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B 96974B 96974 Argument-Driven Inquiry in Earth and Space Science: Lab Investigations for Grades 6-10
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sampson, Victor / Murphy, Ashley
Length: 600 Copyright: 2018

Provides 23 field-tested science labs that cover the universe, Earth, and weather. It also helps you make the instructional shift to ADI. This innovative approach to inquiry prompts students to use argument to construct, support, and evaluate scientific claims. The book starts with guidance on how to use ADI. Then it provides labs that cover five disciplinary core ideas in Earth and space science: Earth's place in the universe, the history of Earth, Earth s systems, weather and climate, and Earth and human activity. Ideas will encourage students to explore important content and discover scientific practices. They can investigate everything from how the seasons work to what causes geological formations and even consider where NASA should send a space probe next to look for signs of life. Professional resource. NGSS.
Argument-Driven Inquiry in Earth and Space Science: Lab Investigations for T  
B 97307B 97307 Argument-Driven Inquiry in Third-Grade Science: Three Dimensional Investigations
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sampson, Victor / Murphy, Ashley
Length: 584 Copyright: 2019

Argument-Driven Inquiry in Third-Grade Science: Three Dimensional Investigations is designed to help third graders work the way scientists do while integrating literacy and math at the same time. Argument-Driven Inquiry in Third-Grade Science is divided into two basic parts: ... Using the Student Workbook, your class will explore important content and discover scientific practices.
Argument-Driven Inquiry in Third-Grade Science: Three Dimensional Investiga T  
B 97308B 97308 Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fourth-Grade Science: Three Dimensional Investigations
Grade Lvl: T Author: Sampson, Victor / Murphy, Ashley
Length: 677 Copyright: 2019

Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fourth-Grade Science: Three Dimensional Investigations is a one-stop source of expertise, advice, and investigations. It's designed to help your fourth graders work the way scientists do while integrating literacy and math at the same time. Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fourth-Grade Science is divided into two basic parts: 1. An introduction to the stages of ADI—from question identification, data analysis, and argument development to evaluating and revising ideas. 2. A well-organized series of 15 field-tested investigations designed to be much more authentic for instruction than traditional activities.
Argument-Driven Inquiry in Fourth-Grade Science: Three Dimensional Investig T