Title Page

Item Nr: DVD 2940 Title: Unlocking Your Potential: Grit, Determination, and Mindset
Grade Lvl: JST Author:
Length: 20 Prod/Pub: Human Relations Media
Copyright: 2017 Series:
Book Type: Biographee:
Copies: 0 Loan Period: 10 days
  Video encourages teens to see challenges as opportunities for growth. Focuses on the personal accounts of several young people and emphasizes the tenets of researcher Carol Dweck-- success comes in large part from effort and hard work instead of inborn ability. “I just can’t do this.” That’s the reaction of too many students when they face academic and personal challenges. As a result, these students struggle to reach their goals. Informs students how to discard the "I can’t" mindset and replace it with the "I can" mindset. Program explores how intelligence and talent can be developed through hard work and persistence. It emphasizes the importance of embracing challenges and viewing failure as a way to learn. Students are encouraged to evaluate their own mindsets and to think about the importance of grit and determination in their own lives. Contains 23 page PDF guide.

  102 - DVD
  1779 - SUCCESS