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B 97027B 97027 Transition Teaming: 26 Strategies for Interagency Collaboration
Grade Lvl: T Author: Noonan, Pattie
Length: 151 Copyright: 2014

Schools and community agencies must work together to provide transition services to secondary students with disabilities. Effective transition requires the resources and expertise of adult service agencies, community groups, employers, families, school transition specialists, teachers and other practitioners. This book provides a step-by-step process and concrete strategies by which secondary special educators can build collaborative relationships with service agencies and others in the community to provide transition services. 26 strategies are broken down into specific activities to bring the needed groups and individuals to the table and into transition teams, and communicate effectively to plan and deliver transition services that are collaborative, effective, and sustainable.
Transition Teaming: 26 Strategies for Interagency Collaboration T