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4 Items were found
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B 5940718B 5940718 101 strategies to make academic vocabulary stick
Grade Lvl: Author: Sprenger, Marilee
Length: 0 Copyright: 2017

Presents tips and strategies to help educators teach high frequency words across content areas and grade levels. Includes diagrams and charts.
101 strategies to make academic vocabulary stick  
B 7538675B 7538675 Social emotional learning and the brain :strategies to help your students thrive
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sprenger, Marilee
Length: 0 Copyright: 2021

Provides a guide for educators to create supportive classroom environments for their students to foster teacher-student relationships, empathy, self-awareness, and positive decision making by using social and emotional learning strategies. Includes diagrams, a glossary, and additional resources.
Social emotional learning and the brain :strategies to help your students t T  
B 96814B 96814 101 Strategies to Make Academic Vocabulary Stick
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sprenger, Marilee
Length: 106 Copyright: 2017

Explains how to teach the high-frequency words that appear in academic contexts--and reverse the disadvantages of what the author calls word poverty. Provides an array of engaging strategies to help educators across all content areas and grade levels not only teach students a large quantity of words but also ensure that they know these words well. Provides an overview of how the brain learns and retains new words, including the three stages of building long-term memories: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Includes encoding strategies to introduce words in novel ways, rehearsal strategies to help students put words into long-term storage, & review strategies to help students strengthen their retrieval skills and gain the automaticity needed for reading comprehension.
101 Strategies to Make Academic Vocabulary Stick T  
B 97475B 97475 Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain: Strategies to Help Your Students Thrive
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sprenger, Marilee
Length: 219 Copyright: 2020

Brain expert Marilee Sprenger explains how applying neuroscience to social-emotional learning yields strategies that create supportive classroom environments and improve outcomes for all students. Text offers clear, easy-to-understand explanations of brain activity and dozens of specific strategies for all grade levels, Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain is an essential guide to creating supportive classroom environments and improving outcomes for all our students.
Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain: Strategies to Help Your Students T T