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B 95887B 95887 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions
Grade Lvl: T Author: Smith, Margaret S. / Stein, Mary Kay
Length: 104 Copyright: 2011

Describes five practices for productive mathematics discussions, including anticipating, monitoring, selecting, sequencing, and connecting.
5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions T  
B 97005B 97005 Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades 6-8
Grade Lvl: T Author: Raith, Mary Lynn / Smith, Margaret
Length: 233 Copyright: 2017

Offers a coherent set of professional learning experiences designed to foster teachers understanding of the effective mathematics teaching practices and their ability to apply those practices in their own classrooms. The book examines in depth what each teaching practice would look like in a middle school classroom, with narrative cases, classroom videos, and real student work, presenting a rich array of experiences that bring the practices to life.
Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Gra T  
B 97008B 97008 Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades 9-12
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boston, Melissa / Dillon, Fredrick
Length: 250 Copyright: 2017

Offers a coherent set of professional learning experiences designed to foster teachers' understanding of the effective mathematics teaching practices and their ability to apply those practices in their own classrooms. The book examines in depth what each teaching practice would look like in a high school classroom, with narrative cases, classroom videos, and real student work, presenting a rich array of experiences that bring the practices to life.
Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Gra T