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B 96963B 96963 Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beers, Kylene / Probst, Robert E
Length: 176 Copyright: 2017

Discusses an on-going problem: lack of engagement with reading. Presents a vision of what reading and what education across all the grades could be. Hands-on-strategies make it applicable right away for the classroom teacher, and turn-and-talk discussion points make it a guidebook for school-wide conversations. Shares new strategies and ideas for helping classroom teachers: Create engagement and relevance; Encourage responsive and responsible reading; Deepen comprehension; and Develop lifelong reading habits.
Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters T  
B 97143B 97143 Notice & Note: Strategies for Close Reading
Grade Lvl: T Author: Beers, Kylene / Probst, Robert E
Length: 274 Copyright: 2013

Introduction to 6 "signposts" that alert readers to significant moments in a work of literature and encourage students to read closely. Learning first to spot these signposts and then to question them, enables readers to explore the text, any text, finding evidence to support their interpretations. In short, these close reading strategies will help your students to notice and note. In this timely and practical guide Kylene and Bob: examine the new emphasis on text-dependent questions, rigor, text complexity, and what it means to be literate in the 21st century identify 6 signposts that help readers understand and respond to character development, conflict, point of view, and theme provide 6 text-dependent anchor questions that help readers take note and read more closely offer 6 Notice and Note model lessons, including text selections and teaching tools, that help you introduce each signpost to your students. Notice and Note will help create attentive readers who look closely at a text, interpret it responsibly, and reflect on what it means in their lives. It should help them become the responsive, rigorous, independent readers we not only want students to be but know our democracy demands.
Notice & Note: Strategies for Close Reading T