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B 96941B 96941 Best Class You Never Taught: How Spider Web Discussion Can Turn Students into Learning Leaders
Grade Lvl: T Author: Wiggins, Alexis
Length: 160 Copyright: 2017

The Spider Web Discussion is a simple technique that puts this kind of class within every teacher's reach. The name comes from the weblike diagram the observer makes to record interactions as students actively participate in the discussion, lead and support one another's learning, and build community. It's proven to work across all subject areas and with all ages, and you only need a little know-how, a rubric, and paper and pencil to get started. As students practice Spider Web Discussion, they become stronger communicators, more empathetic teammates, better problem solvers, and more independent learners—college and career ready skills that serve them well in the classroom and beyond.
Best Class You Never Taught: How Spider Web Discussion Can Turn Students in T  
B 6231276B 6231276 The best class you never taught :how spider web discussion can turn students into learning leaders
Grade Lvl: Author: Wiggins, Alexis
Length: 0 Copyright: 2018

Introduces how to create a classroom that follows the Spider Web Discussion which is a teaching philosophy that allows students to lead the conversation in order to help the students learn how to think critically, how to fully participate, how to ask and answer high-level questions, and how to evaluate and assess their own work.
The best class you never taught :how spider web discussion can turn student