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155 Items were found
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B 125104B 125104 Alma and How She Got Her Name
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Martinez-Neal, Juana
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

When Alma Sofia Esperanza Jose Pura Candela asks her father why she has so many names, she hears the story of her name and learns about her grandparents. Hispanic American. Family life. IL Pres-3. AR 2.2. Caldecott Honor Book 2019. (I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library).
Alma and How She Got Her Name KP  
B 119669B 119669 Any Questions?
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Gay, Marie-Louise
Length: 50 Copyright: 2014

Answers many of the questions the author receives from children on writing, including where she gets her ideas, how she learned to draw, and how many books she can write in one day. AR 3.6 RC 2.5 Lexile 470 IL K-2.
Any Questions? KP  
B 125957B 125957 Ariba: An Old Tale About New Shoes
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Manapov, Masha
Length: 40 Copyright: 2019

Marcus's joy over a new pair of shoes prompts his grandfather to tell him a story about Ariba, who has an unusual relationship with a persistent pair of shoes. Multicultural. Storytelling fiction. IL Pres-3.
Ariba: An Old Tale About New Shoes KP  
B 120334B 120334 Ash & Bramble
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Prineas, Sarah
Length: 449 Copyright: 2015

After Pin and Shoe escape from servitude in the Godmother's fortress, they learn that she has taken control of Story, which can warp the world around it, forcing people into its shape, and they decide to try to break out and create their own destinies in this tale that features many familiar characters. This young adult retelling of the Cinderella story follows the adventures of a bold young seamstress who endeavors to break free from the Godmother's fortress before choosing between a charming prince and the young man who helped her escape. Iowa author. Lexile 750 IL 8-12.
Ash & Bramble JS  
KM 11934KM 11934 Bear Has a Story to Tell
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Stead, Phillip
Length: 30 Copyright: 2013

Bear, with the help of his animal friends, remembers the story he had hoped to tell before the onset of winter. Kit contains the picture book (32 pages) by Philip C. Stead and audio CD read-along. IL Pres-1.
Bear Has a Story to Tell KP  
B 115302B 115302 Bear Has a Story to Tell
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Stead, Philip
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

It is nearly winter, but before Bear can get ready to hibernate he has a story to tell his friends--except they are all too busy to listen to it. So Bear helps Mouse, Duck, and Frog get ready for their winters, even though he might not have enough time at the end to tell his story. AR 2.7 RC 2.2 Lexile 540 IL Pres-1.
Bear Has a Story to Tell KP  
B 76115B 76115 Bear's Cave
Grade Lvl: P Author: Schindler, Regine
Length: 24 Copyright: 1990

Rabbit and Mouse spend the winter with Bear in his cave, telling him wonderful but untrue stories of how they can fly and the things they have seen. IL K-2.
Bear's Cave P  
B 127304B 127304 Beatryce Prophecy
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: DiCamillo, Kate
Length: 245 Copyright: 2021

When a mysterious child appears at the monastery of the Order of the Chronicles of Sorrowing, Brother Edik nurses her back to health, but when he uncovers her dangerous secret, she is sent away into the world with a goat and a boy. Adventure. Fantasy fiction. Middle Ages. Prophecies. IL 4-8. AR 4.4.
Beatryce Prophecy IJ  
KM 13354KM 13354 Behind the Little Red Door-SEL
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Coy Bowles, author and member of the Grammy Award-winning Zac Brown Band, promotes social-emotional competence, creativity and storytelling with an all-in-one kit based on his new book, Behind the Little Red Door! Featuring beautiful illustrations and lighthearted rhymes, the book shows what might be behind an intriguing red door—from a field of red flying foxes to a room that’s upside down. Kids discover it could be anything…if they just use their imaginations! The kit is packed with engaging materials, including a CD featuring 10 original songs written and performed by Coy himself—just click “Listen” for a preview of each tune! Plus, you get a storytelling board with 10 facial features and 25 storytelling pieces, skill-building activity cards, puzzles, books and more! IL Pres-3.
Behind the Little Red Door-SEL KP  
KM 12033KM 12033 Benny's Pennies
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brisson, Pat
Length: 32 Copyright: 1993

A rhyming cumulative story about a boy who has five pennies and wants to spend them all. Benny sets off in the morning with five shiny new pennies to spend and eventually buys something for his mother, brother, sister, dog, and cat. Book Props storytelling kit contains book (32 pages AR 2.0 RC 1.6 Lexile 360) by Pat Brisson, Show-A-Tale apron, and foam props for telling the story. IL Pres-1. One-week loan period.
Benny's Pennies KP  
KM 7004KM 7004 Bertie Was a Watchdog
Grade Lvl: KP Author: WALTON, RICK
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Bertie, a dog as small as a watch, outsmarts an overconfident robber. Book props. Contents: Show-A-Tale apron, book by Rick Walton, and foam story props with velcro to attach to the apron.
Bertie Was a Watchdog KP  
B 124814B 124814 Big Bunny
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Watkins, Rowboat
Length: 32 Copyright: 2018

A parent and child share the telling of a story about a giant bunny who eats carrots--and maybe trucks and bridges (according to the child). Humorous fiction. Pres-2. Lexile 380. GR L.
Big Bunny KP  
KM 10986KM 10986 Big Hungry Bear Storysack
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Storysack contains the book (The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Dan and Audrey Wood); audio CD (narrator reads book with comments from the mouse throughout, including a song); parent prompt card; guide for parents booklet; tiny boardbook (Pocket Pal Mouse); plush mouse; plush strawberry (two parts with velcro); wooden "knife;" sequencing card game (sequence words and picture from the story); and scenery section.
Big Hungry Bear Storysack K  
KM 7396KM 7396 Bob
Grade Lvl: K Author: PEARSON, TRACEY
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

While looking for someone to teach him to crow, a rooster learns to sound like many different animals and finds that his new skills come in handy. Roosters. Animal sounds. Book props. Contents: Show-A-Tale apron, book by Tracey Campbell Pearson, and foam fabric story props with velcro to attach to the apron.
Bob K  
B 124427B 124427 Bone Sparrow
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Fraillon, Zana
Length: 228 Copyright: 2016

Subhi is a refugee. He was born in an Australian permanent detention center after his mother and sister fled the violence of a distant homeland, and the center is the only world he knows. But every night, the faraway whales sing to him, the birds tell him their stories, and the magical Night Sea from his mother's stories brings him gifts. As Subhi grows, his imagination threatens to burst beyond the limits of the fences that contain him. Until one night, it seems to do just that. Subhi sees a scruffy girl on the other side of the wire mesh, a girl named Jimmie, who appears with a notebook written by the mother she lost. Unable to read it herself, Jimmie asks Subhi to unravel her family's love songs and tragedies that are penned there. Subhi and Jimmie might both find comfort-and maybe even freedom-as their tales unfold. But not until each has been braver than ever before and made choices that could change everything. Grief and loss. Realistic fiction. IL 4-8. RC 5.5. Lexile 840.
Bone Sparrow IJ  
B 109536B 109536 Book Thief
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Zusak, Markus
Length: 552 Copyright: 2007

Trying to make sense of the horrors of World War II, Death relates the story of Liesel--a young German girl whose book-stealing and story-telling talents help sustain her family and the Jewish man they are hiding, as well as their neighbors. Michael L. Printz Honor Book Award 2008. Outstanding book for the college bound. AR 5.1. RC 4.0. Lexile 730 GR level Z+ IL 8-12.
Book Thief JS  
KM 943KM 943 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Martin, Bill
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Contains Classroom Big Book; 10 spanish/english board books; 1 Teacher guide by Teacher Created Resources; 1 paperback book with audio cd; 1 flannel board and felt figures from story. Repetitive Text. Sequence (Text Structure). Rhyming. Beginning reader. IL Pres-1. AR 1.5. RC 1.4. Lexile 200. GR C. 2 Part Kit.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (2 Parts) KP  
KM 8379KM 8379 Building Fluency Through Reader's Theatre GR 3-4
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Scripts have multiple reading levels (2.5-4.0). Titles: A Teacher and a Friend (Theme: friendship; content area: language arts); Teaming with Mr. Cool! (teamwork; language arts); Grandfather's Storytelling (storytelling tradition in American Indian culture; social studies); Two Flat Friends Travel the World (world cultures; social studies); Mathematical Journey of a Lifetime (multiplication and factorials; math skills); Wigz will be Wigz (counting money); From the Sun to Beyond Pluto (solar system); and The Inventor: Benjamin Franklin (inventors and inventions). Each script is based on or complements a piece of children's literature: Bio of Helen Keller; Fantastic Mr. Fox; Knots on a Counting Rope; Flat Stanley; Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar; Pigs Will be Pigs; Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System; and What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Guide provides lessons, ELL support and reproducibles. Contents: teacher's guide; hybrid teacher resource CD (character masks, poem overheads, PowerPoint shows, reproducibles, song overheads, take-home scripts); three performance audio CDs (with scripts, songs and poems), 16 transparencies (song and poem for each script); and six copies of the eight different scripts.
Building Fluency Through Reader's Theatre GR 3-4 PI  
B 121013B 121013 By Mouse & Frog
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Freedman, Deborah
Length: 32 Copyright: 2015

