B 95586B 95586 10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rohrer, Marcia / Samson, Nannette
Length: 213 Copyright: 2014
A guide for special education teachers describing the ten critical components of effectively managed special education classrooms, including scheduling, physical arrangement of the classroom, behavioral strategies, instructional strategies, organization of materials, visual strategies, communication with parents, and more. |
10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom T

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B 94524B 94524 100 Ideas for Supporting Pupils With Dyspraxia
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kirby, Amanda
Length: 109 Copyright: 2007
Presents ideas and tips for supporting children and young people with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and dyspraxia. Movement disorders/difficulties. Apraxia. Motor ability. Fine and gross motor skills. Alternate title: One hunded one Ideas for Supporting Pupils With Dyspraxia and DCD |
100 Ideas for Supporting Pupils With Dyspraxia T
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B 94396B 94396 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger's, Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Notbohm, Ellen / Zysk, Veronica
Length: 364 Copyright: 2010
Contains suggestions for meeting the challenges faced by children with autism spectrum disorders, covering sensory integration, communication, language, daily living, social issues, behavior, and education. |
1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger' T

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KM 12095KM 12095 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea "Start-to-Finish"
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Verne, Jules / Venable, Noe
Length: 134 Copyright: 2011
A retelling of Jules Verne's story of undersea adventure aboard the submarine "Nautilus" with the enigmatic Captain Nemo. Kit contains five copies of Verne's classic retold by Noe Venable and one instructional guide. From the Start-to-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 540. Publisher GR level O. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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B 94999B 94999 401 Practical Adaptations for Every Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johns, Beverley
Length: 156 Copyright: 2011
Suggests 401 modifications and adaptations that can help students with special needs in the classroom, covering lectures, worksheets, behavior, environment, movement, vocabulary, student response, timing, note-taking, testing, and homework. Remedial teaching. |
401 Practical Adaptations for Every Classroom T

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KM 10362KM 10362 5 Could Make Me Lose Control
Grade Lvl: T Author: Buron, Kari Dunn
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Complete title: A "5" Could Make Me Lose Control!: An Activity-Based Method for Evaluating and Supporting Highly Anxious Students. Designed to be used to assess and treat anxiety in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Individuals who cannot verbalize what is causing their melt downs can use the cards to identify situations that make them feel uncomfortable. Uses the 5-point scale, an intervention used as a way of breaking down social and emotional concepts into five parts and using a number system rather than spoken words, making the process less stressful and less confrontational. Author has used this activity with students ages 4 to 18. Task is to be completed with an adult. Contents: booklet written by Kari Dunn Buron, sorting folder, and activity cards. Two-week loan period. |
5 Could Make Me Lose Control T

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B 95943B 95943 5 Is Against the Law! Social Boundaries: Straight Up! An Honest Guide for Teens and Young Adults
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Buron, Kari Dunn
Length: 47 Copyright: 2007
A guide to teaching social boundaries to teenagers and young adults, particularly those with Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism, that contains lessons and activities related to determining whether or not behaviors are appropriate. A 5-point scale takes an idea or behavior and breaks it down into five parts to make it easier to understand the different degrees of behavior. Discusses social boundaries. |
5 Is Against the Law! Social Boundaries: Straight Up! An Honest Guide for T JST

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B 96422B 96422 7 Steps for Success: High School to College Transition Strategies for Students with Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hamblet, Elizabeth
Length: 163 Copyright: 2011
Guide describes the rights and responsibilities that students with disabilities have as they transition from high school to college. Explains the skills and strategies students should develop while they are in high school to ensure success when they reach college. By employing the voices of seasoned guidance counselors, admissions directors, disability coordinators and students with disabilities, this book addresses some of the most commonly asked questions about disability disclosure, the admissions essay, test score interpretation, the system for accommodations, and what “works” for students in college. It also includes practical suggestions regarding how to make the most of the campus visit and questions to ask the disability services coordinator. |
7 Steps for Success: High School to College Transition Strategies for Stude T

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B 103754B 103754 ABC for You and Me
Grade Lvl: K Author: GIRNIS, MEG
Length: 30 Copyright: 2000
Photographs show children with Down syndrome in activities with objects corresponding to the letters of the alphabet. |
ABC for You and Me K

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B 94423B 94423 ABCs of O-G: The Flynn System
Grade Lvl: T Author: Flynn, Emi
Length: 528 Copyright: 2005
Teacher's guide to the Orton-Gillingham approach for reading and spelling. Lesson plans are sequential and cumulative. Explicitly teaches the association between written symbols and their sounds. Lesson plans are written at two levels and pages are color-coded (cream pages are for Basic Level students; blue pages for Intermediate Level; and white for both levels). This multisensory, alphabetic-phonetic approach to teaching reading, spelling, and writing is used for teaching children who haven't been successful learning by conventional classroom practices and is best used by teachers trained in Orton-Gillingham. |
ABCs of O-G: The Flynn System T
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KM 12158KM 12158 Abe Lincoln Speaks "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 132 Copyright: 2006
In this fictionalized autobiography you’ll hear Abe Lincoln tell the story of his own life, from the day he was born in a small log cabin, right up to the day he was shot by an assassin’s bullet. Kit contains five copies of the book (132 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Blue level (RL 4-5) Lexile 930. IL 6-12.Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Abe Lincoln Speaks "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8781KM 8781 Ability Awareness Peg Puzzles
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Puzzle set contains four puzzles, each 8.5"x12" with nine pieces. Puzzles have pictures under the pieces. Shows abilities and diversity. Individuals in wheelchairs/crutches. |
Ability Awareness Peg Puzzles K
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KM 8615KM 8615 ABLLS-R
Grade Lvl: T Author: Partington, James
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Revised version of The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills is an assessment, curriculum guide, and skills tracking system for children with language delays. Provides instructions for scoring the protocol and for completing the skills tracking grids for an individual student. Provides strategies to assist parents, educators and other professionals to use the information from the assessment to develop an IEP. Protocol contains assessments for Basic Learner Skills, Academic Skills, Self-Help Skills, and Motor Skills Provides information about a child's existing skills and the conditions under which the child uses these skills. Identifies weaknesses that prevent the child from learning new skills. Contents: ABLLS-R guide and protocol. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
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B 95011B 95011 Achieving Fluency: Special Education & Mathematics
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fennell, Francis
Length: 255 Copyright: 2011
Presents the understandings that all teachers need to play a role in the education of students who struggle: those with disabilities and those who simply lack essential foundational knowledge. Serves teachers and supervisors by sharing increasingly intensive instructional interventions for struggling students on essential topics aligned with NCTM's Curriculum Focal Points, the new Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, and the practices and processes that overlap the content. These approaches are useful for both overcoming ineffective approaches and implementing preventive approaches. |
Achieving Fluency: Special Education & Mathematics T
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B 94466B 94466 Acquiring Mathematics Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hunter, William
Length: 188 Copyright: 2001
Book A from the series The Learning Skills Series: Mathematics. Workbook is designed for older remedial and special needs students. Reproducible pages cover operations, money, graphing, fractions, and geometry. |
Acquiring Mathematics Skills T
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KM 13130KM 13130 Adapted Books for Significant Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
This kit contains multiple books that have been adapted for students with significant disabilities as well as access to a slides presentation used for professional development. In the enclosed presentation participants learn that books should stay in their true form unless a student cannot access the book either because of physical barriers or because of content barriers. The preview kit offers level III special education teachers the opportunity to learn how to adapt a book and see examples of adapted literature to meet student needs and improve quality of life through literature experiences. If you Questions? or need assistance? Please contact the Significant Disabilities Team at Keystone. Professional kit. Restricted to AEA and LEA special education staff and Iowa Alternate Assessment Teachers. |
Adapted Books for Significant Disabilities T

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B 92632B 92632 ADD/ADHD Alternatives in the Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Armstrong, Thomas
Length: 126 Copyright: 1999
Author Thomas Armstrong urges educators to look for the positive characteristics in ADHD learners and beyond the deficit approach. Recommends teaching to their multiple intelligences, learning styles, and other brain-friendly approaches. Presents practical ideas for helping kids with attention and behavior difficulties that include educational, cognitive, physical, affective, biological, ecological, and behavioral strategies. |
ADD/ADHD Alternatives in the Classroom T
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B 99902B 99902 ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author: Flick, Grad
Length: 391 Copyright: 1998
Subtitle: Ready-To-Use Strategies and Activities For Helping Children With Attention Deficit Disorder. |
ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit T
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KM 9603KM 9603 Addition the Fun Way (BB)
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Picture-story method of learning the addition facts. Uses memorization techniques such as visualization, association, and mnemonics. Contents: teacher's manual (lesson plans and 15 games); Addition the Fun Way for Kids, 22 posters (enlargements of the pictures in the Book for Kids); student workbook (reproducible); two sets of addition flash cards; and set of subtraction flash cards. Designed for grades 1-2 and also special education programs. |
Addition the Fun Way (BB) P
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B 97080B 97080 ADHD Non-Medication Treatments and Skills for Children and Teens: A Workbook for Clinicians and Parents with 162 Tools, Techniques, Activities & Handouts
Grade Lvl: T Author: Burdick, Debra
Length: 233 Copyright: 2016
This practical workbook gives you the most effective, and proven, non-medication treatment approaches and skills. Step-by-step instructions on tailoring psychotherapy to ADHD ADHD-friendly parenting skills. Techniques for emotional and behavioral regulation. Skills for organizing time, space and activity. Mindfulness skills and downloadable handouts, exercises, activities and resources. Professional book. |
ADHD Non-Medication Treatments and Skills for Children and Teens: A Workboo T

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KM 11940KM 11940 Adjustable Touch Screen Stylus
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
The adjustable stylus with Velcro straps will fit any hand and any position. Just adjust the length of the stylus and use on touch screen surfaces including smart phones, iPads and Android tablets. Alternate access. |
Adjustable Touch Screen Stylus KPIJST

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B 97123B 97123 Administrator's Guide to Preschool Inclusion
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wolery, Ruth Ashworth / Odom, Samuel L
Length: 160 Copyright: 2000
For many administrators and educators working in early childhood programs, inclusion is filled with complex and puzzling issues. Administrators hold a powerful role in creating and maintaining inclusive classrooms for young children. The purpose of this guide is to address some of the issues raised by the administrators of these inclusive settings. We discuss the barriers and roadblocks these administrators encountered as they set up inclusive programs and then worked to keep them going successfully. We present practical strategies that emerged from our work and we also draw upon the larger literature and work of others. In places, we introduce some of the people who, through their stories and experiences, illustrate how to make high quality early childhood inclusion a reality. |
Administrator's Guide to Preschool Inclusion T

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KM 12115KM 12115 Adventure of the Speckled Band "Start to Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan / Bergez, John
Length: 104 Copyright: 2000
Miss Helen Stoner comes to Sherlock Holmes for help when she fears someone plans to kill her. The night Julia Stoner died, Miss Helen Stoner heard a scream and rushed to her twin sister’s bedroom. The door flew open and Julia Stoner was standing in the doorway, swaying back and forth. She screamed, “It was the band! The speckled band!” Then she fell over and died. From the series Sherlock Holmes Mysteries Start-to-Finish Books. Novel Study. Gold Library (RL 3) Lexile 510 Publisher GR level M. Mystery is retold by John Bergez. |
Adventure of the Speckled Band "Start to Finish" 10 Books IJS

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KM 12091KM 12091 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn "Start-to-Finish"
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Twain, Mark
Length: 115 Copyright: 2013
The adventures of a boy and his friend, an escaped slave, as they travel down the Mississippi River on a raft. Kit contains seven copies of Mark Twain's classic retold by John Matern and one instructional guide. From the Start-to-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 390. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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KM 12093KM 12093 Adventures of Tom Sawyer "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Twain, Mark
Length: 111 Copyright: 2009
A retelling of Mark Twain's story about a mischievous young boy and his friends growing up in a Mississippi River town in the nineteenth century. Kit contains five copies of the book (111 pages) by Molly Jackel. From the Start-to-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Blue level (RL 4-5). Lexile 750. Publisher GR level Q. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Adventures of Tom Sawyer "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8697KM 8697 AEPS-3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children, Third Edition.
Assessment used to evaluate the development of young children in eight major areas: fine motor, gross motor, adaptive, social-emotional, social-communication, cognitive, literacy, and math. Age range for assessment: birth to six years. Time commitment to conduct assessment: 30 minutes - 120 minutes. Restricted checkout. AEA Staff, Special Education Teachers and all Preschool Teachers.

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B 92329B 92329 After Early Intervention, Then What?: Teaching Struggling Readers In Grades 3 and Beyond, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 278 Copyright: 2011
A resource to help develop instructional strategies for students in grades 3-8 who struggle with reading despite effective early interventions. Offers numerous classroom- and research-based strategies that address the needs of children in a range of instructional settings and learning contexts. |
After Early Intervention, Then What?: Teaching Struggling Readers In Grades T
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KM 12163KM 12163 After the Buffalo Jump: A Story of the Blackfoot Nation "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin
Length: 108 Copyright: 2006
Traces the history of the Blackfoot nation in North America within a fictional story. Includes the story of Head-Smashed-In buffalo jump, a UNESCO World Heritage site where the Blackfoot people killed thousands of buffalo by running them off a cliff. The book explains how the Blackfoot used every part of the animal to provide food, clothing and shelter. In the late 1800’s, the white men came and killed the buffalo and pushed the Blackfoot nation onto a reservation, essentially destroying their culture & changing the Blackfoot way of life forever. Kit contains five copies of the book (108 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 760. Publisher GR level N. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
After the Buffalo Jump: A Story of the Blackfoot Nation "Start-to-Finish" 5 IJS

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KM 12145KM 12145 Against All the Odds "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Bergez, John
Length: 131 Copyright: 2009
In this novel, three people who knew George Washington recount stories about him to reveal why Washington became known as the "Father of His Country." Moses is a slave who knew Washington from boyhood to old age. John Adams is the fiery revolutionary who nominated Washington as commander in chief of the American army. And Marquis de Lafayette is the youthful Frenchman who fought by Washington’s side and called Washington “my father and general.” Kit contains six copies of the book (131 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Blue Level. (RL 4-5.) Lexile 790 Publisher GR level S. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Against All the Odds "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books IJS

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B 96987B 96987 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Jan/Feb 2018
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 115 Copyright: 2018
Volume 72, Number 1 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration; Evidence Review; Research Articles. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Jan/Feb 2018 T

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B 97117B 97117 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/Aug 2018
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 102 Copyright: 2018
Volume 72: Number 4, of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Special Issue on Productive Aging and Occupational Therapy: Promoting Independence, Participation, and Quality of Life for Community-Dwelling Older Adults; Evidence Review; Research Articles. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/Aug 2018 T

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B 97119B 97119 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, May/June 2018
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 96 Copyright: 2018
Volume 72, Number 3 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Children and Youth; Health and Wellness; Professional Issues; Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation; Work and Industry. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, May/June 2018 T

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B 97118B 97118 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Sept/Oct 2018
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 100 Copyright: 2018
Volume 72, Number 5 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Special Issue on Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Interventions in Mental Health Practice; Evidence Review; Research Articles. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Sept/Oct 2018 T

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B 96796B 96796 American Journal of Occupational Therapy Nov/Dec 2015
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Volume 69, Number 6 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Special Issue on Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Jane Case-Smith; also State of the Journal, 2015; Presidential Address, 2015; 2015 Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy Nov/Dec 2015 T
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B 96710B 96710 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, May/June 2016
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 98 Copyright: 2016
Volume 70, Number 3 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Special Issue on Occupational Therapy for Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury (presents the results of 6 systematic reviews covering approx. 5 years of reviews and individual studies); Also-- Children and Youth; Productive Aging; Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation. Brain damage. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, May/June 2016 T

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B 96802B 96802 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Sept/Oct 2016
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 98 Copyright: 2016
Volume 70, Number 5 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Special Issue on Occupational Therapy for Children With Obesity and Their Families; Also--Children and Youth; Education; Professional Issues; and Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Sept/Oct 2016 T

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B 96845B 96845 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Jan/Feb 2017
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
Volume 71, Number 1 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Role of Occupational Therapy for Adults With Musculoskeletal Conditions; Evidence Review; Research Articles; Centennial Topics; Evidence Connection. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Jan/Feb 2017 T

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B 96733B 96733 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/Aug 2016
Grade Lvl: T Author: / Marcum, Kim
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Volume 70, Number 4 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Children & Youth; Health and Wellness; Mental Health; Occupation, Participation, and Health; Productive Aging; Professional Issues; Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation; Research Methodology. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/Aug 2016 T

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B 97000B 97000 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/August 2017
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 88 Copyright: 2017
Volume 71, Number 4 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Occupational Therapy and Health, Well-Being, and Quality of Life; Centennial Topics; Children and Youth; Education. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/August 2017 T

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B 96801B 96801 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April 2016
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Volume 70, Number 2 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Case Reports; Children & Youth; Mental Health; Occupation, Participation, and Health; Productive Aging; Professional Issues; Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April 2016 T

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B 96846B 96846 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April 2017
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 93 Copyright: 2017
Volume 71, Number 2 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Centennial Topics: Occupational Therapy's Role in Cancer Treatment and Recovery; Children and Youth; Education; Occupation, Participation, and Health; Professional Issues; Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation; Research Methodology. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April 2017 T

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B 97045B 97045 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April 2018
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 93 Copyright: 2018
Volume 72, Number 2 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Health and Wellness; Occupation, Participation, and Health; Professional Issues; Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April 2018 T

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B 97003B 97003 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, May/June 2017
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 96 Copyright: 2017
Volume 71, Number 3 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Children and Youth; Education; Occupation, Participation and Health; Reports; Vision 2025. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, May/June 2017 T

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B 96811B 96811 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Nov/Dec 2016
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 98 Copyright: 2016
Volume 70, Number 6 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: State of the Journal; Farewell Presidential Address; Inaugural Presidential Address; Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Nov/Dec 2016 T

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B 96986B 96986 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Nov/Dec 2017
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 92 Copyright: 2017
Volume 71, Number 6 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: State of the Journal; Presidential Address; Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture; Centennial Topics. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Nov/Dec 2017 T

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B 97002B 97002 American Journal of Occupational Therapy, September/October 2017
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 112 Copyright: 2017
Volume 71, Number 5 of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Special Issue on Occupational Therapy and Alzheimer's Disease and Related Major Neurocognitive Disorders; Evidence Reviews; Research Articles; Centennial Topics; Children and Youth; Education; Productive Aging. |
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, September/October 2017 T

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KM 12101KM 12101 Anne of Green Gables " Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Montgomery, L. M. / Ganci, Richard
Length: 131 Copyright: 2009
A retelling of L.M. Montgomery's classic novel about Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, who is sent by mistake to live with a lonely, middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince Edward Island farm and proceeds to make an indelible impression on everyone around her. Kit contains five copies of the book (131 pages) by Richard Ganci. Novel Study. Lexile 500. Publisher GR level M. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Gold level (RL 2-3). Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Anne of Green Gables " Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 99479B 99479 Anxiety and Phhobia Workbook (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bourne, Edmund
Length: 428 Copyright: 1995
Offers help to anyone who struggles with panic attacks, agoraphobia, social fears, generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, or other anxiety disorders. Includes guidelines and exercises. |
Anxiety and Phhobia Workbook (2nd Edition) T
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B 96704B 96704 Anxiety Disorders Made Simple: Treatment Approaches to Overcome Fear and Build Resiliency
Grade Lvl: T Author: van Ingen, Daniel J
Length: 117 Copyright: 2014
Dr. van Ingen provides practical examples to empower people to build anxiety tolerance, gain freedom, and experience resiliency as they confront their fears. These evidence-based principles and procedures will help therapists: *Utilize cutting-edge interventions that match core anxiety patterns; *Experimentally build tolerance via interoceptive exposure and other tools; *Assess and treat 4 central core belief categories that fuel anxiety problems. |
Anxiety Disorders Made Simple: Treatment Approaches to Overcome Fear and Bu T

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KM 11845KM 11845 APPlicator Bluetooth Switch Device
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Bluetooth Switch Interface for iPads, iPods, and iPhones. Provides switch access to both apps and your music library. The APPlicator is a Bluetooth Switch Interface that has been specifically designed for the AT Market. The APPlicator provides both ease of use and functionality. Access (switch accessible) Apps with up to 4 switches or with a "tap" of a button go into "Quick-Media Mode" and use the same 4 switches to control your audio library. Accessing your Apps is simple: Pair APPlicator with your iPad by selecting it in the Bluetooth menu (no PIN entry required). Connect any wired switches to one of the four, programmable, switch inputs. Switch sockets default to the most commonly used settings so the APPlicator works straight out of the box. Accessing your Music Playlist is even simpler: Press the Quick Media Mode button for preconfigured access to: play/pause, skip forward, skip back and Timed Play - 10 seconds (deal for cause and effect or reluctant switch users). Works with iPad, and iPod (3rd & 4th generations). The Applicator provides switch access to APPS that were developed to support switches. Two-week loan period. |
APPlicator Bluetooth Switch Device KPIJST

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B 96831B 96831 Applied Behavior Analysis in the Classroom 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schloss, Patrick / Smith, Maureen A
Length: 356 Copyright: 1998
Written for professionals in both general and special education, this book is a complete description of applied behavior analysis and how it can be used with students displaying a range of excessive and deficit behaviors. In addition to traditional topics covered in other applied behavior books, this reference devotes substantial attention to preventing problems through anecdotal control, social skill development and emotional learning. Topics include increasing appropriate behavior through related personal characteristics; increasing appropriate behavior through consequence control; positive approaches to decreasing inappropriate behavior; punishment; graphing, and more. |
Applied Behavior Analysis in the Classroom 2nd Edition T

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KM 8610KM 8610 ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE--Spanish
Grade Lvl: T Author: Squires, Jane
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Spanish version. Subtitle: A Parent-Complete Child Monitoring System (3rd Edition) by Diane Bricker and Jane Squires. Screens for developmental delays in children from one month to 5 1/2 years. Assesses young children's skills in five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal social. Parents complete the short, simple questionnaires, and in just 2-3 minutes, professionals convert the responses to color-coded scoring sheets to determine the child's progress in each developmental areas. Includes 21 reproducible questionnaires in Spanish (both in paper and PDFs on CD-ROM0 that can be used to help assess cognitive, communicative, and motor development. Is meant to be used in conjunction withe ASQ to identify the need for furthur social and emotional behavior assessment in children 3-60 months of age. Includes eight questionnaires which address seven behavioral areas: self-regulation, communication, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people. All materials are Spanish except the guides. Contents for ASQ-3: product overview booklet, CD-ROM, and questionnaries. Contents for ASQ:SE: user's guide, CD-ROM, and questionnaires. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE--Spanish T
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B 95572B 95572 Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties: A Student-Centered Classroom (5th Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gunning, Thomas
Length: 648 Copyright: 2013
Describes how to assess students and how to use assessment results to screen students, monitor progress, and provide effective instruction. Includes 46 sample lessons covering virtually every major skill or strategy. The lessons are described in a step-by-step manner, and the emphasis is on strategies that teachers can use independently for developing skills in word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension, reading in the content areas, writing, spelling, and studying. Fifth Edition of Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties includes coverage of the areas of Response to Intervention and the impact of the Common Core State Standards. Reading assessment, diagnosis, and remediation. |
Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties: A Student-Center T

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B 90433B 90433 Assessment of Childhood Disorders (4th Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mash, Eric
Length: 866 Copyright: 2007
Focuses on contemporary perspectives on the assessment of childhood psychological disorders and the approaches to the evaluation of those disorders. Contents: Behavior Disorders (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Conduct and Oppositional Disorders; and Adolescent Substance Use and Abuse); Mood Disorders and Suicide Risk (Child and Adolescent Depression; Pediatric Bipolar Disorder; and Adolescent Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Self-Harm Behaviors and Risk); Anxiety Disorders (Anxiety in Children and Adolescents; and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder); Developmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorders; Early-Onset Schizophrenia; Intellectual Disability--Mental Retardation; and Learning Disabilities); Children at Risk (Child Abuse and Neglect; and Child Sexual Abuse); and Problems of Adolescence (Eating Disorders; and Personality Disorders). Edited by Eric J. Mash and Russell A. Barkley. |
Assessment of Childhood Disorders (4th Edition) T
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KM 8695KM 8695 AT Computer and Software (Windows)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Laptop for trial use of a variety of assistive technology programs. This laptop is loaded with the following software: First Author, CoWriter, Adobe Acrobat & Word Q, Clicker 6. Teachers/Teams can check this computer out for students to use different programs as part of an initial evaluation, re-evaluation or as part of your instructional planning. Teachers can contact their Keystone core team member for additional support if needed. Four week loan period. |
AT Computer and Software (Windows) T
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KM 13340KM 13340 AT iPad for Elementary and Intermediate (with LAMP)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
AT Elementary / Intermediate iPads are loaded with the following iOS apps to support student needs: Book Creator, Claro PDF, Clicker Docs, Clicker Sentences, Comic Life, Go Talk Now, iMovie, Inspiration Maps, iWordQ US, Keynote, Notability, Pages, Math Paper, Proloquo2Go, Read2Go, Story Creator, Touch Chat and Voice Dream, Dynavox TD Snap Lite and LAMP Words for Life. Kit contents includes: iPad case with handle, USB adapter for charging, and iPad charging cable. AT iPad does not include cellular service. Checkout restricted to Keystone AEA Assistive Technology Consultants and Speech Language Pathologists. Loan period is 60 days. |
AT iPad for Elementary and Intermediate (with LAMP) T

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KM 13341KM 13341 AT iPad for Secondary
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
AT Secondary iPads are loaded with the following iOS apps to support student needs: Book Creator, Claro PDF, Clicker Docs, Clicker Sentences, Comic Life, Go Talk Now, iMovie, Inspiration Maps, iWordQ US, Keynote, Notability, Pages, Math Paper, Proloquo2Go, Read2Go, Story Creator, Dynavox TD Snap Full Version, Touch Chat, Voice Dream and Proloquo4text App. Kit contents includes: iPad case, USB adapter for charging, and iPad charging cable. AT iPad does not include cellular service. Checkout restricted to all Keystone AEA Staff. Loan period is 60 days. |
AT iPad for Secondary T

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KM 12659KM 12659 Attainment's Curriculum at a Glance
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Kit contains 2 books, each with a disc that contains a printable PDF file of the book. Titles: 1. Attainment's Curriculum at a Glance Age 11 to Adult: Samples of Math, Science, ELA, and Life Skills Lessons for Special Education, and 2. Attainment's Curriculum at a Glance Pre-K to Age 10: Samples of Math, Science, ELA, and Life Skills Lessons for Special Education. |
Attainment's Curriculum at a Glance T

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B 95072B 95072 Attainment's Life Skill Lesson: 650 Ready-to-Use Transition Activities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Glisan, Ellen McPeek
Length: 248 Copyright: 2008
Collection of guided lesson plans to support transition students with mild to moderate disabilities. Each of the activities takes only five minutes to complete. Five categories of lessons align with the general curriculum: Math, Social Studies, Science/Health, Expressive Literacy, and Receptive Literacy. |
Attainment's Life Skill Lesson: 650 Ready-to-Use Transition Activities T

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B 101816B 101816 Autism
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Edwards, Michelle
Length: 112 Copyright: 2001
Provides information about autism, a developmental disorder. Discusses possible causes and treatments. Examines Asperger's Syndrome and also the autistic savant. From the series Diseases and Disorders. |
Autism IJS
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KM 12752KM 12752 Autism & PDD Answering Questions Level 1 (Book & CD)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mulstay-Muratore, Linda
Length: 191 Copyright: 2006
Book is designed to help children who have difficulty thinking abstractly or out of a specific context. Simple illustrations help young students (ages 3-5) understand the logic behind the question and respond appropriately. Students look at the picture, read/hear the question or statement at the top of the page, and respond. The visual prompts and cues help children with a diagnosis of autism or pervasive developmental disorder bridge the gap between concrete and abstract language. The complexity of response can range from single-word answers to complex utterances. Visual prompts can be faded and question forms intermixed to facilitate generalization of the question concepts. |
Autism & PDD Answering Questions Level 1 (Book & CD) T

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B 91999B 91999 Autism & PDD Primary Social Skills: Behavior
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reese, Pam
Length: 62 Copyright: 1999
Behavior lessons (Social Stories) for ages 3-8 are to be used only if a problem exists. A lesson is to be used after the behavior occurs, not during an incident. Lessons are divided into three sections: School Behavior; Home Behavior; and Hurting Self/Others. Authors are Pam Britton Reese and Nena C. Challenner. |
Autism & PDD Primary Social Skills: Behavior T
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B 91998B 91998 Autism & PDD Primary Social SKills: Home
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reese, Pam
Length: 62 Copyright: 1999
Social Skills Lessons (Social Stories) include both instructional and behavioral lessons for children ages 3-8. The instructional lessons are to be used as part of a social skills curriculum with small groups or individuals. The behavioral lessons target specific problems that need to be corrected and are best used with an individual child. Home lessons are divided into Daily Routines; Self-Care; Appliances/Safety; Family Relations; and Special Occasions. Authors are Pam Britton Reese and Nena C. Challenner. |
Autism & PDD Primary Social SKills: Home T

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B 91997B 91997 Autism & PDD Primary Social Skills: School
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reese, Pam
Length: 62 Copyright: 1999
Social Skills Lessons (Social Stories) include both instructional and behavioral lessons for children ages 3-8. The instructional lessons are to be used as part of a social skills curriculum with small groups or individuals. The behavioral lessons target specific problems that need to be corrected and are best used with an individual child. School lessons are divided into Routine Activities, Extra-Curricular Activities, Social Skills, Special Days, and Self-Care. Authors are Pam Britton Reese and Nena C. Challenner. |
Autism & PDD Primary Social Skills: School T

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B 96686B 96686 Autism and Everyday Executive Function: A Strengths-Based Approach for Improving Attention, Memory, Organization and Flexibility
Grade Lvl: T Author: Moraine, Paula
Length: 160 Copyright: 2016
Model explains how to support executive function in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Showing how to use an individual's strengths to address executive functioning weaknesses, this approach will also help to build a strong foundation for social and communication skills. Advocating a person-centred approach, the author describes the importance of identifying the individual's preferred style of engagement and communication, and how sensory experiences impact their thoughts, feelings, and actions. She explains how to use this information to identify the individual's strengths and weaknesses across eight key areas which are the building blocks of executive functions: attention; memory; organization; time management; initiative; behavior; goal setting and flexibility. These areas can be used daily to establish predictability and offer a foundation for interpreting, processing and understanding the world with flexibility. Professionals and parents can also use them as the basis of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), or to create personalized interventions and support at school or at home. |
Autism and Everyday Executive Function: A Strengths-Based Approach for Impr T

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B 97017B 97017 Autism in the School-Aged Child: Expanding Behavioral Strategies and Promoting Success
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schmidt, Carol / Heybryrne, Beth
Length: 174 Copyright: 2004
Autism in the School-Aged Child is a practical book of strategies designed for both parents and educators. It brings the established principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) to the natural settings of the classroom and the home. In this book you will find specific guidelines for the common struggles that affect high-functioning children with autism, such as: Improving attention Developing participation Enhancing socialization Managing negative behaviors Teaching frustration tolerance Addressing eating and sleep issues Developing useful interests Structuring the home environment Maximizing sibling interactions In addition, you will find instruction on the development and use of expanded behavioral intervention, including: Creating target behavior checklists Addressing discipline issues Implementing a token economy Reading comprehension strategies Coaching the teacher Developing independence *This easy-to-use instructional manual is filled with practical examples and reproducible checklists that provide immediate access to the tools to develop self-regulation and independence. |
Autism in the School-Aged Child: Expanding Behavioral Strategies and Promot T

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KM 13406KM 13406 Autism Line Drawing Based Work System (Blue)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
This kit contains examples of line drawing based, portable work systems and tasks. Included in this kit are samples of line drawing based communication systems, routines, and tasks. These are generally used with non-verbal/visually based students focusing on academic, transition skills, and vocational skills for students. This kit is for preview only. Previewing contents of the kit is to provide teachers with ideas to use with students for tasks and routines. Consumable materials are not intended to be taken by individuals checking out the kit. Kit contents include: Multiple line drawing based tasks Binder filled with multiple line drawings for use within the classroom Academic materials to use for students Portable line based schedule Communication book Routines for daily activities |
Autism Line Drawing Based Work System (Blue) T

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KM 13405KM 13405 Autism Object Based Work System (Red)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
This kit contains examples of objects that would be used for schedules, routines and a communication system for students. This would be used for students who are beginning level communicators. This kit is for preview only. Previewing contents of the kit is to provide teachers with ideas to use with students for tasks and routines. Consumable materials are not intended to be taken by individuals checking out the kit. Kit contents include: Object bathroom routine strip Object Now schedule Trays for matching schedule cards Object communication system for gym |
Autism Object Based Work System (Red) T

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KM 13407KM 13407 Autism Picture Based Work System (Green)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
This kit contains examples of picture based, portable work systems and tasks. Included in this kit are samples of picture based communication systems, routines, and tasks. These are generally used with non-verbal/visually based students focusing on academic, transition soft skills, and vocational skills for students. This kit is for preview only. Previewing contents of the kit is to provide teachers with ideas to use with students for tasks and routines. Consumable materials are not intended to be taken by individuals checking out the kit. Kit contents includes: Multiple picture based tasks Binder filled with multiple pictures for use within the classroom Academic materials to use for students Portable picture based schedule Communication book Routines for daily activities |
Autism Picture Based Work System (Green) T

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B 95696B 95696 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Interventions and Treatments for Children and Youth
Grade Lvl: T Author: Simpson, Richard L.
Length: 247 Copyright: 2005
Offers parents and school professionals advice on how to select and apply appropriate, effective interventions and treatments for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Evaluates over 40 commonly used and purported interventions and treatments. Includes a description of the intervention or treatment; reported benefits and effects associated with its use; a synthesis of how the outcomes relate to individuals with ASD; and potential costs and risks. |
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Interventions and Treatments for Children and Yo T

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KM 13404KM 13404 Autism Text Based Work System (Purple)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
This kit contains examples of text based, fixed, work systems and tasks. Included in this kit are samples of text based tasks to be used with high level students focusing on academic, transition soft skills, and vocational skills for students in the middle school to high school levels. This kit is for preview only. Previewing contents of the kit is to provide teachers with ideas to use with students for tasks and routines. Consumable materials are not intended to be taken by individuals checking out the kit. Kit contents includes: Multiple text based tasks Folders to use for collaborative and independent work Academic materials to use for students Labels for areas in the classroom Routines for daily activities |
Autism Text Based Work System (Purple) T

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KM 13408KM 13408 Autism Text Based Work System (Yellow)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
This kit contains examples of text based, portable work systems and tasks. Included in this kit are samples of text based tasks to be used with middle and high level students focusing on academic, transition soft skills, and vocational skills for students. This kit is for preview only. Previewing contents of the kit is to provide teachers with ideas to use with students for tasks and routines. Consumable materials are not intended to be taken by individuals checking out the kit. Kit contents includes: Multiple text based tasks Binder with folders to use for collaborative and independent work Academic materials to use for students Labels for areas in the classroom Routines for daily activities |
Autism Text Based Work System (Yellow) T

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B 96877B 96877 Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum
Grade Lvl: T Author: Grandin, Temple / Panek, Richard
Length: 240 Copyright: 2013
The author explores the science of autism, including how it is diagnosed, the best treatments, and theories of possible causes, interwoven with Grandin's own experience with new discoveries in neuroimaging and genetic research, even sharing her own brain scans from numerous studies. Introduces the scientists and self-advocates who are exploring innovative theories of what causes autism and how we can diagnose and best treat it. Grandin also highlights long-ignored sensory problems and the transformative effects we can have by treating autism symptom by symptom, rather than with an umbrella diagnosis. She argues that raising and educating kids on the spectrum isn’t just a matter of focusing on their weaknesses; in the science that reveals their long-overlooked strengths, she shows the ways to foster their unique contributions. She warns parents, teachers and therapists of the danger of getting locked into diagnostic labels. |
Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum T

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KM 12309KM 12309 Baby Sign Language Deluxe Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
Kit contains two books (Baby Sign Language Comprehensive Teaching Guide; Baby Sign Language Official Reference Dictionary), poster, Flash Cards, DVD & audio CD with songs. For teaching young children (3-36 months) to communicate via American Sign Language even before they can speak. |
Baby Sign Language Deluxe Kit T
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KM 11227KM 11227 Baby Signing Time!: Here I Go
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Allows children ages birth to three years old to communicate before they can speak using American Sign Language (ASL). Teaches: shoe, sock, hat, coat, please, thank you, sorry, car, train, bus, bike, airplane, boat, ball, doll, bear, wash hands, soap, sleep, bath, brush teeth, book, pajamas, blanket. Contents: DVD and audio CD. |
Baby Signing Time!: Here I Go K
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KM 11228KM 11228 Baby Signing Time!: It's Baby Signing Time
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Allows children ages birth to three years old to communicate before they can speak using American Sign Language (ASL). Teaches: eat, drink, cracker, water, cereal, milk, banana, juice, finished, mom, grandma, dad, diaper, potty, more, bird, fish, cat, dog, horse, frog, hurt, where, baby. Contents: DVD and audio CD. |
Baby Signing Time!: It's Baby Signing Time K
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KM 11229KM 11229 Baby Signing Time!: Let's Be Friends
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Allows children ages birth to three years old to communicate before they can speak using American Sign Language (ASL). Teaches: friend, play, share, nice, feel, happy, laugh, sad, cry, hot, cold, yes, no, me, dirty, clean, apple, pear, carrot, peach, juice, bubble, balloon, telephone, music, game. Contents: DVD and audio CD. |
Baby Signing Time!: Let's Be Friends K
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KM 90017KM 90017 Bagging and Heatsealing
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Pre-Voc Three kit introduces use of industrial equipment—a heatsealer. A safety feature on the heatsealer allows heating and sealing of plastic bags, but prevents burning of fingers. Procedure involves counting, bagging, sealing and packing. Includes 360 plastic poker chips in three colors, 500 plastic bags, a heatsealer, and bins. Also includes step-by-step assembly instructions, performance norms, data sheets and disassembly instructions with norms. Quality Criteria: Each bag must contain 15 chips, 5 of each color. The bags must be completely sealed, 1½ inches or less from the open end of the bag. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Bagging and Heatsealing JS

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B 94691B 94691 Basic Course in American Sign Language, 2nd Ed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Humphries, Tom
Length: 288 Copyright: 1994
Combines both basic sentence structure and useful vocabulary words. Also gives an introduction into the deaf community and culture. |
Basic Course in American Sign Language, 2nd Ed T

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KM 90061KM 90061 Basic Size Sort
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A hands-on, pre-vocational activity for sorting objects by length or color. Provides wooden dowels of various lengths and colors. Introduces reach-grasp-retrieval, appropriate placement of objects, and size discrimination. Part of the Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Basic Size Sort JS

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KM 10331KM 10331 Basic Skills Puzzles: Consonant Blends & Digraphs
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Contains 30 self-matching two-piece puzzles. Each puzzle piece has half of the picture and half of the word. Includes teacher notes sheet with puzzle activities and extension activities. |
Basic Skills Puzzles: Consonant Blends & Digraphs KPI
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KM 10333KM 10333 Basic Skills Puzzles: Irregular Plural Nouns
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Contains 30 self-matching two-piece puzzles. The illustration on left side shows the singular, and the right side puzzle piece shows the plural. The word is printed below the picture on each piece. Includes teacher notes sheet with puzzle activities and extension activities. |
Basic Skills Puzzles: Irregular Plural Nouns PI
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KM 10334KM 10334 Basic Skills Puzzles: Opposites
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Contains 27 self-matching two-piece puzzles. One concept is illustrated on one puzzle piece, and the other piece has the opposite. Words are printed below the pictures. Examples: tall/short; enter/exit. Includes teacher notes sheet with extension activities and puzzle activities. |
Basic Skills Puzzles: Opposites KPI
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KM 11243KM 11243 Battery Operated Scissors
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Battery operated switch-adapted scissors allow children to participate in art and other classroom cutting activities. Press an ability switch and the scissors will cut through paper. The scissors can be removed from special mounting. Switch is included. Contents: user's guide, instruction sheet, scissors, base and adaptability switch. Always remove batteries when not in use. Four-week loan period. |
Battery Operated Scissors PIJS

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KM 13686KM 13686 BB-8 Remote Control Robot Switch Adapted
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023
Practice using the force with our switch adapted remote control BB-8 robot. Two buttons control forward and backward movement. Two Gumball switches included with contents. Checkout is restricted to K-12 Special Education Teachers and AEA Staff. IL Pres-12. |
BB-8 Remote Control Robot Switch Adapted KPIJST

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B 81344B 81344 Be Good to Eddie Lee
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Fleming, Virginia
Length: 32 Copyright: 1993
Although Christy considered him a pest, when Eddie Lee, a bconveys appreciation of differences.oy with Down's syndrome, follows her into the woods, he shares several special discoveries with her. Conveys appreciation of differences. Down syndrome- Fiction. People with mental disabilities- Fiction. AR 3.6. RC 3.1. Lexile 380. IL K-4. |
Be Good to Eddie Lee KPI
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KM 13067KM 13067 Behavior Code +Behavior Code Companion
Grade Lvl: T Author: Minahan, Jessica
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Set of 2 books: Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students and Behavior Code Companion: Strategies, Tools, and Interventions for Supporting Students With Anxiety-Related or Oppositional Behaviors (was book #96424). The authors, a behavioral analyst and a child psychiatrist, reveal their systematic approach for deciphering causes and patterns of difficult behaviors and how to match them with strategies for getting students back on track to learn. Chapters deal with oppositional behavior, anxiety-related behaviors, sexualized behavior, and withdrawn behavior. Includes user-friendly worksheets and other resources. Companion volume to Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students (was book #96423). Minahan provides a guide for educators seeking additional help in supporting students with mental health disorders. She leads readers step-by-step through the creation of successful intervention plans, as well as strategies and tools that can be customized for students. SEBH. Professional kit. |
Behavior Code +Behavior Code Companion T

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KM 11249KM 11249 Behavior Education Program
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Contents: book and DVD. The book (Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools, 2nd Edition by Deanne A. Crone, Leanne S. Hawken, and Robert H. Horner) provides step-by-step guidelines for implementing the Behavior Education Program (BEP) approach which incorporates daily behavioral feedback, positive adult attention, and increased home-school collaboration. Includes reproducible daily progress reports, handouts, and planning tools. Second edition includes chapters on high school implementation, preschool implementation, cultural considerations, and measuring intervention effectiveness. Describes how the program can fit into a response-to-intervention framework as a Tier II intervention. The DVD (The Behavior Education Program: A Check-In, Check-Out Intervention for Students at Risk by Leanne S. Hawken, Hollie Pettersson, Julie Mootz, and Carol Anderson) demonstrates the BEP, a Tier 2 intervention designed to help the 10-15% of students who fail to meet school-wide disciplinary expectations but do not require the highest level of behavior support. Scenes set in classrooms and other school and home settings depict nonaggressive problem behaviors and show teachers, other school personnel, and parents working with students how to implement the steps of the BEP. Special features include FAQs and a set of downloadable forms and training materials. Provided through an Alliant Energy grant. Two-week loan period. |
Behavior Education Program T

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B 97613B 97613 Behavior Support Strategies for Education Paraprofessionals
Grade Lvl: T Author: Henson, Will
Length: 100 Copyright: 2008
Education paraprofessionals are often tasked with handling a variety of challenging behaviors. Paraprofessionals provide inclusion supports to students with special needs, and act as extra staff in classrooms for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Paraprofessionals are often asked to monitor hallways, buses and playgrounds and perform a variety of other important duties that require skill in preventing and managing behavior. This book is designed to teach paraprofessionals important concepts and best practices for handling behaviors. |
Behavior Support Strategies for Education Paraprofessionals T

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KM 12860KM 12860 Behavioral Response to Intervention: Creating a Continuum of Problem-Solving & Support
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sprick, Randy / Booher, Mike
Length: 344 Copyright: 2009
Provides educators with information about how to create a continuum of support at district, school, and individual levels to meet the behavioral needs of all students. The book is designed for any school personnel who have a responsibility to ensure that students' needs for behavioral (social/emotional) support are met, such as: Building-based administrators Counselors and psychologists Problem-solving team members Special education teachers Behavior specialists District personnel such as special education directors/coordinators, directors of school psychology, and supervisors of school counselors For Grades K-12. Includes more than 30 downloadable reproducible forms on a CD, all enabled for type-in entry on your computer. |
Behavioral Response to Intervention: Creating a Continuum of Problem-Solvin T

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KM 8678KM 8678 BES-4 (Behavior Evaluation Scale - Fourth Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: McCarney, Stephen B
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
The Behavior Evaluation Scale - Fourth Edition (2014) provides results that assist school personnel in making decisions about eligibility, placement, and programming for students with behavior problems who have been referred for evaluation. The scale yields behavioral information about students regardless of handicapping conditions, and therefore may be used with students who have learning disabilities, mental retardation, physical impairments, and other handicapping conditions. The BES-4 is based on the IDEIA definition of emotional disturbance/behavioral disorders which makes it particularly useful in the assessment of students who are suspected of having behavior disorders. The BES-4 was factor analyzed to create the following factor clusters (subscales): Learning Problems, Interpersonal Difficulties, Inappropriate Behavior, Unhappiness/Depression, and Physical Symptoms/Fears. Contents: BES:L Intervention Manual (2005) (Includes: CD with Appendix PDF File); BES-4:L School Version Technical Manual; School Version Rating Forms; BES-4:L Home Version Technical Manual; Home Version Rating Forms; Intervention Strategies Documentation Forms; Pre-Referral Checklist; & BES-4:L Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA School Social Workers, School Psychs and SE Consultants. |
BES-4 (Behavior Evaluation Scale - Fourth Edition) T
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B 95791B 95791 Better IEP Meetings Everyone Wins
Grade Lvl: T Author: Herr, Cynthia / Bateman, Barbara
Length: 126 Copyright: 2006
Presents a three state framework. Sections: Preparing for the Meeting; Conducting the meeting and developing a legal IEP; Ensuring the provision required by FAPE after the meeting. Designed to provide guidance to both school personnel and parents about how to communicate more clearly & efficiently in order to streamline the IEP process. |
Better IEP Meetings Everyone Wins T

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B 92894B 92894 Beyond Functional Assessment
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kaplan, Joseph
Length: 115 Copyright: 2000
Subtitle: A Social-Cognitive Approach to the Evaluation of Behavior Problems in Children and Youth. Helps design behavioral interventionplans. Aids IEP development by identifying an individual student's needs in areas such as social skills, stress or anger management, etc. Deals with ten behaviors: Off task Unless Supervised; ExcessiveMovement in Classroom; Noncompliant; Disruptive Attention Seeking; Tantrums When Requests Refused; Verbally/Physically Intimidates Others to Meet Demands; Destroys Property of Others; Responds Aggressively to Peer Provocation; Verbally Aggressive Without Provocation; and Physically Aggressive Without Provocation. Providesa fair pair replacement behavior; a list of prerequisites specific to each behavior; the assessments needed to evaluate the prerequisite; performance objectives; suggestions (forms) for BIPs to modify missing prerequisites; and annotated entries of alternative assessments and commercial intervention programs. |
Beyond Functional Assessment T
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B 95118B 95118 Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family-School Partnerships
Grade Lvl: T Author: Henderson, Anne T
Length: 339 Copyright: 2007
Principals, teachers, and parents offer tips, checklists, and other resources that can build strong collaborative relationships between parents and schools, which in turn improves students' performance in school. Education Parent participation. Home and school. |
Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family-School Partnerships T
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KM 12109KM 12109 Big Ben Is Dead "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stemach, Jerry
Length: 124 Copyright: 1999
In this story, the British Museum in London has asked Nick to consult on a mummy that the museum has acquired from Egypt. When Nick and the kids arrive in London, they learn that someone has been stealing and vandalizing national treasures including Big Ben, the famous London clock tower, a Van Gogh painting at the National Gallery, and a rare Egyptian sculpture of a cat. The four kids help find the thieves. From the series Nick Ford Mysteries. Start-to-Finish books. Novel Study. Gold title (RL 3). Publisher GR level L. Kit contains 10 books and 1 CD-ROM. |
Big Ben Is Dead "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books IJS

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B 96491B 96491 Big Book of Dolch Sight Word Activities, Grades K - 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zeitzoff, Helen
Length: 384 Copyright: 2013
Contains more than three hundred reproducible activities for special learners in kindergarten through third grade that introduce, reinforce, and provide practice with Dolch sight words, and includes assessment suggestions. |
Big Book of Dolch Sight Word Activities, Grades K - 3 T

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KM 5378KM 5378 BigMack
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1995
A simple, single-message voice output device. Requires a 9-volt battery, included. Contents: user's manual, BIGmack, and connecting cord for use as a switch. Big Mack. Two-week loan period. |
BigMack PIJS
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KM 11918KM 11918 BigTrack Trackball
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
The BIGtrack has a 3 inch trackball. The large ball requires less fine motor control than a standard trackball and it is ruggedly built. It has a left and a right mouse click button located behind the trackball to avoid unwanted mouse clicks. The large yellow trackball helps to make mouse movements easy and accurate. The oversized buttons make mouse clicks simple for those with poor motor control. The BIGtrack is switch adapted and comes with two standard 1/8" plugs for two switches. Its left and right mouse clicks have been adapted so that you can use a switch for activation. Alternate access. Appropriate for Early Access through adult. |
BigTrack Trackball KPIJST

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B 94905B 94905 Bipolar Disorders: A Guide to Helping Children and Adolescents
Grade Lvl: T Author: Waltz, Mitzi
Length: 442 Copyright: 2000
Provides information for parents on how to recognize and deal with bipolar disorders in children and adolescents, covering diagnosis, family life and support, safety, medications, therapeutic and other types of interventions, insurance issues, and education. Manic-depressive illness. Mental illness. |
Bipolar Disorders: A Guide to Helping Children and Adolescents T

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KM 12108KM 12108 Black Beauty "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Sewell, Anna / Venable, Noe
Length: 112 Copyright: 2006
A retelling of Anna Sewell's clasic story about a horse in nineteenth-century England who recounts his experiences with both good and bad masters. Human-animal relationships- Fiction. Kit contains five copies of the book (112 pages) by Noe Venable. Novel Study. Lexile 480. Publisher GR level L. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Gold level (RL 2-3). Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Black Beauty "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12144KM 12144 Black Death: A Story of the Plague "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 104 Copyright: 2006
A young man named Jacob Goodrum witnesses the horrors of the Black Death, an epidemic (bubonic plague) that swept through the city of London in the year 1665. Kit contains ten copies of the book (104 pages) by Alan Venable and a teacher guide. Blue Level. From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Lexile 810 6-12. Reference kit to use is KM 8815. |
Black Death: A Story of the Plague "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books IJS

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B 96271B 96271 Blast Off to Reading!: 50 Orton-Gillingham Based Lessons for Struggling Readers and Those with Dyslexia
Grade Lvl: T Author: Orlassino, Cheryl
Length: 257 Copyright: 2014
Program for students (ages 7-13) who are dyslexic or who struggle to read. Contains 50 lessons, plus 5 review lessons, which are designed to teach a student to decode and spell words using phonics, rules and memory cues. Each lesson is created to include a new sound, or rule, with a reading task followed by several exercises, which review concepts taught in that lesson as well as those taught previously. A review section follows every ten lessons. Includes a section on how to combat letter & number reversals; supplemental lists in the back of the book for older students who have larger vocabularies. Provides access to online dictations as well as word lists. |
Blast Off to Reading!: 50 Orton-Gillingham Based Lessons for Struggling Rea T

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KM 10682KM 10682 Blue Balloon Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Inkpen, Mick
Length: 0 Copyright: 1993
Contains the braille version of the book with fold-out pages by Mick Inkpen about a child who explains the extraordinary features of his blue balloon. Tactile illustrations. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and real blue balloon. |
Blue Balloon Braille--Story Box KP
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KM 11839KM 11839 Blue2 Bluetooth Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
THIS iPAD SWITCH DOES NOT WORK WITH BUILT IN IOS SWITCH ACCESSIBILITY (check out the revised Blue2 Bluetooth Switch for access to iOS switch accessibility features)Blue2 dual switch provides access to compatible iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch applications via Bluetooth wireless technology. Simply sync the switch with your favorite Apple device and activate the application's switch scanning mode to begin using the app hands-free. Blue2 supports both single and dual switch access through direct access using the two built-in switches, or plug in your favorite switches into the available ports to fit your individual needs. Also a great product for computer access, Blue2 also ships with a USB Bluetooth dongle. Two-week loan period. |
Blue2 Bluetooth Switch KPIJST

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KM 11866KM 11866 Blue2 Bluetooth Switch, Revised
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Provides a modern design with new features that make it compatible with all switch accesible apps. Also new to Blue2 is the ability to toggle the on-screen keyboard on and off for iOS devices and a built-in rechargeable battery. The Blue2 is compatible with iPad 4th Generation, iPad 3rd Generation, iPad 2, iPad, iPad mini, iPod touch 5th Generation, iPod Touch 4th Generation, iPod touch 3rd Generation, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS. Contents include: quickstart guide, Blue2 switch, USB charging cable, and 5 wall adapters. Also please see KM 8664 - Switch Accessibility Kit for additional access. Two-week loan period. |
Blue2 Bluetooth Switch, Revised KPIJST

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KM 12190KM 12190 Board Books (Interactive)
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
Collection of board books with velcro-backed Boardmaker images to attach to the pages of the books. Special Education kit. |
Board Books (Interactive) KP

