets of word rings (School, My Body, Clothes, Emotions, Colors & Shapes, and Action Words). Each ring includes 20 photo cards with an English word on the front and the word in 13 different languages on the back (Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cantonese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Tagalog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi) with pronunciations.
See It! Say It! Word Rings KPIJS
GM 195GM 195 Shape Land=Figuralandia
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schumacher, Bev
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
Complete title: Shape Land: A Learning Game=Figuralandia: un juego educativo. Contents: activity sheet (a home practice page); bilingual book (Spanish and English) with labeled illustrations; learning game on a zippered game mat; four game pieces; and die. From the series Learning Games (Learning Props).
Shape Land=Figuralandia KP
B 106829B 106829 Shiloh (Spanish)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Naylor, Phyllis
Length: 146 Copyright: 1998
Spanish translation of: Shiloh. Marty finds a lost beagle in the hills, behind his West Virginia home and tries to hide it from his family and the dog's real owner, a mean-spirited man known to shoot deer out of season and to mistreat his dogs.
Shiloh (Spanish) IJ
DVD 2805DVD 2805 Sid the Science Kid: Going, Going, Green!
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 103 Copyright: 2010
Sid is discovering that it takes care and conservation to protect the environment he lives in. Sid takes a special trip to The Science Center to discover facts about water, and when his toy robot breaks, he investigates how to recycle and reuse. Sid and his friends embark on a journey to find out all about animals and their habitats. Episodes: Where did the Water Go?; Clean Air; Reused Robot; Save the Stump. Spanish language option. IL Pres-1.
Sid the Science Kid: Going, Going, Green! KP
B 109760B 109760 Siesta
Grade Lvl: K Author: Guy, Ginger
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
A brother and sister and their teddy bear go through the house gathering items they will need for their siesta in the back yard. Naps. Bilingual text in English and Spanish. AR 0.7. Follett RL 1.5.
Siesta K
KM 8028KM 8028 Simple Machines/Maqiunas Simples
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Walker, Sally
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Contains titles from the Early Bird Physics series (2000). Includes four copies of each of the six titles plus one copy of the Spanish edition for each. Titles: Inclined Planes and Wedges (Planos Inclinados); Levers (Palancas); Pulleys (Poleas); Screws (Tornillos); Wheels and Axles (Ruedas y ejes); and Work (Trabajo). Third grade RL.
Simple Machines/Maqiunas Simples PI
B 124499B 124499 Sin salida! (Cabin Fever)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2012
Greg, stuck indoors with his family over the holiday because of a blizzard, suffers from claustrophobia and worries they will not be able to weather the storm. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 6. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, cabin fever. Humorous. Realistic fiction. IL 5-12. AR 6.8.
Sin salida! (Cabin Fever) IJS
B 125976B 125976 Sing with Me = Canta conmigo
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Orozco, Jose-Luis
Length: 32 Copyright: 2020
Text and illustrations presents six children's songs in English and Spanish. Bilingual. Authentic Author. The arts. IL Pres-3. Lexile 400.
Sing with Me = Canta conmigo KP
KM 9754KM 9754 Sistema de El Curriculo Creativo para educacion prescholar (3 Parts) (Creative Curriculum)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
Spanish version of The Creative Curriculum System for Preschool. Includes the five volume set (Spanish version) of The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, 5th Edition; six teaching guides (Spanish); Intentional Teaching cards (bilingual)/ Mighty Minutes; book Discussion Cards; and children's Book Collection (Spanish); DVD with The Teaching Strategies Children's eBook Collection; Getting Started DVD; Classroom & Family Resources CD-ROM 9all discs are in English and Spanish); Guide to the System (an overview in Spanish); and a binder. Two-week loan period.
Sistema de El Curriculo Creativo para educacion prescholar (3 Parts) (Creat K
B 111406B 111406 Soap, Soap, Soap
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dulemba, Elizabeth
Length: 32 Copyright: 2009
Hugo gets into trouble while running an errand for his mother, but after all his adventures he nearly forgets what he is supposed to buy from the store. Presented in English with embedded Spanish words. Adaptation of Appalachian Jack tale. Follett RL 2.4.
Soap, Soap, Soap KP
B 127365B 127365 Somos como las nubes = We Are Like the Clouds
Grade Lvl: PIJ Author: Argueta, Jorge
Length: 36 Copyright: 2016
Poems explore the lives of children fleeing their homes in Central America, sometimes alone, to seek refuge in the United States. Text in English and Spanish.;Translated from the Spanish. Authentic language. Bilingual. Refugees. Unaccompaniied refugee children. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. IL 3-8. RC 4.1.
Somos como las nubes = We Are Like the Clouds PIJ
B 105845B 105845 Soy bondadosa/I Am Caring
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuette, Sarah
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text and photographs show different ways of being helpful and showing that you care. AR 1.0. Follett RL 2.2. Bilingual book. English and Spanish text are on the same page.
Soy bondadosa/I Am Caring KP
B 105846B 105846 Soy cooperativa/I Am Cooperative
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuette, Sarah
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text and photographs show various ways children can be cooperative. AR 1.0. Bilingual book. English and Spanish text are on the same page. Cooperativeness.
Soy cooperativa/I Am Cooperative KP
B 105847B 105847 Soy honrado/I Am Honest
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuette, Sarah
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text and photographs show various ways children can be honest. AR 1.1. Follett RL 2.2. Bilingual book. English and Spanish text are on the same page. Honesty.
Soy honrado/I Am Honest KP
B 105848B 105848 Soy paciente/I Am Patient
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuette, Sarah
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
Simple text and photographs show various ways children can be patient. AR 1.2. Follett RL 2.8. Bilingual book. English and Spanish text are on the same page. Patience.
Soy paciente/I Am Patient KP
B 105849B 105849 Soy respetuoso/I Am Respectful
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuette, Sarah
Length: 24 Copyright: 2040
Simple text and photographs show various ways children can be respectful. AR 1.4. Follett RL 3.5. Bilingual book. English and Spanish text are on the same page. Respect.
Soy respetuoso/I Am Respectful KP
B 105850B 105850 Soy responsable/I Am Responsible
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuette, Sarah
Length: 24 Copyright: 2040
Simple text and photographs show various ways children can be responsible. AR 0.9. Follett RL 2.8. Bilingual book. English and Spanish text are on the same page. Responsibility.
Soy responsable/I Am Responsible KP
KM 13104KM 13104 Spanish English Activity Pockets - Phrases
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Our quick and easy card activities boost Spanish and English vocabulary skills—with every match students make. With 8 different topics: weather, outdoors, animals, park, classroom, home, the cards feature student-friendly images to help identify. Students simply match up the illustrated cards…then read the phrases in both English and Spanish. The set includes 8 pockets with 128 activity cards and a guide. Pockets measure 6" wide. Develops skills in identifying words and using frequently occurring adjectives. IL 2-12.