Mouse has one idea about what a book should be and how to tell a story. Frog has another. What happens when these two very different friends try to create a book together? Authorship- Fiction. Cooperativeness- Fiction. Metafiction. AR 2.2 Lexile 550 IL Pres-1.
By Mouse & Frog KP  
KM 7813KM 7813 Caps for Sale Storytelling Set
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Slobodkina, Esphyr
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999

Tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business. Contents: copy of Esphyr Slobodkina's book and three small stuffed monkeys with three caps (blue, pink & checked) each.
Caps for Sale Storytelling Set KP  
B 125962B 125962 Chapter Two is Missing!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Lieb, Josh
Length: 48 Copyright: 2019

Do not be alarmed, but the second chapter of this book appears to be missing! It was here a minute ago, but now it seems to have simply walked off. Not only that, but some of the punctuation has gone topsy-turvy, a bunch of letter Ms are hiding in Chapter 5, and Chapter 45 appears to be from another book entirely! The narrator is going to need some assistance getting things in order, especially with the unhelpful detective who keeps butting in and that shifty janitor lurking about. Luckily he has you--the reader--to help! Humor fiction. Books and reading. Storytelling. IL K-3.
Chapter Two is Missing! KP  
B 111684B 111684 Clever Jack Takes the Cake
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Fleming, Candace
Length: 34 Copyright: 2010

A poor boy named Jack struggles to deliver a birthday present worthy of the princess. AR 3.8. Follett RL 3.5. RC 2.4. Lexile 600. IL Pres-3.
Clever Jack Takes the Cake KP  
KM 10483KM 10483 Clip-Clop
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Cat, Dog, Pig, and Duck all take Mr. Horse up on his offer of a ride and encourage him to run faster and faster until they all fall off. Book props storytelling kit contains the book by Nicola Smee, Show-a-Tell apron with foam props with velcro to attach to the apron. One-week loan period.
Clip-Clop K  
KM 7005KM 7005 Come Along Daisy
Grade Lvl: K Author: SIMMONS, JANE
Length: 0 Copyright: 1997

Daisy, a curious duckling, temporarily loses her mama when she goes out to explore her watery world. Lost children. Book props. Contents: Show-A-Tale apron, book by Jane Simmons, and storytelling foam props with velcro to attach to the apron.
Come Along Daisy K  
KM 13756KM 13756 Community Help Sequence Cards
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2024

Students learn to tell stories and expand sentences with Community Helper Sequence Cards for early learners. Students build learning and order of events in stories and gain exposure to jobs and community helpers. Kit includes easy-to-use featuring 12 stories with 4 cards each with endless options for learning and making sentences. Educators will find that these picture cards are an excellent resource to use with children to improve language skills. Sequencing. Storytelling. Career education. IL Pres-3.
Community Help Sequence Cards KP  
KM 10491KM 10491 Complete Learning Center Book with CD-ROM
Grade Lvl: T Author: Isbell, Rebecca
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008

Contains plans for 40 centers, more than 400 easy-to-create props, and related activities, and over 250 suggested book titles for use in learning centers. Each of the center plans includes learning objectives; illustration; center activities; literacy connections; a web of integrated learning, diagramming the curriculum areas taught; teacher-collected props; vocabulary related to the center; assessment tools; and a letter to send home. The CD-ROM has photos of centers, letters to family members, graphics and icons for each center, and assessment tools. Some of the centers: adventure, box, dance studio, laughing, outdoor drama, project, sign shop, small motor, home living, sand and water, construction, garage sale, mall, pet store, repair shop, restaurant, hat, nighttime, recycling, sensory, camping, car wash, greenhouse, farm. Two-week loan period.
Complete Learning Center Book with CD-ROM T  
B 94041B 94041 Content Area Reading, Writing, and Storytelling: A Dynamic Tool for Improving Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum through Oral Language Development
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ellis, Brian
Length: 255 Copyright: 2009

Presents resources designed to help teachers use storytelling, reading, and writing in all content areas, which will improve students' reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills. Grades K-6. Chapters: How to Tell and Learn the Tale; Storytelling and the Reading-Writing Connection; Storytelling and Social Studies; Storytelling and Science; Storytelling, Math, and Problem Solving; Creating Thematic Units; and Building a Community of Learners.
Content Area Reading, Writing, and Storytelling: A Dynamic Tool for Improvi T  
B 110110B 110110 Cornelia & Audacious Escapades of Somerset Sisters
Grade Lvl: I Author: Blume, Lesley
Length: 264 Copyright: 2008

Eleven year old Cornelia S. Englehart, a lonely daughter of famous pianists who lives in New York City, learns about language and life from a new elderly neighbor who shares stories about the fabulous adventures she and her sisters had while traveling around the world. AR 5.5. RC 3.5. Lexile 650.
Cornelia & Audacious Escapades of Somerset Sisters I  
B 94493B 94493 Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Vol 3, 5th Ed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Heroman, Cate
Length: 203 Copyright: 2010

Fifth Edition of The Creative Curriculum Volume 3: Literacy. Helps teacher by empowering them to use the latest research-based strategies for supporting early literacy learning. Encourages early childhood educators to be intentional in teaching children critical skills and incorporating oral langauge and literacy learning into everyday classroom experiences. Provides detailed explanations of the seven important components of literacy; guidance on planning meaningful literacy experiences in each interest area; classroom strategies, techniques, and activities for intentionally promoting literacy learning; and an expanded section on English language asquisition to help teachers meet the needs of all children.
Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Vol 3, 5th Ed T  
KM 9699KM 9699 Creative Curriculum Literacy Kit 2 (3 Parts) (BB)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004

Complete title: Creative Curriculum Kit 2: Guided Learning--Reading and Writing. Supports the literacy component of creative curriculum. Contains a variety of books and other materials to provide teacher directed strategies and activities in written language for ages 3-5.
Creative Curriculum Literacy Kit 2 (3 Parts) (BB) K  
B 113372B 113372 Different Dragon
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bryan, Jennifer
Length: 32 Copyright: 2006

A young boy, who has two mothers, helps one of his moms create a bedtime story in which he helps a dragon cope with his differences. Lesbians--fiction. Mothers and sons--fiction. IL K-2.
Different Dragon KP  
B 125648B 125648 Dragons Eat Noodles on Tuesdays
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Stahl, Jon
Length: 40 Copyright: 2019

While two monsters argue over how the story they are telling should go, Dennis, a very hungry dragon, is listening nearby and he has very definite ideas about how this story should end. Humor fiction. Storytelling. Monsters. IL Pres-2. AR 1.6.
Dragons Eat Noodles on Tuesdays KP  
KM 10451KM 10451 Drat that Fat Cat
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Thompson, Pat
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003

Storytelling kit about a fat cat that gobbles up everything he meets until he swallows a bee. Similar to "I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly." Contents: Show-a-Tele apron, book by Pat Thomson, storytelling suggestion sheet, and foam props for telling the story. One-week loan period.
Drat that Fat Cat KP  
B 125102B 125102 Drawn Together
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Le, Minh
Length: 40 Copyright: 2018

When a young boy visits his grandfather, their lack of a common language leads to confusion, frustration, and silence. But as they sit down to draw together, something magical happens-with a shared love of art and storytelling, the two form a bond that goes beyond words. Asian American. Family. Communication. IL Pres-3. AR 2.1. Lexile 310.
Drawn Together KP  
KM 8795KM 8795 Echoes of the Night: Native Amer Legends
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1993

Abenaki storyteller, Gerart Rancourt Tsonakwa presents Native American tales of the night: stories of bears, hunters, strong magic; also include Hopi and Algonquian creation myths and a coyote story which comes from many tribes. Audio CD (49 minutes)
Echoes of the Night: Native Amer Legends PIJS  
B 109475B 109475 Eoin Colfer's Legend of the Worst Boy in the World
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Colfer, Eoin
Length: 101 Copyright: 2007

