Title Page

Item Nr: KM 12587 Title: We Thinkers! Volume 2 Social Problem Solvers
Grade Lvl: T Author: Hendrix, Ryan E Zweber Palmer, Kari
Length: 0 Prod/Pub: Think Social Publishing, Inc
Copyright: 2016 Series:
Book Type: N Biographee:
Copies: 3 Loan Period: 10 days
  Volume 2 of this early learner series for ages 4-7 builds upon Volume 1(KM 11864 Incredible Flexible You Social Thinking Early Learners Curriculum-(title changed to We Thinkers! Volume 1 Social Explorers)) and explores five new Social Thinking concepts to encourage peers to work and play more effectively together. The We Thinkers! Vol. 2 Deluxe Package includes 5 storybooks (6.Hidden Rules and Expected and Unexpected Behaviors; 7.Smart Guess; 8.Flexible and Stuck Thinking; 9.Size of the Problem; 10.Sharing an Imagination), an expanded curriculum (Social Problem Solvers Curriculum), and an additional book that introduces GPS (Group Collaboration, Play and Problem Solving) which presents a play scale & observation/scoring tools and related differentiated play activities. We Thinkers! Volume 2 delves deeper into how to figure out the social clues to share space, interact, and regulate emotions. Explores the concepts related to “social executive functioning”-- skills that help children learn to better self-regulate their behavior and emotions when sharing space or interacting with others. Social executive functioning is used in the classroom when sitting in a group to learn, it’s used when running onto the playground to play with others, and kids use it to figure out how to join a play group. It involves surveying a social situation, understanding what the group is doing, considering others’ ideas, having enough flexibility (in thoughts and behavior) to ride out the shifts and changes that may occur, negotiating roles, turns, or positions, and self-regulating to keep emotions, actions and reactions under control when problems arise. Kit also contains a USB drive with teaching materials that are found in the GPS & Curriculum books. Contents from the USB drive have been printed out and spiral-bound for convenience & so use of the USB drive is not needed. Use Volume 1 (KM11864) before using Volume 2.

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