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KM 8626KM 8626 Boehm--3, Preschool
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boehm, Ann
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
The Boehm-3 Preschool is an easy-to-administer tool for measuring 26 basic concepts relevant to preschool and early childhood curriculum. Helps identify children who lack understanding of basic relational concepts so that intervention can be provided sooner, increasing their chance of success in school. Each concept is tested twice, to verify the child's understanding. For ages 3.0 through 5.11 years. Administration time is 20-30 minutes. Contents: Examiner's Manual, Picture Manual, and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education Staff. |
Boehm--3, Preschool T
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B 96366B 96366 Boosting Executive Skills in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for Educators
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cooper-Kahn, Joyce / Foster, Margaret
Length: 176 Copyright: 2013
Contains strategies to help students with Executive Function (EF) challenges--those who have trouble negotiating the world of deadlines, paperwork, and main ideas. Shows how to create an "EF Smart" classroom. Offers ways to extend learning and support strategies beyond the classroom. Includes reproducible forms and handouts. Executive functions (Neuropsychology). Authors: Joyce Cooper-Kahn, a child psychologist and Margaret Foster, an educator and learning specialist. |
Boosting Executive Skills in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for Educators T

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KM 12162KM 12162 Border Crossing "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Garcia-Alvarado, Belen / Venable, Alan
Length: 104 Copyright: 2000
This is the fictional but realistic story of a Mexican family that crosses the border illegally into Texas in the 1990s in search of a better economic life. Kit contains five copies of the book (104 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 360. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Border Crossing "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8148KM 8148 BOT-2: Bruininks-Oseretsky Test/Motor Pro(2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bruininks, Robert
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
BOT-2 is an individually administered test that uses goal-directed activities to measure gross and fine motor control skills in individuals aged 4 through 21. Identifies motor-skill deficits in individuals with mild to moderate motor control problems. Examples of tasks: maintaining balance while standing on one leg, bouncing a ball, and cutting out a circle. Motor-area composites are: Fine manual control (hands and fingers); Manual control (arms and hands, especially for object manipulation); Body Coordination (posture and balance); Strength and Ability (locomotion). Subtests are sequenced so that all of the paper and pencil activities come first and the activities involving greater physical exertion come at the end of the battery. Subtests: Fine Motor Precision; Fine Motor Integration; Manual Dexterity; Bilateral Coordination; Balance; Running Speed and Agility; Upper Limb Coordination; Strength. Administration time: complete form is 45-60 minutes and for short form is 15-20 minutes. Contents: manual; administration easel; scoring transparency; 15 blocks with string; penny box; penny pad; 20 plastic pennies; knee pad; peg board with pegs; two red pencils; scissors; target; tennis ball; 50 shape cards; shuttle block; balance beam; examinee booklets; and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
BOT-2: Bruininks-Oseretsky Test/Motor Pro(2 Parts) T
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KM 8592KM 8592 Bracken Basic Concept Scale-3: Receptive(BBCS-3:R)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bracken, Bruce
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
BBCS-3:R is used to evaluate children's basic concept development. It is a receptive measure of comprehension of foundational and functionally relevant education concepts: colors, letters, numbers/counting, sizes/comparisons, shapes, direction/position, self-/social awareness, texture/material, quantity, and time/sequence. Test can be used with children ages 3 years, 0 months through 6 years, 11 months. Administration time is 30-40 minutes. The School Readiness Composite (made up of the first 5 subtest) requires 10-15 minutes. Contents: examiner's manual, stimulus manual, and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Bracken Basic Concept Scale-3: Receptive(BBCS-3:R) T
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B 96062B 96062 Breakthroughs in Math, Book 1
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Mitchell, Robert
Length: 186 Copyright: 1997
Subtitle: Developing Problem Solving Skills. Workbook is designed to help struggling adolescents with content reading in the area of math (essential computation skills and word problems). Each chapter combines instruction in arithmetic with strategies for successful problem solving. Covers whole numbers; understanding the question; dollars and cents; selecting necessary information; adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing; measurement; perimeter, area, and volume; averages; squares, cubes, and square roots; recognizing key words; choosing the correct operation; using estimation; working with multi-step problems. |
Breakthroughs in Math, Book 1 JST
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B 96625B 96625 Bridging the Gap Between Arithmetic & Algebra
Grade Lvl: T Author: Witzel, Bradley S
Length: 250 Copyright: 2016
Responds to a need for instruction and interventions that go beyond typical math lesson plans. The authors provide a review of evidence-based practices plus insights, strategies, and curricular emphases that will better prepare students to be successful in algebra. Book is designed for mathematics teachers and special education teachers when teaching mathematics to students who struggle with the critical concepts and skills necessary for success in algebra. Edited by Bradley S. Witzel. |
Bridging the Gap Between Arithmetic & Algebra T

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KM 8674KM 8674 BRIEF 2: Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gioia, Gerard / Isquith, Peter K.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
BRIEF 2 is a rating scale to be completed by parents and teachers of school-age children (5-18 yrs) that assesses everyday behaviors associated with executive functions. Designed for those children for whom there may be concerns about self-regulation such as those with learning disabilities and attention disorders, traumatic brain injuries, depression, and other developmental, neurological, psychiatric, and medical conditions. The forms contain 63 items within nine clinical scales that measure commonly agreed upon domains of executive functioning: Inhibit, Self-Monitor, Shift, Emotional Control, Initiate, Working Memory, Plan/Organize, Task-Monitor, and Organization of Materials. Contents: Professional Manual, Parent Forms, Teacher Forms, Self-Report Forms, scoring summary forms for each, and Fast Guide. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
BRIEF 2: Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function T
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KM 8616KM 8616 BRIEF--Preschool Version/Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gioia, Gerard
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
The Preschool Version of the Behavior Rating of Executive Function is for ages 2.0-5.11 years. The BRIEF-P consists of a rating form used by parents, teachers, and day care providers to rate a child's executive functions within the context of his/her everyday environments (home and school). The Rating Form consists of 63 items that measure various aspects of executive functioning: Inhibit, Shift, Emotional Control, Working Memory, and Play/Organize. Requires 10-15 minutes to administer. Contents: professional manual, rating forms, and scoring summary/profile forms. Circuation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
BRIEF--Preschool Version/Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function T
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B 99408B 99408 BRIGANCE Assessment of Basic Skills, Spanish
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brigance, Albert
Length: 196 Copyright: 1984
The Brigance Diagnostic Assessment Of Basic Skills is designed to enable the bilingual, ESL, migrant, and bilingual special needs teacher to identify, develop, implement, and evaluate instructional programs for Spanish-speaking students (preschool, elementary, and middle school). Includes 102 tests for PreK-Gr 8 in the areas of readiness, speech, listening, functional word recognition, oral reading, reading comprehension, word analysis, writing and alphabetizing, numbers and computation, and measurement. The assessment can be used as an indicator of language dominance; as a screening process for identifying achievement level; as an instrument to distinguish whether or not the student's weaknesses are related only to limited English proficiency or to a specific learning disability; and as a guide for developing an IEP. |
BRIGANCE Assessment of Basic Skills, Spanish T
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KM 8641KM 8641 BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III Kit (K-1)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
K & 1 includes Screens for 5- and 6-Year-Olds. Reflect new norms based on a nationally representative sample. The Screens help educators: Identify potential development delays and giftedness with new cutoffs; Reduce over-referrals with at-risk cutoffs; Determine each child's specific strengths and needs; and Assess school readiness. Research studies reflect: A high degree of accuracy (high sensitivity and specificity); Strong test-retest and inter-rater reliability; and Substantial content, construct, and concurrent validity. Contents: manual, technical manual, accessories kit, and data sheets. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III Kit (K-1) T
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B 95077B 95077 Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kennedy, Diane M. / Banks, Rebecca S.
Length: 292 Copyright: 2011
Discusses twice-exceptional (2e) children, focusing on how to recognize 2e children, how their "gifts" are being ignored, and how to change this within the home, schools, and health care system. |
Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism T

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B 107441B 107441 Brothers and Sisters
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Dwight, Laura
Length: 34 Copyright: 2005
Presents a description of what it is like to have a sibling with a disability. Includes the stories of a number of children who interact with a brother or sister with a physical disability. AR 3.5. Follett RL 2.3. |
Brothers and Sisters KP

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KM 90073KM 90073 Brush and Comb Sort and Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A hands-on, pre-vocational activity for sorting by color or tactile variation. Provides brushes and combs for sorting into a divided bin. Introduces reach-grasp-retrieval, appropriate placement of objects, and foundational discrimination skills. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Brush and Comb Sort and Assembly JS

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B 95588B 95588 Build It So They Can Play: Affordable Equipment for Adapted Physical Education
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 130 Copyright: 2012
Assists physical education teachers, caregivers, and play group and recreation leaders in building adapted equipment and implementing associated activities to create a successful learning environment for students with disabilities. Chapters: Equipment for Sports and Recreation Activities; Modified Equipment for Sport and Recreation Activities; Modified Equipment for Vestibular and Fine Motor Activities; Sensory Equipment. |
Build It So They Can Play: Affordable Equipment for Adapted Physical Educat T

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B 97480B 97480 Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sandall, Susan R / Schwartz, Ilene S
Length: 240 Copyright: 2019
The third edition of Building Blocks provides readers with a framework for successful and meaningful inclusion of preschoolers with special needs. Like the first two editions, the third edition offers teachers effective, research-based instructional practices to promote learning in inclusive classrooms. The authors have updated existing content and added new content to reflect and align with current thinking in the field. |
Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition T

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B 96503B 96503 Building Independence: How to Create and Use Structured Work Systems
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kabot, Susan / Reeve, Christine
Length: 178 Copyright: 2012
Book provides an A-Z guide to work systems, including assessment, how to build them into the curriculum, IEPs, lesson planning and more. Structured work systems are one method that can be used to ensure that individuals with ASD and related disorders develop and maintain their ability to work on their own, without assistance and prompting from others. Briefly, structured work systems are designed to give visual information about what work needs to be done, how much works needs to be done, when the work is completed and what will happen next. Includes case examples spanning age and levels of functioning. Work design. Visual learning. |
Building Independence: How to Create and Use Structured Work Systems T

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B 90321B 90321 Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools: Functional Behavioral Assessment
Grade Lvl: T Author: Crone, Deanne
Length: 171 Copyright: 2003
Complete title: Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools: Functional Behavioral Assessment by Deanne A. Crone and Robert H. Horner. Presents a conceptual model and practical tools designed to help educators address the challenges of severe problem behavior in elementary and middle-school settings, focusing on developing and implementing team-based support plans for the students who require intensive, individualized behavioral assessment and intervention. |
Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools: Functional Behaviora T
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KM 12130KM 12130 Building Wings "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Johnston, Don / Stemach, Jerry
Length: 140 Copyright: 2009
Don Johnston tells how he struggled in school. He was a student who learned differently from others. This is the story of what he did to become successful. Kit contains five copies of the book (140 pages) from the Start-to-Finish Library. Gold title.(RL 2-3) Lexile 670 IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. |
Building Wings "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12356KM 12356 Building With Stories: Adapted Books for Early Literacy
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Zakas, Tracie-Lynn / Schreiber, Linda
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
An early literacy curriculum for students ages 5–10 with moderate to severe developmental disabilities, including autism, that complements the Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) curriculum. The curriculum is based on the ELSB research from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC). Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. Includes Teacher's Manual, CD (with reproducibles), Student Materials book, 10 picture storybooks plus corresponding manipulatives for added student engagement. Restricted to special education teachers. |
Building With Stories: Adapted Books for Early Literacy KPI

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B 94848B 94848 Building Your School's Capacity to Implement RTI
Grade Lvl: T Author: Addison, Patricia
Length: 380 Copyright: 2011
A guide with seventy-five tools (including conversation starters, reflection probes, learning activities, and planning and assessment forms) for educators to create Response to Intervention (RTI) framework for school-wide improvements, describing how to form a planning team, teach staff the components of RTI, and assign staff and team members specific roles and responsibilities, and discussing variations to adapt the tools for the needs of individual schools. Authors: Patricia Addison and Cynthia L. Warger. |
Building Your School's Capacity to Implement RTI T
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KM 13535KM 13535 Buildzi
Grade Lvl: PIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
A fast stacking building block game to assist students with developing and reinforcing many STEM skills. Students will utilize problem solving, creativity, communication, inquiry, engineering/design thinking, critical thinking and collaboration skills to complete any of the building block games included with BUILDZI. Great for team building. Includes 32 BUILDZI Blocks, 32 double-sided tower cards, 32 block cards and game instructions. Ideal for 2 to 8 players. |
Buildzi PIJST

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B 93332B 93332 Bully, the Bullied and Beyond: Help for Bullies, Victims and Bystanders, Grades 5-12
Grade Lvl: T Author: Williams, Esther
Length: 260 Copyright: 2007
Provide a comprehensive set of lessons that will help eliminiate bullying in school. Includes school-wide and classroom strategies, separate lessons for bystanders, bullies and the bullied, skills for students with special needs, school bullying survey, strategies for teachers, approaches to share with parents, and more. |
Bully, the Bullied and Beyond: Help for Bullies, Victims and Bystanders, Gr T
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B 93334B 93334 Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High School--How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence
Grade Lvl: T Author: Coloroso, Barbara
Length: 218 Copyright: 2003
Explains how to tell if a child is being bullied, how to change bullying behavior, how to help bystanders become active in solving the problem, how to evaluate school policies. |
Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High School--How P T
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B 93008B 93008 Bullying at School
Grade Lvl: T Author: Olweus, Dan
Length: 140 Copyright: 1993
Subtitle: What We Know and What We Can Do. Presents an overview of what is known about the causes and consequences of bullying at school. Describes an intervention program designed to address and counteract the problem, Discusses the positive effects of the program as evaluated over a two-year period in 42 schools in Bergen, Norway. Offers practical advice on implementing the intervention program. Aggressiveness. From the series Understanding Children's Worlds. Olweus resource. |
Bullying at School T
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KM 9768KM 9768 Bump and Go Train (Switch adapted toy)
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Activate a capability switch and the Bump and Go Train will spin about when it hits an object and go in another direction. The train also features an authentic horn sound and a real working headlight. Size: 12½"L x 7¼"H x 4"W. Capability Switch and 4 AA Batteries included. Weight: 1¼ lbs. Switch adapted toy. Appropriate for Early Access through adult. |
Bump and Go Train (Switch adapted toy) KPIJST

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KM 8450KM 8450 Bumpy Disc Junior Seat Cushion
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
This seat cushion is 13" in diameter and 1" deep, has one bumpy and one smooth side, and inflation level can easily be adjusted. The greater the inflation level, the more movement possible. Also great for working on standing balance and for floor sitting. Contents: instruction sheet and cushion. |
Bumpy Disc Junior Seat Cushion KP
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KM 10683KM 10683 Bumpy Rolls Away Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Stratton, Josephine
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains braille book by Josephine M. Stratton and Suzette Wright with simple tactile illustrations. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and bumpy ball. |
Bumpy Rolls Away Braille--Story Box KP
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KM 11939KM 11939 Button Click Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
A mechanical button switch provides momentary output using just 40 grams of pressure. Size: 2½"L x 2½"W. Weight: ¼ lb. Appropriate for Early Access/Pre-K - Adult. |
Button Click Switch KPIJST

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KM 12718KM 12718 C-Pen ExamReader Pen
Grade Lvl: PIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Small, fast digital pen scans and reads back text. Portable pen scanner can read colored text & is both Mac and PC compatible. Has built-in dictionary. Resource for anyone with reading difficulties, such as dyslexia, learning English, and those who want additional help with reading and comprehension. Uses a standard micro USB connector for charging and standard 3.5 mm connector for headphones. Includes earbuds, USB cable, and carry case. For ages 6 to adult. |
C-Pen ExamReader Pen PIJST

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KM 12719KM 12719 C-Pen Reader Pen
Grade Lvl: PIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Small, fast digital pen scans and reads back text. Resource for anyone with reading difficulties, such as dyslexia, learning English, and wants additional help with reading and comprehension. Main functions: text reading using high quality natural sounding voice, obtaining definitions from built-in dictionary, and capturing text remotely to file or directly to a cursor point on any computer (PC, Mac, Chromebook, or Linux). Other features include a built-in voice recorder with playback. Includes ReaderPen, earbuds, USB cable, and carry case. For ages 6 to adult. |
C-Pen Reader Pen PIJST

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KM 12098KM 12098 Call of the Wild "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: London, Jack / Venable, Noe
Length: 116 Copyright: 2007
Retells Jack London's novel about a mistreated sled dog, Buck, who escapes and becomes the leader of a wolf pack in the Klondike. Kit contains ten copies of the book (116 pages) by Noe Venable and a teacher's guide. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Blue level (RL 4-5). Publisher GR level R. Lexile 780. IL 6-12. Reference kit to use is KM 8815. |
Call of the Wild "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books IJS

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KM 11837KM 11837 Can We Chat
Grade Lvl: T Author: Musselwhite, Caroline Ramsey / Burkhart, Linda J.
Length: 54 Copyright: 2008
Kit contains book titled Can We Chat: A Make It/Take It Book of Ideas and Adaptations by Caroline Musselwhite & Linda Burkhart that has sample scripts and how-to's to support real conversations. DVD presentation supports the book. Has ideas for supporting beginning conversations for students who use AAC, using light tech to high tech communication devices. Kit also includes a companion CD with printable copy of book, sample scripts, Boardmaker & pdf's of displays. (www.aacintervention.com). Two-week loan period. |
Can We Chat T

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KM 8581KM 8581 Canadian Occupational Performance Measures(4th Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
COPM is an individualized, client-centered measure designed for use by occupational therapists to detect change in a client's self-perception of occupational performance over time. Focuses on occupational performance in all areas of life, from self-care to productivity to leisure. COPM is designed to be used with clients with a variety of disabilities across all developmental stages. COPM is administered as a semi-structured interview and takes 15-30 minutes. Contents: manual, three scales (Importance, Performance, and Satisfaction) and forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Canadian Occupational Performance Measures(4th Ed) T
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KM 11850KM 11850 Candy Corn Proximity Sensor Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
The Candy Corn proximity sensor switch is highly sensitive and does not require a physical touch to activate. Just wave your hand or other portion of your body within 10 millimeters of the switch to activate. Visual and auditory cues occur when the switch is activated. Candy Corn is not compatible with TrackerPro, battery adapted toys, battery operated scissors, and Paint 'N' Swirl. Accessibility. Two-Week Loan Period. |
Candy Corn Proximity Sensor Switch KPIJS

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KM 12097KM 12097 Captains Courageous "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Kipling, Rudyard / Venable, Alan
Length: 116 Copyright: 2006
An American son of a millionaire is saved from drowning by a New England fishing schooner and forced to prove his worth to the captain and crew. In 1894, Harvey Cheyne, a rich, spoiled boy of fifteen, falls off a steamship hundreds of miles out to sea. After his rescue, he is required to work for his passage. And so begins this great adventure of life at sea. From the Start-to-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Blue level (RL 4-5). Lexile 820. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional Tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Captains Courageous "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books IJS

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KM 8683KM 8683 CASL-2 (Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, 2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Carrow-Woolfolk, Elizabeth
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
CASL-2 is an evaluation of an individual's oral language skills designed for use with individuals aged 3-21. This assessment consists of a battery of 14 stand-alone tests, each of which measures a specific oral language skill. The scores of each test can be interpreted separately, & they can be combined to yield summary scores that represent broader areas of oral language function. CASL-2 is based on the Integrative Language Theory (the idea that language reflects two dimensions: knowledge and performance). Language knowledge has four categories: 1.Lexical/Semantic; 2.Suntactic; 3.Supralinguistic; and 4.Pragmatic. Language performance focuses on two systems: 1.auditory comprehension and 2.oral expression. Test kit components: Manual; three Test Easels; and Record Forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Speech-Language Pathologists. |
CASL-2 (Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, 2nd Edition) T
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KM 10685KM 10685 Caterpillar Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Stratton, Josephine
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains braille book by Josephine M. Stratton with tactile illustrations. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and green soft plastic caterpillar. |
Caterpillar Braille--Story Box KP
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B 113250B 113250 Catherine's Story
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Moore, Genevieve
Length: 26 Copyright: 2010
Catherine, a young girl with multiple learning disabilities whose challenges include being unable to speak, walk without assistance, and understand a lot of what is said to her, has many characteristics and abilities that make her special. Developmentallydisabled children. A concluding note explains that Catherine's disability is a result of a type of epilepsy (infantile spasms or West Syndrome). AR 2.4. IL Pres-3. |
Catherine's Story KP

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B 94679B 94679 CBITS: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools
Grade Lvl: T Author: Jaycox, Lisa
Length: 117 Copyright: 2004
CBITS is a a program designed to help school counselors and psychologists work with students to significantly reduce the symptoms associated with trauma. The evidence-based guide uses cognitive-behavioral therapy to foster and build the skills that children need as they cope with trauma and its aftermath. Focuses on techniques proven to have an impact on stress, depression, and anxiety. It is an early intervention approach that teaches schools to recognize the signs of commonly experienced traumas (violence/disasters) and then to treat the trauma quickly. CBITS is intended for youth, ages 11-15. Cognitive-behavioral therapy. Traumatic stress. Anxiety. Includes reproducibles. |
CBITS: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools T
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KM 8692KM 8692 CELF Preschool-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wiig, Elisabeth
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Preschool-3 (CELF® Preschool-3) assesses aspects of language necessary for preschool children to meet the language demands of the classroom. Age range: 3:0 to 6:11Scores/Interpretation: Core language score; receptive and expressive language scores; expressive language, language content, and language structure scores; standard scores, percentile ranks, age equivalents, and growth scores.Qualification level: B Completion time: Level 1: 15-20 minutes. Entire test: variable Administration: Verbal response to stimulus picture Scoring options: Q-interactive® Web-based Administration and Scoring, Q-global® Scoring & Reporting or Manual Scoring Norms: 700 preschool-age children ages 3:0 to 6:11. Contents: examiner's manual, stimulus book, Descriptive Pragmatics Profile (DPP)forms, record forms, and "No Juice" book. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
CELF Preschool-3 T

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KM 11646KM 11646 Challenging Kids, Challenged Teachers: Teaching Students With Tourette's, Bipolar Disorder, Executive Dysfunction, OCD, ADHD, and More
Grade Lvl: T Author: Packer, Leslie / Pruitt, Sheryl K.
Length: 329 Copyright: 2010
Book discusses sixteen neurological conditions teachers encounter in the classroom, explains how they affect a child's learning and behavior, identifies symptoms the disorders have in common, and describes teaching strategies designed to help improve academic performance, social skills, and emotional stability. Source helps educators create a supportive environment to successfully teach children with multiple neurological disorders including Tourette's Syndrome, OCD, AD/HD, LD, Non-Verbal Learning Disability, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Executive Dysfunction, Sensory Processing Disorder, Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep (PANDAS), Bipolar Disorder, "Storms" or "Rages", Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Sleep Problems. Includes a companion CD with checklists, survey forms, worksheets, etc. Two-week loan period. |
Challenging Kids, Challenged Teachers: Teaching Students With Tourette's, B T

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KM 12127KM 12127 Charles Darwin: The Man Who Looked at Life "Start-to-Finish " 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 115 Copyright: 2009
This Start-to-Finish book takes a fictionalized biographical approach to explain how theories of evolution arose in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The story of Charles Darwin’s life is told from the perspective of the “angels” of his two deceased, illustrious grandfathers: Josiah Wedgwood, the inventor of Wedgwood china, and Dr. Erasmus Darwin, an eminent eighteenth-century scientist and inventor who had published his own evolutionary views. Kit contains five copies of the book (115 pages) from the series The World Around Us Start-to-Finish Library. Blue title.(RL 4-5) Publisher GR level S. Lexile 810 IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Charles Darwin: The Man Who Looked at Life "Start-to-Finish " 5 Books IJS

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KM 10014KM 10014 CheapTalk 4 With Jack & Overlay Option
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
A lightweight, portable communication tool/enabling device (20x20x6cm) with four windows/messages buttons (50x50mm) arranged in two rows or two squares. Up to five seconds of recorded speech per message. May add your own symbols to each message key. Message may be a word, sound, phrase or short sentence. Easy to use with recorded speech. Augmentative communication and curriculum enrichment. Requires 4 AA batteries (included). Weight: 560g. Contents: user's guide, CheapTalk 4, and two cords. Two-week loan period. |
CheapTalk 4 With Jack & Overlay Option PIJS

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B 90776B 90776 Child & Adolescent Stuttering Treatment & Activity
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ramig, Peter
Length: 289 Copyright: 2005
Complete title: The Child and Adolescent Stuttering Treatment and Activity Resource Guide by Peter R. Ramig and Darrell M. Dodge. Provides speech-language pathologists with specific hands-on activities that can be used in the evaluation and treatment of fluency disorders (stuttering and cluttering) in children. Includes two main parts: Part I lays the groundwork on stuttering and Part II focuses on therapeutic activities. Appendices contain forms including handouts for parents and teachers in English and Spanish. |
Child & Adolescent Stuttering Treatment & Activity T

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B 94253B 94253 Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the Four-Blocks Way
Grade Lvl: T Author: Erickson, Karen
Length: 144 Copyright: 2006
Designed to support general education teachers with inclusive classrooms and special education teachers using the Four-Blocks Literacy Model. Includes lessons for each of the Four BLocks, variations for students with disabilties, teacher's checklist, and examples of assistive technology. Authors: Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver. |
Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the Four-Blocks Way T

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KM 11250KM 11250 Choosing My Behavior
Grade Lvl: T Author: Crissey, Pat
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Combines an elementary behavior curriculum with reproducible activity sheets, role-plays, and games for reinforcement. Includes adaptations for nonreaders. Each unit addresses common classroom behavioral issues along with management strategies for reinforcing positive behavior. Unit titles: Taking Time to Think: Dealing with Impulsive Behavior; Choosing to Learn: Increasing Motivation and On-Task Behavior; Choosing What to Say: Dealing with Tattling, Complaining, and Being Rude; Choosing to Follow Directions: Increasing Compliant Behavior; and Choosing to Keep My Cool: Dealing with Agressive Behavior. Strategies for preventing specific behaviors. Quick tips for teachers. Contents: guide (curriculum binder with reproducible activity sheets); fold-out game board; two dice; six playing pieces; and two sets of cards. Two-week loan period. |
Choosing My Behavior T

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KM 12987KM 12987 Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children (COACH): A Guide to Educational Planning for Students with Disabilities, Third Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Giancreco, Michael F / Cloninger, Chigee J
Length: 209 Copyright: 2011
COACH 3rd edition is the educational planning choice for students ages 3–21 in supported general education settings. rofessionals and families will have an effective process to help them collaborate on individualized educational plans that promote inclusive opportunities for students with a range of developmental disabilities. Education teams will discover how to: •Implement a collaborative and family-centered approach to teamwork •Explore the current and future status of valued life outcomes •Identify appropriate curriculum areas to assess •Rate and select high-priority learning outcomes to be targets of instruction •Determine which aspects of the general education curriculum should be targets of instruction •Choose the supports students need to reach their goals •Develop meaningful annual goals and short-term objectives that reflect each student's individual priorities •Create a program-at-a-glance that keeps critical information handy throughout the school day COACH comes with the essential materials educators need to engage in collaborative educational planning. Ready-to-use, fillable forms and tools—now on CD-ROM for easy access—help educators organize goals and objectives, determine their students' learning styles, schedule class activities, plan and adapt instruction, evaluate the impact of instruction on student outcomes, and more. To model successful COACH implementation, this book also walks readers through three complete examples of the COACH process for a kindergartner, an elementary school student, and a transition-age teenager. With this streamlined planning process, educators and families will ensure that each student's education plan has real substance, addresses individual goals, and leads directly to positive, meaningful outcomes. |
Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children (COACH): A Guide to Educa T

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KM 12082KM 12082 Christmas Carol "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Dickens, Charles / Venable, Alan
Length: 116 Copyright: 2013
In this retelling of the Mark Twain classic, miserly Ebenezer Scrooge, who hates Christmas, has ghostly visitors on Christmas eve. They take Scrooge on a guided tour of his past, present, and future. Scrooge is forced to face himself, and by the time the last ghost leaves, he’s begging for the chance to change his life. Kit contains five copies of the book (116 pages)and a teachers guide. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Novel Study. Gold level(RL 2-3). Publisher GR level M. Lexile 300. IL 6-12. |
Christmas Carol "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8659KM 8659 CID SPICE for Life Auditory Learning Curriculum
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Central Institute for the Deaf curriculum is a supplement to CID SPICE: Speech Perception Instructional Curriculum and Evaluation designed to meet the needs of students who haven't yet developed enough vocabulary to work on the original SPICE -- or who have already mastered the speech perception skills in that curriculum. Skills targeted are appropriate for all ages. The suggested activities are designed for ages 5 through 12. Program provides practice listening for a variety of purposes and in real everyday life environments. Organized into 8 general skill sets described in eight chapters: Improving Auditory Memory; Listening to Music; Listening in Noisy Settings; Identifying Environmental Sounds; Listening During Conversation; Localizing Sounds; Listening to Voices Supraegmental Awareness; Listening with Technology. Contents: Resources Booklet, Instruction Manual,3 Listening Scene Posters, 1 Mulit-purpose Game Board,6 game pawns,1 game spinner, 1 bag of game tokens, CD-Rom - Sounds, CD-Rom - Resources, Box of 200 3x5 picture cards. Consumables: Rating Forms. Use is restricted to Keystone AEA staff. |
CID SPICE for Life Auditory Learning Curriculum T
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KM 12089KM 12089 Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 116 Copyright: 2006
This book invites the reader to think about what is known about the ancient past and what can only be guessed. Fictionalizes the story of Cleopatra, from her first encounter with Caesar, through her bearing of Caesar’s and Antony’s children, to her suicide when young Octavian’s legions finally marched into Egypt. Kit contains five copies of the book (116 pages) by Alan Venable and a teacher guide. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Ancient History. Lexile 590. Publisher GR level O. IL 6-12.. |
Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 90007KM 90007 Clip and Ring Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1995
This Pre-Voc Three Kit is a moderate level, pre-vocational, patterning and packaging task. Provides practice with pattern matching, inserting, and snapping. Clips are large and easy to open and close for metal and plastic rings. Metal and plastic rings slide onto the carabiner clips to match samples. For the Clip and Ring Assembly, users slide metal and plastic rings on spring loaded carabiner clips, matching the ring color to the sample and placing each clip in the storage bin when completed. Provides practice sequencing and clip-on assembly using metal and plastic rings on spring loaded carabiner clips. The clips are large (3 x 1½-inch) and easy to open and close. Kit comes with 24 carabiner clips, 180 rings in 6 colors, and all bins. Also included are step-by-step assembly instructions, performance norms, and disassembly instructions with norms. The instructions detail variations for this task. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Clip and Ring Assembly JS

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KM 8685KM 8685 Clip Sequencing
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Kit is a hands-on, pre-vocational skills kit for patterning skills. Students follow basic patterns by attaching wooden clips to printed pattern cards. Offers three levels of difficulty (AB, ABB, AAB and ABC patterns.) Includes 144 clips in four colors, pattern cards, bins, boxes and instructions. Kit is part of the Academic Work Activities program. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Clip Sequencing JS

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KM 8684KM 8684 Clock Setting
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1990
Kit is hands-on, academic skills kit for practice telling time. Students set hands on model clocks to match with printed time cards (digital and analog clock cards). There are three levels of difficulty: by the hour, by the minute and elapsed time. Includes 24 plastic model clocks, time cards, bins and instructions. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Clock Setting JS

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B 94897B 94897 Closing the RTI Gap: Why Poverty & Culture Count
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tileston, Donna
Length: 158 Copyright: 2011
A discussion on the Response to Intervention (RTI) method used in American school systems, examining the model, explaining why it is important for encouraging school improvement, and describing the necessary modifications needed that would take into account poverty and culture for increased effectiveness. |
Closing the RTI Gap: Why Poverty & Culture Count T

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B 95406B 95406 Co-Teaching Book of Lists
Grade Lvl: T Author: Perez, Katherine
Length: 270 Copyright: 2012
Discusses co-teaching, including roles and responsibilities, classroom set-ups and environments, goal setting, conflict resolution, and scheduling. Presents ready-to-use tips, strategies, and resources for collaborative teaching and student success. K-12. |
Co-Teaching Book of Lists T

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B 96272B 96272 Co-Teaching That Works: Structures and Strategies for Maximizing Student Learning
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beninghof, Anne M.
Length: 260 Copyright: 2012
Provides practical ideas for co-teaching with teaching strategies for every type of team teaching situation, including guidelines for successful team-teaching with specialists in technology, literacy, occupational/physical therapy, special education, and speech-language therapy. Describes nine models of co-teaching: The Duet Model, Lead and Support Model, Speak and Add Model, Skill Groups Model, Station Model, Learning Style Model, Parallel Teaching Model, Adapting Model, Complementary Skills Model. |
Co-Teaching That Works: Structures and Strategies for Maximizing Student Le T

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B 96379B 96379 Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Applying Empirically Supported Techniques in Your Practice
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 672 Copyright: 2008
Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Second Edition presents specific direction for cognitive behavior therapy techniques. This edition contains contributions from world-renowned experts on problems including anger control, insomnia, smoking cessation, enuresis, social skills, stress management, depression, and classroom management. Includes new chapters on imaginal exposure, safety training, and introspective exposure for panic disorder, as well as techniques for treating the seriously mentally ill. Its step-by-step illustrations create a hands-on reference of cognitive-behavioral therapy skills. Edited by William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher. |
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Applying Empirically Supported Techniques in Yo T

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B 94779B 94779 Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Clark, David
Length: 628 Copyright: 2010
Subtitle: Science and Practice by David A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck. Synthesize the latest thinking and empirical data on anxiety treatment and offer step-by-step instruction in cognitive assessment, case formulation, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral intervention. Provide evidence-based mini-manuals for treating the five most common anxiety disorders: panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Includes case examples, "Clinician Guideliens" and other reproducible handouts and forms. |
Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders T
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KM 12370KM 12370 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Children: Therapist Manual & Coping Cat Books
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kendall, Philip C. / Hedtke, Kristina A.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Kit contains three books. The therapist manual provides an overview of the general strategies used in the treatment of anxiety in children. The treatment manual is coordinated with the "Coping Cat Workbook." There is a chapter devoted to each of the sixteen therapy sessions that appear in the "Coping Cat Workbook", with explanations of and a rationale for the activities. Appropriate for a variety of anxiety disorders in youth ages 7-13. The third book in the kit is The Coping Cat Parent Companion by Philip C. Kendall, Jennifer L. Podell, and Elizabeth A. Gosch. |
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Children: Therapist Manual & Copin T

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B 94067B 94067 Collaborating with Parents for Early School Success: The Achieving-Behaving-Caring Program
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 226 Copyright: 2008
An evidence-based approach to addressing the needs of at-risk elementary school students that focuses on how classroom teachers and parents can work together to develop students' strength and reduce problems. Preventing behavior disorders in children. Emotionally disturbed children. From the Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools series. |
Collaborating with Parents for Early School Success: The Achieving-Behaving T

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B 94909B 94909 Collaborative Teaching in Elementary School
Grade Lvl: T Author: Murawaski, Wendy
Length: 281 Copyright: 2010
Subtitle: Making the Co-Teaching Marriage Work! Uses the metaphor of marriage to offer tips on how to successfully set up, conduct, and maintain co-teacing partnerships in elementary schools, covering co-planning, co-instruction, and co-assessing and identifying the four most difficult relationship stages. |
Collaborative Teaching in Elementary School T
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KM 11245KM 11245 Color Bug
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Children can create their own pictures with Color Bug by pressing the light touch transmission switch. The bug will move about creating amazing patterns that are fun and unique. Best when what is being drawn on is surrounded by bumper sides, such as a low lip tray. Switch device. Contents: user's guide, instruction sheet, Color Bug, transmitter with removable antenna, and four washable markers. |
Color Bug KPIJS

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KM 90067KM 90067 Color Match Collating
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A pre-vocational activity for matching color patterns and inserting cards into an envelope. Provides three different color sheets for sequencing and inserting. Offers 45 cards with suggested patterns. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Color Match Collating JS

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KM 5852KM 5852 Colored Overlays/Reading By Colors
Grade Lvl: T Author: Irlen, Helen
Length: 0 Copyright: 1991
Contains book, Reading By the Colors: Overcoming Dyslexia and Other Reading Disabilities Through the Irlen Method by Helen Irlen, and assessment kits with two sizes of colored overlays for reading, instructions and booklets designed by Marie Carbo. Colored filters may improve reading achievement and increase attention span by helping with visual perception. Two-week loan period. |
Colored Overlays/Reading By Colors T
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KM 90070KM 90070 Colorful Nuts and Bolts Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A pre-vocational activity for shape matching, color assembly, disassembly, and sorting. Provides large, colorful plastic bolts and screws. Offers practice with discrimination skills, inserting, and turning skills. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Colorful Nuts and Bolts Assembly JS

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KM 90060KM 90060 Comb Set Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A pre-vocational task for two-item assembly and sorting. Provides durable plastic combs with vinyl holders. Attainment’s most basic two-item assembly task. Introduces reach-grasp-retrieval, quality control, & attention to detail. Pre-Voc One. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Comb Set Assembly JS

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B 97035B 97035 Comic Strip Conversations
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gray, Carol
Length: 39 Copyright: 1994
Carol Gray combines stick-figures with "conversation symbols" to illustrate what people say and think during conversations. Showing what people are thinking reinforces that others have independent thoughts―a concept that spectrum children don't intuitively understand. Children can also recognize that, although people say one thing, they may think something quite different―another concept foreign to "concrete-thinking" children. Children can draw their own "comic strips" to show what they are thinking and feeling about events or people. Different colors can represent different states of mind. These deceptively simple comic strips can reveal as well as convey quite a lot of substantive information. The author delves into topics such as: What is a Comic Strip Conversation? The Comic Strip Symbols Dictionary Drawing “small talk" Drawing about a given situation Drawing about an upcoming situation Feelings and COLOR |
Comic Strip Conversations T

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B 90338B 90338 Common Psychological Disorders in Young Children
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bilmes, Jenna
Length: 183 Copyright: 2006
Subtitle: A Handbook for Child Care Professionals. Designed to help early childhood professionals deal with behavioral and mental health issues that may arise with the children in their care. Contains advice on communicating with parents, observing and documenting various behaviors, and the contributing factors that affect mental illness. Chapters deal with: Attachment disturbances; Regulatory disorders; Anxiety disorders; Mood disorders; Attention-deficit and disruptive-behavior disorders; Pervasive developmental disorders; Sleeping, eating, and elimination disorders; and Childhood-onset schizophrenia. |
Common Psychological Disorders in Young Children T
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B 97228B 97228 Common Sense Guide to Your Child's Special Needs: When to Worry, When to Wait, What to Do
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pellegrino, Louis
Length: 380 Copyright: 2012
This book offers research-based guidance for parents with children who may have special needs, including speech and language development, motor skills development, social skills, behavioral control and attention, learning and cognitive development, and more. |
Common Sense Guide to Your Child's Special Needs: When to Worry, When to Wa T

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B 93289B 93289 Common Solutions for the Uncommon Child
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 117 Copyright: 1995
Provides strategies for dealing with 25 different profiles. Book is divided into two sections: K-4 and 5-8 with characteristic behavior of each. Lower elementary includes the active child, withdrawn child, gross and fine motor coordination difficulties, the know-it-all, child with social difficulties, visual difficulties, illness as avoidance technique, child who needs constant attention, auditory difficulties, organization difficulties, etc. Upper elemntary includes those who cannot process directions, easily distracted child, lazy, classroom distractor, slow learner, low self-image, child with poor retention, social butterfly, etc. |
Common Solutions for the Uncommon Child T
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B 95309B 95309 Common-Sense Classroom Management: Techniques for Working With Students With Significant Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lindberg, Jill / Ziegler, Michele Flasch
Length: 129 Copyright: 2009
A guide to classroom management for teachers who work with students with significant disabilities that covers organization, skill building, preparation for transitions, working with support staff, parents, and caregivers, using assistive technology, and creating lesson plans and individualized education programs (IEPs). |
Common-Sense Classroom Management: Techniques for Working With Students Wit T

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KM 12734KM 12734 Community Success Software
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Community Success Software helps students with disabilities including autism, prepare for community outings and greater independence. There are 24 activities detailed, like Riding the Bus,Movie Theater, Laundromat, and Ordering a pizza. Information about each activity is shared through video modeling, photo-based directions, talking stories, and illustrated social behaviors. The questions at the end of each story provide measurable evidence of the student's comprehension. Includes User Guide. IL 7-12. |
Community Success Software JS

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B 94254B 94254 Comprehensive Signed English Dictionary
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 457 Copyright: 1983
Dictionary has over 3,100 signs. The American Manual Alphabet, numbers and sign markers are located in the front for reference. |
Comprehensive Signed English Dictionary T
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KM 12742KM 12742 Computers At Work Software
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Vocational software for long term training of school-to-work students. Computers at Work Software focuses on actual computer skills that prepare users for office jobs. The software includes Order Processing and Data Entry which challenge students to work independently for an hour or more while learning real office procedures. As skills improve, users progress from simple tasks to jobs common in today's workplace entering orders, checking inventories, and determining payment methods. Kit contains a CD/DVD plus Data Entry cards, Order Processing cards, & User's Guide. IL 7-12. |
Computers At Work Software JS

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B 96939B 96939 Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments, Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Steege, Mark W / Watson, T. Steuart
Length: 270 Copyright: 2009
Explaining the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of functional behavioral assessment, this practical and engaging book is packed with real-world tools and examples. Effective procedures are presented for evaluating challenging behavior in K–12 students, organizing assessment data, and using the results to craft individualized behavior support plans. The authors draw on extensive school-based experience to provide sample reports, decision trees, and reproducible checklists and forms—all in a large-size format with lay-flat binding to facilitate photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. |
Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments, Second Edition: T

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DVD 2913DVD 2913 Confident and in Control
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 27 Copyright: 2008
DVD from the series Fitting In and Having Fun, Vol. 3 features real life social situations reenacted by children. Highlights what can be done differently to improve social exchanges. Provides 5 classroom lessons to reinforce skills learned during the DVD. Social situations reviewed: 1.Accidents 2.Being flexible 3.Waiting $. Mixed Messages 5. Resolving Disagreements 6. Asking for Help 7. Joining The Group 8. Controlling Excitement 9. Filtering Comments 10. Common Courtesy 11. Taking Responsibility. Video is geared toward mainstreamed elementary school-aged children. |
Confident and in Control T

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KM 90008KM 90008 Connector Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Pre-Voc Three kit is a moderately complex, multiple turning motion task. It is a five-piece, fine-motor and tool-use task that requires inserting, turning and using a screwdriver. Each industrial cable connector includes a base piece, large nut, plate and two screws. This assembly introduces the use of a hand tool and a screwdriver to assist in the assembly process. Includes 36 connectors, a screwdriver and bins. Also included are step-by-step assembly instructions, performance norms, data sheets and disassembly instructions with norms. The instructions detail many variations for this task. Quality Criteria: Each assembled unit must consist of one base, one nut, one clamp and two screws. The rounded edge of the clamp should face out, sitting against the base. The unit must not rattle when shaken. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Connector Assembly JS

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KM 8554KM 8554 Conners 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Conners, C. Keith
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Conners 3 offers amore thorough assessment of ADHD. It addresses comorbid disorders such as oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. Each parent, teacher, and self-report form is available in full-length and short versions. For ages 6-18. Administration time for the long version is 20 minutes and for the short version is 10 minutes. Key areas measured are: Inattention; Hyperactivity/Impulsivity; Learning Problems; Executive Functioning; Aggression; Peer Relations; Family Relations; and DSM-IV-TR Sympton Scales (ADHD Inattentive, ADHD Hyperative-Impulsive, ADHD Combined, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder). Contents: manual, quick reference card, self-report short and long forms, parent short and long forms, and teacher short and long forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Conners 3 T
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B 96687B 96687 Conscious Parent's Guide to Executive Functioning Disorder: A Mindful Approach for Helping Your child Focus and Learn
Grade Lvl: T Author: Branstetter, Rebecca
Length: 240 Copyright: 2016
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Executive Functioning Disorder shows how to take a relationship-centered approach to parenting as you help improve your child's executive functioning skills: Task initiation; Response inhibition; Focus; Time management; Working memory; Flexibility; Self-regulation; Completing tasks; & Organization. Strategies and advice in this guide help build sustainable bonds, develop positive behaviors, and improve executive functioning skills for life. |
Conscious Parent's Guide to Executive Functioning Disorder: A Mindful Appro T

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KM 90062KM 90062 Container Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A five-item, pre-vocational assembly and packaging task. Provides practice with assembling, inserting, snapping, and packaging. Offers a jig to help complete task with one hand. Pre-Voc Two Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Container Packaging JS

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KM 11256KM 11256 Continents & Countries: Africa
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Literacy Starters are switch accessible computer books designed for students in the middle grades who are reading at beginning levels. This set is based on the age-appropriate topic/theme the African continent. The three books in the set provide three distinct types of text: Conventional, Transitional, and Enrichment. The individual book titles are: Wonders of Africa; I Choose Africa; and Off to Africa. Contents: information card, three different non-fiction picture books, and three visual vocabulary cards. A Start-to-Finish series. |
Continents & Countries: Africa IJ
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B 95923B 95923 Cool Connections with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Encouraging Self-Esteem, Resilience and Well-Being in Children and Young People Using CBT Approaches
Grade Lvl: T Author: Seiler, Laurie
Length: 202 Copyright: 2008
Workbook provides a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach to positively modifying the everyday thoughts and behaviours of children and young people aged 9 to 14. Combining a summary of CBT principles and step-by-step guidelines on how to use the materials appropriately with a mixture of games, handouts, home activities and therapeutic exercises, Cool Connections is designed to encourage resilience and self-esteem and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Tool for professionals working to improve the general wellbeing of children and young people, including psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, social workers, and child and adolescent mental health services, as well as professionals in residential care settings and educational professionals in child/youth services. Fully photocopiable. Reproducible pages. |
Cool Connections with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Encouraging Self-Estee T

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KM 7298KM 7298 Corrective Reading--Comprehension Level A
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Level A: Thinking Basics. Designed for students who have difficulty responding to literal questions and following directions. Program builds oral language. 60 lessons incorporate information from content areas to build general knowledge and develop study skills. Contents: Teacher Materials (includes Placement test), workbooks, and Mastery Test Package (for 5 students). Four-week loan period. |
Corrective Reading--Comprehension Level A IJS
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KM 7299KM 7299 Corrective Reading--Comprehension Level B1
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Level B1: Comprehension Skills. Designed to help students transitionfrom oral comprehension to reading and writing activities. Activities incorporate new vocabulary, increasingly complex sentences, and content-rich applications. 60 lessons. Contents: Teacher Materials (includes Placement test), workbook, Enrichment Blackline Masters, and Mastery Test Package (for 5 students). Four-week loan period. |
Corrective Reading--Comprehension Level B1 IJS

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B 97130B 97130 Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Roman-Lantzy, Christine
Length: 211 Copyright: 2007
The current leading cause of visual impairment among children is not a disease or condition of the eyes, but cortical visual impairment (CVI)-also known as cerebral visual impairment-in which visual dysfunction is caused by damage or injury to the brain. The definition, nature, and treatment of CVI are the focus of great concern and widespread debate, and this complex condition poses challenges to professionals and families seeking to support the growth and development of visually impaired children. On the basis of more than 30 years' experience in working with hundreds of children of all ages with CVI, Christine Roman-Lantzy has developed a set of unique assessment tools and systematic, targeted principles whose use has helped children learn to use their vision more effectively. This one-of-a-kind resource provides readers with both a conceptual framework with which to understand working with CVI and concrete strategies to apply directly in their work. |
Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention KP

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KM 13512KM 13512 COSMO Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
The Cosmo Switch is a unique light-up, multi-color Bluetooth switch for tablets, mobile phones and computers. The Cosmo Switch is highly responsive, making it very easy to activate regardless of your motor abilities. The switch lights up in a variety of colors, making it very engaging and providing visual feedback with every press. The Cosmo Switch provides access to all switch accessible apps or software on iOS, OS X, Chromebooks, Windows and Android devices. Compatible with all Bluetooth LE or newer equipped devices Easy to pair with the correct Cosmo Switch when multiple are present in the same room Easy use with Grid, HelpKidzLearn, SnapCore first, Communicator 5 and almost any AAC software or Switch Accessible Software. |

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B 95505B 95505 Counseling Students in Levels 2 and 3: A PBIS/RTI Guide
Grade Lvl: T Author: Shepard, Jon / Shahidullah, Jeffrey
Length: 248 Copyright: 2013
Provides three counseling approaches that allow for data-based decision making, focusing on levels 2 and 3 of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and RTI frameworks, for counselors to provide responsive counseling services to students in need of support. |
Counseling Students in Levels 2 and 3: A PBIS/RTI Guide T

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KM 90074KM 90074 Coupling Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A moderate level, pre-vocational, three-piece turning task. Provides metal nuts to attach to each base end. Offers practice with assembling and disassembling sets. Pre-Voc Two Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Coupling Assembly JS

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B 97124B 97124 Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dodge, Diane Trister / Rudick, Sherrie
Length: 447 Copyright: 2006
Helps teachers appreciate and find joy in the everyday discoveries that delight a child-the sound a rattle makes; the leaves blowing in circles by the wind; the ball that unexpectedly rolls across a child's path; the ants marching across the pavement. It is a comprehensive curriculum that helps teachers achieve the very best program for children under three. If the interactions children have are nurturing, consistent, and loving, and the experiences they have are appropriately challenging, then infants, toddlers, and twos grow and flourish. In such an environment, children learn to trust and joyfully explore their surroundings, making discoveries and developing a sense of themselves as competent learners and caring human beings. |
Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos Second Edition T

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KM 12112KM 12112 Crossbow Mystery at Yellowstone Park "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stemach, Jerry
Length: 84 Copyright: 2006
Nick Ford & the kids are in Yellowstone National Park to help park rangers trap some fish. But someone is killing elk with a crossbow, so the kids help solve the crime. Introduces the reader to the geography, animal habitat, and thermal features of Yellowstone Park. From the series Nick Ford Mysteries. Start-to-Finish books. Novel Study. Gold title (RL 3).Publisher GR level L. Lexile 370 IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Crossbow Mystery at Yellowstone Park "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12942KM 12942 CST Trackball
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
CST1350 USB-PS/2 Wired Ambidextrous Ergonomic Colorful Trackball. The large, high-density ball and shape of the PC-Trac case act as a natural hand rest that mirrors the contour of the hand. Combined with the special "Ambidextrous" feature, the PC-Trac trackball accommodates both right and left-handed users and hands of all sizes. No need to move your arm or rotate your wrist from side to side. The desktop trackball's ability to dynamically accelerate across the screen as you turn the ball faster! The large precision-ground ball and mirror-finished rollers deliver a smooth feel and effortless control use of an oversized computer mouse. These easy to use, large trackballs are well suited for those with disabilities and physical handicaps. CST also offers "switch adapted" trackball models that allow the use of external switches for persons with motor control disabilities. IL Pres-13. |
CST Trackball KPIJST

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KM 8670KM 8670 CTOPP2 Complete Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Second Edition is an individually administered test used to assess phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming. The CTOPP-2 has four principal uses: (1) to identify individuals who are significantly below their peers in important phonological abilities, (2) to determine strengths and weaknesses among developed phonological processes, (3) to document individuals' progress in phonological processing as a consequence of special intervention programs, and (4) to serve as a measurement device in research studies investigating phonological processing. Testing Time: 40 minutes. Kit includes: Examiner’s Manual, Examiner Record Booklets for ages 4 through 6, Examiner Record Booklets for ages 7 through 24, Picture Book, and 2 CDs. Kit is restricted to Keystone Special Education staff. |
CTOPP2 Complete Kit T
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KM 90001KM 90001 Cube Weighing
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Academic Work Activities kit. (Task #406). Weigh plastic cubes in grams with a digital scale to match printed cards. Three levels of difficulty require varying weight tolerances. Includes 400 plastic cubes in two colors, digital scale, bins, reusable zipper bags, printed cards, bins and instructions. Work tasks. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Cube Weighing JS

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KM 90068KM 90068 Cue Variable Sort
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A hands-on, pre-vocational activity for sorting objects by shape, size, or color. Provides plastic chips in a variety of shapes and colors, in two sizes. Introduces attention to specific details, size discrimination, and shape identification Offers a wide selection of variations to the task. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Cue Variable Sort JS

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KM 11988KM 11988 Dalmatian Chase Switch Adapted Toy
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
Activate an ability switch and watch the Dalmatians chase and race around this exciting slide game. It's great for teaching cause and effect, and to develop object identification and independent play. Size 7 3/4"L x 9"H. Requires Capability Switch and 1 D Battery (INCLUDED). Weight: 1 1/4 lbs. Appropriate for Early Access through adult. Checkout is restricted to K-12 Special Education Teachers and AEA Staff. IL Pres-12. |
Dalmatian Chase Switch Adapted Toy KPIJST

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KM 90003KM 90003 Day Card Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Kit is an academic and pre-vocational task for learning the days of the week through planning and problem solving. The task involves inserting days-of-the-week cards into vinyl pockets based on cue card prompts. Three levels of difficulty progress from basic matching to looking up answers in an illustrated weekly planner to accommodate the various levels of problem solving. Includes question and response cards, weekly planner, 24 vinyl pockets, 12-compartment tray, storage bins and instructions. Kit is part of the Academic Work Activities program. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Day Card Packaging JS