Will Woodman has a hard time getting anyone in his family to listen to him, so he turns to his grandfather who has more terrible sob stories than Will. Illustated by Glenn McCoy. AR 4.4. Follett RL 4.3. RC 4.6. Lexile 770.
Eoin Colfer's Legend of the Worst Boy in the World PI  
B 127041B 127041 Everything Sad is Untrue (A True Story)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Nayeri, Daniel
Length: 356 Copyright: 2020

At the front of a middle school classroom in Oklahoma, a boy named Khosrou (whom everyone calls 'Daniel') stands, trying to tell a story. His story. But no one believes a word he says. To them he is a dark-skinned, hairy-armed boy with a big butt whose lunch smells funny; who makes things up and talks about poop too much. But Khosrou's stories, stretching back years, and decades, and centuries, are beautiful, and terrifying, from the moment he, his mother, and sister fled Iran in the middle of the night, stretching all the way back to family tales set in the jasmine-scented city of Isfahan, the palaces of semi-ancient kings, and even the land of stories. Historical fiction. Refugees. Immigration. Social awareness. Responsible decision making. Storytelling. Starred reviews. IL 6-12. AR 5.3. Lexile 800.
Everything Sad is Untrue (A True Story) IJS  
KM 90058KM 90058 Family Puppet Theater (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Contents include 16 full bodied puppets; Latino, Asian, African American, and Caucasian and a desktop wooden puppet theater to encourage early learner language acquisition, creative thinking, and social skills development. Perfect for learning centers or classroom literacy initiatives.
Family Puppet Theater (2 Parts) KPI  
B 91331B 91331 Fannelboard Stories For Infants and Toddlers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Carlson, Ann
Length: 196 Copyright: 1999

Collection of easy-to-make fannelboard stories. Gives instructions on how to construct several types of fannelboards plus a variety of methods of producing the story pieces.
Fannelboard Stories For Infants and Toddlers T  
KM 6610KM 6610 Farm Puppets
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999

Hand puppets are made of polyester fibers. Farm puppets include bunny (rabbit); cow; donkey; duck; horse; lamb (sheep); pig; and puppy (dog).
Farm Puppets KP  
B 93351B 93351 Fee Fi Fo Fum: Puppets & Other Folktake Fun
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bair, Linda
Length: 143 Copyright: 2005

Presents storytime programs based on popular folktales designed to help teachers incorporate Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences into their lessons. Each program includes a folktake, puppet activity, annotated book list, craft activities, games, and curriculum tie-ins. For grades PreK-2. Authors: Linda Bair and Jill Andrews.
Fee Fi Fo Fum: Puppets & Other Folktake Fun T  
B 99534B 99534 Fifty-Two Programs For Preschoolers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Briggs, Diane
Length: 217 Copyright: 1997

Subtitle: The Librarian's Year-Round Planner. Ideas and suggestions for activities such as action rhymes, songs, games, poems, flannel board stories, and crafts related to the theme.
Fifty-Two Programs For Preschoolers T  
KM 13687KM 13687 Finger Puppet Play
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

Set of 30 finger puppets for imaginative play for primary interest levels. Random assortment of animals. IL Pres-2.
Finger Puppet Play KP  
KM 11492KM 11492 Five Little Monkeys Finger Puppet Playset
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009

Contains five five-inch tall plush finger puppets of pajama-clad monkeys which have velcro pads on each of their hands, based on Eileen Christelow's stories.
Five Little Monkeys Finger Puppet Playset K  
KM 6827KM 6827 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Christelow, Eileen
Length: 0 Copyright: 1989

Contains counting book by Eileen Christelow, stuffed fabric bed (7" long), five little monkeys, mama and doctor monkey.
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed KP  
KM 8377KM 8377 Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree Storytelling
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Christelow, Eileen
Length: 0 Copyright: 1991

Contains book (GR level F, AR 1.7, RC 2.9, Lexile 440) by Eileen Christelow, stuffed fabric tree, five little monkeys, mama, and a crocodile.
Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree Storytelling KP  
KM 7006KM 7006 Froggy Gets Dressed
Grade Lvl: KP Author: LONDON, JONATHAN
Length: 0 Copyright: 1992

When Froggy goes out to play in the snow, he keeps getting called back because he has forgotten an item of clothing. Book props. Contents: Show-A-Tale apron, book by Jonathan London, and foam props with velcro for telling the story to attach to the apron. AR 1.8. Follett RL 1.5. Lexile 300.
Froggy Gets Dressed KP  
KM 13483KM 13483 Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Celebrate the diversity of indigenous peoples throughout the United States with beautifully illustrated storytelling props depicting characters and scenes from Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story. End papers offer insights into the history and diversity of indigenous peoples in the United States. Please see B 125769 in our lending collection for access to additional copies. Kit contains 12 book props, a hardcover copy of the book, and 3 storytelling lapboards with velcro headings: beginning, middle and end to support readers' comprehension. IL Pres-3. GR N.
Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story Storytelling Kit KP  
KM 7816KM 7816 Gingerbread Boy Storytelling Set
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Galdone, Paul
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004

Contents: copy of Paul Galdone's version of The Gingerbread Boy and stuffed characters from the book (old women, old man, gingerbread boy, cow, horse, farmer, and fox).
Gingerbread Boy Storytelling Set KP  
KM 6737KM 6737 Go Away Big Green Monster
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Emberley, Ed
Length: 0 Copyright: 1992

Story is designed to help a child control nighttime fear of monsters. Contains book with die-cut pages by Ed Emberley and fabric facial features with velcro to attach to the Show-A-Tale apron.
Go Away Big Green Monster KP  
KM 8894KM 8894 Go Away, Big Green Monster! Storytelling Puppet
Grade Lvl: K Author: Emberley, Ed
Length: 0 Copyright: 1992

Features a blank monster puppet plus lots of creepy facial features that stick to the puppet like magic. Coordinated to the included storybook (Go Away Big Green Monster!). As kids follow along with the story, they stick on the eyes, nose, mouth and teeth, ears, and hair, then remove the pieces to make the monster go away. Contents: activity guide, book, cloth puppet, and eight stick-on pieces. For ages 3+. Puppet is machine-washable. Story helps child control nighttime fears of monsters. RC 1.8. Lexile 550.
Go Away, Big Green Monster! Storytelling Puppet K  
KM 10452KM 10452 Good Day
Grade Lvl: K Author: Henkes, Kevin
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

A bird, a fox, a dog, and a squirrel overcome minor setbacks to have a very good day. Contents: Show-a Tale apron, book by Kevin Henkes, and props to attach to apron. One-week loan period.
Good Day K  
B 109038B 109038 Gooney Bird Greene (Book 1)
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Lowry, Lois
Length: 115 Copyright: 2004

A most unusual new student who loves to be the center of attention entertains her teacher and fellow second graders by telling absolutely true stories about herself, including how she got her name. Gooney Bird Greene series, Book 1. AR 3.9. RC 3.8. Lexile 660. GR level N IL 2-4.
Gooney Bird Greene (Book 1) PI  
B 112757B 112757 Grandfather Tang's Story: Tale Told with Tangrams
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Tompert, Ann
Length: 32 Copyright: 1997

Grandfather tells a story about shape-changing fox fairies who try to best each other until a hunter brings danger to both of them. AR 3.7. RC 3.6. Lexile 660. IL K-4.
Grandfather Tang's Story: Tale Told with Tangrams KPI  
B 96454B 96454 Handbook for Storytime Programs
Grade Lvl: T Author: Freeman, Judy / Feller Bauer, Caroline
Length: 616 Copyright: 2015

Handbook of storytime programs designed for librarians, teachers, parents, and caregivers. Part 1: Interactive Storytelling- covers such topics as pictures and objects in storytelling, fingerplays, riddles, jokes, puppetry, music, magic, and creative drama. Part 2: Programs- divided into two age groups (for preschool & primary school children from birth to age 7; and for upper elementary & middle school children, ages 8 to 14). Readers will find tales, books, songs, and poems to share, plus easily adaptable children's literature-based activities. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Handbook for Storytime Programs T  
B 113787B 113787 I Broke My Trunk!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Willems, Mo
Length: 57 Copyright: 2011

