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12 Items were found
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KM 13436KM 13436 Geodes: Level K Module 3: Sets 1-4: America, Then and Now
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Paperback readers in full color. Through literary and informational text and illustrations, students explore America, Then and Now. All books are duet readers. Designed to be read by a student reader, and an adult reader. These books build decoding and word recognition skills. IL Pres-1 Set 1: Homelife (Duet books - student reader, adult reader) - Literary text. 4 titles: 6 copies of each title. Ice Harvest Three Sisters Bath Night Build a Log Cabin Set 2: Transportation (Duet books - student read, adult read) - Literary Nonfiction 4 titles: 6 copies of each title. Call a Cab (Book 1) The First Car to Get That Far (Book 2) The Golden Gate (Book 3) Fly, Amelia, Fly (Book 4) Set 3: American Made (Duet books - student reader, adult reader) - Literary Nonfiction Lightning Ben (Book 1) Frank's Ice Pops (Book 2) Ella Sang Back (Book 3) Scraping the Sky (Book 4) Set 4: National Symbols (Duet books - student reader, adult reader) - Informational Text The Flag is Up (Book 1) Statue of Liberty (Book 2) Sea To Shining Sea (Book 3) Washington Crossing the Delaware (Book 4) Includes Teacher Guide - Inside Geodes
Geodes: Level K Module 3: Sets 1-4: America, Then and Now KP  
KM 13434KM 13434 Geodes: Level K Module 1: Set 1 and 2: The Five Senses
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Paperback readers in full color. Students explore sensory experiences in South America and in museums around the world. Module 1 set 1 and 2 include story-focused Wordless Picture Books and six letter-sound based Sound Search Books. Wordless Picture Books boost students’ knowledge of story structure and vocabulary, while Sound Search Books grow students’ letter-sound awareness. Two week loan period. IL Pres-1. Module 1: Set 1: Explore South America 4 titles: 8 copies Pele (Wordless Picture Book), Fabric of the Andes (Sound Search- t, b, f), A Day at the Market, (Sound Search m, i, u) and Galapagos Adventure (Sound Search - f, n, m) Set 2 - Experience Museums 4 titles: 8 copies each Clay Army (Wordless Picture Book) Treasures of King Tut (Sound Search- g, d, s) Visit the Art Museum (Sound Search - c, o) Museum Cat (Sound Search - a, g) Includes Teacher Guide - Inside Geodes.
Geodes: Level K Module 1: Set 1 and 2: The Five Senses KP  
KM 13443KM 13443 Geodes: Level 2 Module 1: Sets 1-4: A Season of Change
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Geodes Level 2, Module 1: Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 2, Module 1 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences with recurring content words used throughout the text. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: Get Ready for Fall: Seed Stash, Cranberry Crop, Leaves, and Born to Fly. Set 2: Winter's Chill: Winters USA, Arctic Caterpillar, The Evergreen Tale and Daytime Darkness. Set 3: Spring to Life: Spring Fever, Sap to Syrup, Finch Study, and Blossom. Set 4: Summer Sun: Road Trip, Bathers, Nature's Thermometer, and Summer Snow. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. Two week loan period. K-3.
Geodes: Level 2 Module 1: Sets 1-4: A Season of Change KP  
KM 13444KM 13444 Geodes: Level 2 Module 2: Sets 1-4: The American West
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Geodes Level 2, Module 2: Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 2, Module 2 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences with recurring content words used throughout the text. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: Looking West: The West Is..., The Lakota and the Buffalo, Mesa Village, and Nez Percé: The People. Set 2: Go West!: Wagon Tracks, The Pony Express, East Meets West, and We Must Try. Set 3: Majestic Mountains: Eagle Eye, Among the Sierra Nevada, More Than Gold, and The Legend of El Capitan: A Miwok Story. Set 4: Mavericks of the West: Wagons and Yokes, Horizons, Esther Hobart Morris, and Walking with the President. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. Two week loan period. K-3.