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KM 8117KM 8117 DAYC-2: Developmental Assessment of Young Children
Grade Lvl: T Author: Voress, Judith / Maddox, Taddy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Identifies children birth through age five with possible delays in the domains of cognition, communication, social-emotional development, physical development, and adaptive behavior. The five domains can be assessed independently, so examiners may test only the domains that interest them or test all five domains when a measure of general development is desired. Contents: Examiner's Manual; Adaptive Behavior Domain Scoring Form; Cognitive Domain Scoring Form; Communication Domain Scoring Form; Physical Development Domain Scoring Form; Social-Emotional Domain Scoring Form; Profile-Examiner Summary Sheet; and Early Childhood Development Chart. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
DAYC-2: Developmental Assessment of Young Children T
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B 95119B 95119 Dealing with Difficult Parents (And with Parents in Difficult Situations)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Whitaker, Todd / Fiore, Douglas J.
Length: 198 Copyright: 2001
Offers advice to teachers, principals, and other educators on how to deal with difficult parents and situations, and includes suggestions on how to build positive relationships with challenging parents. Parent-teacher relationship. Home and school. |
Dealing with Difficult Parents (And with Parents in Difficult Situations) T

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KM 12151KM 12151 Death at Jamestown "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Noe
Length: 124 Copyright: 2002
Jeremy Gower describes in his diary just how hard life was in the fledgling village of Jamestown, Virginia in 1610. Kit contains five copies of the book (124 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Blue level (RL 4-5) Lexile 670 Publisher GR level T. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Death at Jamestown "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 11715KM 11715 Decoding Solution: Rime Magic & Fast Success for Struggling Readers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zinke, Sharon
Length: 112 Copyright: 2013
Guide draws together several pivotal onset rime decoding strategies that, for one reason or another, struggling readers often fail to learn, and, yet, need in order to overcome their reading challenges. The strategies work for students of all ages to bring low word recognition skills up to grade level. For use with Grades 1-12. Kit contains the book by Sharon Zinke and DVD that demonstrates the various techniques in action and features ready-to-print word cards for strategy lessons. Also provides answers to frequently asked questions and research that validates the use of the strategies. Word recognition Study and teaching. Reading intervention. |
Decoding Solution: Rime Magic & Fast Success for Struggling Readers T

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B 97036B 97036 Defiant Child: A Parent's Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Riley, Douglas A
Length: 196 Copyright: 1997
A much-needed tool that parents of children with O.D.D. can use to identify the source of this turmoil and take back parental control. Dr. Douglas Riley teaches parents how to recognize the signs, understand the attitudes, and modify the behavior of their oppositional child. |
Defiant Child: A Parent's Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder T

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B 97561B 97561 Defusing Explosive Behavior in Children with ADHD
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lyons, Rose
Length: 205 Copyright: 2023
Subtitle: Peaceful Parenting Strategies to Identify Triggers, Teach Self-Regulation and Create Structure for a Drama-Free Home. Parenting a child diagnosed with ADHD can be overwhelming, frustrating, and even defeating at times. Inside Defusing Explosive Behavior in Children with ADHD, discover: Understanding the causes and types of ADHD to manage family life better, The role of parents when parenting a child with ADHD, The power of positive influence to help your child become the best version of themselves, Emotional regulation through employing the P.E.A.C.E method
Advocating for your child with ADHD. |
Defusing Explosive Behavior in Children with ADHD T

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B 97029B 97029 Demystifying Transition Assessment
Grade Lvl: T Author: Thoma, Colleen A / Tamura, Ronald
Length: 150 Copyright: 2013
Demystify the what, when, why, and how of collecting transition assessment data—and using the results to help students with disabilities prepare for adulthood. |
Demystifying Transition Assessment T

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KM 11257KM 11257 Deserts: Surviving in Sun & Sand
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Literacy Starters are designed for students in the middle grades who are reading at beginning levels. This set is based on the age-appropriate topic/theme desert survival. The three books in the set provide three distinct types of text: Conventional, Transitional, and Enrichment. The individual book titles are: Giants in the Desert; The Desert Ship; and Dead or Alive. Contents: information card,three different non-fiction picture books, and three visual vocabulary cards. A Start-to-Finish series. |
Deserts: Surviving in Sun & Sand IJ
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B 92731B 92731 Designing Personalized Learning for Every Student
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 128 Copyright: 2001
Presents a framework for creating more flexible, creative learning communities that include and are responsive to a range of human diversity. K-12 guide includes: steps for gathering information about students' interests and family life; tools for developing curriculum units, lesson plans, and personalized learning experiences; classroom-based assessment and reporting systems that capture and communicate learning gains; and strategies for engaging families in the curriculum. |
Designing Personalized Learning for Every Student T
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B 95871B 95871 Developing Baseline Communication Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author: Delamain, Catherine / Spring, Jill
Length: 295 Copyright: 2000
Contains a programme of games and activities aimed at fostering personal and social development and promoting language and early literacy skills. Book is divided into three sections- two activity sections (1. Personal and Social Development 2. Language and Literacy) and 3. Activity Resources. At the beginning of each of the two main activity sections there is a contents page listing the five skill areas covered in that section. Each skill area consists of 20 activities divided into four levels (ages 3-5 years). Personal & Social Development skills include turn-taking; body language; awareness of others; confidence & independence; and feelings & emotions. Language and Literacy skills include understanding; listening & attention; speaking; auditory memory; and phonological awareness. Includes games and activities suitable for four- to five-year-olds. Games are graded into level of difficulty for whole classes or smaller groups. Appropriate for regular or special education. |
Developing Baseline Communication Skills T

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B 95582B 95582 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 947 Copyright: 2013
Provides diagnostic criteria and descriptions of a range of mental disorders. |
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5 T

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KM 90075KM 90075 Dice Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A mid-range, pre-vocational, packaging patterns task. Provides dice of three colors, snap boxes, small dowels, and bins. Offers practice with inserting, snapping, and pattern matching skills.Pre-Voc Two Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Dice Packaging JS

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B 94429B 94429 Different Brains, Different Learners (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Jensen, Eric
Length: 189 Copyright: 2010
Subtitle: How to Reach the Hard to Reach. A comprehensive guide to learning impairments that connects the latest brain research with strategies to help teachers identify and cope with the common learning disorders. Oppositional defiant disorder. Learned helplessness. Conduct disorder. Stress disorders. Depression. Pervasive developmental disorders. Learning delayed. Dyscalculia. Central auditory processing disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Dyslexia. |
Different Brains, Different Learners (2nd Edition) T

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B 91951B 91951 Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gregory, Gayle / Chapman, Carolyn
Length: 145 Copyright: 2002
Presents techniques and processes that teachers can use to adjust learning based on individual students' knowledge, skills, experience, preferences, and needs. Topics: learning climate, learning styles, multiple intelligences, assessment tools, adjusting, compacting, grouping, brain-based strategies, centers, projects, problem-based learning, inquiry models, and contracts. |
Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All T
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B 95771B 95771 Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to Reach and Teach All Learners (Updated Anniversary Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Heacox, Diane
Length: 167 Copyright: 2012
This updated edition presents a practical introduction to differentiation and explains how to differentiate instruction in a wide range of settings to provide variety and challenge. Chapters focus on evaluation in a differentiated classroom and how to manage both behavior and work tasks. The book includes connections to Common Core State Standards. Digital content (has link) includes a PowerPoint presentation for professional development, customizable forms from the book, and curriculum maps, workcards, and matrix plans. Reproducible pages. |
Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to Reach and Teac T

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KM 13274KM 13274 Disorders of the Corpus Callosum
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
Contains 2 DVDs and 2 books. #1DVD: ACC Basics: Neuroanatomy, Functions, Cognitive Process” By W. Brown, PhD. presents basic anatomic definitions, as well as research findings regarding the cognitive and psychosocial impact of agenesis of the corpus callosum. #2DVD: “Neurologic Issues in Disorders of the Corpus Callosum” By E. Sherr, MD. includes two lectures entitled: How to get the most from your neurologist’s visit and ACC and other diagnoses. Book#1: In this short story, "ACC and Me", Dexter explains what ACC is and tells the reader how having ACC impacts his life. Book #2: "Emme and Me", 9-year-old Maya shares the story of her family and her life with her older sister, Emme, who has dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. Through the words of this young girl, we get a heartwarming glimpse at the ups and downs of living with a sibling who has a disability. |
Disorders of the Corpus Callosum T

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KM 12738KM 12738 Dollars & Cents Software
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Dollars and Cents features three progressive programs: Counting Coins, Spending Money, and Making Change. All feature clear, realistic graphics and an easy-to-navigate interface. Includes audio for everything clickable. One can personalize each program: select activities, determine which coins and bills are presented, choose U.S. or Canadian currency, and set scanning options. IL 7-12. |
Dollars & Cents Software JS

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KM 9724KM 9724 Dolls with Disabilities & Adaptive Equipment
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1997
Contains teacher's guide and six multi-ethnic dolls with pieces of equipment children may use. Each 16" doll features a soft vinyl body, nylon hair and removable outfit. Includes four girls (Hispanic, White, Asian, Black) and two boys (White and Black); six equipment sets: 1. Guide dog, harness and cane; 2. Protective helmet; 3. Wheelchair; 4. Two leg braces and two forearm crutches; 5. Two hearing aids and two pairs of eyeglasses; and 6. Walker and accessory bag. |
Dolls with Disabilities & Adaptive Equipment KP

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KM 90011KM 90011 Dowel Inspection
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Academic Work Activities kit. (Task #405). For this matching and packaging task, the students match and package painted wood dowels using a quality-control jig. Three lengths (with 1/8-inch tolerance) are acceptable—other sizes are rejects. Includes 84 dowels, six-compartment organizer, meaAttainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. suring jig, bin and instructions. |
Dowel Inspection JS

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B 95195B 95195 Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook: A Guide to Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
Grade Lvl: T Author: Medlen, Joan
Length: 430 Copyright: 2002
Offers advice to parents and professionals on how to promote healthy lifestyles in people with Down syndrome, from infants to adults, discussing early eating and feeding and the connection between nutrition and Down syndrome, providing strategies for teaching healthy choices, and including learning activities. |
Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook: A Guide to Promoting Healthy Lifestyles T
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KM 8977KM 8977 Drug-Affected Demonstrator (Baby)
Grade Lvl: S Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Female baby is an electronic model that exhibits withdrawal tremors and has a high-pitched cry that was recorded from an actual drug-affected infant. Contents: instructor handbook; demonstrator (V 1.2 with tiny limbs and small for its gestational age); cloth diaper; and receiving blanket. Operates using on/off switch (requires 4 AA batteries). Not a simulator. One-week loan period. |
Drug-Affected Demonstrator (Baby) S

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KM 10569KM 10569 Dyscalculia Toolkit
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bird, Ronit
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Subtitle: Supporting Learning Difficulties in Maths. Collection of 200 teaching activities and 40 games covers basic calculations, place value, multiplication, and division. Age range 7-14. Activities and games can be used with individuals, pairs, or small groups. Contents: book and CD-ROM with reproducibles. Two-week loan period. |
Dyscalculia Toolkit T

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B 97529B 97529 Dyslexia Advocate! Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sandman-Hurley, Kelli
Length: 231 Copyright: 2023
A straightforward guide provides the essential information for parents and advocates to understand US law and get the right educational entitlements for a dyslexic child. Using case studies and examples, this book demonstrates clearly how to apply the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to the unique requirements of a dyslexic child. It offers simple, intelligible help for parents on how to coordinate successfully with their child's school and achieve the right services and support for their dyslexic child; up to and beyond getting an effective Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Dyslexia Advocate! Second Edition T

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B 96688B 96688 Dyslexia Advocate!: How to Advocate for a Child with Dyslexia within the Public Education System
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sandman-Hurley, Kelli
Length: 194 Copyright: 2016
Guide provides the information for parents and advocates to understand U.S. law and get the right educational entitlements for a child with dyslexia. Using case studies and examples, this book demonstrates how to apply the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to the unique requirements of a dyslexic child. It offers help for parents on how to coordinate successfully with their child's school and achieve the right services and support for their dyslexic child; up to and beyond getting an effective Individual Education Plan (IEP). |
Dyslexia Advocate!: How to Advocate for a Child with Dyslexia within the Pu T

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B 95578B 95578 Early Intervention Every Day!: Embedding Activities in Daily Routines for Young Children and Their Families
Grade Lvl: T Author: Crawford, Merle / Weber, Barbara
Length: 208 Copyright: 2014
Guidebook provides dozens of ready-to-use, research-based ideas for helping families and caregivers embed learning opportunities in their everyday routines. Section I provides an overview of early intervention, recommended practices related to teams that include parents & other caregivers, and recommended practices related to skill acquisition. Section II details the development of functional skills across six domains of learning. Targets 80 skills in 6 key developmental domains for children birth to three. 1.Behavior Regulation; 2.Cognitive & Receptive Language; 3.Expressive Language; 4.Gross Motor; 5.Fine Motor; 6.Self-care/Adaptive. Section III provides charts for daily routines across domains. |
Early Intervention Every Day!: Embedding Activities in Daily Routines for Y T

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KM 12357KM 12357 Early Literacy Skills Builder ELSB (2 PARTS)
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Program for students with moderate-to-severe disabilities incorporates systematic & direct instruction to teach students in grades K-5. ELSB is a multi-year program with seven distinct levels and ongoing assessments so students progress at their own pace in vocabulary development, comprehension, phonological awareness, alphabetic principles, and print awareness. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. ELSB kit includes teacher manuals, student books, communication overlays, CDs with printable/reproducible resources, DVD for staff training, flashcards, Moe the frog puppet & stories. |
Early Literacy Skills Builder ELSB (2 PARTS) KPI

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KM 9784KM 9784 Early Numeracy Curriculum Preview Kit
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
Preview Kit. Designed to teach elementary students with significant developmental disabilities early math concepts that will lay a strong foundation for further math instruction. It incorporates systematic instruction with story-based lessons. Early Numeracy teaches counting, 1:1 correspondence, patterns, adding sets, measurement skills, and more. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. Includes an extensive set of manipulatives. For special education students in grades K-5. Restricted to special education teachers. |
Early Numeracy Curriculum Preview Kit KPI

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KM 12576KM 12576 Early Reading Skills Builder Preview Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Early Reading Skills Builder™(ERSB) curriculum, based on a research project from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, is a stepping stone for graduates of Attainment’s ELSB Curriculum. ERSB takes students who have mastered early literacy skills to a 2nd grade reading level. It incorporates systematic instruction and ongoing assessments to teach students to read independently. For students with moderate-to-severe intellectual disability and/or autism, including those with complex communication needs. ERSB is a blended curriculum, integrating traditional formats, like books and manipulatives, with software and an iPad app. Print materials, software, and app follow the same scope and sequence and instructional strategies, so moving among formats is easy and effective. ERSB Curriculum has 26 progressive levels with five structured lessons each. Lessons follow an eight-step activity sequence, which includes identifying, blending, and segmenting sounds; decoding words; reading sight words and connected text; and answering comprehension questions. In addition, students use a writing journal to reflect on what they learned in the level. Students progress at their own pace, moving to the next level when they show mastery for three consecutive lessons. Includes Software and iPad App 2 sets of Champion Reader Books (8 total) 4 Champion Writer Books 1 Teacher's Guide 230 Flashcards Dry erase board PDFs on Win/Mac CD |
Early Reading Skills Builder Preview Kit T

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KM 9778KM 9778 Early Science Curriculum Preview Kit
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Uses an inquiry process to teach basic science content to K-5 students with significant developmental disabilities. Units include: The Five Senses, Rocks and Geology, Earth and Sky, The Life Cycle. Students engage in stories, hands-on experiments, vocabulary development, games, and more. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. Includes an extensive set of manipulatives. Restricted to special education teachers. |
Early Science Curriculum Preview Kit KPI

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KM 11258KM 11258 Early Settlers: Changes & Challenges
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Literacy Starters are switch accessible computer books designed for students in the middle grades who are reading at beginning levels. This set is based on the age-appropriate topic/theme Early Settlers: Changes and Challenges. The three books in the set provide three distinct types of text: Conventional, Transitional, and Enrichment. The individual book titles are: When Your Work Is Done; Better Butter; and My Town Long Ago. Contents: information card, three different non-fiction picture books, and three visual vocabulary cards. A Start-to-Finish series. |
Early Settlers: Changes & Challenges IJ
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KM 12124KM 12124 Earthquake! "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin
Length: 116 Copyright: 2006
Kit has five copies of the book by Godwin Chu. The history of earthquakes is brought to life in exciting tales of people surviving famous earthquakes. Includes a fictional story about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Discusses the causes of earthquakes & provides information on what to do in case of an earthquake. From the series Natural Disasters Start-to-Finish Library. Gold title.(RL 2-3) Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Earthquake! "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12118KM 12118 Edgar Allan Poe Collection "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Poe, Edgar Allan / Ganci, Richard
Length: 107 Copyright: 2010
Book has two stories by Edgar Allan Poe retold by Richard Ganci. In The Gold Bug, a man named Legrand gets bitten by a golden bug and then starts getting ideas about becoming rich. The Murders in the Rue Morgue is the story of two men who read a newspaper story about a bloody killing. They find the murderer before the police do. From the series Famous Short Stories Start-to-Finish Library. Gold title. Ten books and 1 audio CD.(RL 2-3) Lexile 370 Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Edgar Allan Poe Collection "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books IJS

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KM 7413KM 7413 Edmark Reading Program Level 1
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
Program provides one-on-one teacher-to-student lessons. Teaches 150 words chosen from Dolch Word List and first-grade readers, as well as regular plural, tense, and gerund endings, capitalization, and punctuation. Process teaches a word, introduces its meaning, provides comprehension practice, and uses the word in the story context. Provides test activities. RL K-gr 1. For use with students with developmental or learning disabilities, Title I, ESL, preschool and kindergarten students who are deaf or lack vocabulary development. Includes complete program (print version) plus supplemental worksheets. Eight-week loan period. |
Edmark Reading Program Level 1 KPI
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B 96160B 96160 Educational Aide/Paraprofessional Training Manual
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 160 Copyright: 1990
Designed to provide local school districts with information in training their educational aides/paraprofessionals in accordance with subrule 12.4(9) and subrule 12.7(1) of the Iowa Standards. |
Educational Aide/Paraprofessional Training Manual T
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B 94291B 94291 Educator's Guide to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ben-Arieh, Josefa
Length: 165 Copyright: 2009
A guide to proven strategies for teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, illustrating how to write a behavior intervention plan; apply behavior analysis; organize the classroom; conduct functional behavior assessments; select visual strategies, tools, and curriculum resources; and more. |
Educator's Guide to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders T

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B 94774B 94774 Effective School Interventions, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rathvon, Natalie
Length: 460 Copyright: 2008
Subtitle: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes. Describes seventy interventions educators may use to deal with problems that sometimes result from the placement of children with mild learning disabilities and behavior problems in the regular classroom. Includes step-by-step instructions for their implementation. |
Effective School Interventions, 2nd Edition T

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B 97231B 97231 Elephant in the Playroom: Ordinary Parents Write Intimately and Honestly About Raising Kids with Special Needs
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brodey, Denise
Length: 235 Copyright: 2008
A collection of personal testimonies from parents across the country who share their experiences raising special needs children and how they have coped with the various challenges of such disorders as ADD and ADHD, Asperger's syndrome and autism, and physical disabilities. |
Elephant in the Playroom: Ordinary Parents Write Intimately and Honestly Ab T

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B 115665B 115665 Emily Included: A True Story
Grade Lvl: PI Author: McDonnell, Kathleen
Length: 126 Copyright: 2011
Tells the story of Emily Eaton, who was born with cerebral palsy, and her family's battle to keep her in regular school with her friends instead of attending a special school for disabled children. Children with disabilities. Inclusive education. IL 3-6. |
Emily Included: A True Story PI

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KM 8632KM 8632 Enderle-Severson Rating Scale
Grade Lvl: T Author: Severson, Susan / Enderle, Jon
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Transition assessment is important to adequately addressing the "needs, preferences, and interests" of learners with disabilities who prepare to exit the educational system to become successful adults in community environments. ESTR Publications provides you with transition assessment instruments for learners with mild disabilities and moderate to severe disabilities to include parent forms for gathering information about learners in nonschool environments. Our manual, Transition Planning in the Schools: Using the Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scales provides a historical background of transition, a chapter on "best practices", instructions on administering the ESTR Scales, instructions on addressing transition through the IEP process, case studies, and reliability and validity information of the ESTR Scales. Contents: manual and three different protocols: ESTR-S, Tan (for learners with severe/multiple impairments); ESTR-J Revised, Lavender (for learners with MILD disabilities); and ESTR-III, Pink (for learners with MORE disability). Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Enderle-Severson Rating Scale T
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B 97022B 97022 Enduring Issues In Special Education: Personal Perspectives
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 478 Copyright: 2015
Enduring Issues in Special Education is aimed at any course in the undergraduate or graduate special education curriculum that is wholly or partly devoted to a critical examination of current issues in special education. The book organizes 28 chapters into seven sections using familiar structuring principles―what, who, where, how, when, why, and whither. Each section begins with an introduction that provides historical, legal, and theoretical background information and organizing commentary for the chapters that follow. The book’s objective, in addition to informing readers about the issues, is to develop critical thinking skills in the context of special education. Key features include the following: Dialectic Format – Each of the 28 chapters presents compelling reasons for addressing the issue at hand and specific ways to do so. Because each issue is written from different perspectives and focuses on a variety of aspects, readers are encouraged to weigh the arguments, seek additional information, and come up with synthesized positions of their own. Organizing Framework – The book’s seven sections have been arranged according to a scheme that is the essence of most investigative reporting and provides a coherent, easy-to-understand framework for readers. Expertise – All chapters are written by leading scholars who are highly regarded experts in their fields and conclude with suggested readings and discussion questions for additional study. |
Enduring Issues In Special Education: Personal Perspectives T

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B 96970B 96970 Engage Every Family: Five Simple Principles
Grade Lvl: T Author: Constantino, Steven
Length: 223 Copyright: 2015
Family engagement increases student achievement but how do schools connect with families who don’t participate yet? Educators can easily become frustrated trying to reach the disconnected and often fall back to engaging the already engaged. Is it possible to win over everyone? Discover how to move beyond theory to change your culture for better family engagement and student achievement. Through practical steps, reflections, and case studies, you will discover and address: How and where family engagement breaks down, and How to create a truly inviting culture for successful community and family partnerships |
Engage Every Family: Five Simple Principles T

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B 96196B 96196 Engaging and Empowering Families in Secondary Transition: A Practitioner's Guide
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 153 Copyright: 2009
Guide includes tools for assessing families' and practitioners' engagement in practices that promote positive post-school outcomes for youth with disabilities. Guide gives schools and agencies planning tools and practical strategies to foster family partnerships in five dimensions: collaborators in the IEP process; instructors in their youth's emergent independence; peer mentors; evaluators and decision-makers; and systems-change agents. |
Engaging and Empowering Families in Secondary Transition: A Practitioner's T

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KM 12597KM 12597 EPACC Phonemic Curriculum (Preview)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
The Explicit Phonemic Alphabetic Connections Curriculum (EPACC) emphasizes fundamental skills that all early readers must master. The curriculum connects sounds in spoken words to letters of the alphabet, systematically and explicitly, to help beginning readers reach skill proficiency benchmarks. EPACC is: a single or multi-year program; taught with systematic and explicit instruction in small groups or one-on-one; presented to students in 20-minute sessions, 4 times a week; for students in RTI 2, grades K-2; for students with mild to moderate developmental or learning disabilities, grade K-6. Components: Implementation Guide & CD; Lesson Designs; Teaching Steps; Staff Training DVD' Letter Cards; Word Cards; Picture Cards; Sentence Strips; Instructional Boards and Game Boards; Board Accessories and Teaching Aids. |
EPACC Phonemic Curriculum (Preview) T

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KM 9560KM 9560 Equals Mathematics (4 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
Equals is real math instruction for students with disabilities. Equals math is the only robust math curriculum for special education students with proven successful outcomes. Explicit instruction with assistive technology. This curriculum provides: •Multi-sensory approach to mathematical learning •Scope and sequence with foundational skills aligned to standards, K-12 •Progression of learning with connected content for continuity of learning •Problem solving focus •Adaptations to think, choose, move, talk, write, and much more •Fidelity success training with continuous teacher support •Vocabulary instruction •Formative, informal, and formal assessments This math curriculum kit is for preview only. There are many manipulative pieces and parts to this kit. Some parts may be missing or no longer available. |
Equals Mathematics (4 Parts) T

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B 97530B 97530 Equitable and Inclusive IEPs for Students with Complex Support Needs: A Roadmap
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ruppar, Andrea L / Kurth, Jennifer
Length: 204 Copyright: 2023
Students who have the most significant support needs are at high risk for exclusion from general education. Unlock access to inclusive education for these learners with this forward-thinking book, a step-by-step guide to person-centered, strengths-based, and meaningful IEPs for K–12 students with complex support needs. |
Equitable and Inclusive IEPs for Students with Complex Support Needs: A Roa T

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KM 13575KM 13575 Essential Element Lesson Plan Binders (Conventional Sets 1-3)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
This kit consists of three binders of the Essential Element Lesson Plan. Each binder has a different grade span focus: Set 1: K-2 Conventional Lesson Plans Set 2: 3-5 Conventional Lesson Plans Set 3: 6-8 Conventional Lesson Plans Determine if your student needs emergent or conventional lessons: Does the student: Know some numbers? Understand that numbers represent quantities? Demonstrate interest and engagement during math activities? Have a means of interaction and communication? Understands sequences in familiar events and/or cause/effect? If all are answered yes, the student will likely be successful with conventional comprehensive math instruction. If any are answered no, the student most likely needs emergent math instruction. This kit is restricted to Special Education Staff who teach Iowa Alternate Assessment and AEA Core Team who support these classrooms. |
Essential Element Lesson Plan Binders (Conventional Sets 1-3) T

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KM 13529KM 13529 Essential Element Lesson Plan Binders: Emergent Set 1; 2; 3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
This kit consists of three binders of Essential Element Lesson Plans. Each binder has a different grade span focus: Binder 1: K-5 Emergent Lesson Plans Binder 2: 6-8 Emergent Lesson Plans Binder 3: 9-12 Emergent Lesson Plans An emergent learner would look like/sound like: -Learning to attend and engage during instructional activities. -Students show emerging awareness of activities and experiences: They may have periods when they appear alert and ready to focus their attention on certain people, events, objects or parts of objects [for example, attending briefly to lights, sounds or patterns of movement], They may give intermittent reactions, [for example, sometimes becoming quiet in response to the vibration of a bubble tube]. (Staves/UK/Ireland) -Beginning to display some joint attention during instructional activities -In the beginning stages of having means of communication and interaction (ex. Requests highly preferred items or may be able to accept/reject) -Does not yet demonstrate recognition or understanding of numbers -Does not yet know concepts of same/different, separate/whole -Beginning to demonstrate understanding of cause and effect -Beginning to anticipate steps in familiar routines. -Beginning to make choices. This kit is restricted to special education teachers who teach Iowa Alternate Assessment and AEA Core Team who support these classrooms. |
Essential Element Lesson Plan Binders: Emergent Set 1; 2; 3 T

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B 96500B 96500 Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mather, Nancy / Wendling, Barbara J.
Length: 396 Copyright: 2011
Provides practical, step-by-step information on accurately identifying, assessing, and using evidence-based interventions with individuals with dyslexia. |
Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention T

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B 97473B 97473 Essentials of Transition Planning, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wehman, Paul
Length: 183 Copyright: 2020
For a smooth transition to adulthood, young people with disabilities need the support, guidance, and planning expertise of a successful collaborative team. All the essentials of transition planning are at your fingertips in this second edition. It is a one-stop guide to helping young people live fulfilling adult lives beyond the classroom. Equally useful as a professional resource and a supplemental text, this how-to guidebook gets transition teams ready to help students with disabilities plan the future they want, pursue employment and/or higher education, and navigate the complex shift to adult life in the community. Renowned expert Paul Wehman and a select group of contributors introduce you to all the fundamentals of transition planning, offering fast facts, vivid examples, realistic case studies, and checklists and tools for putting your plan into action. Expanded and updated with the very latest on new legislation, funding sources, and other timely topics, this reader-friendly resource will help current and future professionals prepare young people to lead successful, self-determined adult lives. |
Essentials of Transition Planning, Second Edition T

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B 97127B 97127 Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency: A Handbook for Working with Young Children with Visual Impairments
Grade Lvl: T Author: Trief, Ellen / Shaw, Rona
Length: 277 Copyright: 2009
Early intervention services are essential for infants and toddlers who are visually impaired and have some functional vision that they will be able to use for everyday activities--not only to ensure their early development but also to help them learn to use their vision with maximum effectiveness, right from the start. Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency offers guiding principles for early intervention with very young children who are visually impaired and who may also have additional disabilities. This important new resource provides simple activities that can be incorporated easily by families and service providers into the everyday routines of a baby or child to facilitate early visual development and use of functional vision. |
Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency: A Handbook for Working wi T

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B 96074B 96074 Everyday Reading: Graphs, Charts, and Forms
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 128 Copyright: 2004
Worktext for grades 6-12 is written at a lower reading level. Covers: bar graphs; pie charts; sports statistics; information maps; size charts; telephone bills; utility bills; forms; information charts; information tables; comparison charts; and stock market reports |
Everyday Reading: Graphs, Charts, and Forms T
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B 96081B 96081 Everyday Reading: Newspaper Awareness
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 128 Copyright: 2004
Worktext for grades 6-12 is written for lower level readers. Covers: comics and political cartoons; headlines; retail ads; want ads; help-wanted ads; weather forecasts; advice columns; letters-to-the-editor; editorials; sports articles; front page articles; and news summaries. |
Everyday Reading: Newspaper Awareness T
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B 96575B 96575 Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Assessment and Intervention 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dawson, Peg / Guare, Richard
Length: 224 Copyright: 2010
Provides empirically based, practical guidelines for assessment and treatment; and includes reproducible assessment tools, checklists, and planning sheets. The book explains how these critical cognitive processes develop and why they play such a key role in children's behavior and school performance. Provided are many practical tools to promote executive skill development by implementing environmental modifications, individualized instruction, coaching, and whole-class interventions. Includes more than two dozen reproducible assessment tools, checklists, and planning sheets. Executive ability. Self-management (Psychology). |
Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Assessme T

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KM 12297KM 12297 Expanding Expression Tool Kit, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Smith, Sara L.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
The Expanding Expression Tool: A Multi-Sensory Approach for Oral and Written Language provides a hands-on, structured approach to describing and defining. EET uses auditory, visual, and tactile information to help students organize information for speaking and writing. EET is color symbol coded. Students learn the code and from this code are able to provide detailed descriptions including the following elements: the category the item belongs to, the function of the item, the appearance, what the item is made of, the parts of the item, and its location. Tool can be used for general descriptions, writing from prior knowledge, autobiographies/biographies, summarizing and more. Use for classroom discussion, small group activities, learning games, demonstrations and hands-on activities. Student age range: preschool through high school students. Kit includes Expanding Expression Tool — mnemonic device; Expanding Expression manual with parent program, writing prompts, and organizers; Object cards for describing; Classroom poster; Dice game; Instructional icons; Writing from prior knowledge, biographies/autobiographies, retelling, and lesson plan prompt cards and steppers. |
Expanding Expression Tool Kit, Second Edition T

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KM 9779KM 9779 Explore American History
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Attainment's American History curriculum is for secondary special education students. Chronological curriculum incorporates social studies tools like maps, timelines, graphs, documents, photos, etc. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. Classroom kit has eight Student Books, Teacher's Manual (with CD), five Tools of History Mats, and Historical Video Clips DVD. Restricted to special education teachers. |
Explore American History IJS
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KM 9776KM 9776 Explore Math
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
A full-year curriculum for high school students participating in alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards. The curriculum includes two sequential Student Books with corresponding Teacher Manuals. Both Student Books focus on functional math concepts like spending money, telling time, keeping a calendar, following maps, reading graphs, and understanding paychecks. Photos illustrate real life situations and give students visual cues to solve math problems. Teacher Manuals are organized as lessons, each with an objective, material list, and step-by step procedure. They also include the Student Book as a PDF. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. For grades 6-12. |
Explore Math JS

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B 95819B 95819 Exploring Feelings: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Manage Anxiety
Grade Lvl: T Author: Attwood, Tony
Length: 79 Copyright: 2004
Provides an overview of cognitive behavior therapy, describes the Exploring Feelings program which allows children to better understand and react to emotions, and includes activity pages to help students deal with anxiety. |
Exploring Feelings: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Manage Anxiety T

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B 95581B 95581 Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children, Revised
Grade Lvl: T Author: Greene, Ross
Length: 314 Copyright: 2010
Advises parents on how to handle children with quick tempers, explaining how to anticipate and lessen the behavior by teaching the child the skills necessary to handle frustration adaptively to become more flexible, socially and emotionally. |
Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frus T

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KM 8170KM 8170 Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test--4
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
The EOWPVT (Fourth Edition) is an individually administered, norm-referenced assessment that tests an individual's ability to match a spoken word with an image of an object, action, or concept. It is standardized for use with individuals ages 2 years through 80+ years. Contents: manual, test plates (190 plates spiral bound) with fold-out easel, and Record Forms. Administration and scoring time is 15-20 minutes. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test--4 T

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KM 13503KM 13503 Eye Gaze Frame
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
The eyes say it all with our popular, inexpensive but highly effective eye gaze communication board. In order to communicate, simply attach messages to the board, observe the user’s eye gaze and receive your message. Eye communication devices work by tracking the user’s eye movement. To communicate effectively, a person uses their gaze to select options positioned on a board. For example, an onlooker might observe a person’s eye movement as they choose between the words “yes” and “no” or between letters to spell a word. Checkout is restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education Consultants all disciplines. |
Eye Gaze Frame T

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KM 12323KM 12323 Face Your Feelings: A Book to Help Children Learn About Feelings
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author: Shapiro, Lawrence
Length: 108 Copyright: 1993
Kit contains two copies of the book, Face Your Feelings (concept developed by Lawrence E. Shapiro). Book has the name of an emotion printed on one page with a sentence that explains the reason for the emotion. The opposite page has a photograph showing the facial expression that demonstrates the emotion. Kit also includes Face It! (c. 1998)-- a deck of 52 cards with two jokers which can be used to play 10 card games to learn about feelings. Instead of suits, the cards are divided into four age groups identified by color: children (green), teens (blue), adults (red), and older adults (gold). Each number represents one of thirteen different feelings. |
Face Your Feelings: A Book to Help Children Learn About Feelings KPIJS

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B 94515B 94515 Families & Positive Behavior Support
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 465 Copyright: 2002
Subtitle: Addressing Problem Behavior in Family Contexts. Shows readers how children of all ages and disabilities can overcome challenging behaviors with the help of positive behavior support. Includes research and theory, practical instructions, and real-life experiences. |
Families & Positive Behavior Support T

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B 94028B 94028 Families, Infants, & Young Children at Risk
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ensher, Gail
Length: 374 Copyright: 2009
Subtitle: Pathways to Best Practice. Provides a comprehensive study on the neurological and psychosocial development of children through age eight, addressing the needs of children with disabilities and the challenges that parents face. Some topics are: Pregnancy, labor, and delivery; Evaluation and care of the neonate; Autism spectrum disorders in young children; Sensory processing disorders; Respiratory distress in newborns; Nutrition and feeding problems; Physical development and impairment; Infection and immunity; Pain management; Cultural diversity; Abuse, neglect; Teen parents; Home and school programs for infants and children with special needs. |
Families, Infants, & Young Children at Risk T

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B 94690B 94690 Families, Professionals, & Exceptionality: Positive Outcomes Through Partnerships and Trust, 5th Ed
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 356 Copyright: 2006
Discusses how members of families and professionals in special and general education and related services personnel can form lasting partnerships. Four families and their professionals share stories and lessons exemplifying effective practices and principles. Includes strategies and resources for teachers. Each chapter includes three features: "My Voice" is a first-person narrative; "Tips" is a how to guide on applying the theory, research, and best practice; and "Advocacy Partners" tells how families and professionals have become partners to advocate and secure positive outcomes for students, families, and professionals. |
Families, Professionals, & Exceptionality: Positive Outcomes Through Partne T
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B 94866B 94866 Family ADHD Solution
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bertin, Mark
Length: 230 Copyright: 2011
Subtitle: A Scientific Approach to Maximizing Your Child's Attention and Minimizing Parental Stress. |
Family ADHD Solution T

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KM 8696KM 8696 FAR: Feifer Assessment of Reading
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Examines the underlying cognitive and linguistic processes that support proficient reading skills. The FAR is a comprehensive assessment of reading and related processes. It is unique in that it helps you determine the examinee's specific subtype of dyslexia to inform decisions about appropriate interventions. Contents of this kit addresses four specific subtypes of dyslexia: dysphonetic dyslexia, surface dyslexia, mixed dyslexia, and reading comprehension deficits. Comprises 15 individual subtests measuring various aspects of vocabulary, phonological awareness, decoding skills, rapid automatic naming, orthographical processing, morphological processing, word memory, reading fluency (word and story; silent and oral), and comprehension skills. Enables users to conduct an item-level skills and error analysis of the examinee's scores on specific subtests and to take a more in-depth look at his or her reading-related behaviors. Can be used for an array of purposes, including general screening of dyslexia, progress monitoring of discrete skills for school systems operating in an RTI paradigm, diagnosis of a learning disability as part of a comprehensive psychological evaluation, and design of a deficit- or skill-specific intervention. A separate screening form is designed to identify children at risk for developmental dyslexia and measure the underlying processes of reading. Age range 5 years to 21 years. Time: 35 minutes for PK; 60 minutes for K-Grade 1; 75 minutes for Grade 2+; 15-20 minutes for Screening Form. Circulation restricted to AEA Core Team only. |
FAR: Feifer Assessment of Reading T

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KM 11841KM 11841 Fast Food/Restaurant Words, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Teaches functional vocabulary necessary for independent community living. For students who have a variety of learning differences and disabilities. Includes 100 words necessary to help students order a meal from a fast food establishment or a restaurant menu. Edmark Functional Words Series kit includes Teacher's Guide, two spiral-bound books with word recognition lessons, five Stories books (each contains 10 stories), Reading & Social Skills Games, 100 Photo Cards, 100 Word Cards, two display masks, and CD-ROM with printable files. Four-week loan period. |
Fast Food/Restaurant Words, 2nd Edition IJS

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KM 10363KM 10363 FASTT (Fast) Math Program Review Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Provides a preview of FASTT math, a math fact fluency intervention program. Program uses the FASTT system (Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology) to help students develop fluency with basic math facts. FASTT Math automatically differentiates instruction based on each student's individual fluency levels in customized, 10 minute daily sessions. Contents: Instructions for Kit sheet; teacher's guide (overview of program); Evaluation CD (product tour, interactive demo); Fact Fluency Foundations Guide (interventions for those who need additional development in number sense and conceptual understanding); Quick Reference Card; Teacher Implementation Guide (provides a reference and hands-on walk through of the program); Program Guide (overview of whole program); Research Foundation Paper; Alignment Guide (response to intervention overview); System Requirements sheet; and Curriculum Focal Points sheet (how program aligns to report). Two-week loan period. |
FASTT (Fast) Math Program Review Kit T
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KM 9799KM 9799 Faucet Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1990
Attainment's most difficult assembly task (Task #211). Pre-Voc Three kit. This task requires assembly of industrial PVC faucets in exact sequence using a screwdriver. Each faucet consists of nine pieces of varying size. The task includes 12 faucets, a screwdriver and all bins. Also included are step-by-step assembly instructions, performance norms, data sheets and disassembly instructions with norms. Quality Criteria: All pieces must be assembled in the correct order and fit snugly, but not so tight that disassembly is difficult. Work tasks. IL 9-12. |
Faucet Assembly JS

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KM 12842KM 12842 FBAAT: Functional Behavior Assessment of Absenteeism and Truancy
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
An assessment and intervention system that will guide you to evidence-based interventions for individual students who are chronically absent or truant. The complete FBAAT System includes: FBAAT Manual; CD of fillable reproducible forms; Five-pack consumable forms; Copy of Absenteeism and Truancy: Interventions and Universal Procedures. Restricted to the following AEA Special Education Staff only: Sector/Asst. Sector Coordinators, Special Education Consultants, School Social Workers, School Psychologists. |
FBAAT: Functional Behavior Assessment of Absenteeism and Truancy T

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KM 12143KM 12143 Fight For Your Life: The Story of Rubin Hurricane Carter "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin
Length: 120 Copyright: 2006
This dramatized telling of one of the most notorious cases of injustice in U.S. history follows the 22-year legal odyssey that Rubin Carter endured before winning his freedom. The story also aims to offer a context for the history of racial tension that permeated the case and American society during the 1960s and ’70s. Kit contains five copies of the book from the Start-to-Finish series Overcoming the Odds: Sports Biographies. Blue Level (RL 4-5) Publisher GR level R. Lexile 850. IL 6-12. Reference kit to use with this is KM 8815. |
Fight For Your Life: The Story of Rubin Hurricane Carter "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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KM 8661KM 8661 First Author Writing Curriculum Classroom Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Comprehensive writing curriculum for students with complex needs is designed to prepare students for the new writing requirements. Teaches the skills necessary for the new alternate assessments including DLM, STAAR, and NCSC. Features explicit Instruction, accommodation tools & strategies, social behavior modeling, and progress monitoring. Components: Curriculum Guide; Instruction Guide; 80 Mini-lessons; Tip Sheets; Assessment Guide (includes standards-based IEP goals); Classroom Posters; Teacher Resource CD with reproducible tools. Kit is restricted to Special Education teachers and AEA 1 staff. |
First Author Writing Curriculum Classroom Kit T

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KM 12367KM 12367 First Author Writing Software (PC Computer)
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
A writing software platform that helps students with complex instructional needs write independently on self-selected and curriculum-tied topics. It does so by guiding students through a three-step writing process: choosing a topic, selecting a picture prompt, and writing with the support of built-in accommodations. A built in data collection system allows teachers to track progress over time for a single student or groups of students. Alternate assessment. Kit includes a PC computer with software loaded. |
First Author Writing Software (PC Computer) KPIJS
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KM 90010KM 90010 Flashlight Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Pre-Voc Three task involves very fine motor control and self-checking quality control This is a complex seven piece assembly requiring inserting, sequencing and turning. Students assemble the flashlight and see if it works. Correctly assembled, the light goes on. Includes 24 pen flashlights with batteries and all bins. Also included are step-by-step assembly instructions, performance norms, data sheets and disassembly instructions with norms. Quality Criteria: Each flashlight must contain all its parts and must light when the clip is pressed (before the plastic sleeve is attached). Complete flashlights must be placed in the single-compartment bin. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Flashlight Assembly JS

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KM 11628KM 11628 Flexible Clamp Mount
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
This mount from Modular Hose will allow you to evaluate different mounting positions and angles to help determine which permanent mount will work best for your student. Great for light weight communication devices including tablets up to 1.5 lbs, multiple switches, platform and more. Heavy duty Velcro or Dual Lock should be used to anchor your device to the plate. Two-week loan period. |
Flexible Clamp Mount T

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KM 12140KM 12140 Flo Jo: The Story of Florence Griffith Joyner "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 100 Copyright: 1999
When Florence Griffith was five years old, she raced against the jackrabbits in the desert. By the time she was 20, she was one of the fastest runners in America. Then, something seemed to go wrong. Florence did not win an Olympic gold medial in 1980 or 1984, but she became the fastest woman in the world at the Olympics in 1988. Kit contains five copies of the book from the Start-to-Finish series Overcoming the Odds: Sports Biographies. Gold Level (RL 2-3) Publisher GR level L. Lexile 540. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Flo Jo: The Story of Florence Griffith Joyner "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12148KM 12148 For Liberty: A Story of the American Revolution "Start-to-Finish" (6 Books)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin
Length: 123 Copyright: 2009
A fictionalized journey through colonial America and the American Revolution. David Brady, a thirteen-year-old boy in Boston during the American Revolution, becomes caught up in the events that eventually lead to freedom from Britain and the birth of a new nation. Kit contains six copies of the book (123 pages), one instructional booklet. From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Blue level (RL 4-5) Lexile 860 Publisher GR level T. IL 6-12. Novel Study. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
For Liberty: A Story of the American Revolution "Start-to-Finish" (6 Books) IJS

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KM 12085KM 12085 Foul Shot "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Jackel, Molly
Length: 112 Copyright: 2006
Mr. Munro, an 11th-grade teacher at Lincoln High, wants Derek Anderson, a basketball star who gets all A's, to talk his former friend, Jamal Wilkins, out of joining the gang. Contains five copies of the novel (112 pages) from the Start-to-Finish series Room 202. Novel Study. Gold Level. (RL 2-3). Lexile 590 IL 6-12.Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. |
Foul Shot "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 90063KM 90063 Four Compartment Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A mid-range, pre-vocational pattern packaging task. Provides practice creating patterned sample boxes with four objects. Requires worker to empty a box and read note within lid for direction Pre-Voc Two. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Four Compartment Packaging JS

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KM 12074KM 12074 Frankenstein "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shelley, Mary
Length: 101 Copyright: 2009
A scientist named Dr. Frankenstein collects the body parts of dead things and used them to build a living creature. But when the creature opens its yellow eyes for the first time, Dr. Frankenstein thinks it is a monster, and he runs away from it. Now the creature must learn about life by itself. As the creature hunts for the man who made him, people are so cruel to him that he really becomes a monster. When he finds Dr. Frankenstein at last, the monster makes him promise to build him a wife. Will there be two monsters now? Kit contains five copies of the book (101 pages)and a Teacher Guide. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Novel Study. Gold level(RL 2-3). Lexile 470. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. |
Frankenstein "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12156KM 12156 Frederick Douglass: A Hero for All Times "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Major, Devorah
Length: 100 Copyright: 2007
Examines the life and achievements of Frederick Douglass, who escaped slavery and become famous for his speeches against slavery and also became a leader of the Underground Railroad. Includes quotations by Douglass. Abolitionists. Antislavery movements. Kit contains five copies of the book (100 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 620 Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. Sp Ed Do Not Weed. |
Frederick Douglass: A Hero for All Times "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 94590B 94590 Freedom from Meltdowns
Grade Lvl: T Author: Thompson, Travis
Length: 288 Copyright: 2008
Subtitle: Dr. Thompson's Solutions for Children with Autism. Guide for parents and professionals is designed to help pinpoint meltdown triggers and prevent them from excalating. Shows how other disordersand health conditions contribute to emotional and behaviorial outbursts. Describes how to use Funtional Behavioral Assessment to uncover behavior patterns and develop interventions. Discusses ways to improve communication skills; to prevent "tantrums" in public places; and to stop self-injurious behavior. |
Freedom from Meltdowns T

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B 94100B 94100 From Gobbledygook to Clearly Written Annual IEP Goals
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bateman, Barbara
Length: 104 Copyright: 2007
Complete title: From Gobbledygook to Clearly Written Annual IEP Goals. Dr. Barbara Bateman takes actual goals, which were poorly written and turns them into productive ones. Shows how to simplify the process by focusing on just four ideas: Observable behavior; Measurable criteria; A given or condition for success; and A final test. |
From Gobbledygook to Clearly Written Annual IEP Goals T

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B 94444B 94444 From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kluth, Paula
Length: 279 Copyright: 2010
Provides instructions and suggestions for one hundred ways to differentiate instruction for students with diverse learning styles in K-12 classrooms, featuring entries with full-color illustrations, a materials list, references and recommended reading, and additional resources. |
From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks T

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KM 9521KM 9521 FrontRow To Go Sound System
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
FrontRow ToGo is the only "all-in-one" sound system with DuO™ Technology. Its precision-large but portable speaker provides even coverage of the entire classroom. Completely portable, plug-in or battery-powered sound system is perfect for P.E. class, the school bus line, the gymnasium, the playground, or anywhere else you need quick and easy voice or media amplification. Its powerful built-in battery lasts 6.5 hours, and at just 6.4kg/12.5lbs, it's easier than ever to clarify your voice in the classroom, cafeteria, gym, or play field. Comes with user guide, carrying case, speaker, body-worn transmitter, handheld transmitter, and transmitter charger. For best results, prior to using consultant should consider a full charge of included devices. Restricted to AEA1 Audiologists. 10 day loan period. |
FrontRow To Go Sound System T

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B 95840B 95840 Fun with Language, Book 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Yardley, Kathleen
Length: 183 Copyright: 1999
Fun with Language helps children ages 4 through 10 listen and express themselves effectively. More than 100 worksheets cover: Spatial Relationships; Opposites; Categorization; Following Directions; Temporal Concepts; Syntax/Morphology; Same/Different; Plurals; Memory; Reasoning Skills; Storytelling; & Describing. Reproducible pages. Speech therapy for children-- exercises. |
Fun with Language, Book 1 T

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B 95842B 95842 Fun with Language, Book 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Yardley, Kathleen
Length: 183 Copyright: 2001
Book 2 is designed to help speech-language pathologists, teachers, & parents to work with young children to improve their ability to listen and to express themselves effectively. Targets many of the language skills that are examined in the most widely used standardized receptive and expressive language tests for young children. Most of the activities use pictures. Contents: Following Directions; Comparing and Describing; Syntax; Understanding and Expressing Emotions; Reasoning Skills; Temporal Concepts; Basic Concepts; & Word Associations. |
Fun with Language, Book 2 T

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B 90818B 90818 Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ysseldyke, James
Length: 93 Copyright: 2002
Subtitle: Creating Successful Learning Environments by James Ysseldyke and Sandra Christenson. Describes how to identify the framework within which students (grades 1-12) learn how to teach to individual strengths, and how to apply appropriate interventions. FAAB includes reproducible Data Collection Forms and supplemental interview questions. |
Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior T
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B 91720B 91720 Games to Enhance Social and Emotional Skills: Sixty-Six Games That Teach Children, Adolescents, and Adults Skills Crucial To Success In Life
Grade Lvl: T Author: Malouff, John
Length: 200 Copyright: 1998
Subtitle: Sixty-Six Games That Teach Children, Adolescents, and Adults Skills Crucial To Success In Life. Includes games that: teach how to identify and talk about emotions; foster self-confidence; foster a positive outlook; foster value clarification; goal setting; teach problem-solving; foster persistence; teach coping methods; and that enhance social skills. Therapeutic games. |
Games to Enhance Social and Emotional Skills: Sixty-Six Games That Teach Ch T
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B 94135B 94135 Genius!: Nurturing the Spirit of the Wild, Odd, and Oppositional Child (Revised Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lynn, George
Length: 271 Copyright: 2006
Guide to nurturing the abilities of children diagnosed with conditions such as autism, Asperger syndrome, AD/HD, bipolar disorder, or Tourette syndrome that offers effective strategies for unlocking the potential genius in these children. |
Genius!: Nurturing the Spirit of the Wild, Odd, and Oppositional Child (Rev T

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KM 10679KM 10679 Geraldine's Blanket Braille-Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Keller, Holly
Length: 0 Copyright: 1993
Includes the braille version of the book by Holly Keller about Geraldine the pig's attachment to her baby blanket. Includes tactile illustrations for the visually impaired. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and piece of blanket. |
Geraldine's Blanket Braille-Story Box KP
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B 116787B 116787 Get Ready for Jetty: My Journal About ADHD and Me
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Kraus, Jeanne R.
Length: 96 Copyright: 2013
Tells the story of Jetty, a girl with ADHD. With the help of her doctor, counselor, teacher, and parents, she is able to overcome her problems at school and with friends. IL 2-4. |
Get Ready for Jetty: My Journal About ADHD and Me PI

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KM 11252KM 11252 Getting Along with People
Grade Lvl: T Author: Haugen, Jamie
Length: 0 Copyright: 1996
Program can be used with one person, a small group, or a classroom. Each short story is two pages and is written to be understood by individuals of varying reading comprehension levels. The readers (one for Home, School, and Work) contain 25 easy-to-read stories to help teach acceptable social skills to teens and young adults with developmental disabilities and learning differences. Workbook sheets show both common positive and negative responses to the situations portrayed. Includes black and white illustrations which serve as a visual teaching tool for people who can't read and for those with limited reading skills. Contents: three instruction guides/answer keys; three readers; and three workbooks. Two-week loan period. |
Getting Along with People T

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B 94706B 94706 Getting the Therapy, Benefits, and Resources Your Child Needs: A Guide for Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury
Grade Lvl: T Author: Console, Richard
Length: 144 Copyright: 2009
Provides information for parents about: Navigating through the insurance system; Getting special education benefits; Knowing your rights to other benefits; Getting rehabilitation and nursing care; Obtaining cutting edge and alternative therapies; and Getting funding for medical equipment. |
Getting the Therapy, Benefits, and Resources Your Child Needs: A Guide for T

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KM 12121KM 12121 Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories by O. Henry "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 104 Copyright: 2005
Book contains stories by O. Henry retold by Noe Venable. The title tale is about a young husband and wife who each gives up their most treasured possessions in order to buy the other a Christmas gift. In another story, The Randsom of Red Chief, two drifters kidnap a young boy who is such a pain that they want to return him. A Retrieved Reformation is about a safecracker who falls in love and decides to give up his life of crime. Also includes The Last Leaf, and The Furnished Room. From the series Famous Short Stories Start-to-Finish Library.Kit contains 10 books and a teacher guide. Blue title (RL 4-5). IL 6-12. Reference kit to also use is KM 8815. Do Not Weed. |
Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories by O. Henry "Start-to-Finish" 10 B IJS

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KM 10684KM 10684 Giggly-Wiggly Snickety-Snick Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Supraner, Robyn
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains braille book (c 1996) by Robyn Supraner that introduces the concept of descriptive words such as hard, soft, rough, smooth, etc. plus objects that are examples of things with those characteristics. For example: feather (tickly), ice bag (cold), felt (soft). Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and various objects for examples. |
Giggly-Wiggly Snickety-Snick Braille--Story Box KP
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KM 11991KM 11991 Go Now Case for iPad
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
GoNow™ Cases (for iPads 2, 3, and 4) have a high-impact exterior and soft plastic interior protect the iPad from the knocks and drops. The built-in handle makes the iPad much easier to carry. The design significantly increases the iPad's audio clarity and volume without the need for batteries. The iPad's audio is channeled through a sound chamber and redirected forward. There's also a switch that controls the iPad's magnetic on/off feature and two pass-through ports for a shoulder strap. Has access to all of the iPad's controls, like the charging dock, camera, volume and headphone jack. |
Go Now Case for iPad KPIJST

