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4 Items were found
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B 97388B 97388 Rosenshine's Principles in Practice
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sherrington, Tom
Length: 66 Copyright: 2019

Barak Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction are 10 fundamental propositions for more effective teaching, derived from research and supported by the most current models in cognitive science. Breaking Rosenshine's Principles down into 4 practical strands, Sherrington brings his expertise to this guide, elaborating and building on Rosenshine's work with more classroom examples, actionable strategies, and tested methods of implementation developed from real classroom experience. Rosenshine's Principles in Practice explains exactly how to successfully and authentically make your instruction more effective. High impact teaching strategies.
Rosenshine's Principles in Practice T  
B 97389B 97389 Rosenshine's Principles in Action
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sherrington, Tom
Length: 84 Copyright: 2019

Barak Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction are widely recognized for their clarity and simplicity and their potential to support teachers seeking to engage with cognitive science and the wider world of education research. In this concise new guide, Sherrington amplifies and augments the principles and further demonstrates how they can be put into practice in everyday classrooms. The second half of the book contain Rosenshine's original paper Principles of Instruction, as published in 2010 by the International Academy of Education (IAE) - a paper with a superb worldwide reputation for relating research findings to classroom practice.
Rosenshine's Principles in Action T  
B 97392B 97392 Teaching WalkThrus: Visual Step-by-Step Guides to Essential Teaching Techniques
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sherrington, Tom
Length: 166 Copyright: 2020

Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli team up to present 50 essential teaching techniques, each with five clear and concise illustrations and explanations. It forms a truly unique repository of key teaching methods, valuable to any classroom practitioner in any setting. The book covers important practical techniques in behavior and relationships; curriculum planning; explaining and modeling; questioning and feedback; practice and retrieval; and Mode B teaching. Each technique is simply explained and illustrated in five short steps, to make sense of complex ideas and support student learning.
Teaching WalkThrus: Visual Step-by-Step Guides to Essential Teaching Techni T  
B 97393B 97393 Teaching WalkThrus 2: Five-Step Guides to Instructional Coaching
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sherrington, Tom
Length: 171 Copyright: 2021

In the groundbreaking and best-selling Teaching WalkThrus Volume 1, Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli produced a brilliantly concise and accessible repository to 50 essential teaching techniques. In this follow-up second volume, Tom and Oliver team up with 10 experienced educators to present 50 brand new WalkThrus, covering all the key areas of teaching: behaviour and relationships; curriculum planning; explaining and modelling; questioning and feedback; practice and retrieval; and Mode B teaching. Each technique is concisely explained and beautifully illustrated in five short steps, to make sense of complex ideas and support student learning.
Teaching WalkThrus 2: Five-Step Guides to Instructional Coaching T