Spanish English Activity Pockets - Phrases PIJS
KM 13126KM 13126 Spanish English Activity Pockets - Sentences
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Our quick and easy card activities boost Spanish and English vocabulary skills—with every match students make. With 8 different topics: zoo, store, park, restaurant, outdoors, home, community, and classroom. The cards feature student-friendly images that to help identify concepts. Students simply match up the illustrated cards…then read the words in both English and Spanish. The set includes 8 pockets with 160 activity cards and a guide. Pockets measure 6" wide. Develops skills in identifying words and using frequently occurring prepositions. IL 2-12.
Spanish English Activity Pockets - Sentences PIJS
KM 13127KM 13127 Spanish English Activity Pockets - Words
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Our quick and easy card activities boost Spanish and English vocabulary skills—with every match students make! With 8 different topics: clothing, feelings, parts of the body, animals, food, shapes, colors, and classroom, the cards feature student-friendly images to help identify terms. Students simply match up the illustrated cards…then read the words, phrases or sentences in both English and Spanish. The set includes 8 pockets with 160 activity cards and a guide. Pockets measure 6" wide. Develops skills in identifying and building vocabulary words. IL 1-12
Spanish English Activity Pockets - Words KPIJS
B 128366B 128366 Spanish is the Language of My Family
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Genhart, Michael
Length: 40 Copyright: 2023
An intergenerational story of family ties, cultural pride, and spelling bee victory following a young boy who bonds with his beloved abuela over a love of Spanish. Family story. School story. Hispanic/Latino. Grandmothers. Spanish language. Spelling bee. IL Pres-3.
Spanish is the Language of My Family KP
KM 12727KM 12727 Spanish MySelf--Creo en mi mismo (I Believe in Myself)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
This set includes 6 copies of the following small books, 10 mini books, and 1 lap book per title: Yo puedo hacer un plan (I Can Make a Plan) Soy una Estrella! (I am a Star!) No te des por vencida! (Don’t Give Up!) Manos a la obra (Let’s Get It Started) Las preguntas de Diego (Diego’s Questions) Yo voy a encontrar la manera (I Will Find a Way) Creo en mi mismo Family Guide (set of 10) Creo en mi mismo Poster (1) Creo en mi mismo Teacher’s Guide (1) Mi diario personal (set of 6) 6 stories for PreK-Grade 1 students build social and emotional intelligence. ●Engaging books with real-world connections help children understand and manage emotions. ●Guides for caregivers, plus take-home books, increase family involvement and extend learning. ●Teacher's Guides offer explicit support and include tips for English learners. For Grades PK-1. Title III.
Spanish MySelf--Creo en mi mismo (I Believe in Myself) KP
KM 12725KM 12725 Spanish MySelf--Me llevo bien con los demas (I Get Along with Others)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
This set includes 6 copies of the following small books, 10 mini books, and 1 lap book per title: Gracias por compartir, Tomas (Thanks for Sharing, Tommy) Yo puedo ser amable (I Can Be Kind) Yo soy respetuosa (I Show Respect) No es justo! (That’s Not Fair!) Carlos es responsable (Carlos is Responsible) Se honesta, Julia (Be Honest, Julia) Me llevo bien con los demas Family Guide (set of 10) Me llevo bien con los demas Poster (1) Me llevo bien con los demas Teacher’s Guide (1) Mi diario personal (set of 6) 6 stories for PreK-Grade 1 students build social and emotional intelligence. ●Engaging books with real-world connections help children understand and manage emotions. ●Guides for caregivers, plus take-home books, increase family involvement and extend learning. ●Teacher's Guides offer explicit support and include tips for English learners. For Grades PK-1. Title III.
Spanish MySelf--Me llevo bien con los demas (I Get Along with Others) KP
KM 12726KM 12726 Spanish MySelf--Tengo Autocontrol (I Am in Control of Myself)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
This set includes 6 copies of the following small books, 10 mini books, and 1 lap book per title: Me escuchas, Juan? (Are You Listening, Juan?) Yo puedo seguir las reglas (I Can Follow the Rules) Yo puedo mantener la calma (I Can Stay Calm) Paciencia, Maria (Be Patient, Maria) Espero mi turno (I Take Turns) Vamos a limpiar (Clean Up, Everybody) Tengo autocontrol Family Guide (set of 10) Tengo autocontrol Poster (1) Tengo autocontrol Teacher’s Guide (1) Mi diario personal (set of 6) 6 stories for PreK-Grade 1 students build social and emotional intelligence. ●Engaging books with real-world connections help children understand and manage emotions. ●Guides for caregivers, plus take-home books, increase family involvement and extend learning. ●Teacher's Guides offer explicit support and include tips for English learners. For Grades PK-1. Title III.
Spanish MySelf--Tengo Autocontrol (I Am in Control of Myself) KP
KM 12724KM 12724 Spanish MySelf--Tengo Sentimientos (I Have Feelings)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
This set includes 6 copies of the following small books, 10 mini books, and 1 lap book per title: Mi dia feliz (My Happy Day) El dia que me senti triste (The Day I Felt Sad) Yo estaba muy molesta (I Was So Mad) No te preocupes, Mateo (Don’t Worry, Mateo) Tienes miedo, Jacobo? (Are You Scared, Jacobo?) Tengo envidia de Elsa (Jealous at Elsa) Tengo sentimientos Family Guide (set of 10) Tengo sentimientos Poster (1) Tengo sentimientos Teacher’s Guide (1) Mi diario personal (set of 6) 6 stories for PreK-Grade 1 students build social and emotional intelligence. ●Engaging books with real-world connections help children understand and manage emotions. ●Guides for caregivers, plus take-home books, increase family involvement and extend learning. ●Teacher's Guides offer explicit support and include tips for English learners. For Pre-K to Grade 1 Title III.
Spanish MySelf--Tengo Sentimientos (I Have Feelings) KP
KM 13683KM 13683 Spanish-English Building Language Photo Library
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
Our vocabulary-building cards have full-color photos on front and corresponding Spanish words on back—complete with English translations. The 270 cards are organized into 10 essential themes—from colors and shapes to animals, food and more. Spanish language. English language. IL Pres-12.
Spanish-English Building Language Photo Library KPIJST
B 105684B 105684 Spring Is Here=Llego la Primavera
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Gomi, Taro
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006
Follows the four seasons around the year, from snow melting into spring, through the quiet harvest and the fall of snow, and then to spring again. Bilingual text: Spanish and English.
Spring Is Here=Llego la Primavera KP
B 108210B 108210 Street Bikes=Motos de calle
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Dayton, Connor
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
An introduction to street bikes--motorcyles used for everyday riding, discussing the different ways street bikes are used, customizing, and safety. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Motorcyles=Motocicletas. AR 2.0. Follett RL 2.9.
Street Bikes=Motos de calle PI
DVD 1465DVD 1465 Super Size Me
Grade Lvl: JST Author:
Length: 96 Copyright: 2004
Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock unravels the American obesity epidemic by interviewing experts nationwide and by subjecting himself to a "McDonald's only" diet for thirty days straight. This Sundance award-winning feature dives into corporate vs personal responsibility, nutritional education, school lunch programs, and how Americans are eating themselves to death. Overweight. Health risks of a high fat diet. Personal vs corporate responsibility. Fast food restaurants. Connection between diet and classroom behavior. 96 minutes. Rated PG-13. Closed captioned in English or Spanish. Over-eating.
