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B 97379B 97379 Mastering Math Manipulatives Grades 4-8: Hands-On and Virtual Activities for Building and Connecting Mathematical Ideas
Grade Lvl: T Author: Moore, Sara Delano / Rimbey, Kimberly
Length: 259 Copyright: 2022

Mastering Math Manipulatives includes everything you need to integrate math manipulatives, both concrete and virtual, into math learning. Each chapter of this illustrated, guide focuses on a different powerful tool, such as two-color counters, linking cubes, base ten blocks, fraction manipulatives, pattern blocks, tangrams, geometric solids, and others, and includes a set of activities that demonstrate the many ways teachers can leverage manipulatives to model and reinforce math concepts for all learners. Text features: • Classroom strategies for introducing math manipulatives, into formal math instruction. • Step-by-step instructions for 75 activities that work with any curriculum. • Handy charts that sort activities by manipulative type, math topic, domains aligned with standards, and grade-level appropriateness.
Mastering Math Manipulatives Grades 4-8: Hands-On and Virtual Activities fo T  
B 97378B 97378 Mastering Math Manipulatives Grades K-3: Hands-On and Virtual Activities for Building and Connecting Mathematical Ideas
Grade Lvl: T Author: Moore, Sara Delano / Rimbey, Kimberly
Length: 287 Copyright: 2022

Mastering Math Manipulatives includes everything you need to integrate math manipulatives, both concrete and virtual, into math learning. Each chapter of this illustrated, guide focuses on a different powerful tool, such as two-color counters, linking cubes, base ten blocks, fraction manipulatives, pattern blocks, tangrams, geometric solids, and others, and includes a set of activities that demonstrate the many ways teachers can leverage manipulatives to model and reinforce math concepts for all learners. Text features: • Classroom strategies for introducing math manipulatives, into formal math instruction. • Step-by-step instructions for 75 activities that work with any curriculum. • Handy charts that sort activities by manipulative type, math topic, domains aligned with standards, and grade-level appropriateness.
Mastering Math Manipulatives Grades K-3: Hands-On and Virtual Activities fo T