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B 97334B 97334 Virtual AI Summer Camp Kit: Teaching Materials
Grade Lvl: T Author: ReadyAl
Length: 69 Copyright: 2020

The Virtual AI Summer Camp Kit is a comprehensive kit to teach AI virtually designed for schools and organizations. In this camp, students will learn the hottest AI topics, including machine learning, path planning, representation and reasoning, and more. They will also learn to code in Calypso, an AI programming framework. By the end of the program, they will have coded their own project from start to finish. Built on years of experience running AI programs, we designed the package for educators of all experience levels! In the package, you will find everything you need to start your own virtual AI program, from detailed lesson plans to guides on how to set up your classroom. There are no hardware or software requirements for running this camp. The kit includes: Virtual-tested curriculum includes teacher guides, slides, and sample virtual class recordings and detailed tips on how to run your virtual classroom. Computer science.
Virtual AI Summer Camp Kit: Teaching Materials T  
B 97336B 97336 Artificial Intelligence Basics: a Workbook for Students
Grade Lvl: T Author: ReadyAl
Length: 61 Copyright: 2020

An introduction to the exciting world of artificial intelligence (AI). With the Artificial Intelligence Basics: a Workbook for Students, students will learn about a wide range of topics in AI including: speech recognition, path planning, to societal impacts of AI from scratch, all the while enjoying fun hands-on activities! Learning opportunities include: Machine Learning, Path Planning, Representation & Reasoning, Speech Recognition, Human-AI Interaction, Societal Impacts of AI and more! The workbook will walk you through training machine learning models, learning to code a virtual robot, and thinking deeply about the impact of AI. With fun activities, this Workbook will make these topics relatable and memorable. Teacher resource. Preview.
Artificial Intelligence Basics: a Workbook for Students T