Super Size Me JST
B 123230B 123230 Surprise for Teresita/ Una Sorpresa para Teresita
Grade Lvl: P Author: Sanchez-Korrol, Virginia
Length: 32 Copyright: 2016
When Teresita opens her eyes that morning, she knows it's a special day. It's her birthday, and now she's a big girl. She's seven! And her To Ramn has promised her a surprise. She can't wait to find out what it is! "Is it time for To Ramn to come to our block?" she asks her mom excitedly as she sits down for breakfast. But it's too early. Her uncle has to take his snow cone cart to the other blocks before he comes to theirs. All day, Teresita watches for the green and white cart. She listens for Tio Ramon calling, "Snow cones, cold snow cones. Piraguas! Piraguas frias!" While she waits for her uncle, she jumps rope, plays games with her friends and watches the goings-on in her neighborhood. Mothers hold their young children's hands as they walk to the corner bodega to buy groceries. Boys and girls ride bikes and play stickball. Older people sit at their windows and enjoy the sights and sounds of their community. And coming from far up the block where water sprays from an open fire hydrant, Teresita finally hears the sound of her uncle's voice. What will her surprise be? (Bilingual - Spanish / English.) IL 1-3.
Surprise for Teresita/ Una Sorpresa para Teresita P
B 128092B 128092 Tacos Today
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Raul the Third
Length: 48 Copyright: 2023
Young luchadores El Toro and his friends take a break from training to get some tacos, but when they discover they don't have enough money for their favorite food, they come up with a creative solution to earn plenty of dinero. Graphic novel series: El Toro and Friends. Beginning reader. Wrestlers fiction. Lucha libre. Cooking and food. IL 1-4.
Tacos Today PI
KM 10389KM 10389 TADELL Math Assessment/Workbk Eng/Spanish Gr 5/6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Jones, Jennifer
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
TADELL (Tools for the Assessment and Development of English Language Learners). Designed to determine how much mathematical language the student understands in English, and to identify the student's skill and instructional level for each of the five NCTM strands in English or Spanish. Provides strategies to develop the students' math skills. Assessment contains three sections: 1. Word Assessment which provides a baseline understanding of how much mathematical language the student understands in English; 2. Math Assessment (multiple choice tests in English and Spanish); and 3. Instructional Guide which is a tool used to summarize results, identify skills & provide instructional strategies. Contents: teacher's manual, three copies of student assessment, and two math development workbooks for grades 5 and 6. Development series works with student's TADELL Math Assessments results. Use for vocabulary development; school work for extended absences; to pre-teach new content; and to re-teach missed skills. Two-week loan period.
TADELL Math Assessment/Workbk Eng/Spanish Gr 5/6 T
KM 10390KM 10390 TADELL Math Assessment/Workbk Eng/Spanish Gr 7/8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Jones, Jennifer
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
TADELL (Tools for the Assessment and Development of English Language Learners). Designed to determine how much mathematical language the student understands in English, and to identify the student's skill and instructional level for each of the five NCTM strands in English or Spanish. Provides strategies to develop the students' math skills. Assessment contains three sections: 1. Word Assessment which provides a baseline understanding of how much mathematical language the student understands in English; 2. Math Assessment (multiple choice tests in both English and Spanish); 3. Instructional Guide which is a tool used to summarize results, identify skills & provide instructional strategies. Contents: teacher's manual, three copies of student assessment, and two math development workbooks for grades 7 and 8. Development series works with student's TADELL Math Assessments results. Use for vocabulary development; school work for extended absences; to pre-teach new content; and to re-teach missed skills. Four-week loan period.
TADELL Math Assessment/Workbk Eng/Spanish Gr 7/8 T
KM 10388KM 10388 TADELL Math Assessment/Workbook English/Espanol (Spanish) Grades 3 & 4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Jones, Jennifer
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
TADELL (Tools for the Assessment and Development of English Language Learners). Designed to determine how much mathematical language the student understands in English, and to identify the student's skill and instructional level for each of the five NCTM strands in English or Spanish. Provides strategies to develop the students' math skills. Assessment contains three sections: 1. Word Assessment which provides a baseline understanding of how much mathematical language the student understands in English; 2. Math Assessment (multiple choice tests in both English and Spanish); and 3. Instructional Guide which is a tool used to summarize results, identify skills & provide instructional strategies. Contents: teacher's manual, three copies of student assessment, and three math development workbooks for grades 2, 3, and 4. Development series works with student's TADELL Math Assessments results. Use for vocabulary development; school work for extended absences; to pre-teach new content; and to re-teach missed skills.
TADELL Math Assessment/Workbook English/Espanol (Spanish) Grades 3 & 4 T
B 97331B 97331 Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Honig, Bill
Length: 826 Copyright: 2018
A user-friendly guide to effective reading instruction is solidly grounded in the science of reading. Combining the best features of an academic text and a practical, hands-on teacher’s guide, the Teaching Reading Sourcebook comprehensively covers the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five essential components of effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. To facilitate comprehension and learning, the Sourcebook is organized according to the guiding questions behind explicit instruction (what? why? when? and how?). Each chapter includes a graphic, easy-to-understand explanation of the subject matter (what?); a concise summary of evidence-based research with a list of suggested readings (why?); suggested instructional timelines, assessments, and interventions (when?); and explicit, step-by-step lesson models that bridge the gap between research and practice (how?). The 3rd Edition includes a new section on reading instruction within a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework. Listed by the National Council on Teacher Quality’s 2020 Teacher Prep Review as one of 10 textbooks that comprehensively and rigorously cover the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five essential components of effective reading instruction. COMPANION SITETeachingReadingSourcebook.com Useful resources for Teachers and Instructors including Sourcebook Sampler and Table of Contents. TOPICS COVERED Word Structure (English and Spanish) * Print Awareness * Letter Knowledge * Phonological Awareness * Decoding * Phonics * Irregular Word Reading * Multisyllabic Word Reading * Reading Fluency * Fluency Assessment * Fluency Instruction * Vocabulary * Specific Word Instruction * Word-Learning Strategies * Word Consciousness * Comprehension of Literary Text * Comprehension of Informational Text * MTSS for Reading Success
Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 3rd Edition T
B 107158B 107158 Tennessee (Bilingual Library)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Brown, Vanessa
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006
Presents a brief introduction to Tennessee written in Spanish and English. From the series The Bilingual Library of the USA (United States of America). AR 3.1. Follett RL 4.4.
Tennessee (Bilingual Library) P
B 124488B 124488 Tesoros de mi isla : una infancia Cubana
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Ada, Alma Flor
Length: 225 Copyright: 2016
Collects the autobiographical writings of Author Alma Flor Ada. Text in Spanish. Includes primary sources and glossary. Biography. Literary collection. IL 6-12.