Gerald the elephant tells his best friend Piggie a long, crazy storyabout how he broke his trunk. An Elephant & Piggie book. Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor book 2012. IL Pres-1.
I Broke My Trunk! KP  
KM 10677KM 10677 I Wish I Were a Butterfly (Literacy Bag)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Howe, James
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Story about a despondent cricket that is helped by a spider who convinces him that he is special in his own way. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Literacy bag. Contents: activity card, book by James Howe, large cricket puppet, and fabric tote. AR 3.4. RC 2.5. Lexile 540.
I Wish I Were a Butterfly (Literacy Bag) KP  
B 115316B 115316 I'll Save You Bobo!
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rosenthal, Eileen
Length: 34 Copyright: 2012

Willy just wants to read a book, but his cat Earl will not leave him alone. Then, when Willy wants to draw and write his own book, staring him and Bobo his stuffed monkey, Earl makes even more trouble. AR 1.2 IL Pres-1.
I'll Save You Bobo! KP  
B 91831B 91831 I'm a Little Teapot!: Presenting Preschool Storytime
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 250 Copyright: 1996

Handbook for storytime planning is arranged alphabetically by theme (63 themes from alphabet books to zoos), each of which contains a list of stories to read aloud, songs, nursery, rhymes, fingerplays and other ideas. Includes a First Line index. Compiled by Jane Cobb.
I'm a Little Teapot!: Presenting Preschool Storytime T  
KM 8226KM 8226 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Braille-Print
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Numeroff, Laura
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Literacy bag is designed for use with blind/visually impaired students. Contents: print/Braille copy of the book by Laura Joffe Numeroff, book on cassette tape, and storytelling props for children to interact with when they listen to the story (all stored in a cloth bag).
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Braille-Print KP  
KM 9190KM 9190 In a Dark, Dark Wood Big Book
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1990

Traditional tale leads the reader through a dark house to discover a ghost. Contents: ten small books and big book. GR level E.
In a Dark, Dark Wood Big Book KP  
B 127359B 127359 In the Small, Small Night
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Kurtz, Jane
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005

"Amistad" Kofi can't sleep in his new home in the United States, so his older sister Abena soothes his fears about life in a different country by telling him two folktales from their native Ghana about the nature of wisdom and perseverance. Also see KM 13530 I'm Your Neighbor - Welcoming Library. Story about me. Ghananian Americans. Immigrants. Perserverance. Storytelling ficiton. Wisdom. IL K-4. AR 3.0. RC 3.2. Lexile 560.
In the Small, Small Night KPI  
KM 8415KM 8415 In the Small, Small Pond Storytelling Set
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Fleming, Denise
Length: 0 Copyright: 1993

Describes the activities of animals living in and near a small pond as spring progresses to autumn (AR 2.0. RC 2.5). Contents: book by Denise Fleming and pond animal puppets (two dragonflies, turtle, frog, and raccoon).
In the Small, Small Pond Storytelling Set KP  
B 112148B 112148 Interrupting Chicken
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Stein, David
Length: 38 Copyright: 2010

Little Red Chicken wants Papa to read her a bedtime story, but interrupts him almost as soon as he begins each tale. Caldecott Honor Book 2011. AR 2.2 RC 1.1 Lexile 300 IL Pres-2.
Interrupting Chicken KP  
B 116382B 116382 It's A Tiger!
Grade Lvl: K Author: LaRochelle, David
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

A child imagines that he is in a story where he encounters a tiger at every turn. AR 1.4 IL Pres-K.
It's A Tiger! K  
B 111245B 111245 Jack Plank Tells Tales
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Babbitt, Natalie
Length: 128 Copyright: 2007

Because he is too nice to be a pirate, Jack Plank looks for a new career, but each night he tells tales of why the one job he looked into that day is wrong. AR and Follett RL 5.1. RC 5.6. Lexile 860. IL 3-6.
Jack Plank Tells Tales PI  
KM 13481KM 13481 Jacket I Wear in the Snow Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Neitzel, Shirley
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Create more story-time fun with a kid-pleasing kit packed with everything you need to bring a classic story to life! Children enjoy rhyme after rhyme as a young boy takes an adventure through layers upon layers of winter clothes! Story offers predictable text, repetitive images and relatable themes. This kit offers 13 cloth characters as book props, a hardcover copy of the book and 3 storytelling lapboards with beginning, middle and end velcro labels to support readers' comprehension. See B# 73724 for additional copies in our lending collection. Seasons. Winter. Clothing and dress. IL Pres-1. RC 1.9
Jacket I Wear in the Snow Storytelling Kit KP  
B 115785B 115785 Jangles: A Big Fish Story
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Shannon, David
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

A father relates to his son the tale of his encounter--and friendship--with a gigantic trout whose enormous jaw is covered with so many lures and fish hooks that he jangles when he swims, but who has never been caught. AR 4.1 RC 5.2 Lexile 900 IL K-4.
Jangles: A Big Fish Story KPI  
B 106805B 106805 Kamishibai Man
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Say, Allen
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005

After many years of retirement, an old Kamishibai man--a Japanese street performer who tells stories and sells candies--decides to make his rounds once more even though such entertainment declined after the advent of television. Street theater. Paper theater. Street-performance art. Picture book for older readers. AR 3.3. RC 3.2. Lexile 690.
Kamishibai Man PI  
B 122972B 122972 Katie's Spooky Sleepover
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Manushkin, Fran
Length: 24 Copyright: 2017

Katie Woo is having a sleepover filled with food, fun, and friends. The girls giggle at a spooky story, but when Katie's lucky kimono goes missing, she can't help but wonder if the ghost from the story is to blame. This book is part of the Katie Woo series. IL K-4. AR 2.2. Lexile 490. F+P J.
Katie's Spooky Sleepover KP  
KM 10678KM 10678 Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, & the Big Hungry Bear
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wood, Don / Wood, Audrey
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Little Mouse worries that the big, hungry bear will take his freshly picked, ripe, red strawberry for himself. Contents: activity card, book (AR 1.5 RC 1.8 Lexile 510) by Don & Audrey Wood, stuffed mouse and strawberry, and fabric tote. Literacy bag. IL Pres-1.
Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, & the Big Hungry Bear KP  
KM 6738KM 6738 Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Williams, Linda
Length: 0 Copyright: 1986

Contains book with repetitive text by Linda Williams about a little old lady who must deal with a pumpkin head, tall black hat, and other spooky objects that follow her through the woods trying to scare her. Scarecrow. Includes fabric items from the story (hat, pumpkin head, shirt, pants, boots, gloves) to attach to the Show-A-Tale apron.
Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything KP  
KM 7817KM 7817 Lunch Storytelling Set
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Fleming, Denise
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

A very hungry mouse eats a large lunch comprised of colorful foods. Contents: copy of Denise Fleming's book, mouse puppet, and stuffed food figures (turnip, orange carrot, yellow corn, green peas, blue berry, purple grapes, red apple, and pink watermelon).
Lunch Storytelling Set KP  
KM 13536KM 13536 Magna-Tiles Eric Carle Sets
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Early learners will enjoy exploring this Magna-Tile set featuring Eric Carle titles. Kit includes board book titles: The Very Hungry Caterpillar; Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?; and The Grouchy Ladybug with a Magna-Tile set to complement the story. Beginning reader. STEAM. Storytelling. Story sequence. IL Pres-1.
Magna-Tiles Eric Carle Sets KP  
B 104064B 104064 Marianthe's Story: Painted Words/Spoken Memories
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Aliki
Length: 32 Copyright: 1998

Two separate stories in one book, the first telling of Mari's starting school in a new land, and the second describing village life in her country before she and her family left in search of a better life. Upside-down books. AR, RC, and Follett RL 3.5. Lexile 550. GR level N.
Marianthe's Story: Painted Words/Spoken Memories KP  
KM 13589KM 13589 Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brown, Monica
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Celebrate multiracial identity and authentic self-expression with delightfully illustrated storytelling props depicting characters and scenes from Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match! This kit offers 12 cloth characters as book props, a hardcover copy of the book and 3 storytelling lapboards with beginning, middle and end velcro labels to support readers' comprehension. Authentic author. Hispanic/Latino. Bilingual. Racially mixed character. Self. Story elements. IL Pres-1. AR 2.8. RC 2.3. Lexile 580. GR L.
Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match Storytelling Kit KP  
B 106300B 106300 Marshall Islands: Legends and Stories
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 252 Copyright: 2003

Presents a collection of fifty stories recorded from eighteen storytellers from the Marshall Islands. Also presents short biographical sketches of the original storytellers. Collected and edited by Daniel A. Kelin II.
Marshall Islands: Legends and Stories IJS  
B 98442B 98442 Mel White's Readers Theatre Anthology
Grade Lvl: JST Author: White, Melvin
Length: 341 Copyright: 1993

