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B 97304B 97304 Head Start on Life Science: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Straits, William
Length: 209 Copyright: 2018

Nurture curiosity and even joy in the youngest scientists. The 24 inquiry-based lessons in this lively collection show you how. The activities are organized into sections on animals, plants, and nature walks. Rather than merely presenting science facts to 3- to 7-year-olds, you’ll prompt them to make discoveries of their own. They’ll explore critter camouflage, probe pumpkin insides, make bird feeders, and more. Each lesson includes lists of learning objectives and required materials, relevant background to help you prepare, plus at-home activities written in English and Spanish. Connections to multiple subjects—including reading, writing, math, dramatic play, and art allow teachers to offer related=integrated learning opportunities.
Head Start on Life Science: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder T  
B 97303B 97303 Head Start on Science, Second Edition: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder
Grade Lvl: T Author: Ritz, William C / Straits, William
Length: 324 Copyright: 2019

This book emphasizes child-centered development of science practices and skills. Children can explore the natural world as they take advantage of lively opportunities for science learning. But here’s what sets this book apart: It’s an all-in-one resource for caregivers and teachers from PreK to grade 2. Each lesson includes a follow-up activity, connections to centers and children’s literature, assessment guides, and bonus activities written in Spanish and English that let families continue the fun—and the learning—at home. Each activity also supports both the 2015 Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and the Next Generation Science Standards.
Head Start on Science, Second Edition: Encouraging a Sense of Wonder T