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B 96550B 96550 Number Sense Routines: Building Numerical Literacy Every Day in Grades K-3
Grade Lvl: T Author: Shumway, Jessica F
Length: 178 Copyright: 2011

Provides strategies for teaching number sense routines to students in kindergarten through third grade. Jessica Shumway has developed a series of routines designed to help young students internalize and deepen their facility with numbers. The daily use of these quick five-, ten-, or fifteen-minute experiences at the beginning of math class will help build students' number sense.
Number Sense Routines: Building Numerical Literacy Every Day in Grades K-3 T  
B 97063B 97063 Number Sense Routines: Building Mathematical Understanding Every Day in Grades 3-5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Shumway, Jessica F
Length: 140 Copyright: 2018

Tap into every child's innate number sense and providing daily, connected experiences that are responsive to children’s learning needs. Through familiar five-, ten-, or fifteen-minute warm-up routines, this offers both beginner and veteran teachers easy and effective ways to build and solidify students’ number sense foundations. No matter how familiar the routine, Jessica infuses each with new joy, depth, and life. She reveals the careful thinking and planning that goes into each routine and provides detailed vignettes and dialogues of how they unfold in real classrooms. She gives teachers a clear view into her nuanced facilitation. Each routine becomes an exciting opportunity to understand where students are in their understanding and to help students articulate and extend their mathematical thinking.
Number Sense Routines: Building Mathematical Understanding Every Day in Gra T