Geodes: Level 2 Module 2: Sets 1-4: The American West KP  
KM 13437KM 13437 Geodes: Level K Module 4: Sets 1-4: Continents
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Paperback readers in full color. Through literary and informational text and illustrations, students explore Continents. All books are duet readers, designed to be read by a student reader, and an adult reader. These books build decoding and word recognition skills. IL Pres-1 Set 1: Australia - (Duet books - student reader, adult reader) Land of Wonder (Book 1) - Informational Jack, Jill and Joey (Book 2) - Literary The Great Reef (Book 3) - Literary Hop Around Sydney - (Book 4) - Literary Set 2: Africa - (Duet books - student reader, adult reader) Is that a Cat? (Book 1) - Informational Ladi's Pots (Book 2) - Informational Made of Mud (Book 3) - Literary Nonfiction Anansi and His Legs (Book 4) - Literary Set 3: Asia - (Duet books - student reader, adult reader) One-Dot (Book 1) - Literary Brush & Ink (Book 2) - Literary Floating Market (Book 3) - Literary Night Climb (Book 4) - Literary Set 4: Exploring (Duet books - student reader, adult reader) Map to the Past (Book 1) Informational Sit and Paint (Book 2) - Literary Nonfiction Tap-Tap to Tuk-Tuk (Book 3) - Informational Sky Laps (Book 4) - Literary Nonfiction Includes Teacher Guide - Inside Geodes.
Geodes: Level K Module 4: Sets 1-4: Continents KP  
KM 13438KM 13438 Geodes: Level 1 Module 1: Sets 1-4: A World of Books
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Geodes Level 1, Module 1 Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 1, Module 1 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: Sharing Stories: Anansi and the Pot of Beans, The Story in the Cave, The Magical Stack, The Brothers Grimm. Set 2: Unusual Libraries: Library Cat, The Story Ship, A Library of Our Own, The Library of Fez. Set 3: Bringing Books to Life: Just in Time, Feb by Art the Work of Leo Lion, Jerry Draws, an Illustrator at Work. Set 4: Books for All: How to Make Paper, The Printing Press, The Story of Louis Braille, and A Library to Go. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. K-3.
Geodes: Level 1 Module 1: Sets 1-4: A World of Books KP  
KM 13439KM 13439 Geodes: Level 1 Module 2: Set 1-4: Creature Features
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Geodes Level 1, Module 2, Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 1, Module 2 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: Creature Code: Vervet Monkey Alarm, Smell Tells, Bee Waggle, and Elephant Talk. Set 2: Safety First: Super Spiny Mouse, Thorny Devil, The Crab and the Urchin, and Stick with Us. Set 3: Curious Creatures: Small Wonders, A Wish to Fly, One Look, and Slug Study. Set 4: Rabbits and Hares, Oh My! Rabbit or Hare?, Draw a Rabbit, The Hares and the Frogs, and Young Hare. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. K-3.
Geodes: Level 1 Module 2: Set 1-4: Creature Features KP  
KM 13441KM 13441 Geodes: Level 1 Module 4: Sets 1-4: Cinderella Stories
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Geodes Level 1, Module 4 Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 1, Module 4 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: France: Cinderella, Old Tale, New Twist, World Traveler: Eiffel Tower, and First Steps. Set 2: Egypt: The King and the Sandal, One Sign at a Time, World Traveler: The Sphinx, and Shoes Tell a Tale Set 3: Ireland: Billy Beg and His Bull, Book of Kelli, World Traveler: Hook Lighthouse, and Castles. Set 4: Russia: Cinderella on Stage, A Musical Life: The Work of Sergei Prokofiev, World Traveler: St. Basil's Cathedral and All the World's A Stage. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. K-3.