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KM 13018KM 13018 Go Talk Button
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
The GoTalk Button records one 10-second message, and the large PLAY button ensures easy use. Because you do the recording, the message can be in any language, dialect or accent! It's compact size (about 2" diameter) makes it easy to slip in your pocket. Or, use the built-in magnet to display on the fridge or any metal surface. Button battery included. Use several Buttons for multi-messages. |
Go Talk Button KPIJST

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KM 10686KM 10686 Gobs of Gum Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wright, Suzette
Length: 0 Copyright: 1991
Contains the braille book by Suzette Wright which has tactile illustrations by Tom Toppe. Contents: Story Box information sheet and book. |
Gobs of Gum Braille--Story Box KP
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DVD 2889DVD 2889 Golden Principles of Explicit Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Archer, Anita
Length: 72 Copyright: 2013
Dr. Anita Archer covers the big ideas in explicit instruction in these short video segments about the Golden Principles of Explicit Instruction. Includes four- to seven-minute video presentations for quick inservice opportunities. Staff can watch a segment, then take 10–15 minutes to discuss the golden principle and how it applies in their classrooms. Contents: Explicit Instruction; Anticipate & Remove; Assumicide; What Your Expect=What You Get; A Quick Review of Teaching;Concepts & Vocabulary; Practice, Practice, Practice; Up on Your Feet; Avoid Voids; Pace of the Lesson; Learning Is Not A Spectator Sport; Passion & Compassion. |
Golden Principles of Explicit Instruction T

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KM 11919KM 11919 Gooshy Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
A squeezable switch. The “Gooshy Switch” is a durable, soft, sparkly pillow with Lights, Vibration, and Music. It has a special control which allows the user to select any or all of the rewards. It can also be used alone as a sensory toy. Size: 10" x 4½" x 2". Weight: 1¼ lb.
A multi-sensory switch appropriate for Early Access through adult. |
Gooshy Switch KPIJST

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KM 12113KM 12113 Graveyard Mystery "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stemach, Jerry
Length: 87 Copyright: 2009
In this story, a cancer research center in St. Louis has asked Nick Ford to find seeds from native grasses in Missouri. His search takes Nick and the kids to a pioneer cemetery where Ken and Jeff learn that someone is digging up old graves. The tombstone of every disturbed grave marks the death of a man in 1862. The mystery story introduces the reader to the geography of Missouri, the Civil War, Mark Twain and his celebrated characters, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. From the series Nick Ford Mysteries. Start-to-Finish books. Novel Study. Gold title (RL 3). Publisher GR level L. Lexile 200 IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Graveyard Mystery "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 94478B 94478 Great Resume, Application, and Interview Skills
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Byers, Ann
Length: 64 Copyright: 2008
Provides practical guidance and tips for the job search process, covering search methods, resumes, applications, and interviewing, and includes an annotated list of further resources. Job hunting. From the series Work Readiness. Follett RL 5.4. |
Great Resume, Application, and Interview Skills ST

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KM 12131KM 12131 Greek Myths I: Zeus and the Mighty Gods of Olympus "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 131 Copyright: 2009
Focuses on the major Greek gods and goddesses who Greeks believed lived on Olympus and ruled over heaven and Earth. Shows how the Greeks used myths to explain the world around them. Chapters: Twelve Golden Thrones; In the Beginning; How Baby Zeus was Saved; Zeus Takes the Throne; The Birth of Athena; How Athens Got Its name; Jealous Hera; Hephaestus Falls; Hermes Gets an Early Start; The Wrath of Artemis; The Kidnapping of Persephone; Dionysus. From the Start-To-Finish series Myths and Legends. Blue Library.Kit contains five copies of the book. Lexile 680 Publisher GR level R. IL 6-12. Blue Level. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Greek Myths I: Zeus and the Mighty Gods of Olympus "Start-to-Finish" 5 Book IJS

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KM 12132KM 12132 Greek Myths II: Heroes, Lovers, and Mortal Man "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 120 Copyright: 2002
Recounts some of the most vivid tales in all of mythology. Whereas Greek Myths I contained tales of the major Greek gods, this book focuses on minor gods and human offspring of the gods. Chapters: The Creation of Mankind; Pandora's Box; Echo & Narcissus; Orpheus & Eurydice; The Minotaur; Ariadne; Icarus & Daedalus; Hercules; The Labors of Hercules; The Eleventh & Twelfth Labors; Death of a Hero. From the Start-To-Finish series Myths and Legends. Blue Library. Kit contains five copies of the book. Publisher GR level R. Lexile 690. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Greek Myths II: Heroes, Lovers, and Mortal Man "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 11842KM 11842 Grocery Words, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Teaches functional vocabulary necessary for independent community living. For students who have a variety of learning differences and disabilities. Includes 100 words necessary to read and write grocery lists and find items in a grocery store. Edmark Functional Words Series kit includes Teacher's Guide, two spiral-bound books with word recognition lessons, five Stories books (each contains 10 stories), Reading & Social Skills Games, 100 Photo Cards, 100 Word Cards, two display masks, and CD-ROM with printable files. Four-week loan period. |
Grocery Words, 2nd Edition IJS

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B 95523B 95523 Gross Motor Skills for Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Winders, Patricia
Length: 521 Copyright: 2014
The author explains the many physiological reasons that children with Down syndrome experience delays in their gross motor development and presents a physical therapy treatment plan from birth to age 6. Over 200 photos accompany step-by-step instructions to help readers assess a child's gross motor readiness and teach skills for head control, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, using stairs, running, kicking, jumping, and riding a tricycle. Includes info on transitioning from trikes to bikes, tips to address problems such as flat feet, and tendencies to watch for that can thwart development. |
Gross Motor Skills for Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and T

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B 95605B 95605 Growing Up on the Spectrum: A Guide to Life, Love, and Learning for Teens and Young Adults with Autism and Asperger's
Grade Lvl: T Author: Koegel, Lynn Kern / LaZebnik, Claire
Length: 389 Copyright: 2009
Examines ways to improve living for teenagers and young adults that have been diagnosed with Autism and Asperger's syndrome; and discusses personal and romantic relationships, studying and education through college, daily life, and other related topics. |
Growing Up on the Spectrum: A Guide to Life, Love, and Learning for Teens a T

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KM 11921KM 11921 Gumball Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
A mechanical switch with a 2½ inch activation surface recommended for students who can access a smaller target area. Provides tactile and audible feedback. Base has three holes for easy mounting. Mounting plate is removable. Comes with one clear plastic cover with a lip. Size: 3¼"Base x ¾"High. Weight: ¼ lb. Alternate Access. Switch toy. Appropriate for Early Access through adult. |
Gumball Switch KPIJST

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KM 12080KM 12080 Hamlet: Prince of Denmark "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shakespeare, William / Bergez, John
Length: 112 Copyright: 2008
A narrative retelling of Shakespeare's play. Set in medieval Denmark, tells the story of a young prince who is caught between a seeming obligation to avenge the murder of his beloved father and the doubts and questions of his own conscience. Kit contains five copies of the book (112 pages) by John Bergez. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Blue level (RL 4-5). Publisher GR level Q. Lexile 600 IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Hamlet: Prince of Denmark "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 96860B 96860 Handbook of Preschool Mental Health: Development, Disorders, and Treatment, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 416 Copyright: 2017
Researchers examine how behavioral and emotional problems emerge and can be treated effectively during this period of rapid developmental and brain changes. Part I provides an overview of risk and resilience factors. Part II presents information about the disorders most frequently encountered in young children, including their classification, prevalence, clinical presentation, course, assessment, and treatments. Coverage encompasses: oppositional defiant disorder & conduct disorder, ADD/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, autism spectrum disorder, attachment disorders, & sleep disorders. |
Handbook of Preschool Mental Health: Development, Disorders, and Treatment, T

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B 96622B 96622 Handbook of Reading Interventions
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 436 Copyright: 2011
Handbook presents evidence-based approaches for helping struggling readers and those at risk for literacy difficulties or delays. Leading experts explain how research on all aspects of literacy translates into innovative classroom practices. Chapters include descriptions of effective interventions for word recognition, spelling, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing, complete with concrete examples and teaching scripts. Coverage also encompasses preschool literacy instruction and interventions for older readers, English language learners, and students with learning disabilities, as well as peer-mediated and tutoring approaches. Edited by Rollanda E. O'Connor and Patricia F.Vadasy. |
Handbook of Reading Interventions T

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B 92678B 92678 Hands-On Reading: Classroom Classics
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kelly, Jane
Length: 326 Copyright: 1999
Activity book by Jane Kelly and Teresa Friend contains reproducible instructional activities to share popular children's literature with young special needs students. Titles: We're Going on a Bear Hunt; Put Me in the Zoo; I Like Me!; The Runaway Bunny; The Little Red Hen; Down by the Bay; It Looked Like Spilt Milk; Caps for Sale; Wheels on the Bus; Happy Birthday, Moon; From Head to Toe; In a People House; Mrs. Wishy-Washy; and The Rainbow Fish. Augmentative communication strategies, displays, and signs are also provided to increase the participation of all students. Each literature selection includes a plot summary, vocabulary, and activities (art, cooking, music, etc). Provides augmentative-communication device overlays (story-time overlays). Literacy activities include make-and-take books, sequence books, and cut-and-paste picture pages. PCS sign language symbols are provide at the end of each unit. Speech and language impairments. |
Hands-On Reading: Classroom Classics T
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KM 10565KM 10565 Handwriting Without Tears--Cursive Kit
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Olsen, Jan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Handwriting curriculum kit contents: 3rd Grade Cursive Teacher's Guide: Guide to Multisensory Lessons and Activities; 3rd Grade Workbook (Cursive Handwriting); 4th Grade Cursive Teacher's Guide; 4th Grade Workbook (Cursive Success); two 5th Grade Workbooks (Can-Do Print and Can-Do Cursive); and blackboard with double lines. |
Handwriting Without Tears--Cursive Kit PI
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KM 10566KM 10566 Handwriting Without Tears--Manuscript Kit
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Olsen, Jan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Handwriting curriculum kit contents: Kindergarten Teacher's Guide: Guide to Multisensory Lessons and Activities; Kindergarten Workbook (Letters and Numbers for Me); 1st Grade Printing Teacher's Guide; 1st Grade Workbook (My Printing Book; 2nd Grade Printing Teacher's Guide; 2nd Grade Workbooks (Printing Power and Kick Start Cursive); laminated letter cards with instruction cards; blackboard with double lines; slate chalkboard; audio CD (Rock, Rap, Tap and Learn); and set of capital letter wood pieces (eight big lines, six little lines, six big curves, six little curves made of sanded Baltic birch). |
Handwriting Without Tears--Manuscript Kit KP
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KM 6560KM 6560 Handwriting Without Tears--Manuscript Wood Pieces
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Olsen, Jan
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Handwriting Without Tears, a handwriting curriculum, is a multi-sensory developmentally-based program developed by Jan Z. Olsen. Contains a set of capital letter wood pieces (eight big lines, six little lines, six big curves, six little curves made of sanded Baltic birch); Roll-a-Dough Letters; Stamp and See Screen; slate chalkboard; lyric booklet and audio CD: Rock, Rap, Tap and Learn; Pre-K teacher's guide; and Pre-K workbook. |
Handwriting Without Tears--Manuscript Wood Pieces KP
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KM 12149KM 12149 Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 91 Copyright: 2009
Examines the life of Harriet Tubman, who escaped to the North at about the age of 29 and who returned to the South several times to lead hundreds of slaves to freedom and discusses her work during the Civil War as a spy for the Union army. Kit contains six copies of the book (91 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History Gold level (RL 2-3) Publisher GR level L. Lexile 660 IL 6-12. |
Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books IJS

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B 92143B 92143 Help for the Struggling Student
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gold, Mimi
Length: 306 Copyright: 2003
Subtitle: Ready-To-Use Strategies and Lessons To Build Attention, Memory, and Organizational Skills. The strategies and solutions are presented in a pictorial format. Presenting a pictograph of a solution prior to instructing a student about it, improves understanding and reduces the need for excessive words in the instruction. Memory-Enhancing Strategies include verbal-learner, visual-learner, paired-memory-learner, and multimodality-learner strategies. Organizational-Enhancing strategies include reading, math, and written-language strategies. |
Help for the Struggling Student T
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B 96514B 96514 Helping Children with Selective Mutism and Their Parents: A Guide for School-Based Professionals 1st Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kearney, Christopher
Length: 160 Copyright: 2010
Provides information about selective mutism, and offers methods for determining the form and function of a child's chronically mute behavior as well as evidence-based strategies for enhancing a child's verbal participation at school. Selective mutism, or refusal or unwillingness to speak in certain situations or settings, poses a particular challenge to educators and other school-based professionals. In many cases, school personnel are on the front lines of assessment and treatment for these children and must help them succeed in an academic setting. Provides evidence-based strategies to enhance a child's verbal participation at school and in other social and academic activities. The chapters provide advice for working collaboratively with parents, preventing relapse, and tackling special issues. |
Helping Children with Selective Mutism and Their Parents: A Guide for Schoo T

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B 95167B 95167 Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger: A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Larson, Jim / Lochman, John E.
Length: 222 Copyright: 2011
Provides an introduction to the Anger Coping Program which offers guidelines for educators on how to intervene effectively with angry, aggressive children in grades three to six in the school setting, and includes reproducible handouts, forms, and parent letters. Aggression psychology. Oppositional defiant disorder in children-- treatment. Child Psychology methods. Cognitive Therapy methods. School Health Services. |
Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger: A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention T

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B 97128B 97128 Helping Your Child with Selective Mutism: Practical Steps to Overcome a Fear of Speaking
Grade Lvl: T Author: McHolm, Angela E / Cunningham, Charles E
Length: 171 Copyright: 2005
Often described as "social phobia's cousin" and misdiagnosed as autism, selective mutism is a debilitating fear of speaking in some situations experienced by some children. The disorder usually presents in children before the age of five, but it may not be recognized until the child starts school. When requested to speak, children with selective mutism often look down, blush, or otherwise express anxiety that disrupts their engagement with people and activities. Selective mutism is related to social anxiety and social phobia, and more than 90 percent of children with selective mutism also manifest symptoms of one of these problems. This book is the first available for parents of children with selective mutism. It offers a broad overview of the condition and reviews the diagnostic criteria for the disorder. The book details a plan you can use to coordinate professional treatment of your child's disorder. It also explains the steps you can take on your own to encourage your child to speak comfortably in school and in his or her peer group. All of the book's strategies employ a gradual, "stepladder" approach. The techniques gently encourage children to speak more, while at the same time helping them feel safe and supported. |
Helping Your Child with Selective Mutism: Practical Steps to Overcome a Fea T

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B 93020B 93020 Hidden Curriculum
Grade Lvl: T Author: Myles, Brenda
Length: 76 Copyright: 2004
Subtitle: Practical Solutions for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations by Brenda Smith Myles, Melissa L. Trautman, and Ronda L. Schelvan. Designed to help those who have social-cognitive learning disabilities (includes autism, Asperger Syndrome, ADD, semantic pragmatic disorder, hyperlexia, Tourette's Syndrome, sensory integration disorder) make sense of and adjust socially to the sensitive and unstated rules and emotions in everyday environments. The hidden curriculum contains items that impact social interactions, school performance, and sometimes safety. Contains an extensive list of hidden curriculum items and covers body language (gestures, facial features, body posture). Clarifies the social code, cues, and mores that are invisible to those who have an autistic spectrum disorder and others' with social-cognitive disorders. |
Hidden Curriculum T

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B 97330B 97330 High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: The Final Report of the HLP Writing Team
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 135 Copyright: 2017
Special education teachers, as a significant segment of the teaching profession, came into their own with the passage of Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, in 1975. Since then, although the number of special education teachers has grown substantially it has not kept pace with the demand for their services and expertise. The roles and practice of special education teachers have continuously evolved as the complexity of struggling learners unfolded, along with the quest for how best to serve and improve outcomes for this diverse group of students. High-Leverage Practices in Special Education defines the activities that all special educators needed to be able to use in their classrooms, from Day One. HLPs are organized around four aspects of practice collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral practices, and instruction because special education teachers enact practices in these areas in integrated and reciprocal ways. The HLP Writing Team is a collaborative effort of the Council for Exceptional Children, its Teacher Education Division, and the CEEDAR Center; its members include practitioners, scholars, researchers, teacher preparation faculty, and education advocates. |
High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: The Final Report of the HLP W T

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KM 90072KM 90072 Highlight Pen Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A pre-vocational activity for color discrimination, sorting, and packaging. Provides four colors of highlighters to sort, pattern, insert, and package. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Highlight Pen Packaging JS

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KM 8177KM 8177 Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hodson, Barbara Williams
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
HAPP-3 (formerly the APP-R) is a standardized test that is norm-referenced (normative data provided for ages 3-8) and also criterion-referenced. Designed for children (ages 2 and up) with highly unintelligible speech. Testing time is 15-20 minutes (comprehensive) and 2-5 minutes (screening). Objects and a few picture are used to elicit 50 stimulus words. Contents: Examiner's Manual; Multisyllabic Word Screening picture sheet; 13 Picture Cards; manipulative objects; Comprehensive Phonological Evaluation Record Forms; Multisylalbic Word Screening Record Forms; Preschool Phonological Screening Record Forms; Substitutions and Other Strategies Analysis Forms; and Major Phonological Deviations Analysis Forms. Phonology and articulation. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns-3 T
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KM 12086KM 12086 Home Sweet Home? "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Jackel, Molly
Length: 108 Copyright: 2006
Mr. Munro, an 11th-grade teacher at Lincoln High, thinks that two of his homeroom students who are not friends can help each other. Carmen Gonzales is a Mexican-American who lives in the projects, has two jobs, and is failing English class. Her family might be moving away forever. Carmen has to decide whether to go with her family, or stay and graduate from Lincoln High. Ashley Davis is a rich, smart cheerleader who gets straight A’s, but she is falling asleep in class & missing cheerleading practice. Contains five copies of the novel (108 pages) from the Start-to-Finish series Room 202. Novel Study. Blue title. Lexile 650. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Home Sweet Home? "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12445KM 12445 Hook+ Switch Interface
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Hook+ is an Apple MFi approved switch interface that provides a reliable wired connection to the iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch via the Lightning connector. To get started, simply connect one to four switches to Hook+, turn Switch Control on, and connect Hook+ to an iDevice. Connect individual switches via 3.5-mm/1/8-in switch jacks. With iOS 9, you are able to program two unique commands per switch for a total of eight different switch commands. NOTE: Hook+ is not compatible with apps that use keystrokes for switch clicks. Hook+ uses Apple’s proprietary HID Assistive Switch Control protocol for switch clicks and is compatible with Switch Control found in iOS 7 or later. Switch will not work with iPads/iPods etc. that have the original 30 pin connectors, it only works with iPads/iPods etc. that have the current lightening connector. |
Hook+ Switch Interface KPIJST

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KM 90076KM 90076 Hose Nozzle Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A moderate level, pre-vocational, three-piece turning task. Teaches simultaneously turning and assembling. Offers practice with assembling, inserting sets, and disassembling. Pre-Voc Two Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Hose Nozzle Assembly JS

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KM 12851KM 12851 How Do I Teach This Kid to Read?: Teaching Literacy Skills to Young Children with Autism, from Phonics to Fluency
Grade Lvl: T Author: Henry, Kimberly A
Length: 97 Copyright: 2010
This book utilizes the strengths of children with ASD to help them develop new skills. Tasks are visually oriented and consistent, and expectations are clear. Children learn motor, matching, sorting, reading, writing, and math skills using easy-to-make “task boxes.” Tasks include pushing items through small openings (children love the “resistance” it takes to push them through), matching simple, identical pictures or words, sorting objects by color, size, or shape, and more! Ideas are plentiful, materials colorful, and children love the repetitive nature of the “tasks,” which help them learn to work independently! Sample data sheets are included. Book and CD. |
How Do I Teach This Kid to Read?: Teaching Literacy Skills to Young Childre T

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B 94773B 94773 How Does Your Engine Run?: A Leader's Guide to the Alert Program for Self-Regulation
Grade Lvl: T Author: Williams, Mary / Shellenberger, Sherry
Length: 130 Copyright: 1996
Guide introduces the program to occupational therapists, parents, teachers, and other professionals. AP promotes awareness of how arousal states are regulated and encourages the use of sensorimotor strategies to manage the levels of alertness. Program was designed for use with chilren 8-12, but book includes a chapter on adapting the program for all ages. Provides a list of activities and clinical stories. Includes all worksheets, charts, and pictures needed for the program with permission to copy for educational use. |
How Does Your Engine Run?: A Leader's Guide to the Alert Program for Self-R T

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B 91734B 91734 How the Special Needs Brain Learns, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sousa, David
Length: 232 Copyright: 2007
Presents information on how the brain processes information and how to use that knowledge to help students with learning disabilities. Discusses strategies for students challenged by ADHD/ADD, speech disabilitites, reading disabilities, writing disabilities, math disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, autism, and Asperger's Syndrome. |
How the Special Needs Brain Learns, 2nd Edition T

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B 91558B 91558 How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tomlinson, Carol
Length: 117 Copyright: 2001
Provides guidance for teachers who want to create learning environments that address the diversity typical of mixed-ability classrooms. Presents strategies that address a variety of learning profiles, interests, and readiness levels. Strategies include curriculum compacting, "sidebar" investigations, entry points, graphic organizers, contracts, and portfolios. Mixed ability grouping. |
How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms (2nd Edition) T
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KM 8625KM 8625 How to Excel at Verbal Intervention
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1996
Presents strategies to develop verbal intervention skills for safely managing challenging behavior. These techniques can be applied any time someone in your charge is noncomplicant or confrontational. Teaches the ways to assess the level of potential danger in any situation and how to manage behavior without breaking the bond with clients. Contents: leader's guide for the video training program; ten participant workbooks; and 50-minute DVD. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA CPI staff. Two-week loan period. |
How to Excel at Verbal Intervention T
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B 94521B 94521 How to Handle the Hard-to-Handle Student, K-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Applebaum, Maryln
Length: 119 Copyright: 2009
Offers teachers of kindergarten through fifth grade more than one hundred effective strategies for helping hard-to-handle students find success and independence in the classroom. ADHD. Asperger syndrome. Learning disabilites. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).Bullying. Anger. Bipolar disorder. Tourette syndrome. Autism. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Disruptive behavior. |
How to Handle the Hard-to-Handle Student, K-5 T

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B 91994B 91994 How to Reach & Teach Children & Teens with Dyslexia
Grade Lvl: T Author: Stowe, Cynthia
Length: 337 Copyright: 2000
Resource for parents and teachers describes characteristics of this learning style and issues associated with it. Discusses diagnostic testing, special education services, intervention, instruction (reading, spelling, writing, math, etc), life skills, transitions, tips for parents, and talents. Includes reproducible activity sheets. |
How to Reach & Teach Children & Teens with Dyslexia T

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B 99054B 99054 How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children (2nd Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rief, Sandra
Length: 439 Copyright: 2005
Offers pratical techniques, strategies, and interventions designed to help teachers in grades K-12 reach out to their students with Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. |
How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children (2nd Ed) T

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KM 12125KM 12125 Hurricane! "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 112 Copyright: 2001
In learning about hurricanes, readers will also learn the basic ideas about how all weather is created. Describes some hurricanes/typhoons from the time of Kubla Khan to Hurricane Andrew in Florida in 1992. Kit contains five copies of the book (110 pages) From the series Natural Disasters Start-to-Finish Library. Gold title.(RL 2-3) Publisher GR level M. Lexile 590. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Hurricane! "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12155KM 12155 I Am Vallejo! "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Garcia-Alvarado, Belen / Venable, Alan
Length: 92 Copyright: 2000
Fictionalized autobiography presents an overview of the life of Mariano Vallejo, who kept peace between the Americans and Spanish Californians as California became a state. He lived in California in the early 1800's, when California was still part of Mexico and Mexico belonged to Spain, Vallejo became a commander in the Mexican army. He built the town of Sonoma and he helped many people to settle there. In 1846, Americans took over California. Mariano Vallejo kept peace between the Americans and the Mexicans as California joined the United States. Kit contains five copies of the book (92 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 420. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
I Am Vallejo! "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 107552B 107552 I Can, Can You?
Grade Lvl: K Author: Pitzer, Marjorie
Length: 14 Copyright: 2004
Presents color photos of babies and toddlers with Down's syndrome and describes what each is doing in simple text, such as playing with blocks and swimming. Board book. Down Syndrome. Follett RL 1.6. |
I Can, Can You? K
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KM 12249KM 12249 I Can't Do That!: My Social Stories to Help with Communication, Self-Care and Personal Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ling, John
Length: 92 Copyright: 2006
Discusses how social stories can be used to help children with social communication difficulties and includes thirty stories, instructional tips, and advice on writing original stories. Kit contains a book and CD-ROM |
I Can't Do That!: My Social Stories to Help with Communication, Self-Care a T

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B 107564B 107564 I Can't Stop! A Story About Tourette Syndrome
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Niner, Holly
Length: 32 Copyright: 2005
A boy is diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and learns about constructive ways he can manage his condition. Includes nonfiction information from a physician. Neurologic disorders. Tics (motor and phonic). AR 3.2. Follett RL 3.6. |
I Can't Stop! A Story About Tourette Syndrome KPI
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B 95575B 95575 I Hate to Write
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boucher, Cheryl
Length: 175 Copyright: 2013
Offers teaching strategies, activities, and workbook pages designed to help students with autism and related disorders improve their writing skills. Provides templates for writing book reports, research papers, and letters. Reproducible pages. |
I Hate to Write T

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KM 12159KM 12159 I Have a Dream: The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Metzgar, Eric
Length: 91 Copyright: 2009
A brief biography of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as if King is telling the story in his own voice, beginning in his childhood, and continuing to the day before his death in Memphis, Tennessee. Fictionalized autobiography. Kit contains five copies of the book (91 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 730. Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
I Have a Dream: The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. "Start-to-Finish" 5 Boo IJS

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B 119351B 119351 I Like Birthdays... It's the Parties I'm Not Sure About
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Renke, Laurie
Length: 44 Copyright: 2005
A boy tells what he likes and doesn't like about birthday parties. Describes children who are bothered by the loud "Pop!" of a balloon, or don't like party games, the feel of party hats, crowds of noisy children, etc. Book written from the child's perspective, shows how overwhelming birthday parties can be. The reader will learn to understand what a child's actions are really saying and learn about sensory processing disorder through the eyes of a child. Sensory integration dysfunction (DSI). IL K-3. |
I Like Birthdays... It's the Parties I'm Not Sure About KP

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KM 13268KM 13268 I-CASE 2020 Hybrid Conference
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
USB Drive containing the I-CASE (Council of Administrators of Special Education) 2020 Hybrid Conference. Sessions include: Happy Kids Don't Punch You in the Face: Guide to Eliminating Aggressive Behavior in Schools: Pt 1, 2, 3, and 4, IEP Zen: Peace in the IEP Process, Leading with Heart: Compassionate Leadership in the Age of Restorative Discipline, and What's Been Happening in Special Education Law - A Year in Review. |
I-CASE 2020 Hybrid Conference T

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KM 10687KM 10687 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Numeroff, Laura
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains a braille version of the book by Laura Joffe Numeroff and various objects mentioned int he story for the listener to feel/interact with as the story is being read. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and various objects mentioned in the book. |
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Braille--Story Box KP

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KM 8226KM 8226 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Braille-Print
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Numeroff, Laura
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Literacy bag is designed for use with blind/visually impaired students. Contents: print/Braille copy of the book by Laura Joffe Numeroff, book on cassette tape, and storytelling props for children to interact with when they listen to the story (all stored in a cloth bag). |
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Braille-Print KP

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KM 10690KM 10690 If You Take a Mouse to School Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Numeroff, Laura
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains braille version of book by Laura Joffe Numeroff about a boy who describes the mischief a mouse could get into if he came along to school for the day. Includes objects that the visually impaired reader/listener can feel (lunch box, bell, mouse, etc). Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and various objects that go along with the story. |
If You Take a Mouse to School Braille--Story Box KP
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B 94863B 94863 If Your Adolescent Has an Anxiety Disorder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Foa, Edna B. / Wasmer Andrews, Linda
Length: 227 Copyright: 2006
Subtitle: An Essential Resource for Parents by. Offers information and advice to parents of teens who have anxiety disorders, explaining what anxiety disorders are and where they come from, looking at different types of anxiety disorders, discussing treatment and recovery, and including personal stories, diagnostic criteria, and further reading and resources. Social anxiety disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder. Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD). Post-traumatic stress disorder. |
If Your Adolescent Has an Anxiety Disorder T
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KM 12193KM 12193 Implementing Ongoing Transitions Plans for the IEP: A Student-Driven Approach to IDEA Mandates
Grade Lvl: T Author: McPartland, Pat
Length: 134 Copyright: 2005
This text uses a student-driven approach to fulfill IDEA mandates. It presents a comprehensive program for graduation-track special education students. It focuses on the seven areas mandated by IDEA: Functional assessment, daily living skills, post-school adult living, employment, community experiences, related services and instructions. Each area has a sequence of skills and behaviors written as objectives that teachers, parents and students review for inclusion in the IEP. A ready-to-go, yet easy to personalize pre-IEP assessment starts the process. Book has reproducible pages. Includes a CD with printable pdf. |
Implementing Ongoing Transitions Plans for the IEP: A Student-Driven Approa T

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B 127740B 127740 Inaugural Baller: The True Story of the First US Women's Olympic Basketball Team
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Maraniss, Andrew
Length: 344 Copyright: 2022
The inspirational true story of the birth of women's Olympic basketball at the 1976 Summer Games and the ragtag team that put United States women's basketball on the map. Narrative nonfiction. Basketball history. Olympic athletes. Olympic Games, 1976. IL 7-12. Lexile 1240. |
Inaugural Baller: The True Story of the First US Women's Olympic Basketball JS

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B 97607B 97607 Inclusion Strategies and Interventions (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Karten, Toby J
Length: 284 Copyright: 2021
Subtitle: A user-friendly guide to instructional strategies that create an inclusive classroom for diverse learners. In a world filled with diverse students, inclusive education is more important than ever. Rely on the second edition of this user-friendly guide to help you provide a strong learning path for all students in your classroom, with a focus on special needs. The resource includes powerful new strategies, updated best practices, and the latest research to propel your efforts in cultivating inclusive classrooms. |
Inclusion Strategies and Interventions (2nd Edition) T

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B 96867B 96867 Inclusion Toolbox: Strategies and Techniques for All Teachers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kurth, Jennifer A / Gross, Megan
Length: 256 Copyright: 2015
Contains strategies, plans, tools, and techniques for inclusive education for classes with special needs students. Features materials relevant to all stages of implementation, a resource that combines research-based strategies and practical tools to help one design and implement an inclusive education program. |
Inclusion Toolbox: Strategies and Techniques for All Teachers T

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B 95744B 95744 Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide for All Educators Who Teach Students With Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hammeken, Peggy
Length: 192 Copyright: 2000
Covers various areas of inclusive education, from program implementation to working with colleagues, and includes hundreds of practical, teacher-tested adaptations and modifications, plus reproducible forms. |
Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide for All Educators T

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B 94037B 94037 Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schiller, Pam
Length: 304 Copyright: 2008
Collection of lessons featuring learning objectives, literacy activities, extension activities, daily reflections, and vocabulary lists designed to help preschool teachers create a lesson plan suitable for students with special needs. Chapters: Listening; Oral Language Development; Phonological Awareness; Letter Knowledge and Recognition; Print Awareness; and Comprehension. For each lesson, adaptations are given for children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive challenges, motor delays, speech/language delays. Authors: Pam Schiller and Clarissa Willis. |
Inclusive Literacy Lessons for Early Childhood T
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B 96640B 96640 Incredible 5 Point Scale: Assisting Students in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling their Emotional Responses
Grade Lvl: T Author: Buron, Kari Dunn / Curtis, Mitzi
Length: 97 Copyright: 2012
The second edition uses the same format as the first edition which offered advice to help better understand & manage the behavior of students with ASD & similar challenges. This edition shows how to use the scales effectively with diverse populations. Book is divided into six sections. The first section is a brief overview of how to use the 5-Point Scale. The second section includes the specifics of the original 14 scales and scenarios. The remainder of the book presents new material for scales that are applicable to younger students (Section 3) and those on the more severe end of the autism spectrum (fourth section which includes an expanded use of the Anxiety Curve model). In the fifth section, the authors present a variety of new scale ideas used since the first edition in 2003. The final section is a list of goals and objectives related to the use of the scale that teachers have used on IEPs. The Preface has the web address to download blank scales, small portable scales, and scale worksheets. |
Incredible 5 Point Scale: Assisting Students in Understanding Social Intera T

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KM 12030KM 12030 Individualized Healthcare Plans for the School Nurse
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
A comprehensive work detailing 57 chronic and acute conditions encountered daily by school nurses. Each chapter provides in-depth information on a condition's pathophysiology, management, and important assessment considerations. The individualized healthcare plans (IHPs) for each chapter include NANDA nursing diagnoses, goals, interventions, and outcomes. Each chapter includes a case study and sample care plan to facilitate the creation of a comprehensive and accurate IHP. Eighteen supporting chapters take a thorough look at many of the special issues and school nursing concepts along with unique student issues school nurses face in practice. Kit has book (991 pages) and CD program that aids in the creation of IHPs. Sp Ed Assessment Do Not Weed. |
Individualized Healthcare Plans for the School Nurse T

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KM 10819KM 10819 Informal Assessments for Transition Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Contents: three books. 1. Informal Assessments for Transition: Employment and Career Planning. 60 assessments provide data in four areas (interests and preferences; abilities and skills; career exploration; and job search and securing). 2. Informal Assessments for Transition: Independent Living and Community Participation. Assessment instruments can be used to obtain data in many planning areas (communication; interpersonal kills, self-advocacy and self-determination; daily living skills; health; community participation; leisure; and transportation). 3. Informal Assessments for Transition: Postsecondary Education and Training. Assessments help determine students' preferences for postsecondary training, the fit with particular types of institutions and the need for accommodations and modifications. Two-week loan period. |
Informal Assessments for Transition Kit T

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KM 12013KM 12013 Informal Assessments for Transition Planning, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Erickson, Amy S. Gaumer / Clark, Gary M.
Length: 167 Copyright: 2013
Book is an assessment resource that school-based personnel can use to determine or confirm transition strengths, preferences, interests, and needs for appropriate transition planning in the IEP. This resource can be used as a way to extend and/or confirm information derived from the Transition Planning Inventory-Second Edition (TPI-2) or as a stand-alone material to do initial probes of strengths, preferences, interests, and needs that will engage students and parents in the process of self-assessment and planning for their IEP meetings. Informal Assessments for Transition Planning, Second Edition is a practical and useful resource in the IEP transition planning process for: obtaining and confirming assessment information establishing some basic estimates of present level of functional achievement providing a set of motivating and engaging activities for classroom or home documenting students' strengths, preferences, interests, and needs. Includes a CD-ROM with reproducible forms. |
Informal Assessments for Transition Planning, Second Edition T

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KM 11262KM 11262 Insects: Necessity Or Nuisance?
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Literacy Starters are switch accessible computer books designed for students in the middle grades who are reading at beginning levels. This set is based on the age-appropriate topic/theme insects. The three books in the set provide three distinct types of text: Conventional, Transitional, and Enrichment. The individual book titles are: Six Legs and Counting; Don't Bug Me; and My One and Only Date. Contents: information card, three different non-fiction picture books, and three visual vocabulary cards. A Start-to-Finish series |
Insects: Necessity Or Nuisance? IJ
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B 97028B 97028 Integrating Transition Planning into the IEP Process
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 160 Copyright: 2010
Written for the educator new to transition, this edition provides critical information including a thorough introduction to transition planning in a user-friendly question-and-answer format. Chapters include: legislation; self-determination; transition assessments; curriculum decision-making; support services; interagency planning; program evaluation; and resources. |
Integrating Transition Planning into the IEP Process T

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B 90179B 90179 Interventions
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 34 Copyright: 2000
A bank of interventions for use with students (elementary and secondary) in groups or as individuals in the areas of reading (fluency, comprehension), math (computation, reasoning, basic facts, time, place value), study skills (graphic organizers, test preparation), and social behaviors. Includes motivation assessment scale. |
Interventions T
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KM 11464KM 11464 Interventions for Struggling Learners/RTI
Grade Lvl: T Author: Goodman, Gretchen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Subtitle: Putting RTI into Practice. Shows how to implement RTI in the K-4 classroom. Includes hundreds of strategies for teaching reading, math, and writing; lists of general adaptations for every kind of learner; strategies for visual, auditory, and tactile-kinesthetic learners; and ideas for anchor activities. Contents: book and CD with 32 reproducible. Two-week loan period. |
Interventions for Struggling Learners/RTI T

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KM 12072KM 12072 Invisible Man "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Wells, H. G. / Bergez, John
Length: 120 Copyright: 2009
A retelling of H.G. Wells' classic story about a quiet English country village that is disturbed by the arrival of a mysterious stranger who keeps his face hidden and his back to everyone. Kit contains five copies of the book (120 pages). From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Gold level(RL 2-3). Novel Study. Lexile 680. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Invisible Man "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8688KM 8688 iPad for Home Visits
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
iPad 32GB with Cellular Service. This device has a small data plan to allow for accessing the internet when necessary during home visits. Please limit use to essential functions like teleconferencing with another professional or accessing a needed resource when no other options for internet exist. Restricted checkout to SE AEA Staff only: OTs, SLPs PTs, Intinerant Teacher for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, and Intinerant Teacher for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Early Childhood. Passcode will be required to access the device. All important account information will be included with the checkout of the kit. Two week loan period. |
iPad for Home Visits T

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KM 13311KM 13311 iPad for Virtual AEA Services
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
iPad with no cellular service - the family/child must have a wifi connection to be able to access the internet. This device can be loaned to a family for up to 3 months to support virtual AEA services. iPads is loaded with Zoom and Facetime apps to provide virtual services. Additional apps would need to be loaded by the tech department upon request from the Regional Administrator. Restricted checkout to SE AEA Staff only: OTs, SLPs, PTs, Teacher for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, ECSE Teachers/Consultants. |
iPad for Virtual AEA Services T

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KM 11828KM 11828 iPad Latitude Mounting System
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
This mount from Ablenet Inc. will allow you to evaluate different mounting positions and angles to help determine which positions will work best for your student. This mounting system will provide everything necessary to mount your iPad using the Latitude Mounting Arm. Kit includes the Latitude Mounting Arm, Super Clamp, mounting plate and a Quick Start Guide. The iPad cradle will not hold iPads that are in an additional case. Two-week loan period. |
iPad Latitude Mounting System T

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KM 11838KM 11838 iPad Switch Interface
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
A switch interface providing comprehensive, scanning, switch access to all iPad functions--including Apps, music and media, iBooks and data entry. Connecting wirelessly to the iPad using Bluetooth 2.1, Switch2Scan is simple to set-up and easy to use. Includes programmable sockets to connect up to four wired switches. Switch2Scan provides the following features: Manual and automatic scanning modes; Forward and backward scanning; On-screen keyboard scanning; Four scanning speed options; QuickAccess mode; iBooks mode with page-turner; Integral button to deploy or hide the on-screen keyboard; Integral, rechargable lithium-ion battery via USB lead (supplied); and Pairs directly with iPad through Bluetooth 2.1 without PIN number entry. Two-week loan period. |
iPad Switch Interface KPIJST

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KM 11575KM 11575 Is It Sensory Or Is It Behavior?
Grade Lvl: T Author: Murray-Slutskey, Carolyn
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Subtitle: Behavior Problem Identification, Assessment, and Intervention. Provides information and strategies for distinguishing between sensory-based and non-sensory-based behaviors, as well as intervention techniques. Topics addressed include causes of behavior, sensory integrative dysfunction, environmental factors that impact behavior, managing challenging behaviors, and implementing sensory diets. The case studies and worksheets included offer practical suggestions when working with children. Four laminated cards include intervention strategies for challening behaviors. Two-week loan period. |
Is It Sensory Or Is It Behavior? T
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B 119410B 119410 It Hurts When I Poop! A Story for Children Who Are Scared to Use the Potty
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Bennett, Howard
Length: 32 Copyright: 2007
A young boy with a stomach ache visits the doctor and learns about how the body digests food and gets rid of waste, which makes him more comfortable with using the toilet. Ryan is scared to use the potty. He's afraid to have a poop because he's afraid it's going to hurt. When Ryan's parents take him to visit Dr Gold, she engages his imagination with the story of Bill the Coyote's messy house. She also shows him what happens inside the body, and explains how different foods make using the potty easy or hard. Constipation. Pres-1. |
It Hurts When I Poop! A Story for Children Who Are Scared to Use the Potty KP

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B 114143B 114143 It's Raining Cats and Dogs
Grade Lvl: PIJST Author: Barton, Michael
Length: 95 Copyright: 2012
Subtitle: An Autism Spectrum Guide to the Confusing World of Idioms, Metaphors and Everyday Expressions. Uses literal illustrations of metaphors to demonstrate the difficulty people with autism have understanding them. English language idioms. Figures of speech. IL 3-T. |
It's Raining Cats and Dogs PIJST
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KM 11946KM 11946 J-Pad Joystick for iPad
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
J-Pad is a unique, highly intuitive joystick interface providing comprehensive switch access to all iPad functions – including Apps, music and media, iBooks, still and video photography, on-screen keyboard entry and much more. It connects wirelessly to the iPad using Bluetooth 2.1. The J-Pad also includes optional touch-sensitive buttons to launch and close Apps and two sockets to connect up to two conventional ability switches. Alternate access. Not appropriate for Early Access. Not all Apps support switch scanning, the J-pad is compatible with apps using "space and enter", "~1 and 3" or Voiceover to allow scanning within the App. |
J-Pad Joystick for iPad KPIJST

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KM 12120KM 12120 Jack London Collection "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: London, Jack / Matern, John
Length: 120 Copyright: 2006
Includes 2 stories retold by John Matern: Love of Life and To Build a Fire. From the series Famous Short Stories Start-to-Finish Library. Gold title.(RL 2-3) Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Jack London Collection "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12137KM 12137 Jackie Robinson and the American Dream "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Bergez, John
Length: 115 Copyright: 2010
This book tells the story of Jackie Robinson's life from his battles with prejudice as a youth to his emergence as a tireless champion of racial justice after his retirement from baseball. It also tells of the key people who nurtured and supported him in difficult times: his mother, Mallie; his wife, Rachel; and Brooklyn Dodgers president Branch Rickey, the man who was determined to integrate the “national pastime.” Kit contains ten copies of the book and one CD-ROM from the Start-to-Finish series Overcoming the Odds: Sports Biographies. Gold Level (RL 2-3) Publisher GR level L. Lexile 720. IL 6-12.Reference KM 8816 for use with this kit. |
Jackie Robinson and the American Dream "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books IJS

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KM 12129KM 12129 Jane Goodall and the Chimpanzees of Gombe "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Sillett, Helen
Length: 100 Copyright: 2007
Tells the story of Jane Goodall’s extraordinary journey from quiet schoolgirl to preeminent chimpanzee expert and global activist. Readers will learn about the chimpanzee community at Gombe, her significant contributions to the field of animal science, and Louis Leakey, the famous archeologist who was Jane’s mentor. Readers will also learn about her compassion, and her commitment to activism and empowering the world’s youth through her Roots and Shoots organization for young people. Kit contains five copies of the book (100 pages) from the series The World Around Us Start-to-Finish Library. Blue title.(RL 4-5) Publisher GR level Q. Lexile 1030. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Jane Goodall and the Chimpanzees of Gombe "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12154KM 12154 Japanese Americans "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin
Length: 116 Copyright: 2000
Based on actual experiences of Japanese Americans during World War II, Prisoners at Home brings to life many important pieces of Japanese American history; among them, No-No boys, the courageous 442nd regiment, and the Civil Rights act of 1988. This story also stresses the importance of learning from the mistakes of history. Japanese Americans- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945. Kit contains five copies of the book (116 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 590. Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Japanese Americans "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 10691KM 10691 Jennifer's Messes Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wright, Suzette
Length: 0 Copyright: 1991
Contains braille book by Suzette Wright with tactile designs by Tom Poppe so the reader/listener can feel the items Jennifer spills and breaks, plus real objects (doll, crayons, pretzels, etc.). Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and various objects mentioned in the book. |
Jennifer's Messes Braille--Story Box KP
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KM 12141KM 12141 Jim Thorpe: Athlete of the 20th Century "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Bergez, John
Length: 108 Copyright: 2001
Tells the story of perhaps the most gifted athlete who ever lived. Born in a cabin on a reservation in Indian Territory (Oklahoma), Native American Jim Thorpe rose from obscurity to become the most famous athlete in the world. In the 1912 Olympics, he achieved the unprecedented feat of winning gold medals in the two most grueling tests of all-around athletic excellence: the pentathlon and the decathlon. Kit contains five copies of the book from the Start-to-Finish series Overcoming the Odds: Sports Biographies. Gold Level (RL 2-3) Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Jim Thorpe: Athlete of the 20th Century "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 11843KM 11843 Job/Work Words, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Teaches functional vocabulary necessary for independent community living. For students who have a variety of learning differences and disabilities. Includes 100 words individuals may encounter on the job. Edmark Functional Words Series kit includes Teacher's Guide, two spiral-bound books with word recognition lessons, five Stories books (each contains 10 stories), Reading & Social Skills Games, 100 Photo Cards, 100 Word Cards, two display masks, and CD-ROM with printable files. Four-week loan period. |
Job/Work Words, 2nd Edition IJS

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KM 12094KM 12094 Journey to the Center of the Earth "Start-to-Finish" (4 Books)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Verne, Jules
Length: 131 Copyright: 2012
A retelling of Jules Verne's tale in which Henry and his adventurous uncle embark into the depths of an Icelandic cave, hoping to reach the center of the earth. Kit contains four copies of Verne's classic retold by Noe Venable. From the Start-to-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 620. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Journey to the Center of the Earth "Start-to-Finish" (4 Books) IJS

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KM 12081KM 12081 Julius Caesar: A Play By William Shakespeare "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shakespeare, William / Venable, Alan
Length: 124 Copyright: 2006
A narrative retelling of Shakespeare's play. Novel tells the story of the conspiracy to assassinate the powerful Roman general, Julius Caesar. Kit contains five copies of the book (124 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Blue level (RL 4-5). Lexile 760 IL 6-12.Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Julius Caesar: A Play By William Shakespeare "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12070KM 12070 Jungle "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Sinclair, Upton / Metzgar, Eric
Length: 112 Copyright: 2006
Upton Sinclair's classic 1906 novel describes the horrible conditions of the Chicago stockyards through the eyes of a young struggling immigrant from Lithuania. Story is retold by Eric Metzgar. Kit contains five copies of the book (112 pages). From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Blue level Novel Study. (RL 4-5). Lexile 370. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Jungle "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 112093B 112093 Junkyard Wonders
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Polacco, Patricia
Length: 48 Copyright: 2010
Inspired by a teacher who believes each of them is a genius, a class of special-needs students invents something that could convince the whole school they are justifiably proud to be "Junkyard Wonders." Story is based on the author's childhood. AR 4.0. RC 3.8. Lexile 660. IL 2-5. |
Junkyard Wonders PI

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B 94446B 94446 Just Give Him the Whale!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kluth, Paula / Schwarz, Patrick
Length: 143 Copyright: 2008
Subtitle: 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise, and Strengths to Support Students with Autism by Paula Kluth and Patrick Schwarz. Guidebook that offers advice and strategies for helping students with autism expanded their communication skills, develop social connections, and build motivation and literacy. |
Just Give Him the Whale! T

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KM 8686KM 8686 Key Ring Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A moderate level, pre-vocational activity for two-part, press and push assembly Product Features: Requires metal key rings to be held open and in place, while inserting the pin piece Offers practice with assembling and disassembling sets Keychain rings can be added to increase complexity Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. Pre-Voc Two Kit |
Key Ring Assembly JS

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KM 8655KM 8655 KeyMath 3 Essential Resources L-1
Grade Lvl: Author: Connolly, Austin
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
KeyMath 3 ER Level 1 is a math intervention program for K-grade 2. Program provides coverage of three content areas: foundational math concepts, operational skills, problem solving. Level 1 has 10 content strands which correspond to the 10 subtests that make up the KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment. KeyMath-3 ER can be used on its own or as part of an assessment, intervention, and monitoring system that includes KeyMath-3 DA. Kit contains Easel 1, Easel 2 (with Lesson Displays), and CD-ROM with the ER User Manual and the DA ASSIST Scoring & Reporting System Manual. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. KeyMath Essential Resources Manual is availalbe for check out from the Keystone AEA Professional Library #96406 for use with this kit. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
KeyMath 3 Essential Resources L-1
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KM 8663KM 8663 KeyMath 3 Essential Resources L-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Connolly, Austin
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
KeyMath 3 ER Level 2 is a math intervention program for K-grade 2. Program provides coverage of three content areas: foundational math concepts, operational skills, problem solving. Level 2 has 10 content strands which correspond to the 10 subtests that make up the KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment. KeyMath-3 ER can be used on its own or as part of an assessment, intervention, and monitoring system that includes KeyMath-3 DA. Kit contains Easel 1, Easel 2 (with Lesson Displays). Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
KeyMath 3 Essential Resources L-2 T
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KM 8596KM 8596 KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment, Form B
Grade Lvl: T Author: Connolly, Austin
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Individually administered assessment measures mathematical concepts and skills for ages 4 years 6 months through 21 years 11 months. Revision of KeyMath R/NU featurs updated norms and content that extends through grade 9 algebra. Tests is divided into three content areas: Basic Concepts (Subtests: Numeration; Algebra; Geometry; Measurement; and Data Analysis and Probability); Operations (Mental Computation and Estimation; Addition and Subtraction; and Multiplication and Division); and Applications (Foundations of Problem Solving; and Applied Problem Solving). Contents: manual, Easel 1, Easel 2, and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment, Form B T
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KM 10424KM 10424 KidTrac Trackball
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
KidTRAC full-sized, three-button 2.25" diameter trackball/mouse. Plug-and-play--no software needed. Comes with USB cord with serial to PS/2 adapter included, and user manual. Sits in a device where it is secure and prevents little ones from throwing, eating or losing it. Works with Win 3.1/95/98/2000/ME/NT or Mac OS 9 or later. Contents: KidTRAC and CD-ROM (contains quickstart guide, manual, and cleaning instructions). This item is funded by a grant from the Dubuque Racing Association (DRA). Six-week loan period. |
KidTrac Trackball KPIJS

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KM 10425KM 10425 KinderBoard
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
A computer keyboard with large 1-inch square keys and easy-to-read numbers and letters. Consonants, vowels, numbers, and punctuation marks are color-coded to help preschool children learn their alphabet and identify character sets. Two USB ports. USB connector works with Windows or Mac computer. Assists children and users with motor skill impairment. Contents: instruction sheet and keyboard. This is funded by a grant from the Dubuque Racing Association (DRA). Six-week loan period. |
KinderBoard KPIJS

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KM 12076KM 12076 King Lear "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shakespeare, William / Stemach, Jerry
Length: 86 Copyright: 2000
A retelling of Shakespeare's tragic play in which the king foolishly disinherits his favorite daughter and splits his kingdom between his other two, conspiring daughters. Kit contains five copies of the book (86 pages). From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 470. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
King Lear "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12087KM 12087 King Tut's Tomb "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 124 Copyright: 2002
Fictionalized account of Howard Carter's discovery of the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun. This book tells the story of Howard Carter’s career, beginning with his youthful excitement about ancient Egypt and continuing on through the moment when he finally opened the solid-gold coffin and saw the amazing golden mask of Egypt’s “boy king” pharaoh. Kit contains five copies of the book (124 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Ancient History. Lexile 500. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Gold Series - Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. |
King Tut's Tomb "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12088KM 12088 Kings of the Nile "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 108 Copyright: 2006
Provides a background on 3,000 years of ancient Egypt and its rulers, including such topics as the dependence of ancient Egypt on the yearly Nile flood and the growth of the power of the pharaohs. It describes the origins of such famous aspects of Egyptian culture as the mummies and the pyramids. Kit contains five copies of the book (108 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Ancient History. Lexile 500. Publisher GR level O. IL 6-12. Gold Level. Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. |
Kings of the Nile "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8681KM 8681 KLPA-3 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, 3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kahn, Linda M. L. / Lewis, Nancy P
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Test is a norm-referenced analysis of phonological process usage for children, adolescents, and young adults ages 2-21. Makes use of the target words elicited by the GFTA-3 Sounds-in-Words test to provide further diagnostic information about an individual's speech sound abilities. 12 Core Phonological Processes are used to derive the standard score. Time to complete the KLPA-3 is usually between 1- & 30 minutes. Test components: Manual, Analysis Forms, and Sound Change Booklet. Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis works with Goldman-Fristoe 3 to help determine if use of phonological processes are contributing to an individual's speech sound disorder. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Speech-Language Pathologists. |
KLPA-3 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, 3rd Edition) T

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KM 11909KM 11909 Koosh Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023
The Koosh Switch is made from a ball of rubber strings. Activating the switch starts a reward of lights, music and vibration. It can also be used as a switch for a switch adapted toy or device. When used as a switch the lights and music are disabled. Size: 8½" x 5¼" x 2½". Requires 2 AA Batteries. Weight: 1 lb. Multi-sensory switch. |
Koosh Switch KPIJST

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KM 11941KM 11941 Krazy Kat Switch Adapted Plush Toy
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
The Krazy Kat is adapted to accept any capability switch with a 1/8 jack. Pressing an attached capability switch will make the Krazy Kat bounce up and down while making five funny sounds. An adaptability switch is included. Switch adapted toy for special needs students. Appropriate for Early access/Pres-K. |
Krazy Kat Switch Adapted Plush Toy KPIJST

