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B 97469B 97469 Ruthless Equity: Disrupt the Status Quo and Ensure Learning for ALL Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Williams, Ken
Length: 200 Copyright: 2022

Can you imagine being empowered with the knowledge to: work with super-charged confidence because you have clarity about how to ensure equity for EVERY student? identify the difference between cosmetic gestures of equity and powerful equitable practices that are practical and impactful? leverage equitable practices that will make student achievement both measurable and predictable? lean into the collective genius of your colleagues because you understand that the answers are in the room? Can you imagine never again wondering if you make a difference, because you now understand you are the difference?. The text offers the examination of the internal obstacles to providing genuine equal opportunities for every student, bestselling author Ken Williams shows readers how to identify and defeat the enemy of equity by unlocking these barriers through mindset and practice.
Ruthless Equity: Disrupt the Status Quo and Ensure Learning for ALL Student T