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9 Items were found
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B 7346546B 7346546 Balance with blended learning :partner with your students to reimagine learning and reclaim your life
Grade Lvl: Author: Tucker, Catlin R.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2020

Offers strategies and resources for educators interested in partnering with their students in a blended learning environment. Explores how to engage students into setting goals, monitor their development, reflect on their growth, use feedback to improve their work, assess the quality of their work, and communicate with their parents on their progress.
Balance with blended learning :partner with your students to reimagine lear  
B 97443B 97443 Balance With Blended Learning: Partner With Your Students to Reimagine Learning and Reclaim Your Life
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tucker, Catlin R
Length: 168 Copyright: 2020

Partner With Your Students to Reimagine Learning and Reclaim Your Life. Rethink the roles, responsibilities, and workflow in your blended learning classroom and enjoy balance in your life. Blended learning offers educators the opportunity to reimagine teaching and learning.
Balance With Blended Learning: Partner With Your Students to Reimagine Lear T  
B 5674232B 5674232 Blended learning in action :a practical guide toward sustainable change
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tucker, Catlin R.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

Provides a guide for teachers using blended learning techniques in the classroom. Features research, examples, and resources for implementing blended learning. Includes effective classroom setups, tips for school leaders, ideas for differentiating instruction using technology, and study questions to facilitate professional development.
Blended learning in action :a practical guide toward sustainable change T  
B 97445B 97445 Blended Learning in Action: A Practical Guide Toward Sustainable Change
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tucker, Catlin R / Wycoff, Tifffany
Length: 203 Copyright: 2017

Blended learning has the power to reinvent education, but the transition requires a new approach to learning and a new skillset for educators. Loaded with research and examples, Blended Learning in Action demonstrates the advantages a blended model has over traditional instruction when technology is used to engage students both inside the classroom and online. Readers will find: Breakdowns of the most effective classroom setups for blended learning • Tips for leaders •Ideas for personalizing and differentiating instruction using technology • Strategies for managing devices in schools and •Questions to facilitate professional development and deeper learning.
Blended Learning in Action: A Practical Guide Toward Sustainable Change T  
KM 13534KM 13534 Blended Learning in Grades 4-12 + On-Your-Feet Guide to Blended Learning: Station Rotation Bundle
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tucker, Catlin R
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Leveraging the power of technology to create student-centered classrooms. This professional kit offers professional book Blended Learning in Grades 4-12 and On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs). The OYFGs is the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Use the OYFGs when you know the "what" but need help with the "how, As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book, To learn how to implement foundational practices, and When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself.
Blended Learning in Grades 4-12 + On-Your-Feet Guide to Blended Learning: S T  
B 97453B 97453 Complete Guide to Blended Learning: Activating Agency, Differentiation, Community, and Inquiry for Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tucker, Catlin R
Length: 218 Copyright: 2022

Skillfully shifting between online and in-person learning has become expected of teachers. In this essential guide, you will learn how to harness technology to enhance student learning in both realms. Combining theory, reflection, and personal experience, author Catlin R. Tucker equips educators with a wide variety of strategies and tools to support student and educator success in blended environments and beyond.
Complete Guide to Blended Learning: Activating Agency, Differentiation, Com T  
B 6620922B 6620922 Power up blended learning :a professional learning infrastructure to support sustainable change
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tucker, Catlin R.
Length: 0 Copyright: 2019

Offers school administrators an actionable framework for creating a long-term professional learning plan that supports teachers transitioning to blended learning. Features target training, one-on-one coaching, templates for feedback, lesson planning resources for blended lessons, rubrics for evaluation, stories and tips from blended learning coaches, vignettes from teachers, and reflection questions for book study groups.
Power up blended learning :a professional learning infrastructure to suppor T  
B 97444B 97444 Power Up Blended Learning: A Professional Learning Infrastructure to Support Sustainable Change
Grade Lvl: T Author: Tucker, Catlin R
Length: 166 Copyright: 2019

Technology is permeating classrooms and offering teachers and students opportunities to reimagine teaching and learning. Many schools and districts are shifting from traditional teacher-led instruction to blended learning with the goal of placing students at the center of learning. It’s time to power up your approach to professional learning to ensure teachers feel inspired and supported as they make this shift and embrace technology. This book provides an effective and actionable framework for school leaders looking to implement a long-term professional learning plan that extends professional development beyond a handful of days each year to create “coaching culture” that supports teachers as they move toward blended learning.
Power Up Blended Learning: A Professional Learning Infrastructure to Suppor T  
B 97498B 97498 Shift to Student-Led
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie / Tucker, Catlin R
Length: 255 Copyright: 2022

Intended for K-12 educators, instructional coaches, and school leaders, this book is full of principles, strategies, and resources that can be put into practice right away by teachers at any level who want to create academically robust, inclusive learning communities. Each chapter in The Shift to Student-Led takes apart one traditional teacher-led workflow, examining the problems it presents teachers and students, what the research says versus what the reality in the classroom is, and how UDL and blended learning can free teachers from the “sage on the stage” role and place students at the center of their learning. These reimagined student-led workflows help students develop self-awareness, internal motivation, and self-regulation skills, which are critical to becoming expert learners.
Shift to Student-Led T