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KM 8628KM 8628 KSPT: Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kaufman, Nancy
Length: 0 Copyright: 1995
Resource that assists in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental apraxia (dyspraxia) of speech in preschool children. Identifies the level of breakdown in a child's ability to speak so that treatment can be established and improvement tracked. Easy to administer and score, measures a child's imitative responses to the clinician, locates where the child's speech system is breaking down, and points to a systematic course of treatment. Individual sections of the test can be used to establish treatment goals and measure progress. Contents: manual, testing guide, and test booklets. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
KSPT: Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children T

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KM 8667KM 8667 KTEA-3 Form A
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kaufman, Alan S. / Kaufman, Nadyne L.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition. Individually administered battery that provides in-depth assessment of key academic skills. Provides information about an examinee's academic strengths & weaknesses in reading, mathematics, written language, and oral language. Allows for the investigation of related factors that may affect achievement, such as phonological processing or naming facility. Use to measure progress or response to intervention and adjust instruction based on performance. Helps to dentify learning disabilities on a core level. Contents: Administration Manual, Scoring Manual, 2 Stimulus Books, flash drive, stopwatch, and test booklets. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
KTEA-3 Form A T
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KM 8668KM 8668 KTEA-3 Form B
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kaufman, Alan S. / Kaufman, Nadyne L.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition. Individually administered battery that provides in-depth assessment of key academic skills. Provides information about an examinee's academic strengths & weaknesses in reading, mathematics, written language, and oral language. Allows for the investigation of related factors that may affect achievement, such as phonological processing or naming facility. Use to measure progress or response to intervention and adjust instruction based on performance. Helps to dentify learning disabilities on a core level. Contents: Administration Manual, Scoring Manual, 2 Stimulus Books, flash drive, stopwatch, and test booklets. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
KTEA-3 Form B T
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B 99722B 99722 Ladders to Literacy: Kindergarten Activity Book
Grade Lvl: T Author: O'Connor, Rollanda
Length: 280 Copyright: 1998
Provides a developmentally appropriate emergent literacy curriculum. Focuses on activities to advance preacademic skills, early literacy development, and early reading development. Provides teaching adaptations for a range of learners so that all students can participate together. |
Ladders to Literacy: Kindergarten Activity Book T
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B 94447B 94447 Land We Can Share: Teaching Literacy to Students with Autism
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kluth, Paula / Chandler-Olcott, Kelly
Length: 220 Copyright: 2008
Practical guide for educators to help them bring meaningful literacy instruction to students with autism. |
Land We Can Share: Teaching Literacy to Students with Autism T

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B 92406B 92406 Leading the Dyslexia Challenge
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gibbs, Denise
Length: 48 Copyright: 2004
Subtitle: An Action Plan For Schoolwide Identication and Intervention. Includes dyslexia checklists, letter for permission to test, parent interview, dyslexia profile, and resource listing. |
Leading the Dyslexia Challenge T
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B 95798B 95798 Learn to Move, Move to Learn: Sensorimotor Early Childhood Activity Themes
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brack, Jenny Clark
Length: 188 Copyright: 2004
Presents a series of themed activities designed to improve children's sensory issues, making them ready to learn. Suggested curriculum ideas help ensure sensory issues are implemented throughout the curriculum. Resource follows a sensory integrated developmental sequence consisting of seven activities related to the theme. For maximum flexibility, suggestions for adaptation and modification for individual students are included, along with instructions for how to develop additional lessons. Sensory integration dysfunction. Play therapy. Autistic children- Education. |
Learn to Move, Move to Learn: Sensorimotor Early Childhood Activity Themes T

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KM 8702KM 8702 Learning to Learn Program
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ebert, Cari
Length: 158 Copyright: 2020
Children with weak foundation skills are struggling learners who are often difficult to engage in traditional play-based therapies and early childhood activities. The Learning to Learn Program provides specific guidelines for supporting the acquisition of these critical foundation skills through meaningful, playful interactions between young children and their caregivers. The Learning to Learn Program includes assessments and examples of goals and outcomes, along with specific intervention strategies for facilitating development of the following five foundation skills: Nonverbal imitation, Joint attention and social referencing, Sensory processing and self-regulation, Purposeful play, and Early language development. The Learning to Learn Program provides specific guidelines for supporting the acquisition of these critical foundation skills through meaningful, playful interactions between young children and their caregivers. This relationship-based program is designed for early intervention providers working with families of toddlers with autism spectrum disorder, suspected autism, and social communication delays. Kit contains two assessment protocols with the professional book. Restricted to AEA Special Education Staff. |
Learning to Learn Program T

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KM 12123KM 12123 Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Irving, Washington / Venable, Noe
Length: 112 Copyright: 2012
Book contains two stories by Washington Irving retold by Noe Venable: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow tells the story of the Headless Horseman, a ghost who rides through the night on a dark horse as fast as the wind. The second story in this book is the tale of Rip Van Winkle, a man who goes out to take a walk and ends up taking a nap that lasts twenty years. From the series Famous Short Stories Start-to-Finish Library. Blue title. Lexile 1070. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8191KM 8191 Leiter International Performance Scale (Revised)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Roid, Gale
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
Leiter-R is a nonverbal test especially suitable for children and adolescents (ages 2-20 years) who are cognitively delayed, disadvantaged, nonverbal or non-English speaking, speech- or hearing-impaired, motor-impaired, ADHD, autistic, or suffering from traumatic brain injury. Consists of two batteries: Visualization and Reasoning Battery (test time is 40 minutes), and Attention and Memory Battery (test time is 35 minutes). Administration time for IQ Screening is 25 minutes; LD/ADHD Screening is 25 minutes; Gifted Screening is 35 minutes. Contents: Examiners Manual; three Easel Books; Visualization and Reasoning Response Cards; Attention and Memory Response Cards; manipulatives (foam shapes in three colors); grids; Scoring keys; Picture plates; time/stopwatch; Record booklets; Sustained booklets A, B, and C; Growth Profile booklet, and Parent, Teacher, and Self Rating Scale booklets. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Leiter International Performance Scale (Revised) T
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KM 13732KM 13732 Let Loose Lenny Switch Adapted Toy
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
Lenny will make you want to shout with joy! He boogies to the song “Shout” when you press his foot or connect the gumball switch (included). Checkout is restricted to K-12 Special Education Teachers and AEA Staff. IL Pres-12. |
Let Loose Lenny Switch Adapted Toy KPIJST

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B 95323B 95323 Let's Cook! Healthy Meals for Independent Living
Grade Lvl: T Author: Riesz, Elizabeth / Kissack, Anne
Length: 134 Copyright: 2010
Let's Cook! is designed to help adults with special needs plan healthy meals, create nutritious dishes, and respect food and kitchen safety. Cookbook is based on the recipes developed over time by & for Riesz's daughter who was born with Down syndrome. Promotes self-reliance and reinforces life skills for independent living. From the series On My Own. |
Let's Cook! Healthy Meals for Independent Living T

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B 89010B 89010 Let's Talk About It: Extraordinary Friends
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Rogers, Fred
Length: 32 Copyright: 2000
Focuses on people who have disabilities, who might use equipment such as wheelchairs or special computers, who are more like you than you might think, and suggests ways to interact with them. |
Let's Talk About It: Extraordinary Friends KP
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KM 12126KM 12126 Liddy and the Volcanoes "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin
Length: 132 Copyright: 2007
Young Liddy Miller’s father, a geologist, is always talking about volcanoes. Then, when Liddy is 14, she witnesses a volcanic eruption firsthand. Liddy is camping with her parents near Mount St. Helens when the sleeping giant erupts. Later Liddy travels around the world learning about volcanoes. Kit contains five copies of the novel (131 pages) From the series Natural Disasters Start-to-Finish Library. Novel Study. Gold title.(RL 2-3) Publisher GR level M. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Liddy and the Volcanoes "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 11713KM 11713 Life Skills Academics: Health
Grade Lvl: T Author: Glisan, Ellen McPeek
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
Subtitle: Making Healthy Choices in Everyday Life. Book contents: Unit 1: Risky Behaviors; 2. Personal Hygiene; 3. Mental health; 4. First Aid; and 5. Illness. Each unit has a story followed by discussion questions and follow-up activities. Reproducible pages. Contents: book and CD with printable worksheets. Two-week loan period. |
Life Skills Academics: Health T

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B 95875B 95875 Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs, 2nd edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mannix, Darlene
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
A collection of illustrated activity sheets, discussion questions, applied exercises, and evaluation suggestions for teaching life skills to special needs students in grades six through twelve (primarily directed toward middle school or younger high school students); providing more than 190 specific activities in six skill areas. Part one: Self-Awareness; Part two: People Skills; Part three: Academic & School Skills; Part four: Practical Living Skills; Part five: Vocational Skills; Part six: Problem-Solving Skills. Contains reproducible pages. |
Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs, 2nd editi T

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KM 11264KM 11264 Life Skills: Fun & Functional
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Literacy Starters are designed for students in the middle grades who are reading at beginning levels. This set is based on the age-appropriate topic/theme life skills and how they can be fun and functional. The three books in the set provide three distinct types of text: Conventional, Transitional, and Enrichment. The individual book titles are: Loretta Gets a Zebra; I Can Do That; and Not Until You're 16. Contents: information card,three different non-fiction picture books, and three visual vocabulary cards. A Start-to-Finish series. |
Life Skills: Fun & Functional IJ
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KM 11533KM 11533 Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lindamood, Patricia
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program (LiPS) is an oral-motor, visual, and auditory feedback system for clinical or classroom use that is designed to foster phonemic awareness in people from preschool through adult. Focuses on the ability to distinguish phonemes in spoken patterns. LiPS tasks progress from movement to sound to lette. Speech sounds can be identfied by the oral-motor activity that produces them. Articulation. Contents: PAS teacher's guide, LiPS 4th edition manual, 15 large mouth cards, and set of 8 Phonological Awareness and Sequencing Stories (PAS). Two-week loan period. |
Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing T
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B 95108B 95108 LINKing Authentic Assessment and Early Childhood Intervention: Best Measures for Best Practices
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bagnato, Stephen J / Neisworth, John T
Length: 380 Copyright: 2010
Provides professional ratings and reviews of eighty authentic assessment tools widely used in early childhood education. Developmental Disabilities diagnosis. Early Intervention (Education) trends. Psychological Tests. |
LINKing Authentic Assessment and Early Childhood Intervention: Best Measure T

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B 95979B 95979 Listen, Look, and Do!, Grades PK - 1: Over 120 Activities to Strengthen Visual and Auditory Discrimination and Memory Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author: Flora, Sherrill
Length: 96 Copyright: 2005
Presents activities that strengthen following directions, cutting and pasting, listening, coloring, and sequencing skills. Reproducible pages. |
Listen, Look, and Do!, Grades PK - 1: Over 120 Activities to Strengthen Vis T

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KM 5815KM 5815 Little Step-by-Step Communicator
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Record a series of messages (up to 75 seconds). The first activation plays the first recorded message, the second activation plays the second recorded message, and so on. Allows students with the most limited communication abilities to carry on a simple conversation. Contents: user manual, Step-by-Step Communicator, cable, mounting base with user manual, and snap track. |
Little Step-by-Step Communicator KPIJS

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KM 12099KM 12099 Little Women "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Alcott, Louisa May / Venable, Noe
Length: 139 Copyright: 2009
A retelling of Louisa May Alcott's classic story about the four March sisters Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, and their trials growing into young ladies in nineteenth-century New England. Kit contains five copies of the book (139 pages) by Noe Venable. Novel Study. Lexile 380. Publisher GR level M. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures.Gold Level. (2-3rd grade) Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. |
Little Women "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 5814KM 5814 LITTLEmack Communicator
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1997
A small "BIGmack" which has 20 seconds of memory and all the other features of BIGmack. Contents: user manual, One-Step Communicator, cable, mounting base with user manual, and snap track. |
LITTLEmack Communicator KPIJS

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KM 12717KM 12717 Livescribe Echo Smartpen 2GB
Grade Lvl: IJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Smartpen can record and play back everything the user writes and hears. Then, using a USB cable, one can transfer the notes and audio to Mac or PC computer to review, organize or share the content. Comes with Echo Desktop software for Mac or Windows (download), Starter Notebook (50 pages), 2 ink cartridges(one in the pen and one in the box) & 1 smartpen cap. For intermediate and up. |
Livescribe Echo Smartpen 2GB IJST

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KM 12850KM 12850 Living On Your Own Lesson Plans
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bastian, Don / Kinney, Tom
Length: 76 Copyright: 2015
Lesson Plans provide topic narratives, student objectives, teacher scripts, plus a PDF CD that includes the Survival Guide, Reader, and Activity Assessment Forms. Living on Your Own teaches a wide range of housekeeping activities and related interpersonal skills. Activities include the basics like setting the table and mopping the floor, outdoor maintenance, and living with roommates. |
Living On Your Own Lesson Plans T

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B 96967B 96967 Living On Your Own Reader: A Transition Workbook
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Conn, Elizabeth
Length: 70 Copyright: 2015
Living On Your Own Reader is an engaging, photo-illustrated novella with characters about to graduate from high school. It deals with basic transition issues such as finding a job, having relationships, and living independently. Each chapter ends with a set of comprehension activities: Vocabulary Quiz, Emotion Word Quiz, and Sequence of Events. |
Living On Your Own Reader: A Transition Workbook ST

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B 96794B 96794 Living On Your Own Survival Guide
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Bastain, Don / Kinney, Tom
Length: 302 Copyright: 2015
Survival Guide features vocabulary, step-by-step activity sequences, comprehension quizzes, and photo essays featuring age appropriate models for these activities: Straightening Up Using a Hand Vacuum Taking Out Garbage Emptying Wastebaskets Watering Plants Doing Laundry Sweeping/Dusting Shaking Rugs Indoor Maintenance Dust Mopping Cleaning Windows Caring for Pets Cleaning Smudges Cleaning Bathroom Outdoor Maintenance Mopping the Floor Cleaning Shower/Tub Home Safety Issues Sponge Mopping Cleaning Toilet Area Getting Along with Neighbors Hand Scrubbing Putting Clothes Away Having Roommates Vacuuming Floors Changing the Bed Internet Safety Vacuuming Carpets Doing Dishes Vacuuming Furniture Cleaning After a Meal |
Living On Your Own Survival Guide JST

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KM 10680KM 10680 Longest Noodle Braille-Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wright, Suzette
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains the braille book by Suzette Wright with fold-out pages that have tactile illustrations (of yarn, shoe lace, jump rope) plus real shoelace. Contents: Story Box information sheet (that recommends using real objects along with the story), book, and real shoelace. |
Longest Noodle Braille-Story Box KP
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KM 12358KM 12358 Look 'n Cook Cookbook Kit
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Sudol Catalano, Ellen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Attainment's color-coded picture cookbook for nonreaders & beginning cooks designed to teach basic conventional cooking techniques & kitchen safety skills to special needs students. Kit contains: Look ‘n Cook Cookbook with 62 step-by-step recipes; Look 'n Cook 2 DVD Set; and Lesson Plans (spiralbound book with 40 lessons plus CD which contains printable PDF files of the plans). |
Look 'n Cook Cookbook Kit JS

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KM 12359KM 12359 Look 'n Cook Microwave Cookbook Kit
Grade Lvl: JS Author: Sudol, Ellen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Attainment's Look ’n Cook Microwave Cookbook features easy-to-make microwave recipes presented in an illustrated, step-by-step format for nonreaders & beginning cooks. Designed for special needs students. Kit contents: Cookbook (divided into 6 sections: Breakfasts, Soups & Beverages, Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Vegetables, and Desserts & Snacks plus a Shopping List) and Lesson Plans (spiralbound book with 34 lessons plus CD which contains printable PDF files of the plans). |
Look 'n Cook Microwave Cookbook Kit JS

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KM 12103KM 12103 Lord Jim "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Conrad, Joseph / Venable, Alan
Length: 124 Copyright: 2009
A retelling of Joseph Conrad's classic novel about a man who was branded a coward and then earns the respect of the Malay people. Kit contains five copies of the book (124 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 430. Publisher GR level N. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. Sp Ed Do Not Weed. |
Lord Jim "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 97182B 97182 Lost at School: Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them
Grade Lvl: T Author: Greene, Ross W
Length: 336 Copyright: 2014
Presents methods based on neuroscience for helping behaviorally challenged kids that explain why traditional disciplinary measures are ineffective, and argues that they lack the skills to adapt their behavior and overcome their frustration with parents, teachers, and peers, and includes dialogues, tools for identifying triggers, and more. This revised and updated edition of Lost at School contains the latest refinements to Dr. Greene’s CPS model, including enhanced methods for solving problems collaboratively, improving communication, and building relationships with kids. |
Lost at School: Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges are Falling Through T

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B 94652B 94652 Love & Logic Solutions for Kids with Special Needs
Grade Lvl: T Author: Funk, David
Length: 258 Copyright: 2002
Explores how educators impact the lives of special needs children offering tools and insights for those teaching and reaching special need kids. Offers practical advice for addressing their unique educational needs and helping them thrive in the classroom. Text offers stories and examples that can help all children. |
Love & Logic Solutions for Kids with Special Needs T

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KM 8172KM 8172 LPT 3: Elementary
Grade Lvl: T Author: Richard, Gail
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Language Processing Test 3: Elementary (replaces the LPT-R) is designed to yield specific information about a student's language processing abilities through examiner interpretation of responses. Testing time for each student (ages 5-0 through 11-11) is approximately 35-45 minutes. Test is appropriate for subjects 12 years and older to determine the level of processing skill development but normative data should not be applied to results. Provides reliable information on how students process information and make sense of what they hear. Contents: Examiner's Manual and test forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
LPT 3: Elementary T
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KM 13685KM 13685 Lucky Ducks Game Switch Adapted
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023
This wacky, quacky matching game combines developmental skills for young children with the fun. Lucky Ducks offers all the benefits of memory and matching games in a format that's easier for little fingers than cards. As a bonus, it helps kids with shape recognition and colors. Kit includes motorized "pond," with 12 ducks, and complete instructions and an adaptive gumball switch. Checkout is restricted to K-12 Special Education Teachers and AEA Staff. IL Pres-12. |
Lucky Ducks Game Switch Adapted KPIJST

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KM 12075KM 12075 Macbeth "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shakespeare, William / Stemach, Jerry
Length: 100 Copyright: 2006
Retelling of William Shakespeare's play about Macbeth, the eleventh-century king of Scotland, and of the tragedy of prophecy and royal murder. Kit contains five copies of the book (100 pages) by Jerry Stemach and Gail Portnuff Venable. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Novel Study. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 420. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference kit KM 8816 for more instructional tools when using this kit in your classroom. |
Macbeth "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 13490KM 13490 MacBook Air Laptop
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
MacBook Air laptop for Keystone AEA Consultants to use in connection with direct service needs. Basic Mac software and internet browsers installed on the device. It will be the responsibility of the Keystone AEA Consultant to save and/or remove documents and cloud accounts associated with use. This kit will not be available for summer checkout. Checkout is restricted to ALL Keystone AEA SE disciplines. Kit includes Macbook Air Laptop and power supply. |
MacBook Air Laptop T

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KM 13068KM 13068 Magic of Everyday Moments: Seeing Is Believing Series 2
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
This series of four short videos addresses the following topics in an engaging and straightforward way: • Development From Birth to 12 Months Old: Forming a Trusting Bond to Nurture Learning • Development From 12 to 24 Months Old: Strong, Positive Connections and Interactions Fuel Learning • Development From 24 to 36 Months Old: New Skills Develop Through Play, Routines, and Relationships • School Readiness: Foundations in Language, Literacy, Thinking, and Social-Emotional Skills Please note this DVD will only play in computer disk drives and will not play in DVD players. Contains a User Guide and a Parent Handout for each video. |
Magic of Everyday Moments: Seeing Is Believing Series 2 T

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KM 13069KM 13069 Magic of Everyday Moments: Seeing is Believing Series 3
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
This series of four short videos includes User's Guides and Parent Handouts that address the following topics in an engaging and straightforward way: • From Cries to Conversations: The Development of Communication Skills from Birth to 3 • Driven to Discover: How Thinking Skills Develop Through Everyday Play and Exploration • From Feelings to Friendships: Nurturing Healthy Social-Emotional Development in the Early Years • Busy Bodies: How the Development of Physical Skills Supports Learning Please note this DVD will only play in computer disk drives and will not play in DVD players. Also contains 1 User Guide and 1 Parent Handout for each video. |
Magic of Everyday Moments: Seeing is Believing Series 3 T

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KM 90005KM 90005 Magnet Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1995
Academic Work Activities kit is a hands-on, academic skills kit for sorting, assembling, and fine motor skills. Users construct magnet assemblies to match printed model cards. Three levels of difficulty require students to match the number and color of magnets and washers and whether they repel or attract. Includes 72 ring magnets in six colors, washers, rods and stoppers, packaging tubes, model cards, and instructions. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Magnet Assembly JS

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B 96735B 96735 Making Sense of Art: Sensory-Based Art Activities for Children with Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Davalos, Sandra
Length: 70 Copyright: 1999
Offers visual activities developed for children with autism, Asperger Syndrome, and other pervasive developmental disorders. The activities are designed to stimulate the child s senses through manipulation and exploration, arouse curiosity and creativity, and develop a sense of mastery. Activities are grouped under each of the senses: Visual, Auditory, Taste, Touch, Smell(not a primary moodality, but is included as a secondary modality in many of the activities). |
Making Sense of Art: Sensory-Based Art Activities for Children with Autism, T

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B 96734B 96734 Making Sense of Children's Thinking and Behavior: A Step-by-Step Tool for Understanding Children Diagnosed With NLD, Asperger's, HFA, PDD-NOS, and Other Neurological Differences
Grade Lvl: T Author: Holzhauser-Peters, Leslie / True, Leslie
Length: 191 Copyright: 2008
Offers parents and professionals a tool (STAT) for understanding children with neurological differences. Helps them see the world through the child's eyes, and the stress, anxiety, and general emotional devastation they can experience regularly. Children diagnosed are misunderstood and often give the illusion of competence. Figuring out their initial understanding of a situation helps to explain the choices and actions they take. Understanding how it is to live with a neurological difference better equips one to make meaningful changes to improve these children's quality of life. The stories in the book describe real situations that are encountered by children diagnosed with neurological impairments. Each chapter addresses a different problem area such as abstract language, spatial orientation, social communication, impulsivity, executive functions, & anxiety. |
Making Sense of Children's Thinking and Behavior: A Step-by-Step Tool for U T

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KM 12105KM 12105 Man in the Iron Mask "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Dumas, Alexandre / Venable, Alan
Length: 134 Copyright: 2011
A retelling of "The Man in the Iron Mask," a story in which the four Musketeers plot to replace King Louis XIV of France with the mysterious, masked prisoner in the Bastille believed to be Louis' falsely imprisoned twin brother and the true king. Kit contains five copies of the book (134 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Blue level (RL 4-5). Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Man in the Iron Mask "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12119KM 12119 Mark Twain Collection "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Twain, Mark / Venable, Alan
Length: 88 Copyright: 2006
Book includes 3 stories retold by Alan Venable: Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, A Curious Dream, and A Story From Life on the Mississippi. From the series Famous Short Stories Start-to-Finish Library. Gold Level (RL 2-3) Lexile 450. Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. Sp Ed Do Not Weed. |
Mark Twain Collection "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 94432B 94432 Math Intervention, Grades 3-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Taylor-Cox, Jennifer
Length: 178 Copyright: 2009
Presents tools educators may use to provide direct math intervention in the areas of number sense and computation for students in grades three to five, featuring over thirty math concepts, each with teaching strategies and a formative assessment, and including sample questions, and games. Offers RTI connections. |
Math Intervention, Grades 3-5 T

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B 94431B 94431 Math Intervention, Grades PreK-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Taylor-Cox, Jennifer
Length: 164 Copyright: 2009
Presents tools educators may use to provide direct math intervention in the areas of number sense and computation for students in prekindergarten through second grade, featuring over thirty math concepts, each with teaching strategies and a formative assessment, and including sample questions, and games. Offers RTI connections. |
Math Intervention, Grades PreK-2 T

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KM 12197KM 12197 Maxwell's Manor: A Social Langauge Game
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Board game for young children ages 4-9 designed to highlight effective and ineffective ways to communicate and get along with others. There are six social language card decks: Nonverbal Communication (blue); Conversation Skills (green); Being a Friend (pink); Self-Control (white); Be Polite (yellow); Follow the Rules (orange). The game can be played with one or more decks at a time. Some of the stimulus items presented in Maxwell's Manor offer a multiple-choice format, and others are more open-ended. Since one answer doesn't always fit, the teacher & students can discuss acceptable responses. |
Maxwell's Manor: A Social Langauge Game KP

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KM 8608KM 8608 MBSP: Monitoring Basic Skills Progress-Basic Math
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fuchs, Lynn
Length: 0 Copyright: 1999
Basic Math Kit (2nd Edition) provides a method to focus intensively on the math progress of individual students who have identified learning problems and to evaluate formatively and improve those students' programs. Contents: Basic Math Manual (test descriptions, directions for test administration, technical data, and answer keys) plus blackline masters; Computation (sets of 30 reproducible tests for each grade level 1-6); and Concepts and Applications (set of 18-25 reproducible tests for each grade level 2-6). Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
MBSP: Monitoring Basic Skills Progress-Basic Math T
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B 93480B 93480 Mental Models for English Language Arts, Gr 1-6
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 88 Copyright: 2007
Uses pictures, analogies, stories (cartoons, short stories, vignettes), and metaphors to help students translate information from the abstract to the concrete, learn abstract information more quickly and reatin it, understand a discipline or field of study and understand the purpose, structure or pattern of a body of knowledge. Includes conventions, writing, literature, sorting information, research, speech, listening skills. |
Mental Models for English Language Arts, Gr 1-6 T
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B 93479B 93479 Mental Models for English Language Arts, Gr 6-12
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 99 Copyright: 2007
Uses pictures, analogies, stories (cartoons, short stories, vignettes), and metaphors to help students translate information from the abstract to the concrete, learn abstract information more quickly and retain it, understand a discipline or field of study and understand the purpose, structure or pattern of a body of knowledge. Chapters: Purpose of Language Arts; Strucures and Patterns of Language Arts; Figures of Speech and Word Patterns; Development of Thesis and Patterns of Written Text; Logic and Proof in Written and Oral Persuasion; Grammar, Word Meaning, Conventions of Writing; and Sorting. |
Mental Models for English Language Arts, Gr 6-12 T

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B 93478B 93478 Mental Models for Math: Grades 6-12
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 206 Copyright: 2006
Uses pictures, analogies, stories (cartoons, short stories, vignettes), and metaphors to help students translate information from the abstract to the concrete, learn abstract information more quickly and retain it, understand a discipline or field of study and understand the purpose, structure or pattern of a body of knowledge. Includes algebra, geometry, data analysis, number operations, measurement, problem solving, etc. |
Mental Models for Math: Grades 6-12 T

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KM 12050KM 12050 MEville to WEville with Start-to-Finish Literacy Starters Curriculum
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Helps teachers deliver reading instruction to students with significant disabilities in grades 1-12, by connecting literacy to students’ real world experiences and what they already know. Within these topics, students learn concept of print skills and vocabulary while gaining experience with fundamental literacy skills. It is designed to accommodate a wide range of student needs through engaging lessons and graphics-supported accessible reading materials. Kit includes the Ablenet MEville to WEville curriculum (gr. K-12, skill level Pre-K-2) with six student trade books (3 for elementary & 3 for secondary), vocabulary cards; the Ablenet Extending MEville to WEville curriculum (gr. K-12, skill level Pre-K-2), three sets of Start-to-Finish Literacy Starters (9 accessible books) tied to the Extending MEville to WEville lessons, plus vocabulary cards; Don Johnston Literacy Starters Curriculum (gr. 4-12 skill level K+), five sets of Start-to-Finish Literacy Starters (15 accessible books) with accompanying comprehension lessons, phonics lessons based on Dr. Patricia Cunningham’s Making Words, and a Literacy Starters video-delivered training workshop by Dr. Karen Erickson. Each set of the Literacy Starters has three student books (E,T,C) for each of the 3 units. The Enrichment Text is intended to be read to beginning readers; the Transitional Text is intended to be read with beginning readers; the Conventional Text is intended to be read by beginning readers. These three books for each unit are included on a USB. Restricted to Special Education Staff. Loan period is one month. |
MEville to WEville with Start-to-Finish Literacy Starters Curriculum T

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KM 12078KM 12078 Midsummer Night's Dream "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shakespeare, William / Venable, Noe
Length: 119 Copyright: 2009
Retelling of the comedy by William Shakespeare that relates the story of what happened during a few extraordinary nights in the woods outside of Athens. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Blue level (RL 4-5). Publisher GR level Q. Lexile 590 IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Midsummer Night's Dream "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 123319B 123319 Mikey
Grade Lvl: PIT Author: Pinto, Mindee / Cohen, Judy
Length: 32 Copyright: 2013
Mikey explains how a young child with autism sees, hears, and feels the world around him in his school environment. Mikey is not just intended for educators; although, all teachers should read it to their classes. It is intended to educate adults as well as young children to increase their awareness and understanding of the child with autism. Instructional resource through picture book. Fiction. IL K-13. |
Mikey PIT

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KM 11942KM 11942 Mini Gumball Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
A mechanical switch that has a 1¼ inch activation surface. This switch is small enough to be easily mounted anywhere. Base has three holes for easy mounting. It provides tactile and audible feedback. Mounting plate is removable. Switch Access. Appropriate for Early Access/Pre-K through Adult. Size: 2"Base x ½"High. Weight: 0.1 lb |
Mini Gumball Switch KPIJST

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KM 12107KM 12107 Moby Dick, Part 1 "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Melville, Herman / Venable, Alan
Length: 112 Copyright: 2005
An illustrated adaptation of the first half of Herman Melville's novel in which Captain Ahab's determination to find and kill the great white whale becomes an obsession driving him to disaster. Kit contains five copies of the book (112 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Blue level (RL 4-5). Lexile 840. Publisher GR level O. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Moby Dick, Part 1 "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12106KM 12106 Moby Dick, Part 2 "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Melville, Herman
Length: 112 Copyright: 2005
An illustrated adaptation of the last half of Herman Melville's novel in which Captain Ahab's determination to find and kill the great white whale becomes an obsession driving him to disaster. Kit contains five copies of the book (112 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Blue level (RL 4-5). Lexile 790. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Moby Dick, Part 2 "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 96357B 96357 Modifying Schoolwork
Grade Lvl: T Author: Janney, Rachel / Snell, Martha
Length: 93 Copyright: 2000
Provides strategies, models, and examples of ways to adapt a classroom in order to provide the individualized attention students with disabilities need for academic & social success. Designed to help students with a broad range of disabilities, from learning disabilities to severe developmental disabilities. Explores curricular adaptations (the lessons taught), instructional adaptations (how the lessons are taught), and ecological adaptations (where, when, and with whom the lessons are taught). Grades K-8. |
Modifying Schoolwork T

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B 99890B 99890 Mom, I Have a Staring Problem
Grade Lvl: T Author: Buckel, Marian
Length: 24 Copyright: 1992
Subtitle: A True Story Of Petit Mal Seizures and the Hidden Problem It Can Cause: Learning Disability. Tiffany, a seven year old, describes her experience with petit mal seizures; her feelings, wishes and fears. |
Mom, I Have a Staring Problem T
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KM 90012KM 90012 Month Card Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Academic Work Activities kit is an effective way to introduce dates. Students must insert month cards into vinyl pockets to answer prepared questions. Three levels of difficulty progress from basic matching to looking up answers in an illustrated calendar. Includes question and response cards, monthly calendar, 50 vinyl pockets, 12-compartment trays, storage bins and instructions. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Month Card Packaging JS

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KM 12568KM 12568 More Class Meetings That Matter K-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Limber, Susan P / Snyder, Marlene
Length: 224 Copyright: 2016
Provides engaging, age-appropriate, and grade-specific ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings in kindergarten through fifth grade. Resource is part of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program which is designed to reduce and prevent bullying, improve school climate and support student well-being. Before implementing the ideas in this book, teachers should review the class meeting guidelines outlined in the OBPP Teacher Guide (Keystone order # 93026). More Class Meetings That Matter gives content beyond the initial phases of implementation and can be used with Class Meetings That Matter, K-5 (Keystone order # 94176). Manual has three parts. Part 1 has class meetings for kindergarten-grade 2. Part 2 has meetings for grades 3-5. The meetings in Part 3 help students understand what disabilities are, promote acceptance of all students, and aim to reduce the high rates of bullying behavior experienced by students with disabilities. Kit contains the manual developed by authors of OBPP and a CD-ROM with reproducible materials for classroom use. |
More Class Meetings That Matter K-5 T

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B 96731B 96731 More Social Skills Stories: Very Personal Picture Stories for Readers and Nonreaders K-12
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johnson, Anne Marie
Length: 347 Copyright: 1996
Book contains a series of short stories designed to help students improve their social interaction skills. Stories depict the appropriate or inappropriate use of communication. Stresses personal hygiene skills with ready-to-use stories. Characters explore the following topics: Morning Routines, Improperly Fitting Clothes, Sneezing Hygiene, Nose Picking, Inappropriate noises/Burping, and Improper Self-Touching. |
More Social Skills Stories: Very Personal Picture Stories for Readers and N T

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B 95615B 95615 More Than Words: Helping Parents Promote Communication and Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sussman, Fern
Length: 424 Copyright: 1999
Presents a step-by-step guide for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in an extensive and user-friendly format. Strategies are drawn from research to help children develop more advanced communication skills, focusing on helping the child reach the following four goals: 1) improved two-way interaction, 2) more mature and conventional ways of communication, 3) better skills in communicating for social purposes and 4) improved understanding of language. Chapters are divided into four color-coded stages of communication. Book was developed for The Hanen Program For Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. |
More Than Words: Helping Parents Promote Communication and Social Skills in T

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KM 7572KM 7572 MotivAider
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
An electronic device that automatically provides children with private reminders to engage in desired behavior or stay on task. Attending. Attention. Motivation. Contents: operating instructions, MotivAider, and booklet: Helping Kids Change Their Own Behavior. Vibrating timer. |
MotivAider KPIJST

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B 95172B 95172 Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn: Positive Classroom Management Strategies
Grade Lvl: T Author: Korb, Rich
Length: 167 Copyright: 2012
Offers strategies and techniques for motivating and engaging students with defiant and disruptive behavior problems. |
Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn: Positive Classroom Man T

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KM 8452KM 8452 Move 'N' Sit Wedge Seat Cushion (School Age)
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
A blue soft thick rubber wedge-shaped cushion, 15"x15" and 3" at the wide end, that can be used to make a chair or floor more comfortable and add dynamic aspects to seating. Requires an air pump with a pin attachment to adjust the level of air. Contents: instruction sheet and cushion. |
Move 'N' Sit Wedge Seat Cushion (School Age) PI
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KM 8451KM 8451 Move 'N' Sit Wedge Seat Cushion Jr (Preschool)
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
A blue soft thick rubber wedge-shaped cushion, 10"x10" and 3" at the wide end, that can be used to make a chair or floor more comfortable and add dynamic aspects to seating. Requires an air pump with a pin attachment to adjust the level of air, but comes somewhat inflated and may need no adjustment at all. Contents: instruction sheet and cushion. |
Move 'N' Sit Wedge Seat Cushion Jr (Preschool) K
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B 107940B 107940 Mr. Worry: A Story About OCD
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Niner, Holly
Length: 32 Copyright: 2004
Eight year old Kevin is frustrated by his need to check things and repeat actions over and over until a counselor diagnoses obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and teaches him ways to manage the condition. Includes a note for parents and teachers explaining OCD. AR 2.9. Follett RL 2.7. |
Mr. Worry: A Story About OCD PI
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B 91191B 91191 Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 563 Copyright: 2000
Explains how and why multisensory methods work and how to use these methods with specific teaching approaches that promote alphabet skills, spelling, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, composition, math skills, organization, and study skills. Edited by Judith R. Birsh. Dyslexia. |
Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills T
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B 96390B 96390 Multisyllable Routine Cards (Book)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 62 Copyright: 2010
Teacher’s Guide from the series Blueprint for Intervention presents six Multisyllable Routine Cards which provide direct and explicit instruction on how to apply knowledge of syllable types and divisions in order to read multisyllable words. Six syllable types: 1.Closed 2.Long vowel silent-e 3.Open 4.Vowel team 5.Consonant- le 6.Vowel- r. Cards have been developed to be used in two different ways: Tier I whole-class instruction for five minutes a day; Tier II interventions for those students struggling to read multisyllabic words (30-minute). The Multisyllabic Phonics Routines (MSRC) are designed to help students solve the mystery of multisyllabic words by recognizing patterns, identifying correct vowel sounds, and applying syllable division rules. The routines are taught through a three-step technique in order of difficulty. Intended for teacher preview only. PDF teacher supplements are not available to teachers due to vendor terms of use and agreement with purchase. IL: Grade 3+ |
Multisyllable Routine Cards (Book) T

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KM 12102KM 12102 Mutiny on the Bounty: The Story of Captain William Bligh "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin / Stemach, Jerry
Length: 120 Copyright: 2006
Fictionalizes the mutiny of the British war vessel "HMS Bounty" in 1789. The crew rebelled against the temperamental Captain Bligh and set him overboard along with crew members who were loyal to him. Kit contains five copies of the book (120 pages) by Godwin Chu and Jerry Stemach. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 700. Publisher GR level O. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Mutiny on the Bounty: The Story of Captain William Bligh "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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KM 8657KM 8657 MVPT-4: Motor-Free Visual Perception Test 4
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
MVPT 4th Edition is an individually administered assessment of visual–perceptual skills commonly used in everyday activities that does not require a motor response from the examinee. Items have a multiple-choice format. Tasks provide information for five types of visual-perceptual abilities: spatial relationships; visual discrimination; figure-ground; visual closure; visual memory. Untimed test for children and adults (ages 4+) can be completed & scored in 20-30 minutes. Contents: Manual, Record Forms, and spiral-bound booklet of Test Plates. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education OT/PT Staff only. |
MVPT-4: Motor-Free Visual Perception Test 4 T
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B 118643B 118643 My Best Friend Will
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Lowell, Jamie / Tuchel, Tara
Length: 37 Copyright: 2005
Fifth grader Jamie Lowell describes her best friend Will, who has autism. Helps readers enter Willie's world through Jamie's eyes as it unfolds at school, at home, and at play. |
My Best Friend Will KPI

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B 94554B 94554 My Social Stories Book
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gray, Carol
Length: 141 Copyright: 2002
Contains a collection of brief, narrative, step-by-step stories that help children with autism learn important social skills, describing situation, skill, or concept in terms of social clues, perspectives,and common responses. |
My Social Stories Book T

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KM 8646KM 8646 MyIGDIs: RTI in Early Childhood
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Formerly known as "Get it. Got It. Go" MyIGDIs are the state chosen universal screening tool for the statewide voluntary preschool programs. MyIGDIs are easy to collect, sensitive to small changes in student achievement and mark progress toward literacy outcomes identified by the Iowa Department of Education and researchers in Early Childhood. A standardized, formative, general outcomes measure, these probes are designed to be administered in a brief amount of time and yield data which allow districts to determine which students may need targeted or intensified intervention. 5-10 minutes per student. Contents: Administration Manual, Picture Naming book, Rhyming book, Alliteration book, Sound Identification book, 'Which One Doesn't Belong?', scoring table, and recording forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. Two-week loan period. |
MyIGDIs: RTI in Early Childhood T
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B 96165B 96165 Mysteries of Plant Life
Grade Lvl: T Author: Diaco, Paula
Length: 96 Copyright: 1997
Worktext from the AGS Experiences in Science series is for struggling readers. Ten units provide a detailed picture of the manyroles plants play in our environment. Includes: Living Things; Simple Plants; Vascular Plants; Trees; Plants that Flower; Plants that Fruit; Agricultural Plants; Useful or Odd Plants; Plant Products; and Environment. RL 4.0-7.0. |
Mysteries of Plant Life T
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KM 13520KM 13520 Nadpen
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Nadpen is a stylus device that is adaptable for multiple grip positions and has an interchangeable tip for use with any mobile device. The NadPen Stylus has been designed to last longer and be more durable than any other stylus. |

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KM 13083KM 13083 Navigating the Zones: A Pathway to Self-Regulation
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kuypers, Leah / Rossman, Terri
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
Navigating The Zones is an interactive teaching tool designed to extend Leah Kuypers' original teachings as described in the book The Zones of Regulation®. It engages participants in a problem-solving process at the heart of emotional self-regulation—while learning and collaborating along the way. It walks participants through the “Zones Pathway”—a visual, sequential, and concrete road map that helps structure participants’ thinking and processing about the problem-solving sequence that is at the center of emotional self-regulation. This three-step process involves thinking about a Situation (where are we, who are we with?), thinking about and interpreting the Feeling we experience in response to the situation, and thinking about a Tool or strategy we can use to help us navigate the situation in an expected way. Social emotional learning. Professional kit. |
Navigating the Zones: A Pathway to Self-Regulation T

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B 90807B 90807 New Social Story Book
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 125 Copyright: 2000
Presents a collection of social stories with simple illustrations designed for serving people with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and those working for them. Updates Social Story Book 1994 (93247). Chapters: Social Skills; Babies and Pets; Personal Care; Cooking and Mealtime Routines; Helping Around the House; Playing Outside; Time for School; Getting Around; Community Helpers; Restaurants and Shopping; Understanding the Weather; and Holidays, Vacations and Recreation. Original stories written by students in Jenison High School have been revised by Carol Gray. |
New Social Story Book T

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KM 11165KM 11165 New Social Story Book (Revised and Expanded)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gray, Carol
Length: 265 Copyright: 2010
Contains a revised and expanded 10th Anniversary Edition of The New Social Story Book by Carol Gray. The book contains 158 Social Stories to help children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Also contains a CD containing each Social Story in ready-to-print PDFs and Word files which can be edited. The Stories are divided into chapters according to subject matter such as change, mistakes, me and my feelings, celebrations and gifts, bullying, home and community, school, planet earth. Some of the stories are designed to be used in groups, in sequence. The beginning section entitled, "Social Story 10.1 Tutorials" is an introductory guide to writing Social Stories using the ten criteria that distinguish Social Stories from other visual strategies. Social Stories are intended to share accurate information using a process, format, voice, and content that is descriptive, meaningful, and safe for the audience (person with an ASD). Contents: book and CD-ROM. Two-week loan period. |
New Social Story Book (Revised and Expanded) T

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KM 11910KM 11910 New Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use That Work!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hughes, Carolyn / Carter, Erik
Length: 215 Copyright: 2012
Presents hundreds of teacher-tested transitional support strategies for helping students who have disabilities, who are at risk for failure, or who need additional support moving from high school to adult life; also provides reproducible teaching tools. Kit contains book by Carolyn Hughes and Erik W. Carter, plus CD-ROM with printable checklists & forms on social skills, classroom supports, job satisfaction, modified grading, & more. |
New Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use That Work! T

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KM 12111KM 12111 Night of the Loch Ness Monster "Start-to-Finish" (8 Books)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stemach, Jerry
Length: 123 Copyright: 2008
In this story, Nick has agreed to install a dinosaur exhibit at the Loch Ness Monster Visitors’ Center in Scotland. When Nick and the kids arrive at Loch Ness, they help save an elderly man who has had a heart attack after seeing the monster. Nick and the girls take the man to the hospital while Jeff and Ken “stake out” the Loch. Introduces the reader to the geography of Scotland, the British system of monetary exchange, facts about dinosaurs and Nessie, deep-water sonar, and Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island. 8 books, and 1 Teacher Guide. From the series Nick Ford Mysteries. Start-to-Finish books. Novel Study. Gold level (RL 3) Publisher GR level L. Lexile 470 IL 6-12. |
Night of the Loch Ness Monster "Start-to-Finish" (8 Books) IJS

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B 94836B 94836 Noisy Stories: Language Activities for Children of All Communicative Abilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rivard, Joan / Rivard, Jessica
Length: 389 Copyright: 2000
Subtitle: Language Activities for Chidlren of All Communicative Abilities by Joan Rivard and Jessica Rivard. Eleven stories designed to help develop pre-reading skills and sound awareness for children who are non-verbal or who struggle with communication. As each story is read, students respond verbally and with a sign, or with an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device. |
Noisy Stories: Language Activities for Children of All Communicative Abilit T
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B 91988B 91988 Nonverbal Learning Disabilities at School
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tanguay, Pamela
Length: 285 Copyright: 2002
Subtitle: Educating Students With NLD, Asperger Syndrome, and Related Conditions. Presents interventions for children whose primary areas of deficit are in the nonverbal domains (tactile, visual, spatial, psychomotor coordination, and generalizing information). Nonverbal Learning Disabilities/Disorder and other Neurological conditions are considered together when making suggestions for methods that can be used to work with these children. Some across-the-board teaching strategies that help NLD students are the use of rubrics and models to show what the final product should look like, unimodel instruction, frontloading, cooperative learning, reduce visual processing, use of graphic organizers. Gives ideas for helping students with social and emotional functioning, with psychomotor skills and spatial. challenges; presents accomodations in arithmetic and math, reading, spelling, vocabulary, penmanship, writing and composition; advises using direct instruction to show how to organize work, how to study, and how to do homework. |
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities at School T

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B 97230B 97230 Not What I Expected: Help and Hope for Parents of Atypical Children
Grade Lvl: T Author: Eichenstein, Rita
Length: 256 Copyright: 2015
Presents strategies to help parents of special-needs children cope with the emotional challanges they face. |
Not What I Expected: Help and Hope for Parents of Atypical Children T

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B 96995B 96995 Now I Get it! Social Stories That Build Confidence & Demonstrate Appropriate Behavior
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 20 Copyright: 2007
Two Stories: Playing With a Friend; Winning and Losing. The first story teaches children to play cooperatively with peers. The second story shows children how to win and lose graciously. Each story is presented with delightful illustrations featuring a child who navigates a world that is sometimes confusing or intimidating. As he learns new social and coping skills, he gains a better understanding of how to react to or behave in specific situations. A perfect addition to the book is the section of comprehension questions at the end of each story. This ingenious idea reinforces learning and helps the reader thoroughly understand what's expected. |
Now I Get it! Social Stories That Build Confidence & Demonstrate Appropriat T

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KM 90004KM 90004 Number Line Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Kit is a hands-on math supplement for individual or small group instruction; Students place colored wooden pegs into number lines (0-10) to solve problems. Three progressive sets of problem cards teach fundamental number skills aligned to Common Core math standards. Levels progress from matching to add/subtract problems. Key concepts include one-to-one correspondence, counting moveable objects, identifying numerals, creating sets, adding sets, adding, and subtracting. Kit is part of the Academic Work Activities program. Includes three number lines, a set of problem cards in three levels, 60 wooden pegs in two colors, instructions, and bins and boxes for storage. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. *Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Number Line Assembly JS

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KM 8675KM 8675 OASES
Grade Lvl: T Author: Yaruss, J. Scott / Quesal, Robert W.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering (OASES) is a framework and method for assessing the broad impact of stuttering. Examines the entirety of the stuttering disorder from the perspective of the individual who stutters. OASES provides speech-language pathologists with a measure of the overall impact of stuttering on a person's life. Kit contains the OASES Technical/Scoring Manual and two response forms: OASES-T: ages 13-17 and OASES-S: ages 7-12. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education SLP's. |
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B 94884B 94884 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gravitz, Herbert
Length: 219 Copyright: 1998
Subtitle: New Help for the Family. Discusses the nature, origins, and treatment of OCD. Describes the impact of OCD on family members and how to break the negative effects. |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder T
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KM 12084KM 12084 Oedipus Rex: A Play by Sophocles "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Sophocles / Venable, Noe
Length: 96 Copyright: 2006
In this play by Sophocles, the city of Thebes is suffering from a plague which is the result of a curse on the city because of a murder that has never been solved. Then the gods tell King Oedipus that Thebes will be cursed until the king can find and punish the murderer. Oedipus sets out to solve the crime, but he soon learns that this crime is not the only mystery to be solved. It turns out that there is a horrible secret in the king’s past. Greek tragedy. Kit contains five copies of the book (96 pages) which is told as a story by Noe Venable. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Novel Study. Gold level(RL 2-3). Lexile 620. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Oedipus Rex: A Play by Sophocles "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 94476B 94476 Off to Work: A Vocational Curriculum for People with Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wehman, Paul / Sherron, Pamela
Length: 258 Copyright: 2001
Designed to help the teacher prepare those students with disabilities to succeed at competitive or supported employment. Includes many reproducible forms that help with finding a job, job placement, keeping a job, job training and advocacy. Primary focus is on neurological disabilities, but applies to people with other cognitive disabilities. |
Off to Work: A Vocational Curriculum for People with Disabilities T

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KM 90000KM 90000 Office Supply Processing
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1990
A complex pattern and number matching task (Task #309). Pre-Voc Three kit. Package office supplies in divider boxes following directions (words or symbols) on order cards. A complex packaging task involving multiple parts and patterns over an extended work period. Includes 32 divider boxes, 64 order cards in two difficulty levels, hundreds of supplies like pencils, rulers, erasers, paper clips, fasteners, rubber bands and all bins. Also includes step-by-step assembly instructions, performance norms, data sheets and disassembly instructions. The instructions detail variations for this task. Quality Criteria: Each divider box must be correctly divided into compartments. Each compartment must contain the correct items and quantities. Each divider box must contain a correctly complete order form and be securely closed. Each divider box must be correctly placed in the storage bin. Work tasks. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Office Supply Processing JS

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KM 12157KM 12157 On Strike! The Story of Cesar Chavez "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 80 Copyright: 2000
Tells how Mexican-American Cesar Chavez inspired millions and changed the lives of American farm workers. Mexican Americans Biography. Labor leaders. Kit contains five copies of the book (80 pages). From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 630. Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
On Strike! The Story of Cesar Chavez "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 92147B 92147 One Hundred Ninety Ready-to-Use Activities That Make Math Fun!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Watson, George
Length: 282 Copyright: 2003
Reproducible activity sheets help students (middle and high school) master basic math skills including whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, money, concepts, geometry and measurement, charts and graphs, and pre-algebra. All the activities are presented in a variety of formats such as puzzles, crosswords, matching, word number searches, number substitutions, and more. For use with students of varying ability levels. |
One Hundred Ninety Ready-to-Use Activities That Make Math Fun! T
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KM 12079KM 12079 Orthello: The Moor of Venice "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shakespeare, William / Venable, Alan
Length: 124 Copyright: 2009
Narrative retells the dramatic and tragic story of one of Shakespeare’s greatest plays. The Renaissance city of Venice is amazed when one of its beautiful, rich young women, Desdemona, runs away from home to marry Othello, the mercenary African general. Yet the marriage is largely accepted because of Othello’s well-deserved reputation as Venice’s noble defender, along with the obvious mutual devotion between him and his innocent bride. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Blue level (RL 4-5). Publisher GR level R. Lexile 480 IL 6-12. teachers. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Orthello: The Moor of Venice "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 96516B 96516 OT and SLP Team Approach: Sensory and Communication Strategies That Work!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kashman, Nancy / Mora, Janet
Length: 183 Copyright: 2002
The authors provide practical advice and workable strategies to treat dysfunction in sensory integration and communication disorders through an integrated team approach. Drawing on their extensive experience in developing and implementing effective treatment strategies in clinical, school, and family settings, they demonstrate how an integrated team approach increases therapeutic effectiveness while maximizing the benefits of the available treatment resources. |
OT and SLP Team Approach: Sensory and Communication Strategies That Work! T

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B 95794B 95794 Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun, Revised Edition: Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kranowitz, Carol
Length: 324 Copyright: 2006
Presents activities for children with sensory processing disorder, including activities for sensory systems and sensory-related skills, providing instructions and listing benefits. Revised edition includes new activities, along with updated information on which activities are most appropriate for children with coexisting conditions including Asperger's and autism, and more. Perception. Vestibular dysfunction balance. Proprioceptive sense. Sensorimotor integration. Perceptual-motor learning. |
Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun, Revised Edition: Activities for Kids with Sensor T

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B 94594B 94594 Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kranowitz, Carol
Length: 356 Copyright: 2005
Provides an overview of Sensory Integration Dysfunction, discussing how it affects children's behavior; and features criteria and guidance for getting a diagnosis and treatment, as well as advice onhow parents can deal with the problem at home. Minimal brain dysfunction. Sensorimotor integration. Perceptual-motor learning. |
Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder T

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B 92095B 92095 Overcoming Dyslexia in Children, Adolescents (3rd)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Jordan, Dale
Length: 417 Copyright: 2002
Complete title: Overcoming Dyslexia In Children, Adolescents, and Adults (3rd Edition). Describes the learning and social patterns of students who are dyslexic. Summarizes what science knows about the causes of the different forms of dyslexia. Discusses visual dyslexia, auditory dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Illustrates how dyslexia impacts classroom learning, social behavior, and emotional maturity. Strategies are presented for developing social skills. Includes a chapter about adults who have overcome dyslexia. Appendixes provide assessment checklists. |
Overcoming Dyslexia in Children, Adolescents (3rd) T
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KM 8656KM 8656 OWLS II Oral and Written Language Scales
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
Set of four interrelated scales that provide a comprehensive assessment of language: Listening Comprehension (LC), Oral Expression (OE), Reading Comprehension (RC), and Written Expression (WE). Assesses oral language skills for ages 3 to 21 and written language skills for ages 5-21. Scales are designed to be used together, but each scale can be used separately. Kit components: three manuals (Foundations of Language Assessment; LC/OC Manual; RC/WE Manual), four test easels (LC Test Easel Form A; OE Test Easel Form A; RC Test Easel Form A; WE Test Easel Form A), record forms( LC/OE Record Form A; RC/WE Record Form A), WE Response Booklet Form A, Comprehensive Profile Form, Ouick Reference Guide, and OWLS-II Unlimited-Use Computer Scoring Software (Windows 7, Vista, or XP).Restricted to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA Special Education Teachers. |
OWLS II Oral and Written Language Scales T