Geodes: Level 1 Module 4: Sets 1-4: Cinderella Stories KP  
KM 13445KM 13445 Geodes: Level 2 Module 3: Sets 1-4: Civil Rights Heroes
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Geodes Level 2, Module 3: Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 2, Module 3 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences with recurring content words used throughout the text. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: Right to Learn: Brown vs Board of Education, And the Winner Is..., Bring a Chair, and Free to Move. Set 2: Extraordinary: Sampson's Disguise, Robinson and Rickey, Zaha Hadid, and Stop,Wait,Start. Set 3: Uniting Communities: Just Like Jane, Gordan Parks, We Will Ride and The Paralympics. Set 4: I Voted: A Vote is a Voice, Expanding the Right to Vote, Susan Adds Her Name and My Freedom Story. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. Two week loan period. K-3.
Geodes: Level 2 Module 3: Sets 1-4: Civil Rights Heroes KP  
KM 13446KM 13446 Geodes: Level 2 Module 4: Sets 1- 4: Good Eating
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Geodes Level 2, Module 4: Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 2, Module 4 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences with recurring content words used throughout the text. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: Food to Fuel: The Inside Scoop, Stomach vs. Tongue, How Do You Chew? and Body of Water. Set 2: Power Up: Sick at Sea, Bone Builder, Space Menu, and Please Pass the Bugs. Set 3: Farm to Table: Garden Study, Milk to Mozzarella, Thank You Mr. Peanut Man, and Rice Staircase. Set 4: Celebrating with Food: Mooncakes, Lü'au, Matzo Meal, and Cakes. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. Two week loan period. K-3.
Geodes: Level 2 Module 4: Sets 1- 4: Good Eating KP  
KM 13440KM 13440 Geodes: Level 1 Module 3: Sets 1-4: Powerful Forces
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Geodes Level 1, Module 3 Sets 1 through 4. Offers students an opportunity to explore the power of books shared across time and culture. Level 1, Module 3 - Sets 1 through 4 offers readers literary and informational text experiences. Included in this module are full color, paperback books including 16 titles with access to multiple copies of each title. Titles in this set include: Set 1: Wind and Earth: Seed Scatter, In Motion, Crafted by the Wind, and A Growing Wind. Set 2: Blown Away: Soaring, Kite Messengers, Full Sail Ahead: A Viking Story, and The Wright Brothers. Set 3: Catching the Wind: Wind Giants, Towers of Nastifan, Fire at the Mill, and Mondrian. Set 4: The Mighty Wind, Measure the Wind, The Great Storm of Galveston, The Dust Bowl, and Ride the Storm. Also included in this kit is Inside Geodes®, a teacher resource that includes a comprehensive introduction to the module design and components and provides recommendations for implementation. K-3.
Geodes: Level 1 Module 3: Sets 1-4: Powerful Forces KP  
KM 13435KM 13435 Geodes: Level K Module 2: Set 1 and Set 2: Once Upon a Farm
Grade Lvl: KP Author:
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Paperback readers in full color. Students explore sensory experiences in A Day's Work and Working the Land. Module 2: set 1 and set 2 offer story-focused Wordless Picture Books and six letter-sound based Sound Search Books. Wordless Picture Books boost students’ knowledge of story structure and vocabulary, while Sound Search Books grow students’ letter-sound awareness. Two week loan period. IL Pres-1 Set 1 - A Day's Work 4 titles: 8 copies each American Gothic (Wordless Picture Book) Red Barn Farm (Sound Search - e, r) Peach Picking (Sound Search - r, p, j) Lei Harvest (Sound Search - l, _l, h, k) Set 2 - Working on the Land 4 titles: 8 copies each Garden Party (Wordless Picture Book) Sheepdog (Sound Search _x, z, qu) Farmers Market (Sound Search w, y _x) Farm Work (Sound Search v, w) Includes Teacher Guide - Inside Geodes
Geodes: Level K Module 2: Set 1 and Set 2: Once Upon a Farm KP