Anthology of 28 plays, novels, and short stories that have been edited for reading aloud in the classroom. Includes comedy, mystery, Christmas specials, folklore, classics, and others to use with middle and high school students.
Mel White's Readers Theatre Anthology JST  
B 96972B 96972 Mindset for Learning: Teaching the Traits of Joyful, Independent Growth
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mraz, Kristine / Hertz, Christine
Length: 192 Copyright: 2015

We want our students to take on challenges with zeal, to see themselves not as static test scores but as agents of change. Shows us how to lead students to a growth mindset for school-and life-by focusing on five crucial, research-driven attitudes: optimism-putting aside fear and resistance to learn something new persistence-keeping at it, even when a task is hard flexibility-trying different ways to find a solution resilience-bouncing back from setbacks and learning from failure empathy-learning by putting oneself in another person's shoes. A Mindset for Learning pairs research-psychological, neurological, and pedagogical-with practical classroom help, including instructional language, charts and visuals, teaching tips, classroom vignettes, and more.
Mindset for Learning: Teaching the Traits of Joyful, Independent Growth T  
B 119483B 119483 Miss Brooks' Story Nook: (where tales are told and ogres are welcome)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bottner, Barbara
Length: 34 Copyright: 2014

A school librarian encourages her students to make up stories, and teaches a lesson about bullying in the process. AR 2.9 Lexile 510 GR level K. IL K-2.
Miss Brooks' Story Nook: (where tales are told and ogres are welcome) KP  
KM 7410KM 7410 Miss Mary Mack
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998

An expanded adaptation of the familiar hand-clapping rhyme about a young girl and an elephant. Book Props kit has a Show-a-Tale apron, storytelling suggestions sheet, foam props with velcro, and book by Mary Ann Hoberman. A melody line and instructions for the hand-clapping game are included on the front endpapers. Follett RL 1.5. AR 3.1. RC 1.6. GR level J IL Pres-1.
Miss Mary Mack KP  
KM 5650KM 5650 Mitten
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Brett, Jan
Length: 0 Copyright: 1997

Consists of copy of Jan Brett's The Mitten, a Ukrainian tale about a lost mitten becoming the temporary winter home to a variety of forest animals, and two large mittens with slightly stuffed animals (mole, rabbit, owl, hedgehog, fox, badger, bear, and mouse). One-week loan period.
Mitten KP  
B 110603B 110603 Molly and Her Dad
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Ormerod, Jan
Length: 33 Copyright: 2008

Molly's father lives so far away that she makes up stories about himto tell at school, but when he comes to visit she discovers that they have a lot in common. Follett RL 2.8. AR 2.2.
Molly and Her Dad KP  
KM 7411KM 7411 Most Wonderful Egg in the World
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1983

To settle a quarrel between three hens, the king must choose which one lays the most beautiful egg. Book Props kit has Show-a-Tale apron, storytelling suggestion sheet, three hens (their underbellies velcro open and close allowing for storage and laying of each egg), three eggs, and book by Helme Heine. AR 3.4. RC 3.5. Lexile 540. IL Pres-1.
Most Wonderful Egg in the World KP  
KM 6739KM 6739 Mouse Mess
Grade Lvl: KP Author: RILEY, LINNEA
Length: 0 Copyright: 1997

A hungry mouse leaves a huge mess when it goes in search of a snack. Contains book by Linnea Riley, fabric props from the story that attach with velcro to the Show-A-Tale apron. AR level 1.6. RC and Follett RL 1.5.
Mouse Mess KP  
B 114809B 114809 My Abuelita
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Johnston, Tony
Length: 32 Copyright: 2009

With great gusto, a child's grandmother performs deep knee bends, consumes a breakfast of "huevos estrellados," and practices vocal exercises before going to work as a storyteller. Storytellers Fiction. Mexican Americans Fiction. Pura Belpre Illustrator Honor Book - 2010. AR 2.6 IL Pres-3.
My Abuelita KP  
B 110334B 110334 My Friend, the Starfinder
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Lyon, George Ella
Length: 32 Copyright: 2008

A child relates some of the wondrous tales told by an old man who once found a falling star and stood at the end of a rainbow. Storytellers. Rainbows. Illustrated by Stephen Gammell. Follett RL 2.9. AR 2.6. RC 3.5. Lexile 650.
My Friend, the Starfinder KP  
B 81928B 81928 My Ol' Man
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Polacco, Patricia
Length: 34 Copyright: 1995

A girl recalls the special summer spent in Michigan with her yarn-spinning father and a magic rock. AR 3.7. Follett RL 3.0. RC 3.5. Lexile 640. GR level N.
My Ol' Man PI  
B 125136B 125136 No Boring Stories
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Falatko, Julie
Length: 48 Copyright: 2018

Bored with sweet, boring picture books about cute and fluffy creatures, a group of unpopular animals tries to write an adventure story featuring themselves, with unwanted help from over-eager Bunny. Humorous fiction. Animal stories. IL Pres-3. AR 3.0. Lexile 510.
No Boring Stories KP  
B 111243B 111243 Noodlehead Stories: World Tales
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Hamilton, Martha
Length: 96 Copyright: 2000

Subtitle: World Tales Kids Can Read & Tell. A collection of folktales around the world, all featuring the character of the fool, with tips for telling the stories aloud, related activities, and source notes. AR 5.4. Follett RL 5.1.
Noodlehead Stories: World Tales PI  
B 101042B 101042 O'Sullivan Stew : A Tale Cooked Up in Ireland
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Talbott, Hudson
Length: 48 Copyright: 1999

When the witch of Crookhaven, a village on the zigzagging coast of Ireland, has her horse stolen by the King and strikes back with famine and disaster, Kate decides to save the day by getting the horse back for her. Scheherazade and the Arabian Nights takeoff. AR level 4.1 Follett RL 3.5 IL K-5.
O'Sullivan Stew : A Tale Cooked Up in Ireland KPI  
KM 10985KM 10985 Old Macdonald Had a Farm Storysack
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Storysack kit has book (Child's Play); audio CD (sing-along and instrumental versions); parent prompt card; guide for parents booklet; stuffed figure of Old Macdonald; six finger puppets (dog, sheep, duck, pig, cow, horse); and Counting Snap Game (three games in one for ages 3-6).
Old Macdonald Had a Farm Storysack K  
KM 7007KM 7007 Old Mother Hubbard
Grade Lvl: K Author: CABRERA, JANE
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001

Familiar nursery rhyme about an old woman and her playful dog. Book Props. Contents: Show-A-Tale apron, book (Jane Cabrera's version of Old Mother Hubbard), and foam props with velcro to attach to the apron.
Old Mother Hubbard K  
B 126832B 126832 Once Upon a Winter Day
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Woodruff, Liza
Length: 40 Copyright: 2020

Milo's mother is too busy to read him a story so she sends him outside to play in the snow where he discovers a story of his own. Our world. Animal fiction. Storytelling fiction. Winter story. IL K-3. GR M.
Once Upon a Winter Day KP  
B 80613B 80613 Our Folk Heroes
Grade Lvl: PI Author: SPIES, KAREN
Length: 48 Copyright: 1994

Introduces our country's best-known folk heroes; discusses how folk heroes develop and why we tell and retell tall tales. Follett RL 5.5.
Our Folk Heroes PI  
B 92356B 92356 Paper Cutting Stories From A to Z
Grade Lvl: T Author: Marsh, Valerie
Length: 78 Copyright: 1992

Collection of stories, one for each letter of the alphabet. Each story is told while cutting a "secret" shape from a sheet of folded paper. Stories are designed to introduce or reinforce letters of the alphabet. Stories are simple enough so children can cut-and-tell them by themselves. Stories are for grades PreK-5.
Paper Cutting Stories From A to Z T  
B 92352B 92352 Paper-Cutting Stories for Holidays/Special Events
Grade Lvl: T Author: Marsh, Valerie
Length: 63 Copyright: 1994

Collection of twenty brief stories for preschool/K-5 with instructions for drawing and cutting. Includes selections for birthday, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Black History Month, St. Patrick's Day, Women's History month, Earth Day, Arbor Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, Father's Day, Fourth of July, back to school, Grandparent's Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanakkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.
Paper-Cutting Stories for Holidays/Special Events T  
KM 13588KM 13588 Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dean, James
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