Tesoros de mi isla : una infancia Cubana IJS
KM 909KM 909 Then and Now: Children Past and Present/ Ayer y Hoy: Los ninos ayer y hoy
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Frank, Matthew
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
This set’s objectives are to help students understand how people lived in earlier times and how their lives would be different today, as well as understand changes in community life over time. Comprehension objectives include compare and contrast, and analysis of text structure and organization. Both English and Spanish readers and resources are included. Contains one each in English and one in Spanish: Children Past and Present/ Los Ninos Ayer y Hoy big books; Teacher’s Guide, Content Connections: Interactive Whiteboard CD, Content Connections: Talking e-Books CD, Listen and Follow Along CD, Six student readers of Children Past and Present/Los Ninos Ayer y Hoy.
Then and Now: Children Past and Present/ Ayer y Hoy: Los ninos ayer y hoy KP
B 118358B 118358 There's a Name for This Feeling: Stories = Hay un nombre para lo que siento : cuentos
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Bertrand, Diane Gonzales
Length: 72 Copyright: 2014
Bilingual (Spanish/English) collection of ten contemporary stories of mixed-up emotions, humorous mistakes, misguided actions, and unspeakable sorrows. Includes discussion questions and ideas for writing. The first half of the book is in English and the latter half contains the same content in Spanish. Flip book. Upside-down books. IL 6-10.
There's a Name for This Feeling: Stories = Hay un nombre para lo que siento IJS
B 108101B 108101 Things at Home=Las cosas de mi casa
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 16 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe various things in a child's house such as bed, clock, and lamp. Bilingual text. From the series Thngs in My World=Las cosas de mi mundo. Follett RL 0.7.
Things at Home=Las cosas de mi casa KP
B 108099B 108099 Things at School=Las cosas de la escuela
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 16 Copyright: 2007
Labeled photographs and brief sentences introduce some of the things a young girl uses at school. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Things in My World=Las cosas de mi mundo. Follett RL 0.6.
Things at School=Las cosas de la escuela KP
B 108107B 108107 Things at the Park=Las cosas del parque
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 16 Copyright: 2007
A little girl explores the park and introduces the things she sees. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Things in My World=Las cosas de mi mundo. Follett RL 0.4.
Things at the Park=Las cosas del parque KP
B 108109B 108109 Things I Eat=Las cosas que como
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 16 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text look at some of the things children eat for lunch. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Things in My World=Las cosas de mi mundo. Follett RL 0.7.
Things I Eat=Las cosas que como KP
B 108105B 108105 Things I Play With=Las cosas con las que juego
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 16 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe various things children like to play with. Bilingual text. From the series Things in My World=Las cosas de mi mundo. Follett RL 0.6.
Things I Play With=Las cosas con las que juego KP
B 108103B 108103 Things I Wear=Las cosas que me pongo
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 16 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text describe the different kinds of clothes children wear. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Things in My World=Las cosas de mi mundo. Follett RL 0.5.
Things I Wear=Las cosas que me pongo KP
KM 12957KM 12957 Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Support students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 2) P
KM 12963KM 12963 Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 6)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Support students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Measurement & Geometry (Grade 6) IJ
KM 13331KM 13331 Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 1)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Teach students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 1) KP
KM 13334KM 13334 Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 3)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Teach students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. This resource can be used as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes
Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 3) PI
KM 13336KM 13336 Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 5)
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Helps students to creatively visualize objects in various positions and different perspectives using visual, spatial, reasoning, and thinking skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more challenging as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. IL 4-6.
Think Tank: Measurement and Geometric Thinking (Grade 5) I
KM 12955KM 12955 Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Teach 2nd grade number sense and mental math skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become more rewarding as students encounter and solve new challenges. This teaching resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Use as: Independent Centers; Small Group work; Fast Finisher Activities; Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work; Weekly Math Journal Activities; Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 2) P
KM 12958KM 12958 Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 4)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Teach fourth grade number sense and mental math skills. Written in English on one side and Spanish on the other, students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become more rewarding as students encounter and solve new challenges. This teaching resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Use as: Independent Centers; Small Group work; Fast Finisher Activities; Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work; Weekly Math Journal Activities; Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Number Sense and Mental Math Skills (Grade 4) P
KM 13332KM 13332 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking (Grade 1)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Teach 1st grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop 2nd Grade Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills The uses of this product are endless. Here are some of the ways that schools use them: Independent Centers Small Group work Fast Finisher Activities Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work Weekly Math Journal Activities Whole Class Math Discussions The ORIGO online resource STaRT is a nice companion piece and provides guided instruction to problem solving strategies in real world problems. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, answer cards, teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking (Grade 1) KP
KM 12956KM 12956 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Teach 2nd grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 2) P
KM 13333KM 13333 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 3)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Teach 3rd grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 3) PI
KM 12959KM 12959 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 4)
Grade Lvl: I Author: Greenes, Carole / Findell, Carol
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Teach 4th grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 4) I
KM 12962KM 12962 Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 6)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Teach 3rd grade problem solving and mathematical thinking skills. The activity cards in this resource are written in English on one side and Spanish on the other. Students work in pairs or independently to complete each activity. The activity cards are separated into easy to understand categories that become progressively more rewarding as students move through the Think Tank. This resource makes for an ideal “center” that allows for math practice throughout the school day. Each award winning Think Tank provides a student progress chart, answer keys, and identifies which activities are best suited to assess the performance of student understanding. Develop Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills by using Think Tank as: Independent Centers Small Group work, Fast Finisher Activities, Daily/Morning Problem Solving Work, Weekly Math Journal Activities, and Whole Class Math Discussions. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards separate from student cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Problem Solving and Mathematical Thinking Skills (Grade 6) IJ
KM 13346KM 13346 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 1)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Teach first grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 1) KP
KM 13347KM 13347 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 2)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Teach second grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 2) P
KM 13348KM 13348 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 3)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Teach third grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 3) PI
KM 13349KM 13349 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 4)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Teach fourth grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 4) PI
KM 13350KM 13350 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 5)
Grade Lvl: I Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Teach fifth grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 5) I
KM 13351KM 13351 Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 6)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Teach sixth grade math skills focused on thinking mathematically through fractions, problem solving, number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry exercises. Think Tanks are engaging and fun for students with imaginative categories: Quick Thinkers, Speedy Starters, Brain Builders, Mental Teasers, Mind Benders, Head Sharpeners, Pace Setters, Fast Figures, Number Jugglers, Wise Workers, Super Solvers, and Grand Masters. Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions gives needed extra reinforcement and practice utilizing the fraction strand in mathematics. Reasoning about fractions builds concepts and reinforces operational skills of fractions, decimals, and ratios. Activities are organized into 12 sets of 20 cards that have been sequenced so that the difficulty level increases from one set to the next. 5 answer cards in each category are separate from the student’s card. Each Tank Includes: 240 laminated activity cards sequenced into 12 sets English and Spanish language on each card, 5 answer cards for each category, and teachers’ notes.
Think Tank: Reasoning With Fractions (Grade 6) IJ
B 113469B 113469 Thumbelina=Pulgarcita
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Valriu, Caterina
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
A retelling of the tale about a girl who is the size of a human thumb who gets lost in the grass. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. IL K-3.
