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B 97569B 97569 Doing Social Studies in Morning Meeting
Grade Lvl: T Author: Carson, Leah / Cofie, Jane
Length: 0 Copyright: 209

Enliven Elementary Morning Meetings and inspire students to become active, contributing members of their school, community, and beyond. Each activity is designed to help students connect what they learn to their own lives while boosting knowledge and skills in geography, history, civics, economics, and more. IL K-6.
Doing Social Studies in Morning Meeting T  
B 97570B 97570 Doing Math in the Morning Meetings
Grade Lvl: T Author: Dousis, Andy / Wilson, Margaret
Length: 255 Copyright: 2010

Bring joy and energy to elementary math without adding to your already-packed schedule with fun and engaging activities for grades K–5. 150 quick activities for elementary teachers that include guessing games, songs, hands-on experiments, and more. IL K-6.
Doing Math in the Morning Meetings T  
B 97571B 97571 Doing Science in Morning Meeting
Grade Lvl: T Author: Webb, Lara / Wilson, Margaret
Length: 227 Copyright: 2016

Foster science learning and excitement with these quick, fun, meaningful activities for students K–6. Disciplines include physical sciences, life sciences, Earth and space sciences, as well as engineering, technology, and applications of science. Though designed specifically to fit into Morning Meeting, these activities are flexible enough to use at any time of day. IL K-6.
Doing Science in Morning Meeting T  
B 97572B 97572 Doing Language Arts in Morning Meeting
Grade Lvl: T Author: Luongo, Jodie / Riordan, Joan
Length: 225 Copyright: 2015

Quick and easy to teach and do, these activities offer K–6 teachers engaging ways to give students rich practice in language arts. Find language arts-themed ideas for all four components of Morning Meeting, including activities created to fit the needs, interests, and content area focus for a wide variety of students. IL K-6.
Doing Language Arts in Morning Meeting T  
B 97573B 97573 Morning Meeting 4th Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Poplawski, Karen
Length: 195 Copyright: 2023

Promote positive connections, academic growth, and productive behavior by starting each school day with Morning Meeting. Give your students a consistent time and place to gather, explore and practice social skills, build a sense of community, and prepare for the day of learning ahead. The latest edition of The Morning Meeting Book preserves the essential content and guidelines for each of the four components that have helped thousands of elementary school teachers launch each school day with Morning Meeting.
Morning Meeting 4th Edition T  
B 97574B 97574 Responsive Classroom for Music, Art & P.E.
Grade Lvl: T Author:
Length: 201 Copyright: 2016

In this book for grades K–6, you’ll find practical advice, tips, charts, planners, examples, and more from experienced special area teachers who use Responsive Classroom practices every day. Text describes and offers ideas to classroom routines, responsible social skills for classroom and instruction, and positive teacher language examples to support positive classroom environments.
Responsive Classroom for Music, Art & P.E. T  
B 97599B 97599 Closing Circles K-6
Grade Lvl: T Author: Januszka, Dana / Vincent, Kristen
Length: 134 Copyright: 2015

Bringing the school day to a peaceful end enhances learning and reaffirms classroom community. Gather with your class for a 5- or 10-minute activity before dismissal and you’ll all leave school feeling encouraged and competent. Classroom climate. Classroom management. Wellbeing. This book contains 50 easy-to-do activities for the end of the day: songs and chants, individual reflection questions, energetic cheers, silent cheers, quick partner and group chats, team or class challenges, quiet think time, and more. Use the activities as written or make them your own by adapting them to fit your students’ mood or developmental needs.
Closing Circles K-6 T