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B 91905B 91905 PALS Reading for Grades 2-6
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Teacher manual for grades 2-6 Peabody Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies. PALS is typically conducted three days each week for about 16 weeks. The activities involve partner reading, paragraph shrinking, and prediction relay. All students in a class are divided into pairs. Each student takes a turn being Coach and Reader. The higher-functioning student of the pair is always the first reader. Pairs are appointed to one of two class teams. Points are awarded for good reading and coaching. Teams stay together for three-four weeks. PALS does not require special reading material. Manual has scripts and reproducibles. |
PALS Reading for Grades 2-6 T
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B 97612B 97612 Paraprofessional's Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ashbaker, Betty Y
Length: 218 Copyright: 2015
The Paraprofessional’s Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention is a comprehensive guide to appropriate behavioral strategies in the classroom, based on the Least Restrictive Behavioral Intervention (LRBI) and Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies (PBIS). Set in the context of the legal requirements for paraprofessionals to work "under the direction of a professional" (ESEA) and be "appropriately supervised" (IDEA), The Paraprofessional’s Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention illuminates research-based, practical strategies shown to be effective in a wide range of educational settings and which can be implemented immediately and with confidence. |
Paraprofessional's Guide to Effective Behavioral Intervention T

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B 94313B 94313 Paraprofessional's Guide to Inclusive Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Doyle, Mary Beth
Length: 173 Copyright: 2008
Subtitle: Working as a Team. Describes the roles and responsibilities of the paraprofessional in the classroom, explains what is meant by the inclusive classroom, and looks at how paraprofessionals can support individual students, provide curricular and instructional support, and maintain confidentiality. |
Paraprofessional's Guide to Inclusive Classroom T

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B 97611B 97611 Paraprofessional's Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Causton, Julie / MacLeod, Kate
Length: 168 Copyright: 2021
A practical guide to surviving and thriving as an integral part of your school’s inclusive team. Paraprofessional practitioners get applicable strategies for mastering every facet of their complex role: collaborating with other team members, selecting accommodations and modifications, facilitating peer connections, fading your support, and much more. Contents include an essential hands-on guide for new and seasoned paraprofessionals—and a must-have for the educators and other professionals who support them. This empowering book takes the guesswork out of this critical classroom role so you can help students with disabilities reach their full potential. Handbook. Teacher assistants. Students with disabilities, organizational support staff. |
Paraprofessional's Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms ( T

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B 95150B 95150 Parent's Guide to Down Syndrome: Toward a Brighter Future
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pueschel, Siegfried M.
Length: 338 Copyright: 2001
Contains a parent's guide to raising a child with Down Syndrome including information on the causes of Downs, health care, and cognitive and social development throughout the various stages of the child's life. |
Parent's Guide to Down Syndrome: Toward a Brighter Future T

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DVD 2293DVD 2293 Parenting the Explosive Child
Grade Lvl: T Author: Greene, Ross
Length: 120 Copyright: 2004
Subtitle: The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach. Drs. Ross Greene and Stuart Ablon explain their approach to help parents handle explosive and noncompliant children and adolescents. Encourages adults to rethink challenging behavior. Helps parents understand the specific cognitive skill deficits that can impair a child's capacities for flexibility and frustration tolerance and provides step-by-step guidance on the CPS approach for teaching these skills. Explains that the difficulties of these children may be best understood as a learning disability. Traditional discipline strategies often fail to work. Features interviews with parents of behaviorally challenging children and answers common questions. Interventions. |
Parenting the Explosive Child T
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KM 12355KM 12355 Pathways to Literacy
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
A literacy curriculum for students with significant developmental disabilities who do not consistently use words, pictures, or other symbols to communicate. Addresses the needs of students with multiple disabilities, including those who are nonverbal. It provides strategies to increase awareness and engagement in story reading while systematically building comprehension. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. Includes Implementation Guide, a set of 3 adapted books with corresponding manipulatives, card sets, and teacher guides. Kit has materials for five levels of instruction. Restricted to special education teachers. |
Pathways to Literacy KPI

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KM 102KM 102 PCI Reading Program, Level 1
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Sight words reading program is designed as a three-level system that helps nonreaders learn to read. It is a self-paced one-on-one program that can take 18 months (or more) to complete. Teaches words in groups of five. Word recognition is through visual discrimination and has tactile reinforcement, guided practice, and independent activities. Level 1 reading level is beginning level to 3.5. Contains 3 word building lesson books, workbooks, practice books, student books, reproducible activities, word cards, picture cards, text cards, game, Teacher's Guide, and more. Preview kit. |
PCI Reading Program, Level 1 T
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KM 103KM 103 PCI Reading Program, Level 2
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Sight words reading program is designed as a three-level system that helps nonreaders learn to read. It is a self-paced one-on-one program that can take 18 months (or more) to complete. Level 2 uses same self-paced five-step lesson cycle as Level 1; teaches words in groups of 10 (140 sight words). Word recognition is through visual discrimination. Phonetic patterns in inflectional endings. Also introduces wrapped text and compound words. Moves readers from 1.0 to up to 2.5 RL. Contains 3 word building lesson books, workbooks, practice books, student books, reproducible activities, word cards, word strips, picture cards, text & scene cards, game, review story book, posttests, and more. Preview kit. |
PCI Reading Program, Level 2 T
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KM 13077KM 13077 PEAK Relational Training System
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Evidence-Based Autism Assessment and Treatment. There are currently 4 modules in the PEAK Relational Training System. Each module focuses on a different way that people learn new skills and information. These modules are the most important part of the PEAK Relational Training System. Research has shown that using all four of the modules simultaneously can lead to the most skill acquisition, as well as in other measures of intellectual and cognitive functioning. Kit includes the combo pack of 4 modules: Direct Training Module, Generalization Module, Equivalence Module, and Transformation Module. Professional kit. |
PEAK Relational Training System T

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KM 8136KM 8136 PEDI: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Comprehensive clinical assessment instrument that samples key functional capabilities and performance in children from the ages of 6 months to 7.5 years. PEDI is primarily designed for the functional evaluation of young children, but can be used for the evaluation of older children if their functional abilities fall below that expected of 7.5 year old children with no disabilities. PEDI measures both capability and performance of functional activities in three content domains: 1) self-care, 2) mobility, and 3) social function. PEDI consists of 197 functional skill items, and 20 items that assess caregiver assistance and modifications. Experienced therapists and teachers can complete the PEDI on a child with whom they are familiar in 20-30 minutes. Administration of the PEDI by structured parent interview can be completed in 45-60 minutes. Contents: manual and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
PEDI: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory T
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KM 12542KM 12542 Peek-A-Boo Bear (Switch Adapted)
Grade Lvl: KPIT Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Peek-A-Boo Bear has been adapted to work with any mechanical ability switch. Peek-A-Boo Bear engages in an interactive game of Peek-A-Boo when the ability switch is pressed. An ability switch is included. Uses three AA batteries (included). Intended for special needs students. |
Peek-A-Boo Bear (Switch Adapted) KPIT

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B 97043B 97043 Peer Buddy Programs for Successful Secondary School Inclusion
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hughes, Carolyn / Carter, Erik W
Length: 199 Copyright: 2008
When secondary schools are committed to inclusion, everybody wins—schools make progress toward IDEA and NCLB requirements, and students with and without disabilities enjoy higher academic achievement and new friendships. A good peer buddy program can play an invaluable role in making inclusion happen, and this guidebook shows educators exactly why and how. Carolyn Hughes and Erik Carter, highly respected experts well-known for their work with peer buddy programs, give schools all the step-by-step guidance they need to get a program started and keep it going. Educators will discover how to: •Establish a peer buddy program and spark student interest •Clarify the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved: teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, and students •Create successful peer-buddy matches using students' strengths, needs, and common interests •Develop smooth procedures for day-to-day program implementation •Guide peer buddies in providing appropriate, effective academic support •Promote inclusion in social arenas such as school clubs and the lunchroom •Assess and expand the program, incorporating participant feedback To help with every phase of program implementation, readers will also get a wealth of practical, research-based materials: extensive case examples, program checklists, suggested classroom adaptations, sample forms such as peer buddy applications and evaluation tools, and learning activities school staff can use to brainstorm and solve problems. With the proven program model in this one-of-a-kind guide, educators will transform secondary schools into caring and compassionate communities where all students help each other learn. |
Peer Buddy Programs for Successful Secondary School Inclusion T

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B 95612B 95612 Peer Play and the Autism Spectrum: The Art of Guiding Children's Socialization and Imagination
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wolfberg, Pamela
Length: 264 Copyright: 2003
Integrated Play Groups Field Manual is a guide that offers an introduction to the basic principles and techniques that comprise the Integrated Play Groups model. Pamela Wolfberg translates theory into effective and meaningful practice, giving practitioners, parents and other caregivers the tools to initiate peer play groups for children in school, home and community settings. The model's approach encourages and promotes genuine play between novice & expert players. Children learn not only how to play together but how to relate to one another in play. Suggests using each child's unique interests and then scaffolding their play rather than using a highly-structured, adult-directed approach. Manual includes assessment tools besides offering instructions about play and communication intervention strategies. |
Peer Play and the Autism Spectrum: The Art of Guiding Children's Socializat T

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KM 13586KM 13586 Penguin Roller Coaster Switch Adapted Toy
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
Use your switch control to send the penguins up the hill and watch them slide down. While having fun, this toy also helps increase tracking and teaches cause-and-effect. Kit also includes AbleNet button to activate. Appropriate for Early Access through adult. Checkout is restricted to K-12 Special Education Teachers and AEA Staff. IL Pres-12. |
Penguin Roller Coaster Switch Adapted Toy KPIJST

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KM 8116KM 8116 Phonological Awareness Profile
Grade Lvl: T Author: Robertson, Carolyn
Length: 0 Copyright: 1995
Individually administered profile helps pinpoint difficulties in prereading and writing skills in children 5-8 years old. Administration time is 10-20 minutes. Skills tested: rhyming; blending sounds; identifying sounds; substituting and deleting sounds; segmenting syllables, words and sentences. Checks sound-symbol relationships with tasks like decoding nonsense words and invented spelling. Contents: Examiner's Manual, letter cards, and Profile Forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. Sp. Ed Assessment Do Not Weed. |
Phonological Awareness Profile T
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B 94628B 94628 Physical & Occupational Therapy, August 2009
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 335 Copyright: 2009
Volume 29, Issue 3 of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics: A Quarterly Journal of Developmental Therapy. |
Physical & Occupational Therapy, August 2009 T
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B 94795B 94795 Physical & Occupational Therapy, August 2010
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 96 Copyright: 2010
Voume 30, Issue 3 of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics: A Quarterly Journal of Developmental Therapy. |
Physical & Occupational Therapy, August 2010 T
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B 94793B 94793 Physical & Occupational Therapy, February 2010
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 78 Copyright: 2010
Volume 30, Issue 1 of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics: A Quarterly Journal of Developmental Therapy. |
Physical & Occupational Therapy, February 2010 T
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B 94627B 94627 Physical & Occupational Therapy, May 2009
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 218 Copyright: 2009
Volume 29, Issue 2 of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics: A Quarterly Journal of Developmental Therapy. |
Physical & Occupational Therapy, May 2009 T
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B 94794B 94794 Physical & Occupational Therapy, May 2010
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 84 Copyright: 2010
Volume 30, Issue 2 of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics: A Quarterly Journal of Developmental Therapy. |
Physical & Occupational Therapy, May 2010 T
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B 94630B 94630 Physical & Occupational Therapy, November 2009
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 467 Copyright: 2009
Volume 29, Issue 4 of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics: A Quarterly Journal of Developmental Therapy. |
Physical & Occupational Therapy, November 2009 T
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B 95837B 95837 Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out
Grade Lvl: T Author: Davis, E. Ann
Length: 123 Copyright: 2012
Subtitle: An Illustrated Guide to Personalizing Participation. Contains over 450 activities and skills.Offers activities and games for developing body awareness, body actions, and basic manipulative skills. Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out helps create physical activity options that encourage success by honoring the capabilities of each person. By suggesting ways that familiar games and activities might be modified, this reference offers opportunities for those with severe or multiple disabilities who may or may not use wheelchairs to participate on their own terms. Students with disabilities- Orientation and mobility. |
Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out T

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B 96783B 96783 Pick'n Stick Activity Book One
Grade Lvl: T Author: Taylor, Sherri
Length: 171 Copyright: 2000
Provides a wide variety of activities to enrich language and cognitive skills in children or adults at the moderate to severe level. Reinforces language skills such as vocabulary, opposites, prepositions, alike & different as well as cognitive skills such as categorizing, classifying, accessing and processing information. Reproducible pages. |
Pick'n Stick Activity Book One T

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KM 12735KM 12735 Picture Cue Dictionary Software
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Dictionary has over 700 illustrated word cards with words from five life skills domains: shopping, dining, personal care, housekeeping, and following a schedule. Combines text and speech in an easy-to-navigate program. Words may be presented with or without text and speech. One can create & save word lists for specific tasks that students need to rehearse. Includes four activity options: identification, multiple choice, matching, and voice recorder. IL 4-12. |
Picture Cue Dictionary Software IJS

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B 96292B 96292 Picture the Progress: Drawings of Positive Student Behavior for Behavior Cards, Discussion Cards and Rule Charts...when visual communication is needed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Street, Annabelle / Cattoche, Robert
Length: 107 Copyright: 1995
Provides drawings of students engaging in appropriate behavior within a variety of school settings and activities. Settings include the classroom, hallway, library, lunch room, and bus, along with P.E. and music. Depicts appropriate classroom work behavior, positive social interaction, and general rule following. Using the drawings, teachers & others can communicate expectations for desired behaviors. For use with elementary children who have difficulty responding appropriately to verbal directions & instructions. |
Picture the Progress: Drawings of Positive Student Behavior for Behavior Ca T

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B 91126B 91126 Pictures That Teach Words
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 20 Copyright: 1992
Picture dictionary contains 20 lessons on blackline masters. Each lesson includes teacher's notes, lessons and a 7-language dictionary (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, and Vietnamese). |
Pictures That Teach Words T
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B 99892B 99892 Piecing Together the Paraprofessional Puzzle
Grade Lvl: T Author: Long, Carol
Length: 129 Copyright: 1996
Subtitle: A Handbook For the Orientation and Training Of First Year Paraprofessionals. Initial sections cover information an administrator would want the paraeducator to understand. Later sections concern topics (such as classroom duties) that are appropriate for teacher and paraeducator to discuss. Includes a number of reproducible forms for evaluation, etc. |
Piecing Together the Paraprofessional Puzzle T
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KM 90077KM 90077 Place Value Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
A hands-on academic work activity to solve math problems using a number line. Provides striped pegs to represent number values. Allows students to check work with number line. Students progress through three levels of increasing difficulty.Facilitates independent work for vocational and math training. Includes: two number lines, problem cards, 100 pegs, bins and boxes, and instructions Academic Work Activities Package. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Place Value Packaging JS

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KM 8589KM 8589 PLAI-2
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2003
Preschool Language Assessment Instrument, Second Edition. Allows for early identification of children with language and communication difficulties that might impede current or later classroom performance. Test is for ages 3 years through 5 years 11 months. Measures a child's performance in four levels of language abstraction: 1. Matching perception; 2. Analyzing perception; 3. Reordering perception; and 4. Reasoning about perception. Contents: manual, picture book, and record booklets (for ages 3 years and for ages 4-5 years). Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. Sp Ed Assessment Do Not Weed. |
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KM 12904KM 12904 Planner Guide: An Organizational and Reference System for People with Social and Cognitive Challenges
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Burke, Jane / Charron, Chantal
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
The Planner Guide is a visual (text and graphics), color-coded organizational system containing reference guides to provide information, instruction and direction for various situations. The contents of this book can be used as a curriculum for learning for younger years, adolescence, adult life and then ongoing as a life long reference tool! Use The Planner Guide to "connect the dots of life for organization, stress management, relationships, problem solving, self-advocacy, communication, personal safety, independence, and interdependence. Use the Planner Guide for: Educational Curriculum, Therapy, Support Groups, Individuals, Social Skills Curriculum and Lifetime Reference. Contents of Kit: three ring binder; event stickers; 141 reference guides; 56 wallet cards; wallet card organizer; wallet card holder; document pouch; instruction guide. (You will have to provide your own yearly calendar). |
Planner Guide: An Organizational and Reference System for People with Socia ST

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KM 90065KM 90065 Plastic Pipe Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A pre-vocational activity for basic matching and inserting.Provides PVC tubes with PVC coupling for assembly and a jig for support with one-handed assemblyOffers practice with sets of two, three, or five pieces. Requires little strength to attach tubes and coupling. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Plastic Pipe Assembly JS

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B 91182B 91182 Play & Learn: Motor-Based Preschool Curriculum
Grade Lvl: T Author: Coleman, Mary
Length: 314 Copyright: 1999
Subtitle: A Motor-Based Preschool Curriculum For Children Of All Abilities. Examines how to use assistive technology to address motor, sensory, cognitive, social and communication skills among preschoolers. Provides information on 264 skill-building activities. Emphasizes routines and music, repetition, play, and social interactions. Movement. Motor development. |
Play & Learn: Motor-Based Preschool Curriculum T
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B 97016B 97016 Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Resource of Play Ideas for Parents and Carers Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Moor, Julia
Length: 304 Copyright: 2008
Parents of young children newly diagnosed on the autism spectrum are often at a loss for ideas about how best to help their child. This book is not just a collection of play ideas; it shows how to break down activities into manageable stages, and looks at ways to gain a child's attention and motivation and to build on small achievements. Each chapter covers a collection of ideas around a theme, including music, art, physical activities, playing outdoors, puzzles, turn-taking and using existing toys to create play sequences. There are also chapters on introducing reading and making the most of television. This updated second edition contains an extensive chapter on how to use the computer, the internet and the digital camera to find and make resources and activities, and suggests many suitable websites to help parents through the internet maze. The ideas are useful both for toddlers and primary age children who are still struggling with play. |
Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Prac T

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B 95512B 95512 Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Harris, Karen / Graham, Steve
Length: 444 Copyright: 2008
Presents twenty- to sixty-minute lessons designed to teach writing strategies to elementary and middle school students with writing struggles, covering different writing types and each part of the writing process. Addresses types of writing that are key to academic success, such as writing reports and constructing essays for standardized tests. Supports effective instruction with step-by-step guidelines and optional scripts for teachers. Includes reproducible support materials such as cue cards, graphic organizers, mnemonic chats. |
Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students T

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KM 11931KM 11931 Powerlink 4 with Jelly Beamers
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
The PowerLink 4 control unit allows switch users to control up to two electrical appliances with single switches. The PowerLink 4 has six unique modes of control, these modes allow you to define exactly how, and for how long, appliances will remain turned on. The PowerLink 4 works with traditional ability switches and can be paired with Ablenet’s Jelly Beamer for wireless activation. This kit contains two Jelly Beamers for wireless connectivity. |
Powerlink 4 with Jelly Beamers KPIJST

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B 94370B 94370 Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools: Building Or Improving Your District's AT Team
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bugaj, Christopher / Norton-Darr, Sally
Length: 297 Copyright: 2010
Building Or Improving Your District's AT Team by Christopher R. Bugaj and Sally Norton-Darr. Discusses assistive technology (definitions, laws, and examples) and how to consider assistive technology in the IEP. Provides guidance in building an assistive technology team and services (including consultations, evaluations, recommendations). For administrators, assistive technology professionals, and special education staff. Includes advice for working successfully with teachers, parents, service providers, IEP teams, and students. |
Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools: Buildi T

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B 94660B 94660 Practical Guide for Teaching Self-Determination
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 178 Copyright: 1998
Uses a question-and-answer format to identify and respond to key topics practitioners need to address to promote student self-determinination in their service settings. For K-12 special education/special population instructions, work experience coordinators, vocational assessment personnel, guidance counselors, and other support staff. Addresses the legislative and research foundations for self-determination; terminology; assessment of self-determination; the relationship between career development, transition, and self-determination; self-determination methods, curricula, and materials; and self-determination in transition planning. Autonomy. |
Practical Guide for Teaching Self-Determination T

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B 94293B 94293 Practical Sensory Programmes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Special Needs
Grade Lvl: T Author: Larkey, Sue
Length: 112 Copyright: 2007
Provides information for educators who have students with sensory processing difficulties. Offers a six-step approach to developing a program to help children cope with sensory input they find overwhelming, and to find activities they may find relaxing or rewarding. Includes more than 30 activities using sound, taste, vision, and movement. Gives advice on how to use these activities as opportunities to improve children's communication skills. |
Practical Sensory Programmes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and T

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B 90551B 90551 Practicing Basic Skills in Reading
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beck, Ray
Length: 433 Copyright: 2009
Book from the One-Minute Fluency Builders Series by Ray Beck, Peggy Anderson, and A. Denise Conrad is designed for Grades 1-6 and Remedial 7-12. Collection of 286 skills sheets that can be used with individuals, small groups, or large classes. Contents: Prereading Skills; Letter Naming; Phonemic Awareness--Phoneme Isolation; Phonemic Awareness--Phoneme Segmentation; Reading Isolated Sounds; Blending Reading Isolated Decodable Nonsense Words; Blending/Reading Isolated Decodable Real Words; Reading High Frequency Sight Words (Dolch Words); General High Frequency Words; Beginning Reading--Isolated Words and Sentences; Reading Passages (Pre-First through Seventh Grade level). |
Practicing Basic Skills in Reading T
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KM 12017KM 12017 Pre-Referral Intervention Manual, Fourth Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: McCarney, Stephen / Wunderlich, Kathy Cummins
Length: 687 Copyright: 2014
On book cover: The Most Common Learning and Behavior Problems Encountered in the Educational Environment. Provides a direct response to state mandated pre-referral intervention activities. It may be used by a teacher or group of educators, such as a Teacher Assistance Team, to develop a comprehensive plan of intervention strategies for a student. Includes CD with Appendix pdf files. |
Pre-Referral Intervention Manual, Fourth Edition T

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B 94364B 94364 Preparing Teens for the World of Work
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schilling, Dianne
Length: 169 Copyright: 1995
Subtitle: A School-to-Work Transition Guide for Counselors, Teachers and Career Specialists. Reproducible activity sheets are grouped into three sections: Job Finding Skills, Job Keeping Skills, and Tips for Mentors. Job Finding activities relate to school-based learning. Job Keeping activities are designed to be used just prior to and in conjunction with internship and apprenticeship placements and other types of work experience. The activities in the Tips for Mentors assists with the selection and training of, and ongoing collaboration with, job site mentors. |
Preparing Teens for the World of Work T

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KM 8577KM 8577 Preschool Language Scale (5th Ed) Spanish
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zimmerman, Irla
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
PLS-5 Spanish is an individually administered test used to identify monolingual or bilingual Spanish speaking children who have a language disorder or delay. Use with children from birth through 6 years 11 months of age. Test is not a translated edition of the English edition so some test tasks appear only in the Spanish edition. Composed of two subscales: Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication. In addition to evaluating receptive and expressive language skills, PLS-5 Spanish includes three supplemental asessments: the Language Sample Checklist, the Articulation Screener, and the Cuestionario para los Padres (Caregiver Questionnaire). Administration time is 20-45 minutes. Contents: examiner's manual, picture manual, and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Preschool Language Scale (5th Ed) Spanish T
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KM 12327KM 12327 PRESS Intervention & Assessment Manuals
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites (PRESS) includes four components: 1.Quality core instruction 2.tiered interventions 3.embedded and ongoing professional development 4.data-based decision making. Manuals in this kit focus on tiered interventions & data-based decision making. Kit contains three manuals: The Intervention Manual provides a guidebook for decision making and K-5 student interventions, covering the five components of reading instruction. It includes options for class-wide and small group interventions. The Spanish Intervention Manual includes interventions with scripted dialogues in Spanish. It does not include the decision-making tools that are in the English version. The Assessment Manual contains skill assessments for phonemic awareness, phonics, & comprehension. It is a resource for monitoring the progress of students recieving Tier 2 interventions. |
PRESS Intervention & Assessment Manuals T

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KM 12541KM 12541 Pretty Poodle (Switch Adapted)
Grade Lvl: KPIT Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Pretty Poodle has been adapted to work with any mechanical ability switch. Pretty Poodle walks, shakes her tail, barks and stretches when the ability switch is pressed. An ability switch is NOT included, but there are many available for checkout through Keystone’s Lending Library. Uses two AA batteries (included). Intended for special needs students. |
Pretty Poodle (Switch Adapted) KPIT

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B 95166B 95166 Preventing Challenging Behavior in Your Classroom: Positive Behavior Support and Effective Classroom Management
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tincani, Matt
Length: 155 Copyright: 2011
Presents methods for dealing with behavior problems and improving student learning with an emphasis on Positive Behavior Support (PBS). Chapters: What is positive behavior support? -- Myths and facts about effective classroom management -- The foundation : classroom organization -- Active student responding to prevent challenging behaviors -- Classroom-wide behavior support -- Functional behavioral assessment -- Function-based interventions and behavior intervention programming -- Using data to evaluate PBS outcomes. |
Preventing Challenging Behavior in Your Classroom: Positive Behavior Suppor T

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KM 12083KM 12083 Prince and the Pauper "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Twain, Mark / Venable, Alan
Length: 125 Copyright: 2011
In this retelling of the Mark Twain classic, two boys who resemble each other (Tom Canty, a poor boy, & Prince Edward, who will someday be King) exchange places. They trade clothes, just for fun, but after they do it, people get the boys mixed up. the Prince gets thrown into the street, and Tom must stay in the palace and pretend to be the Prince. Kit contains five copies of the book. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Novel Study. Gold level(RL 2-3). Publisher GR level M. Lexile 420. IL 6-12. |
Prince and the Pauper "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8146KM 8146 Print Tool
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
Printing assessment for students age 6 and older. Use for evidence based intervention. Assess capitals, numbers, and lowercase letter skills. The skills evaluated include memory, orientation, placement, size, start, sequence, control, and spacing. Administration time is 15 minutes. Contents: guide; measuring tool; caregiver questionnaire; summary score sheets; and short sensory profile. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Print Tool T
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B 97615B 97615 Pro-Active Paraeducator
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ashbaker, Betty Y / Morgan, Jill
Length: 82 Copyright: 2017
Subtitle: More than 250 Smart Ideas for Paraprofessionals Who Support Teachers. This book includes hundreds of smart ideas for supporting student learning and behavior in schools offered by seasoned paraeducators and teachers. Tips, hints, and actions to take to proactively prevent problems before they begin! The text includes topics for promoting positive behavior, effective use of time, meeting the needs of the learner, and being part of the instructional team. Written for paraeducators, paraprofessionals, and others who support teachers. |
Pro-Active Paraeducator T

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B 97132B 97132 Program Administrator's Guide to Early Childhood Special Education: Leadership, Development, and Supervision
Grade Lvl: T Author: McCracken, Janeen Taylor / McGowan, James
Length: 414 Copyright: 2009
Addresses both early childhood and special education, this comprehensive resource guides administrators and supervisors through all the challenges they'll face as they lead high-quality programs. Readers will discover how to work toward a coordinated, family-centered system of early intervention services ensure accurate screening and evaluation of young children create and manage a budget using the basics of accounting develop a comprehensive professional development program consistent with current best practices improve staff performance through systematic, planned supervision of professionals, paraprofessionals, and volunteers integrate cost-effective instructional and assistive technology that will have a significant positive impact on learning ease children's transitions between settings and types of services address legal issues and liabilities related to ECSE program management support the health and safety of children with and without disabilities To help them design and manage successful special education programs for young children, readers will also get sample forms for creating IFSPs and IEPs, planning transitions, evaluating staff, and assessing the program as a whole. The ultimate professional development resource for anyone who is or plans to be an early childhood special education administrator, this book uncovers the secrets to effective services, highly qualified staff, and better outcomes for children with special needs. |
Program Administrator's Guide to Early Childhood Special Education: Leaders T

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B 97011B 97011 Promoting Student Happiness: Positive Psychology Interventions in Schools
Grade Lvl: T Author: Suldo, Shannon M
Length: 273 Copyright: 2016
Shows how interventions targeting gratitude, kindness, character strengths, optimistic thinking, hope, and healthy relationships can contribute to improved academic and social outcomes in grades 3-12. It provides a 10-session manual for promoting subjective well-being--complete with vivid case examples--that can be implemented with individuals, small groups, or whole classes. Factors that predict youth happiness are discussed, evidence-based assessment tools presented, and ways to involve teachers and parents described. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the volume includes 40 reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print these materials, plus online-only fidelity checklists and parent and teacher notes. |
Promoting Student Happiness: Positive Psychology Interventions in Schools T

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B 94065B 94065 Purposeful Co-Teaching: Real Cases and Effective Strategies
Grade Lvl: T Author: Conderman, Greg / Bresnahan, Val
Length: 165 Copyright: 2009
Provides research-based instructional strategies for developing a co-teaching collaboration that will promote a more effective learning environment. |
Purposeful Co-Teaching: Real Cases and Effective Strategies T

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KM 90016KM 90016 PVC Connector Packaging and Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Pre-Voc Three kit provides a unique task with a packaging function, and a separate assembly process using an off-the-shelf PVC electrical connector. Students must remove 5 pieces from a divider box and assemble them into a PVC Connector, then disassemble the PVC Connector into five pieces and packaging in 5-compartment divider boxes. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Practice a 5-part assembly involving turning and inserting stills using the correct sequence and placement. Or disassemble the five parts and package with each part going into its own compartment in a 5-compartment divider box. The Connectors are made of heavy-duty PVC, metal and plastic pieces. Comes with 32 PVC Connectors with five parts, 16 clear plastic 5-compartment divider boxes, a parts bin and two large storage bins. Also included are step-by-step packaging instructions and separate instructions for the assembly process, both with norms. Quality Criteria: For the Packaging process all five pieces must be disassembled from the PVC Connector with each piece stored in the correct compartment of the 5-compartment divider box. Pieces for two connectors go into each box. The boxes must be snapped closed and placed in the storage bin in for stacks of four boxes. For the Assembly process, all pieces must be removed from the divider boxes and correctly assembled and placed into the parts bin. All pieces must be snugly assembled, but not tight. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
PVC Connector Packaging and Assembly JS

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B 94898B 94898 Pyramid Response to Intervention: RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn
Grade Lvl: T Author: Buffum, Austin
Length: 225 Copyright: 2009
A comprehensive guide that shows how to build a unified response system for helping students with learning and behavioral problems. Remedial teaching. Authors: Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber. |
Pyramid Response to Intervention: RTI, Professional Learning Communities, a T

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KM 8482KM 8482 Quick and Easy Classroom Interventions: 23 Proven Tools for Increasing Student Cooperation
Grade Lvl: T Author: Fay, Jim
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Jim Fay presents 23 positive discipline strategies based on the "Love and the Logic" approach. The classroom management techniques are designed to help teachers satisfy children's basic needs for affection, control, and inclusion. Describes an escalating series of interventions from least restrictive to most restrictive. Strategies include Time-out; I messages; contracts; conferences; systematic suspension; etc. Contents: two audio CDs (120 minutes). Two-week loan period. |
Quick and Easy Classroom Interventions: 23 Proven Tools for Increasing Stud T
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B 95454B 95454 Quick and Easy Ideas & Materials to Help the Nonverbal Child "Talk" at Home
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rouse, Carolyn
Length: 171 Copyright: 1997
Helps parents give their child a way to communicate while learning to talk. Uses Picture Communication Symbol (PCS) communication boards. |
Quick and Easy Ideas & Materials to Help the Nonverbal Child "Talk" at Home T

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B 95455B 95455 Quick and Easy Ideas for Using Classroom Materials to Teach Academics to Nonverbal Children & More!
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rouse, Carolyn
Length: 255 Copyright: 1999
Explanation of how to set up the classroom and adapt classroom materials for the nonverbal child. Uses PCS content and vocabulary to help teachers incorporate nonverbal students into the classroom. Includes two types of overlays to be used with augmentative communication devices. |
Quick and Easy Ideas for Using Classroom Materials to Teach Academics to No T

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KM 8689KM 8689 Quick Phonics Screener, 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Renaissance Learning / Read Naturally Inc.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017
Add Quick Phonics Screener (QPS) Third Edition (2017) to your reading assessment toolkit. The third edition of this proven diagnostic phonics assessment includes the new Quick Spelling Survey (QSS)—a time-saving spelling assessment you can administer to a group or to a whole class. Use QSS results to determine which students may need to be assessed with Quick Phonics Screener (QPS), a one-to-one assessment. QPS and QSS identify each student's strengths and instructional needs in phonics—decoding and encoding. Multiple forms allow you to monitor progress throughout the year. Includes an assessment overview card, the examiner's manual, and the assessment book. Examiner scoring sheets (QPS), student response forms (QSS), and summary score sheets are reproducible. Restricted to AEA Staff. |
Quick Phonics Screener, 3rd Edition T

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KM 12139KM 12139 Race Inside Me: The Story of Wilma Rudolph "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stemach, Jerry
Length: 107 Copyright: 2009
Presents an inspiring woman who overcame great challenges to win gold medals. Wilma Rudolph became the first American woman to ever win three gold medals in a single Olympics. Kit contains five copies of the book from the Start-to-Finish series Overcoming the Odds: Sports Biographies. Blue Level (RL 4-5) Publisher GR level S. Lexile 790. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Race Inside Me: The Story of Wilma Rudolph "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 93483B 93483 Reaching All Learners: Making Differentiation Work
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kingore, Bertie
Length: 176 Copyright: 2007
Guide to differentiated instruction in first through eighth grade that explains research-based strategies and provides 80 lesson variations (40 for students with fewer skills; 40 that increase challenge), 74 tips for effective learning environments, and a teaching palette of 40 strategies. |
Reaching All Learners: Making Differentiation Work T

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B 96698B 96698 Reaching and Teaching Children Who Hurt: Strategies for Your Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Craig, Susan
Length: 224 Copyright: 2008
Discusses strategies and techniques to reach and teach children who have been exposed to various forms of trauma, such as abuse, neglect, community violence; and explores how family violence influences language and memory, and other related topics. Shows educators how to adapt instruction to address the learning characteristics of children exposed to trauma, & how to use positive behavior supports so children can stay calm and focused on learning. Presents ways to build meaningful, appropriate, and supportive teacher-student relationships and encourage positive peer relationships through cooperative games, group projects, and buddy systems. Throughout the book, realistic sample scenarios demonstrate how teachers can make the strategies work in their classroom, and challenging What Would You Do? quizzes sharpen educators' instincts so they can respond skillfully in difficult situations. |
Reaching and Teaching Children Who Hurt: Strategies for Your Classroom T

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KM 12300KM 12300 Read to Learn
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
A language arts curriculum for transition age students that features age-appropriate content with contemporary life skill themes. Features three easy-to-read illustrated books (Life Skill and Safety Skill Readers, plus Focus on Feelings), each with corresponding interactive software and PDFs for printout. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. For grades 6-12. |
Read to Learn IJS

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DVD 2784DVD 2784 Reading Aloud (for AAC Users)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Musselwhite, Caroline Ramsey
Length: 32 Copyright: 2008
Reviews strategies for both shared reading and guided reading for students who use AAC. Topics include: the importance of repeated readings, story retelling, and supporting early reading comprehension. Disc has Handout & Study Guide. |
Reading Aloud (for AAC Users) T
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B 96446B 96446 Reading Upside Down: Identifying and Addressing Opportunity Gaps in Literacy Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wolter, Deborah
Length: 132 Copyright: 2015
Presents case studies illustrating the complexities of student learning experiences and the unique circumstances that shaped their acquisition of literacy. Explores eight key factors that contribute to reading challenges in developing readers, including school readiness, the use of prescribed phonics-based programs, physical hurdles, unfamiliarity with English, and special education labeling. With a focus on the differences that educators can make for individual students, the text suggests ways to identify and address early opportunity gaps that can impact students throughout their entire educational career. |
Reading Upside Down: Identifying and Addressing Opportunity Gaps in Literac T

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B 97129B 97129 Ready to Use Learning Disabilities Activities Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author: Harwell, Joan M
Length: 261 Copyright: 1993
More than 200 reproducibles that meet the needs of students who have a wide range of functional levels. Activities can be adapted for use with regular students and are preceded by a general discussion of the learning objectives and prerequisites; rationale; and extension activities. The Ready-to-Use Learning Disabilities Activities Kit is designed to help regular and special teacher of elementary children in the areas of reading, language arts, and math. It gives the busy teacher over 200 reproducible activities for quickly and effectively meeting the needs of students who have a wide range of functional levels. The materials in the Kit are not intended to be a comprehensive program but rather a supplement to the materials and course of study recommended by your district. For example, obviously the math materials are limited to those that develop critical thinking by helping students visualize what words and numbers mean. The activities are presented by approximate grade level, kindergarten to 2.9, but you will find yourself moving back and forth form unit to unit as you seek to meet each student's needs: Unit One, "Pre-Academics for Young Learning Disabled Students," provides activities appropriate for Head Start and kindergarten-aged children whose learning disabilities render them not yet ready for beginning academics. Unit Two, "Beginning Academics," presents activities appropriate for children who are functioning at grades 1.0 to 1.9. Unit Three, "Moving 'Write' Along," offers activities for children who are functioning in the 2.0 to 2.9 range. While these materials were created for use with learning disabled children, they may be used with youngsters in the general school population as well. You could, for example, use the activities as homework for regular class students, giving pre-academics to beginning first graders, first-grade materials as homework for second graders, and so on. The activities at each level are preceded by a general discussion of the learning objectives and prerequisites at that level and specific suggestions for using each of the activities that follow. |
Ready to Use Learning Disabilities Activities Kit T

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B 95614B 95614 Ready, Set , RELAX: A Research-Based Program of Relaxation, Learning, and Self-Esteem for Children
Grade Lvl: T Author: Allen. Jeffrey / Klein, Roger
Length: 202 Copyright: 1996
Cover title: Ready . . . Set . . . R.E.L.A.X. Introduces the Ready, Set, R.E.L.A.X. program, which helps preschool to intermediate students cope with stress and anxiety and builds their imaginations and self-esteem; provides sixty-six program scripts; and includes a letter-to-parents template and other tools. |
Ready, Set , RELAX: A Research-Based Program of Relaxation, Learning, and S T

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KM 8700KM 8700 Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test 4th Edition Spanish-Bilingual Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Martin, Nancy A
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
ROWPVT-4 N includes expanded norms (ages 2-0 through 70+), this edition is intended for use with and was normed on a bilingual population of individuals who speak Spanish and English with varying levels of proficiency. Because examinees are permitted to respond in either language, the test measures total acquired vocabulary; it is not a test of language proficiency, since language includes grammar and syntax, as well as vocabulary. Norms are separate from the English 4th edition of the ROWPVT. The Spanish-bilingual edition (SBE) tests are co-normed, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of a person's naming abilities. Examiners must be fluent in both languages or be assisted by someone fluent in the language not spoken by the principal examiner, in order to understand whether any dialectical variants should be counted as correct. Short term checkout. Checkout restricted to Keystone AEA Speech and Language Pathologists. |
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test 4th Edition Spanish-Bilingual Ed T

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B 93055B 93055 Recipe for Reading: Intervention Strategies; Intervention Strategies for Struggling Readers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bloom, Frances / Traub, Nina
Length: 255 Copyright: 2005
Manual contains structured lessons presented in a flexible format. Each lesson contains kinesthetic handwriting cues, phonological awareness and fluency activities, as well as words, phrases, and sentences for reading and dictation. Most lessons also have word games, rhymes, and mnemonic devices that aid memorization of concepts in an enjoyable way. |
Recipe for Reading: Intervention Strategies; Intervention Strategies for St T

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KM 11267KM 11267 Recycling: Cash in the Trash
Grade Lvl: IJ Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Literacy Starters are designed for students in the middle grades who are reading at beginning levels. This set is based on the age-appropriate topic/theme recycling. The three books in the set provide three distinct types of text: Conventional, Transitional, and Enrichment. The individual book titles are: Snowballs in the Desert; Down in the Dumps; and Can It! Activities to support reading comprehension, vocabulary cards. Contents: information card materials linked to the topic, three different non-fiction picture books, and three visual vocabulary cards. A Start-to-Finish series. |
Recycling: Cash in the Trash IJ
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KM 12100KM 12100 Red Badge of Courage "Start-to-Finish"
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Crane, Stephen / Matern, John
Length: 113 Copyright: 2009
Presents a retelling of Stephen Crane's classic novel about Henry Flemming, a young Civil War Union soldier who experiences his first battle and then has to come to terms with his own fears and feelings of cowardice. Kit contains eight copies of the book (113 pages) by John Matern, one CD-Rom and one teachers guide. Novel Study. Lexile 370 Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. From the Start-to-Finish series Classic Adventures. Gold level (RL 2-3). Use kit KM 8816 as a Resource Kit. |
Red Badge of Courage "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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KM 9522KM 9522 Redcat Access Portable Speaker
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
All-in-one classroom audio system with a flat-panel speaker design and wireless teacher microphone can deliver highly intelligible speech everywhere in the room. Its exceptional audio clarity fills the room with the teacher’s natural voice, enabling all students to hear every word. With Access Technology, there is no interference with other classroom technologies and has scalability to meet evolving instructional needs. Bluetooth technology. Kit includes user guide, flat panel speaker, flexmike, power supply and power cable. For best results, prior to using consultant should consider a full charge of the flexmike unit nightly. Restricted to AEA1 Audiologists. 10 day loan period. |
Redcat Access Portable Speaker T

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B 97559B 97559 Reimagining Special Education: Using Inclusion as a Framework to Build Equity and Support All Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Rufo, Jenna Mancini / Causton, Julie
Length: 110 Copyright: 2022
Guides readers in creating more equitable schools and services, through practical strategies teachers can use right away and thought-provoking, big-picture questions for administrators to tackle. Readers will explore how inclusive educational practices can address each student’s unique needs as schools reopen and bridge learning gaps for students who struggle. Throughout the book, vignettes and anecdotes spark lightbulb moments for educators and show what recommended practices look like in real classrooms. |
Reimagining Special Education: Using Inclusion as a Framework to Build Equi T

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KM 12142KM 12142 Remembering Sweetness: Walter Payton and the Bears "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 108 Copyright: 2002
Based on his own autobiographies and numerous recollections from teammates and friends, this book follows Walter Payton's life, from a happy, constantly active childhood in Mississippi in the 1950s and 1960s, through high school, college, and professional stardom, to his untimely death in 1999 at the age of 45. It explains Walter’s motivation in terms of a supportive family and rivalry with a much admired older brother. Kit contains five copies of the book from the Start-to-Finish series Overcoming the Odds: Sports Biographies. Blue Level (RL 4-5) Publisher GR level R. Lexile 740. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Remembering Sweetness: Walter Payton and the Bears "Start-to-Finish" 5 Book IJS

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B 96968B 96968 Resilient Classrooms: Creating Healthy Environments for Learning Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Doll, Beth / Brehm, Katherine
Length: 179 Copyright: 2014
Presents classroom-based strategies for supporting all students' success and psychological wellness in grades K-9. The authors clearly explain what makes a classroom a healthy place to learn. They describe effective procedures for recognizing when a classroom is lacking essential supports, intervening to put missing supports into place, and evaluating the effects on learning and development. Rich case studies show how the strategies have been used by actual educators. Reproducible worksheets and planning tools are included; the large-size format and lay-flat binding facilitate photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman. New to This Edition *Incorporates a substantial new research base. *Expanded K-9 grade range. *Discussions of timely topics: English language learners, cultural diversity, response to intervention, and positive behavior supports. *Most case studies are new. *Seven additional reproducibles (intervention strategy sheets). |
Resilient Classrooms: Creating Healthy Environments for Learning Second Edi T

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B 97346B 97346 Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools, Third Edition: The Check-In, Check-Out Intervention
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hawken, Leanne S / Crone, Deanne A
Length: 269 Copyright: 2021
The latest research and adaptations for additional target behaviors, this is the gold-standard guide to Check-In, Check-Out (CICO), the most widely implemented Tier 2 behavior intervention. CICO is designed for the approximately 10–15% of students who fail to meet school wide behavioral expectations but who do not require intensive, individualized supports. The book includes step-by-step procedures and reproducible tools for planning and implementation. The third edition offers: *Chapters on CICO in alternative educational settings and for students with internalizing behavior problems. *Content on using CICO for attendance issues, academic and organizational skills, and recess behavior problems. *Chapter on layering additional targeted interventions onto CICO. *Chapter with specific recommendations for training and coaching school teams. *Expanded chapters on frequently asked questions, implementation in high school, and culturally responsive practices. *Supplemental online-only training and data management tools. *Updated throughout with current data and evidence-based procedures. |
Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools, Third Edition: The Check-In, Che T

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KM 8575KM 8575 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Schmidt, Michael
Length: 0 Copyright: 1996
RAVLT is a neuropsychological test used to evaluate verbal learning and memory, including proactive inhibition, retroactive inhibition, retention, encoding versus retrieval, and subjective organization. Assessment instrument for ages 7-89 uses a fixed order word list. This 15-item word list is presented five times. Responses are recorded after each trial. The handbook describes the test, its development and use. Brings together all versions and forms, psychometric data, and research. Covers administration and scoring, selecting norms and an appropriate form, moderator variables, impaired motivation and malingering. Contents: handbook, errata sheet, and record sheet and score summary. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) T

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KM 13533KM 13533 Road to Regulation Visuals and Tools
Grade Lvl: KPI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
Engage students in social thinking opportunities with Zones of Regulation Series the Road to Regulation. The kit includes a Road to Regulation poster, Zones of Regulation Tools: Try Cards for Kids, and two award winning storybooks The Road to Regulation (68 pages) and The Regulation Station (84 pages). These visuals and tools offer in-the-moment reminders of the four steps needed to (1) recognize your feelings, (2) identify your Zone, (3) choose a tool, and (4) use the tool to help regulate your feelings experienced across different situations. Kit Contains: The Road to Regulation Poster; The Road to Regulation & The Regulation Station storybook: Understanding and Managing Feelings & Emotions | 2-Storybook Set; Tools to Try Cards for Kids: Regulation Strategies to Focus, Calm, Think, Move, Breathe, and Connect. This kit is a nice compliment to KM 11856 Zones of Regulation Curriculum. IL Pres-5. |
Road to Regulation Visuals and Tools KPI

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KM 11908KM 11908 Robbie Rabbit Switch Adapted Toy
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
Robbie Rabbit has been adapted to work with any mechanical ability switch. Robbie Rabbit hops, wiggles his nose, raises his ears, and squeaks. An ability switch is included. Requires two AA batteries. Use for special needs students only. Appropriate for Preschool-grade 2. |
Robbie Rabbit Switch Adapted Toy KP

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KM 12940KM 12940 Roller II Joystick
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
TRAXSYS' Roller II line are sturdy three button switch adaptable pointing devices. They come in either a large 2.5" trackball or a 3" joystick. Separate buttons function for left click, right click and drag lock with color corresponding switch ports on the back of the units. A flashing light indicates the drag button has been activated. The Roller II products include a keyguard to help users isolate on the buttons. The Joystick comes with two alternative handles to accommodate different input needs, T-Bar and Soft Sponge Ball. USB adapter offers a use with PC or Mac. |
Roller II Joystick KPIJST

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KM 4383KM 4383 Rolling Scissors
Grade Lvl: PIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1993
Lightweight rolling scissors cuts paper easily for those with limited coordination. Push to cut. No exposed edges. The contents include: one instruction sheet and one rolling scissors. |
Rolling Scissors PIJS
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KM 10692KM 10692 Roly-Poly Man Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wright, Suzette
Length: 0 Copyright: 1991
Contains the braille book with tactile illustrations by Suzette Wright. Contents: Story Box information sheet and book. |
Roly-Poly Man Braille--Story Box KP
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KM 12077KM 12077 Romeo and Juliet "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Shakespeare, William / Stemach, Jerry
Length: 85 Copyright: 2009
Retelling of William Shakespeare's classic play about the tragic love story of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet and the feud between their families. Kit contains five copies of the book (85 pages) by Jerry Stemach and Gail Portnuff Venable and a teacher guide. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 380. Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. |
Romeo and Juliet "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12655KM 12655 Room 14: A Social Language Program
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wilson, Carolyn C
Length: 0 Copyright: 1993
Students learn how to make and keep friends, fit in at school, handle feelings, use self-control and be responsible. Room 14 characters have social problems and social successes much like real students. Curriculum is suitable for students with learning disabilities, speech-language disorders, behavior disorders, and those in the regular classroom. Program includes 3 books (Instructor's Manual; Activities Book; & Picture Book) plus CD of reproducible pages. For use with students ages 6-10, Grades 1-5. |
Room 14: A Social Language Program T

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KM 12657KM 12657 Room 28: A Social Language Program
Grade Lvl: T Author: LoGiudice, Carolyn / McConnell, Nancy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Students learn how to solve problems, resolve conflicts, and set goals for themselves in Room 28. The social skills program includes activities and complete lesson plans. This curriculum for classrooms and groups is suitable for students with learning disabilities, speech-language disorders, behavior disorders, and those in the regular classroom. Includes 70-page instructor's manual and 150-page activities book. For students ages 11-18/ grades 6+. |
Room 28: A Social Language Program T

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KM 12146KM 12146 Rosa Parks: Freedom Fighter "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Major, Devorah
Length: 88 Copyright: 1999
An overview of the life of Rosa Parks and her fight for equal rights, which started when she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus. Kit contains six copies of the book (88 pages) and one instructional guide. From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold Library (RL 2-3) Lexile 550 Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Rosa Parks: Freedom Fighter "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books IJS

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B 97121B 97121 Routines-Based Early Intervention: Supporting Young Children and Their Families
Grade Lvl: T Author: McWilliam, R. A.
Length: 268 Copyright: 2010
A proven model for family-centered intervention in natural environments, routines-based intervention is the approach thousands of professionals trust to improve the lives of young children and families. Now there's a definitive guide to this highly respected, theoretically sound model-straight from the leading authority on routines-based intervention. Putting the wisdom and strategies from his popular workshops into book form for the first time, Robin McWilliam gives professionals a detailed framework for early intervention that addresses families' individual needs and helps children participate in daily routines. With the step-by-step guidance on each part of the routines-based intervention model, professionals in Part C programs will reach their key goals during visits to homes and child care settings: Fully understand the family environment. Get to know the family by creating a helpful visual depiction of their relationships, supports, and resources. Conduct assessment that's truly family-centered. Uncover the whole family's functional needs through an in-depth yet unintimidating interview about daily routines and activities. Write high-quality IFSPs and IEPs. Develop clear, specific, measurable goals that directly address the family's priorities and help children develop skills relevant to everyday life. Provide coordinated, streamlined services. Implement the primary-service-provider model, so families receive strong, consistent support from one provider. Empower families to continue intervention between visits. Coach families on weaving intervention into daily routines, so children have the best chance to learn and retain new skills. Support early childhood educators through collaborative consultation, so they have all the tools they need to teach children effectively. To help readers implement the model successfully and ensure fidelity to its principles, this practical how-to guide gives professionals more than 25 photocopiable checklists and other tools. And the review quizzes at the end of each chapter help make this an ideal textbook for preservice professionals as they prepare to work with children and families. With this proven model—aligned with DEC Recommended Practices—Part C programs will ensure high-quality services that get right to the heart of each family's needs and improve young children's outcomes. Implement the model with more than 25 checklists and forms: Family Quality of Life scale Therapy Goals Information form RBI Implementation Checklist Infant-Toddler Assessment Checklist Family Preparation form Service Decision Checklist Home Visit Checklist Consultation Checklist and more |
Routines-Based Early Intervention: Supporting Young Children and Their Fami T

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B 94636B 94636 RTI Daily Planning Book, K-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Owocki, Gretchen
Length: 315 Copyright: 2010
Provides tools and strategies for using Response to Intervention (RTI) in kindergarten through sixth-grade reading classrooms, discussing collecting and assessing data, targeted follow-up instruction, and other related topics, and offering reproducible rubrics, data charts, class checklists, and more. |
RTI Daily Planning Book, K-6 T

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KM 12750KM 12750 RTI Success: Proven Tools and Strategies for Schools and Classrooms (Book & CD-ROM)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Whitten, Elizabeth / Esteves, Kelli
Length: 245 Copyright: 2009
Describes tools and strategies to implement RTI--Response to Intervention--methods for academic intervention in a school or district, and provides reproducible forms and a PowerPoint presentation, and discusses how to collect student data, teaching techniques, and more. Includes a CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentation & forms. |
RTI Success: Proven Tools and Strategies for Schools and Classrooms (Book & T

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B 94306B 94306 RTI Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Schools
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wright, Jim
Length: 241 Copyright: 2007
Offers school administrators and teachers techniques, resources, and guidelines to help them implement a "Response to Intervention" program to address the needs of struggling students in the general population, with at-risk students, and for students with learning disabilities or behavior problems, looking at the RTI model, and covering structuring, management, and assessment goals. |
RTI Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Schools T
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B 94060B 94060 RTI: A Practitioner's Guide to Implementing Response to Intervention
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mellard, Daryl
Length: 148 Copyright: 2008
Guide to academic intervention that focuses on the RTI--Response to Intervention--method for special education teachers, and discusses classroom environments, small-group targeted instruction, individual-focused education methods, and other related topics. Chapters: What Is RTI?; RTI in the Context of Policy Initiatives; Schoolwide Screening; Progress Monitoring; Tier 1: General Education; Tier 2: Intervention; Tier 3: Special Education; Fidelity of Implementation; and Conclusion. Authors: Daryl F. Mellard and Evelyn Johnson. |
RTI: A Practitioner's Guide to Implementing Response to Intervention T