Pete the Cat takes the mystery out of the first day of school! This kit offers 13 cloth characters as book props, a hardcover copy of the book and 3 storytelling lapboards with beginning, middle and end velcro labels to support readers' comprehension. Favorite characters. Music. School stories. IL Pres-1. AR 2.2. RC 2.4. Lexile 430.
Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes Storytelling Kit KP  
B 125641B 125641 Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpré
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Denise, Anika
Length: 40 Copyright: 2019

An illustrated biography of the life of Pura Belpre the first Puerto Rican librarian in New York City. Hispanic American. Biography. Narrative. Picture book for older readers. IL 2-6. IL 2-6. AR 4.0. RC 5.6. Lexile 860.
Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpré PI  
KM 11917KM 11917 Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear? Story Set and Book
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004

Storytelling set has book, polar bear puppet, and small velcro-backed animal props from Eric Carle's "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" along with an apron to attach props.
Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear? Story Set and Book KP  
B 94831B 94831 Puppet & Flannelboard Stories/Seasons & Holidays
Grade Lvl: T Author: Karge, Belinda
Length: 96 Copyright: 2003

Presents nearly forty rhymes, finger plays, and flannel-board stories with seasonal themes, which teach early childhood literacy, math, and science skills. Includes puppet patterns, reproducible activities, and teaching tips.
Puppet & Flannelboard Stories/Seasons & Holidays T  
KM 90083KM 90083 Puppet Theater for Grieving Children
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023

Acting out different experiences of grief and loss through puppet plays offers a creative alternative for helping children. This kit includes 16 different puppet plays covering a wide variety of losses, discussion questions for each play. Also included are a number of puppets to support the storytelling process. Book: Puppet Plays for Grieving Children by Sharon Rugg. This kit is intended for AEA Crisis Team. IL Pres-5.
Puppet Theater for Grieving Children KPI  
B 91876B 91876 Readers Theatre for American History
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fredericks, Anthony
Length: 173 Copyright: 2001

Presents 24 readers theatre scripts that stimulate children to become active participants in selected historical events. For grades 4-8. Provides directions for staging, using props, delivery, and post presentations. Scripts are presented in five parts and cover the land and early people of North America to modern times. Readers theater.
Readers Theatre for American History T  
B 96654B 96654 Reading Picture Books with Children: How to Shake Up Storytime and Get Kids Talking about What They See
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lambert, Megan Dowd
Length: 152 Copyright: 2015

Offers a practical guide for reshaping storytime and gets kids to think with their eyes. This interactive approach to storytime, The Whole Book Approach, was developed in conjunction with the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. This involves discussion during the reading of a picture book as well as conversation before & after the reading of the book. Stopping & talking about a book during a reading enhances comprehension, engagement, vocabulary acquisition, and literacy skills. Co-constructive storytimes. Picture book art & design.
Reading Picture Books with Children: How to Shake Up Storytime and Get Kids T  
KM 11990KM 11990 Rhyming Dust Bunnies
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Thomas, Jan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009

As three dust bunnies, Ed, Ned, and Ted, are demonstrating how much they love to rhyme, a fourth, Bob, is trying to warn them of approaching danger. Book props storytelling kit contains the book (40 pages RC 1.1 Lexile 180) by Jan Thomas, Show-a-Tell apron with foam props with velcro to attach to the apron. One-week loan period. IL Pres-1.
Rhyming Dust Bunnies KP  
B 117570B 117570 Robert Munsch
Grade Lvl: I Author: Kissock, Heather
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013

Profiles the life and career of children's author Robert Munsch. Authors, Canadian. Access to online materials is through a web code printed in the book. Includes slide shows, vocabulary development, activities, assessments, video clips, and web links. From the series AV2 Remarkable Writers. AR 5.4. IL 4-6.
Robert Munsch I  
B 94841B 94841 Run Wild! Outdoor Games and Adventures
Grade Lvl: T Author: Danks, Fiona
Length: 159 Copyright: 2011

Contains ideas and instructions for outdoor adventures, including parties, games, stories, theater performances, tracking and hiking, geocaching, wild navigating, and other activities for a wide range of ages and abilities. Authors: Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks.
Run Wild! Outdoor Games and Adventures T  
KM 6740KM 6740 Sam's Sandwich
Grade Lvl: KP Author: PELHAM, DAVID
Length: 0 Copyright: 1990

In this story, Sam helps his sister make a sandwich by adding some nasty surprises. Contents: fold-out flap book by David Pelham, fabric sandwich making ingredients, and the "bugs" (plastic caterpillar, fly, ant, etc.) to hide in the sandwich.
Sam's Sandwich KP  
B 101947B 101947 SARAH'S STORY
Grade Lvl: KP Author: HARLEY, BILL
Length: 32 Copyright: 1996

Sarah cannot think of a story to tell in class for her homework assignment, but on her way to school she gets help from some unexpected sources. AR level 2.9. Follett RL 2.8.
B 92057B 92057 Seasonal Storytime Crafts
Grade Lvl: T Author: Totten, Kathryn
Length: 109 Copyright: 2002

Focuses on craft projects that can be combined with story time activities. Includes songs and fingerplays for PreK-1.
Seasonal Storytime Crafts T  
B 114272B 114272 Silly Goose's Big Story
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Kasza, Keiko
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

Silly Goose tells wonderful stories that lead to great adventures, but soon after his friends complain that he always gets to play the hero, Silly Goose learns that his friends can be truly heroic. AR 2.5. IL Pres-1.
Silly Goose's Big Story KP  
KM 10244KM 10244 Sing It! Say It! Stamp It! Sway It! Volume 1
Grade Lvl: K Author: Allard, Peter
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999

Contains book with songs, chants, and activities for young children by Peter and Ellen Allard and audio CD with 27 songs including hello songs and fingerplay-type songs. Some titles: Five Brown Buns; Popcorn Chant; Five Green Apples; Wake Up You Sleepy-Heads; One Finger, One Thumb; Fuzzy Little Caterpillar; Boom Chicka Boom; In Our Garden, etc.
Sing It! Say It! Stamp It! Sway It! Volume 1 K  
KM 10245KM 10245 Sing It! Say It! Stamp It! Sway It! Volume 2
Grade Lvl: K Author: Allard, Peter
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999

Contains book with songs, chants, and activities for young children by Peter and Ellen Allard and audio CD with 24 songs including zipper songs and cumulative songs. Some titles: A Goodbye Song; As Quiet Can Be; Bearly Neighbors; Five Little Chickadees; Flea Fly; Loose Tooth; Out the Window; Plant a Seed; Ten Fingers; and That's the Way It Goes; etc.
Sing It! Say It! Stamp It! Sway It! Volume 2 K  
KM 10246KM 10246 Sing It! Say It! Stamp It! Sway It! Volume 3
Grade Lvl: K Author: Allard, Peter
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Contains book with songs, chants, and activities for young children by Peter and Ellen Allard and audio CD with 20 songs such as Grey Little Mouse; Baby 1, 2, 3; Mama Duck; Down by the Barnyard; Hey Little Friend; Count the Bells; Wild Running Horses; etc.
Sing It! Say It! Stamp It! Sway It! Volume 3 K  
KM 8808KM 8808 Sleep Tight, Little Bear
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Waddell, Martin
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005

Little Bear finds a cave that is just right for him, but at bedtime he starts thinking about Big Bear, all alone in their big bear cave. Waddell talks about where he get his ideas for the stories; the art of the picture book; the world of Little Bear; and finally the author reads the story. Contents: book written by Martin Waddell and illustrated by Barbara Firth and a DVD. AR 2.6. Follett RL 1.3.
Sleep Tight, Little Bear KP  
B 109037B 109037 Sloppy Copy Slipup
Grade Lvl: PI Author: DiSalvo, DyAnne
Length: 103 Copyright: 2006

Fourth grader Brian Higman worries about how his teacher Miss Fromme--nicknamed The General--will react when he fails to hand in a writing assignment, but he ends up being able to tell his story, after all. Authorship. AR 3.9. RC 3.3. Lexile 590.
Sloppy Copy Slipup PI  
B 121283B 121283 Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Falatko, Julie
Length: 40 Copyright: 2016

Snappsy's ordinary day is interrupted by a meddling narrator. Follett RL 3.5 IL K-2. Iowa Goldfinch Award 2018-2019.
Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book) KP  
B 108049B 108049 Snout for Chocolate
Grade Lvl: P Author: Cazet, Denys
Length: 48 Copyright: 2006