Thumbelina=Pulgarcita KP
KM 13007KM 13007 Tiempo de jugar (Play Time)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
These books feature kid-favorite leisure activities, promoting concepts of teamwork, kindness, and cooperation. Set of 8 Spanish books. Titles include: Escondite (Hide and Seek); Tenemos Una Caja (We Have a Box); Aun No! (Not Yet!); Haciendo Un Muneco De Nieve (Building a Snowman); Mi Deporte Favorito (My Favorite Sport); Que Esta Haciendo Sam? (What is Sam Making?); Que Puedo Hacer? (What Can I Make?); Rex Malo! (Bad Rex!). IL Pres-3.
Tiempo de jugar (Play Time) KP
B 106804B 106804 Tienen ombligo las ballenas?
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Berger, Melvin
Length: 48 Copyright: 2006
Translation of Do Whales Have Belly Buttons? by Melvin and Gilda Berger. Provides answers to questions about various species of whales and dolphins.
Tienen ombligo las ballenas? PI
B 124482B 124482 Tiro libre (Free Throw)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Maddox, Jake
Length: 65 Copyright: 2012
Since Derek is now the tallest player on his basketball team, the coach decides to have him play center, but Jason, the former center, has little confidence in Derek and will not pass him the ball. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Free throw. IL 4-12. Sports fiction. AR 2.7. GR L.
Tiro libre (Free Throw) IJS
B 116697B 116697 Tito Puente, Mambo King = Tito Puente, Rey del Mambo: A Bilingual Picture Book
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brown, Monica
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013
Brightly colored illustrations and text follow the life of Tito Puente, from his childhood in Harlem, New York, to his career as a Grammy award winning drummer. Ernest Anthony Puente Jr. Salsa musicians. Latin jazz. Text in English and Spanish. AR 2.7 RC 3.5 Lexile 740 IL K-3.
Tito Puente, Mambo King = Tito Puente, Rey del Mambo: A Bilingual Picture B KP
B 127147B 127147 Tito Puente, Mambo King = Tito Puente, Rey del Mambo: A Bilingual Picture Book
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Brown, Monica
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013
Text in English and Spanish. Brightly colored illustrations and text follow the life of Tito Puente, from his childhood in Harlem, New York, to his career as a Grammy award winning drummer. Biography. Authentic language. Bilingual. Hispanic/Latino. Music. IL K-5. AR 2.7. RC 3.5. Lexile 620.
Tito Puente, Mambo King = Tito Puente, Rey del Mambo: A Bilingual Picture B KPI
KM 7629KM 7629 Toca el Tambor (Learning Drum)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
Spanish language learning toy. Interactive drum introduces babies and toddlers to the Spanish alphabet and counting 1-10. For children 6 months and older. Requires 3 AA batteries (included). Includes instructions in both English and Spanish.
Toca el Tambor (Learning Drum) K
B 113408B 113408 Todo sobre la temperatura=All About Temperature
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Auch, Alison
Length: 24 Copyright: 2012
Simple text and color photographs introduce temperature, including how thermometers work and the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales-in both English and Spanish. From the Pebble Plus Bilingual series Ciencia fisica=Physical Science. IL K-2.
Todo sobre la temperatura=All About Temperature KP
B 113777B 113777 Todo sobre los dientes=All About Teeth
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuh, Mari C.
Length: 24 Copyright: 2010
Simple text, photographs, and diagrams present information about teeth, including how to take care of them properly - in both Englishand Spanish. From the Pebble Plus Bilingual series Dientes sanos= Healthy Teeth. AR 2.4. Lexile 510. GR level H. IL K-2.
Todo sobre los dientes=All About Teeth KP
B 109764B 109764 Tooth on the Loose
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Elya, Susan
Length: 32 Copyright: 2008
A girl hopes her tooth will fall out so that she can have money to buy her father a birthday present. Text mainly in English with some Spanish. Includes index of Spanish words and phrases used in text. Gifts. Follett RL 2.1. AR 2.5.
Tooth on the Loose KP
B 125897B 125897 Tow Trucks = Grúas
Grade Lvl: K Author: Jackson, Lisa
Length: 12 Copyright: 2020
What comes to the rescue in an emergency? A tow truck! Explore facts about these fascinating vehicles in both Spanish and English. Little Ready Readers: Emergency Vehicles (Bilingual Spanish-English). Board Book. IL Pres-K.
Tow Trucks = Grúas K
KM 12246KM 12246 Transporte publico = Public Transportation
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 24 Copyright: 2015
Set of six bilingual readers (Spanish/English from the series Public Transportation. Titles: Vamos a tomar el autobus escolar! = Let's Ride the School Bus!; Vamos a tomar el autobus! = Let's Ride the City Bus!; Vamos a tomar el metro! = Let's Ride the Subway!; Vamos a tomar el transbordador! = Let's Take the Ferry!; Vamos a tomar el tranvia! - Let's Ride the Streetcar!; Vamos a tomar el tren! = Let's Take the Train! IL K-3.
Transporte publico = Public Transportation KP
B 124500B 124500 Tres no es compania (Third Wheel)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2013
As the day of the Valentine's Day dance approaches, Greg Heffley worries he will be left out until a twist of fate lands Greg with a date, but leaves his best friend, Rowley, on his own. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 7. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, the third wheel. Humorous. Realistic fiction. IL 5-12. AR 7.0.
Tres no es compania (Third Wheel) IJS
B 108211B 108211 Tricks With Bikes=Trucos con la moto
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Dayton, Connor
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Looks at some of the different types of tricks that can be done on a motorcycle, and discusses stunt competitions. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Motorcycles=Motocicletas. AR 2.1. Follett RL 2.2.
Tricks With Bikes=Trucos con la moto PI
KM 11225KM 11225 Tuck Everlasting (25 Books)
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Babbitt, Natalie
Length: 0 Copyright: 1995
The Tuck family is confronted with an agonizing situation when they discover that a ten year old girl and a malicious stranger now share their secret about a spring whose water prevent one from ever growing any older. Immortality. Aging. Secrets. Fantasy fiction. Contents: 25 hardcover copies of the book (180 pages) by Natalie Babbitt; 5 paperback copies (Spanish edition), three audio CD read-alongs (3 hours and 32 minutes), 1 playaway with splitter: Run time approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. Also includes a number of teacher guides and student resource booklets to support comprehension and classroom literacy connections. Novel Study. IL 5-8. AR 5.0. Follett RL 5.4. RC 5.9. Lexile 770. GR level W. Four-week loan period.
Tuck Everlasting (25 Books) IJ
DVD 2888DVD 2888 U.S. Constitution & The Bill of Rights
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 23 Copyright: 2002
Chronicles the drafting and ratification of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, discusses events leading up to the development of these documents, and includes comments from historians. Discusses the framers of the Constitution and the difficult decisions and compromises that led to the creation of this influential document. Helps students understand how the passage of the Bill of Rights played an important role in the new country's acceptance of the Constitution, as they examine the document's key concepts, which are landmark ideas that are still being interpreted today. Originally produced in 2002. Includes Teacher's guide which includes presentation suggestions, program overview, vocabulary, discussion questions, suggested activities, and additional resources. Soundtrack in English or Spanish. From the United States Government DVD Series. To access the DVD Guide, go to Keystone's webpage (www.aea1.k12.ia.us), click on the Media Library link, & then click on the Teacher Guides link and follow the directions provided.
