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are MackinVIA titles. Click on the logo to go to the MackinVIA website

B 95055B 95055 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades 6-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Van de Walle, John A. / Lovin, Lou Ann H.
Length: 375 Copyright: 2014

Second Edition subtitle: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades 6-8. Volume Three from the Van de Walle Professional Mathematics Series offers practical guidance and proven strategies designed to help teachers of sixth through eighth grade create student-centered mathematics units. Includes grade-appropriate activities. Part I: Establishing a Student-Centered Environment. Part II: Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics. Chapters cover fraction concepts & computation; decimal concepts & decimal computation; the number system; proportional reasoning; algebraic thinking; geometry concepts; measurement concepts; exploring functions; working with data and doing statistics; and probability concepts. Aligns the material to the CCSS standards. Book includes online access to the PDToolkit (video examples; virtual manipulatives; printable versions of the Blackline Masters included in the book).
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades 6-8 T  
B 96916B 96916 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades Pre-K-2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Van de Walle, John A / Lovin, LouAnn H
Length: 496 Copyright: 2017

Third Edition subtitle: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades Pre-K - 2. Volume One from the Van de Walle Professional Mathematics Series offers practical guidance and proven strategies designed to help teachers of pre-kindergarten through second grade create student-centered mathematics units. Includes grade-appropriate activities. Part I: Establishing a Student-Centered Environment. Part II: Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics. Chapters cover developing early number concepts and number sense; operations; helping children master the basic facts; whole-number place-value concepts; whole-number computation; algebraic reasoning; early fraction concepts; measurement; geometry; data; and probability concepts.
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades Pre-K-2 T