When Barney gets chicken pox, Grandpa tells him a funny story to keep his mind off itching. I Can Read level 2 book from the series Grandpa Spanielson's Chicken Pox Stories. AR 2.1 Follett RL 1.7.
Snout for Chocolate P  
KM 13482KM 13482 Snowy Day Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Keats, Ezra Jack
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022

This delightful kit is packed with all the cloth characters and props to bring one of children’s favorite stories to life! This is the simple and tale about a young boy named Peter who awakens to the first snowfall of the season! Children will love to follow Peter as he walks through a watercolor world of snow, making patterns, tracks and even a snowman! The kit contains 12 stuffed book prop pieces, a copy of the hardcover book and 3 storytelling lapboards with beginning, middle and end labels to support readers's comprehension. African American. Cause & effect. Seasons. Winter. Weather. See B 50083 and KM 1229 for additional copies of the book. IL Pres-1. AR 2.5. Lexile 500.
Snowy Day Storytelling Kit KP  
KM 5868KM 5868 Some Smug Slug
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Edwards, Pamela
Length: 0 Copyright: 1997

Pamela Edwards alliterative story is about a smug slug that won't listen to the animals around it and meets a slug-slurping toad. Contents: apron, book (AR 3.3 RC 3.8 Lexile 620,) and animals with velcro to attach to apron. Alliteration. IL Pres-1.
Some Smug Slug KP  
KM 12032KM 12032 Sophie's Fish
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012

Jake starts to worry about everything that could go wrong when he agrees to take care of his friend Sophie's fish for the weekend. Book Props storytelling kit contents: Show-A-Tale apron, picture book (32 pages AR 1.7) by A.E. Cannon, and foam story props with velcro to attach to the apron. One-week loan period. IL K-2.
Sophie's Fish KP  
B 124922B 124922 Stone Girl's Story
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Durst, Sarah Beth
Length: 326 Copyright: 2018

Mayka and her stone family were brought to life by the stories etched into their bodies. Now time is eroding these vital marks, and Mayka must find a stonemason to recarve them. But the search is more complex than she had imagined, and Mayka uncovers a scheme endangering all stone creatures. Only someone who casts stories into stone can help--but whom can Mayka trust? Where is the stonemason who will save them? Fantasy fiction. Action and adventure. IL 4-8. AR 4.8. RC 4.8. Lexile 660.
Stone Girl's Story IJ  
KM 13352KM 13352 Story Wands
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007

Get students excited about reading! Use story wands as a fun way to encourage discussion and understanding of picture books or stories. Included in the kit are 8 safe, wipe-clean vinyl wands that feature simple questions that explore plot, character, setting and more. Engage oral language development, recalling story details and listening comprehension. The 8 wand questions include: Who is your favorite character?, What was in the story? What is your favorite part? What will happen next?, How did the story end?, What will happen in the story? Where is the setting?, and What is the story about?. IL Pres-6.
Story Wands KPI  
B 122030B 122030 Storyteller
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Turk, Evan
Length: 48 Copyright: 2016

In a time of drought in the Kingdom of Morocco, a storyteller and a boy weave a tale to thwart a Djinn and his sandstorm from destroying their city. The author shares an old Moroccan saying with readers, “When a storyteller dies, a library burns.” Tale uses water as a metaphor for story. Genies- Fiction. Map on endpaper. AR 4.9 RC 4.6 Lexile 870 IL 1-4.
Storyteller PI  
KM 13353KM 13353 Storyteller Writing Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013

Support students' creativity to write or tell their own amazing stories every time they reach inside our mystery box! The Storyteller Writing Box supports students' oral language practice, boosting vocabulary, and the exploration of story elements. Contents of the kit contain 45 color-coded prompts, each with cute illustrations of characters, locations and situations that help young storytellers get started. Implementation is easy. Students reach in and pull out a card from each compartment of the box, then use the who, what and where they selected to tell their own original story. Kit includes: 15 who cards, 15 what cards, and 15 where cards. IL Pres-3.
Storyteller Writing Box KP  
KM 5395KM 5395 Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1996

Includes storytelling apron, guide, six books and stuffed cotton characters that attach to the apron with velcro. The six titles are: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; Caps For Sale; If You Give a Mouse a Cookie; It Looked Like Spilt Milk; The Napping House; and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Storytelling Kit KP  
B 102258B 102258 Storytelling Princess
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Martin, Rafe
Length: 32 Copyright: 2001

Having survived a shipwreck, a princess tries to tell a prince a story whose ending he does not know and thus qualify for his hand in marriage. AR 4.0. IL K-3.
Storytelling Princess KP  
B 99967B 99967 Storytimes for Two Year Olds (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Nichols, Judy
Length: 248 Copyright: 1998

50 thematic programs for very young children include rhythm, rhymes, and fingerplays; parents' follow-up ideas; craft activities; and book recommendations.
Storytimes for Two Year Olds (2nd Edition) T  
B 124573B 124573 Strange Star
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Carroll, Emma
Length: 230 Copyright: 2018

One stormy June evening, five friends meet at Villa Diodati, the summer home of Lord Byron. After dinner is served, they challenge each other to tell ghost stories that will freeze the blood. But one of the guests--Mary Shelley--is stuck for a story to share. Then there's an unexpected knock at the front door. Collapsed on the doorstep is a girl with strange scars on her face. She has traveled a long way with her own tale to tell, and now they all must listen. Hers is no ordinary ghost story, though. What starts as a simple tale of village life soon turns to tragedy and the darkest, most dangerous of secrets. Sometimes the truth is far more terrifying than fiction . . . and the consequences are even more devastating. Thriller fiction. IL 5-9. AR 4.3. RC 4.3. Lexile 590.
Strange Star IJ  
KM 13461KM 13461 Strictly No Elephants Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: Pre-3 Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Boost early literacy and social-emotional skills with this charming kit that brings Strictly No Elephants to life! Kit includes a treehouse and washable, soft-sewn storytelling pieces to encourage students to act out the beloved tale as they explore inclusion, diversity, friendship and more. Kit also includes an activity guide. Fosters students' skills in oral language, social-emotional learning, story retelling and early literacy. IL Pres-3. AR 2.0. Lexile 490.
Strictly No Elephants Storytelling Kit Pre-3  
KM 7531KM 7531 Sunsprouts Puppets
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003

Contains three hand puppets: Max (a sheep), Bear, and Wolf. Characters in the SunSprouts book series.
Sunsprouts Puppets KP  
B 97131B 97131 Talking Treasure: Stories to Help Build Emotional Intelligence and Resilience in Young Children
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Hankin, Vered / Omer, Devorah
Length: 98 Copyright: 2012

Stories help us make sense of the world, give us hope when we feel down, give us wonder and excitement when our lives seem ordinary, and help us find fairness in a world that sometimes seems unfair. The ten stories in this book are timeless and each one is followed by a Parent and Teacher EQ Guide to help children explore their inner thoughts and feelings. The guide includes questions and comments to provide insights about the meaning of the story and raises relevant psychological issues, help children think about how the story applies to their lives and sharpen their emotional intelligence, and describes activities children can do so the themes of the story are not only heard but also experienced.
Talking Treasure: Stories to Help Build Emotional Intelligence and Resilien KP  
B 96322B 96322 Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age: Inspiration for All Levels and Literacies
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gura, Mark
Length: 236 Copyright: 2014

Provides a variety of activities using a wide range of technologies to help teach different language arts topics. Covers online literacy practices & tools such as digital graphic novels, book trailers, blogs & podcasts. Language arts Computer-assisted instruction. Language arts Internet resources. Computers and literacy. Computer network resources.
Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age: Inspiration for All Levels and Litera T  
KM 13460KM 13460 Theo's Mood Storytelling Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Boost early literacy and social-emotional skills with Theo’s Mood storytelling kit. This story telling kit offers early learners soft story pieces that allow children to act out as they explore moods and emotions. Kit includes and activity guide and fosters skills in oral language, social-emotional learning, story retelling and early literacy. IL Pres-2.
Theo's Mood Storytelling Kit KP  
B 124158B 124158 This & That
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Fox, Mem
Length: 32 Copyright: 2017

Two mice set off on a storytelling adventure that takes them through cavernous caves, atop crazy giraffes, and over palace walls until they return safely home to the comfort of their beds. Story in rhyme. Bedtime fiction. IL Pres-1. AR 1.9.
This & That KP  
KM 948KM 948 Three Billy Goats Gruff (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Asbjornsen, Peter Christen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