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KM 90079KM 90079 Rubber Parts Sort
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A mid-range, pre-vocational activity for subtle discrimination practice. Provides small rubber parts of 12 designs. Introduces the concept of sorting items into labeled categories. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Rubber Parts Sort JS

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B 92584B 92584 Rubrics for Transition II: for Lower-Functioning
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wessels, John
Length: 82 Copyright: 2004
Manual has rubrics written at a level for lower-functioning students. 61 skills are grouped in seven areas: workplace skills and attitudes; responsibility; interacting with others; computer and internet skills; basic academic skills; habits of wellness; and planning for success. Discusses how rubrics enhance learning, how to turn rubrics into IEPs, and six steps to organizing transition. Reproducible forms. |
Rubrics for Transition II: for Lower-Functioning T
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B 113484B 113484 Russell's World: A Story For Kids About Autism
Grade Lvl: KPI Author: Armenta, Charles
Length: 38 Copyright: 2011
Describes the daily life, likes and dislikes, and habits of Russell Amenta, who is a happy boy despite being severely autistic. Autisticchildren. RC 4.4. Lexile 720. IL K-4. |
Russell's World: A Story For Kids About Autism KPI

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B 96679B 96679 S.M.A.R.T. Curriculum Guide: Elementary School Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Smythe, Cheryl
Length: 328 Copyright: 2015
Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training (S.M.A.R.T.) is a program that helps children's brains and bodies get ready to learn. It is a multi-sensory approach to learnng based on brain research. This program develops physiological and neurological readiness skills essential to classroom success. The program consists of activities for developing and/or enhancing large and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, visual efficiency, eye-hand coordination, auditory skills and more. Stresses the need for repetition. Any new activity should be reviewed within a 24 hour period. Once the activity has been established & transferred to long-term memory, a new activity may be introduced. Lessons are introduced and reviewed in a two-day cycle. Vestibular & mobility skill activities are repeated every day. Once all of these readiness skills are in place, children have the necessary tools to be able to attend and learn. Grade focus is for K - 2. |
S.M.A.R.T. Curriculum Guide: Elementary School Edition T

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B 95810B 95810 S.T.A.R.S.: A Social Skills Training Guide for Assertiveness, Relationship Skills, and Sexual Awareness
Grade Lvl: T Author: Heighway, Susan M. / Webster, Susan Kidd
Length: 189 Copyright: 2008
Designed for teaching adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities, the STARS model focuses on four areas: Understanding Relationships, Social Skills Training, Sexual Awareness, and Assertiveness—with the goals of promoting positive sexuality and preventing sexual abuse. Assessment tools help identify the strengths and needs of each individual, and then the activities can be catered to address specific needs. |
S.T.A.R.S.: A Social Skills Training Guide for Assertiveness, Relationship T

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KM 12152KM 12152 Sacagawea: The Trip to the West "Start-to-Finish"
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 90 Copyright: 2012
Fictionalized biography of the Shoshoni woman who acted as a guide and translator on the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1804. Tells what Sacagawea might have thought on her journey. Kit contains fourteen copies of the book (124 pages, one instructional booklet and 1 audio CD and one instructional booklet. From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3) Lexile 620 Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Sacagawea: The Trip to the West "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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KM 11924KM 11924 SAM - Joystick for Windows (USB)
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
A switch adapted Joystick for Windows that allows the cursor to move slowly in a given direction. It is adapted to accept standard ability switches to preform mouse clicks. Alternate access; appropriate for Early Access/Pre-K - Adult. |
SAM - Joystick for Windows (USB) KPIJST

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KM 12116KM 12116 Scandal in Bohemia "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Length: 104 Copyright: 2000
Tells the story of how one woman outsmarted Sherlock Holmes. The King of Bohemia hired Sherlock to obtain a photograph which is the only proof of a past affair with opera singer, Irene Adler. He fears she will make the photo public to sabotage his upcoming wedding. From the series Sherlock Holmes Mysteries Start-to-Finish Books. Novel Study. Gold Library (RL 3) Publisher GR level M. Mystery is retold by John Bergez. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Scandal in Bohemia "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 96501B 96501 School Success for Kids with Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dunson, Walter
Length: 256 Copyright: 2013
Presents a systematic and forensic approach to helping students with dyslexia and other reading difficulties, focusing on mastering the English language and providing a foundation for reading, writing, and spelling skills for students struggling with language acquisition, and incorporating information on speech pathology throughout the text. Provides parents and teachers with goals that will meet the needs of students who are struggling with reading, leading them to work through their reading difficulties and enjoy the task of reading. It includes information, assessments, and techniques that parents, teachers, and school administrators can use immediately to foster reading success. |
School Success for Kids with Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties T

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KM 12240KM 12240 Science Step-By-Step
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Attainment's Science Step-By-Step is a science program for secondary (gr 6-12) special education students. Illustrates 52 science experiments with step-by-step photo sequences. Units: Water; Air; Light; Sound; Gravity; Magnets. The discovery activities are set up so students can work independently. Each unit ends with a partner activity. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. Kit contains 8 copies of the student book and an Instructor's Guide with CD containing printable PDFs. Restricted to special education teachers. |
Science Step-By-Step IJS

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KM 12114KM 12114 Secret of Old Mexico "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stemach, Jerry
Length: 120 Copyright: 1999
In this story, Jeff and Ken are invited to the Yucatan jungle to help on the archeological dig of a Mayan temple. Someone on the dig team wants to steal valuable artifacts and smuggle them to the United States to sell on the black market. Kris and Mandy join the boys in Mexico while Nick goes to San Francisco to help open a new Museum of Latin Culture. In their attempt to stop the crime, they encounter poisoned artifacts, poisonous snakes, and gold. From the series Nick Ford Mysteries. Start-to-Finish books. Teacher Guide. Novel Study. Gold title (RL 3.) Publisher GR level L. Lexile 470 IL 6-12. |
Secret of Old Mexico "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 96530B 96530 Self-Determination and Transition Planning
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 145 Copyright: 2013
Book provides practical, research-validated guidance on explicitly teaching self-determination skills, & helps educators support students in communicating their interests and needs, setting and reaching goals, and managing their own lives. Ready-to-use worksheets and activities will help students take an active role in their transition planning, and true case stories highlight the benefits of self-determination instruction: smoother transitions, improved behavior, and fulfilling lives beyond the classroom. |
Self-Determination and Transition Planning T

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B 95849B 95849 Self-Help Skills for People with Autism: A Systematic Teaching Approach
Grade Lvl: T Author: Anderson, Stephen / Joblonski, Amy
Length: 187 Copyright: 2007
A comprehensive guide for children with autism that teaches basic self-help skills including communication and social skills, personal hygiene, and academic skills. Describes a systematic approach that parents (and educators) can use to teach basic self-care to children, ages 24 months to early teens. A chapter is devoted to each of the four skill areas (eating, dressing, toileting, personal hygiene) offering detailed insight and specific instruction strategies. Appendices contain forms to complete for task analyses, instructional plans, and data collection. Autistic children- Rehabilitation. Self-help techniques. Parents of handicapped children. Child rearing. |
Self-Help Skills for People with Autism: A Systematic Teaching Approach T

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B 95029B 95029 Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Miller, Lucy
Length: 351 Copyright: 2007
Presents a comprehensive resource that teaches parents and other caregivers the signs and symptoms of sensory processing disorder. Provides information on diagnosis and treatment. Sensory Modulation Disorder (SMD). Sensory-Based Motor Disorder (SBMD). Sensory Discrimination Disorder (SDD). Sensory integration dysfunction. |
Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disord T

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KM 11253KM 11253 Sensitrac Adjustable 360 Degrees
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
The Sensitrac Adjustable 360 degrees is a desk/table mount for switches. The mounting arm attaches easily and firmly to a flat desk or table top. The mount surface can be articulated up and down and with a 360 degrees rotation. Mounting system. Contents: instruction card, mount, and switch plate. Two-week loan period. |
Sensitrac Adjustable 360 Degrees T
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KM 11925KM 11925 Senso Dot Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
The Senso Dot Switch is a tactile and visually stimulating switch that provides a somatosensory experience when activating any toy or device. A slight push on any part of the dome will activate the attached device or toy. Tactile feedback is provided through a slight vibration when the switch is activated. Size: 6"D x 2 3/4"H. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Weight: 1 lb. Multi-sensory switch appropriate for Early Access through adult. |
Senso Dot Switch KPIJST

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KM 8142KM 8142 SFA: School Function Assessment
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
SFA is used to measure a student's performance of functional tasks that support participation in the academic and social aspects of an elementary school program (grades K-6). Designed to facilitate collaborative program planning for students with a variety of disabling conditions. The instrument is a judgement-based (questionnaire) assessment that is completed by one or more school professionals who have observed a student's typical performance on the tasks and activities being assessed. SFA has three parts: Participation (in the classroom, playground, transportation, bathroom, transitions, mealtime); Task Supports (physical tasks and cognitive/behavioral tasks assistance and adaptations); and Activity Performance (21 scales--each includes a comprehensive set of activities that share a common functional demand; such as using school materials, interacting with others, following school rules, etc). Administration time: individual scales can be completed in 5-10 minutes. Contents: user's manual, rating scale guide, and record forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
SFA: School Function Assessment T
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KM 8978KM 8978 Shaken Baby Syndrome Simulator (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: ST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Baby with transparent head is designed to simulate the traumatic brain injuries that are caused by shaking. Child abuse. When the simulator is shaken, affected sections of the brain light up to illustrate where brain damage has occurred. The handbook calls attention to the serious disabilities a child may suffer as a result, including blindness, seizures, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, paralysis, and even death. Contents: classroom demonstration baby; t-shirt; cloth diaper; receiving blanket; instructor guide; battery cover key; quick reference card; and information literature(requires 4 AA batteries). Only the instructor should handle the simulator. One-week loan period. |
Shaken Baby Syndrome Simulator (2 Parts) ST

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KM 90009KM 90009 Shopping Card Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Academic Work Activities kit. (Task #410). Students organize the cards or create a shopping list. They are required to insert shopping cards into vinyl pockets to answer prepared questions. Three levels of difficulty progress from basic sorting to completing picture/word shopping lists. Includes 288 color-coded shopping cards stored in a 12-compartment tray, question cards, 30 vinyl pockets, storage bins, and instructions. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Shopping Card Packaging JS

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B 94925B 94925 Sight Words That Stick, Volume 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Martin, Janet
Length: 119 Copyright: 1996
Subtitle: A Picture Method of Learning Sight Words. Manual has 25 word cartoons and stories which can be used with any reading program to teach the words. Also includes Fold-a-Story (reproducible four-page stories) take-home pages to reinforce the 25 sight words already taught. |
Sight Words That Stick, Volume 1 T
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B 94926B 94926 Sight Words That Stick, Volume 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Martin, Janet
Length: 116 Copyright: 1998
Subtitle: A Picture Method of Learning Sight Words. Manual has 25 word cartoons and stories which can be used with any reading program to teach the words. Also includes Fold-a-Story (reproducible four-page stories) take-home pages to reinforce the 25 sight words already taught. |
Sight Words That Stick, Volume 2 T
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B 94927B 94927 Sight Words That Stick, Volume 3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Martin, Janet
Length: 106 Copyright: 2001
Subtitle: A Picture Method of Learning Sight Words. Manual has 25 word cartoons and stories which can be used with any reading program to teach the words. Also includes Fold-a-Story (reproducible four-page stories) take-home pages to reinforce the 25 sight words already taught. |
Sight Words That Stick, Volume 3 T
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B 105450B 105450 Sign Language for Kids
Grade Lvl: I Author: Heller, Lora
Length: 96 Copyright: 2004
Subtitle: A Fun and Easy Guide to American Sign Language. Color photos illustrate sign language for numbers, letters, colors, feelings, animals, and clothes. |
Sign Language for Kids I
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B 73434B 73434 Sign Language Talk
Grade Lvl: JST Author: GREENE, LAURA
Length: 95 Copyright: 1989
Examines the fundamental differences between written and spoken English and American sign language and includes instructions for using sign language. |
Sign Language Talk JST
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B 94451B 94451 Sign to Learn: American Sign Language in the Early Childhood Classroom
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dennis, Kirsten / Azpiri, Tressa
Length: 194 Copyright: 2005
Resource guide that teaches how to integrate American Sign Langauge into the regular classroom in order to enhance the academic, social, and emotional development of children and introduce them to Deaf culture. |
Sign to Learn: American Sign Language in the Early Childhood Classroom T

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B 110654B 110654 Signing At School
Grade Lvl: PIJST Author: Collins, S. Harold
Length: 32 Copyright: 1992
Presents signs, sentences, and vocabulary to enable a beginning signer to ask questions, get information, give greetings and give directions. From the series Basic Sign Language/Beginning Sign Language. |
Signing At School PIJST

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KM 11844KM 11844 Signs Around You, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Teaches functional vocabulary necessary for independent community living. For students who have a variety of learning differences and disabilities. Includes 100 informational and protective words. Edmark Functional Words Series kit includes Teacher's Guide, two spiral-bound books with word recognition lessons, five Stories books (each contains 10 stories), Reading & Social Skills Games, 100 Photo Cards, 100 Word Cards, two display masks, and CD-ROM with printable files. Four-week loan period. |
Signs Around You, 2nd Edition IJS

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KM 10693KM 10693 Silly Squiggles Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wright, Suzette
Length: 0 Copyright: 1991
Contains braille book by Suzette Wright with tactile illustrations so that the reader/listener can feel the shapes and sizes of the squiggles. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and soft pink "squiggle." |
Silly Squiggles Braille--Story Box KP
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KM 12117KM 12117 Silver Blaze "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Doye, Sir Arthur Conan
Length: 104 Copyright: 2000
A champion racehorse named Silver Blaze has been kidnapped from his stable, just one week before a famous race called the Wessex Cup. The horse’s trainer, John Straker, has been brutally murdered. Sherlock Holmes, England’s greatest detective, and Dr. Watson head for the open moors of Wessex to investigate. From the series Sherlock Holmes Mysteries Start-to-Finish Books. Mystery is retold by John Bergez. Novel Study. Gold Library (RL 3) Lexile 540 Publisher GR level M. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Silver Blaze "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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B 112017B 112017 Since We're Friends: An Autism Picture Book
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Shally, Celeste
Length: 31 Copyright: 2007
Offers guidance for children with friends with autism through a story about the friendship between two boys, one of whom is autistic. IL Pres-2. |
Since We're Friends: An Autism Picture Book KP
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KM 10431KM 10431 Single Switches Assessment Kit
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains a comprehensive range of switches from Tash, AbleNet, and QED, including Scatir switch, sub-micro level switch, trigger switch, single switch tester, pillow switch, plate switch, big red switch, pink switch, ribbon switch, mini-cup switch, microlight switch, soft green switch, cup switch, square pad switch, tip switch, cap switch, grasp switch, rocker switch, and dual switch latch & timer. Deciding on which input switch, how many, and where those switches should be positioned for an individual, is an important step in assessing the access needs of some students. This kit will help assess which switch may be most appropriate type of switch for the individual and the specific purpose. This item was funded by a grant from the Dubuque Racing Association (DRA). AT. Alternative Access. Includes adaptors and case. Six-week loan period. Sp Ed Assessment Do Not Weed. Checkout is restricted to AEA Special Education Staff. |
Single Switches Assessment Kit KPIJST

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KM 8453KM 8453 Sit 'N' Fit Disc
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
This 13" diameter cushion fits on most standard school chairs. Comes inflated to a height of approximately 2", so it's most like sitting on a therapy ball, with 360 degrees of movement possible. Surface is smooth or use with soft washable cover. Air can be adjusted through pin valve. Contents: instruction sheet and seat cushion. |
Sit 'N' Fit Disc KP
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KM 90069KM 90069 Six Item Sort
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A mid-range, pre-vocational activity for sorting by multiple relevant cues including surface condition. Provides metal plates of two types for surface quality, metal, & shape. Introduces concepts of inspection and quality control. Offers a wide selection of variations to the task. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Six Item Sort JS

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B 97407B 97407 Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions: A Commonsense Approach for School Leaders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Levenson, Nathan
Length: 232 Copyright: 2020
Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions offers a set of bold, new ideas for dramatically raising the achievement of students with mild to moderate disabilities and students experiencing serious academic, social and emotional, and behavioral difficulties. Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions serves as both a call to action and a critical guide for administrators looking for more effective, affordable ways to close the achievement gap. |
Six Shifts to Improve Special Education and Other Interventions: A Commonse T

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KM 11620KM 11620 Skillstreaming the Adolescent: A Guide for Teaching Prosocial Skills, 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: McGinnis, Ellen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Explains how to use the skillstreaming approach covering teaching procedures, refining skill use, teaching for skill generalization, managing problems, and other related topics. Includes skill outlines and homework reports. Contents: book and CD-ROM with forms and handouts. Two-week loan period. |
Skillstreaming the Adolescent: A Guide for Teaching Prosocial Skills, 3rd E T

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B 99818B 99818 Skillstreaming the Adolescent: New Strategies and Perspectives For Teaching Prosocial Skills (Revised)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Goldstein, Arnold
Length: 337 Copyright: 1997
Subtitle: New Strategies and Perspectives For Teaching Prosocial Skills. Training approach is appropriate for diverse types of interpersonally skill deficient youths (primary target is chronically aggressive adolescents) and is designed to engage students in active learning through role-playing and practice. Focus is on proactive instruction rather than reaction to misbehavior. |
Skillstreaming the Adolescent: New Strategies and Perspectives For Teaching T
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KM 11619KM 11619 Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child: A Guide for teaching Prosocial Skills, 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: McGinnis, Ellen
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Explains how to use the skillstreaming approach covering effective arrangements, teaching procedures, refining skills use, teaching for skill generalization, managing problems, and other related topics. Includes skill outlines and homework reports. Contents: book and CD-ROM with forms and handouts. Two-week loan period. |
Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child: A Guide for teaching Prosocial T

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B 99817B 99817 Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child: New Strategies and Perspectives For Teaching Prosocial Skills (Rev)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Pendleton, Scott
Length: 339 Copyright: 1997
Subtitle: New Strategies and Perspectives For Teaching Prosocial Skills. Skillstreaming is an instructional procedure for both regular classroom and special education populations and is designed to engage students in active learning through role-playing and practice. Focus is on proactive instruction rather than reaction to misbehavior. Program is intended to teach problem solving skills and to handle stressful situations. |
Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child: New Strategies and Perspectives T

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KM 11944KM 11944 SlimTouch Mini Keyboard
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
The SlimTouch Mini keyboard combines the control of an integrated touchpad with the features of a standard keyboard in a small input device. The touchpad includes a scrolling area that scrolls up and down for faster browsing. Alternate access. Appropriate for Pre-K through Adult (not Early Access) |
SlimTouch Mini Keyboard KPIJST

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KM 13746KM 13746 SLP AAC iPad with LAMP and TD Snap
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2023
This iPad includes LAMP Words for Life and Dynavox TD Snap Full Version to trial with a student. Checkout period is for 60 days. Assistive technology. Speech and language. Restricted to Keystone AEA SLPs. |
SLP AAC iPad with LAMP and TD Snap T

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KM 13339KM 13339 SLP iPad with Words for Life (LAMP)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
SLP iPad with Words for Life (LAMP) are also loaded with the following iOS apps to support student needs: Book Creator, Claro PDF, Clicker Docs, Clicker Sentences, Comic Life, Go Talk Now, iMovie, Inspiration Maps, iWordQ US, Keynote, Notability, Pages, Math Paper, Proloquo2Go, Read2Go, Story Creator, Dynavox TD Snap Full Version, Touch Chat and Voice Dream. Kit contents includes: iPad case with handle, USB adapter for charging, and iPad charging cable. This iPad does not include cellular service. Checkout restricted to Keystone AEA Speech Language Pathologists. Loan period is 60 days. |
SLP iPad with Words for Life (LAMP) T

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KM 13338KM 13338 SLP iPad with Words for Life (LAMP) and PODD with Compass
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
SLP iPad with Words for Life (LAMP), PODD with Compass. This iPad also includes the iOS apps to support student needs: Book Creator, Claro PDF, Clicker Docs, Clicker Sentences, Comic Life, Go Talk Now, iMovie, Inspiration Maps, iWordQ US, Keynote, Notability, Pages, Math Paper, Proloquo2Go, Read2Go, Story Creator, Dynavox TD Snap Full Version, Touch Chat and Voice Dream. Kit contents includes: iPad case with handle, USB adapter for charging, and iPad charging cable. This iPad does not include cellular service. Checkout restricted to Keystone AEA Speech Language Pathologists. Loan period is 60 days. |
SLP iPad with Words for Life (LAMP) and PODD with Compass T

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KM 90080KM 90080 Snap Box Packaging
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A mid-range, pre-vocational, packaging task incorporating number concepts. Provides practice with counting, sorting, inserting, assembling, and disassembling.Offers a jig for number matching to support with counting. Pre-Voc Two Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Snap Box Packaging JS

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KM 12222KM 12222 Social Compass Curriculum: A Story-Based Intervention Package for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boyd, LouAnne / McReynolds, Christina
Length: 180 Copyright: 2013
Provides activities and reproducible worksheets for teaching social skills to students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. This intervention curriculum is designed for grades 4-8, but can be adapted for use with older students. 24 lessons help students in four areas: nonverbal communication, emotion, social problem solving, and "we" skills for effective conversation. Each lesson takes 20-40 minutes and includes a social story that models a key skill; worksheets that reinforce important points; a simple icon that helps students remember what to do; opportunities to role-play & rehearse the skill with peers; and take-home worksheets to ensure generalization in settings outside of school. Kit contents: book with reproducible pages, flash card set, and poster with the Social Compass icons. |
Social Compass Curriculum: A Story-Based Intervention Package for Students T

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B 94862B 94862 Social Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mannix, Darlene
Length: 348 Copyright: 2009
On cover: 200 ready-to-use lessons and worksheets to help students learn social skills for home, school, work, and the community. Presents a collection of reproducible activity sheets, discussion questions, applied exercises, and suggestions for teaching social skills to students with special needs in grades six through twelve. |
Social Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs, 2nd Edi T

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B 95296B 95296 Social Skills Games & Activities for Kids With Autism
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ashcroft, Wendy / Delloso, Angela M.
Length: 207 Copyright: 2013
Provides complete instructions for using fun, engaging games and activities to teach social skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The games include directions for assessing skills such as asking for toys, getting the attention of others, reading nonverbal gestures, understanding perspectives, and cooperating to solve problems. Using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, the book takes teachers through motivating, prompting, shaping, modeling, and reinforcing social skills while playing the games and helping students learn to participate in other activities such as demonstrating the social skill in role plays and the natural environment. |
Social Skills Games & Activities for Kids With Autism T

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KM 11999KM 11999 Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS): Classwide Intervention Program Teacher's Guide
Grade Lvl: T Author: Elliott, Stephen N. / Gresham, Frank M.
Length: 359 Copyright: 2007
Kit contains the Teacher's Guide (Pres/K-grade 12), two Performance Screening Guides (Elementary grades K-6 & Secondary grades 7-12), and one copy of each of the 10 Student Booklets for Early Elementary and 10 for the Upper Elementary/Middle. Unit 1: Listen to Others, Unit 2: Follow the Steps; Unit 3: Follow the Rules, Unit 4: Pay Attention to Your Work, Unit 5: Ask for Help, Unit 6: Take Turns When You Talk, Unit 7: Get Along With Others, Unit 8: Stay Calm With Others, Unit 9: Do the Right Thing, Unit 10: Do Nice Things for Others. Kit includes 2 discs: Classwide Intervention Program Resource Disc and Classwide Intervention Program Video Clips. |
Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS): Classwide Intervention Program Tea T

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KM 12000KM 12000 Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS): Intervention Guide
Grade Lvl: T Author: Elliott, Stephen N. / Gresham, Frank M.
Length: 200 Copyright: 2008
This guide is designed to help you plan and implement remediation strategies that are directly tied to problems identified by the SSIS Rating Scales. RTI Level 2. Guide provides units that follow a step-by-step teaching model addressing: Communication (2 units); Cooperation (3 units); Assertion (3 units); Responsibility (3 units); Empathy (2 units); Engagement (3 units); Self-control (4 units). Kit includes two discs: Intervention Guide Resource Disc, and Intervention Guide Video Clips. |
Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS): Intervention Guide T

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KM 8653KM 8653 Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS): Rating Scales Manual
Grade Lvl: T Author: Gresham, Frank / Elliott, Stephen
Length: 216 Copyright: 2008
SSIS Rating Scales is a component of the Social Skills Improvement System which provides a broad, multirater assessment of student social behaviors that can affect teacher-student and parent-child relations, peer acceptance, and academic performance. Consists of standardized, norm-refenced scales for use with preschool, elementary, and secondary students. Measures seven domains of social skills functioning: Communication, Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, Engagement, and Self-Control; and five domains of competing problem behaviors: Externalizing, Bullying, Hyperactivity/Inattention, and Internalizing. Administration time is about 15-20 min. Reading level for the parent form is fifth grade and second grade for the Student Forms. Contents: Manual, Teacher Hand-Scoring form, Student Hand-Scoring forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS): Rating Scales Manual T

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B 94449B 94449 Social Skills Picture Book for High School and Beyond
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Baker, Jed
Length: 177 Copyright: 2006
A teaching resource for learning appropriate social skills, with pictures of good and bad examples of people in situations where they learn about communication; body language and other nonverbal cues; friendship; empathy; and dealing with school and work responsibility. |
Social Skills Picture Book for High School and Beyond JST

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B 93052B 93052 Social Skills Picture Book: Teaching Communication, Play and Emotion
Grade Lvl: T Author: Baker, Jed
Length: 197 Copyright: 2001
Colorful pictures demonstrating nearly 30 social skills, including conversation, play, emotion management, and empathy, help engage and motivate elementary students who need extra help learning appropriate social skills. |
Social Skills Picture Book: Teaching Communication, Play and Emotion T

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B 91950B 91950 Social Skills Stories: Functional Picture Stories For Readers and Nonreaders K-12
Grade Lvl: T Author: Johnson, Anne
Length: 398 Copyright: 1995
Functional Picture Stories For Readers and Nonreadersubtitle K-12. Reproducible patterned stories to improve social interaction skills covers greetings, proxemics (social space), saying thank-you, use of "excuse me," interrupting, appropriate conversational topics, gift buying and giving. Resource includes ideas and activities to clarify concepts and promote generalization across settings. By Anne Marie Johnson and Jackie L. Susnik. |
Social Skills Stories: Functional Picture Stories For Readers and Nonreader T
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KM 11623KM 11623 Social Skills Training and Frustration Management DVD
Grade Lvl: T Author: Baker, Jed
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Presentation by Jed Baker is for family members and professionals working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorders, learning disabilities, mood and anxiety disorders, and other issues that impact social-emotional functioning. Learn how to: build an individual's social skills in crucial areas such as conversations, conflict resolution, emotion management, employment, dating, etc.; develop an effective behavior plan; manage and prevent meltdowns; help create peer acceptance; and assess social skills of individuals or groups. Contents: book and 4.5-hour DVD. Two-week loan period. |
Social Skills Training and Frustration Management DVD T

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B 93247B 93247 Social Story Book 1994
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 150 Copyright: 1994
Collection of Social Stories to help individuals with autism in regard to situations they may encounter. Chapters: Social Skills; People and Pets; Personal Care; Cooking and Mealtime Routines; Helping Around the House; Outdoor Games/Activities; All About School; Getting Around; Community Helpers; Restaurants and Shopping; Understanding the Weather; Holidays, Vacations and Recreation; and The Social Story Kit by Carol Gray. Stories were written by students in Jenison High School (Michigan) for children and adults with autism. |
Social Story Book 1994 T
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KM 9740KM 9740 Somatosensory Musical Bead Chain/Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
The Bead Chain is designed for developing the concept of cause and effect. Slight movement of the beads will turn on a built-in music box. While the beads are in contact with the metal bar, the music continues to play. There is also a jack that allows a switch adapted toy to be plugged in, and activation of the beads will allow the attached toy to operate. Switch device. Requires 2 AA batteries; included. Includes user guide. Two-week loan period. |
Somatosensory Musical Bead Chain/Switch KPIJS

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KM 10681KM 10681 Something Special Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wright, Suzette
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains the braille version of the book by Suzette Wright about David's "special something" that he lost while visiting his grandparents. Tactile objects are included with the story. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and key inside the book. |
Something Special Braille--Story Box KP
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B 91691B 91691 Source for Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
Grade Lvl: T Author: Richards, Regina
Length: 308 Copyright: 1999
Describes the processing styles inherent in dyslexia and dysgraphia and the strategies and compensations for students who struggle with academic skills. Part 2 includes bypass strategies, interventions at breakdown points, phonological awareness, auditory levels, sound/symbal correspondence, decoding and encoding, spelling, written expression, and strategies for recall. |
Source for Dyslexia and Dysgraphia T
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B 96942B 96942 Source for Executive Function Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Keeley, Susanne Phillips
Length: 211 Copyright: 2003
Target specific high-level cognitive processes in your clients with executive function disorder with activities that can be individualized to their needs and interests. |
Source for Executive Function Disorders T

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B 95232B 95232 Source for Processing Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Richard, Gail J.
Length: 185 Copyright: 2001
Explains how to differentiate among processing disorders (auditory processing, central auditory processing, language processing). Discusses the major processing models, explains assessment procedures, and outlines intervention strategies across types of processing disorders. |
Source for Processing Disorders T

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KM 12128KM 12128 Space Voyage: Hitching a Ride Through the Solar System "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Bergez, John
Length: 119 Copyright: 2006
This book takes students on an exciting journey through our Solar System. Instead of traveling in a spaceship, they will hitch a ride on Halley’s Comet. Halley’s Comet has an orbit that takes it around the Sun about every 76 years. Kit contains five copies of the book (119 pages) from the series The World Around Us Start-to-Finish Library. Blue title.(RL 4-5) Lexile 990. Publisher GR level R. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Space Voyage: Hitching a Ride Through the Solar System "Start-to-Finish" 5 IJS

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B 95687B 95687 Special Education Law and Practice in Public Schools, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bartlett, Larry / Etscheidt, Susan
Length: 380 Copyright: 2007
Explains the complex laws and issues surrounding students with special needs. Discusses current topics such as: the reauthorization of IDEA, NCLB, and 504; working with families; IEPs; assessment; staff relationships and staffing patters; due process hearing, mediation and complaints; school-wide discipline, and strategies for specific populations (infant/toddler, preschool, secondary school, etc.) Has ready-to-use samples and inclusion strategies. |
Special Education Law and Practice in Public Schools, Second Edition T

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B 95595B 95595 Special Education Law, 4th Ed.
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 377 Copyright: 2010
Provides an overview of the major federal laws-and judicial interpretations of those laws-that apply to the education of children with special needs. |
Special Education Law, 4th Ed. T

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B 96375B 96375 Special Education Law, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wright, Peter / Wright, Pamela
Length: 442 Copyright: 2010
Offers parents, educators, and advocates for children with special needs an overview of the laws related to children with disabilities, explaining how each law can help children receive the education, financial, and social help they need to thrive. |
Special Education Law, Second Edition T

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KM 11648KM 11648 Special Educator's Toolkit: Everything You Need to Organize, Manage, and Monitor Your Classroom (Book & CD-ROM)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Golden, Cindy
Length: 200 Copyright: 2012
A special educator's toolkit for the K-12 setting, covering classroom management, student supports and behavior plans, interactive schedules, teaching academic and social skills, managing paperwork, team meetings, home communication notebooks, and more. Includes a CD-ROM with 60+ printable forms and tools. Two-week loan period. |
Special Educator's Toolkit: Everything You Need to Organize, Manage, and Mo T

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B 111006B 111006 Special Edward
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Walters, Eric
Length: 108 Copyright: 2009
In an attempt to gain lowered expectations and extra time for tests, Edward fakes a special education designation. From the series Orca Currents. AR and Follett RL 4.0. RC 4.3. Lexile 580. IL 6-12. |
Special Edward IJS

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B 96904B 96904 Specialist Support Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder Students in Mainstream Settings
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hewitt, Sally
Length: 123 Copyright: 2005
Guide provides teaching strategies for those involved with ASD students in the school environment. Helps with behavioral difficulties & encourages greater student independence. |
Specialist Support Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder Students in Mains T

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KM 12333KM 12333 SPELL-Links to Reading & Writing Word Study Curriculum, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
SPELL-Links to Reading & Writing can be used as a performance-based instructional program, as a supplemental instructional program, or as a stand-alone word study curriculum. Curriculum has spelling, reading, and writing activities that explicitly & systematically teach critical word study knowledge, skills, and strategies. It explicitly targets more than 70 spelling patterns and teaches spelling and reading together at multiple levels of instruction and practice using research-based methods. Develops and strengthens cognitive connections among all five linguistic properties of words: phonological, orthographic, semantic, morphological, and mental images of words. Kit includes three spiral-bound books of lessons & activities; companion CD (containing lesson planning/scheduling worksheets, word cards, pattern-loaded writing & reading materials, activity worksheets, activity support materials, progress monitoring materials, mastery measurement tools, Home Link activities, Word Study Journal pages); mouse pad; and letter manipulatives. Restricted checkout to AEA Staff only. |
SPELL-Links to Reading & Writing Word Study Curriculum, Second Edition T

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KM 7255KM 7255 Spelling Through Morphographs
Grade Lvl: IJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Remedial program design to give older students (grade 4-adult) the tools they need to learn to spell. Teaches a variety of morphographs--prefixes, suffixes, and word bases--and a small set of rules for combining them so that students learn a spelling strategy that can apply to thousands of words. Contents: teacher's guide, booklet of blackline masters (student workbook), and two teacher presentation books. Authors: Robert Dixon and Siegfried Engelmann. |
Spelling Through Morphographs IJST
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KM 8590KM 8590 SPELT-P2
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2005
Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test-Preschool (2nd Edition) targets the assessment of morphology and syntax skills in children from ages 3-0 through 5-11. Allows examiner to identify those children who may have difficulty in their expression of early developing morphological and syntactic features. Testing time is 10-15 minutes. Contents: examiner's manual, photographic stimulus book, and response forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
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KM 8703KM 8703 SPM-2 Sensory Processing Measure 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021
The SPM-2 (ages 2-5) provides a complete picture of sensory integration and processing difficulties in multiple environments; SPM-2 Quick Tips offers item-level intervention strategies to help with sensory integration and processing challenges. Purpose: Extends the popular Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) down to age 2, making early intervention possible Ages: 2 to 5 years (excluding 5-year-olds enrolled in kindergarten, for whom the SPM is the appropriate choice) Administration Time: 15 to 20 minutes each for Home Form and School Form Format: Rating scales completed by parent and preschool teacher or day care provider Norms: Based on a nationally representative sample of 651 typically developing 2-to 5-year-olds Now you can identify sensory processing difficulties in children as young as 2 years of age. The new Preschool edition of the popular Sensory Processing Measure lets you take an early look at overall sensory functioning as well as specific vulnerabilities that can affect learning. 8 Functional Areas Appropriate for 2- to 5-year-olds, the SPM-P measures the same functions as the SPM: Social Participation Vision Hearing Touch Body Awareness Balance and Motion Planning and Ideas Total Sensory Systems Kit contains a SPM-2 Manual, SPM-2 Quick Tips, School Forms, and Home Forms. This kit requires qualification level C and checkout is restricted to AEA Special Education staff. |
SPM-2 Sensory Processing Measure 2nd Edition T

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KM 8612KM 8612 SPM: Sensory Processing Measure
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
Rating scales are designed to provide a picture of children (ages 5-12) sensory processing difficulties at school and at home. Set of three integrated rating forms assess sensory processing, praxis, and social participation in elementary school children. Offers descriptive clinical information on processing vulnerabilities, including under- and overresponsiveness, sensory-seeking behavior, and perceptual problems for five sensory systems (visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular functioning). Contents: manual, School Environments form CD (on unlimited use CD 10-15 items per environment), Home form (75 items to be completed by parent), and Main Classroom form (62 items to be filled out by primary classroom teacher). Circulation restricted by Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
SPM: Sensory Processing Measure T
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KM 90066KM 90066 Spoon Sort
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A hands-on, pre-vocational activity for sorting by size, material, or tactile variation. Provides wooden spoons and three sizes of metal spoons for sorting into a divided tray. Introduces reach-grasp-retrieval, appropriate placement of objects, and foundational discrimination skills. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Spoon Sort JS

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KM 90015KM 90015 Sprinkler Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Pre-Voc Three kit is a complex task requiring sophisticated manipulations. Task requires sophisticated turning and sequencing manipulations to assemble this seven piece item. Includes 24 plastic underground lawn sprinklers and all bins. Also includes assembly instructions, performance norms, data sheets and disassembly instructions with norms. The instructions detail variations for this task. Quality Criteria: All parts must be in the correct position and tight. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Sprinkler Assembly JS

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KM 89KM 89 SRA Corrective Reading: Comprehension Level A
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Corrective Reading provides intensive direct instruction-based reading intervention for students in Grades 3–Adult who are reading below grade level. Level A: Thinking Basics. Designed for students who have difficulty responding to literal questions and following directions. Program builds oral language. 65 scripted lessons.Contains Teacher materials(includes Placement test), workbooks, Fluency Audio CD's and books, Teaching Tutor CD-ROM, and Practice/Review Activities CD-ROM. Also included is Comprehension A Fast Cycle Teacher Presentation (30 lessons) and student workbook. |
SRA Corrective Reading: Comprehension Level A T

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KM 82KM 82 SRA Corrective Reading: Comprehension Level B1
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Corrective Reading provides intensive direct instruction-based reading intervention for students in Grades 3–Adult who are reading below grade level. Comprehension Level B1 is designed to help students transition from oral comprehension to reading and writing activities. 60 scripted lessons. Contains teacher materials (includes Placement test), workbooks, blackline masters, Fluency Audio CD's and books, Teaching Tutor CD-ROM, and Practice/Review Activities CD-ROM. Also included is Comprehension B1 Fast Cycle Teacher Presentation (35 lessons) and student workbook. |
SRA Corrective Reading: Comprehension Level B1 T
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KM 76KM 76 SRA Corrective Reading: Decoding Level A
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Corrective Reading provides intensive direct instruction-based reading intervention for students in Grades 3–Adult who are reading below grade level. Level A uses Word-Attack basics and emphasizes basic decoding skills with 65 sequenced scripted lessons. Appropriate for nonreaders. Contains teacher materials (including Placement test), workbooks, blackline masters,fluency audio CD's with books, Teaching Tutor CD-ROM, and Practice/Review Activities CD-ROM. |
SRA Corrective Reading: Decoding Level A T

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KM 81KM 81 SRA Corrective Reading: Decoding Level B1
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Corrective Reading provides intensive direct instruction-based reading intervention for students in Grades 3–Adult who are reading below grade level.Level B1: Decoding Strategies. Designed for very poor readers who have trouble distinguishing words in sentences and are generally inconsistent in their application of decoding skills. 65 sequenced, scripted lessons. Contains Teacher Materials (includes Placement test), workbooks, blackline masters, Fluency Audio CD's and books, Teaching Tutor CD-ROM, and Practice/Review Activities CD-ROM. |
SRA Corrective Reading: Decoding Level B1 T
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KM 8676KM 8676 SSI-4: Stuttering Severity Instrument 4th Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Riley, Glyndon D.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
SSI-4 is a norm-referenced stuttering assessment that can be used for both clinical and research purposes. It measures stuttering severity in both children and adults in the four areas of speech behavior: (1) frequency, (2) duration, (3) physical concomitants, and (4) naturalness of the individual’s speech. Frequency is expressed in percent syllables stuttered and converted to scale scores of 2-18. Duration is timed to the nearest one tenth of a second and converted to scale scores of 2-18. The four types of Physical Concomitants are rated on a 0-5 scale of degree of distractability and then expressed as a score of 0-20. The resulting score can be 0-56. The SSI-4 can also be used in conjunction with the Stuttering Prediction Instruments for Young Children (SPI). Kit contains the Examiner's Manual which includes the Clinical Use of Self-Report as well as Stimulus Materials (Picture Plates & Reading Plates), Examiner Record Forms, and a CD containing the Computerized Scoring of Stuttering Severity (Version 2; CSSS-2.0)software. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education SLP's. |
SSI-4: Stuttering Severity Instrument 4th Edition T

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KM 90088KM 90088 STAR Program: Levels I, II, and III (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
The STAR Program (Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research) offers ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) instructional methods of discrete trial training, pivotal response training and teaching functional routines. These foundations form the instructional base of this comprehensive program for children with autism.The STAR Program includes detailed lesson plans, teaching materials, data systems and a curriculum-based assessment for teaching in the six curricular areas of receptive language, expressive language, spontaneous language, functional routines, academics, and play & social skills. Each level is in it's own sturdy storage box. Also includes a Penny Token Board Kit that can be used with each level. This kit is intended to be a preview curriculum kit. AEA Staff will check out and demonstrate for schools to purchase. Restricted to AEA Special Education Staff. Four week loan period. |
STAR Program: Levels I, II, and III (2 Parts) T

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B 95984B 95984 Starting Points: The Basics of Understanding and Supporting Children and Youth with Asperger Syndrome
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hudson, Jill / Myles, Brenda Smith
Length: 59 Copyright: 2007
Starting from the premise that no two individuals with AS are the same, Hudson and Myles provide a global perspective of how the core characteristics of AS may appear separately and/or simultaneously, and how they may manifest themselves in a variety of situations. Each characteristic is then paired with a brief explanation, followed by a series of bulleted interventions. |
Starting Points: The Basics of Understanding and Supporting Children and Yo T

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B 90372B 90372 Starting Sensory Integration Therapy
Grade Lvl: T Author: Arnwine, Bonnie
Length: 115 Copyright: 2006
Subtitle: Fun Activities That Won't Destroy Your Home or Classroom! Bonnie Arnwine, the parent of a child with SPD (sensory processing disorder, also called dysfunction in sensory integration) provides tactile/touch activities, gross motor activities (movement games and songs, rope run, etc); visual activities; auditory activities (music, sound); smell (Kool-Aid playdough, aroma pictures, smelly paint, etc); oral motor (bubbles, pinwheels); and fine motor activities. |
Starting Sensory Integration Therapy T

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B 95112B 95112 Steps to Independence: Teaching Everyday Skills to Children with Special Needs
Grade Lvl: T Author: Baker, Bruce L / Brightman, Alan
Length: 359 Copyright: 2004
Presents a comprehensive guide for parents with special needs' children that provides strategies for helping them to develop the skills necessary to be independent. Book gives strategies for teaching life skills to children from age 3 through young adulthood. |
Steps to Independence: Teaching Everyday Skills to Children with Special Ne T

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KM 12902KM 12902 Sticker Strategies: Practical Strategies to Encourage Social Thinking and Organization 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: PIJST Author: Winner, Michelle Garcia
Length: 60 Copyright: 2010
By providing a CD and book now you can print as many strategies you want onto standard labels and flipbooks and save the formatted stickers in Word for your student. You can still print from formatted strategies in the included book. A popular tool, the previous book included actual stickers, making it expensive to print. This CD/book package is half the first version's price and more versatile! While originally developed for use with students with social cognitive learning challenges (Asperger's, high-functioning autism, ADHD, etc.), these strategies can easily be applied to any child who needs that strong visual reminder - a more powerful teacher than an adult's "nag." This CD/book package allows for a student to learn a strategy presented in the book, then the instructor sticks the strategy sticker in a flip notebook. The student carries the flipbook with him/her throughout the day. With the flipbook, the student can easily and discretely refer to the strategies s/he already learned to solve problems with independence. The result is fewer behavioral breakdowns and classroom disruptions, while teaching self-reliance and problem-solving anytime, anywhere. This is a great tool for a student who recognizes his/her weaknesses and is motivated to improve. This tool is not effective for students who either don't realize that they need improvement or who aren't motivated to help themselves. Enhanced strategies include those for: Asking for Help; Emotions and Problem Solving; Organization, Writing and Homework; Group Work; Social Thinking; Family Time - Home Strategies This innovative tool is best for 3rd grade to 12th grade students. |
Sticker Strategies: Practical Strategies to Encourage Social Thinking and O PIJST

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KM 7216KM 7216 Stop & Think Social Skills Program Grades 2-3
Grade Lvl: P Author: KNOFF, HOWARD
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Program is designed to build social, problem solving and conflict resolution skills while creating a system of accountability. Focuses on the ten core skills important at this level: listening, following directions, asking for help, ignoring distractions, dealing with teasing, contributing to discussions/answering classroom questions, how to interrupt, dealing with losing, apologizing, and accepting consequences. Also presents ten advanced social skills. Program uses role-plan and classroom activities to teach children to make good social and behavioral choices when confronted with difficult situations. Also provides an overview of Project ACHIEVE. Contents: teacher's manual, booklet of reproducible forms, 25 cue card booklets, five posters, and one large and 25 small "Stop & Think" signs. Three-week loan period. |
Stop & Think Social Skills Program Grades 2-3 P
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KM 7217KM 7217 Stop & Think Social Skills Program Grades 4-5
Grade Lvl: I Author: KNOFF, HOWARD
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Program is designed to build social, problem solving and conflict resolution skills important at this level: listening, following directions, using nice talk, asking for help, ignoring distractions, dealing with teasing, apologizing, accepting consequences, dealing with anger, dealing with being rejected or left out, and walking away from a fight. Also presents ten advanced social skills. Program uses role-play and classroom activities to teach children to make good social and behavioral choices when confronted with difficult situations. Also provides an overview of Project ACHIEVE. Contents: teacher's manual, booklet of reproducible forms, 25 cue card booklets, five posters, and one large and 25 small "Stop & think" signs. Three-week loan period. |
Stop & Think Social Skills Program Grades 4-5 I
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KM 7215KM 7215 Stop & Think Social Skills Program Pre K-1
Grade Lvl: KP Author: KNOFF, HOWARD
Length: 0 Copyright: 2001
Program is designed to build social, problem solving and conflict resolution skills while creating a system of accountability. Focuses on the ten core skills important at this level: listening, following directions, using nice talk, asking for help, waiting for your turn, how to interrupt, ignoring, dealing with teasing, dealing with losing, accepting consequences. Also presents ten advanced social skills. Program uses role-play and classroom activities to teach children to make good social and behavioral choices when confronted with difficult situations. Also provides an overview of Project ACHIEVE. Contents: teacher's manual, booklet of reproducible forms, 25 cue card booklets, five posters, and one large and 25 small "Stop & Think" signs. Three-week loan period. |
Stop & Think Social Skills Program Pre K-1 KP
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KM 12150KM 12150 Story of Anne Frank "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 97 Copyright: 2009
Tells the life story of Anne Frank, who hid from the Nazis with her parents for years in a secret apartment and wrote a diary that became famous after her death. Kit contains five copies of the book (97 pages, one instructional guide and one CD-ROM. From the Start-to-Finish series Step Into History. Gold level (RL 2-3). Lexile 540 Publisher GR level M. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Story of Anne Frank "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12073KM 12073 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (5 Copies) "Start-to-Finish"
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stevenson, Robert Louis / Venable, Alan
Length: 108 Copyright: 2012
In this story by Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll, a kind and well-respected London physician, is transformed into a murderous madman by taking a secret drug of his own creation. Kit contains five copies of the book (108 pages) and one instructional booklet. Retold by Alan Venable. From the Start-to-Finish Library series Classic Literature. Novel Study. Gold level(RL 2-3). Lexile 700. IL 6-12. Reference KM 8816 for more instructional tools to support this kit in your classroom. |
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (5 Copies) "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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B 94984B 94984 Strategies for Learning: Empowering Students for Success, Grades 9-12
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Rooney, Karen
Length: 146 Copyright: 2010
Provides techniques designed to help struggling students (in general and special education) including those with attention problems, learning disabilities, and underachievement issues improve their grades and develop solid study skills in areas that include vocabulary, reading, spelling, writing, math, word problems, grammar, foreign language, note taking, time management, and organization. |
Strategies for Learning: Empowering Students for Success, Grades 9-12 ST
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B 92903B 92903 Struggling Reader: Interventions That Work
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cooper, J. David
Length: 208 Copyright: 2006
Provides intervention instruction for struggling readers that coversthe most important aspects of literacy including oral language, phonemic awareness, word recognition, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and writing. For elementary or middle-school classroom teachers, reading specialists & special education teacherswho have students who are experiencing significant difficulty learning to read. |
Struggling Reader: Interventions That Work T
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B 118635B 118635 Super Silly Sayings That Are Over Your Head: A Children's Illustrated Book of Idioms
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Snodgrass, Catherine
Length: 30 Copyright: 2004
Book designed for children with autism spectrum disorders defines more than forty idioms using an illustration of the literal meaning next to an illustration of the actual idiomatic meaning and with explanatory text. Figures of speech. Figurative language. AR 4.4 IL 1-4. |
Super Silly Sayings That Are Over Your Head: A Children's Illustrated Book PI

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KM 11943KM 11943 Super Switch
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
The Super-Switch interface works with all special needs switch access software. The 5" diameter is a large target for those who need it. The 2 switch inputs allow you to mimic mouse clicks and with the installation of the accompanying software, you can configure each button to be any keystroke or mouse-button event. Requires USB port. Appropriate for Early Access/PreK through Adult. |
Super Switch KPIJST

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B 91777B 91777 Supporting Struggling Readers and Writers: Strategies For Classroom Intervention 3-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Strickland, Dorothy
Length: 250 Copyright: 2002
Provides educators with the best research-based practice on the literacy learning and teaching of low-achieving intermediate students. Authors Dorothy S. Strickland, Kathy Ganske, and Joanne K. Monroe explore the factors that contribute to success and failure in literacy and provide systematic and ongoing approaches for helping students who are most at risk. Includes a "Strategy Bank" of step-by-step practices. |
Supporting Struggling Readers and Writers: Strategies For Classroom Interve T
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KM 8664KM 8664 Switch Accessibility Kit with Blue2
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019
The switch Accessibility Kit has the beginning tools needed to explore switch use with students. Using this kit a team can move from cause and effect switch use to two-step or auto scanning on a computer or communication device. There are traditional mechanical ability switches and wireless proximity transmitters and receivers. Switch latch timers are included, these devices allow switches to be used in different modes (direct select, timed activation, latched activation). A switch interface is included that allows a switch to be connected and used with a computer. Battery adapters allow students to activate many common battery operated toys/devices with a switch. Proximity switches. Alternate access. Appropriate for Early Access through adult. Please see KM 11866 for additional switch access. Restricted to AEA Special Education Staff Only. |
Switch Accessibility Kit with Blue2 KPIJST

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KM 13372KM 13372 Switch Adapted Doodle Bug
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
An assistive technology toy for special education, occupational, physical, and speech therapy. Use this switch-adapted doodle bug toy to create colorful works of art! When activated, the doodle bug plays music and spins while moving its arms in and out, creating fun patterns. Turn the knob on the bottom to change the doodling pattern. Kit includes Doodlebug, Switch, 2AA batteries, and 5 colored markers. IL Pres-12. |
Switch Adapted Doodle Bug KPIJST

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KM 9769KM 9769 Switch Adapted Water Toy
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Simply fill the tray with water, activate a switch and water squirts out of the hose, splashing through this water toy to provides a tactile experience. Hose easily attaches to a pail, glass or sand toy. You can also use the toy to squirt water onto plants or even wash toy cars. Size: 19"L x 10½"W x 10"H. Capability Switch included. 4 D Batteries required. Weight: 2½ lbs. |
Switch Adapted Water Toy KPIJST

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KM 11862KM 11862 Switch Click USB
Grade Lvl: KPIJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
A switch and interface in one. Simply plug this 2.5 inch diameter switch into any USB port on your computer and press to simulate a left mouse click, while maintaining full access to your keyboard and mouse. Switch Click USB features an external switch jack to accommodate the switch of your choice. The function of the click can be changed by adjusting the dip switches. These adjustments are described in the Quick Start Guide. Can be used with scanning software. The kit includes the USB Switch Click, quick start guide and screwdriver. |
Switch Click USB KPIJS

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KM 11852KM 11852 Tabletop Suction Mount for iPad with an Adjustable iPad Cradle
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
This mount from Ablenet Inc. will allow you to evaluate different mounting positions and angles to help determine which positions will work best for your student. Provides strong and stable mounting for an iPad in either portrait or landscape orientation. The cradle securely holds the iPad steady while it’s in use and still provides access to all controls and jacks. The iPad cradle with this mount is adjustable and gives you the ability to mount your iPad to it without removing your protective case from the iPad. Mounting system for iPads.Regular iPads not in case or a Mini iPad in a case. |
Tabletop Suction Mount for iPad with an Adjustable iPad Cradle KPIJST

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KM 8680KM 8680 TACL-4
Grade Lvl: T Author: Carrow-Woolfolk, Elizabeth
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language (4th Edition) yields results for receptive language for children ages 3 through 12 years 11 months. Three subtests measure vocabulary; grammatical morphemes; and elaborated phrases and sentences. Contents: Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, and Profile/Examiner Record Booklets. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
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KM 11920KM 11920 Tail Light Switch & Say-It-Play-It
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Touch anywhere on this switch and hear a pre-recorded message accompanied by vibration and lights. A switch adapted toy or device can be plugged in and it will start when the switch is touched. Total record time is 20 seconds. Size: 7¾"W x 2½"H. Requires 4 AA Batteries. Weight: 1 lb. Multi-sensory switch for Early Access through adult. |
Tail Light Switch & Say-It-Play-It KPIJST

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B 97432B 97432 Taking Charge of ADHD, Fourth Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents
Grade Lvl: T Author: Barkley, Russell A
Length: 381 Copyright: 2020
The leading parent resource about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its treatment has now been revised and updated with the latest information and resources. The text guides readers to: *Understand why kids with ADHD act the way they do. *Get an accurate diagnosis. *Work with school and health care professionals to find needed support. *Implement a proven eight-step behavior management plan. *Build your child's academic and social skills. *Restore harmony at home. The fourth edition offers a chapter on health risks associated with ADHD, the latest information on the causes of the disorder, current facts on medications, a new discussion of sibling issues, advice for parents who might have ADHD themselves, downloadable practical tools, and more..... |
Taking Charge of ADHD, Fourth Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide fo T

