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B 97151B 97151 Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had: Ideas and Strategies from Vibrant Classrooms
Grade Lvl: T Author: Zager, Tracy
Length: 376 Copyright: 2017

This professional book presents instructional techniques to dispel the common misconception of mathematics as a black-and-white discipline and of being good at math as entailing ease, speed, and correctness. The text provides teachers with strategies to stimulate students to connect ideas; rich tasks that encourage students to wonder, generalize, conjecture, and persevere; and routines to teach students how to collaborate. Chapters: Breaking the cycle -- What do mathematicians do? -- Mathematicians take risks -- Mathematicians make mistakes -- Mathematicians are precise -- Mathematicians rise to a challenge -- Mathematicians ask questions -- Mathematicians connect ideas -- Mathematicians use intuition -- Mathematicians reason -- Mathematicians prove -- Mathematicians work together and alone -- "Favorable conditions" for all math students.
Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had: Ideas and Strategies from Vib T