Three clever billy goats outwit a big, ugly troll that lives under the bridge they must cross on their way up the mountain. Storytelling set contains Big Book and a hardcover book by Paul Galdone and fabric figures (bridge, troll, and three goats). Mentor text. Comprehension strategies - predicting. Supports Common Core. IL Pres-1. AR 3.0. RC 2.6. Lexile 500.
Three Billy Goats Gruff (2 Parts) KP  
KM 7008KM 7008 Thunder Cake
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Polacco, Patricia
Length: 0 Copyright: 1990

A grandmother finds a way to dispel her granddaughter's fear of thunderstorms. Book props. Contents: Show-A-Tale apron, book by Patricia Polacco (AR 3.5 RC 3.5 Lexile 630), storytelling suggestion sheet, and foam props with velcro to attach to the apron. IL K-3.
Thunder Cake KP  
KM 5867KM 5867 Time to Sleep
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Fleming, Denise
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998

In this circular story bear sniffs the coming of winter and warns snail, who warns skunk who warns turtle who warns woodchuck who warns ladybug who heads off to warn bear who has already curled up in his cave. Contents: apron, book by Denise Fleming (AR 2.1 RC 2.2 Lexile 310), slightly stuffed animals and cave with velcro to attach to apron. IL Pres-1.
Time to Sleep KP  
KM 9798KM 9798 Toddler Storytelling Kit (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016

Kit has storytelling board and children's books with hook & loop (velcro) pieces to retell each story. Stories help toddlers build oral language and vocabulary skills. Includes: Little Blue Truck; Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?; Duck & Goose: Goose Needs a Hug; Rainbow Fish: Counting; Contents: Tabletop Storytelling Board measures 21 1/2w x 16 1/2" h, and 4 board books, one of each title. IL Pres.
Toddler Storytelling Kit (2 Parts) K  
B 117091B 117091 Toys In Space
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Grey, Mini
Length: 32 Copyright: 2012

A group of toys, left out at night for the first time, begins to be afraid but the WonderDoll distracts them by weaving a story of lost toys, space travel, and a strange alien. RC 2.1 Lexile 520 IL K-2.
Toys In Space KP  
KM 8227KM 8227 Very Hungry Caterpillar Braille-Print
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Carle, Eric
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006

Literacy bag is designed for use with blind/visually impaired students. Contents: print/Braille copy of the book by Eric Carle, book on cassette tape, and storytelling props for children to interact with when they listen to the story (all stored in a cloth bag). RR level 18.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Braille-Print KP  
KM 920KM 920 Very Hungry Caterpillar Storytelling Kit (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Carle, Eric
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

All the cloth characters and props you need to bring one of children’s favorite stories to life! Use the Tabletop Storytelling Board and the 21 stuffed cotton pieces feature charming stitched-on and printed details—all the pieces needed to tell the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Also includes a reversible caterpillar that transform into a beautiful butterfly and the hardcover. Replaces KM 9306. Find additional hardcover copies: B 75886. IL Pres-1. AR 2.9. RC 2.6. Lexile 460. GR J.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Storytelling Kit (2 Parts) KP  
B 125601B 125601 Wake Up, Crabby! (Book 3)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Fenske, Jonathan
Length: 48 Copyright: 2019

It's bedtime for Plankton and Crabby! Crabby just wants to go to sleep, but Plankton has other ideas. Plankton wants Crabby to take a bath. Plankton wants Crabby to tell a bedtime story. Will Crabby ever get to go to sleep? An Acorn Book. An Acorn Book. Beginning chapter book. Series fiction: Crabby Book, Book 3. IL K-3. Lexile 420.
Wake Up, Crabby! (Book 3) KP  
KM 7175KM 7175 Weather Watcher Apron and Books
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002

Kit contains child size cloth apron with stick-on pictures (symbols and seasonal clothes) and words that describe different kinds of weather, four nonfiction books by Robin Nelson (Rainy Day, Snowy Day, Sunny Day, and Windy Day), four nonfiction books by Tanya Thayer (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), six nonfiction books by Lola Schaefer (What Kind Of Day Is It? series), and activity sheet. One-week loan period.
Weather Watcher Apron and Books KP  
B 109485B 109485 What I Call Life
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Wolfson, Jill
Length: 276 Copyright: 2005

Placed in a group foster home, eleven year old Cal Lavender learns how to cope with life from the four other girls who live there and from their storytelling guardian, the Knitting Lady. AR 4.4. RC 5.4. Lexile 700. IL 5-8.
What I Call Life IJ  
B 126864B 126864 When You Trap a Tiger
Grade Lvl: IJ Author: Keller, Tae
Length: 304 Copyright: 2020

Would you make a deal with a magical tiger? This uplifting story brings Korean folklore to life as a girl goes on a quest to unlock the power of stories and save her grandmother. Fantasy fiction. Asian American. Social awareness. 2021 Newbery Medal Award Winner. IL 4-8. AR 4.1. Lexile 590. GR V.
When You Trap a Tiger IJ  
B 119101B 119101 While You Were Napping
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Offill, Jenny
Length: 34 Copyright: 2014

A mischievous girl tells her brother an outlandish tale of what took place while the younger sibling was taking a nap. Teasing. Brothers and sisters- Fiction. Sibling rivalry. Naps (Sleep)- Fiction. Lexile 1030 GR level L IL K-2.
While You Were Napping KP  
B 121220B 121220 Whisper
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Zagarenski, Pamela
Length: 40 Copyright: 2015

The magical book of stories on loan from her teacher, is wordless (words escaped from the book as she ran home and were captured by a fox with a net) until a whisper in the wind tells a little girl to imagine a story for each page. For each of the book’s illustrations, the girl starts a brand-new story that trails off, allowing the reader to imagine what comes next. On her way back to school the next day, she encounters the fox, who returns the words and asks a favor in return (she boosts the fox up to gets some grapes). AR 4.4 IL K-3.
Whisper KP  
B 94193B 94193 Winners! Handbook 2007
Grade Lvl: T Author: Freeman, Judy
Length: 222 Copyright: 2008

Contains an annotated booklist of the author's top-rated chidlren's books of 2007, including fiction and nonfiction, biographies, poetry, and folklore. Offers teacher's guides, activities, and reader's theater scripts.
Winners! Handbook 2007 T  
B 94194B 94194 Winners! Handbook 2008
Grade Lvl: T Author: Freeman, Judy
Length: 190 Copyright: 2009

An annotated list of one hundred books for children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade, selected by the author as the top-rated for 2008, each with a list of related titles and activitiy ideas. Includes tips on evaluating books, a list of Freeman's all-time favorites, reader's theater scripts, and worksheets.
Winners! Handbook 2008 T  
B 96275B 96275 Wonder, Draw, Tell! (PreK)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 80 Copyright: 2010

Contains 77 reproducible activities designed to provide storytelling opportunities for preschoolers. Contents: Fall Themes; Winter Themes; Spring Themes; Summer Themes; Anytime Themes.
Wonder, Draw, Tell! (PreK) T  
KM 6611KM 6611 Woods Puppets
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999

Hand puppets are made of polyester fibers. Woods puppets include chipmunk; fox; frog; hedgehog; ladybug; moose; mouse; and turtle.
Woods Puppets KP  
KM 13175KM 13175 Wordless Picture Books
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Collection of hardcover 25 wordless picture books to support literacy and inference. Titles include: Another, Blue Rider, Brave Molly, The Carpenter, Delivery, Dog on a Digger, Explorers, The Farmer and the Clown, Fish, The Fish and the Cat, Friends, Flashlight, Found, Fly, Hunters of the Forest, Imagine, I Got It, I Walk with Vanessa, Lines, Little Butterfly, Little Fox in the Forest, Museum Trip, Red Again, Rosie's Glasses, and Stormy. IL Pres-3.
Wordless Picture Books KP  
B 105468B 105468 Zen Shorts
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Muth, Jon
Length: 40 Copyright: 2005

When Stillwater the panda moves into the neighborhood, the stories he tells to three siblings teach them to look at the world in new ways. Buddhist tales. Caldecott Honor book. Illustrated in two different styles. Uses black and white to illustrate the ancient stories (generosity/luck/forgiveness/living in the present). AR 2.9. Follett RL 2.7. RC 2.4. GR level N. Lexile 540.
Zen Shorts KP  
KM 6612KM 6612 Zoo Puppets
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999

Hand puppets are made of polyester fibers. Zoo puppets include elephant; giraffe; leopard; lion; parrot; rhino; tiger; and zebra.
Zoo Puppets KP