U.S. Constitution & The Bill of Rights IJS
B 113468B 113468 Ugly Duckling=El Patito Feo
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Escardo I Bas, Merce
Length: 24 Copyright: 2004
An ugly duckling spends an unhappy year excluded by the other animals before he grows into a beautiful swan. Presented in English & Spanish. Bilingual text. IL K-3.
Ugly Duckling=El Patito Feo KP
B 113782B 113782 Un diente esta flojo=Loose Tooth
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuh, Mari C.
Length: 24 Copyright: 2010
Simple text, photographs, and diagrams present information about having a loose tooth, including how they feel and how to take care of all teeth properly--in both English and Spanish. From the Pebble Plus Bilingual series Dientes sanos=Healthy Teeth. AR 2.1. Lexile 480. GR level G. IL K-2.
Un diente esta flojo=Loose Tooth KP
B 113321B 113321 Un gran edificio=One Big Building
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dahl, Michael
Length: 24 Copyright: 2011
A counting book that follows the construction of a building, from one plan to twelve stories. Readers are invited to find hidden numbers on an illustrated activity page-in both English and Spanish.Picture puzzles. From the series Aprendete tus numeros=Know Your Numbers. Bilingual Text (English & Spanish) IL Pres-1.
Un gran edificio=One Big Building KP
B 108300B 108300 Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Seuss, Dr.
Length: 67 Copyright: 2006
Spanish translation of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Presents rhyming text and illustrations that describe the activities of such unusual animals as the Nook, Wump, Yink, Yop, Gack, and the Zeds. AR 2.2.
Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul KP
B 124464B 124464 Una conexion ilogica (Highly Illogical Behavior)
Grade Lvl: S Author: Whaley, John Corey
Length: 255 Copyright: 2017
Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Highly illogical behavior. Agoraphobic sixteen-year-old Solomon has not left his house in three years, but Lisa is determined to change that--and to write a scholarship-winning essay based on the results. Agoraphobia (Fear of public spaces). Realistic fiction. Mental health. LGBTQ. IL 10-12. Lexile 700.
Una conexion ilogica (Highly Illogical Behavior) S
B 124642B 124642 Una jungla en mi patio (The Jungle in My Yard)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Cleland, Jo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2013
A little boy watches the animals that are in his back yard. Includes comprehension activities. Spanish beginning reader. IL Pres-1.
Una jungla en mi patio (The Jungle in My Yard) KP
B 119551B 119551 Una nacion de inmigrantes = A Nation of Immigrants
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Metz, Lorijo
Length: 24 Copyright: 2014
Describes immigrants to the United States, their reasons for moving, where they came from, and how they shaped American society. Bilingual text is in Spanish and English. From the series Celebremos la libertad! = Let's Celebrate Freedom! IL 3-6.
Una nacion de inmigrantes = A Nation of Immigrants PI
B 106802B 106802 Una nina llamada Frida Kahlo
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Sainz, Gustavo
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996
Translation of A Girl Named Frida Kahlo. Brief biography of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.
Una nina llamada Frida Kahlo PI
B 97242B 97242 Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Page D / Cooper, Susan
Length: 224 Copyright: 2019
Vol 3: 32 New Matter and Energy Formative Assessment Probes does the following: Presents engaging questions, also known as formative assessment probes (offered in English and Spanish). The 32 probes in this book are designed to uncover what students know or think they know about the concept of matter and particle model of matter; properties of matter; classifying matter, chemical properties, and chemical reactions; and nuclear processes and energy. The probes will help you uncover students existing beliefs about everything from a particle model of matter to ways of describing energy. Offers field-tested teacher materials that provide the best answers along with distracters designed to reveal conceptual misunderstandings that students commonly hold.
Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science, Volume 3 T
B 89910B 89910 Upside Down Boy-El Nino de Cabeza
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Herrera, Juan
Length: 32 Copyright: 2000
The author recalls the year when his farm worker parents settled down in the city so that he could go to school for the first time. AR 3.1. RC 2.9. Lexile 450.
Upside Down Boy-El Nino de Cabeza PI
B 105899B 105899 Urano=Uranus
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet Uranus using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 2.8. AR 2.1.
Urano=Uranus P
B 113779B 113779 Uso del hilo dental=Flossing Teeth
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuh, Mari C.
Length: 24 Copyright: 2010
Simple text, photographs, and diagrams present information about flossing teeth properly--in both English and Spanish. From the Pebble Plus Bilingual series Dientes sanos=Healthy Teeth. AR 1.8. Lexile 420. GR level G. IL K-2.
Uso del hilo dental=Flossing Teeth KP
B 113780B 113780 Vamos al dentista=At the Dentist
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schuh, Mari C.
Length: 24 Copyright: 2010
Simple text, photographs, and diagrams present information about going to the dentist and how to take care of teeth properly--in both English and Spanish. From the Pebble Plus Bilingual series Dientes sanos=Healthy Teeth. AR 2.1. Lexile 400. GR level G. IL K-2.
Vamos al dentista=At the Dentist KP
B 125582B 125582 Vamos! Let's Go to the Market
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Gonzalez, Raul
Length: 40 Copyright: 2019
Text mainly in English with some Spanish.;"Versify." Little Lobo, a Mexican American, and Bernabe, his dog, deliver supplies to vendors at the Mercado, a busy border town market. IL K-3. Lexile 610.
Vamos! Let's Go to the Market KP
B 126279B 126279 Vamos! Let’s Go Eat
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Raul the Third
Length: 48 Copyright: 2020
Little Lobo, a Mexican American, and Bernabe, his dog, gather tacos, frutas picadas, cuernos, and more and deliver them to los luchadores preparing for Lucha Libre 5000. Text primarily in English with some Spanish words and phrases. Hispanic American. Animal stories. Diversity. IL Pres-3. RC 2.2. Lexile 560.
Vamos! Let’s Go Eat KP
B 89909B 89909 Ve Lo Que Dices-See What You Say
Grade Lvl: PI Author: TABOR, NANCY
Length: 32 Copyright: 2000
Demonstrates the different ways people look at the same situations by presenting contrasting idiomatic expressions in both English and Spanish. Example: Someone important is a "big wheel" in English but a "fat fish" in Spanish. Compares 12 Spanish and 12 English idioms. AR 3.4. Lexile 550.
Ve Lo Que Dices-See What You Say PI
B 105900B 105900 Venus=Venus
Grade Lvl: P Author: Adamson, Thomas
Length: 24 Copyright: 2006
Describes the planet of Venus using both English and Spanish (Bilingual) text. From the series Exploremos la galaxia=Exploring the Galaxy. Follett RL 2.2. AR 1.8.