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KM 12134KM 12134 Tales from Africa "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stockbridge, Joan
Length: 108 Copyright: 2003
Book contains five traditional African stories: Why Man is Strong and Woman is Powerful; Hooked; Anansi's hat Dance; Hunger; and In His Own Words: The True Story of a Black Hero. From the Start-To-Finish series Myths and Legends. Gold Library (RL 2-3). Kit contains five copies of the book. Lexile 620 IL 6-12.Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. |
Tales from Africa "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12133KM 12133 Tales From Homer: Stories From the Iliad and the Odyssey "Start-to-Finish" 10 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Homer / Bergez, John
Length: 128 Copyright: 2010
Retells two of Homer's greatest stories. The first part of this book tells the story of Archilles, whose anger caused the deaths of thousands of men during the Trojan War, including Archilles's best friend. The second part tells of the adventures of Odysseus during his 10-year journey home after the Trojan War. On this sea voyage, Odysseus battled a one-eyed monster and a monster with six heads. He met beautiful goddesses who tried to keep him from going home, and he faced the rage of the sea god. From the Start-To-Finish series Myths and Legends. Blue Library (RL 4-5). Kit contains ten copies of the book and 2 CD-ROMS. Publisher GR level S. Lexile 820 IL 6-12. Sp Ed Assessment Do Not Weed. |
Tales From Homer: Stories From the Iliad and the Odyssey "Start-to-Finish" IJS

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KM 12135KM 12135 Tales From Japan "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stockbridge, Joan
Length: 116 Copyright: 2003
Book contains five traditional Japanese stories: The Storm God (he destroys his sister's home when she wins a contest); The Sacrifice (a grandfather saves the village by sacrificing his rice field); The Samurai's Daughter (she saves her father by killing the Dragon King); Running Away ( a samurai deserts his wife to gain riches); The Boy Who Drew Cats (the cat drawings saved the artist by killing the rat monster) From the Start-To-Finish series Myths and Legends. Gold Library (RL 2-3). Kit contains five copies of the book. Lexile 660 IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. Do Not Weed. |
Tales From Japan "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12136KM 12136 Tales From Mexico "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Stockbridge, Joan
Length: 125 Copyright: 2009
Book contains five stories: The Boy Who Wasn't Afraid (ghost story); Lady Moon(the Sun God falls in love with Lady Moon then the Storm God tricks him.); Godmother Death (her godson is given special powers, but he dies when he tricks Godmother Death into sparing his father's life); Tricking Coyote (a smart lamb tricks a hungry coyote); The Weeping Ghost (the ghost of La Malinche, a beautiful Aztec woman who helped Cortez; and La Llorona, a young woman who dies after drowning her sons rather than let her husband take them away, weeps as she searches for the bodies of her children.) From the Start-To-Finish series Myths and Legends. Gold Library (RL 2-3). Kit contains five copies of the book. Lexile 700. IL 6-12.Gold Level Reference Kit to use is KM 8816. |
Tales From Mexico "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 9788KM 9788 Talkies: Visualizing and Verbalizing for Oral Language Comprehension & Expression
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bell, Nanci / Bonetti, Christy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2006
The Talkies Kit provides theory, tools, and specific steps to implement Nanci Bell and Christy Bonetti's Talkies program. Talkies is the primer to the Visualizing and Verbalizing® program for students who need simpler, smaller steps of instruction to establish the connection between language and mental imagery. The goal is to engage the individual to consciously create and access mental representations and stimulate his or her awareness of the imagery-language connection. Talkies develops the imagery-language connection for young children, children with weakness in receptive and expressive oral language skills, and children on the autistic spectrum. Kit provides the teaching materials, including toys, needed to implement Talkies® instruction in one-to-one, small-group, or classroom settings. Preview kit contains: Talkies Teacher's Manual Toys Colored Felts Box Picture to Picture Easel Book Large Picture to Picture Posters Illustrated Picture Structure Word Cards Picture Structure Word Boards Talking Cards Box, which includes concepts, articles and connectors, movements, and more Magic Door, Window, and Stones Word and Sentence Reference Booklet Student Progress Monitoring Charts Picturing Vocabulary! Book Picturing Vocabulary! Cards Box, including over 400 cards Picturing Vocabulary! Tracking Charts |
Talkies: Visualizing and Verbalizing for Oral Language Comprehension & Expr T

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KM 12995KM 12995 Talking Hands Sign Language (11 Book Set)
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Thornborough, Kathy
Length: 0 Copyright: 2015
Learning any language, either spoken or manual, begins with vocabulary acquisition. This series offers readers a basic introduction to American Sign Language and features common words and signs from a broad range of subject areas. Photo cues combined with simple illustrations and descriptive captions help readers begin learning signs. Informative sidebars enhance the text. These unique books help children broaden their communication horizons and expand their language skills. Titles in the kit include: Animals, Colors and Shapes, Days and Times, Family and Friends, Feelings and Emotions, Food, Greetings and Phrases, Questions and Answers, School, Seasons, Weather and Work. Set of 11 books in kit. IL Pres-6. |
Talking Hands Sign Language (11 Book Set) KP

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B 92219B 92219 Talking With Your Hands, Listening With Your Eyes
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Grayson, Gabriel
Length: 373 Copyright: 2003
Photos and descriptions explain how to communicate 1,700 words and phrases in American Sign Language, covering 16 categories including actions, relationships, home and clothing, and emotions. |
Talking With Your Hands, Listening With Your Eyes ST
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KM 8691KM 8691 Tasks & Assessment Problem Solving 2-Adolescent
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bowers, Linda / Huisingh, Rosemary
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
TOPS 2 Adolescent: Book was developed by the authors of Test of Problem Solving (TOPS) to help students become more thoughtful or to practice the language patterns they need to express their ideas fluently. For teaching and remediating expressive language and problem solving skills. Includes instructor's guidelines & student activities for the following: Sequencing, Asking and Answering Questions, Comparing and Contrasting, Identifying Problems, Detecting Key Information, Making Inferences, Expressing Consequences, Determining Solutions, Justifying Opinions, Interpreting Perspectives, Transferring Insights, Integrating Thinking Skills. Extra support includes a glossary of vocabulary for problem solving, outline of Richard Paul's higher-order thinking skills, attributes of Art Costa's sixteen attributes of Habits of Mind, and overview of Piaget's Concrete and Formal Operational States of Development. Professional kit includes: Task of Problem Solving: Adolescent; Test Set includes: examiner's manual, reading passages book, 20 test forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Tasks & Assessment Problem Solving 2-Adolescent T

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B 90294B 90294 Tasks Galore
Grade Lvl: T Author: Eckenrode, Laurie
Length: 59 Copyright: 2003
Presents a series of multi-modal tasks designed to help students with special needs develop skills needed to function academically. Photos show how to perform a task using visual information to organize and show a sequence of actions. Each task relies on visual cues and requires physical movement or motoric manipulation. Task catagories: fine motor skills; readiness; language arts; math; reasoning; and play. These types of structural activities should help teachers, therapists and parents design meaningful individualized tasks for those with autism spectrum disorders and related developmental disabilities. |
Tasks Galore T

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B 90295B 90295 Tasks Galore for the Real World
Grade Lvl: T Author: Eckenrode, Laurie
Length: 66 Copyright: 2004
Presents a pictorial series of visually structured tasks for teaching domestic, vocational and other independent living skills to individuals with autism. Tasks incorporate visual, tactile, and motor movement components. This functional approach helps students apply learned tasks to naturally occurring environments in which those skills have a direct purpose. |
Tasks Galore for the Real World T

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KM 12751KM 12751 Tasks Galore Literature-Based Thematic Units [2-Book Set]
Grade Lvl: T Author: Eckenrode, Laurie / Fennell, Pat
Length: 156 Copyright: 2013
Tasks Galore Literature-Based Thematic Units is a resource book with hundreds of ideas, teacher tips, and photos of tasks and includes a board book: I'm Hungry, I'm Hungry, What Shall I Do? Using the board book as a guide, "Tasks Galore Literature-Based Thematic Units" contains hands-on activities for use with young learners and students with special needs. The strategies employed encourage responsiveness to literature while enhancing vocabulary and language. The tasks illustrate how to to make learning more meaningful by using organizational strategies and visual cues, connecting themes to everyday experiences, individualizing for differing learning styles, and tying concepts to the general curriculum. Sections address literacy, numeracy, science, and social studies. Embedded throughout these curriculum areas are concepts and task ideas regarding the fine arts, movement, technology, and simple tools. The activities are intended as an alternate way to provide information to young students. The authors designed the activities to demonstrate how to link themes found in a simple storybook with the broad standards of a curriculum. |
Tasks Galore Literature-Based Thematic Units [2-Book Set] T

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B 90296B 90296 Tasks Galore Making Groups Meaningful
Grade Lvl: T Author: Echenrode, Laurie
Length: 70 Copyright: 2005
Presents a series of tasks that are designed to help students with special needs, especially those with autism spectrum disorders function in situations where there are others. The first three chapters describe how structured teaching strategies, consistent routines, and individualized educational goals apply to groups. The next four chapters dicusss circle time, project-focused, movement, and music groups and include pictures of actual tasks used during those types of group activities. The final chapter puts the ideas together for organizing a successful party. |
Tasks Galore Making Groups Meaningful T

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KM 8631KM 8631 TBS-3: Transition Behavior Scale
Grade Lvl: T Author: McCarney, Stephen / Arthaud, Tamara
Length: 0 Copyright: 2012
Developed as a measure of a student’s readiness for transition to employment and independent living. The greatest threat to success in employment and independent living is behavior, which is inappropriate for those situations. The TBS-3 provides a measure of those behavioral characteristics most predictive of behavior in society in general and employment specifically. Provides teachers the convenient mechanism for measuring the student’s skills and readiness for transition activities. Based on the information provided, decisions can then be made as to areas of need for skill and behavior improvement for student success in transition to employment and independent living. Provides separate norms for male and female students 12 through 18 years of age. Can be completed in approximately 15 minutes. Contents: Transition Behavior Scale IEP and Intervention Manual (187 pages, @ 1989); 100 Activities for Transition; TBS-3 School Version Technical Manual; TBS-3 Self-Report Technical Manual; and two rating forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
TBS-3: Transition Behavior Scale T
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B 95888B 95888 TEACCH Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mesibov, Gary B. / Shea, Victoria
Length: 2011 Copyright: 2004
Explains the methods and philosophy of the Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communications-Handicapped Children (TEACCH) approach to autism spectrum disorders and discusses how to implement and adapt the program. |
TEACCH Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders T

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B 92799B 92799 Teacher-Directed PALS Paths to Achieving Literacy Success
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 280 Copyright: 2001
Resource for small group literacy instruction for grades Prekindergarten to grade 1 curriculum for beginning or struggling readers is designed to be used by paraprofessionals or others who are not necessarily experts. Provides supplemental instruction for a group of one to three students. 57 lessons include two routines that build on each other: Sounds and Words; Story Sharing. Sounds and Words includes instruction in phonemic awareness, letter-sound recognition and phonological decoding (10-20 minutes). Includes sample lesson scripts. Story Sharing teaches word recognition and develops fluency and comprehension. Story sharing involves: 1. pretend-reading; 2. reading aloud; and 3. retelling. Lists recommended literature, guidelines for choosing storybooks, and includes reproducible lesson sheets and mastery monitoring forms. |
Teacher-Directed PALS Paths to Achieving Literacy Success T

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B 90010B 90010 Teacher's Guide to Behavioral Interventions
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cummins, Kathy
Length: 365 Copyright: 1988
Subtitle: Intervention Strategies for Behavior Problems in the Educational Environment. Includes intervention strategies for the most common behavior problems found in schools, plus goals and objectives for developing an IEP. |
Teacher's Guide to Behavioral Interventions T
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B 95175B 95175 Teaching Children Who Are Hard to Reach: Relationship-Driven Classroom Practice
Grade Lvl: T Author: Marlowe, Michael / Hayden, Torey
Length: 210 Copyright: 2013
A guide for teachers on engaging the hardest to reach students who may be struggling due to emotional disturbances, disabilities, or environmental circumstances. |
Teaching Children Who Are Hard to Reach: Relationship-Driven Classroom Prac T

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B 95143B 95143 Teaching Kids with Mental Health & Learning Disorders in the Regular Classroom: How to Recognize, Understand, and Help Challenged (and Challenging) Students Succeed
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cooley, Myles
Length: 211 Copyright: 2007
Offers teachers practical advice on how they can help students with mental health, behavioral, and learning disorders adjust to mainstream classrooms, provides information on common disorders and their implications for learning, and includes classroom strategies and interventions. Contents: Part I: The Role of Schools in Addressing Mental Health and Learning Disorders. Part II: Mental Health and Learning Disorders-- Anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD); Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); Panic Disorder; School Refusal. Mood Disorders: Depressive Disorders; Bipolar Disorder. Communication Disorders: Articulation Disorders; Receptive & Expressive Language Disorders; Stuttering; Pragmatic Language Disorder. Learning Disabilities: Reading Disability; Math Disability; Writing Disability; Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD); Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); Disruptive Behavior Disorders(includes Oppositional Defiant Disorder and |
Teaching Kids with Mental Health & Learning Disorders in the Regular Classr T

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B 94392B 94392 Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome, Book 1
Grade Lvl: T Author: Horstmeier, DeAnna
Length: 399 Copyright: 2004
Complete title: Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other Hands-on Learners: Basic Survival Skills, Book 1. Describes how this math program has been successfully used with preschoolers, children, and adults with Down syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and other cognitive disabilities. Its success lies in capitalizing on the visual learning strengths of these concrete learners and using manipulatives, games, and activities to teach and maintain motivation. Book 1 covers introductory math skills including: Number sense; Recognizing and writing numerals; Time; Calculator skills; Counting; Measurements; Addition; Place value; Shapes; Subtraction; and Money. |
Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome, Book 1 T

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B 94393B 94393 Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome, Book 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Horstmeier, DeAnna
Length: 481 Copyright: 2008
Complete title: Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other Hands-on Learners: Advanced Survival Skills. Provides practical hands-on activities that use games, manipulatives, props, and worksheets--to make learning concrete and more tangible to hands-on learners, including those with Down syndrome, autism, and other cognitive disabilities. Book 2 reviews some of the basics but mostly focuses on more challenging skills that are usually taught in upper elementary, middle school and beyond, such as: Multiplication and Division; Fractions; Measurement; Money; and Decimals. |
Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome, Book 2 T

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B 94258B 94258 Teaching Students with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
Grade Lvl: T Author: Berninger, Virginia
Length: 240 Copyright: 2009
Subtitle: Lessons from Teaching and Science. Helps educators provide effective literacy instruction for K-12 students with learning differences. Covers dyslexia, dysgraphia, and oral and written language learning disability (OWL LD). Agraphia. Presents research findings from diverse fields and extensive instructional guidelines. Authors: Virginia W. Berninger and Beverly J. Wolf. |
Teaching Students with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia T

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B 91990B 91990 Teaching Students With Learning Problems (6th Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mercer, Cecil
Length: 641 Copyright: 2001
Resource to help teachers (special education, resource room, remedial and general education teachers) design individualized programming for students with learning or behavioral problems. Provides interventions, instructional activities, materials, assessments, commercial programs, and scope and sequence skills lists. Part I deals with learning environments; planning, organizing and managing instruction; assessing students; and promoting social, emotional, and behavioral development. Part II deals with teaching and assessing academic skills. Topics include assessing and teaching reading, spelling, handwriting, written expression, math, language skills, study skills, and transitions. |
Teaching Students With Learning Problems (6th Ed) T
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B 95855B 95855 Teaching Teens With ADD, ADHD & Executive Function Deficits: A Quick Reference Guide for Teachers and Parents
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zeigler Dendy, Chris A.
Length: 375 Copyright: 2011
Resource designed to help those who teach middle & high school students with attention deficit disorders. Sections: The basics of ADD & ADHD; Academic and learning issues/interventions; Executive function and organizational skills; Federal education laws (IDEA & Section 504); Medication issues; Classroom challenges & management; Going the extra mile for students. Second Edition. |
Teaching Teens With ADD, ADHD & Executive Function Deficits: A Quick Refere T

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KM 12575KM 12575 Teaching to Standards English Language Arts Preview Kit
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2016
Kit is a curricular component of Attainment's Core Curriculum Solution: Secondary (grades 6-12). Curriculum is designed for students with moderate-to-severe disabilities who are working toward accessing middle and high school grade-level standards in English Language Arts. Addresses the needs of students who may be nonverbal, who are early symbol users, and those who may be reading text. The curriculum provides materials at three literacy levels: object/photo, concrete symbols, and text. Skill areas include persuasive writing, elements of story grammar, and research endeavors. The authors adapted 16 popular works (like Holes, Number the Stars, and Dragonwings) into simplified text with repeated story lines and symbol supports. Genres include fiction, nonfiction, plays, and poetry. The 32 progressive lessons are scripted & are organized into four theme-based units: Change, Values and Decision Making, Social Justice, and Global Awareness. In the software and app, students explore four works of nonfiction through a five-step instructional sequence: preview, vocabulary, read the book, comprehension questions, and story sequence. Kit includes: 2 Teacher's Guides; Implementation Guide; Right On Readers; Daily Writing Journal; Student Response Book; Assessment Response Book; Graphic Organizers; Script Cards; Card Set (350 cards representing vocabulary and elements of story grammar are provided for each unit); Electronic Files (a DVD includes all the reproducible material in the curriculum plus a Classroom License for printouts); Access Language Arts iPad App and Access Language Arts Software. |
Teaching to Standards English Language Arts Preview Kit T
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KM 9785KM 9785 Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts (2 PARTS)
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2013
Preview Kit. Aligns to grade level Common Core Standards. The curriculum supports students of varying abilities by providing materials at three literacy levels: objects/photos, concrete symbols, abstract symbols/text. The skills taught focus on grade-level standards like persuasive writing, story grammar elements, and research endeavors. The authors created and/or adapted popular works of literature used in general education classes (like Holes, Number the Stars, and Dragonwings) using simplified text with symbol supports. Genres covered include fiction, nonfiction, plays, and poetry—16 forms of literature in all. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. For grades 6-12. |
Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts (2 PARTS) IJS

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KM 9777KM 9777 Teaching to Standards: Math
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
A systematic math curriculum for middle and high school students with moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities, including autism. Teaches students how to solve story problems with the help of symbol supports, graphic organizers, and manipulatives. Stories have life skill themes covering geometry, algebra, data analysis, and measurement. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. For grades 6-12. |
Teaching to Standards: Math IJS

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KM 9783KM 9783 Teaching to Standards: Science
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Preview Kit. Science curriculum for middle and high school students (ages 12-21) who have moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities (including intellectual disabilities and autism). Uses an inquiry process to teach science content. Lessons are based on the principles of systematic instruction and provide scripts and suggestions for adapting t0 accommodate students who are nonverbal, have visual or hearing impairments, or have special physical needs. Units include Earth, Biology, Waters, and Chemistry. Students participate through response boards, extension stories, and hands-on experiments. Part of Attainment Core Curriculum. Includes an extensive set of manipulatives. Restricted to special education teachers. For grades 6-12. |
Teaching to Standards: Science IJS

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B 95584B 95584 Teaching Young Children with Disabilities in Natural Environments, Second Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Noonan, Mary Jo / McCormick, Linda
Length: 359 Copyright: 2014
Book is designed to prepare professionals to teach young children with disabilities in today's increasingly diverse and inclusive programs. Focusing on children birth to 5, this core text gives future professionals specific, evidence-based knowledge on what to teach and how to teach it, with practical methods that fit into naturally occurring activities and routines. Chapters include information on: blended practices; assistive technology; response to intervention; legislative changes, including the new Part C regulations; curriculum-based measures; teaching children with autism; resolving challenging behavior; successful professional and family partnerships; alternative assessment; IFSP/IEP development; the naturalistic curriculum model; linking early learning standards to instruction; progress monitoring; milieu teaching; activity-based instruction; embedded instruction; adaptations in natural settings; cultural and linguistic diversity; group instruction; social skills and interventions; early childhood transitions; and more. |
Teaching Young Children with Disabilities in Natural Environments, Second E T

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KM 11887KM 11887 TeachTown Social Skills: Good Communication: Special Needs/Autism, Vol. 4
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 147 Copyright: 2014
Special Needs/Autism curriculum is appropriate for students with a language level of at least 4 years of age. Lessons are designed to meet the needs of students with autism who have difficulty areas including perspective taking, expressive language, and social interaction. Lesson plans, generalization skills, and home practice activities are built around each of the teacher delivered lessons. Each lesson takes approximately 20 minutes. Lessons are to be completed sequentially, but daily implementation is not necessary. Skills covered: Make a request; Change topics politely; Ask about others interests; Wait to enter a conversation; Initiating a conversation; How to say no; Apologize when you make a mistake; Tell the truth; Continuing a conversation; How to end a conversation. The Homework page is in both English & Spanish. Contents: teacher guide, DVD (animated episodes) and CD (contains PDF files). Two-week loan period. |
TeachTown Social Skills: Good Communication: Special Needs/Autism, Vol. 4 KP

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B 94875B 94875 Team Teaching Science: Success for All Learners
Grade Lvl: T Author: Linz, Ed
Length: 162 Copyright: 2011
Guide describes how to develop successful team-teaching partnerships. Introduces the basics of collaboration and includes co-teaching strategies to implement in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Chapters cover how to teach specific science topics and how a co-teaching team can proceed through the school year. Authors: Ed Linz, Mary Jane Heater, and Lori A. Howard. |
Team Teaching Science: Success for All Learners T
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KM 12002KM 12002 Tecla Shield
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 0
The Tecla Shield DOS is a wireless switch interface that lets you control a smartphone, tablet or computer (PC & Laptop) using external switches or the driving controls of a powered wheelchair. Works with iOS, Android, Windows, OS X or Linux devices in various modes. Built-in rechargeable battery that lasts 4+ days. Switch access to Siri 2 and Google voice assistants. Supports dual switch inputs (e.g., sip & puff switch) out of the box. Kit includes a 4-way joystick, multiple switch adapter, wheelchair cable to explore alternate input methods. Alternate access. Switch interface. Size (L x W x H): 84 x 82 x 36 mm [3.5 x 3.25 x 1.5"]. Weight: 200g. Radio Type: Bluetooth Class 2. Radio Protocol: Human Interface Device (keyboard). Switch Port 1: 3.5mm stereo socket. Switch Port 2: 3.5mm stereo socket. Wheelchair Port: D-Sub 9-pin male connector. Power Port 1: 2.1mm center-positive barrel socket (9-24V). Power Port 2: USB micro B socket (5V). |
Tecla Shield KPIJST

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KM 8119KM 8119 TEEM: Test for Examining Expressive Morphology
Grade Lvl: T Author: Shipley, Kenneth
Length: 0 Copyright: 1983
Evaluates expressive morpheme development in children 3-7 years. It samples a variety of morphemes and allomorphic variations through the use of a sentence-completion format with accompanying pictures. Contents: Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, and scoring forms. Testing time is 7 minutes. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
TEEM: Test for Examining Expressive Morphology T
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B 90541B 90541 Teenagers With ADD and ADHD (2nd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zeigler Dendy, Chris A.
Length: 415 Copyright: 2006
Offers parents practical strategies to help them cope with the challenges associated with raising a teenager with ADHD and ADD, with information and tips on diagnosis, school, treatments, coexisting conditions, behavior issues, medications, and other related topics. |
Teenagers With ADD and ADHD (2nd Edition) T
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B 97339B 97339 Teenagers with ADD, ADHD & Executive Function Deficits: A Guide for Parents and Professionals, 3rd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zeigler Dendy, Chris A
Length: 362 Copyright: 2017
Looks at key areas (academics, dating, driving, socializing, and greater independence) that make adolescence potentially more difficult for kids with ADD, ADHD, or executive function deficits. This new edition is expanded and refreshed with indispensable information on the latest DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, research, education strategies and laws, and technology use. The book also offers a thorough explanation of executive function deficits and their impact on teens' ability to focus, prioritize, and plan. The author shows how to support and advocate for teens using a combination of medications, behavior and academic interventions and accommodations, ADHD education, and exercise. Armed with the book's extensive information and strategies, parents, educators, and therapists can be proactive, working together with teens to build resilience and a hopeful future. |
Teenagers with ADD, ADHD & Executive Function Deficits: A Guide for Parents T

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KM 12122KM 12122 Telltale Heart and Other Stories by Edgar Allan Poe "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author:
Length: 96 Copyright: 2005
Book has horror stories by Poe retold by Helen Sillett & Jerry Stemach.. In The Black Cat, a man who is about to be hanged tells the horrible story of his crimes. In The Telltale Heart, a murderer thinks that he is safe from the police, but will they find the body hidden under the floor? In The Fall of the House of Usher, a young man thinks that his house is going to kill him. From the series Famous Short Stories Start-to-Finish Library. Blue title (RL 4-5). Lexile 830 IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Telltale Heart and Other Stories by Edgar Allan Poe "Start-to-Finish" 5 Boo IJS

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KM 8699KM 8699 Test of Language Development Intermediate (5th Ed)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020
TOLD-I:5 has six subtests that measure different components of spoken language. Sentence Combining, Picture Vocabulary, Word Ordering, Relational Vocabulary, Morphological Completion, and Multiple Meanings. for ages 8-0 to 17-11. Testing time is 30-60 minutes. Contents: examiner's manual, picture book, and examiner's record booklets. Short term checkout. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Test of Language Development Intermediate (5th Ed) T

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KM 8103KM 8103 Test of Memory and Learning (TOMAL-2)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Reynolds, Cecil
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
TOMAL-2 is a comprehensive battery to assess memory in children ages 5-59 years. Individually administered test requires approximately 45 minutes. Evaluates general and specific memory functions. Eight core subtests: Memory for Stories (MFS); Word Selective Reminding (WSR); Object Recall (OR); Paired Recall (PR); Facial Memory (FM); Abstract Visual Memory (AVM); Visual Sequential Memory (VSM); and Memory for Location (MFL). Six supplementary subtests: Digits Forward (DF); Visual Selective Reminding (VSR); Letters Forward (LF); Manual Imitation (MI); Digits Backward (DB); and Letters Backward (LB). Two verbal delayed recall subtests. Contents: Examiner's Manual; two Picture Books; Visual Selective Reminding Test Board; Facial Memory Chips; Delayed Recall Cue Cards; examiner record booklets; and profile summary form. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA School Psychologist. |
Test of Memory and Learning (TOMAL-2) T
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KM 8613KM 8613 Test of Problem Solving 2: Adolescent (TOPS2)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2007
TOPS2 Adolescent is designed to assess an adolescent's critical thinking performance within a standard environment. Identifies language-based problem solving deficits critical to academic success. Five subtests include: making inferences; determining solutions; problem solving; interpreting perspectives; and transferring insights. For ages 12-0 through 17-11. Testing time is 40 minutes. Contents: examiner's manual, reading passages book, and test forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
Test of Problem Solving 2: Adolescent (TOPS2) T
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B 120285B 120285 Thank you, Mr. Brown, and Merry Christmas
Grade Lvl: PI Author: Green, William A
Length: 36 Copyright: 2009
Nancy and her teacher, Mr. Brown, formed an everlasting bond at Lamont Elementary in Lamont, Iowa. Nancy shares some Christmas time memories and something special that she learned from her teacher that even he wasn't aware of. That "special" something was that life's lessons don't always come from text books, but from simple acts of kindness and caring. Iowa author- Will Green and illustrator- David R. Prehm. IL 3-5. |
Thank you, Mr. Brown, and Merry Christmas PI

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B 96847B 96847 That' Life! Life Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author: Smith, Patricia
Length: 191 Copyright: 1998
Book is designed to help individuals (ages 11-adult) with developmental disabilities gain independence with language and reasoning lessons in homemaking, health, money management, entertainment, and government. Reproducible pages. |
That' Life! Life Skills T

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KM 10694KM 10694 Thingamagig Braille--Story Box
Grade Lvl: KP Author: Wright, Suzette
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
Contains braille book by Suzette Wright with tactile illustrations plus the objects collected by Jamie in the book. Contents: Story Box information sheet, book, and object mentioned in the book. |
Thingamagig Braille--Story Box KP
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B 95318B 95318 Think College: Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Grigal, Meg / Hart, Debra
Length: 323 Copyright: 2010
A comprehensive resource to postsecondary education options for students with intellectual disabilities that explains three models, including the individual support and mixed hybrid approaches and substantially separate options; discusses common challenges; and provides advice on planning transition services for high school students and making connections to employment and other goals. |
Think College: Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellect T

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KM 12484KM 12484 Think Social! A Social Thinking Curriculum for School-Age Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Winner, Michelle Garcia
Length: 374 Copyright: 2008
Complete title: Think Social! A Social Thinking Curriculum for School-Age Students for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Social Skills to Students with High Funtioning Autism, Asperger Syndrome, PDD-NOS, ADHD, Nonverbal Learning Disability, and for All Others in the Murky Gray Area of Social Thinking. A core Social Thinking curriculum-based book provides step-by-step methods for teaching social-cognitive and -communicative skills to students who have these challenges that affect their school and home life. Demonstrates how to develop a social thinking vocabulary and through more than 100 lessons, teach pivotal social thinking skills. Kit contains book and CD. Complements the book Thinking About YOU Thinking About ME (95741). |
Think Social! A Social Thinking Curriculum for School-Age Students T

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B 97032B 97032 Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional Education Curriculum for Children/Grades 1-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Vernon, Ann
Length: 291 Copyright: 2006
For grades 1-6. An essential resource for helping students learn to overcome irrational beliefs, negative feelings, and the negative consequences that may result. This 2006 revision is packed with 105 creative and easy-to-do activities 15 are new to this edition. The activities include games, stories, role plays, writing, drawing, and brainstorming. Each activity is identified by grade level and categorized into one of five important topic areas: Self-Acceptance; Feelings; Beliefs and Behavior; Problem Solving and Decision Making; and Interpersonal Relationships. Thinking, Feeling, Behaving is an emotional education curriculum based on the principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. It can be used in classroom or small group settings. |
Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional Education Curriculum for Children T

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B 96812B 96812 Thinksheets for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author: Winner, Michelle Garcia
Length: 256 Copyright: 2014
Thinksheets encourages higher functioning individuals with autism spectrum disorder, social (pragmatic) communication disorder, ADHD, or other related social-emotional learning challenges to process more deeply what social thinking means to them. The curriculum works best for students mid elementary through high school. The thinksheets are coded to suggest which ones are better for different aged students. A code appears in the top right-hand corner of each worksheet to help identify the age group. Developed from working with students with social-cognitive challenges, the thinksheets serve as mini-lesson plans to introduce Social Thinking concepts. Educators can then take these concepts and adapt them through different activities they develop. Teachers, therapists, parents, and other caregivers can also copy and send the material to other stakeholders in the individual's life to reinforce the concepts the student is learning. |
Thinksheets for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Skills T

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KM 12164KM 12164 Thomas Jefferson: How Great Was He? "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Venable, Alan
Length: 132 Copyright: 2006
Follows Jefferson from his childhood in the wilderness through the darkest years of the American Revolution, and through his presidency to his death in 1826. From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Blue level (RL 4-5) Lexile 830. IL 6-12. Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Thomas Jefferson: How Great Was He? "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 12104KM 12104 Three Musketeers "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Dumas, Alexandre
Length: 139 Copyright: 2006
Retells the swashbuckling tale written by Alexandre Dumas. D'Artagnan and three musketeers unite to defend the honor of Anne of Austria against the plots of Cardinal Richeliu during the reign of France's King Louis XIV. Swordplay- Fiction. Kit contains five copies of the book (139 pages) by Alan Venable. From the Start-To-Finish series Classic Adventures. Novel Study. Blue level (RL 4-5). Lexile 700 IL 6-12.Reference Kit to use is KM 8815. |
Three Musketeers "Start-to-Finish" 5 Books IJS

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KM 8669KM 8669 TONI-4
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2010
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Fourth Edition is an individually administered, norm-referenced instrument that uses abstract reasoning and figural problem solving to estimate general intellectual ability. Measures cognitive ability without allowing poor language or motor skills or lack of cultural familiarity to mask intelligence or to confound its assessment. Verbal and pantomime directions are provided. For ages: 6-0 through 89-11. Testing Time: 15 to 20 minutes. Kit includes: Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, Critical Reviews and Research Findings (1982-2009), Form A Answer Booklets and Record Forms, & Form B Answer Booklets and Record Forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. Sp Ed Assessment Do Not Weed. |
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KM 90064KM 90064 Toothbrush Tube Assembly
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018
A pre-vocational activity for two-item assembly and sorting. Provides practice with reach-grasp retrieval, appropriate placement of objects, and foundational discrimination skills. Offers a jig for workers to complete task with one hand. Pre-Voc One Kit. IL 9-12. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 9-12. |
Toothbrush Tube Assembly JS

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KM 8693KM 8693 TORC-4: Test of Reading Comprehension
Grade Lvl: T Author: Brown, Virginia / Wiederholt, J. Lee
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
The Test of Reading Comprehension-Fourth Edition (TORC-4) is an innovative approach to testing silent reading comprehension that can be used to (a) identify children and adolescents who score significantly below their peers and who therefore might need help in improving their reading proficiency and comprehension, (b) document student progress in remedial programs, and (c) serve as a research tool in studies investigating reading problems in children and adolescents. COMPLETE TORC-4 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, 50 Examiner/Record Forms, 25 Student Question Booklets (28-Pages), and 50 Student Answer Booklets (8-Pages). Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
TORC-4: Test of Reading Comprehension T

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KM 8591KM 8591 TOSS-I Test of Semantic Skills-Intermediate
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
TOSS-I is a receptive and expressive diagnostic test designed to assess semantic skills of children age 9-13 years. Includes 19 illustrations that depict scenes familiar to intermediate/middle school students (school, learning, community, home, leisure activities, and the environment). Five subtests address receptive and expressive skills: labels, categories, attributes, functions, and definitions. Testing time is 25-35 minutes. Contents: examiner's manual, picure stimuli book, and test forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
TOSS-I Test of Semantic Skills-Intermediate T
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KM 8573KM 8573 TOSS-P Test of Semantic Skills--Primary
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2002
TOSS-P is a receptive and expressive diagnostic test designed to assess a child's semantic skills. Test surveys ten semantic and vocabulary tasks through five receptive subtests and five expressive subtests (labels, categories, attributes, functions, definitions). Includes 20 realistic black-line pictures that depict familiar themes: Learning and Playing, Shopping, Around the House, Working at School, Eating, and Health and Fitness. Assessment is for ages 4-0 through 8-11. Testing time is 25-30 minutes. Contents: Examiner's Manual, Picture Stimuli Book, and test forms. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
TOSS-P Test of Semantic Skills--Primary T
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B 97452B 97452 Total Life Learning: Preparing for Transition. A Curriculum for All Students with Sensory Impairments
Grade Lvl: T Author: Bridgeo, Wendy / Caruso, Beth
Length: 92 Copyright: 2014
The Total Life Learning curriculum was developed for students ages 3 to 22 who are blind, visually impaired including those students who have additional disabilities or are deafblind. The focus is on the development of life and career goals that enable student to maximize independence, self-determination, employability, and participation in the community. The curriculum provides teachers with goals, objectives and activities in the following content areas: work skills, organizational skills, self-advocacy skills, personal care/daily living skills, employment, and secondary education. The curriculum articulates the importance of beginning instruction on foundation skills in these content areas at a young age for students with visual impairments to ensure that they develop the concepts necessary to navigate the world around them. |
Total Life Learning: Preparing for Transition. A Curriculum for All Student T

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B 92199B 92199 Touch the Universe: NASA Braille Book of Astronomy
Grade Lvl: JST Author: Grace, Noreen
Length: 59 Copyright: 2002
Book designed for both the sighted and visually impaired reader. Text is presented on each page in large print and braille. Contains 14 sections in braille and large print that each describe one aspectof the universe seen from earth. Illustrated by embossed images photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Tactile illustrations. |
Touch the Universe: NASA Braille Book of Astronomy JST
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KM 12422KM 12422 TouchMath 3-D Numerals & Student Number Cards
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
The 3-D Numerals set consists of ten 5-inch numerals with raised TouchPoints so that students can touch and count as they learn the correct Touching/Counting Patterns and begin to understand numeral/quantity association. Includes a teacher CD with a matching set of reproducible student activity sheets and activities. Also included in the kit are student number cards (1-9). For PreK-1, RtI, and Special Education students. |
TouchMath 3-D Numerals & Student Number Cards KP

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B 96600B 96600 TouchMath Teacher Training Manual
Grade Lvl: T Author: Touchmath
Length: 46 Copyright: 2013
Training Manual includes step-by-step instructions that cover computational strategies ranging from the basic Touching/Counting Patterns and TouchPoint placement, to more common skills such as addition and subtraction, to fractions and pre-algebra. Includes Skill applies icons for Pre-K through Upper Grades. |
TouchMath Teacher Training Manual T

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KM 6717KM 6717 TouchMath--Addition--First Grade
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Includes methods and activities to help students memorize basic addition computation facts. Contains progressively challenging worksheet masters and instructional aids. Primary activities include addition exercises for numbers zero through nine. Ancillary activities provide practice with number families where students must provide missing numbers, with place value, and two-column addition. Touchpoints are introduced. For individual or group use in regular or remedial classrooms. This multi-sensory approach can be used as a supplementary program or a stand-alone unit. Contents: guide, three booklets of activity masters, and flashcards. From the series TouchMath. Touch Math |
TouchMath--Addition--First Grade P
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KM 6722KM 6722 TouchMath--Counting--K
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Designed to help students develop a firm foundation in basic counting. Contains progressively challenging worksheet masters and instructional aids. Primary activities present number concepts one through 9. Ancillary activities provide groundwork for the numbers 10-20; introduce correct sequencing, the concepts of before/after/between, and greater than/less than. Activities use tracing numbers. For individual or group use in regular classrooms and remedial environments. Can be used as a supplmentary program or as a stand-alone unit. Contents: guide, three booklets of activity masters, and flashcards. From the series TouchMath. |
TouchMath--Counting--K K
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KM 6724KM 6724 Touchmath--General Math--KK
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Designed to help kindergartgen students develop a firm foundation in the basic math skills of time, money, shapes and sizes, and beginning fractions. Contains a variety of worksheet masters and instructional aids, methods and activities which progress from simple to the more complex. Includes coin concepts, time (hours, day, night, days of the week), fractions (whole, halves, thirds, fourths), shapes (rectangles, triangles, ovals). For individual or group use in regular classrooms or remedial environments. Can be used as a supplementary program or as a stand-alone unit. Contents: guide, three booklets of activity masters, and flashcards. From the series TouchMath. |
Touchmath--General Math--KK K
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KM 6731KM 6731 TouchMath--Money--General Math
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1994
Designed to introduce money concepts in either the regular classroom or remedial environments. Contains worksheet masters of varying levels of difficulty and instructional aids. Activities deal with the identification and valuation of coins and paper money, counting and writing money, combining various amounts, adding and subtracting money, and making change. For use with individuals and groups. Contents: guide, three booklets of activity masters, and flashcards. From the series TouchMath. Touch Math. |
TouchMath--Money--General Math P
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KM 6718KM 6718 TouchMath--Subtraction--First Grade
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1998
Includes methods and activities to help students memorize basic subtraction computation facts. Contains progressively challenging worksheet masters and instructional aids. Primary activities include subtraction exercises for numbers zero through nine. Ancillary activities provide practice with number families where students must provide missing numbers, with place value, and two-column subtraction. Touchpoints are introduced. For individual or group use in regular or remedial classrooms. This multi-sensory approach may be used as a supplementary or a stand-alone program. Contents: guide, three booklets of activity masters, and flashcards.From the series TouchMath. Touch Math. |
TouchMath--Subtraction--First Grade P
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KM 6732KM 6732 TouchMath--Time--General Math
Grade Lvl: P Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1994
Designed to introduce time concepts to students in grades 1-3 and remedial. Contains worksheet masters, strategies and instructional aids. Includes activities to introduce concepts for telling time on analog and digital clocks, days of the week, months, and seasons. Can be used as a supplementary program or as a stand-alone unit. For individual and group use. Contents: guide, three booklets of activity masters, and flashcards. From the series TouchMath. Touch Math. |
TouchMath--Time--General Math P
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KM 6721KM 6721 Touchmath-Readiness--K
Grade Lvl: K Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2000
Designed to develop a firm foundation in concepts concerning relationships, classification and differentiation. Contains progressively challenging worksheet masters and instructional aids. Primary activities present concepts such as small and large, short and tall, thin and fat, classification, likenesses and differences. Ancillary activities provide the goundwork for the concepts of sets, one-to-one matching, more and less. Can be used as a supplementary program or as a stand-alone unit. Contents: guide, three booklets of activity masters, and flashcards. From the series TouchMath. |
Touchmath-Readiness--K K
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KM 8109KM 8109 TOWL 4: Test of Written Language
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hammill, Donald
Length: 0 Copyright: 2009
TOWL-4 is a test of written composition for ages 9 years 0 months through 17 years 11 months and can be administered to individuals or small groups. Examiners can use two equivalent forms, Form A and Form B to evaluate student growth in writing using pretesting and posttesting that is not contaminated by memory. The seven subtests for each form of the TOWL-4 measure a student's writing competence through both essay-analysis (spontaneous) formats and traditional test (contrived) formats. The subtests are: Vocabulary; Spelling; Punctuation; Logical Sentences; Sentence Combining; Contextual Conventions; and Story Composition. Testing time is 60-90 minutes. Contents: Examiner's Manual; Supplemental Practice Scoring Booklet; three colored Picture Cards; Record/Story Scoring Form; Student Response Booklet A; and Student Response Booklet B. Circulation restricted to Keystone AEA Special Education staff. |
TOWL 4: Test of Written Language T
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B 96628B 96628 Transforming School Mental Health Services: Population-Based Approaches to Promoting the Competency and Wellness of Children (Joint Publication)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Doll, Beth / Cummings, Jack A
Length: 368 Copyright: 2007
Provides a comprehensive ten-step sequence for implementing population-based services that improve wellness and academic success for individual students and entire schools, and offers suggestions for engaging parents.Child psychology. |
Transforming School Mental Health Services: Population-Based Approaches to T

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KM 8481KM 8481 Transforming the Difficult Child (DVD)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Glasser, howard
Length: 0 Copyright: 2004
Contains three DVD set with an expanded video version (5 hours and 53 minutes) of The Nurtured Heart. Approach filmed in 2003 (in a presentation by Howard Glasser to an audience of therapists, parents and teachers). Glasser provides strategies to turn the challenging child around. He explains why normal ways of parenting don't work and traditional methods may make the situation worse. Includes ADHD, ODD, PTSD, FAS, etc. (all levels of severity). The approach is about how to therapeutically create a profound level of inner strength and transformation for those intense children. One technique is to create a situation that allows the child to experience success. Another is to refuse to reward negativity (which is not the same as ignoring bad behavior). Four-week loan period. |
Transforming the Difficult Child (DVD) T
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B 94428B 94428 Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disabilities (3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 442 Copyright: 2008
Provides broad coverage of transition content, ranging from the legislative-policy base to specific transition activities. Section 1: Implementing Transition Systems. Section 2: Creating a Transition Perspective of Education. Section 3: Promoting Movement to Postschool Environments. Section 4: Developing a Responsive Transition System. |
Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disabilities (3rd Edition) T

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B 97027B 97027 Transition Teaming: 26 Strategies for Interagency Collaboration
Grade Lvl: T Author: Noonan, Pattie
Length: 151 Copyright: 2014
Schools and community agencies must work together to provide transition services to secondary students with disabilities. Effective transition requires the resources and expertise of adult service agencies, community groups, employers, families, school transition specialists, teachers and other practitioners. This book provides a step-by-step process and concrete strategies by which secondary special educators can build collaborative relationships with service agencies and others in the community to provide transition services. 26 strategies are broken down into specific activities to bring the needed groups and individuals to the table and into transition teams, and communicate effectively to plan and deliver transition services that are collaborative, effective, and sustainable. |
Transition Teaming: 26 Strategies for Interagency Collaboration T

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B 95037B 95037 Transition to Adulthood
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 293 Copyright: 2000
Subtitle: A Resource for Assisting Young People with Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties. Edited by Hewitt B. Clark and Maryann Davis. From the series Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health. |
Transition to Adulthood T
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KM 12472KM 12472 Transition to Algebra: Logic of Fractions
Grade Lvl: T Author: Mark, June / Goldenberg, E. Paul
Length: 0 Copyright: 2014
Kit contains sample unit (Unit 8) from the curriculum series Transition to Algebra designed for use in a yearlong algebra support class. Units, activities, and lessons are meant to be used alongside an introductory algebra class or prior to one. Kit contains Series Overview which explains the philosophy & organization of the program, Unit 8 Teaching Guide, Unit 8 Answer Key, & information card. Math intervention. For use with grades 8-12. |
Transition to Algebra: Logic of Fractions T

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B 94453B 94453 Transition to Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kochhar-Bryant, Carol / Bassett, Diane S.
Length: 237 Copyright: 2009
Resource discusses the transition requirements of various postsecondary options, including colleges, universities, career and technical training programs, and employment. Guide includes: Information on key legislation that affects transition services and the rights and responsibilities of students and professionals; Advice for helping students document disabilities, develop self-advocacy skills, and seek accommodations; Information about postsecondary resources on campus and in the community; Students' personal stories and a look at the role of family involvement; and An overview of transition considerations for middle school youth. |
Transition to Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities T

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B 97198B 97198 Transitions Across the Lifespan: An Occupational Therapy Approach
Grade Lvl: T Author: Orentlicher, Meira L / Schefkind, Sandra
Length: 356 Copyright: 2015
Occupational therapy practitioners increasingly serve clients at critical times of transition as people experience planned and unplanned transitions throughout their lifespan. This comprehensive text is the first to offer an occupational therapy approach to clients' transition needs, from the neonatal intensive care unit and school to aging and end of life. Aligned with Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, this work explores the various transitions people experience and the ways in which occupational therapy can facilitate better intervention outcomes as clients face changes and challenges in their lives. Restricted to AEA OT/PT consultants. |
Transitions Across the Lifespan: An Occupational Therapy Approach T

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B 96716B 96716 Trauma Informed Treatment: The Restorative Approach
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wilcox, Patricia D
Length: 362 Copyright: 2012
Provides a foundational understanding of trauma's impact on the developing brain, then details its implications for treatment, the promotion of pro-social behaviors, and improving the culture among clients and staff. Incorporating the key concepts of compassionate understanding, validation, skill teaching, and the primacy of trustworthy relationships for healing trauma and rebuilding connections in the child s brain, Wilcox tackles some of the most difficult challenges in treatment settings with practical approaches grounded in theory and research. This book is an invaluable resource for parents, social workers, childcare staff, therapists, agency administrators, and anyone who cares about how kids are treated when they need skillful, trauma-informed care. |
Trauma Informed Treatment: The Restorative Approach T

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B 90402B 90402 Treating Explosive Kids
Grade Lvl: T Author: Greene, Ross
Length: 246 Copyright: 2006
Subtitle: The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach. Offers parents, teachers, and mental health professionals, practical strategies for dealing with explosive children and their unmanageable outbursts and improving interactions between difficult children and their caregivers. |
Treating Explosive Kids T
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B 90434B 90434 Treatment of Childhood Disorders (3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 884 Copyright: 2006
Contains twelve articles in which various experts provide information on evidence-based, established treatments for childhood disorders. Contents: Treatment of Child and Family Disturbance; Behavior Disorders (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; and Conduct Problems); Emotional and Social Disorders (Fears and Anxieties; and Depressive Disorders during Childhood and Adolescence); Developmental Disorders (Mental Retardation; Autistic Spectrum Disorders; and Learning Disabilities); Children at Risk (Child Physical Abuse and Neglect; and Child Sexual Abuse); and Problems of Adolescence (Adolescent Substance Use Problems; and Eating Disorders). Edited by Eric J. Mash and Russell A. Barkley. |
Treatment of Childhood Disorders (3rd Edition) T
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KM 12053KM 12053 Tuned In To Learning, Volume 5: Academic Skills
Grade Lvl: T Author: Lazar, Michelle / Jensen, Jeremy
Length: 142 Copyright: 2006
Music-assisted learning program designed to engage students (ages 5-14) in active practice of core academic skills including: time telling, money, calendar concepts, one-to-one correspondence, rote counting, number & letter identification, addition, phonics, and skip counting. For children with autism, neurologic impairments, speech-language impairments, and developmental disabilities. |
Tuned In To Learning, Volume 5: Academic Skills T

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KM 12147KM 12147 Tuskegee Airmen "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books
Grade Lvl: IJS Author: Chu, Godwin
Length: 107 Copyright: 2011
Fictionalized history of the Tuskegee Airmen told through the story of Henry Gooding, one of twenty-five men who served as pilots in the African-American unit during World War II. Despite the poor way they are treated at home, Henry and the other pilots of the 99th fight brilliantly for America during the war. Their courage in the face of prejudice and war, and their skill in the air make the Tuskegee airmen an important chapter in the history of the struggle for equal rights. United States. Army Air Forces. Composite Group, 477th. Kit contains six copies of the book (107 pages), and a teacher guide. From the Start-To-Finish series Step Into History. Gold Library (RL 2-3) Lexile 670 Publisher GR level L. IL 6-12. |
Tuskegee Airmen "Start-to-Finish" 6 Books IJS

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KM 90006KM 90006 Twenty-Four Item Sort
Grade Lvl: JS Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1990
This Pre-Voc One Kit is a mid-range, pre-vocational activity for subtle and multiple discrimination practice. The standard task is a 24-item sort using aluminum pieces of two colors, four shapes, and three thicknesses. Practices maintaining attention to some details while ignoring others. The 2- to 24-item sorting activity with anodized aluminum pieces requires attention to three relevant dimensions: color (silver and gold), shape (circle, square, rectangle and hexagon) and thickness (thin, medium and thick). Offers numerous variation options. Includes 120 aluminum pieces and all bins. Also includes step-by-step instructions and data sheets. Sorting tasks are not timed so there are no norms. Quality criteria: Accuracy. Attainment kits intended for high school special education students in pre-vocational training and transition. Restricted checkout to AEA Special Education Staff and LEA High School Special Education Staff. IL 7-12. |
Twenty-Four Item Sort JS

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B 95494B 95494 Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children: Understanding, Teaching, and Counseling Gifted Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Trail, Beverly
Length: 208 Copyright: 2011
Draws upon research into how gifted students with disabilities learn, and provides strategies for helping these students succeed in school and beyond. Guides educators in developing a comprehensive plan for meeting the diverse needs of twice-exceptional learners using the RtI framework and problem-solving process. |
Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children: Understanding, Teaching, and Counseling T

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KM 8609KM 8609 Ukeru Equipment Bundle (2 Parts)
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2022
Custom-made, soft, cushioned blocking equipment keeps professionals and those in their care safe and comfortable. Checkout is restricted to trained and certified AEA Special Education Staff. Training and certification are required to use. The Ukeru Equipment Bundle includes: 2 Full Body Shields; 2 Flex Shields; 1 Arm Shield (half sleeve) and 1 Arm Shield (full sleeve).
Ukeru Equipment Bundle (2 Parts) T

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KM 11937KM 11937 Ultimate Switch With 19" Gooseneck and Super Clamp
Grade Lvl: KPIJST Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2011
The Ultimate Switch is a universal, versatile, multi-faceted switch. It’s designed to be used by individuals with multiple challenges. It requires only the slightest touch for activation (10 grams of force). The Ultimate Switch can be positioned as a head switch or for any part of the body. 19" Gooseneck and universal clamp included. Appropriate for Early Access/Pre-K through Adult. |
Ultimate Switch With 19" Gooseneck and Super Clamp KPIJST

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B 94455B 94455 Understanding and Supporting Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Grade Lvl: T Author: Cooper, Paul
Length: 272 Copyright: 1999
Part 1: Understanding Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Part 2: The Assessment of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Part 3: Supporting Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. |
Understanding and Supporting Children with Emotional and Behavioural Diffic T

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B 94900B 94900 Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis: An Introduction to ABA for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals
Grade Lvl: T Author: Kearney, Albert
Length: 116 Copyright: 2008
Guide demystifies the basic terminology, the underlying principles and commonly-used procedures of ABA using accessible, everyday language. Kearney explains the kinds of learning and reinforcement processes that form the basis of ABA programs. Looks at how behavior is assessed and various intervention techniques that are often employed with children who have autism and other special needs. |
Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis: An Introduction to ABA for Parents T

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KM 11361KM 11361 Understanding Differences
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2008
Books from the series Understanding Differences. Titles of readers: Some Kids Are Blind (Lexile 470); Some Kids Are Deaf (Lexile 500); Some Kids Have Autism (Lexile 330); Some Kids Use Wheelchairs (Lexile 440); and Some Kids Wear Leg Braces (Lexile 510). |
Understanding Differences KP
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B 91827B 91827 Understanding Panic and Other Anxiety Disorders
Grade Lvl: ST Author: Root, Benjamin
Length: 109 Copyright: 2000
Root, a psychiatrist, briefly explains panic disorder, panic attacks, and other stress-related maladies. Discusses symptoms (which often mimic non-psychiatric diseases), treatment, and research. |
Understanding Panic and Other Anxiety Disorders ST
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KM 11377KM 11377 Unforgettable Pen Pal
Grade Lvl: PI Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 1989
A.J. loves basketball and is thrilled to learn that Joey, his new pen pal, does too. Even though they have never met, the two become good friends. Their friendship crumbles, however, when A.J. tells Joey that disabled people make |