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B 94609B 94609 Guided Math: Framework for Mathematics Instruction
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sammons, Laney
Length: 264 Copyright: 2010

An introduction to Guided Math, a method of teaching for differentiating instruction to meet the needs of students at varyinglevels of learning. Shows how to effectively utilize small group instruction, manipulatives, Math Workshop, and conferences while engaging learners in connecting mathematics to their own lives.
Guided Math: Framework for Mathematics Instruction T  
B 96982B 96982 Building Mathematical Comprehension: Using Literacy Strategies to Make Meaning
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sammons, Laney
Length: 304 Copyright: 2011

Apply familiar reading comprehension strategies and relevant research to mathematics instruction to aid in building students' comprehension in mathematics. This resource demonstrates how to facilitate student learning to build schema and make connections among concepts. In addition, it provides clear strategies to help students ask good questions, visualize mathematics, and synthesize their understanding. This resource is aligned to College and Career Readiness Standards.
Building Mathematical Comprehension: Using Literacy Strategies to Make Mean T  
B 3275585B 3275585 Building mathematical comprehension
Grade Lvl: Author: Sammons, Laney
Length: 304 Copyright: 2015

Demonstrates how to use familiar devices -- visualizing, making predictions, making connections and vocabulary building -- to improve mathematical understanding and build conceptual understanding.
Building mathematical comprehension  
B 97214B 97214 Guided Math Workstations for Grades K to 2
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boucher, Donna / Sammons, Laney
Length: 144 Copyright: 2018

Strategies to Put Guided Math into Action in Early Elementary School Classrooms - Create Math Workshops and Implement Math Workstations for Ages 4 to 8. Address and target your students’ varied learning needs with Guided Math Workstations. Guided Math Workstations help provide a carefully planned numeracy-rich environment where students are challenged to not just do math, but to become mathematicians. Each workstation task includes: an overview of the lesson, materials, objective, procedure, and differentiation tactics; a Student Task card with directions and a materials list for the task to help with implementation and organization; a Talking Points card with math vocabulary words and sentence stems to encourage mathematical discourse; and additional resources for each task.
Guided Math Workstations for Grades K to 2 T  
B 97215B 97215 Guided Math Workstations for Grades 3 to 5
Grade Lvl: T Author: Boucher, Donna / Sammons, Laney
Length: 136 Copyright: 2015

Strategies to Put Guided Math into Action in Elementary School Classrooms - Create Math Workshops and Implement Math Workstations for Ages 7 to 11. Address and target your students’ varied learning needs with Guided Math Workstations. Guided Math Workstations help provide a carefully planned numeracy-rich environment where students are challenged to not just do math, but to become mathematicians. Each workstation task includes: an overview of the lesson, materials, objective, procedure, and differentiation tactics; a Student Task card with directions and a materials list for the task to help with implementation and organization; a Talking Points card with math vocabulary words and sentence stems to encourage mathematical discourse; and additional resources for each task.
Guided Math Workstations for Grades 3 to 5 T