Venus=Venus P
KM 12553KM 12553 Vida y muerte en la mara salvatrucha (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 66 Copyright: 2010
Recounts life & death in one of the most violent gangs in LA, and the story of one gang member's struggle to find freedom. Kit contains 20 copies of the Level 3 Spanish reader (58 pages plus glossary) and a teacher's resource guide on CD and a CD audio book. Novel Study.
Vida y muerte en la mara salvatrucha (20 Books) JS
B 124503B 124503 Vieja escuela (Old School)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kinney, Jeff
Length: 217 Copyright: 2015
Life was better in the old days. Or was it? That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world. With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Book 10. Text in Spanish.;Translation of: Diary of a wimpy kid, old school. Realistic fiction. IL 4-12. AR 6.3.
Vieja escuela (Old School) IJS
KM 12550KM 12550 Viva el toro! (20 Books)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Turner, Lisa Ray / Ray, Blaine
Length: 64 Copyright: 2015
Ana Silva, 17, travels to Spain to live with a Sevillian family, goes to a typical school with one of the girls in the family, and attends a bull fight. Kit contains 20 copies of the Nivel 2 Spanish novella, unabridged book on audio CD, Blackline masters-activity pages for each chapter, and power point illustrations that include photos of Seville and explanations of the people and places in the book. Novel Study.
Viva el toro! (20 Books) JS
B 119576B 119576 Viva Frida
Grade Lvl: P Author: Morales, Yuyi
Length: 34 Copyright: 2014
Picture book introduces the reader to Mexican artist Frida Kahlo using very spare text (no more than four words to a page) in English and Spanish. Mexicans- Biography. Pura Belpre Illustrator Award Winner- 2015 Caldecott Honor book- 2015. IL 1-3.
Viva Frida P
B 119355B 119355 Water Rolls, Water Rises = El agua rueda, el agua sube
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mora, Pat
Length: 32 Copyright: 2014
A series of verses, in English and Spanish, about the movement and moods of water around the world and the ways in which water affects a variety of landscapes and cultures. Includes Author's Note. Water Poetry. Charlotte Zolotow Honor Book 2015. IL Pres-3.
Water Rolls, Water Rises = El agua rueda, el agua sube KP
B 125598B 125598 Way I Feel = Yo me siento asi
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Canetti, Yanitzia
Length: 22 Copyright: 2014
A board book about children's feelings and emotions. Content in English and Spanish. All About Me. IL Pres-1.
Way I Feel = Yo me siento asi KP
KM 907KM 907 Weather and the Seasons/El tiempo y las estaciones
Grade Lvl: KP Author: McNamara, Margaret
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
This set’s objectives are to help students understand the seasonal changes in the environment, as well as understand that weather conditions occur in patterns over time. Comprehension objectives include identification of cause and effect, and analysis of text structure and organization. Both English and Spanish readers and resources are included. Contains one English and one Spanish version of each of the following: Weather and the Seasons/El tiempo y las estaciones big books, Teacher’s Guide, Content Connections: Interactive Whiteboard CD, Content Connections: Talking e-Books CD, Listen and Follow Along CD, Six student readers of Weather and the Seasons/El tiempo y las estaciones.
Weather and the Seasons/El tiempo y las estaciones KP
GM 196GM 196 What Color Is It?=De que color es?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Schumacher, Bev
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
Complete title: What Color Is It?: A Learning Game=De que color es?: un juego educativo. Contents: activity sheet (a home practice page); bilingual book (English and Spanish) with labeled illustrations; learning game on a zippered game mat; four game pieces; and die. From the series Learning Games (Learning Props).
What Color Is It?=De que color es? KP
B 107910B 107910 What Desert Animals Eat/ Que comen los animales
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text describe desert animals and what they eat. Presented in English (Follett RL 2.3) and Spanish (Que comen los animales del desierto?). Bilingual text. From the series Nature's Food Chains/Las cadenas alimentarias en la naturaleza.
What Desert Animals Eat/ Que comen los animales P
B 107911B 107911 What Forest Animals Eat/Que comen los animales
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Simple text and photographs describe forest animals and what they eat. Presented in English (Follett RL 1.7) and Spanish (Que comen los animales del bosque?). Bilingual text. From the series Nature's Food Chains/Las cadenas alimentarias en la naturaleza.
What Forest Animals Eat/Que comen los animales P
B 107913B 107913 What Grassland Animals Eat/Que comen los animales
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text describe grassland animals and what they eat. Presented in English (Follett RL 2.2.) and Spanish (Que comen los animales de las pradernas?). Bilingual text. From the series Nature's Food Chains/Las cadenas alimenarias en la naturaleza.
What Grassland Animals Eat/Que comen los animales P
B 108786B 108786 What Happens at a Bakery?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Pohl, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Goes inside a bakery to see how a baker bakes and decorates cakes. Presented in English and Spanish (Que pasa en una panaderia?). Bilingual text. From the series Where People Work=Donde trabaja le gente? AR 1.6. Follett RL 1.7.
What Happens at a Bakery? KP
B 108787B 108787 What Happens at a Bike Shop?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Pohl, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Shows how the owner of a bike shop displays bicycles, fixes bikes, assembles new ones, and helps customers. Presented in English and Spanish (Que pasa en una tienda de bicicletas?). Bilingual text. From the series Where People Work=Donde trabaja la gente? AR 1.5. Follett RL 1.7.
What Happens at a Bike Shop? KP
B 108788B 108788 What Happens at a Dairy Farm?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Pohl, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text describe the various things that happen on a dairy farm. Presented in English and Spanish (Que pasa en una granja lechera?). Bilingual text. From the series Where People Work=Donde trabaja gente? AR 1.7. Follett RL 1.6.
What Happens at a Dairy Farm? KP
B 108789B 108789 What Happens at a Firehouse?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Pohl, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Describes what kinds of things are in a firehouse and what life is like for firefighters staying there. Fire stations. Presented in English and Spanish (Que pasa en una estacion de bomberos)?. Bilingual text. From the series Where People Work=Donde trabaja la gente? AR 1.6. Follett RL 2.8.
What Happens at a Firehouse? KP
B 108790B 108790 What Happens at a Recycling Center?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Pohl, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Looks at what happens to aluminum cans after they are taken to a recycling center. Presented in English and Spanish (Que pasa en un centro de reciclaje?). Bilingual text. From the series Where People Work-Donde trabaja la gente? AR 2.1. Follett RL 2.2.
What Happens at a Recycling Center? KP
B 108791B 108791 What Happens at a Toy Factory?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Pohl, Kathleen
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Simple text and photographs show each step in the process of making a toy, from design to factory production to testing. Presented in English and Spanish (Que pasa en una fabrica de juguetes?). Bilingual text. From the series Where People Work-Donde trabaja la gente? AR 1.8. Follett RL 2.1.
What Happens at a Toy Factory? KP
B 107909B 107909 What Polar Animals Eat/Que comen los animales
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text describe arctic animals and what they eat. Presented in English (Follett RL 2.1) and Spanish (Que comen los animales de los polos?). Bilingual text. From the series Nature's Food Chains/Las cadenas alimentarias en la naturaleza.
