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B 97504B 97504 Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL
Grade Lvl: T Author: Chardin, Mirko / Novak, Katie R
Length: 188 Copyright: 2021

Examines the critical pedagogy necessary to transform our systems, our schools, and our world by providing educators with concrete strategies to design and deliver a culturally responsive, sustainable and equitable education for all students. Instructional design. Education aims and objectives. Educational change.
Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL T  
B 97498B 97498 Shift to Student-Led
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie / Tucker, Catlin R
Length: 255 Copyright: 2022

Intended for K-12 educators, instructional coaches, and school leaders, this book is full of principles, strategies, and resources that can be put into practice right away by teachers at any level who want to create academically robust, inclusive learning communities. Each chapter in The Shift to Student-Led takes apart one traditional teacher-led workflow, examining the problems it presents teachers and students, what the research says versus what the reality in the classroom is, and how UDL and blended learning can free teachers from the “sage on the stage” role and place students at the center of their learning. These reimagined student-led workflows help students develop self-awareness, internal motivation, and self-regulation skills, which are critical to becoming expert learners.
Shift to Student-Led T  
B 8419612B 8419612 UDL and blended learning :thriving in flexible learning landscapes
Grade Lvl: Author: Novak, Katie
Length: 219 Copyright: 2022

Presents educators with strategies and step-by-step advice for integrating the adaptability of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with the flexibility of blended learning in the classroom to meet the needs of all types of learners as well as to build community and equity. Includes practical examples, summaries, and reflection and discussion questions for each chapter.
UDL and blended learning :thriving in flexible learning landscapes  
B 97348B 97348 UDL and Blended Learning: Thriving in Flexible Learning Landscapes
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie / Tucker, Catlin
Length: 219 Copyright: 2021

You can develop the skills to meet the needs of learners in any learning environment. This approachable, in-depth guide unites the adaptability of Universal Design for Learning with the flexibility of blended learning, equipping educators with the tools they need to create relevant, authentic, and meaningful learning pathways to meet students where they’re at, no matter the time and place or their pace and path. With step-by-step guidance and clear strategies, authors empower teachers to implement these frameworks in the classroom, with a focus on cultivating community, building equity, and increasing accessibility for all learners. As we face increasing uncertainty and frequent disruption to traditional ways of living and learning, UDL and Blended Learning offers solutions for navigating a range of learning landscapes, from the home to the classroom and all points in between, no matter what obstacles may lie ahead.
UDL and Blended Learning: Thriving in Flexible Learning Landscapes T  
B 97502B 97502 UDL Now! A Teacher's Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning (3rd Edition)
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie
Length: 180 Copyright: 2022

Katie Novak provides practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).This powerful guide for educators covers timely topics including: Supporting UDL within multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), UDL in the service of equity, recruiting and engaging learners as UDL partners, how UDL and Differentiated Instruction (DI) work together, the role of student choice and voice, what learning expertise really means, and preparing for standardized assessments the UDL way. ach chapter with reflection questions to help teachers apply key concepts to their work.UDL Now! is a fun and effective playbook for great teaching.
UDL Now! A Teacher's Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning (3rd E T  
B 97601B 97601 Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts
Grade Lvl: T Author: Novak, Katie / Hinkle, Ryan
Length: 175 Copyright: 2024

Subtitle: Improving Literacy Instruction Through Inclusive Practices. Offers educators an insightful, practical resource that shows how to integrate Universal Design for Learning in the ELA classroom to build rich, collaborative, engaging literacy environments. By focusing on the established domains of literacy, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language and vocabulary development, this book shows K-12 teachers how to engage students of diverse needs and backgrounds and explore the connections between social emotional learning, character education, and deeper understanding of literacy.
Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts T