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B 96928B 96928 Ladders to Literacy: A Preschool Curriculum, 2nd Edition
Grade Lvl: T Author: Notari-Syverson, Angela / O'Connor, Rollanda E
Length: 486 Copyright: 2007

Help the children in your preschool become successful early readers with this field-tested, activity-based curriculum, an effective way to supplement children's instruction without giving up current language arts programming. In this second edition, early childhood educators will get well-defined links between the activities and Head Start Recommended Outcomes, so teachers can be sure they're giving children the best start in literacy a scope-and-sequence chart that helps educators choose which activities to do each month more than 60 creative, field-tested games, crafts, role plays, and other activities that improve children's basic preliteracy skills such as writing words, recognizing letter sounds, and breaking words into syllables and phonemes fresh Tips for Teachers The book also includes developmentally appropriate, ecologically valid assessment procedures, ideal for evaluating children's skills and ensuring that they're making progress. Start using Ladders to Literacy today, and you'll equip children with the emergent literacy skills they'll need to succeed in kindergarten and beyond.
Ladders to Literacy: A Preschool Curriculum, 2nd Edition T