What Polar Animals Eat/Que comen los animales P
B 107912B 107912 What River Animals Eat/Que comen los animales
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text describe what different types of river animals eat and how each animal fits into the river's food chain. Presented in English (Follett RL 2.1) and in Spanish (Que comen los animales de los rios?). Bilingual text. From the series Nature's Food Chains/Las cadenas alimentarias en la naturaleza.
What River Animals Eat/Que comen los animales P
B 107914B 107914 What Sea Animals Eat/Que comen los animales
Grade Lvl: P Author: Mattern, Joanne
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Photographs and simple text describe sea animals and what they eat. Presented in English (Follett RL 2.2.) and Spanish (Que comen los animales del mar?). Bilingual text. From the series Nature's Food Chains/Las cadenas alimentarias en la naturaleza.
What Sea Animals Eat/Que comen los animales P
KM 4500KM 4500 Who Was George Washington?
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1993
Teaches specific concepts; helps improve reading skills, increases reading and listening comprehension, and builds vocabulary. Depicts George Washington as farmer, soldier, and first President of the United States. Tells about the Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence. The contents include: one teacher's guide and 30 booklets.
Who Was George Washington? P
B 126934B 126934 Wildcard (Spanish)
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Lu, Marie
Length: 484 Copyright: 2019
Teenage hacker Emika Chen embarks on a mission to unravel a sinister plot and is forced to join forces with a shadowy organization known as the Blackcoats. Text in Spanish. Sequel to B 124458. Saga Warcross libro dos series. Book 2. IL 8-12. AR 5.6. RC 5.3. Lexile 810.
Wildcard (Spanish) JS
KM 12364KM 12364 Wizcom ReadingPen TS Portable Reading Tutor
Grade Lvl: PIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
The ReadingPen TS Portable Reading Tutor is a portable assistive technology for reading comprehension with a touch screen menu and Spanish translation. The ReadingPen is designed to help readers of all ages and abilities to improve their English reading skills. For use by special education students, those with dyslexia, and English language learners. The Reading Pen scans and reads aloud lines of text, defines, and provides syllabication. Provides one touch Spanish translation. Contains word games to improve vocabulary. Can upload word lists to a PC. Send homework, tests, documents and instructions to Reading Pen TS from PC via USB connection for read back and definitions. Has an intuitive interface with both the American Heritage Children’s Dictionary/Thesaurus and the College Dictionary/Thesaurus (Roget's). Windows XP/Vista/7.
Wizcom ReadingPen TS Portable Reading Tutor PIJST
B 124457B 124457 Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Bardugo, Leigh
Length: 423 Copyright: 2017
Text in Spanish. She will become one of the world's greatest heroes: WONDER WOMAN. But first she is Diana, Princess of the Amazons. Diana longs to prove herself to her legendary warrior sisters. But when the opportunity finally comes, she throws away her chance at glory and breaks Amazon law--risking exile--to save a mere mortal. Alia just wanted to escape her overprotective brother with a semester at sea. She doesn't know she is being hunted. When a bomb detonates aboard her ship, Alia is rescued by a mysterious girl of extraordinary strength and forced to confront a horrible truth: Alia is a Warbringer--a direct descendant of the infamous Helen of Troy, fated to bring about an age of bloodshed and misery. Together, Diana and Alia will face an army of enemies--mortal and divine--determined to either destroy or possess the Warbringer. If they have any hope of saving both their worlds, they will have to stand side by side against the tide of war. Bildungsroman / Coming of Age. Fantasy fiction. Series, DC Icons. (Batman #123565) Spanish language. IL 7-12. AR 5.3. RC 4.6. Lexile 750.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer JS
B 95890B 95890 Words Their Way with English Learners: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Helman, Lori.
Length: 364 Copyright: 2012
Provides guidance and activities for using word study to teach phonics, vocabulary, and spelling to the young English learners in one's classroom, covering each stage from emergent to derivational relations as well as classroom organization and assessment and including examples of students' work. Appendix consists of eight sections: Assessment Materials (Primary Spelling, Elementary Spelling, & Picture Spelling Inventories); Sound Boards & Alphabets; Pictures for Sorts & Games; Sample Picture & Word Sorts; Word Lists of Pictures in Book with Translations (English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Hmong, Korean, Vietnamese); Templates for Sorts & Games; Game Boards; Media Guide. Has reproducible pages.
Words Their Way with English Learners: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, T
B 124459B 124459 Yaqui Delgado quiere darte una paliza
Grade Lvl: S Author: Medina, Meg
Length: 294 Copyright: 2016
Text in Spanish. Translation of: Yaqui Delgado is your nemesis. Piddy Sanchez deals with bullying at her new school, and as the harassment escalates, she struggles to survive and to discover who she really is. Spanish language. Hispanic American. School stories. Realistic fiction. IL 10-12. AR 4.2.
Yaqui Delgado quiere darte una paliza S
DVD 1248DVD 1248 Yellowstone
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 32 Copyright: 2001
Explores the history and wildlife of Yellowstone National Park. An IMAX film. 32 minutes. Four language tracks: English, Spanish, Mandarin, German. Optional English subtitles. One-week loan period.
Yellowstone IJS
B 113583B 113583 Yesterday We had A Hurricane=Ayer tuvimos un huracan
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Mercier, Deirdre McLaughlin
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006
Illustrations and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe the experience of a hurricane through the eyes of a young child. Bilingual Text. AR 1.5. IL Pres-2.
Yesterday We had A Hurricane=Ayer tuvimos un huracan KP
B 108298B 108298 Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Seuss, Dr.
Length: 38 Copyright: 2007
Spanish translation of I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! The Cat in the Hat sets out to show Young Cat how much fun he can get out of reading. AR 2.6.
Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados! KP
KM 8209KM 8209 You and Me/Tu y yo
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Book kit has titles from the Heinemann Library series, You and Me. Includes two copies of the English edition and one copy of the Spanish edition. Titles: I Am Honest; I Am Polite; I Can Play Fairly; I Care; I Have Feelings; Depend on Me; Now It's Your Turn; Let's Do It Together; We Can be Friends; We Can Listen; and Your Fair Share.
You and Me/Tu y yo KP
KM 10843KM 10843 Your First 100 Words in Spanish
Grade Lvl: JST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Subtitle: Spanish for Total Beginners Through Puzzles and Games. Teaches Spanish vocabulary in eight thematic categories: the home, around town, the countryside, clothing, animals, body parts, opposites, and useful expressions. Contents: book, audio CD (featuring games and pronunciation by native speakers), and flash cards. Two-week loan period.
Your First 100 Words in Spanish JST
B 107705B 107705 Zebras=Cebras
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zumbusch, Amelie von
Length: 24 Copyright: 2007
Simple text and photos explore the appearance, senses, diet, and life cycle of zebras. Presented in English and Spanish. Bilingual text. From the series Safari Animals=Animales de safari. AR 1.8. Follett RL 2.6.
Zebras=Cebras KP